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Comment: |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA1: |
7ea77dcbf11406279a0c3bff7d6bc941 |
User & Date: | ab 2011-04-14 19:27:20 |
| ||
05:50 | changed the way test1.json request was processed: "order by FirstName" is less prone to testing misunderstanding check-in: 4426fdfead user: ab tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:27 |
| |
18:42 | fixed issue in TFileBufferReader.ReadVarUInt32Array check-in: cde29f3646 user: ab tags: trunk | |
Changes to SQLite3/SQLite3.pas.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ... 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 .... 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 .... 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 .... 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 .... 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 .... 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 |
/// SQLite3 3.7.5 embedded Database engine // - this unit is a part of the freeware Synopse SQLite3 database framework, // licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license; version 1.13 unit SQLite3; { This file is part of Synopse SQLite3 database framework. ................................................................................ the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** SQLite3 3.7.5 database engine ******************************* Brand new SQLite3 library to be used with Delphi - FLEXIBLE: in process, local or remote access (JSON RESTFUL HTTP server) - STANDARD: full UTF-8 and Unicode, SQLite3 engine (enhanced but not hacked) - PRECISE: individual records can be locked for update - SECURE: tested, multi-thread oriented, atomic commit, encryption ready - SIMPLE: staticaly linked into a single Delphi unit (no external dll required) ................................................................................ be surrounded with :(...): in order to use an internal pool of prepared TSQLRequest; example of possible inlined values are :(1234): :(12.34): :(12E-34): :("text"): or :('text'): (with double quoting inside the text, just like any SQL statement) - new sqlite3_stmt_readonly function and TSQLRequest.IsReadOnly property Version 1.13 - fixed issue in TSQLRestClientDB.URI: wrong InternalState returned Todo: - port to other systems than Delphi+Win32 (use external DLL?) } ................................................................................ - Applications should finalize all prepared statements and close all BLOB handles associated with the sqlite3 object prior to attempting to close the object (sqlite3_next_stmt() interface can be used for this task) - if invoked while a transaction is open, the transaction is automatically rolled back } function sqlite3_close(DB: TSQLite3DB): integer; {$ifdef USEC}cdecl;{$endif} external; {{ Return the version of the SQLite database engine, in ascii format - currently returns '3.7.5' } function sqlite3_libversion: PUTF8Char; {$ifdef USEC}cdecl;{$endif} external; {{ Returns English-language text that describes an error, using UTF-8 encoding (which, with English text, is the same as Ansi). - Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally. The application does not need to worry about freeing the result. However, the error string might be overwritten or deallocated by ................................................................................ inherited; end; {$ifdef UNICODE} {$WARNINGS OFF} // don't care about implicit string cast in tests {$endif} procedure TTestSQLite3Engine.DirectAccess; procedure InsertData(n: integer); var i: integer; s: WinAnsiString; ins: RawUTF8; R: TSQLRequest; begin ................................................................................ R.Execute; Demo.Execute(ins+WinAnsiToUtf8('Albert'+s+''', ''Einstein'', '''#233#231'p'', 1879, 1955);')); Demo.Execute(ins+WinAnsiToUtf8('Johannes'+s+''', ''Gutenberg'', '''#234'mls'', 1400, 1468);')); Demo.Execute(ins+WinAnsiToUtf8('Jane'+s+''', ''Aust'#232'n'', '''#231#224#231'm'', 1775, 1817);')); end; end; const ReqAnsi: WinAnsiString = 'SELECT * FROM People WHERE LastName=''M'#244'net'' ORDER BY LastName;'; SoundexValues: array[0..5] of RawUTF8 = ('bonjour','bonchour','Bnjr','mohammad','mohhhammeeet','bonjourtr'#232'slongmotquid'#233'passe'); var Names: TRawUTF8DynArray; i1,i2: integer; Res: Int64; s: RawUTF8; begin ................................................................................ Demo.TransactionBegin; InsertData(1000); Demo.Commit; Req := WinAnsiToUtf8(ReqAnsi); Check(Utf8ToWinAnsi(Req)=ReqAnsi,'WinAnsiToUtf8/Utf8ToWinAnsi'); JS := Demo.ExecuteJSON(Req); // get result in JSON format FileFromString(JS,'Test1.json'); Check(Hash32(JS)=$85995AC9,'Expected ExecuteJSON result not retrieved'); if not IsMemory then begin // check file encryption password change FreeAndNil(Demo); // if any exception occurs in Create(), Demo.Free is OK ChangeSQLEncryptTablePassWord(TempFileName,'password1',''); ChangeSQLEncryptTablePassWord(TempFileName,'','NewPass'); CreateSQLEncryptTable('NewPass'); Demo := TSQLDataBase.Create(TempFileName); // reuse the temporary file Demo.UseCache := true; // use the cache for the JSON requests if InheritsFrom(TTestFileBasedWAL) then Demo.SetWALMode(true); // test Write-Ahead Logging for the database Check(Hash32(Demo.ExecuteJSON(Req))=$85995AC9,'ExecuteJSON crypted'); end; Demo.GetTableNames(Names); Check(length(Names)=1); Check(Names[0]='People'); Demo.Execute('SELECT Concat(FirstName," and ") FROM People WHERE LastName="Einstein"',s); Check(Hash32(s)=$68A74D8E,'Albert1 and Albert1 and Albert2 and Albert3 and ...'); end; ................................................................................ Check(V2.FirstName='Leonardo1'); Check(not V2.SameValues(V),'V and V2 must differ'); Check(Client.UpdateFromServer([V2],Refreshed)); Check(Refreshed,'V2 value will be synchronized with V'); Check(V2.SameValues(V)); Check(Client.UpdateFromServer([V2],Refreshed)); Check(not Refreshed); Req := StringReplace(Req,'*',TSQLRecordPeople.RecordProps.SQLTableSimpleFields[true,false],[]); s := WinAnsiToUtf8('LastName=''M'#244'net'' ORDER BY LastName'); J := Client.List([TSQLRecordPeople],'*',s); Check(Client.UpdateFromServer([J],Refreshed)); Check(not Refreshed); Check(Test(J),'incorrect TSQLTableJSON'); Check(Client.OneFieldValues(TSQLRecordPeople,'ID','LastName=:("Dali"):',IntArray)); Check(length(IntArray)=1001); |
| | | > > > | > > > > > | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ... 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 .... 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 .... 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 .... 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 .... 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 .... 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 |
/// SQLite3 embedded Database engine // - this unit is a part of the freeware Synopse SQLite3 database framework, // licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license; version 1.13 unit SQLite3; { This file is part of Synopse SQLite3 database framework. ................................................................................ the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** SQLite3 database engine ********************************* Brand new SQLite3 library to be used with Delphi - FLEXIBLE: in process, local or remote access (JSON RESTFUL HTTP server) - STANDARD: full UTF-8 and Unicode, SQLite3 engine (enhanced but not hacked) - PRECISE: individual records can be locked for update - SECURE: tested, multi-thread oriented, atomic commit, encryption ready - SIMPLE: staticaly linked into a single Delphi unit (no external dll required) ................................................................................ be surrounded with :(...): in order to use an internal pool of prepared TSQLRequest; example of possible inlined values are :(1234): :(12.34): :(12E-34): :("text"): or :('text'): (with double quoting inside the text, just like any SQL statement) - new sqlite3_stmt_readonly function and TSQLRequest.IsReadOnly property Version 1.13 - update SQLite3 engine to version - regression test now exclude fixed auto generated ID sequence (may vary, just like happened for 3.7.6) - fixed issue in TSQLRestClientDB.URI: wrong InternalState returned Todo: - port to other systems than Delphi+Win32 (use external DLL?) } ................................................................................ - Applications should finalize all prepared statements and close all BLOB handles associated with the sqlite3 object prior to attempting to close the object (sqlite3_next_stmt() interface can be used for this task) - if invoked while a transaction is open, the transaction is automatically rolled back } function sqlite3_close(DB: TSQLite3DB): integer; {$ifdef USEC}cdecl;{$endif} external; {{ Return the version of the SQLite database engine, in ascii format - currently returns '' } function sqlite3_libversion: PUTF8Char; {$ifdef USEC}cdecl;{$endif} external; {{ Returns English-language text that describes an error, using UTF-8 encoding (which, with English text, is the same as Ansi). - Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally. The application does not need to worry about freeing the result. However, the error string might be overwritten or deallocated by ................................................................................ inherited; end; {$ifdef UNICODE} {$WARNINGS OFF} // don't care about implicit string cast in tests {$endif} const ReqFields = 'FirstName,LastName,Data,YearOfBirth,YearOfDeath'; procedure TTestSQLite3Engine.DirectAccess; procedure InsertData(n: integer); var i: integer; s: WinAnsiString; ins: RawUTF8; R: TSQLRequest; begin ................................................................................ R.Execute; Demo.Execute(ins+WinAnsiToUtf8('Albert'+s+''', ''Einstein'', '''#233#231'p'', 1879, 1955);')); Demo.Execute(ins+WinAnsiToUtf8('Johannes'+s+''', ''Gutenberg'', '''#234'mls'', 1400, 1468);')); Demo.Execute(ins+WinAnsiToUtf8('Jane'+s+''', ''Aust'#232'n'', '''#231#224#231'm'', 1775, 1817);')); end; end; const ReqAnsi: WinAnsiString = // need to exclude ID, since algo may vary 'SELECT '+ReqFields+' FROM People '+ 'WHERE LastName=''M'#244'net'' ORDER BY LastName;'; SoundexValues: array[0..5] of RawUTF8 = ('bonjour','bonchour','Bnjr','mohammad','mohhhammeeet','bonjourtr'#232'slongmotquid'#233'passe'); var Names: TRawUTF8DynArray; i1,i2: integer; Res: Int64; s: RawUTF8; begin ................................................................................ Demo.TransactionBegin; InsertData(1000); Demo.Commit; Req := WinAnsiToUtf8(ReqAnsi); Check(Utf8ToWinAnsi(Req)=ReqAnsi,'WinAnsiToUtf8/Utf8ToWinAnsi'); JS := Demo.ExecuteJSON(Req); // get result in JSON format FileFromString(JS,'Test1.json'); Check(Hash32(JS)=$C7173628,'Expected ExecuteJSON result not retrieved'); if not IsMemory then begin // check file encryption password change FreeAndNil(Demo); // if any exception occurs in Create(), Demo.Free is OK ChangeSQLEncryptTablePassWord(TempFileName,'password1',''); ChangeSQLEncryptTablePassWord(TempFileName,'','NewPass'); CreateSQLEncryptTable('NewPass'); Demo := TSQLDataBase.Create(TempFileName); // reuse the temporary file Demo.UseCache := true; // use the cache for the JSON requests if InheritsFrom(TTestFileBasedWAL) then Demo.SetWALMode(true); // test Write-Ahead Logging for the database Check(Hash32(Demo.ExecuteJSON(Req))=$C7173628,'ExecuteJSON crypted'); end; Demo.GetTableNames(Names); Check(length(Names)=1); Check(Names[0]='People'); Demo.Execute('SELECT Concat(FirstName," and ") FROM People WHERE LastName="Einstein"',s); Check(Hash32(s)=$68A74D8E,'Albert1 and Albert1 and Albert2 and Albert3 and ...'); end; ................................................................................ Check(V2.FirstName='Leonardo1'); Check(not V2.SameValues(V),'V and V2 must differ'); Check(Client.UpdateFromServer([V2],Refreshed)); Check(Refreshed,'V2 value will be synchronized with V'); Check(V2.SameValues(V)); Check(Client.UpdateFromServer([V2],Refreshed)); Check(not Refreshed); Req := StringReplace(Req,ReqFields,TSQLRecordPeople.RecordProps.SQLTableSimpleFields[true,false],[]); s := WinAnsiToUtf8('LastName=''M'#244'net'' ORDER BY LastName'); J := Client.List([TSQLRecordPeople],'*',s); Check(Client.UpdateFromServer([J],Refreshed)); Check(not Refreshed); Check(Test(J),'incorrect TSQLTableJSON'); Check(Client.OneFieldValues(TSQLRecordPeople,'ID','LastName=:("Dali"):',IntArray)); Check(length(IntArray)=1001); |
Changes to SQLite3/SQLite3Commons.pas.
268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 |
which can be handy to loop into some records via an IDs set
- new TSQLTable.OwnerMustFree property for generic owning of a TSQLTable
by a record - used for both CreateAndFillPrepare and TSQLRecordMany.FillMany
- better non-ascii search handling in TSQLTable.SearchValue
- source code modified to be 7 bit Ansi (so will work with all encodings)
Version 1.12
- update SQLite3 engine to version 3.7.5
- now handle automaticaly prepared SQL statements: the parameters must
be surrounded with :(...): in order to use an internal pool of prepared
TSQLRequest statements; example of possible inlined values are :(1234):
:(12.34): :(12E-34): :("text"): or :('text'): (with double quoting
inside the text, just like any SQL statement)
- with Delphi 2009/2010/XE, you can define any string parameter in your
TSQLRecord definition (will be handled as sftUTF8Text field)
< |
268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 |
which can be handy to loop into some records via an IDs set - new TSQLTable.OwnerMustFree property for generic owning of a TSQLTable by a record - used for both CreateAndFillPrepare and TSQLRecordMany.FillMany - better non-ascii search handling in TSQLTable.SearchValue - source code modified to be 7 bit Ansi (so will work with all encodings) Version 1.12 - now handle automaticaly prepared SQL statements: the parameters must be surrounded with :(...): in order to use an internal pool of prepared TSQLRequest statements; example of possible inlined values are :(1234): :(12.34): :(12E-34): :("text"): or :('text'): (with double quoting inside the text, just like any SQL statement) - with Delphi 2009/2010/XE, you can define any string parameter in your TSQLRecord definition (will be handled as sftUTF8Text field) |
Changes to SQLite3/sqlite3.c.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ... 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 ... 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 .... 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 .... 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 .... 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 .... 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 .... 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 .... 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 .... 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 .... 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 .... 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 .... 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 .... 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 .... 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 .... 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 .... 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 .... 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 .... 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 .... 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 .... 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 .... 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 .... 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 .... 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 .... 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 .... 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 .... 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 7568 7569 .... 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 .... 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 .... 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 .... 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 .... 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 .... 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 .... 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 9175 .... 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 9432 9433 9434 .... 9698 9699 9700 9701 9702 9703 9704 9705 9706 9707 9708 9709 9710 9711 .... 9861 9862 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 ..... 10361 10362 10363 10364 10365 10366 10367 10368 10369 10370 10371 10372 10373 10374 ..... 10409 10410 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420 10421 10422 10423 10424 ..... 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10986 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 10992 10993 ..... 11141 11142 11143 11144 11145 11146 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 11152 11153 11154 ..... 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 ..... 11192 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 11201 11202 11203 11204 11205 11206 ..... 11279 11280 11281 11282 11283 11284 11285 11286 11287 11288 11289 11290 11291 11292 11293 ..... 12368 12369 12370 12371 12372 12373 12374 12375 12376 12377 12378 12379 12380 12381 12382 12383 12384 12385 ..... 12453 12454 12455 12456 12457 12458 12459 12460 12461 12462 12463 12464 12465 12466 12467 12468 12469 12470 12471 12472 12473 12474 12475 12476 12477 12478 12479 12480 12481 12482 12483 ..... 12635 12636 12637 12638 12639 12640 12641 12642 12643 12644 12645 12646 12647 12648 ..... 12661 12662 12663 12664 12665 12666 12667 12668 12669 12670 12671 12672 12673 12674 ..... 15772 15773 15774 15775 15776 15777 15778 15779 15780 15781 15782 15783 15784 15785 15786 ..... 16087 16088 16089 16090 16091 16092 16093 16094 16095 16096 16097 16098 16099 16100 16101 ..... 16118 16119 16120 16121 16122 16123 16124 16125 16126 16127 16128 16129 16130 16131 ..... 16621 16622 16623 16624 16625 16626 16627 16628 16629 16630 16631 16632 16633 16634 16635 16636 16637 16638 16639 ..... 16641 16642 16643 16644 16645 16646 16647 16648 16649 16650 16651 16652 16653 16654 16655 16656 16657 16658 16659 16660 16661 16662 16663 16664 16665 16666 16667 16668 16669 16670 16671 16672 16673 ..... 16689 16690 16691 16692 16693 16694 16695 16696 16697 16698 16699 16700 16701 16702 16703 16704 16705 16706 16707 16708 16709 ..... 16741 16742 16743 16744 16745 16746 16747 16748 16749 16750 16751 16752 16753 16754 16755 16756 16757 ..... 16758 16759 16760 16761 16762 16763 16764 16765 16766 16767 16768 16769 16770 16771 16772 16773 16774 16775 16776 16777 16778 16779 16780 16781 16782 16783 16784 16785 16786 16787 16788 16789 16790 16791 ..... 16793 16794 16795 16796 16797 16798 16799 16800 16801 16802 16803 16804 16805 16806 16807 16808 16809 16810 16811 16812 16813 16814 16815 16816 16817 16818 16819 16820 16821 16822 16823 16824 16825 16826 16827 16828 16829 16830 16831 16832 16833 16834 16835 16836 16837 16838 16839 16840 16841 16842 16843 16844 16845 16846 16847 16848 16849 16850 16851 16852 ..... 16853 16854 16855 16856 16857 16858 16859 16860 16861 16862 16863 16864 16865 16866 ..... 17496 17497 17498 17499 17500 17501 17502 17503 17504 17505 17506 17507 17508 17509 17510 ..... 17953 17954 17955 17956 17957 17958 17959 17960 17961 17962 17963 17964 17965 17966 17967 ..... 18727 18728 18729 18730 18731 18732 18733 18734 18735 18736 18737 18738 18739 18740 18741 ..... 19666 19667 19668 19669 19670 19671 19672 19673 19674 19675 19676 19677 19678 19679 19680 ..... 19909 19910 19911 19912 19913 19914 19915 19916 19917 19918 19919 19920 19921 19922 19923 19924 19925 19926 19927 19928 19929 19930 19931 ..... 20086 20087 20088 20089 20090 20091 20092 20093 20094 20095 20096 20097 20098 20099 20100 20101 ..... 20501 20502 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20509 20510 20511 20512 20513 20514 20515 20516 20517 20518 20519 20520 20521 20522 20523 20524 20525 20526 20527 20528 20529 20530 20531 20532 20533 20534 20535 20536 20537 20538 20539 20540 20541 20542 20543 20544 20545 20546 20547 20548 20549 20550 20551 20552 20553 20554 20555 20556 20557 20558 20559 20560 20561 20562 20563 20564 20565 20566 20567 20568 ..... 21120 21121 21122 21123 21124 21125 21126 21127 21128 21129 21130 21131 21132 21133 ..... 21819 21820 21821 21822 21823 21824 21825 21826 21827 21828 21829 21830 21831 21832 21833 21834 21835 21836 21837 21838 21839 21840 21841 21842 21843 21844 21845 21846 21847 21848 21849 21850 21851 21852 21853 21854 21855 21856 21857 21858 21859 21860 21861 21862 21863 21864 21865 21866 21867 21868 21869 21870 ..... 21929 21930 21931 21932 21933 21934 21935 21936 21937 21938 21939 21940 21941 21942 21943 21944 21945 21946 ..... 22296 22297 22298 22299 22300 22301 22302 22303 22304 22305 22306 22307 22308 22309 ..... 22311 22312 22313 22314 22315 22316 22317 22318 22319 22320 22321 22322 22323 22324 22325 22326 22327 22328 22329 22330 22331 22332 ..... 22404 22405 22406 22407 22408 22409 22410 22411 22412 22413 22414 22415 22416 22417 22418 22419 22420 22421 22422 22423 22424 22425 22426 22427 22428 22429 22430 22431 22432 22433 22434 22435 22436 22437 22438 22439 22440 22441 22442 22443 22444 22445 22446 22447 22448 22449 22450 22451 22452 22453 22454 22455 22456 22457 22458 22459 22460 22461 22462 22463 22464 22465 22466 22467 22468 22469 22470 22471 22472 22473 22474 22475 22476 22477 22478 22479 22480 22481 22482 22483 22484 22485 22486 22487 22488 22489 22490 22491 22492 22493 ..... 22499 22500 22501 22502 22503 22504 22505 22506 22507 22508 22509 22510 22511 22512 22513 22514 22515 22516 22517 22518 22519 22520 22521 22522 22523 22524 22525 22526 22527 22528 22529 22530 22531 22532 22533 22534 22535 22536 22537 22538 22539 22540 22541 22542 22543 22544 22545 22546 22547 22548 22549 22550 22551 22552 22553 22554 22555 22556 22557 22558 22559 22560 22561 22562 22563 22564 22565 22566 22567 22568 22569 22570 22571 22572 22573 22574 22575 22576 22577 22578 22579 22580 22581 22582 22583 22584 22585 22586 22587 22588 22589 22590 22591 22592 22593 22594 22595 22596 22597 22598 22599 22600 22601 22602 22603 22604 22605 22606 22607 22608 22609 22610 22611 22612 22613 22614 22615 22616 22617 22618 22619 22620 22621 22622 22623 22624 22625 22626 22627 22628 22629 22630 22631 22632 22633 22634 22635 22636 22637 22638 22639 22640 22641 22642 22643 22644 22645 22646 22647 22648 22649 22650 22651 22652 22653 22654 22655 22656 22657 22658 22659 22660 22661 22662 22663 22664 22665 22666 22667 22668 22669 22670 22671 22672 22673 22674 22675 22676 22677 22678 22679 22680 22681 22682 22683 22684 22685 22686 22687 22688 ..... 22689 22690 22691 22692 22693 22694 22695 22696 22697 22698 22699 22700 22701 22702 22703 22704 22705 22706 22707 22708 22709 22710 22711 22712 22713 22714 22715 22716 22717 22718 22719 22720 22721 22722 22723 22724 22725 22726 22727 22728 22729 22730 ..... 22738 22739 22740 22741 22742 22743 22744 22745 22746 22747 22748 22749 22750 22751 22752 22753 22754 22755 22756 22757 22758 22759 22760 22761 22762 22763 22764 22765 22766 22767 22768 22769 22770 22771 22772 22773 22774 22775 22776 22777 22778 22779 22780 22781 22782 22783 22784 22785 22786 22787 22788 22789 22790 22791 22792 22793 22794 22795 22796 22797 22798 22799 ..... 22813 22814 22815 22816 22817 22818 22819 22820 22821 22822 22823 22824 22825 22826 22827 22828 22829 22830 22831 22832 22833 22834 22835 22836 22837 22838 22839 22840 22841 22842 22843 22844 22845 22846 22847 22848 22849 22850 22851 22852 22853 22854 22855 22856 22857 22858 22859 22860 22861 22862 22863 22864 22865 22866 22867 22868 22869 22870 22871 22872 22873 22874 22875 ..... 22880 22881 22882 22883 22884 22885 22886 22887 22888 22889 22890 22891 22892 22893 22894 22895 22896 ..... 23099 23100 23101 23102 23103 23104 23105 23106 23107 23108 23109 23110 23111 23112 23113 23114 23115 23116 ..... 23137 23138 23139 23140 23141 23142 23143 23144 23145 23146 23147 23148 23149 23150 23151 23152 23153 ..... 23368 23369 23370 23371 23372 23373 23374 23375 23376 23377 23378 23379 23380 23381 23382 23383 23384 23385 23386 23387 23388 23389 23390 23391 23392 23393 23394 23395 23396 23397 23398 23399 23400 23401 ..... 23452 23453 23454 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66173 66174 66175 66176 66177 66178 66179 66180 66181 66182 66183 66184 66185 66186 66187 66188 66189 66190 66191 66192 66193 66194 66195 66196 66197 66198 66199 66200 ..... 66213 66214 66215 66216 66217 66218 66219 66220 66221 66222 66223 66224 66225 66226 66227 66228 66229 66230 66231 66232 66233 66234 66235 66236 66237 66238 66239 66240 66241 66242 66243 66244 66245 66246 66247 66248 66249 66250 66251 66252 66253 66254 66255 66256 66257 66258 66259 66260 66261 66262 66263 66264 66265 66266 66267 66268 66269 66270 66271 66272 66273 66274 66275 66276 66277 66278 66279 66280 66281 66282 66283 66284 66285 66286 66287 66288 66289 66290 66291 66292 66293 66294 66295 66296 66297 66298 66299 66300 66301 66302 66303 66304 66305 66306 66307 66308 66309 66310 66311 66312 66313 66314 66315 66316 66317 66318 66319 66320 66321 66322 66323 66324 66325 66326 66327 66328 66329 66330 66331 66332 66333 66334 66335 ..... 