#1 Re: PDF Engine » VCLCanvas and Clipping Region » 2015-05-14 18:22:45

I have tried the latest version, same results.

UPDATE: I will try to provide a simple case to reproduce the problem.

#2 PDF Engine » VCLCanvas and Clipping Region » 2015-05-14 11:55:50

Marcelo Economatica
Replies: 3

I have a complex drawing procedure which produces a graph that I want to export to PDF.

This drawing procedure has optimizations that relies on the clipping region of the canvas DC. When drawing on screen or printer, the resulting graph is the expected result.

Using the TPdfDocumentGDI.VCLCanvas, this procedure results a truncated graph when drawing large graphs.

After some debugging, I found that the cause of this problem is the fact that the VCLCanvas is based on the screen DC and its clipping region equals the desktop area. Therefore the graph is truncated because the procedure relies on the clipping region. Since the clipping region is fixed by the screen DC, I can not enlarge it.

Can you give me some advice? It will be hard for me to change the drawing procedure, any workarounds will be welcome.

#3 PDF Engine » PieChart in PDF? » 2014-10-06 16:21:15

Marcelo Economatica
Replies: 2

I have started use the PDF Engine last week to allow one existing application generate PDF reports.

One of the reports I am working have a piechart generated using TCanvas.Pie(). The resulting PDF lacks the piechart.

After some debugging, I found that the TPdfCanvas.RenderMetaFile() does not handle the PIE record on the metafile.

I have no experience with PDF. Is there anything I could do so the piechart appears on the PDF?


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