#1 Re: mORMot 1 » TWebSocketProtocolRest » 2015-07-25 19:18:30

Thanks for the reply!

For web I'm using TWebSocketProtocolChat, and it's great!

Just a question, can I use TLS for secure websockets connections? I didn't find examples.


#2 mORMot 1 » TWebSocketProtocolRest » 2015-07-14 03:15:11

Replies: 4

I work for a while with Delphi, but I'm starting recently with mORMot. I'm working on a WebSocket project. I analyzed the samples (31), especially Project31SimpleEchoServer, because I want to integrate a web application with the server. This project uses TWebSocketProtocolChat, but I did not find any example of using TWebSocketProtocolRest (I looked in google and forum). There are some practical example of the use of TWebSocketProtocolRest on server and a web client communicating with it?


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