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Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 mORMot 2Client-Server ORM/SOA/MVC framework in modern Object Pascal, in its actively supported and maintained version.
Released under OpenSource MPL/GPL/LGPL Three-License.
653 | 3,882 | Yesterday 22:18:41 by youssef |
2 mORMot 1Former version of Synopse mORMot - currently in maintenance mode.
5,239 | 32,625 | 2025-02-12 14:42:14 by ab |
3 PDF EngineSynopse PDF engine is an Open Source PDF document creation library for Delphi. Deprecated as stand-alone unit - included as mormot.ui.pdf.pas within mORMot 2.
599 | 2,713 | 2025-03-17 09:21:40 by rvk |
4 SynProjectSynopse SynProject is an open source application for code source versioning and automated documentation of Delphi/FPC projects.
17 | 45 | 2022-10-15 12:20:42 by Sha |
5 GDI+Deprecated as stand-alone unit - included as mormot.ui.gdiplus.pas within mORMot 2.
37 | 147 | 2023-03-21 16:28:33 by mrbar2000 |
6 Fast JPEG decoderDeprecated. For reference only.
10 | 59 | 2020-02-17 15:53:44 by ab |
7 SyNodeDeprecated as stand-alone project.
25 | 412 | 2023-12-11 15:53:31 by ab |
8 QuickJSSmall and embeddable ES2020 Javascript engine. Included as mormot.script.quickjs.pas within mORMot 2.
3 | 41 | 2021-09-02 19:58:40 by ttomas |
9 htm2pdfAfter a discussion with Pawel on this forum, the THtmlView component was used to make a free tool converting any html document into pdf.
12 | 39 | 2020-01-27 12:55:35 by erick |
10 Other componentsHere we will release some other open source components and units for Delphi. Stay tuned!
73 | 435 | 2025-02-26 08:52:20 by BazCuda |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Enhanced System Run Time LibraryPurpose of these files is to provide speed and bug corrections to the Run Time Library and the VCL of Delphi 7. The system.pas unit should also be used up to Delphi 2007, for speed enhancements.
5 | 82 | 2024-04-22 09:55:09 by Starkis |
2 LanguageSpeak about the Delphi / Object Pascal language in general.
24 | 126 | 2024-05-08 08:30:30 by malom |
3 Free Pascal CompilerDiscuss about how the Synopse libraries, mainly mORMot, may work at best with FPC. We propose a fork of the compiler, including all needed patches.
49 | 381 | 2024-10-15 12:34:05 by ab |
4 DelphiAre you using the Delphi IDE? In which version? Do you like the Embarcadero approach? What is the future of Delphi for you?
57 | 280 | 2024-08-21 14:42:31 by CarlosVivaros |
5 Low level and performanceRTL, asm, algorithms, efficiency: if you care and know about them, this is the right place to post!
74 | 651 | 2025-03-15 09:13:45 by ab |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Synopse CompanyTalk about the Synopse company, and our offers of Delphi / Object Pascal expertise.
6 | 24 | 2022-07-12 11:18:50 by ab |
2 synopse.infoAbout our web site, source code repository and forum.
19 | 58 | 2025-02-03 11:47:51 by TPrami |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Source Code repositoryWhen some files have been uploaded / updated in our Source Code repository, details will be posted in this forum.
96 | 442 | 2023-03-06 06:12:45 by igors233 |