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I donwloaded the lastest version (2012-10-28) and running our own unittests i get the following error:
EORMException: Unhanled type for property Name
Besides the typo in "Unhanled" .. i don't understand why this exception occurs, as the published property is "just" a UTF8String that hasnt changed.
A copy of the local variables at the moment the exception is raised (TSQLPropInfoRTTI.CreateFrom(), line 19913) shown below:
Name Value
aPropInfo $3401F36
PropType $340E94C
GetProc -16777196
SetProc -16777196
StoredProc 1
Index 50
Default 0
NameIndex 1
Name 'Name'
Result ('ModTime', sftModTime, [], -2147483648)
aSQLFieldType sftAnsiText
aType $50032E24
Kind tkLString
Name 'UTF8String'
C nil
Last edited by Bascy (2012-10-29 10:49:57)