66336 66337 66338 66339 66340 66341 66342 66343 66344 66345 66346 66347 66348 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66923 66924 66925 66926 66927 ..... 69048 69049 69050 69051 69052 69053 69054 69055 69056 69057 69058 69059 69060 69061 69062 ..... 69345 69346 69347 69348 69349 69350 69351 69352 69353 69354 69355 69356 69357 69358 ..... 69570 69571 69572 69573 69574 69575 69576 69577 69578 69579 69580 69581 69582 69583 ..... 70154 70155 70156 70157 70158 70159 70160 70161 70162 70163 70164 70165 70166 70167 70168 70169 70170 70171 70172 70173 70174 70175 70176 70177 ..... 70178 70179 70180 70181 70182 70183 70184 70185 70186 70187 70188 70189 70190 70191 70192 70193 70194 70195 70196 70197 70198 ..... 70909 70910 70911 70912 70913 70914 70915 70916 70917 70918 70919 70920 70921 70922 70923 70924 70925 70926 70927 70928 70929 70930 70931 70932 70933 ..... 71303 71304 71305 71306 71307 71308 71309 71310 71311 71312 71313 71314 71315 71316 71317 ..... 72207 72208 72209 72210 72211 72212 72213 72214 72215 72216 72217 72218 72219 72220 72221 72222 72223 72224 72225 72226 72227 72228 ..... 72348 72349 72350 72351 72352 72353 72354 72355 72356 72357 72358 72359 72360 72361 72362 72363 72364 72365 72366 72367 72368 72369 72370 72371 ..... 73080 73081 73082 73083 73084 73085 73086 73087 73088 73089 73090 73091 73092 73093 ..... 73131 73132 73133 73134 73135 73136 73137 73138 73139 73140 73141 73142 73143 73144 73145 73146 73147 73148 73149 73150 73151 73152 ..... 73470 73471 73472 73473 73474 73475 73476 73477 73478 73479 73480 73481 73482 73483 ..... 73557 73558 73559 73560 73561 73562 73563 73564 73565 73566 73567 73568 73569 73570 73571 ..... 73602 73603 73604 73605 73606 73607 73608 73609 73610 73611 73612 73613 73614 73615 73616 ..... 73626 73627 73628 73629 73630 73631 73632 73633 73634 73635 73636 73637 73638 73639 73640 73641 73642 73643 73644 73645 73646 73647 73648 73649 73650 73651 73652 73653 73654 73655 73656 73657 73658 73659 73660 73661 ..... 73670 73671 73672 73673 73674 73675 73676 73677 73678 73679 73680 73681 73682 73683 73684 73685 73686 73687 73688 73689 73690 73691 73692 73693 73694 73695 73696 73697 73698 73699 ..... 73842 73843 73844 73845 73846 73847 73848 73849 73850 73851 73852 73853 73854 73855 73856 ..... 73868 73869 73870 73871 73872 73873 73874 73875 73876 73877 73878 73879 73880 73881 73882 73883 73884 73885 73886 73887 73888 73889 73890 73891 73892 73893 73894 73895 ..... 73908 73909 73910 73911 73912 73913 73914 73915 73916 73917 73918 73919 73920 73921 73922 73923 73924 73925 73926 73927 73928 73929 73930 73931 73932 73933 73934 73935 73936 73937 73938 73939 73940 73941 73942 73943 73944 73945 73946 ..... 73954 73955 73956 73957 73958 73959 73960 73961 73962 73963 73964 73965 73966 73967 ..... 73978 73979 73980 73981 73982 73983 73984 73985 73986 73987 73988 73989 73990 73991 73992 73993 73994 73995 73996 73997 73998 73999 74000 74001 74002 74003 74004 74005 74006 74007 74008 74009 74010 ..... 74058 74059 74060 74061 74062 74063 74064 74065 74066 74067 74068 74069 74070 74071 ..... 74112 74113 74114 74115 74116 74117 74118 74119 74120 74121 74122 74123 74124 74125 74126 74127 74128 ..... 74403 74404 74405 74406 74407 74408 74409 74410 74411 74412 74413 74414 74415 74416 74417 ..... 74427 74428 74429 74430 74431 74432 74433 74434 74435 74436 74437 74438 74439 74440 74441 ..... 74499 74500 74501 74502 74503 74504 74505 74506 74507 74508 74509 74510 74511 74512 74513 ..... 74539 74540 74541 74542 74543 74544 74545 74546 74547 74548 74549 74550 74551 74552 74553 74554 74555 ..... 75167 75168 75169 75170 75171 75172 75173 75174 75175 75176 75177 75178 75179 75180 75181 75182 75183 75184 75185 75186 75187 75188 75189 ..... 75288 75289 75290 75291 75292 75293 75294 75295 75296 75297 75298 75299 75300 75301 75302 75303 75304 ..... 75350 75351 75352 75353 75354 75355 75356 75357 75358 75359 75360 75361 75362 75363 75364 75365 75366 75367 75368 ..... 75381 75382 75383 75384 75385 75386 75387 75388 75389 75390 75391 75392 75393 75394 75395 75396 75397 75398 75399 ..... 75410 75411 75412 75413 75414 75415 75416 75417 75418 75419 75420 75421 75422 75423 75424 75425 75426 75427 75428 75429 75430 75431 75432 75433 75434 75435 75436 75437 75438 75439 75440 75441 75442 75443 ..... 75515 75516 75517 75518 75519 75520 75521 75522 75523 75524 75525 75526 75527 75528 ..... 75549 75550 75551 75552 75553 75554 75555 75556 75557 75558 75559 75560 75561 75562 ..... 75803 75804 75805 75806 75807 75808 75809 75810 75811 75812 75813 75814 75815 75816 ..... 75833 75834 75835 75836 75837 75838 75839 75840 75841 75842 75843 75844 75845 75846 ..... 76293 76294 76295 76296 76297 76298 76299 76300 76301 76302 76303 76304 76305 76306 ..... 76400 76401 76402 76403 76404 76405 76406 76407 76408 76409 76410 76411 76412 76413 76414 ..... 76595 76596 76597 76598 76599 76600 76601 76602 76603 76604 76605 76606 76607 76608 ..... 76615 76616 76617 76618 76619 76620 76621 76622 76623 76624 76625 76626 76627 76628 ..... 76799 76800 76801 76802 76803 76804 76805 76806 76807 76808 76809 76810 76811 76812 ..... 76819 76820 76821 76822 76823 76824 76825 76826 76827 76828 76829 76830 76831 76832 ..... 76852 76853 76854 76855 76856 76857 76858 76859 76860 76861 76862 76863 76864 76865 76866 76867 76868 76869 ..... 76981 76982 76983 76984 76985 76986 76987 76988 76989 76990 76991 76992 76993 76994 ..... 77229 77230 77231 77232 77233 77234 77235 77236 77237 77238 77239 77240 77241 77242 ..... 77498 77499 77500 77501 77502 77503 77504 77505 77506 77507 77508 77509 77510 77511 ..... 77584 77585 77586 77587 77588 77589 77590 77591 77592 77593 77594 77595 77596 77597 ..... 77713 77714 77715 77716 77717 77718 77719 77720 77721 77722 77723 77724 77725 77726 ..... 77889 77890 77891 77892 77893 77894 77895 77896 77897 77898 77899 77900 77901 77902 ..... 78461 78462 78463 78464 78465 78466 78467 78468 78469 78470 78471 78472 78473 78474 78475 78476 78477 78478 78479 78480 78481 78482 78483 78484 78485 78486 78487 78488 78489 ..... 78493 78494 78495 78496 78497 78498 78499 78500 78501 78502 78503 78504 78505 78506 78507 ..... 78593 78594 78595 78596 78597 78598 78599 78600 78601 78602 78603 78604 78605 78606 ..... 79111 79112 79113 79114 79115 79116 79117 79118 79119 79120 79121 79122 79123 79124 79125 79126 79127 79128 79129 79130 ..... 79138 79139 79140 79141 79142 79143 79144 79145 79146 79147 79148 79149 79150 79151 79152 79153 79154 79155 79156 79157 79158 79159 79160 79161 79162 ..... 79182 79183 79184 79185 79186 79187 79188 79189 79190 79191 79192 79193 79194 79195 79196 79197 79198 ..... 79703 79704 79705 79706 79707 79708 79709 79710 79711 79712 79713 79714 79715 79716 79717 ..... 79794 79795 79796 79797 79798 79799 79800 79801 79802 79803 79804 79805 79806 79807 79808 ..... 81039 81040 81041 81042 81043 81044 81045 81046 81047 81048 81049 81050 81051 81052 81053 81054 81055 81056 81057 81058 81059 ..... 81796 81797 81798 81799 81800 81801 81802 81803 81804 81805 81806 81807 81808 81809 81810 ..... 82085 82086 82087 82088 82089 82090 82091 82092 82093 82094 82095 82096 82097 82098 82099 82100 82101 82102 82103 82104 82105 82106 82107 82108 82109 82110 82111 ..... 82554 82555 82556 82557 82558 82559 82560 82561 82562 82563 82564 82565 82566 82567 ..... 82713 82714 82715 82716 82717 82718 82719 82720 82721 82722 82723 82724 82725 82726 82727 ..... 82827 82828 82829 82830 82831 82832 82833 82834 82835 82836 82837 82838 82839 82840 ..... 82877 82878 82879 82880 82881 82882 82883 82884 82885 82886 82887 82888 82889 82890 ..... 83055 83056 83057 83058 83059 83060 83061 83062 83063 83064 83065 83066 83067 83068 83069 ..... 83384 83385 83386 83387 83388 83389 83390 83391 83392 83393 83394 83395 83396 83397 83398 ..... 83778 83779 83780 83781 83782 83783 83784 83785 83786 83787 83788 83789 83790 83791 83792 ..... 83918 83919 83920 83921 83922 83923 83924 83925 83926 83927 83928 83929 83930 83931 83932 ..... 84058 84059 84060 84061 84062 84063 84064 84065 84066 84067 84068 84069 84070 84071 84072 ..... 85061 85062 85063 85064 85065 85066 85067 85068 85069 85070 85071 85072 85073 85074 ..... 85753 85754 85755 85756 85757 85758 85759 85760 85761 85762 85763 85764 85765 85766 85767 ..... 86022 86023 86024 86025 86026 86027 86028 86029 86030 86031 86032 86033 86034 86035 86036 86037 86038 86039 86040 ..... 86329 86330 86331 86332 86333 86334 86335 86336 86337 86338 86339 86340 86341 86342 86343 86344 86345 86346 86347 ..... 86750 86751 86752 86753 86754 86755 86756 86757 86758 86759 86760 86761 86762 86763 ..... 86815 86816 86817 86818 86819 86820 86821 86822 86823 86824 86825 86826 86827 86828 86829 ..... 86845 86846 86847 86848 86849 86850 86851 86852 86853 86854 86855 86856 86857 86858 86859 ..... 87024 87025 87026 87027 87028 87029 87030 87031 87032 87033 87034 87035 87036 87037 87038 87039 87040 87041 87042 87043 87044 ..... 87181 87182 87183 87184 87185 87186 87187 87188 87189 87190 87191 87192 87193 87194 87195 ..... 87288 87289 87290 87291 87292 87293 87294 87295 87296 87297 87298 87299 87300 87301 87302 ..... 87425 87426 87427 87428 87429 87430 87431 87432 87433 87434 87435 87436 87437 87438 87439 87440 87441 ..... 87486 87487 87488 87489 87490 87491 87492 87493 87494 87495 87496 87497 87498 87499 87500 ..... 87618 87619 87620 87621 87622 87623 87624 87625 87626 87627 87628 87629 87630 87631 87632 ..... 87760 87761 87762 87763 87764 87765 87766 87767 87768 87769 87770 87771 87772 87773 87774 87775 87776 ..... 88815 88816 88817 88818 88819 88820 88821 88822 88823 88824 88825 88826 88827 88828 ..... 88846 88847 88848 88849 88850 88851 88852 88853 88854 88855 88856 88857 88858 88859 88860 88861 88862 88863 88864 88865 88866 88867 88868 88869 88870 88871 88872 88873 88874 ..... 90660 90661 90662 90663 90664 90665 90666 90667 90668 90669 90670 90671 90672 90673 ..... 90729 90730 90731 90732 90733 90734 90735 90736 90737 90738 90739 90740 90741 90742 ..... 91621 91622 91623 91624 91625 91626 91627 91628 91629 91630 91631 91632 91633 91634 ..... 92232 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 92241 92242 92243 92244 92245 ..... 92690 92691 92692 92693 92694 92695 92696 92697 92698 92699 92700 92701 92702 92703 ..... 92801 92802 92803 92804 92805 92806 92807 92808 92809 92810 92811 92812 92813 92814 92815 92816 92817 92818 ..... 92898 92899 92900 92901 92902 92903 92904 92905 92906 92907 92908 92909 92910 92911 92912 ..... 92941 92942 92943 92944 92945 92946 92947 92948 92949 92950 92951 92952 92953 92954 ..... 93122 93123 93124 93125 93126 93127 93128 93129 93130 93131 93132 93133 93134 93135 93136 93137 93138 93139 93140 93141 93142 93143 93144 ..... 93198 93199 93200 93201 93202 93203 93204 93205 93206 93207 93208 93209 93210 93211 93212 ..... 93213 93214 93215 93216 93217 93218 93219 93220 93221 93222 93223 93224 93225 93226 93227 93228 ..... 93260 93261 93262 93263 93264 93265 93266 93267 93268 93269 93270 93271 93272 93273 93274 93275 ..... 93861 93862 93863 93864 93865 93866 93867 93868 93869 93870 93871 93872 93873 93874 93875 ..... 94019 94020 94021 94022 94023 94024 94025 94026 94027 94028 94029 94030 94031 94032 94033 ..... 94129 94130 94131 94132 94133 94134 94135 94136 94137 94138 94139 94140 94141 94142 94143 ..... 94736 94737 94738 94739 94740 94741 94742 94743 94744 94745 94746 94747 94748 94749 94750 94751 94752 94753 ..... 94793 94794 94795 94796 94797 94798 94799 94800 94801 94802 94803 94804 94805 94806 94807 ..... 94890 94891 94892 94893 94894 94895 94896 94897 94898 94899 94900 94901 94902 94903 94904 94905 94906 94907 ..... 95117 95118 95119 95120 95121 95122 95123 95124 95125 95126 95127 95128 95129 95130 95131 ..... 95132 95133 95134 95135 95136 95137 95138 95139 95140 95141 95142 95143 95144 95145 ..... 95704 95705 95706 95707 95708 95709 95710 95711 95712 95713 95714 95715 95716 95717 ..... 95804 95805 95806 95807 95808 95809 95810 95811 95812 95813 95814 95815 95816 95817 ..... 95897 95898 95899 95900 95901 95902 95903 95904 95905 95906 95907 95908 95909 95910 ..... 96079 96080 96081 96082 96083 96084 96085 96086 96087 96088 96089 96090 96091 96092 96093 ..... 96747 96748 96749 96750 96751 96752 96753 96754 96755 96756 96757 96758 96759 96760 96761 ..... 97011 97012 97013 97014 97015 97016 97017 97018 97019 97020 97021 97022 97023 97024 ..... 97063 97064 97065 97066 97067 97068 97069 97070 97071 97072 97073 97074 97075 97076 ..... 97168 97169 97170 97171 97172 97173 97174 97175 97176 97177 97178 97179 97180 97181 97182 97183 97184 97185 97186 ..... 97409 97410 97411 97412 97413 97414 97415 97416 97417 97418 97419 97420 97421 97422 97423 ..... 97530 97531 97532 97533 97534 97535 97536 97537 97538 97539 97540 97541 97542 97543 97544 ..... 97888 97889 97890 97891 97892 97893 97894 97895 97896 97897 97898 97899 97900 97901 97902 97903 97904 97905 97906 97907 97908 97909 97910 97911 97912 97913 97914 97915 97916 97917 97918 97919 97920 97921 97922 97923 97924 97925 97926 97927 97928 97929 97930 ..... 97947 97948 97949 97950 97951 97952 97953 97954 97955 97956 97957 97958 97959 97960 97961 97962 97963 97964 97965 97966 97967 97968 97969 97970 97971 97972 97973 97974 97975 97976 97977 97978 97979 97980 97981 97982 ..... 98051 98052 98053 98054 98055 98056 98057 98058 98059 98060 98061 98062 98063 98064 98065 98066 98067 ..... 98073 98074 98075 98076 98077 98078 98079 98080 98081 98082 98083 98084 98085 98086 98087 98088 98089 98090 98091 98092 98093 98094 98095 98096 98097 98098 98099 98100 98101 98102 98103 98104 98105 98106 98107 98108 98109 98110 98111 98112 98113 98114 98115 98116 98117 98118 98119 98120 98121 98122 98123 98124 98125 98126 98127 98128 98129 98130 98131 98132 98133 98134 98135 98136 98137 98138 98139 98140 98141 98142 98143 98144 98145 98146 98147 98148 98149 ..... 98154 98155 98156 98157 98158 98159 98160 98161 98162 98163 98164 98165 98166 98167 98168 ..... 98197 98198 98199 98200 98201 98202 98203 98204 98205 98206 98207 98208 98209 98210 98211 98212 98213 98214 98215 98216 98217 98218 98219 98220 98221 98222 98223 ..... 98226 98227 98228 98229 98230 98231 98232 98233 98234 98235 98236 98237 98238 98239 98240 98241 98242 98243 98244 98245 98246 98247 98248 98249 ..... 98259 98260 98261 98262 98263 98264 98265 98266 98267 98268 98269 98270 98271 98272 98273 98274 98275 98276 98277 98278 98279 98280 98281 98282 98283 98284 98285 98286 98287 98288 98289 98290 98291 98292 98293 98294 98295 98296 98297 98298 98299 98300 98301 98302 98303 98304 98305 98306 98307 98308 98309 98310 98311 98312 98313 98314 98315 98316 98317 98318 98319 98320 98321 98322 98323 98324 98325 98326 98327 98328 98329 98330 98331 98332 ..... 98349 98350 98351 98352 98353 98354 98355 98356 98357 98358 98359 98360 98361 98362 98363 98364 ..... 98381 98382 98383 98384 98385 98386 98387 98388 98389 98390 98391 98392 98393 98394 98395 98396 98397 98398 98399 98400 98401 98402 98403 98404 98405 98406 98407 98408 98409 98410 98411 98412 98413 98414 98415 98416 98417 98418 98419 98420 98421 98422 98423 98424 98425 98426 98427 98428 ..... 98455 98456 98457 98458 98459 98460 98461 98462 98463 98464 98465 98466 98467 98468 98469 98470 98471 98472 98473 98474 98475 98476 98477 98478 98479 98480 98481 98482 98483 98484 98485 98486 98487 98488 98489 98490 98491 ..... 99301 99302 99303 99304 99305 99306 99307 99308 99309 99310 99311 99312 99313 99314 99315 ..... 99340 99341 99342 99343 99344 99345 99346 99347 99348 99349 99350 99351 99352 99353 99354 ..... 99398 99399 99400 99401 99402 99403 99404 99405 99406 99407 99408 99409 99410 99411 99412 ..... 99444 99445 99446 99447 99448 99449 99450 99451 99452 99453 99454 99455 99456 99457 99458 ..... 99460 99461 99462 99463 99464 99465 99466 99467 99468 99469 99470 99471 99472 99473 99474 ..... 99569 99570 99571 99572 99573 99574 99575 99576 99577 99578 99579 99580 99581 99582 99583 ..... 99587 99588 99589 99590 99591 99592 99593 99594 99595 99596 99597 99598 99599 99600 99601 ..... 99895 99896 99897 99898 99899 99900 99901 99902 99903 99904 99905 99906 99907 99908 99909 99910 ...... 100007 100008 100009 100010 100011 100012 100013 100014 100015 100016 100017 100018 100019 100020 100021 100022 ...... 100024 100025 100026 100027 100028 100029 100030 100031 100032 100033 100034 100035 100036 100037 ...... 105350 105351 105352 105353 105354 105355 105356 105357 105358 105359 105360 105361 105362 105363 ...... 105484 105485 105486 105487 105488 105489 105490 105491 105492 105493 105494 105495 105496 105497 105498 105499 105500 105501 105502 105503 105504 105505 ...... 105628 105629 105630 105631 105632 105633 105634 105635 105636 105637 105638 105639 105640 105641 105642 ...... 105671 105672 105673 105674 105675 105676 105677 105678 105679 105680 105681 105682 105683 105684 105685 ...... 105762 105763 105764 105765 105766 105767 105768 105769 105770 105771 105772 105773 105774 105775 105776 ...... 105831 105832 105833 105834 105835 105836 105837 105838 105839 105840 105841 105842 105843 105844 105845 ...... 106316 106317 106318 106319 106320 106321 106322 106323 106324 106325 106326 106327 106328 106329 106330 106331 106332 106333 106334 106335 106336 106337 106338 106339 106340 106341 106342 106343 106344 106345 106346 106347 106348 106349 106350 106351 106352 106353 106354 106355 106356 106357 106358 106359 ...... 106363 106364 106365 106366 106367 106368 106369 106370 106371 106372 106373 106374 106375 106376 106377 106378 106379 106380 106381 106382 106383 106384 106385 106386 106387 106388 106389 106390 ...... 106629 106630 106631 106632 106633 106634 106635 106636 106637 106638 106639 106640 106641 106642 106643 106644 ...... 106749 106750 106751 106752 106753 106754 106755 106756 106757 106758 106759 106760 106761 106762 106763 ...... 106788 106789 106790 106791 106792 106793 106794 106795 106796 106797 106798 106799 106800 106801 106802 ...... 108589 108590 108591 108592 108593 108594 108595 108596 108597 108598 108599 108600 108601 108602 108603 ...... 108612 108613 108614 108615 108616 108617 108618 108619 108620 108621 108622 108623 108624 108625 ...... 108699 108700 108701 108702 108703 108704 108705 108706 108707 108708 108709 108710 108711 108712 108713 ...... 108767 108768 108769 108770 108771 108772 108773 108774 108775 108776 108777 108778 108779 108780 108781 108782 108783 108784 108785 108786 108787 108788 108789 108790 108791 108792 108793 108794 108795 108796 108797 108798 108799 108800 108801 108802 108803 108804 108805 108806 108807 108808 108809 108810 108811 108812 108813 ...... 108837 108838 108839 108840 108841 108842 108843 108844 108845 108846 108847 108848 108849 108850 ...... 108982 108983 108984 108985 108986 108987 108988 108989 108990 108991 108992 108993 108994 108995 ...... 109198 109199 109200 109201 109202 109203 109204 109205 109206 109207 109208 109209 109210 109211 ...... 109235 109236 109237 109238 109239 109240 109241 109242 109243 109244 109245 109246 109247 109248 ...... 109285 109286 109287 109288 109289 109290 109291 109292 109293 109294 109295 109296 109297 109298 ...... 109358 109359 109360 109361 109362 109363 109364 109365 109366 109367 109368 109369 109370 109371 ...... 109376 109377 109378 109379 109380 109381 109382 109383 109384 109385 109386 109387 109388 109389 109390 ...... 110469 110470 110471 110472 110473 110474 110475 110476 110477 110478 110479 110480 110481 110482 110483 110484 110485 110486 110487 110488 110489 110490 110491 110492 110493 110494 110495 110496 110497 110498 110499 110500 110501 110502 110503 110504 110505 110506 110507 110508 110509 110510 110511 110512 110513 110514 110515 110516 110517 110518 110519 110520 110521 110522 110523 110524 110525 110526 110527 110528 110529 110530 110531 110532 110533 110534 110535 110536 110537 110538 110539 110540 110541 110542 110543 110544 110545 110546 110547 110548 110549 110550 110551 110552 110553 110554 110555 110556 110557 110558 110559 110560 110561 110562 110563 110564 110565 110566 110567 110568 110569 110570 110571 110572 110573 110574 110575 110576 110577 110578 110579 110580 110581 110582 110583 110584 110585 110586 110587 110588 110589 110590 110591 110592 110593 110594 110595 110596 110597 110598 110599 110600 110601 110602 110603 110604 110605 110606 ...... 110615 110616 110617 110618 110619 110620 110621 110622 110623 110624 110625 110626 110627 110628 110629 110630 110631 110632 110633 110634 110635 110636 110637 110638 110639 110640 110641 110642 110643 110644 110645 110646 110647 110648 110649 110650 110651 110652 110653 110654 110655 110656 110657 110658 110659 110660 110661 110662 110663 ...... 110772 110773 110774 110775 110776 110777 110778 110779 110780 110781 110782 110783 110784 110785 110786 110787 110788 110789 110790 110791 110792 ...... 110809 110810 110811 110812 110813 110814 110815 110816 110817 110818 110819 110820 110821 110822 110823 110824 110825 110826 ...... 110831 110832 110833 110834 110835 110836 110837 110838 110839 110840 110841 110842 110843 110844 110845 110846 110847 110848 110849 110850 ...... 111014 111015 111016 111017 111018 111019 111020 111021 111022 111023 111024 111025 111026 111027 111028 111029 111030 ...... 111040 111041 111042 111043 111044 111045 111046 111047 111048 111049 111050 111051 111052 111053 111054 111055 ...... 111061 111062 111063 111064 111065 111066 111067 111068 111069 111070 111071 111072 111073 111074 111075 111076 111077 111078 ...... 111406 111407 111408 111409 111410 111411 111412 111413 111414 111415 111416 111417 111418 111419 111420 111421 ...... 111462 111463 111464 111465 111466 111467 111468 111469 111470 111471 111472 111473 111474 111475 111476 ...... 111980 111981 111982 111983 111984 111985 111986 111987 111988 111989 111990 111991 111992 111993 ...... 112055 112056 112057 112058 112059 112060 112061 112062 112063 112064 112065 112066 112067 112068 ...... 114948 114949 114950 114951 114952 114953 114954 114955 114956 114957 114958 114959 114960 114961 114962 ...... 114965 114966 114967 114968 114969 114970 114971 114972 114973 114974 114975 114976 114977 114978 114979 ...... 114982 114983 114984 114985 114986 114987 114988 114989 114990 114991 114992 114993 114994 114995 114996 114997 114998 114999 115000 115001 115002 115003 115004 115005 115006 115007 115008 115009 ...... 115036 115037 115038 115039 115040 115041 115042 115043 115044 115045 115046 115047 115048 115049 115050 ...... 115137 115138 115139 115140 115141 115142 115143 115144 115145 115146 115147 115148 115149 115150 115151 115152 ...... 115840 115841 115842 115843 115844 115845 115846 115847 115848 115849 115850 115851 115852 115853 115854 115855 115856 115857 115858 115859 115860 115861 115862 115863 ...... 116039 116040 116041 116042 116043 116044 116045 116046 116047 116048 116049 116050 116051 116052 116053 116054 116055 116056 116057 116058 116059 116060 116061 116062 116063 116064 116065 116066 116067 116068 116069 116070 116071 116072 116073 116074 116075 116076 116077 116078 116079 116080 116081 116082 116083 116084 116085 116086 116087 116088 ...... 116679 116680 116681 116682 116683 116684 116685 116686 116687 116688 116689 116690 116691 116692 116693 116694 116695 116696 116697 116698 116699 116700 116701 116702 116703 116704 116705 116706 116707 116708 116709 116710 116711 ...... 116756 116757 116758 116759 116760 116761 116762 116763 116764 116765 116766 116767 116768 116769 116770 116771 116772 116773 116774 116775 116776 116777 116778 ...... 116813 116814 116815 116816 116817 116818 116819 116820 116821 116822 116823 116824 116825 116826 116827 116828 116829 116830 116831 116832 116833 116834 116835 116836 116837 116838 116839 116840 116841 116842 116843 116844 116845 116846 116847 116848 116849 116850 116851 116852 116853 116854 116855 116856 116857 116858 116859 116860 116861 116862 116863 116864 116865 116866 116867 116868 116869 116870 116871 116872 116873 116874 116875 116876 116877 116878 116879 116880 116881 116882 116883 116884 116885 116886 116887 116888 116889 116890 116891 116892 116893 116894 116895 116896 116897 116898 116899 116900 116901 116902 116903 116904 116905 116906 116907 116908 116909 116910 116911 116912 116913 116914 116915 116916 116917 116918 116919 116920 116921 116922 116923 116924 116925 116926 116927 116928 116929 116930 116931 116932 116933 116934 116935 116936 116937 116938 116939 116940 116941 116942 116943 116944 116945 116946 116947 116948 116949 116950 116951 116952 116953 116954 116955 116956 116957 116958 116959 116960 116961 116962 116963 116964 ...... 116978 116979 116980 116981 116982 116983 116984 116985 116986 116987 116988 116989 116990 116991 116992 116993 116994 116995 116996 116997 116998 116999 117000 117001 117002 117003 117004 117005 117006 117007 117008 117009 117010 117011 117012 117013 117014 117015 117016 117017 117018 117019 117020 117021 117022 117023 117024 117025 117026 117027 117028 117029 117030 117031 117032 117033 117034 117035 117036 117037 ...... 117038 117039 117040 117041 117042 117043 117044 117045 117046 117047 117048 117049 117050 117051 117052 117053 117054 117055 117056 117057 117058 117059 117060 117061 117062 117063 117064 117065 117066 117067 117068 117069 117070 117071 117072 117073 117074 117075 117076 117077 117078 117079 117080 117081 117082 117083 117084 117085 117086 117087 117088 117089 117090 117091 117092 117093 117094 117095 117096 117097 117098 117099 117100 117101 117102 117103 117104 117105 117106 117107 117108 117109 117110 117111 117112 117113 117114 117115 117116 117117 117118 117119 117120 117121 117122 117123 117124 117125 117126 117127 117128 117129 117130 117131 117132 117133 117134 117135 117136 117137 117138 117139 117140 117141 117142 117143 117144 117145 117146 117147 117148 117149 117150 117151 117152 117153 117154 117155 117156 117157 117158 117159 117160 117161 117162 117163 117164 117165 117166 117167 117168 117169 117170 117171 117172 117173 117174 117175 117176 117177 117178 117179 117180 117181 117182 117183 117184 117185 117186 117187 117188 117189 117190 117191 117192 117193 117194 117195 117196 117197 117198 117199 117200 117201 117202 ...... 117355 117356 117357 117358 117359 117360 117361 117362 117363 117364 117365 117366 117367 117368 117369 ...... 117613 117614 117615 117616 117617 117618 117619 117620 117621 117622 117623 117624 117625 117626 117627 ...... 118511 118512 118513 118514 118515 118516 118517 118518 118519 118520 118521 118522 118523 118524 118525 118526 118527 118528 118529 118530 118531 ...... 118591 118592 118593 118594 118595 118596 118597 118598 118599 118600 118601 118602 118603 118604 ...... 118797 118798 118799 118800 118801 118802 118803 118804 118805 118806 118807 118808 118809 118810 118811 118812 118813 ...... 120520 120521 120522 120523 120524 120525 120526 120527 120528 120529 120530 120531 120532 120533 120534 ...... 120605 120606 120607 120608 120609 120610 120611 120612 120613 120614 120615 120616 120617 120618 120619 120620 120621 120622 120623 120624 120625 120626 120627 ...... 120637 120638 120639 120640 120641 120642 120643 120644 120645 120646 120647 120648 120649 120650 120651 120652 120653 120654 120655 120656 120657 120658 120659 120660 120661 120662 120663 120664 120665 120666 120667 120668 120669 120670 120671 120672 120673 120674 120675 120676 120677 120678 120679 120680 120681 120682 120683 120684 120685 120686 120687 120688 120689 120690 120691 120692 120693 120694 120695 ...... 122385 122386 122387 122388 122389 122390 122391 122392 122393 122394 122395 122396 122397 122398 122399 ...... 122765 122766 122767 122768 122769 122770 122771 122772 122773 122774 122775 122776 122777 122778 ...... 122994 122995 122996 122997 122998 122999 123000 123001 123002 123003 123004 123005 123006 123007 123008 |
