#1 mORMot 1 » Probably bug in RawUnicodeToUtf8 » 2015-06-15 22:32:37

Replies: 1

Is this code correct? (SynCommons unit)

function RawUnicodeToUtf8(Dest: PUTF8Char; DestLen: PtrInt; Source: PWideChar; SourceLen: PtrInt): PtrInt; overload;
var c: Cardinal;
    Tail: PWideChar;
    i,j: integer;
  result := PtrInt(Dest);
  if (Source<>nil) and (Dest<>nil) then begin
    // first handle 7 bit ASCII WideChars, by pairs (Sha optimization)
    SourceLen := SourceLen*2+PtrInt(Source);
    Tail := PWideChar(SourceLen)-2;
    if Source<=Tail then
      c := PCardinal(Source)^;
      if c and $ff80ff80<>0 then
        break; // break on first non ASCII pair
      c := c shr 8 or c;
      pWord(Dest)^ := c;
    until Source>Tail;
    // generic loop, handling one UCS4 char per iteration


be placed before the cycle? Now DestLen do not point to real Dest end

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Adding ClientIP/Port and Cookie to HTTP API Server » 2014-12-21 22:30:51

Thanks for remarks!

ab wrote:

As we already stated several times, we handle the cookies/ip process at TSQLRest level.
So you could use code like you wrote to have it seperated at THttpApi instead.

But how to access Req variable (: PHTTP_REQUEST which contains parsed headers) from other class? It seems to be THttpApiServer.Execute local variable and doesn't published anywhere

#3 mORMot 1 » Adding ClientIP/Port and Cookie to HTTP API Server » 2014-12-07 19:28:19

Replies: 3

Thank you for great product!

I'm trying to use Http API Sever separately of framework and found that there is no access to Client IP/Port and Cookie info.
I've added it for me but is it possible to add these properties to main source?

Suppose it will be helpful for sessions support when using HttpAPI server separately.

What was added:

  THttpServerRequest = class
    fClientIP: rawbytestring;
    fClientPort: integer;
    fCookie: rawbytestring;
    property ClientIP: rawbytestring read fClientIP write fClientIP; 
    property ClientPort: integer read fClientPort write fClientPort; 
    property Cookie: rawbytestring read fCookie write fCookie;

procedure THttpApiServer.Execute;
after           Context.OutCustomHeaders := '';

          Context.fClientIP:=Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [Req.Address.pRemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_bytes[0],
           Req.Address.pRemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_bytes[1], Req.Address.pRemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_bytes[2], Req.Address.pRemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_bytes[3]]);
          SetString(Context.fCookie, Req.Headers.KnownHeaders[reqCookie].pRawValue, Req.Headers.KnownHeaders[reqCookie].RawValueLength);

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