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Hi, Can anyone tell me if there is an example of a client written in C#/ASP.NET that reads the mORMot server?
Thanks corchi!
I was referring to a possible example stretch of the project:
develped by:
Thanks corchi
Such a client expects just a REST client + HTTP and JSON support.
Pretty easy to write in C#.
But C# client code generation was on the roadmap.
Not implemented yet, since not needed here up to now.
Hi Corrado, answering also to your private message (i received an email through the auto mailer).
As Arnaud Bouchez wrote above, such a client needs to implement just an http get + json.
There are many ways, a very simple one:
run a mormot server, listening to IP port 7000 for example.
At the client side, from Visual Studio C# or VB.NET:
http get this link: * from your_table_name
it will return a json
Put the link in a browser to see it, if security is disabled you ll see data.
You have to convert this json to C# dataset and then you have it all.
Depends on what else you want to do.
If you want to edit data, I suppose above is not the best way to work.
If you need any example code for the mormot server side, i would start from the examples in the package.
I'd like to see an example, with authentication .. I've already developed the server that uses authentication.
If you could post an example or lines of code that allow me to do the basics:
nothing easier from someone who has already done!!
I'd be very grateful!!!!!:)
Thank corchi72
Pages: 1