#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie to mORMot needs helps. » 2013-09-21 01:25:55

Hi AB,

Just installed your framework and tested some samples. Very impressed by the speed. I believe mORMot got great potential. I am still not quite clear on following points, hope you can help:

1)In DataSnap, the server and client can select data transfer protocol such as TCP or HTTP. Can mORMot does the same?

2) For most of the Web server samples , if I visit like http://localhost:8080/ it will reply with
HTTP Error 404.
On the server side, can I use the PageProducer to respond the web request? I have old project which involved several PageProducers onHTMLTag event.

3) For the example 19, it really shows the power of mORMot to extend to other direction such as JS thin client. I am not sure the high performance (speed) is the result of ORM or simply because it is non-VCL object, or by any other reason? For me, and I guess most of Delphiers too , we are used to VCL/RAD approach. It seems easier to handle/remember properties, events etc. Although Delphi IDE has the auto complete function, you have to go though many irrelevant properties when you want to find one you need. If a mORMot VCL server component available, we can easily drag and drop to start working on it. Now, I still can not find an easy way to build a standalone web server with authentication function.
I believe this is very standard demands for mORMot framework. I am wondering if you could provide such an example?

4) For me, I often query several tables by Left join, with Order by , group by filters. I am not sure ORM can do it easily. For complicated tables, there will be 30+ fields involved. If change them all into objects, there will lots of typing work. This just gives me a feeling we are going back to stone age, or in computer language DOS age. So, I am wondering if you have an example to show us that we can use our SQL statement ( from old projects) to retrieve the results either via UniDAC or your SynDB, then send the results via JSON/REST way to multi-tier client?

Overall, I believe mORMot is a good framework. The barrier for its being popular is the gap between RAD and your pure coding object approach. Programmer are lazy people as you may agree. If a WebServer complement can make a webserver ready for use without much coding, certainly people will go for it. I just hope mORMot can do sth in this direction, smooth the learning curve by borrowing some conventional RAD concepts (certainly it must be true that VCL does not affect the performance). In that case, I guess it will make more people joint you and make this stronger and more popular framework for Delphier.

Many thanks,

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » automating backup » 2013-09-11 10:22:31

Hi AB,

I believe the performance of your mORMot is at Enterprise level for more serious application.
Therefore, closing down the server won't be an option for large scale web app/site.
Seeking third party's solution won't be better than a native mORMot one.
However, back up is critical for any serious project, hope you can provide a better your own solution to this issue.
It will make mot more competitive.

Also have you considered server load balance solutions?

Finally, how to get a notification if the thread I involved has new post in this forum.
This basic feature seems missing.

Will follow your move.
good luck.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie to mORMot needs helps. » 2013-09-09 09:08:25

Thanks AB.
Most of the questions are clear now.
I will start from your sample 09.

Only one thing is critical for DB programming. You mentioned

If you used DataSnap to access a remote database, you would need additional work, since we do not offer direct access to VCL data-sources.

Does it mean your object can not directly connect to ClientDataSet ( I personally feel this one is very handy and useful) and DataSource component (this one links to all DB aware VCLs, very important).

I have another question. My project structure currently is
1)Datasnap server sits in the server machine with the DB connected by UniDAC.
2)Datasnap Client connect with DataSnap server via TCP/IP. This Client also servers as Web server (by web broker+PageProducer) with Jquery embed in code.

If I use mORMot as substitution, what would be the new structures? (for instance where each of your class fit in, do you have a pool mechanism? etc ) any sample of authentications/authorizations?

I can not do now is that
I want each user logged in to be assigned a DataModule instance until his session expires or log out. During the session time, each Datamodule will handle the DB communications with DB and Web request/despatch .
Which units of mORMort I should use?

Many thanks.

#4 mORMot 1 » Newbie to mORMot needs helps. » 2013-09-06 23:55:37

Replies: 9

Hi AB,
Thanks for your comment to my question in this thread.
https://forums.embarcadero.com/message. … 484#591484

I am trying to read through your SAD file to understand and start using this framework for web apps.
But your doc is too long to read through in a short period.
I think may be put my questions here to get a quick answers, then I can decide what to do next.

Basically I am trying to search a substitute solution to WebSnap. So I can use Delphi to develop Web App. with multiuser/session handling, AJAX implementation, via JSON. It certainly will be a multi-tier frame work. On the interface part, I put my bet on JQuery(mobile) as I don't know anything of SMS yet.

So far, I can see your mORMot fits most of the requirement, but seems only for Database Client-Server apps. Do you have any sample or doc to describe how to build a robust web Server ( in stand alone/ISAPI dll , or even in CentOS).
I am not a great fan of ORM, sorry, I still like SQL and have some experience of that. Some times sophisticated SQL query is hard to change to ORM code.
I also notice in your SAD doc, data types are different from Delphi. You have RAWUTF8, etc, which make me puzzled , what are they? how much new stuff I need to learn first before I can smoothly use mORMot?
All the objects seem non-VCL components, meaning need code each property and remember them all well. (For this point, I do think make your object/class into a VCL will smooth the learning curve for many Dlephiers.)

I know you have joined the DataSnap performance discussion and your performance won good reputation there. If I want to use your framework to replace my old project of DataSnap, how easy will it  be ? Any Demo or teaching lessons available ?

Compare to RTC, what is your advantage/disadvantages?
Can I implement most the key modern functions they list in their home page?

What is the SMS? Do you know any advantage compared to JQuery?

Finally, I just found the Youtude is a good place to teach people how to implement development of programming. Do you have any plan to do that?
I guess it will make more people love your mORMot.

As you know , Delphi killed Web Server Development function, it leaves blank for Delphiers. You answers to above questions will benefit many people.
Looking forward to your answers. Thanks in advance.

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