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Am new to mORMot and am going thru demos. This will not compile as TSockData has been changed to RawByteString in v1.17 of SynCrtSock. I changed the declarations in httpapiserver.dpr and it runs like a charm.
More than once a day, we compile all samples, including "09 - HttpApi web server", with the latest version of the code, before commiting to our Fossil source code repository.
We do not have any problem, with Delphi 6 and up.
I guess your code base is inconsistent, and you did not override all unit files.
Since 1.17, the code base has changed a lot!
Version 1.18 is much more complete, and safer.
Please see the 1.18 readme.txt file, and get the latest sources from
Not sure what you meant by "override all unit" files.
So I downloaded the nightly build. As per instructions I first ran TestSQL3Register. Ran fine. Then I run TestSQL3. Bomb. In Section 2.8. Last successful test completion was "Crypted Database". Error message is "TSQLRequest.Reset called with no previous Request". Here is the relevant section from the console:
2.8. External database:
- External records: 2 assertions passed 331us
- Auto adapt SQL: 448 assertions passed 26.96ms
- Crypted database: 253,275 assertions passed 184.27ms
! - External via REST: 9 / 133,666 FAILED 614.23ms
! - External via virtual table: 17,934 / 79,148 FAILED 3.79s
- JET database: 7,007 assertions passed 719.09ms
Total failed: 17,943 / 473,546 - External database FAILED 5.33s
Synopse framework used: 1.18
SQlite3 engine used:
Generated with: Delphi 7 compiler
That's as much info as I have. Ran it via the IDE the first time so I could give you that "Reset called with no previous Request" message. Ran it the 2nd time via console so I could give you the console output.
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