#1 PDF Engine » canvas.brush.style are not visible in generated PDF-files » 2014-04-22 11:56:00

Replies: 0


I'm using this PDF-Engine and it works great.

Only by filling a rectangle with a brushstyle, I found a problem.

I have tried to fill a rectangle with a green structure or better, a brush style, for example bsDiaCross.
At first I only create a PDF-file, but all I could see was a completely filled green rectangle.
After this I have saved the Metafile in "a.wmf" file to control the structure. And I saw the correct result.

here the code to generate both files:

procedure TForm28.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Meta: TMetafile;
    doc : TPDFDocument;
    Page: TPdfPage;
    R: TRect;
Meta := TMetafile.Create;

Canvas := TMetafileCanvas.Create(Meta, GetDC(0));

R := ClientRect;
InflateRect(R, -10, -10);
Canvas.Brush.Color := clgreen;
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsDiagCross;
Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;


//in this file, the result is the prefered one, the brushstyles are shown and it's what I need.

Doc := TPdfDocument.Create;
Doc.DefaultPaperSize := psA4;
Page := Doc.AddPage;
Page.PageLandscape := true;

//but if i save the same Metafile in a PDF-Document, 
//the rectangle with the brushstyle is completely filled with the brush.color. 
//and no style is visible


I hope someone can help me to print structures in the PDF-file.

Thanks in advance.

#2 Re: PDF Engine » Bezier curves and brush styles in EnumEMFFunc » 2014-04-01 07:08:31

Hi everyone,

I used this PDF engine too and I'm glad about functions that are implemented.

But I'm searching for an function/procedure to draw arcs in the PDF, but I only found CurveTo*().
Is this the correct method to draw the required things?

- at least 2 specific points (up to 3 points) are known
- I need a normal round arc without any specific behaviour of the curve             
  ( like 1/4 of a circle, e.g.: http://www.schornsteinmarkt.de/images/p … 2016_0.jpg )

I thought about something like, point A (start of the arc) and point B (end of the arc) and maybe a controlpoint C (on the curve/arc) are given and the curve/arc will be drawn through the points.

Maybe someone can help me with a hint or tip to do this.

Thanks in advance.

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