#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Problem when running in Windows Server mORMot Lazarus » 2015-07-23 01:33:14

Thank you for your answer.
I did what you said, and also did what it says on this link:

So, I could compile and run my mORMOt Server... I updated my FPC with FPCUP lowering the branch of rtti...
Using this branch of the FPC, it is safe?

#2 mORMot 1 » Problem when running in Windows Server mORMot Lazarus » 2015-07-22 02:52:51

Replies: 3

I installed the Lazarus / FPC through the FPCUP.
Lazarus: 1.5
FPC: 3.1.1
WIn 7 64

I took the mORMotNightlyBuild.
In Synopse.inc deisei like this: {$ define PUREPASCAL}.

Created a mORMot Server, he is compiling but I get an error on the line below in mORMot.pas:

procedure TInterfaceFactoryRTTI.AddMethodsFromTypeInfo(aInterface: PTypeInfo);

  P := AlignToPtr(@PPropInfo(P)^.Name[ord(PPropInfo(P)^.Name[0])+1]); 

I'm thinking I did something wrong in the installation of mORMot ...

Could someone help me? even to install on Windows, and use correctly the FPCup?

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Benchmarking JsonDataObjects JSON parser » 2015-02-17 18:59:59

Unfortunately it is not compatible with Lazarus.
Ab, which JSON Parser you recommend for Lazarus?

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » SynCrossPlatformREST - TSQLRestClientHTTP with FPC » 2014-06-15 21:28:20

I did what you showed, and all tests were successful .. smile
So reading the sources I saw: heheheh
/ / For testing FPC, RegressionTests.exe run locally compiled with Delphi on Windows smile
There is one thing I could not do, call the JSONToObject, Written as follows:

    People, People1, People2: TSQLRecordPeople;
    Json: String;

    People1 := TSQLRecordPeople.CreateAndFillPrepare(ClientHTTP,
      '', 'ID=?', [ID]);
    Json := People1.FillTable.JSON;
    People2 := TSQLRecordPeople.Create;
    JSONToObject(People2, Json);
    ShowMessage(People2.FirstName +' '+ People2.LastName);

Above People2 is empty, But doing as is the example LCLMain.pas works:

    People, People1, People2: TSQLRecordPeople;
    Json: String;
    Table: TJSONTableObject;

    People1 := TSQLRecordPeople.CreateAndFillPrepare(ClientHTTP,
      '', 'ID=?', [ID]);
    Json := People1.FillTable.JSON;
    People2 := TSQLRecordPeople.Create;

    Table := TJSONTableObject.Create(Json);
    ShowMessage(People2.FirstName +' - '+ People2.LastName);

What is the correct way? I can not use direct JSONToObject?

Thanks for your attention! smile

#5 mORMot 1 » SynCrossPlatformREST - TSQLRestClientHTTP with FPC » 2014-06-13 23:08:31

Replies: 6

I'm testing the mORMot, and am finding fantastic! A great job!

To be blunt, I wonder if I use the units in a crossplatform client project written in FPC,
it is possible to consume objects (TSQLRecord) and a mORMot server services?

I did the following test:

ORM Classes:

  TUnidade = class(TSQLRecord)
    FDescricao: RawUTF8;
    FSigla: RawUTF8;
    FDecimais: Integer;
    property Descricao: RawUTF8 read FDescricao write FDescricao;
    property Sigla: RawUTF8 read FSigla write FSigla;
    property Decimais: Integer read FDecimais write FDecimais;

  TProduto = class(TSQLRecord)
  strict private
    FCodigo: RawUTF8;
    FDescricao: RawUTF8;
    FUnidade: TUnidade;
    property Codigo: RawUTF8 read FCodigo write FCodigo;
    property Descricao: RawUTF8 read FDescricao write FDescricao;
    property Unidade: TUnidade read FUnidade write FUnidade;

In mORMot server:

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Props: TSQLDBFireDACConnectionProperties;
    Model: TSQLModel;
    DBServer: TSQLRestServerDB;
    HttpServer: TSQLHttpServer;

  procedure TForm1.ConfigurarAppServer;
    Props := TSQLDBFireDACConnectionProperties.Create(FIREDAC_PROVIDER[dMySQL]+
      '?Server=;Port=3306', 'mormot', 'root', 'ROOT');

    TProduto.AddFilterOrValidate(TProdutoFieldName.Codigo, TProdutoCodigoValidate.Create);

    Model := TSQLModel.Create([TProduto, TUnidade], 'mormot');

    VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(Model, Props);

    DBServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model, ':memory:', False);

    HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080', [DBServer], '+', useHttpApiRegisteringURI);
    HttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';

In FPC client:

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Model: TSQLModel;
    ClientHTTP: TSQLRestClientHTTP;

  procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    Model := TSQLModel.Create([TProduto, TUnidade], 'mormot/');
    ClientHTTP := TSQLRestClientHTTP.Create('', 8080, Model);
    if (ClientHTTP.Connect) then
      Label1.Caption := 'Client Connected - Port 8080';

At first a simple test... But the operations of the ORM could not make it work...
See the call, Did not return anything in Prod... And the record exists in the database.
I also wrote a client in Delphi, and this usually worked, Performing the operations of the correct ORM...

  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    Prod: TProduto;
    Prod := TProduto.Create(ClientHTTP, 3, False);

Could you help me to write an client in FPC? If possible...

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