#1 PDF Engine » Flag TA_UPDATECP not correctly handled - fix included » 2016-04-14 13:06:13

Replies: 1


Thanks for this nice library you made. We've been using it for some time in our company. I encountered a problem using TextOut with a GDI canvas and TA_UPDATECP flag.

You were not updating the position correctly after printing the screen, resulting in always drawing over previous text if you called several times TextOut.

The last lines of TextOut were

    end else
      Canvas.fNewPath := False;
    if (font.align and TA_UPDATECP)=TA_UPDATECP then
      Position := Pos;

but they should be

    end else
      Canvas.fNewPath := False;
    if (font.align and TA_UPDATECP)=TA_UPDATECP then
      Position := Posi + Point(round(wW), 0);

My fix may not be perfect but it works, I'm not a native delphi programmer I'm afraid sad



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