#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Cliente / Server HTTP » 2015-04-12 11:44:33

Sorry for take so long, but, due to work assignement I can't came here.

I already test that and changed the routines to use batch commands, and now it's much more stable and quick.

Thanks, great framework.

#2 mORMot 1 » Cliente / Server HTTP » 2015-03-27 17:30:22

Replies: 3


I'm converting a program to your framework, using a server based on Sample 04 - http cliente-server, in one machine and various clients (1 to 8) over a local network.

The readings are very fast, and after cached almost instantanious, ( about 60 to 70000 registers), but the writings are very slow, a tipycal document save takes about 5 to 20 writes or updates, using metods .add or .update.

Sometimes the client doesn't receive answer from  the server, but if we close the application and open again it works again.

I'm using a global TSQLRestClientURI (THttpclientwinhttp) for all forms.

I'm using Delphi 7, and mormot 1.17.

Today, I change for the NightBuild of 2015-03-25, and the verify that, if the client stays some time without communication without the the server, I have to close the server and open it again to restore communication, have to revert to the previous version.

Can you help me fine tunning the both sides, so it runs more smooth ?



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