// we don't need Compilation Options Diagnostics in our embedded engine #define SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK 1 // we don't need sqlite3_progress_handler() API function #define SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE 1 // the RTREE extension is now (from v.1.8/3.7) compiled into the engine //#define SQLITE_OMIT_LOOKASIDE // since we use FastMM4, LookAside is not needed but seems mandatory in c source /****************************************************************************** ** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite ** version 3.7.5. By combining all the individual C code files into this ** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a one translation ** unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be ** possible if the files were compiled separately. Performance improvements ** of 5% or more are commonly seen when SQLite is compiled as a single ** translation unit. ** ** This file is all you need to compile SQLite. To use SQLite in other ** programs, you need this file and the "sqlite3.h" header file that defines ................................................................................ */ #ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT # define SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT 1000 #endif /* ** The maximum number of attached databases. This must be between 0 ** and 30. The upper bound on 30 is because a 32-bit integer bitmap ** is used internally to track attached databases. */ #ifndef SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED # define SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED 10 #endif ................................................................................ ** string contains the date and time of the check-in (UTC) and an SHA1 ** hash of the entire source tree. ** ** See also: [sqlite3_libversion()], ** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()], ** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()]. */ #define SQLITE_VERSION "3.7.5" #define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007005 #define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2011-01-28 17:03:50 ed759d5a9edb3bba5f48f243df47be29e3fe8cd7" /* ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_version, sqlite3_sourceid ** ** These interfaces provide the same information as the [SQLITE_VERSION], ** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER], and [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] C preprocessor macros ................................................................................ #define SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL 0x00004000 /* VFS only */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX 0x00008000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX 0x00010000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE 0x00020000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE 0x00040000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_WAL 0x00080000 /* VFS only */ /* ** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics ** ** The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the [sqlite3_io_methods] ** object returns an integer which is a vector of the these ** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage ** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods] ................................................................................ ** ^(The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED] opcode is generated internally by ** SQLite and sent to all VFSes in place of a call to the xSync method ** when the database connection has [PRAGMA synchronous] set to OFF.)^ ** Some specialized VFSes need this signal in order to operate correctly ** when [PRAGMA synchronous | PRAGMA synchronous=OFF] is set, but most ** VFSes do not need this signal and should silently ignore this opcode. ** Applications should not call [sqlite3_file_control()] with this ** opcode as doing so may disrupt the operation of the specilized VFSes ** that do require it. */ #define SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE 1 #define SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE 2 #define SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE 3 #define SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO 4 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT 5 ................................................................................ ** ^The xCurrentTimeInt64() method returns, as an integer, the Julian ** Day Number multipled by 86400000 (the number of milliseconds in ** a 24-hour day). ** ^SQLite will use the xCurrentTimeInt64() method to get the current ** date and time if that method is available (if iVersion is 2 or ** greater and the function pointer is not NULL) and will fall back ** to xCurrentTime() if xCurrentTimeInt64() is unavailable. */ typedef struct sqlite3_vfs sqlite3_vfs; struct sqlite3_vfs { int iVersion; /* Structure version number (currently 2) */ int szOsFile; /* Size of subclassed sqlite3_file */ int mxPathname; /* Maximum file pathname length */ sqlite3_vfs *pNext; /* Next registered VFS */ const char *zName; /* Name of this virtual file system */ void *pAppData; /* Pointer to application-specific data */ int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_file*, int flags, int *pOutFlags); ................................................................................ /* ** The methods above are in version 1 of the sqlite_vfs object ** definition. Those that follow are added in version 2 or later */ int (*xCurrentTimeInt64)(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*); /* ** The methods above are in versions 1 and 2 of the sqlite_vfs object. ** New fields may be appended in figure versions. The iVersion ** value will increment whenever this happens. */ }; /* ** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xAccess VFS method ................................................................................ /* ** CAPI3REF: Configure database connections ** ** The sqlite3_db_config() interface is used to make configuration ** changes to a [database connection]. The interface is similar to ** [sqlite3_config()] except that the changes apply to a single ** [database connection] (specified in the first argument). The ** sqlite3_db_config() interface should only be used immediately after ** the database connection is created using [sqlite3_open()], ** [sqlite3_open16()], or [sqlite3_open_v2()]. ** ** The second argument to sqlite3_db_config(D,V,...) is the ** configuration verb - an integer code that indicates what ** aspect of the [database connection] is being configured. ** The only choice for this value is [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE]. ** New verbs are likely to be added in future releases of SQLite. ** Additional arguments depend on the verb. ** ** ^Calls to sqlite3_db_config() return SQLITE_OK if and only if ** the call is considered successful. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...); /* ................................................................................ ** compiled with [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS]=0 in which case memory ** allocation statistics are disabled by default. ** </dd> ** ** <dt>SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH</dt> ** <dd> ^This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite can use for ** scratch memory. There are three arguments: A pointer an 8-byte ** aligned memory buffer from which the scrach allocations will be ** drawn, the size of each scratch allocation (sz), ** and the maximum number of scratch allocations (N). The sz ** argument must be a multiple of 16. ** The first argument must be a pointer to an 8-byte aligned buffer ** of at least sz*N bytes of memory. ** ^SQLite will use no more than two scratch buffers per thread. So ** N should be set to twice the expected maximum number of threads. ................................................................................ ** ^If the first pointer (the memory pointer) is NULL, then SQLite reverts ** to using its default memory allocator (the system malloc() implementation), ** undoing any prior invocation of [SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC]. ^If the ** memory pointer is not NULL and either [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3] or ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5] are defined, then the alternative memory ** allocator is engaged to handle all of SQLites memory allocation needs. ** The first pointer (the memory pointer) must be aligned to an 8-byte ** boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite will be undefined.</dd> ** ** <dt>SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX</dt> ** <dd> ^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an ** instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure. The argument specifies ** alternative low-level mutex routines to be used in place ** the mutex routines built into SQLite.)^ ^SQLite makes a copy of the ** content of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure before the call to ................................................................................ ** is invoked. ** ** <dl> ** <dt>SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE</dt> ** <dd> ^This option takes three additional arguments that determine the ** [lookaside memory allocator] configuration for the [database connection]. ** ^The first argument (the third parameter to [sqlite3_db_config()] is a ** pointer to an memory buffer to use for lookaside memory. ** ^The first argument after the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE verb ** may be NULL in which case SQLite will allocate the ** lookaside buffer itself using [sqlite3_malloc()]. ^The second argument is the ** size of each lookaside buffer slot. ^The third argument is the number of ** slots. The size of the buffer in the first argument must be greater than ** or equal to the product of the second and third arguments. The buffer ** must be aligned to an 8-byte boundary. ^If the second argument to ................................................................................ ** connection is not currently using lookaside memory, or in other words ** when the "current value" returned by ** [sqlite3_db_status](D,[SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE],...) is zero. ** Any attempt to change the lookaside memory configuration when lookaside ** memory is in use leaves the configuration unchanged and returns ** [SQLITE_BUSY].)^</dd> ** ** </dl> */ #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE 1001 /* void* int int */ /* ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes ** ** ^The sqlite3_extended_result_codes() routine enables or disables the ** [extended result codes] feature of SQLite. ^The extended result ................................................................................ ** method. */ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_randomness(int N, void *P); /* ** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Authorization Callbacks ** ** ^This routine registers a authorizer callback with a particular ** [database connection], supplied in the first argument. ** ^The authorizer callback is invoked as SQL statements are being compiled ** by [sqlite3_prepare()] or its variants [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], ** [sqlite3_prepare16()] and [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. ^At various ** points during the compilation process, as logic is being created ** to perform various actions, the authorizer callback is invoked to ** see if those actions are allowed. ^The authorizer callback should ................................................................................ ** compiled using either [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. */ SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); /* ** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Writes The Database ** ** ^The sqlite3_stmt_readonly(X) interface returns true (non-zero) if ** and only if the [prepared statement] X makes no direct changes to ** the content of the database file. ** ** Note that [application-defined SQL functions] or ** [virtual tables] might change the database indirectly as a side effect. ** ^(For example, if an application defines a function "eval()" that ** calls [sqlite3_exec()], then the following SQL statement would ................................................................................ ** An sqlite3_value object may be either "protected" or "unprotected". ** Some interfaces require a protected sqlite3_value. Other interfaces ** will accept either a protected or an unprotected sqlite3_value. ** Every interface that accepts sqlite3_value arguments specifies ** whether or not it requires a protected sqlite3_value. ** ** The terms "protected" and "unprotected" refer to whether or not ** a mutex is held. A internal mutex is held for a protected ** sqlite3_value object but no mutex is held for an unprotected ** sqlite3_value object. If SQLite is compiled to be single-threaded ** (with [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] and with [sqlite3_threadsafe()] returning 0) ** or if SQLite is run in one of reduced mutex modes ** [SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD] or [SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD] ** then there is no distinction between protected and unprotected ** sqlite3_value objects and they can be used interchangeably. However, ................................................................................ ** interface returns a pointer to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string ** and sqlite3_column_name16() returns a pointer to a zero-terminated ** UTF-16 string. ^The first parameter is the [prepared statement] ** that implements the [SELECT] statement. ^The second parameter is the ** column number. ^The leftmost column is number 0. ** ** ^The returned string pointer is valid until either the [prepared statement] ** is destroyed by [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the next call to ** sqlite3_column_name() or sqlite3_column_name16() on the same column. ** ** ^If sqlite3_malloc() fails during the processing of either routine ** (for example during a conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16) then a ** NULL pointer is returned. ** ** ^The name of a result column is the value of the "AS" clause for ................................................................................ ** table column that is the origin of a particular result column in ** [SELECT] statement. ** ^The name of the database or table or column can be returned as ** either a UTF-8 or UTF-16 string. ^The _database_ routines return ** the database name, the _table_ routines return the table name, and ** the origin_ routines return the column name. ** ^The returned string is valid until the [prepared statement] is destroyed ** using [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the same information is requested ** again in a different encoding. ** ** ^The names returned are the original un-aliased names of the ** database, table, and column. ** ** ^The first argument to these interfaces is a [prepared statement]. ** ^These functions return information about the Nth result column returned by ................................................................................ ** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL function} ** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL functions} ** ** ^These functions (collectively known as "function creation routines") ** are used to add SQL functions or aggregates or to redefine the behavior ** of existing SQL functions or aggregates. The only differences between ** these routines are the text encoding expected for ** the the second parameter (the name of the function being created) ** and the presence or absence of a destructor callback for ** the application data pointer. ** ** ^The first parameter is the [database connection] to which the SQL ** function is to be added. ^If an application uses more than one database ** connection then application-defined SQL functions must be added ** to each database connection separately. ................................................................................ ** ** ^The sixth, seventh and eighth parameters, xFunc, xStep and xFinal, are ** pointers to C-language functions that implement the SQL function or ** aggregate. ^A scalar SQL function requires an implementation of the xFunc ** callback only; NULL pointers must be passed as the xStep and xFinal ** parameters. ^An aggregate SQL function requires an implementation of xStep ** and xFinal and NULL pointer must be passed for xFunc. ^To delete an existing ** SQL function or aggregate, pass NULL poiners for all three function ** callbacks. ** ** ^(If the ninth parameter to sqlite3_create_function_v2() is not NULL, ** then it is destructor for the application data pointer. ** The destructor is invoked when the function is deleted, either by being ** overloaded or when the database connection closes.)^ ** ^The destructor is also invoked if the call to ................................................................................ ** ^The eTextRep argument determines the encoding of strings passed ** to the collating function callback, xCallback. ** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16] and [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] values for eTextRep ** force strings to be UTF16 with native byte order. ** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] value for eTextRep forces strings to begin ** on an even byte address. ** ** ^The fourth argument, pArg, is a application data pointer that is passed ** through as the first argument to the collating function callback. ** ** ^The fifth argument, xCallback, is a pointer to the collating function. ** ^Multiple collating functions can be registered using the same name but ** with different eTextRep parameters and SQLite will use whichever ** function requires the least amount of data transformation. ** ^If the xCallback argument is NULL then the collating function is ................................................................................ ** that collation is no longer usable. ** ** ^The collating function callback is invoked with a copy of the pArg ** application data pointer and with two strings in the encoding specified ** by the eTextRep argument. The collating function must return an ** integer that is negative, zero, or positive ** if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second, ** respectively. A collating function must alway return the same answer ** given the same inputs. If two or more collating functions are registered ** to the same collation name (using different eTextRep values) then all ** must give an equivalent answer when invoked with equivalent strings. ** The collating function must obey the following properties for all ** strings A, B, and C: ** ** <ol> ................................................................................ ** if one or more of following conditions are true: ** ** <ul> ** <li> The soft heap limit is set to zero. ** <li> Memory accounting is disabled using a combination of the ** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS],...) start-time option and ** the [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS] compile-time option. ** <li> An alternative page cache implementation is specifed using ** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE],...). ** <li> The page cache allocates from its own memory pool supplied ** by [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE],...) rather than ** from the heap. ** </ul>)^ ** ** Beginning with SQLite version 3.7.3, the soft heap limit is enforced ................................................................................ typedef struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor sqlite3_vtab_cursor; typedef struct sqlite3_module sqlite3_module; /* ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Object ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_module {virtual table module} ** ** This structure, sometimes called a a "virtual table module", ** defines the implementation of a [virtual tables]. ** This structure consists mostly of methods for the module. ** ** ^A virtual table module is created by filling in a persistent ** instance of this structure and passing a pointer to that instance ** to [sqlite3_create_module()] or [sqlite3_create_module_v2()]. ** ^The registration remains valid until it is replaced by a different ................................................................................ ** ** ^(If the row that a BLOB handle points to is modified by an ** [UPDATE], [DELETE], or by [ON CONFLICT] side-effects ** then the BLOB handle is marked as "expired". ** This is true if any column of the row is changed, even a column ** other than the one the BLOB handle is open on.)^ ** ^Calls to [sqlite3_blob_read()] and [sqlite3_blob_write()] for ** a expired BLOB handle fail with an return code of [SQLITE_ABORT]. ** ^(Changes written into a BLOB prior to the BLOB expiring are not ** rolled back by the expiration of the BLOB. Such changes will eventually ** commit if the transaction continues to completion.)^ ** ** ^Use the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface to determine the size of ** the opened blob. ^The size of a blob may not be changed by this ** interface. Use the [UPDATE] SQL command to change the size of a ................................................................................ ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of lookaside memory slots currently ** checked out.</dd>)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that were ** satisfied using lookaside memory. Only the high-water value is meaningful; ** the current value is always zero. ** checked out.</dd>)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have ** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to the amount of ** memory requested being larger than the lookaside slot size. ** Only the high-water value is meaningful; ** the current value is always zero. ** checked out.</dd>)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have ** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to all lookaside ** memory already being in use. ** Only the high-water value is meaningful; ** the current value is always zero. ** checked out.</dd>)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the approximate number of of bytes of heap ** memory used by all pager caches associated with the database connection.)^ ** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED is always 0. ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED</dt> ................................................................................ ** connection D. ^If the database connection D is not in ** [WAL | write-ahead log mode] then this interface is a harmless no-op. ** ** ^The [wal_checkpoint pragma] can be used to invoke this interface ** from SQL. ^The [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint()] interface and the ** [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] can be used to cause this interface to be ** run whenever the WAL reaches a certain size threshold. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb); /* ** Undo the hack that converts floating point types to integer for ** builds on processors without floating point support. */ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT # undef double ................................................................................ /* ** Forward declarations of structure */ typedef struct Btree Btree; typedef struct BtCursor BtCursor; typedef struct BtShared BtShared; typedef struct BtreeMutexArray BtreeMutexArray; /* ** This structure records all of the Btrees that need to hold ** a mutex before we enter sqlite3VdbeExec(). The Btrees are ** are placed in aBtree[] in order of aBtree[]->pBt. That way, ** we can always lock and unlock them all quickly. */ struct BtreeMutexArray { int nMutex; Btree *aBtree[SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED+1]; }; SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeOpen( const char *zFilename, /* Name of database file to open */ sqlite3 *db, /* Associated database connection */ Btree **ppBtree, /* Return open Btree* here */ int flags, /* Flags */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSecureDelete(Btree*,int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree*,int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(Btree*, const char *zMaster); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeRollback(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(Btree*,int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(Btree*, int*, int flags); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInBackup(Btree*); ................................................................................ #ifdef SQLITE_TEST SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor*, int*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorList(Btree*); #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree*); #endif /* ** If we are not using shared cache, then there is no need to ** use mutexes to access the BtShared structures. So make the ** Enter and Leave procedures no-ops. */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3*); #else # define sqlite3BtreeEnter(X) # define sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(X) #endif #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeave(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(BtCursor*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(BtCursor*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayEnter(BtreeMutexArray*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(BtreeMutexArray*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert(BtreeMutexArray*, Btree*); #ifndef NDEBUG /* These routines are used inside assert() statements only. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(sqlite3*); #endif #else # define sqlite3BtreeLeave(X) # define sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(X) # define sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(X) # define sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(X) # define sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayEnter(X) # define sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(X) # define sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert(X,Y) # define sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(X) 1 # define sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(X) 1 #endif #endif /* _BTREE_H_ */ /************** End of btree.h ***********************************************/ /************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ ................................................................................ #define P4_DYNAMIC (-1) /* Pointer to a string obtained from sqliteMalloc() */ #define P4_STATIC (-2) /* Pointer to a static string */ #define P4_COLLSEQ (-4) /* P4 is a pointer to a CollSeq structure */ #define P4_FUNCDEF (-5) /* P4 is a pointer to a FuncDef structure */ #define P4_KEYINFO (-6) /* P4 is a pointer to a KeyInfo structure */ #define P4_VDBEFUNC (-7) /* P4 is a pointer to a VdbeFunc structure */ #define P4_MEM (-8) /* P4 is a pointer to a Mem* structure */ #define P4_TRANSIENT (-9) /* P4 is a pointer to a transient string */ #define P4_VTAB (-10) /* P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_vtab structure */ #define P4_MPRINTF (-11) /* P4 is a string obtained from sqlite3_mprintf() */ #define P4_REAL (-12) /* P4 is a 64-bit floating point value */ #define P4_INT64 (-13) /* P4 is a 64-bit signed integer */ #define P4_INT32 (-14) /* P4 is a 32-bit signed integer */ #define P4_INTARRAY (-15) /* P4 is a vector of 32-bit integers */ #define P4_SUBPROGRAM (-18) /* P4 is a pointer to a SubProgram structure */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSync(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(Pager*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerRollback(Pager*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int n); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int op, int iSavepoint); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalSupported(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenWal(Pager *pPager, int *pisOpen); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager); /* Functions used to query pager state and configuration. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager*); ................................................................................ u8 inTrans; /* 0: not writable. 1: Transaction. 2: Checkpoint */ u8 safety_level; /* How aggressive at syncing data to disk */ Schema *pSchema; /* Pointer to database schema (possibly shared) */ }; /* ** An instance of the following structure stores a database schema. */ struct Schema { int schema_cookie; /* Database schema version number for this file */ Hash tblHash; /* All tables indexed by name */ Hash idxHash; /* All (named) indices indexed by name */ Hash trigHash; /* All triggers indexed by name */ Hash fkeyHash; /* All foreign keys by referenced table name */ Table *pSeqTab; /* The sqlite_sequence table used by AUTOINCREMENT */ u8 file_format; /* Schema format version for this file */ u8 enc; /* Text encoding used by this database */ ................................................................................ #define SQLITE_RecoveryMode 0x00800000 /* Ignore schema errors */ #define SQLITE_ReverseOrder 0x01000000 /* Reverse unordered SELECTs */ #define SQLITE_RecTriggers 0x02000000 /* Enable recursive triggers */ #define SQLITE_ForeignKeys 0x04000000 /* Enforce foreign key constraints */ #define SQLITE_AutoIndex 0x08000000 /* Enable automatic indexes */ #define SQLITE_PreferBuiltin 0x10000000 /* Preference to built-in funcs */ #define SQLITE_LoadExtension 0x20000000 /* Enable load_extension */ /* ** Bits of the sqlite3.flags field that are used by the ** sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS,...) interface. ** These must be the low-order bits of the flags field. */ #define SQLITE_QueryFlattener 0x01 /* Disable query flattening */ ................................................................................ ** schema. This is because each database connection requires its own unique ** instance of the sqlite3_vtab* handle used to access the virtual table ** implementation. sqlite3_vtab* handles can not be shared between ** database connections, even when the rest of the in-memory database ** schema is shared, as the implementation often stores the database ** connection handle passed to it via the xConnect() or xCreate() method ** during initialization internally. This database connection handle may ** then used by the virtual table implementation to access real tables ** within the database. So that they appear as part of the callers ** transaction, these accesses need to be made via the same database ** connection as that used to execute SQL operations on the virtual table. ** ** All VTable objects that correspond to a single table in a shared ** database schema are initially stored in a linked-list pointed to by ** the Table.pVTable member variable of the corresponding Table object. ................................................................................ int nColumn; /* Number of columns in the table used by this index */ int *aiColumn; /* Which columns are used by this index. 1st is 0 */ unsigned *aiRowEst; /* Result of ANALYZE: Est. rows selected by each column */ Table *pTable; /* The SQL table being indexed */ int tnum; /* Page containing root of this index in database file */ u8 onError; /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */ u8 autoIndex; /* True if is automatically created (ex: by UNIQUE) */ char *zColAff; /* String defining the affinity of each column */ Index *pNext; /* The next index associated with the same table */ Schema *pSchema; /* Schema containing this index */ u8 *aSortOrder; /* Array of size Index.nColumn. True==DESC, False==ASC */ char **azColl; /* Array of collation sequence names for index */ IndexSample *aSample; /* Array of SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES samples */ }; ................................................................................ */ struct Expr { u8 op; /* Operation performed by this node */ char affinity; /* The affinity of the column or 0 if not a column */ u16 flags; /* Various flags. EP_* See below */ union { char *zToken; /* Token value. Zero terminated and dequoted */ int iValue; /* Integer value if EP_IntValue */ } u; /* If the EP_TokenOnly flag is set in the Expr.flags mask, then no ** space is allocated for the fields below this point. An attempt to ** access them will result in a segfault or malfunction. *********************************************************************/ ................................................................................ Trigger *pTrigger; /* Trigger this program was coded from */ int orconf; /* Default ON CONFLICT policy */ SubProgram *pProgram; /* Program implementing pTrigger/orconf */ u32 aColmask[2]; /* Masks of old.*, new.* columns accessed */ TriggerPrg *pNext; /* Next entry in Parse.pTriggerPrg list */ }; /* ** An SQL parser context. A copy of this structure is passed through ** the parser and down into all the parser action routine in order to ** carry around information that is global to the entire parse. ** ** The structure is divided into two parts. When the parser and code ** generate call themselves recursively, the first part of the structure ................................................................................ int iTable; /* Table cursor number */ int iColumn; /* Table column number */ u8 tempReg; /* iReg is a temp register that needs to be freed */ int iLevel; /* Nesting level */ int iReg; /* Reg with value of this column. 0 means none. */ int lru; /* Least recently used entry has the smallest value */ } aColCache[SQLITE_N_COLCACHE]; /* One for each column cache entry */ u32 writeMask; /* Start a write transaction on these databases */ u32 cookieMask; /* Bitmask of schema verified databases */ u8 isMultiWrite; /* True if statement may affect/insert multiple rows */ u8 mayAbort; /* True if statement may throw an ABORT exception */ int cookieGoto; /* Address of OP_Goto to cookie verifier subroutine */ int cookieValue[SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED+2]; /* Values of cookies to verify */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE int nTableLock; /* Number of locks in aTableLock */ TableLock *aTableLock; /* Required table locks for shared-cache mode */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggList(NameContext*,ExprList*); SQLITE_PRIVATE Vdbe *sqlite3GetVdbe(Parse*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngSaveState(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngRestoreState(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngResetState(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RollbackAll(sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(Parse*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BeginTransaction(Parse*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CommitTransaction(Parse*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RollbackTransaction(Parse*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Savepoint(Parse*, int, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CloseSavepoints(sqlite3 *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstant(Expr*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(Expr*); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char*zName); SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr); SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetColl(Expr*, CollSeq*); SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(Parse *pParse, Expr*, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckCollSeq(Parse *, CollSeq *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckObjectName(Parse *, const char *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetChanges(sqlite3 *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3ValueText(sqlite3_value*, u8); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value*, u8); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ValueSetStr(sqlite3_value*, int, const void *,u8, void(*)(void*)); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ValueFree(sqlite3_value*); SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_value *sqlite3ValueNew(sqlite3 *); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE const Token sqlite3IntTokens[]; SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_WSD struct Sqlite3Config sqlite3Config; SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_WSD FuncDefHash sqlite3GlobalFunctions; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WSD SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PendingByte; #endif #endif SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RootPageMoved(Db*, int, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Reindex(Parse*, Token*, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterFunctions(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(Parse*, SrcList*, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3GetToken(const unsigned char *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3NestedParse(Parse*, const char*, ...); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeSubselect(Parse *, Expr *, int, int); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FindDbName(sqlite3 *, const char *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AnalysisLoad(sqlite3*,int iDB); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DeleteIndexSamples(sqlite3*,Index*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DefaultRowEst(Index*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RegisterLikeFunctions(sqlite3*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsLikeFunction(sqlite3*,Expr*,int*,char*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3MinimumFileFormat(Parse*, int, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SchemaFree(void *); SQLITE_PRIVATE Schema *sqlite3SchemaGet(sqlite3 *, Btree *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SchemaToIndex(sqlite3 *db, Schema *); SQLITE_PRIVATE KeyInfo *sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(Parse *, Index *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CreateFunc(sqlite3 *, const char *, int, int, void *, void (*)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **), void (*)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **), void (*)(sqlite3_context*), FuncDestructor *pDestructor ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TransferBindings(sqlite3_stmt *, sqlite3_stmt *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Reprepare(Vdbe*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(Parse*, ExprList*, const char*); SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(Parse *, Expr *, Expr *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TempInMemory(const sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE VTable *sqlite3GetVTable(sqlite3*, Table*); SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3JournalModename(int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Checkpoint(sqlite3*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalDefaultHook(void*,sqlite3*,const char*,int); /* Declarations for functions in fkey.c. All of these are replaced by ** no-op macros if OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY is defined. In this case no foreign ** key functionality is available. If OMIT_TRIGGER is defined but ** OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY is not, only some of the functions are no-oped. In ** this case foreign keys are parsed, but no other functionality is ................................................................................ u8 runOnlyOnce; /* Automatically expire on reset */ u8 minWriteFileFormat; /* Minimum file format for writable database files */ u8 inVtabMethod; /* See comments above */ u8 usesStmtJournal; /* True if uses a statement journal */ u8 readOnly; /* True for read-only statements */ u8 isPrepareV2; /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */ int nChange; /* Number of db changes made since last reset */ int btreeMask; /* Bitmask of db->aDb[] entries referenced */ int iStatement; /* Statement number (or 0 if has not opened stmt) */ int aCounter[3]; /* Counters used by sqlite3_stmt_status() */ BtreeMutexArray aMutex; /* An array of Btree used here and needing locks */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE i64 startTime; /* Time when query started - used for profiling */ #endif i64 nFkConstraint; /* Number of imm. FK constraints this VM */ i64 nStmtDefCons; /* Number of def. constraints when stmt started */ char *zSql; /* Text of the SQL statement that generated this */ void *pFree; /* Free this when deleting the vdbe */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(Mem*, FuncDef*); SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(Mem *pMem, int n, int preserve); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCloseStatement(Vdbe *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeFrameDelete(VdbeFrame*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeFrameRestore(VdbeFrame *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(Mem *pMem); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrepareToChange(Vdbe*,Mem*); #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(Vdbe *, int); #else # define sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p,i) 0 #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(Vdbe *p); #else # define sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(p) #endif SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem*, u8); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbePrintSql(Vdbe*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, char *zBuf); #endif SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemHandleBom(Mem *pMem); ................................................................................ ** to store the schema for all databases (main, temp, and any ATTACHed ** databases. *pHighwater is set to zero. */ case SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED: { int i; /* Used to iterate through schemas */ int nByte = 0; /* Used to accumulate return value */ db->pnBytesFreed = &nByte; for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[i].pSchema; if( ALWAYS(pSchema!=0) ){ HashElem *p; nByte += sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xRoundup(sizeof(HashElem)) * ( ................................................................................ } for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){ sqlite3DeleteTable(db, (Table *)sqliteHashData(p)); } } } db->pnBytesFreed = 0; *pHighwater = 0; *pCurrent = nByte; break; } /* ................................................................................ /* ** Space for tracking which blocks are checked out and the size ** of each block. One byte per block. */ u8 *aCtrl; } mem5 = { 0 }; /* ** Access the static variable through a macro for SQLITE_OMIT_WSD */ #define mem5 GLOBAL(struct Mem5Global, mem5) /* ................................................................................ ** memsys5Log(4) -> 2 ** memsys5Log(5) -> 3 ** memsys5Log(8) -> 3 ** memsys5Log(9) -> 4 */ static int memsys5Log(int iValue){ int iLog; for(iLog=0; (1<<iLog)<iValue; iLog++); return iLog; } /* ** Initialize the memory allocator. ** ** This routine is not threadsafe. The caller must be holding a mutex ................................................................................ */ assert( (sizeof(Mem5Link)&(sizeof(Mem5Link)-1))==0 ); nByte = sqlite3GlobalConfig.nHeap; zByte = (u8*)sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap; assert( zByte!=0 ); /* sqlite3_config() does not allow otherwise */ nMinLog = memsys5Log(sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq); mem5.szAtom = (1<<nMinLog); while( (int)sizeof(Mem5Link)>mem5.szAtom ){ mem5.szAtom = mem5.szAtom << 1; } mem5.nBlock = (nByte / (mem5.szAtom+sizeof(u8))); ................................................................................ /* ** The mutex object ** Each recursive mutex is an instance of the following structure. */ struct sqlite3_mutex { HMTX mutex; /* Mutex controlling the lock */ int id; /* Mutex type */ int nRef; /* Number of references */ TID owner; /* Thread holding this mutex */ }; #define OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER 0,0,0,0 /* ** Initialize and deinitialize the mutex subsystem. */ static int os2MutexInit(void){ return SQLITE_OK; } static int os2MutexEnd(void){ return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ ** The sqlite3_mutex_alloc() routine allocates a new ** mutex and returns a pointer to it. If it returns NULL ** that means that a mutex could not be allocated. ** SQLite will unwind its stack and return an error. The argument ** to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() is one of these integer constants: ** ** <ul> ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST 0 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE 1 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER 2 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM 3 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_PRNG 4 ** </ul> ** ** The first two constants cause sqlite3_mutex_alloc() to create ** a new mutex. The new mutex is recursive when SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ** is used but not necessarily so when SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST is used. ** The mutex implementation does not need to make a distinction ** between SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE and SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST if it does ** not want to. But SQLite will only request a recursive mutex in ** cases where it really needs one. If a faster non-recursive mutex ** implementation is available on the host platform, the mutex subsystem ** might return such a mutex in response to SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST. ** ** The other allowed parameters to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() each return ** a pointer to a static preexisting mutex. Three static mutexes are ** used by the current version of SQLite. Future versions of SQLite ** may add additional static mutexes. Static mutexes are for internal ** use by SQLite only. Applications that use SQLite mutexes should ** use only the dynamic mutexes returned by SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST or ** SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE. ** ** Note that if one of the dynamic mutex parameters (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST ................................................................................ p = NULL; } } break; } default: { static volatile int isInit = 0; static sqlite3_mutex staticMutexes[] = { { OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }, { OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }, { OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }, { OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }, { OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }, { OS2_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }, }; if ( !isInit ){ APIRET rc; PTIB ptib; PPIB ppib; HMTX mutex; char name[32]; ................................................................................ /* ** This routine deallocates a previously allocated mutex. ** SQLite is careful to deallocate every mutex that it allocates. */ static void os2MutexFree(sqlite3_mutex *p){ if( p==0 ) return; assert( p->nRef==0 ); assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST || p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ); DosCloseMutexSem( p->mutex ); sqlite3_free( p ); } #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_held() and sqlite3_mutex_notheld() routine are ................................................................................ ** intended for use inside assert() statements. */ static int os2MutexHeld(sqlite3_mutex *p){ TID tid; PID pid; ULONG ulCount; PTIB ptib; if( p!=0 ) { DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount); } else { DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL); tid = ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid; } return p==0 || (p->nRef!=0 && p->owner==tid); } static int os2MutexNotheld(sqlite3_mutex *p){ TID tid; PID pid; ULONG ulCount; PTIB ptib; if( p!= 0 ) { DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount); } else { DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL); tid = ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid; } return p==0 || p->nRef==0 || p->owner!=tid; } #endif /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_enter() and sqlite3_mutex_try() routines attempt ** to enter a mutex. If another thread is already within the mutex, ** sqlite3_mutex_enter() will block and sqlite3_mutex_try() will return ................................................................................ ** upon successful entry. Mutexes created using SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE can ** be entered multiple times by the same thread. In such cases the, ** mutex must be exited an equal number of times before another thread ** can enter. If the same thread tries to enter any other kind of mutex ** more than once, the behavior is undefined. */ static void os2MutexEnter(sqlite3_mutex *p){ TID tid; PID holder1; ULONG holder2; if( p==0 ) return; assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE || os2MutexNotheld(p) ); DosRequestMutexSem(p->mutex, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &holder1, &tid, &holder2); p->owner = tid; p->nRef++; } static int os2MutexTry(sqlite3_mutex *p){ int rc; TID tid; PID holder1; ULONG holder2; if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_OK; assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE || os2MutexNotheld(p) ); if( DosRequestMutexSem(p->mutex, SEM_IMMEDIATE_RETURN) == NO_ERROR) { DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &holder1, &tid, &holder2); p->owner = tid; p->nRef++; rc = SQLITE_OK; } else { rc = SQLITE_BUSY; } return rc; } /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was ** previously entered by the same thread. The behavior ** is undefined if the mutex is not currently entered or ** is not currently allocated. SQLite will never do either. */ static void os2MutexLeave(sqlite3_mutex *p){ TID tid; PID holder1; ULONG holder2; if( p==0 ) return; assert( p->nRef>0 ); DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &holder1, &tid, &holder2); assert( p->owner==tid ); p->nRef--; assert( p->nRef==0 || p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ); DosReleaseMutexSem(p->mutex); } SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){ static const sqlite3_mutex_methods sMutex = { os2MutexInit, os2MutexEnd, os2MutexAlloc, ................................................................................ os2MutexFree, os2MutexEnter, os2MutexTry, os2MutexLeave, #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG os2MutexHeld, os2MutexNotheld #endif }; return &sMutex; } #endif /* SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2 */ ................................................................................ rc = SQLITE_OK; } #else UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); #endif #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( rc==SQLITE_OK && p->trace ){ printf("enter mutex %p (%d) with nRef=%d\n", p, p->trace, p->nRef); } #endif return rc; } /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was ................................................................................ /* Release memory from the SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH allocation */ ScratchFreeslot *pSlot; pSlot = (ScratchFreeslot*)p; sqlite3_mutex_enter(mem0.mutex); pSlot->pNext = mem0.pScratchFree; mem0.pScratchFree = pSlot; mem0.nScratchFree++; assert( mem0.nScratchFree<=sqlite3GlobalConfig.nScratch ); sqlite3StatusAdd(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_USED, -1); sqlite3_mutex_leave(mem0.mutex); }else{ /* Release memory back to the heap */ assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_SCRATCH) ); assert( sqlite3MemdebugNoType(p, ~MEMTYPE_SCRATCH) ); sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP); ................................................................................ v = va_arg(ap,i64); }else if( flag_long ){ v = va_arg(ap,long int); }else{ v = va_arg(ap,int); } if( v<0 ){ longvalue = -v; prefix = '-'; }else{ longvalue = v; if( flag_plussign ) prefix = '+'; else if( flag_blanksign ) prefix = ' '; else prefix = 0; } ................................................................................ || (c&0xFFFFF800)==0xD800 \ || (c&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ){ c = 0xFFFD; } \ } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf8Read( const unsigned char *zIn, /* First byte of UTF-8 character */ const unsigned char **pzNext /* Write first byte past UTF-8 char here */ ){ int c; /* Same as READ_UTF8() above but without the zTerm parameter. ** For this routine, we assume the UTF8 string is always zero-terminated. */ c = *(zIn++); if( c>=0xc0 ){ c = sqlite3Utf8Trans1[c-0xc0]; ................................................................................ #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) /* ** Translate UTF-8 to UTF-8. ** ** This has the effect of making sure that the string is well-formed ** UTF-8. Miscoded characters are removed. ** ** The translation is done in-place (since it is impossible for the ** correct UTF-8 encoding to be longer than a malformed encoding). */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf8To8(unsigned char *zIn){ unsigned char *zOut = zIn; unsigned char *zStart = zIn; u32 c; while( zIn[0] ){ c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, (const u8**)&zIn); if( c!=0xfffd ){ WRITE_UTF8(zOut, c); } } *zOut = 0; return (int)(zOut - zStart); ................................................................................ #endif /* ** Routine needed to support the testcase() macro. */ #ifdef SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Coverage(int x){ static int dummy = 0; dummy += x; } #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT /* ** Return true if the floating point value is Not a Number (NaN). ** ................................................................................ testcase( c==(+1) ); } return c; } /* ** Convert zNum to a 64-bit signed integer and write ** the value of the integer into *pNum. ** If zNum is exactly 9223372036854665808, return 2. ** This is a special case as the context will determine ** if it is too big (used as a negative). ** If zNum is not an integer or is an integer that ** is too large to be expressed with 64 bits, ** then return 1. Otherwise return 0. ** ** length is the number of bytes in the string (bytes, not characters). ** The string is not necessarily zero-terminated. The encoding is ** given by enc. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi64(const char *zNum, i64 *pNum, int length, u8 enc){ int incr = (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2); i64 v = 0; int neg = 0; /* assume positive */ int i; int c = 0; const char *zStart; const char *zEnd = zNum + length; if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE ) zNum++; while( zNum<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*zNum) ) zNum+=incr; if( zNum>=zEnd ) goto do_atoi_calc; if( *zNum=='-' ){ neg = 1; zNum+=incr; }else if( *zNum=='+' ){ zNum+=incr; } do_atoi_calc: zStart = zNum; while( zNum<zEnd && zNum[0]=='0' ){ zNum+=incr; } /* Skip leading zeros. */ for(i=0; &zNum[i]<zEnd && (c=zNum[i])>='0' && c<='9'; i+=incr){ v = v*10 + c - '0'; } *pNum = neg ? -v : v; testcase( i==18 ); testcase( i==19 ); testcase( i==20 ); if( (c!=0 && &zNum[i]<zEnd) || (i==0 && zStart==zNum) || i>19*incr ){ /* zNum is empty or contains non-numeric text or is longer ** than 19 digits (thus guaranteeing that it is too large) */ return 1; }else if( i<19*incr ){ /* Less than 19 digits, so we know that it fits in 64 bits */ return 0; }else{ /* 19-digit numbers must be no larger than 9223372036854775807 if positive ** or 9223372036854775808 if negative. Note that 9223372036854665808 ** is 2^63. Return 1 if to large */ c=compare2pow63(zNum, incr); if( c==0 && neg==0 ) return 2; /* too big, exactly 9223372036854665808 */ return c<neg ? 0 : 1; } } /* ** If zNum represents an integer that will fit in 32-bits, then set ** *pValue to that integer and return true. Otherwise return false. ** ................................................................................ testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 ); logBadConnection("invalid"); return 0; }else{ return 1; } } /************** End of util.c ************************************************/ /************** Begin file hash.c ********************************************/ /* ** 2001 September 22 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ................................................................................ #endif #endif /* !defined(_OS_COMMON_H_) */ /************** End of os_common.h *******************************************/ /************** Continuing where we left off in os_os2.c *********************/ /* ** The os2File structure is subclass of sqlite3_file specific for the OS/2 ** protability layer. */ typedef struct os2File os2File; struct os2File { const sqlite3_io_methods *pMethod; /* Always the first entry */ HFILE h; /* Handle for accessing the file */ char* pathToDel; /* Name of file to delete on close, NULL if not */ unsigned char locktype; /* Type of lock currently held on this file */ }; #define LOCK_TIMEOUT 10L /* the default locking timeout */ /***************************************************************************** ** The next group of routines implement the I/O methods specified ** by the sqlite3_io_methods object. ******************************************************************************/ /* ** Close a file. */ static int os2Close( sqlite3_file *id ){ APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; os2File *pFile; if( id && (pFile = (os2File*)id) != 0 ){ OSTRACE(( "CLOSE %d\n", pFile->h )); rc = DosClose( pFile->h ); pFile->locktype = NO_LOCK; if( pFile->pathToDel != NULL ){ rc = DosForceDelete( (PSZ)pFile->pathToDel ); free( pFile->pathToDel ); pFile->pathToDel = NULL; } id = 0; OpenCounter( -1 ); } return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR; } /* ** Read data from a file into a buffer. Return SQLITE_OK if all ** bytes were read successfully and SQLITE_IOERR if anything goes ** wrong. ................................................................................ return ( rc != NO_ERROR || amt > (int)wrote ) ? SQLITE_FULL : SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Truncate an open file to a specified size */ static int os2Truncate( sqlite3_file *id, i64 nByte ){ APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; OSTRACE(( "TRUNCATE %d %lld\n", pFile->h, nByte )); SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE ); rc = DosSetFileSize( pFile->h, nByte ); return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE; } #ifdef SQLITE_TEST /* ** Count the number of fullsyncs and normal syncs. This is used to test ................................................................................ switch( op ){ case SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE: { *(int*)pArg = ((os2File*)id)->locktype; OSTRACE(( "FCNTL_LOCKSTATE %d lock=%d\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, ((os2File*)id)->locktype )); return SQLITE_OK; } } return SQLITE_NOTFOUND; } /* ** Return the sector size in bytes of the underlying block device for ** the specified file. This is almost always 512 bytes, but may be ................................................................................ ** ** SQLite code assumes this function cannot fail. It also assumes that ** if two files are created in the same file-system directory (i.e. ** a database and its journal file) that the sector size will be the ** same for both. */ static int os2SectorSize(sqlite3_file *id){ return SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; } /* ** Return a vector of device characteristics. */ static int os2DeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *id){ return 0; } /* ** Character set conversion objects used by conversion routines. */ static UconvObject ucUtf8 = NULL; /* convert between UTF-8 and UCS-2 */ ................................................................................ return out; /* if conversion fails, return the empty string */ /* determine string for the conversion of UTF-8 which is CP1208 */ UniStrFromUcs( ucUtf8, out, tempPath, CCHMAXPATH ); return out; } /* ** This vector defines all the methods that can operate on an ** sqlite3_file for os2. */ static const sqlite3_io_methods os2IoMethod = { 1, /* iVersion */ os2Close, os2Read, os2Write, os2Truncate, os2Sync, os2FileSize, os2Lock, os2Unlock, os2CheckReservedLock, os2FileControl, os2SectorSize, os2DeviceCharacteristics }; /*************************************************************************** ** Here ends the I/O methods that form the sqlite3_io_methods object. ** ** The next block of code implements the VFS methods. ****************************************************************************/ /* ** Create a temporary file name in zBuf. zBuf must be big enough to ** hold at pVfs->mxPathname characters. */ static int getTempname(int nBuf, char *zBuf ){ static const unsigned char zChars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "0123456789"; int i, j; char zTempPathBuf[3]; PSZ zTempPath = (PSZ)&zTempPathBuf; if( sqlite3_temp_directory ){ zTempPath = sqlite3_temp_directory; }else{ if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TEMP", &zTempPath ) ){ if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMP", &zTempPath ) ){ if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMPDIR", &zTempPath ) ){ ULONG ulDriveNum = 0, ulDriveMap = 0; DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap ); sprintf( (char*)zTempPath, "%c:", (char)( 'A' + ulDriveNum - 1 ) ); } } } } /* Strip off a trailing slashes or backslashes, otherwise we would get * * multiple (back)slashes which causes DosOpen() to fail. * * Trailing spaces are not allowed, either. */ j = sqlite3Strlen30(zTempPath); while( j > 0 && ( zTempPath[j-1] == '\\' || zTempPath[j-1] == '/' || zTempPath[j-1] == ' ' ) ){ j--; } zTempPath[j] = '\0'; if( !sqlite3_temp_directory ){ char *zTempPathUTF = convertCpPathToUtf8( zTempPath ); sqlite3_snprintf( nBuf-30, zBuf, "%s\\"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPathUTF ); free( zTempPathUTF ); }else{ sqlite3_snprintf( nBuf-30, zBuf, "%s\\"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath ); } j = sqlite3Strlen30( zBuf ); sqlite3_randomness( 20, &zBuf[j] ); for( i = 0; i < 20; i++, j++ ){ zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ]; } zBuf[j] = 0; OSTRACE(( "TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf )); return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname. Write the full ................................................................................ const char *zRelative, /* Possibly relative input path */ int nFull, /* Size of output buffer in bytes */ char *zFull /* Output buffer */ ){ char *zRelativeCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zRelative ); char zFullCp[CCHMAXPATH] = "\0"; char *zFullUTF; APIRET rc = DosQueryPathInfo( zRelativeCp, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, zFullCp, CCHMAXPATH ); free( zRelativeCp ); zFullUTF = convertCpPathToUtf8( zFullCp ); sqlite3_snprintf( nFull, zFull, zFullUTF ); free( zFullUTF ); return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR; } /* ** Open a file. */ static int os2Open( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Not used */ const char *zName, /* Name of the file */ sqlite3_file *id, /* Write the SQLite file handle here */ int flags, /* Open mode flags */ int *pOutFlags /* Status return flags */ ){ HFILE h; ULONG ulFileAttribute = FILE_NORMAL; ULONG ulOpenFlags = 0; ULONG ulOpenMode = 0; os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; ULONG ulAction; char *zNameCp; char zTmpname[CCHMAXPATH+1]; /* Buffer to hold name of temp file */ /* If the second argument to this function is NULL, generate a ** temporary file name to use */ if( !zName ){ int rc = getTempname(CCHMAXPATH+1, zTmpname); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ return rc; } zName = zTmpname; } memset( pFile, 0, sizeof(*pFile) ); OSTRACE(( "OPEN want %d\n", flags )); if( flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE ){ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE; OSTRACE(( "OPEN read/write\n" )); }else{ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY; OSTRACE(( "OPEN read only\n" )); } if( flags & SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE ){ ulOpenFlags |= OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS | OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW; OSTRACE(( "OPEN open new/create\n" )); }else{ ulOpenFlags |= OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS | OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_NEW; OSTRACE(( "OPEN open existing\n" )); } if( flags & SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ){ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE; OSTRACE(( "OPEN share read/write\n" )); }else{ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_SHARE_DENYWRITE; OSTRACE(( "OPEN share read only\n" )); } if( flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE ){ char pathUtf8[CCHMAXPATH]; #ifdef NDEBUG /* when debugging we want to make sure it is deleted */ ulFileAttribute = FILE_HIDDEN; #endif os2FullPathname( pVfs, zName, CCHMAXPATH, pathUtf8 ); pFile->pathToDel = convertUtf8PathToCp( pathUtf8 ); OSTRACE(( "OPEN hidden/delete on close file attributes\n" )); }else{ pFile->pathToDel = NULL; OSTRACE(( "OPEN normal file attribute\n" )); } /* always open in random access mode for possibly better speed */ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM; ulOpenMode |= OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR; ulOpenMode |= OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT; zNameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zName ); rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zNameCp, &h, &ulAction, 0L, ulFileAttribute, ulOpenFlags, ulOpenMode, (PEAOP2)NULL ); free( zNameCp ); if( rc != NO_ERROR ){ OSTRACE(( "OPEN Invalid handle rc=%d: zName=%s, ulAction=%#lx, ulAttr=%#lx, ulFlags=%#lx, ulMode=%#lx\n", rc, zName, ulAction, ulFileAttribute, ulOpenFlags, ulOpenMode )); if( pFile->pathToDel ) free( pFile->pathToDel ); pFile->pathToDel = NULL; if( flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE ){ OSTRACE(( "OPEN %d Invalid handle\n", ((flags | SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY) & ~SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE) )); return os2Open( pVfs, zName, id, ((flags | SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY) & ~SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE), pOutFlags ); }else{ return SQLITE_CANTOPEN; } } if( pOutFlags ){ *pOutFlags = flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE ? SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE : SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY; } pFile->pMethod = &os2IoMethod; pFile->h = h; OpenCounter(+1); OSTRACE(( "OPEN %d pOutFlags=%d\n", pFile->h, pOutFlags )); return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Delete the named file. */ static int os2Delete( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Not used on os2 */ const char *zFilename, /* Name of file to delete */ int syncDir /* Not used on os2 */ ){ APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; char *zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zFilename ); SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE ); rc = DosDelete( (PSZ)zFilenameCp ); free( zFilenameCp ); OSTRACE(( "DELETE \"%s\"\n", zFilename )); return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE; } /* ** Check the existance and status of a file. */ static int os2Access( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Not used on os2 */ const char *zFilename, /* Name of file to check */ int flags, /* Type of test to make on this file */ int *pOut /* Write results here */ ){ FILESTATUS3 fsts3ConfigInfo; APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; char *zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zFilename ); memset( &fsts3ConfigInfo, 0, sizeof(fsts3ConfigInfo) ); rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zFilenameCp, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3ConfigInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) ); free( zFilenameCp ); OSTRACE(( "ACCESS fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile=%d flags=%d rc=%d\n", fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile, flags, rc )); switch( flags ){ case SQLITE_ACCESS_READ: case SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS: rc = (rc == NO_ERROR); OSTRACE(( "ACCESS %s access of read and exists rc=%d\n", zFilename, rc)); break; case SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE: rc = (rc == NO_ERROR) && ( (fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile & FILE_READONLY) == 0 ); OSTRACE(( "ACCESS %s access of read/write rc=%d\n", zFilename, rc )); break; default: assert( !"Invalid flags argument" ); } *pOut = rc; return SQLITE_OK; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION /* ** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points ................................................................................ ** within the shared library, and closing the shared library. */ /* ** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points ** within the shared library, and closing the shared library. */ static void *os2DlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zFilename){ UCHAR loadErr[256]; HMODULE hmod; APIRET rc; char *zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp(zFilename); rc = DosLoadModule((PSZ)loadErr, sizeof(loadErr), zFilenameCp, &hmod); free(zFilenameCp); return rc != NO_ERROR ? 0 : (void*)hmod; } /* ** A no-op since the error code is returned on the DosLoadModule call. ** os2Dlopen returns zero if DosLoadModule is not successful. */ static void os2DlError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBufOut){ /* no-op */ } static void *os2DlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle, const char *zSymbol){ PFN pfn; APIRET rc; rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, zSymbol, &pfn); if( rc != NO_ERROR ){ /* if the symbol itself was not found, search again for the same * symbol with an extra underscore, that might be needed depending * on the calling convention */ char _zSymbol[256] = "_"; strncat(_zSymbol, zSymbol, 255); rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, _zSymbol, &pfn); } return rc != NO_ERROR ? 0 : (void*)pfn; } static void os2DlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){ DosFreeModule((HMODULE)pHandle); } #else /* if SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION is defined: */ #define os2DlOpen 0 #define os2DlError 0 ................................................................................ */ static int os2Randomness(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf ){ int n = 0; #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) n = nBuf; memset(zBuf, 0, nBuf); #else int sizeofULong = sizeof(ULONG); if( (int)sizeof(DATETIME) <= nBuf - n ){ DATETIME x; DosGetDateTime(&x); memcpy(&zBuf[n], &x, sizeof(x)); n += sizeof(x); } if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ PPIB ppib; DosGetInfoBlocks(NULL, &ppib); memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ppib->pib_ulpid, sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; } if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ PTIB ptib; DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL); memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid, sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; } /* if we still haven't filled the buffer yet the following will */ /* grab everything once instead of making several calls for a single item */ if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ ULONG ulSysInfo[QSV_MAX]; DosQuerySysInfo(1L, QSV_MAX, ulSysInfo, sizeofULong * QSV_MAX); memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ulSysInfo[QSV_MS_COUNT - 1], sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ulSysInfo[QSV_TIMER_INTERVAL - 1], sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; } if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ulSysInfo[QSV_TIME_LOW - 1], sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; } if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ulSysInfo[QSV_TIME_HIGH - 1], sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; } if( sizeofULong <= nBuf - n ){ memcpy(&zBuf[n], &ulSysInfo[QSV_TOTAVAILMEM - 1], sizeofULong); n += sizeofULong; } } #endif return n; } /* ** Sleep for a little while. Return the amount of time slept. ................................................................................ ** returned from sqlite3OsCurrentTime(). This is used for testing. */ #ifdef SQLITE_TEST SQLITE_API int sqlite3_current_time = 0; #endif /* ** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time). Write the ** current time and date as a Julian Day number into *prNow and ** return 0. Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found. */ int os2CurrentTime( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *prNow ){ double now; SHORT minute; /* needs to be able to cope with negative timezone offset */ USHORT second, hour, day, month, year; DATETIME dt; DosGetDateTime( &dt ); second = (USHORT)dt.seconds; minute = (SHORT)dt.minutes + dt.timezone; hour = (USHORT)dt.hours; day = (USHORT); month = (USHORT)dt.month; year = (USHORT)dt.year; /* Calculations from */ /* Calculate the Julian days */ now = day - 32076 + 1461*(year + 4800 + (month - 14)/12)/4 + 367*(month - 2 - (month - 14)/12*12)/12 - 3*((year + 4900 + (month - 14)/12)/100)/4; /* Add the fractional hours, mins and seconds */ now += (hour + 12.0)/24.0; now += minute/1440.0; now += second/86400.0; *prNow = now; #ifdef SQLITE_TEST if( sqlite3_current_time ){ *prNow = sqlite3_current_time/86400.0 + 2440587.5; } #endif return 0; } static int os2GetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf){ return 0; } /* ** Initialize and deinitialize the operating system interface. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void){ static sqlite3_vfs os2Vfs = { 1, /* iVersion */ sizeof(os2File), /* szOsFile */ CCHMAXPATH, /* mxPathname */ 0, /* pNext */ "os2", /* zName */ 0, /* pAppData */ os2Open, /* xOpen */ ................................................................................ os2DlError, /* xDlError */ os2DlSym, /* xDlSym */ os2DlClose, /* xDlClose */ os2Randomness, /* xRandomness */ os2Sleep, /* xSleep */ os2CurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */ os2GetLastError, /* xGetLastError */ }; sqlite3_vfs_register(&os2Vfs, 1); initUconvObjects(); return SQLITE_OK; } SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){ freeUconvObjects(); return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ typedef struct unixFile unixFile; struct unixFile { sqlite3_io_methods const *pMethod; /* Always the first entry */ unixInodeInfo *pInode; /* Info about locks on this inode */ int h; /* The file descriptor */ int dirfd; /* File descriptor for the directory */ unsigned char eFileLock; /* The type of lock held on this fd */ int lastErrno; /* The unix errno from last I/O error */ void *lockingContext; /* Locking style specific state */ UnixUnusedFd *pUnused; /* Pre-allocated UnixUnusedFd */ int fileFlags; /* Miscellanous flags */ const char *zPath; /* Name of the file */ unixShm *pShm; /* Shared memory segment information */ int szChunk; /* Configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE int openFlags; /* The flags specified at open() */ #endif #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE || defined(__APPLE__) ................................................................................ ** it is larger than the struct CrashFile defined in test6.c. */ char aPadding[32]; #endif }; /* ** The following macros define bits in unixFile.fileFlags */ #define SQLITE_WHOLE_FILE_LOCKING 0x0001 /* Use whole-file locking */ /* ** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files */ /************** Include os_common.h in the middle of os_unix.c ***************/ /************** Begin file os_common.h ***************************************/ /* ................................................................................ #ifndef O_NOFOLLOW # define O_NOFOLLOW 0 #endif #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif /* ** The DJGPP compiler environment looks mostly like Unix, but it ** lacks the fcntl() system call. So redefine fcntl() to be something ** that always succeeds. This means that locking does not occur under ** DJGPP. But it is DOS - what did you expect? */ #ifdef __DJGPP__ # define fcntl(A,B,C) 0 #endif /* ** The threadid macro resolves to the thread-id or to 0. Used for ** testing and debugging only. */ #if SQLITE_THREADSAFE #define threadid pthread_self() #else #define threadid 0 #endif /* ** Helper functions to obtain and relinquish the global mutex. The ** global mutex is used to protect the unixInodeInfo and ** vxworksFileId objects used by this file, all of which may be ** shared by multiple threads. ** ................................................................................ int s; int savedErrno; if( op==F_GETLK ){ zOpName = "GETLK"; }else if( op==F_SETLK ){ zOpName = "SETLK"; }else{ s = fcntl(fd, op, p); sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl unknown %d %d %d\n", fd, op, s); return s; } if( p->l_type==F_RDLCK ){ zType = "RDLCK"; }else if( p->l_type==F_WRLCK ){ zType = "WRLCK"; }else if( p->l_type==F_UNLCK ){ zType = "UNLCK"; }else{ assert( 0 ); } assert( p->l_whence==SEEK_SET ); s = fcntl(fd, op, p); savedErrno = errno; sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl %d %d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n", threadid, fd, zOpName, zType, (int)p->l_start, (int)p->l_len, (int)p->l_pid, s); if( s==(-1) && op==F_SETLK && (p->l_type==F_RDLCK || p->l_type==F_WRLCK) ){ struct flock l2; l2 = *p; fcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &l2); if( l2.l_type==F_RDLCK ){ zType = "RDLCK"; }else if( l2.l_type==F_WRLCK ){ zType = "WRLCK"; }else if( l2.l_type==F_UNLCK ){ zType = "UNLCK"; }else{ ................................................................................ } sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl-failure-reason: %s %d %d %d\n", zType, (int)l2.l_start, (int)l2.l_len, (int)l2.l_pid); } errno = savedErrno; return s; } #define fcntl lockTrace #endif /* SQLITE_LOCK_TRACE */ /* ** This routine translates a standard POSIX errno code into something ** useful to the clients of the sqlite3 functions. Specifically, it is ** intended to translate a variety of "try again" errors into SQLITE_BUSY ** and a variety of "please close the file descriptor NOW" errors into ** SQLITE_IOERR ** ** Errors during initialization of locks, or file system support for locks, ** should handle ENOLCK, ENOTSUP, EOPNOTSUPP separately. */ static int sqliteErrorFromPosixError(int posixError, int sqliteIOErr) { switch (posixError) { case 0: return SQLITE_OK; case EAGAIN: case ETIMEDOUT: case EBUSY: case EINTR: case ENOLCK: /* random NFS retry error, unless during file system support * introspection, in which it actually means what it says */ ................................................................................ (sqliteIOErr == SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK) ){ return SQLITE_BUSY; } /* else fall through */ case EPERM: return SQLITE_PERM; case EDEADLK: return SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED; #if EOPNOTSUPP!=ENOTSUP case EOPNOTSUPP: /* something went terribly awry, unless during file system support * introspection, in which it actually means what it says */ #endif #ifdef ENOTSUP ................................................................................ ** A single inode can have multiple file descriptors, so each unixFile ** structure contains a pointer to an instance of this object and this ** object keeps a count of the number of unixFile pointing to it. */ struct unixInodeInfo { struct unixFileId fileId; /* The lookup key */ int nShared; /* Number of SHARED locks held */ int eFileLock; /* One of SHARED_LOCK, RESERVED_LOCK etc. */ int nRef; /* Number of pointers to this structure */ unixShmNode *pShmNode; /* Shared memory associated with this inode */ int nLock; /* Number of outstanding file locks */ UnixUnusedFd *pUnused; /* Unused file descriptors to close */ unixInodeInfo *pNext; /* List of all unixInodeInfo objects */ unixInodeInfo *pPrev; /* .... doubly linked */ #if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE) ................................................................................ /* ** A lists of all unixInodeInfo objects. */ static unixInodeInfo *inodeList = 0; /* ** Close all file descriptors accumuated in the unixInodeInfo->pUnused list. ** If all such file descriptors are closed without error, the list is ** cleared and SQLITE_OK returned. ** ** Otherwise, if an error occurs, then successfully closed file descriptor ** entries are removed from the list, and SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE returned. ** not deleted and SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE returned. */ static int closePendingFds(unixFile *pFile){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; UnixUnusedFd *pError = 0; UnixUnusedFd *p; UnixUnusedFd *pNext; for(p=pInode->pUnused; p; p=pNext){ pNext = p->pNext; if( close(p->fd) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; rc = SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE; p->pNext = pError; pError = p; }else{ sqlite3_free(p); } } pInode->pUnused = pError; return rc; } /* ** Release a unixInodeInfo structure previously allocated by findInodeInfo(). ** ** The mutex entered using the unixEnterMutex() function must be held ** when this function is called. */ static void releaseInodeInfo(unixFile *pFile){ unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; assert( unixMutexHeld() ); if( pInode ){ pInode->nRef--; if( pInode->nRef==0 ){ assert( pInode->pShmNode==0 ); closePendingFds(pFile); if( pInode->pPrev ){ assert( pInode->pPrev->pNext==pInode ); pInode->pPrev->pNext = pInode->pNext; ................................................................................ assert( unixMutexHeld() ); /* Get low-level information about the file that we can used to ** create a unique name for the file. */ fd = pFile->h; rc = fstat(fd, &statbuf); if( rc!=0 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; #ifdef EOVERFLOW if( pFile->lastErrno==EOVERFLOW ) return SQLITE_NOLFS; #endif return SQLITE_IOERR; } ................................................................................ ** prior to accessing the inode number. The one byte written is ** an ASCII 'S' character which also happens to be the first byte ** in the header of every SQLite database. In this way, if there ** is a race condition such that another thread has already populated ** the first page of the database, no damage is done. */ if( statbuf.st_size==0 && (pFile->fsFlags & SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS)!=0 ){ rc = write(fd, "S", 1); if( rc!=1 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR; } rc = fstat(fd, &statbuf); if( rc!=0 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR; } } #endif ................................................................................ if( pFile->pInode->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){ reserved = 1; } /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it. */ #ifndef __DJGPP__ if( !reserved ){ struct flock lock; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE; lock.l_len = 1; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; if (-1 == fcntl(pFile->h, F_GETLK, &lock)) { int tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK); pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } else if( lock.l_type!=F_UNLCK ){ reserved = 1; } } #endif unixLeaveMutex(); OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (unix)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved)); *pResOut = reserved; return rc; } /* ** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one ** of the following: ** ** (1) SHARED_LOCK ** (2) RESERVED_LOCK ................................................................................ ** locking a random byte from a range, concurrent SHARED locks may exist ** even if the locking primitive used is always a write-lock. */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id; unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; struct flock lock; int s = 0; int tErrno = 0; assert( pFile ); OSTRACE(("LOCK %d %s was %s(%s,%d) pid=%d (unix)\n", pFile->h, azFileLock(eFileLock), azFileLock(pFile->eFileLock), azFileLock(pInode->eFileLock), pInode->nShared , getpid())); ................................................................................ lock.l_len = 1L; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || (eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->eFileLock<PENDING_LOCK) ){ lock.l_type = (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK?F_RDLCK:F_WRLCK); lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE; s = fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock); if( s==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_lock; } } /* If control gets to this point, then actually go ahead and make ** operating system calls for the specified lock. */ if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){ assert( pInode->nShared==0 ); assert( pInode->eFileLock==0 ); /* Now get the read-lock */ lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; if( (s = fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock))==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; } /* Drop the temporary PENDING lock */ lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE; lock.l_len = 1L; lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; if( fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock)!=0 ){ if( s != -1 ){ /* This could happen with a network mount */ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_lock; } } if( s==(-1) ){ rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } }else{ pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK; pInode->nLock++; pInode->nShared = 1; } }else if( eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pInode->nShared>1 ){ /* We are trying for an exclusive lock but another thread in this ................................................................................ }else{ /* The request was for a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock. It is ** assumed that there is a SHARED or greater lock on the file ** already. */ assert( 0!=pFile->eFileLock ); lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; switch( eFileLock ){ case RESERVED_LOCK: lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE; break; case EXCLUSIVE_LOCK: lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; break; default: assert(0); } s = fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock); if( s==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } } } #ifndef NDEBUG ................................................................................ ** ** If handleNFSUnlock is true, then on downgrading an EXCLUSIVE_LOCK to SHARED ** the byte range is divided into 2 parts and the first part is unlocked then ** set to a read lock, then the other part is simply unlocked. This works ** around a bug in BSD NFS lockd (also seen on MacOSX 10.3+) that fails to ** remove the write lock on a region when a read lock is set. */ static int _posixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock, int handleNFSUnlock){ unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id; unixInodeInfo *pInode; struct flock lock; int rc = SQLITE_OK; int h; int tErrno; /* Error code from system call errors */ assert( pFile ); OSTRACE(("UNLOCK %d %d was %d(%d,%d) pid=%d (unix)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock, pFile->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->nShared, getpid())); assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK ); ................................................................................ ** write lock until the rest is covered by a read lock: ** 1: [WWWWW] ** 2: [....W] ** 3: [RRRRW] ** 4: [RRRR.] */ if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){ if( handleNFSUnlock ){ off_t divSize = SHARED_SIZE - 1; lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = divSize; if( fcntl(h, F_SETLK, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = divSize; if( fcntl(h, F_SETLK, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST+divSize; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE-divSize; if( fcntl(h, F_SETLK, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } }else{ lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; if( fcntl(h, F_SETLK, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } } } lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE; lock.l_len = 2L; assert( PENDING_BYTE+1==RESERVED_BYTE ); if( fcntl(h, F_SETLK, &lock)!=(-1) ){ pInode->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK; }else{ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } } if( eFileLock==NO_LOCK ){ /* Decrement the shared lock counter. Release the lock using an ** OS call only when all threads in this same process have released ** the lock. ................................................................................ if( pInode->nShared==0 ){ lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0L; SimulateIOErrorBenign(1); SimulateIOError( h=(-1) ) SimulateIOErrorBenign(0); if( fcntl(h, F_SETLK, &lock)!=(-1) ){ pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; }else{ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; } } /* Decrement the count of locks against this same file. When the ** count reaches zero, close any other file descriptors whose close ** was deferred because of outstanding locks. */ pInode->nLock--; assert( pInode->nLock>=0 ); if( pInode->nLock==0 ){ int rc2 = closePendingFds(pFile); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = rc2; } } } end_unlock: unixLeaveMutex(); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return rc; ................................................................................ ** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock. eFileLock ** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK. ** ** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op. */ static int unixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){ return _posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 0); } /* ** This function performs the parts of the "close file" operation ** common to all locking schemes. It closes the directory and file ** handles, if they are valid, and sets all fields of the unixFile ** structure to 0. ................................................................................ ** ** It is *not* necessary to hold the mutex when this routine is called, ** even on VxWorks. A mutex will be acquired on VxWorks by the ** vxworksReleaseFileId() routine. */ static int closeUnixFile(sqlite3_file *id){ unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id; if( pFile ){ if( pFile->dirfd>=0 ){ int err = close(pFile->dirfd); if( err ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE; }else{ pFile->dirfd=-1; } } if( pFile->h>=0 ){ int err = close(pFile->h); if( err ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE; } } #if OS_VXWORKS if( pFile->pId ){ if( pFile->isDelete ){ unlink(pFile->pId->zCanonicalName); } vxworksReleaseFileId(pFile->pId); pFile->pId = 0; } #endif OSTRACE(("CLOSE %-3d\n", pFile->h)); OpenCounter(-1); sqlite3_free(pFile->pUnused); memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(unixFile)); } return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Close a file. */ static int unixClose(sqlite3_file *id){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; if( id ){ unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id; unixUnlock(id, NO_LOCK); unixEnterMutex(); if( pFile->pInode && pFile->pInode->nLock ){ /* If there are outstanding locks, do not actually close the file just ** yet because that would clear those locks. Instead, add the file ** descriptor to pInode->pUnused list. It will be automatically closed ** when the last lock is cleared. */ setPendingFd(pFile); } releaseInodeInfo(pFile); rc = closeUnixFile(id); unixLeaveMutex(); } return rc; } /************** End of the posix advisory lock implementation ***************** ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ................................................................................ if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){ /* Either this connection or some other connection in the same process ** holds a lock on the file. No need to check further. */ reserved = 1; }else{ /* The lock is held if and only if the lockfile exists */ const char *zLockFile = (const char*)pFile->lockingContext; reserved = access(zLockFile, 0)==0; } OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (dotlock)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved)); *pResOut = reserved; return rc; } /* ................................................................................ /* Always update the timestamp on the old file */ utimes(zLockFile, NULL); #endif return SQLITE_OK; } /* grab an exclusive lock */ fd = open(zLockFile,O_RDONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,0600); if( fd<0 ){ /* failed to open/create the file, someone else may have stolen the lock */ int tErrno = errno; if( EEXIST == tErrno ){ rc = SQLITE_BUSY; } else { rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } } return rc; } if( close(fd) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; rc = SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE; } /* got it, set the type and return ok */ pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return rc; } /* ................................................................................ /* To fully unlock the database, delete the lock file */ assert( eFileLock==NO_LOCK ); if( unlink(zLockFile) ){ int rc = 0; int tErrno = errno; if( ENOENT != tErrno ){ rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); } if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } return rc; } pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; ................................................................................ ** only a single process can be reading the database at a time. ** ** Omit this section if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE is turned off or if ** compiling for VXWORKS. */ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && !OS_VXWORKS /* ** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified ** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut ** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero. The return value ** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking. */ static int flockCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut){ ................................................................................ if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){ reserved = 1; } /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it. */ if( !reserved ){ /* attempt to get the lock */ int lrc = flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); if( !lrc ){ /* got the lock, unlock it */ lrc = flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN); if ( lrc ) { int tErrno = errno; /* unlock failed with an error */ lrc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; rc = lrc; } } } else { int tErrno = errno; ................................................................................ if (pFile->eFileLock > NO_LOCK) { pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return SQLITE_OK; } /* grab an exclusive lock */ if (flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { int tErrno = errno; /* didn't get, must be busy */ rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } } else { ................................................................................ /* shared can just be set because we always have an exclusive */ if (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK) { pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return SQLITE_OK; } /* no, really, unlock. */ int rc = flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN); if (rc) { int r, tErrno = errno; r = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(r) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } #ifdef SQLITE_IGNORE_FLOCK_LOCK_ERRORS if( (r & SQLITE_IOERR) == SQLITE_IOERR ){ r = SQLITE_BUSY; } #endif /* SQLITE_IGNORE_FLOCK_LOCK_ERRORS */ return r; } else { pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; return SQLITE_OK; } } /* ** Close a file. ................................................................................ pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInode->nLock--; assert( pInode->nLock>=0 ); if( pInode->nLock==0 ){ rc = closePendingFds(pFile); } } } unixLeaveMutex(); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return rc; ................................................................................ ** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock. eFileLock ** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK. ** ** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op. */ static int nfsUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){ return _posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 1); } #endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */ /* ** The code above is the NFS lock implementation. The code is specific ** to MacOSX and does not work on other unix platforms. No alternative ** is available. ................................................................................ static int seekAndRead(unixFile *id, sqlite3_int64 offset, void *pBuf, int cnt){ int got; #if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64)) i64 newOffset; #endif TIMER_START; #if defined(USE_PREAD) got = pread(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); SimulateIOError( got = -1 ); #elif defined(USE_PREAD64) got = pread64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); SimulateIOError( got = -1 ); #else newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET); SimulateIOError( newOffset-- ); if( newOffset!=offset ){ if( newOffset == -1 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; }else{ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0; } return -1; } got = read(id->h, pBuf, cnt); #endif TIMER_END; if( got<0 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; } OSTRACE(("READ %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED)); return got; ................................................................................ static int seekAndWrite(unixFile *id, i64 offset, const void *pBuf, int cnt){ int got; #if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64)) i64 newOffset; #endif TIMER_START; #if defined(USE_PREAD) got = pwrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); #elif defined(USE_PREAD64) got = pwrite64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); #else newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET); if( newOffset!=offset ){ if( newOffset == -1 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; }else{ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0; } return -1; } got = write(id->h, pBuf, cnt); #endif TIMER_END; if( got<0 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; } OSTRACE(("WRITE %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED)); ................................................................................ /* If we compiled with the SQLITE_NO_SYNC flag, then syncing is a ** no-op */ #ifdef SQLITE_NO_SYNC rc = SQLITE_OK; #elif HAVE_FULLFSYNC if( fullSync ){ rc = fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC, 0); }else{ rc = 1; } /* If the FULLFSYNC failed, fall back to attempting an fsync(). ** It shouldn't be possible for fullfsync to fail on the local ** file system (on OSX), so failure indicates that FULLFSYNC ** isn't supported for this file system. So, attempt an fsync ................................................................................ assert( pFile ); OSTRACE(("SYNC %-3d\n", pFile->h)); rc = full_fsync(pFile->h, isFullsync, isDataOnly); SimulateIOError( rc=1 ); if( rc ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC; } if( pFile->dirfd>=0 ){ int err; OSTRACE(("DIRSYNC %-3d (have_fullfsync=%d fullsync=%d)\n", pFile->dirfd, HAVE_FULLFSYNC, isFullsync)); #ifndef SQLITE_DISABLE_DIRSYNC /* The directory sync is only attempted if full_fsync is ** turned off or unavailable. If a full_fsync occurred above, ** then the directory sync is superfluous. */ ................................................................................ ** A failed directory sync is not a big deal. So it seems ** better to ignore the error. Ticket #1657 */ /* pFile->lastErrno = errno; */ /* return SQLITE_IOERR; */ } #endif err = close(pFile->dirfd); /* Only need to sync once, so close the */ if( err==0 ){ /* directory when we are done */ pFile->dirfd = -1; }else{ pFile->lastErrno = errno; rc = SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE; } } return rc; } /* ** Truncate an open file to a specified size */ ................................................................................ ** actual file size after the operation may be larger than the requested ** size). */ if( pFile->szChunk ){ nByte = ((nByte + pFile->szChunk - 1)/pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk; } rc = ftruncate(pFile->h, (off_t)nByte); if( rc ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE; }else{ #ifndef NDEBUG /* If we are doing a normal write to a database file (as opposed to ** doing a hot-journal rollback or a write to some file other than a ** normal database file) and we truncate the file to zero length, ** that effectively updates the change counter. This might happen ** when restoring a database using the backup API from a zero-length ................................................................................ /* ** Determine the current size of a file in bytes */ static int unixFileSize(sqlite3_file *id, i64 *pSize){ int rc; struct stat buf; assert( id ); rc = fstat(((unixFile*)id)->h, &buf); SimulateIOError( rc=1 ); if( rc!=0 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT; } *pSize = buf.st_size; ................................................................................ ** SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT operation is a no-op for Unix. */ static int fcntlSizeHint(unixFile *pFile, i64 nByte){ if( pFile->szChunk ){ i64 nSize; /* Required file size */ struct stat buf; /* Used to hold return values of fstat() */ if( fstat(pFile->h, &buf) ) return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT; nSize = ((nByte+pFile->szChunk-1) / pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk; if( nSize>(i64)buf.st_size ){ #if defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) && HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE if( posix_fallocate(pFile->h, buf.st_size, nSize-buf.st_size) ){ return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE; } #else /* If the OS does not have posix_fallocate(), fake it. First use ** ftruncate() to set the file size, then write a single byte to ** the last byte in each block within the extended region. This ** is the same technique used by glibc to implement posix_fallocate() ** on systems that do not have a real fallocate() system call. */ int nBlk = buf.st_blksize; /* File-system block size */ i64 iWrite; /* Next offset to write to */ int nWrite; /* Return value from seekAndWrite() */ if( ftruncate(pFile->h, nSize) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE; } iWrite = ((buf.st_size + 2*nBlk - 1)/nBlk)*nBlk-1; do { nWrite = seekAndWrite(pFile, iWrite, "", 1); iWrite += nBlk; } while( nWrite==1 && iWrite<nSize ); if( nWrite!=1 ) return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE; #endif } } return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ /* Shared locks never span more than one byte */ assert( n==1 || lockType!=F_RDLCK ); /* Locks are within range */ assert( n>=1 && n<SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK ); /* Initialize the locking parameters */ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); f.l_type = lockType; f.l_whence = SEEK_SET; f.l_start = ofst; f.l_len = n; rc = fcntl(pShmNode->h, F_SETLK, &f); rc = (rc!=(-1)) ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_BUSY; /* Update the global lock state and do debug tracing */ #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG { u16 mask; OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK ")); mask = (1<<(ofst+n)) - (1<<ofst); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ ................................................................................ unixShmNode *p = pFd->pInode->pShmNode; assert( unixMutexHeld() ); if( p && p->nRef==0 ){ int i; assert( p->pInode==pFd->pInode ); if( p->mutex ) sqlite3_mutex_free(p->mutex); for(i=0; i<p->nRegion; i++){ munmap(p->apRegion[i], p->szRegion); } sqlite3_free(p->apRegion); if( p->h>=0 ) close(p->h); p->pInode->pShmNode = 0; sqlite3_free(p); } } /* ** Open a shared-memory area associated with open database file pDbFd. ................................................................................ ** same database file at the same time, database corruption will likely ** result. The SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY compile-time option is considered ** "unsupported" and may go away in a future SQLite release. ** ** When opening a new shared-memory file, if no other instances of that ** file are currently open, in this process or in other processes, then ** the file must be truncated to zero length or have its header cleared. */ static int unixOpenSharedMemory(unixFile *pDbFd){ struct unixShm *p = 0; /* The connection to be opened */ struct unixShmNode *pShmNode; /* The underlying mmapped file */ int rc; /* Result code */ unixInodeInfo *pInode; /* The inode of fd */ char *zShmFilename; /* Name of the file used for SHM */ ................................................................................ struct stat sStat; /* fstat() info for database file */ /* Call fstat() to figure out the permissions on the database file. If ** a new *-shm file is created, an attempt will be made to create it ** with the same permissions. The actual permissions the file is created ** with are subject to the current umask setting. */ if( fstat(pDbFd->h, &sStat) ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT; goto shm_open_err; } #ifdef SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY nShmFilename = sizeof(SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY) + 30; #else ................................................................................ pShmNode->pInode = pDbFd->pInode; pShmNode->mutex = sqlite3_mutex_alloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST); if( pShmNode->mutex==0 ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto shm_open_err; } pShmNode->h = open(zShmFilename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, (sStat.st_mode & 0777)); if( pShmNode->h<0 ){ rc = SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT; goto shm_open_err; } /* Check to see if another process is holding the dead-man switch. ** If not, truncate the file to zero length. */ rc = SQLITE_OK; if( unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_WRLCK, UNIX_SHM_DMS, 1)==SQLITE_OK ){ if( ftruncate(pShmNode->h, 0) ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN; } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_RDLCK, UNIX_SHM_DMS, 1); } if( rc ) goto shm_open_err; } /* Make the new connection a child of the unixShmNode */ p->pShmNode = pShmNode; #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG p->id = pShmNode->nextShmId++; #endif ................................................................................ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } p = pDbFd->pShm; pShmNode = p->pShmNode; sqlite3_mutex_enter(pShmNode->mutex); assert( szRegion==pShmNode->szRegion || pShmNode->nRegion==0 ); if( pShmNode->nRegion<=iRegion ){ char **apNew; /* New apRegion[] array */ int nByte = (iRegion+1)*szRegion; /* Minimum required file size */ struct stat sStat; /* Used by fstat() */ pShmNode->szRegion = szRegion; /* The requested region is not mapped into this processes address space. ** Check to see if it has been allocated (i.e. if the wal-index file is ** large enough to contain the requested region). */ if( fstat(pShmNode->h, &sStat) ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE; goto shmpage_out; } if( sStat.st_size<nByte ){ /* The requested memory region does not exist. If bExtend is set to ** false, exit early. *pp will be set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned. ** ** Alternatively, if bExtend is true, use ftruncate() to allocate ** the requested memory region. */ if( !bExtend ) goto shmpage_out; if( ftruncate(pShmNode->h, nByte) ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE; goto shmpage_out; } } /* Map the requested memory region into this processes address space. */ apNew = (char **)sqlite3_realloc( pShmNode->apRegion, (iRegion+1)*sizeof(char *) ); if( !apNew ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM; goto shmpage_out; } pShmNode->apRegion = apNew; while(pShmNode->nRegion<=iRegion){ void *pMem = mmap(0, szRegion, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, pShmNode->h, pShmNode->nRegion*szRegion ); if( pMem==MAP_FAILED ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR; goto shmpage_out; } pShmNode->apRegion[pShmNode->nRegion] = pMem; pShmNode->nRegion++; } } shmpage_out: ................................................................................ assert( ofst>=0 && ofst+n<=SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK ); assert( n>=1 ); assert( flags==(SQLITE_SHM_LOCK | SQLITE_SHM_SHARED) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_LOCK | SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK | SQLITE_SHM_SHARED) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK | SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE) ); assert( n==1 || (flags & SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE)!=0 ); mask = (1<<(ofst+n)) - (1<<ofst); assert( n>1 || mask==(1<<ofst) ); sqlite3_mutex_enter(pShmNode->mutex); if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK ){ u16 allMask = 0; /* Mask of locks held by siblings */ ................................................................................ /* If pShmNode->nRef has reached 0, then close the underlying ** shared-memory file, too */ unixEnterMutex(); assert( pShmNode->nRef>0 ); pShmNode->nRef--; if( pShmNode->nRef==0 ){ if( deleteFlag ) unlink(pShmNode->zFilename); unixShmPurge(pDbFd); } unixLeaveMutex(); return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ ** Test byte-range lock using fcntl(). If the call succeeds, ** assume that the file-system supports POSIX style locks. */ lockInfo.l_len = 1; lockInfo.l_start = 0; lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK; if( fcntl(pNew->h, F_GETLK, &lockInfo)!=-1 ) { if( strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "nfs")==0 ){ return &nfsIoMethods; } else { return &posixIoMethods; } }else{ return &dotlockIoMethods; ................................................................................ /* Test if fcntl() is supported and use POSIX style locks. ** Otherwise fall back to the named semaphore method. */ lockInfo.l_len = 1; lockInfo.l_start = 0; lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK; if( fcntl(pNew->h, F_GETLK, &lockInfo)!=-1 ) { return &posixIoMethods; }else{ return &semIoMethods; } } static const sqlite3_io_methods *(*const autolockIoFinder)(const char*,unixFile*) = autolockIoFinderImpl; ................................................................................ static int fillInUnixFile( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Pointer to vfs object */ int h, /* Open file descriptor of file being opened */ int dirfd, /* Directory file descriptor */ sqlite3_file *pId, /* Write to the unixFile structure here */ const char *zFilename, /* Name of the file being opened */ int noLock, /* Omit locking if true */ int isDelete /* Delete on close if true */ ){ const sqlite3_io_methods *pLockingStyle; unixFile *pNew = (unixFile *)pId; int rc = SQLITE_OK; assert( pNew->pInode==NULL ); ................................................................................ #else assert( zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]=='/' ); #endif OSTRACE(("OPEN %-3d %s\n", h, zFilename)); pNew->h = h; pNew->dirfd = dirfd; pNew->fileFlags = 0; pNew->zPath = zFilename; #if OS_VXWORKS pNew->pId = vxworksFindFileId(zFilename); if( pNew->pId==0 ){ noLock = 1; rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } ................................................................................ ** handle h - as it is guaranteed that no posix locks will be released ** by doing so. ** ** If scenario (a) caused the error then things are not so safe. The ** implicit assumption here is that if fstat() fails, things are in ** such bad shape that dropping a lock or two doesn't matter much. */ close(h); h = -1; } unixLeaveMutex(); } #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) else if( pLockingStyle == &afpIoMethods ){ ................................................................................ pCtx->dbPath = zFilename; pCtx->reserved = 0; srandomdev(); unixEnterMutex(); rc = findInodeInfo(pNew, &pNew->pInode); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_free(pNew->lockingContext); close(h); h = -1; } unixLeaveMutex(); } } #endif ................................................................................ unixLeaveMutex(); } #endif pNew->lastErrno = 0; #if OS_VXWORKS if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( h>=0 ) close(h); h = -1; unlink(zFilename); isDelete = 0; } pNew->isDelete = isDelete; #endif if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( dirfd>=0 ) close(dirfd); /* silent leak if fail, already in error */ if( h>=0 ) close(h); }else{ pNew->pMethod = pLockingStyle; OpenCounter(+1); } return rc; } ................................................................................ int fd = -1; char zDirname[MAX_PATHNAME+1]; sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATHNAME, zDirname, "%s", zFilename); for(ii=(int)strlen(zDirname); ii>1 && zDirname[ii]!='/'; ii--); if( ii>0 ){ zDirname[ii] = '\0'; fd = open(zDirname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0); if( fd>=0 ){ #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC); #endif OSTRACE(("OPENDIR %-3d %s\n", fd, zDirname)); } } *pFd = fd; return (fd>=0?SQLITE_OK:SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT); } /* ** Return the name of a directory in which to put temporary files. ** If no suitable temporary file directory can be found, return NULL. */ static const char *unixTempFileDir(void){ ................................................................................ struct stat buf; const char *zDir = 0; azDirs[0] = sqlite3_temp_directory; if( !azDirs[1] ) azDirs[1] = getenv("TMPDIR"); for(i=0; i<sizeof(azDirs)/sizeof(azDirs[0]); zDir=azDirs[i++]){ if( zDir==0 ) continue; if( stat(zDir, &buf) ) continue; if( !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) continue; if( access(zDir, 07) ) continue; break; } return zDir; } /* ** Create a temporary file name in zBuf. zBuf must be allocated ................................................................................ sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-17, zBuf, "%s/"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zDir); j = (int)strlen(zBuf); sqlite3_randomness(15, &zBuf[j]); for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){ zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ]; } zBuf[j] = 0; }while( access(zBuf,0)==0 ); return SQLITE_OK; } #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) /* ** Routine to transform a unixFile into a proxy-locking unixFile. ** Implementation in the proxy-lock division, but used by unixOpen() ................................................................................ mode_t openMode; /* Permissions to create file with */ rc = findCreateFileMode(zName, flags, &openMode); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ assert( !p->pUnused ); assert( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL ); return rc; } fd = open(zName, openFlags, openMode); OSTRACE(("OPENX %-3d %s 0%o\n", fd, zName, openFlags)); if( fd<0 && errno!=EISDIR && isReadWrite && !isExclusive ){ /* Failed to open the file for read/write access. Try read-only. */ flags &= ~(SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE|SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE); openFlags &= ~(O_RDWR|O_CREAT); flags |= SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY; openFlags |= O_RDONLY; fd = open(zName, openFlags, openMode); } if( fd<0 ){ rc = SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT; goto open_finished; } } assert( fd>=0 ); if( pOutFlags ){ *pOutFlags = flags; } ................................................................................ rc = openDirectory(zPath, &dirfd); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ /* It is safe to close fd at this point, because it is guaranteed not ** to be open on a database file. If it were open on a database file, ** it would not be safe to close as this would release any locks held ** on the file by this process. */ assert( eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ); close(fd); /* silently leak if fail, already in error */ goto open_finished; } } #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC); #endif noLock = eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB; #if defined(__APPLE__) || SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE struct statfs fsInfo; if( fstatfs(fd, &fsInfo) == -1 ){ ((unixFile*)pFile)->lastErrno = errno; if( dirfd>=0 ) close(dirfd); /* silently leak if fail, in error */ close(fd); /* silently leak if fail, in error */ return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; } if (0 == strncmp("msdos", fsInfo.f_fstypename, 5)) { ((unixFile*)pFile)->fsFlags |= SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS; } #endif ................................................................................ ** on that file that are currently holding advisory locks on it, ** then the call to close() will cancel those locks. In practice, ** we're assuming that statfs() doesn't fail very often. At least ** not while other file descriptors opened by the same process on ** the same file are working. */ p->lastErrno = errno; if( dirfd>=0 ){ close(dirfd); /* silently leak if fail, in error */ } close(fd); /* silently leak if fail, in error */ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; goto open_finished; } useProxy = !(fsInfo.f_flags&MNT_LOCAL); } if( useProxy ){ rc = fillInUnixFile(pVfs, fd, dirfd, pFile, zPath, noLock, isDelete); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = proxyTransformUnixFile((unixFile*)pFile, ":auto:"); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ /* Use unixClose to clean up the resources added in fillInUnixFile ** and clear all the structure's references. Specifically, ** pFile->pMethods will be NULL so sqlite3OsClose will be a no-op */ ................................................................................ } } goto open_finished; } } #endif rc = fillInUnixFile(pVfs, fd, dirfd, pFile, zPath, noLock, isDelete); open_finished: if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_free(p->pUnused); } return rc; } ................................................................................ const char *zPath, /* Name of file to be deleted */ int dirSync /* If true, fsync() directory after deleting file */ ){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; UNUSED_PARAMETER(NotUsed); SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE); if( unlink(zPath)==(-1) && errno!=ENOENT ){ return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE; } #ifndef SQLITE_DISABLE_DIRSYNC if( dirSync ){ int fd; rc = openDirectory(zPath, &fd); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ #if OS_VXWORKS if( fsync(fd)==-1 ) #else if( fsync(fd) ) #endif { rc = SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC; } if( close(fd)&&!rc ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE; } } } #endif return rc; } /* ................................................................................ case SQLITE_ACCESS_READ: amode = R_OK; break; default: assert(!"Invalid flags argument"); } *pResOut = (access(zPath, amode)==0); if( flags==SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS && *pResOut ){ struct stat buf; if( 0==stat(zPath, &buf) && buf.st_size==0 ){ *pResOut = 0; } } return SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVfs); zOut[nOut-1] = '\0'; if( zPath[0]=='/' ){ sqlite3_snprintf(nOut, zOut, "%s", zPath); }else{ int nCwd; if( getcwd(zOut, nOut-1)==0 ){ return SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT; } nCwd = (int)strlen(zOut); sqlite3_snprintf(nOut-nCwd, &zOut[nCwd], "/%s", zPath); } return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ ** that we always use the same random number sequence. This makes the ** tests repeatable. */ memset(zBuf, 0, nBuf); #if !defined(SQLITE_TEST) { int pid, fd; fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if( fd<0 ){ time_t t; time(&t); memcpy(zBuf, &t, sizeof(t)); pid = getpid(); memcpy(&zBuf[sizeof(t)], &pid, sizeof(pid)); assert( sizeof(t)+sizeof(pid)<=(size_t)nBuf ); nBuf = sizeof(t) + sizeof(pid); }else{ nBuf = read(fd, zBuf, nBuf); close(fd); } } #endif return nBuf; } ................................................................................ }else{ pUnused = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pUnused)); if( !pUnused ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; } } if( fd<0 ){ fd = open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); terrno = errno; if( fd<0 && errno==ENOENT && islockfile ){ if( proxyCreateLockPath(path) == SQLITE_OK ){ fd = open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } } } if( fd<0 ){ openFlags = O_RDONLY; fd = open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); terrno = errno; } if( fd<0 ){ if( islockfile ){ return SQLITE_BUSY; } switch (terrno) { ................................................................................ pNew = (unixFile *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pNew)); if( pNew==NULL ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto end_create_proxy; } memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(unixFile)); pNew->openFlags = openFlags; dummyVfs.pAppData = (void*)&autolockIoFinder; pUnused->fd = fd; pUnused->flags = openFlags; pNew->pUnused = pUnused; rc = fillInUnixFile(&dummyVfs, fd, dirfd, (sqlite3_file*)pNew, path, 0, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ *ppFile = pNew; return SQLITE_OK; } end_create_proxy: close(fd); /* silently leak fd if error, we're already in error */ sqlite3_free(pNew); sqlite3_free(pUnused); return rc; } #ifdef SQLITE_TEST /* simulate multiple hosts by creating unique hostid file paths */ ................................................................................ pathLen = strlcpy(tPath, cPath, MAXPATHLEN); if( pathLen>MAXPATHLEN || pathLen<6 || (strlcpy(&tPath[pathLen-5], "break", 6) != 5) ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg),errmsg,"path error (len %d)",(int)pathLen); goto end_breaklock; } /* read the conch content */ readLen = pread(conchFile->h, buf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0); if( readLen<PROXY_PATHINDEX ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg),errmsg,"read error (len %d)",(int)readLen); goto end_breaklock; } /* write it out to the temporary break file */ fd = open(tPath, (O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL), SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); if( fd<0 ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "create failed (%d)", errno); goto end_breaklock; } if( pwrite(fd, buf, readLen, 0) != (ssize_t)readLen ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "write failed (%d)", errno); goto end_breaklock; } if( rename(tPath, cPath) ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "rename failed (%d)", errno); goto end_breaklock; } rc = 0; fprintf(stderr, "broke stale lock on %s\n", cPath); close(conchFile->h); conchFile->h = fd; conchFile->openFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; end_breaklock: if( rc ){ if( fd>=0 ){ unlink(tPath); close(fd); } fprintf(stderr, "failed to break stale lock on %s, %s\n", cPath, errmsg); } return rc; } /* Take the requested lock on the conch file and break a stale lock if the ................................................................................ /* If the lock failed (busy): * 1st try: get the mod time of the conch, wait 0.5s and try again. * 2nd try: fail if the mod time changed or host id is different, wait * 10 sec and try again * 3rd try: break the lock unless the mod time has changed. */ struct stat buf; if( fstat(conchFile->h, &buf) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK; } if( nTries==1 ){ conchModTime = buf.st_mtimespec; usleep(500000); /* wait 0.5 sec and try the lock again*/ ................................................................................ if( conchModTime.tv_sec != buf.st_mtimespec.tv_sec || conchModTime.tv_nsec != buf.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec ){ return SQLITE_BUSY; } if( nTries==2 ){ char tBuf[PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN]; int len = pread(conchFile->h, tBuf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0); if( len<0 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK; } if( len>PROXY_PATHINDEX && tBuf[0]==(char)PROXY_CONCHVERSION){ /* don't break the lock if the host id doesn't match */ if( 0!=memcmp(&tBuf[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN) ){ ................................................................................ memcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN); if( pCtx->lockProxyPath!=NULL ){ strlcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX], pCtx->lockProxyPath, MAXPATHLEN); }else{ strlcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX], tempLockPath, MAXPATHLEN); } writeSize = PROXY_PATHINDEX + strlen(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX]); ftruncate(conchFile->h, writeSize); rc = unixWrite((sqlite3_file *)conchFile, writeBuffer, writeSize, 0); fsync(conchFile->h); /* If we created a new conch file (not just updated the contents of a ** valid conch file), try to match the permissions of the database */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && createConch ){ struct stat buf; int err = fstat(pFile->h, &buf); if( err==0 ){ mode_t cmode = buf.st_mode&(S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP | S_IROTH|S_IWOTH); /* try to match the database file R/W permissions, ignore failure */ #ifndef SQLITE_PROXY_DEBUG fchmod(conchFile->h, cmode); #else if( fchmod(conchFile->h, cmode)!=0 ){ int code = errno; fprintf(stderr, "fchmod %o FAILED with %d %s\n", cmode, code, strerror(code)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fchmod %o SUCCEDED\n",cmode); } }else{ ................................................................................ } conchFile->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, SHARED_LOCK); end_takeconch: OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY: CLOSE %d\n", pFile->h)); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pFile->openFlags ){ if( pFile->h>=0 ){ #ifdef STRICT_CLOSE_ERROR if( close(pFile->h) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE; } #else close(pFile->h); /* silently leak fd if fail */ #endif } pFile->h = -1; int fd = open(pCtx->dbPath, pFile->openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY: OPEN %d\n", fd)); if( fd>=0 ){ pFile->h = fd; }else{ rc=SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT; /* SQLITE_BUSY? proxyTakeConch called during locking */ ................................................................................ ** Ugh, since O_RDONLY==0x0000 we test for !O_RDWR since unixOpen asserts ** that openFlags will have only one of O_RDONLY or O_RDWR. */ struct statfs fsInfo; struct stat conchInfo; int goLockless = 0; if( stat(pCtx->conchFilePath, &conchInfo) == -1 ) { int err = errno; if( (err==ENOENT) && (statfs(dbPath, &fsInfo) != -1) ){ goLockless = (fsInfo.f_flags&MNT_RDONLY) == MNT_RDONLY; } } if( goLockless ){ pCtx->conchHeld = -1; /* read only FS/ lockless */ ................................................................................ ** Most finders simply return a pointer to a fixed sqlite3_io_methods ** object. But the "autolockIoFinder" available on MacOSX does a little ** more than that; it looks at the filesystem type that hosts the ** database file and tries to choose an locking method appropriate for ** that filesystem time. */ #define UNIXVFS(VFSNAME, FINDER) { \ 2, /* iVersion */ \ sizeof(unixFile), /* szOsFile */ \ MAX_PATHNAME, /* mxPathname */ \ 0, /* pNext */ \ VFSNAME, /* zName */ \ (void*)&FINDER, /* pAppData */ \ unixOpen, /* xOpen */ \ unixDelete, /* xDelete */ \ ................................................................................ unixDlSym, /* xDlSym */ \ unixDlClose, /* xDlClose */ \ unixRandomness, /* xRandomness */ \ unixSleep, /* xSleep */ \ unixCurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */ \ unixGetLastError, /* xGetLastError */ \ unixCurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */ \ } /* ** All default VFSes for unix are contained in the following array. ** ** Note that the sqlite3_vfs.pNext field of the VFS object is modified ** by the SQLite core when the VFS is registered. So the following ................................................................................ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && (OS_VXWORKS || defined(__APPLE__)) UNIXVFS("unix", autolockIoFinder ), #else UNIXVFS("unix", posixIoFinder ), #endif UNIXVFS("unix-none", nolockIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-dotfile", dotlockIoFinder ), #if OS_VXWORKS UNIXVFS("unix-namedsem", semIoFinder ), #endif #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE UNIXVFS("unix-posix", posixIoFinder ), #if !OS_VXWORKS UNIXVFS("unix-flock", flockIoFinder ), ................................................................................ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) UNIXVFS("unix-afp", afpIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-nfs", nfsIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-proxy", proxyIoFinder ), #endif }; unsigned int i; /* Loop counter */ /* Register all VFSes defined in the aVfs[] array */ for(i=0; i<(sizeof(aVfs)/sizeof(sqlite3_vfs)); i++){ sqlite3_vfs_register(&aVfs[i], i==0); } return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ /* ** Initialize and deinitialize the operating system interface. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void){ static sqlite3_vfs winVfs = { 2, /* iVersion */ sizeof(winFile), /* szOsFile */ MAX_PATH, /* mxPathname */ 0, /* pNext */ "win32", /* zName */ 0, /* pAppData */ winOpen, /* xOpen */ winDelete, /* xDelete */ ................................................................................ winDlSym, /* xDlSym */ winDlClose, /* xDlClose */ winRandomness, /* xRandomness */ winSleep, /* xSleep */ winCurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */ winGetLastError, /* xGetLastError */ winCurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */ }; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* get memory map allocation granularity */ memset(&winSysInfo, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo(&winSysInfo); assert(winSysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity > 0); ................................................................................ */ #ifndef _WAL_H_ #define _WAL_H_ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL # define sqlite3WalOpen(x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalClose(w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(z) # define sqlite3WalRead(v,w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalDbsize(y) 0 # define sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(y) 0 # define sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(x) 0 # define sqlite3WalUndo(x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalSavepoint(y,z) # define sqlite3WalSavepointUndo(y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalFrames(u,v,w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalCheckpoint(u,v,w,x) 0 # define sqlite3WalCallback(z) 0 # define sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalHeapMemory(z) 0 #else #define WAL_SAVEPOINT_NDATA 4 /* Connection to a write-ahead log (WAL) file. ** There is one object of this type for each pager. */ ................................................................................ /* Write a frame or frames to the log. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFrames(Wal *pWal, int, PgHdr *, Pgno, int, int); /* Copy pages from the log to the database file */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalCheckpoint( Wal *pWal, /* Write-ahead log connection */ int sync_flags, /* Flags to sync db file with (or 0) */ int nBuf, /* Size of buffer nBuf */ u8 *zBuf /* Temporary buffer to use */ ); /* Return the value to pass to a sqlite3_wal_hook callback, the ** number of frames in the WAL at the point of the last commit since ** sqlite3WalCallback() was called. If no commits have occurred since ** the last call, then return 0. */ ................................................................................ PAGER_INCR(pPager->nRead); IOTRACE(("PGIN %p %d\n", pPager, pgno)); PAGERTRACE(("FETCH %d page %d hash(%08x)\n", PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_pagehash(pPg))); return rc; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** This function is invoked once for each page that has already been ** written into the log file when a WAL transaction is rolled back. ** Parameter iPg is the page number of said page. The pCtx argument ** is actually a pointer to the Pager structure. ................................................................................ rc = pagerUndoCallback((void *)pPager, pList->pgno); pList = pNext; } return rc; } /* ** Update the value of the change-counter at offsets 24 and 92 in ** the header and the sqlite version number at offset 96. ** ** This is an unconditional update. See also the pager_incr_changecounter() ** routine which only updates the change-counter if the update is actually ** needed, as determined by the pPager->changeCountDone state variable. */ static void pager_write_changecounter(PgHdr *pPg){ u32 change_counter; /* Increment the value just read and write it back to byte 24. */ change_counter = sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)pPg->pPager->dbFileVers)+1; put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+24, change_counter); /* Also store the SQLite version number in bytes 96..99 and in ** bytes 92..95 store the change counter for which the version number ** is valid. */ put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+92, change_counter); put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+96, SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER); } /* ** This function is a wrapper around sqlite3WalFrames(). As well as logging ** the contents of the list of pages headed by pList (connected by pDirty), ** this function notifies any active backup processes that the pages have ** changed. ** ** The list of pages passed into this routine is always sorted by page number. ** Hence, if page 1 appears anywhere on the list, it will be the first page. */ static int pagerWalFrames( Pager *pPager, /* Pager object */ PgHdr *pList, /* List of frames to log */ ................................................................................ assert( pPager->pWal ); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG /* Verify that the page list is in accending order */ for(p=pList; p && p->pDirty; p=p->pDirty){ assert( p->pgno < p->pDirty->pgno ); } #endif if( pList->pgno==1 ) pager_write_changecounter(pList); rc = sqlite3WalFrames(pPager->pWal, pPager->pageSize, pList, nTruncate, isCommit, syncFlags ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->pBackup ){ PgHdr *p; for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){ sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, p->pgno, (u8 *)p->pData); } } #ifdef SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){ pager_set_pagehash(p); } #endif return rc; } ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_backup **sqlite3PagerBackupPtr(Pager *pPager){ return &pPager->pBackup; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** This function is called when the user invokes "PRAGMA checkpoint". */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; if( pPager->pWal ){ u8 *zBuf = (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace; rc = sqlite3WalCheckpoint(pPager->pWal, pPager->ckptSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, zBuf); } return rc; } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager){ return sqlite3WalCallback(pPager->pWal); } ................................................................................ */ static int pagerExclusiveLock(Pager *pPager){ int rc; /* Return code */ assert( pPager->eLock==SHARED_LOCK || pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ); rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ /* If the attempt to grab the pending lock failed, release the ** exclusive lock that may have been obtained instead. */ pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK); } return rc; } /* ................................................................................ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ walIteratorFree(p); } *pp = p; return rc; } /* ** Copy as much content as we can from the WAL back into the database file ** in response to an sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() request or the equivalent. ** ** The amount of information copies from WAL to database might be limited ** by active readers. This routine will never overwrite a database page ................................................................................ ** ** The caller must be holding sufficient locks to ensure that no other ** checkpoint is running (in any other thread or process) at the same ** time. */ static int walCheckpoint( Wal *pWal, /* Wal connection */ int sync_flags, /* Flags for OsSync() (or 0) */ int nBuf, /* Size of zBuf in bytes */ u8 *zBuf /* Temporary buffer to use */ ){ int rc; /* Return code */ int szPage; /* Database page-size */ WalIterator *pIter = 0; /* Wal iterator context */ u32 iDbpage = 0; /* Next database page to write */ u32 iFrame = 0; /* Wal frame containing data for iDbpage */ u32 mxSafeFrame; /* Max frame that can be backfilled */ u32 mxPage; /* Max database page to write */ int i; /* Loop counter */ volatile WalCkptInfo *pInfo; /* The checkpoint status information */ szPage = (pWal->hdr.szPage&0xfe00) + ((pWal->hdr.szPage&0x0001)<<16); testcase( szPage<=32768 ); testcase( szPage>=65536 ); pInfo = walCkptInfo(pWal); if( pInfo->nBackfill>=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ) return SQLITE_OK; /* Allocate the iterator */ rc = walIteratorInit(pWal, &pIter); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ return rc; } assert( pIter ); /*** TODO: Move this test out to the caller. Make it an assert() here ***/ if( szPage!=nBuf ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; goto walcheckpoint_out; } /* Compute in mxSafeFrame the index of the last frame of the WAL that is ** safe to write into the database. Frames beyond mxSafeFrame might ** overwrite database pages that are in use by active readers and thus ** cannot be backfilled from the WAL. */ mxSafeFrame = pWal->hdr.mxFrame; mxPage = pWal->hdr.nPage; for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++){ u32 y = pInfo->aReadMark[i]; if( mxSafeFrame>=y ){ assert( y<=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ); rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED; walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ mxSafeFrame = y; }else{ goto walcheckpoint_out; } } } if( pInfo->nBackfill<mxSafeFrame && (rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(0), 1))==SQLITE_OK ){ i64 nSize; /* Current size of database file */ u32 nBackfill = pInfo->nBackfill; /* Sync the WAL to disk */ if( sync_flags ){ rc = sqlite3OsSync(pWal->pWalFd, sync_flags); ................................................................................ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInfo->nBackfill = mxSafeFrame; } } /* Release the reader lock held while backfilling */ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(0), 1); }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ /* Reset the return code so as not to report a checkpoint failure ** just because active readers prevent any backfill. */ rc = SQLITE_OK; } walcheckpoint_out: walIteratorFree(pIter); return rc; } /* ................................................................................ ** The EXCLUSIVE lock is not released before returning. */ rc = sqlite3OsLock(pWal->pDbFd, SQLITE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ if( pWal->exclusiveMode==WAL_NORMAL_MODE ){ pWal->exclusiveMode = WAL_EXCLUSIVE_MODE; } rc = sqlite3WalCheckpoint(pWal, sync_flags, nBuf, zBuf); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ isDelete = 1; } } walIndexClose(pWal, isDelete); sqlite3OsClose(pWal->pWalFd); ................................................................................ u32 mxReadMark; /* Largest aReadMark[] value */ int mxI; /* Index of largest aReadMark[] value */ int i; /* Loop counter */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */ assert( pWal->readLock<0 ); /* Not currently locked */ /* Take steps to avoid spinning forever if there is a protocol error. */ if( cnt>5 ){ if( cnt>100 ) return SQLITE_PROTOCOL; sqlite3OsSleep(pWal->pVfs, 1); } if( !useWal ){ rc = walIndexReadHdr(pWal, pChanged); if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ /* If there is not a recovery running in another thread or process ** then convert BUSY errors to WAL_RETRY. If recovery is known to ................................................................................ u32 thisMark = pInfo->aReadMark[i]; if( mxReadMark<=thisMark && thisMark<=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ){ assert( thisMark!=READMARK_NOT_USED ); mxReadMark = thisMark; mxI = i; } } if( mxI==0 ){ /* If we get here, it means that all of the aReadMark[] entries between ** 1 and WAL_NREADER-1 are zero. Try to initialize aReadMark[1] to ** be mxFrame, then retry. */ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), 1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInfo->aReadMark[1] = pWal->hdr.mxFrame; walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), 1); rc = WAL_RETRY; }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ rc = WAL_RETRY; } return rc; }else{ if( mxReadMark < pWal->hdr.mxFrame ){ for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++){ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ mxReadMark = pInfo->aReadMark[i] = pWal->hdr.mxFrame; mxI = i; walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); break; }else if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ return rc; } } } rc = walLockShared(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(mxI)); if( rc ){ return rc==SQLITE_BUSY ? WAL_RETRY : rc; } /* Now that the read-lock has been obtained, check that neither the ** value in the aReadMark[] array or the contents of the wal-index ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){ int rc; /* Return code */ int cnt = 0; /* Number of TryBeginRead attempts */ do{ rc = walTryBeginRead(pWal, pChanged, 0, ++cnt); }while( rc==WAL_RETRY ); return rc; } /* ** Finish with a read transaction. All this does is release the ** read-lock. */ ................................................................................ int rc = SQLITE_OK; int cnt; if( pWal->readLock==0 ){ volatile WalCkptInfo *pInfo = walCkptInfo(pWal); assert( pInfo->nBackfill==pWal->hdr.mxFrame ); if( pInfo->nBackfill>0 ){ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ /* If all readers are using WAL_READ_LOCK(0) (in other words if no ** readers are currently using the WAL), then the transactions ** frames will overwrite the start of the existing log. Update the ** wal-index header to reflect this. ** ................................................................................ ** to handle if this transaction is rolled back. */ int i; /* Loop counter */ u32 *aSalt = pWal->hdr.aSalt; /* Big-endian salt values */ pWal->nCkpt++; pWal->hdr.mxFrame = 0; sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0], 1 + sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0])); sqlite3_randomness(4, &aSalt[1]); walIndexWriteHdr(pWal); pInfo->nBackfill = 0; for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++) pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED; assert( pInfo->aReadMark[0]==0 ); walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1); }else if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ return rc; ................................................................................ walUnlockShared(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(0)); pWal->readLock = -1; cnt = 0; do{ int notUsed; rc = walTryBeginRead(pWal, ¬Used, 1, ++cnt); }while( rc==WAL_RETRY ); } return rc; } /* ** Write a set of frames to the log. The caller must hold the write-lock ** on the log file (obtained using sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction()). ................................................................................ /* ** This routine is called to implement sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() and ** related interfaces. ** ** Obtain a CHECKPOINT lock and then backfill as much information as ** we can from WAL into the database. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalCheckpoint( Wal *pWal, /* Wal connection */ int sync_flags, /* Flags to sync db file with (or 0) */ int nBuf, /* Size of temporary buffer */ u8 *zBuf /* Temporary buffer to use */ ){ int rc; /* Return code */ int isChanged = 0; /* True if a new wal-index header is loaded */ assert( pWal->ckptLock==0 ); WALTRACE(("WAL%p: checkpoint begins\n", pWal)); rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1); if( rc ){ /* Usually this is SQLITE_BUSY meaning that another thread or process ** is already running a checkpoint, or maybe a recovery. But it might ** also be SQLITE_IOERR. */ return rc; } pWal->ckptLock = 1; /* Copy data from the log to the database file. */ rc = walIndexReadHdr(pWal, &isChanged); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = walCheckpoint(pWal, sync_flags, nBuf, zBuf); } if( isChanged ){ /* If a new wal-index header was loaded before the checkpoint was ** performed, then the pager-cache associated with pWal is now ** out of date. So zero the cached wal-index header to ensure that ** next time the pager opens a snapshot on this database it knows that ** the cache needs to be reset. */ memset(&pWal->hdr, 0, sizeof(WalIndexHdr)); } /* Release the locks. */ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1); pWal->ckptLock = 0; WALTRACE(("WAL%p: checkpoint %s\n", pWal, rc ? "failed" : "ok")); return rc; } /* Return the value to pass to a sqlite3_wal_hook callback, the ** number of frames in the WAL at the point of the last commit since ** sqlite3WalCallback() was called. If no commits have occurred since ** the last call, then return 0. */ ................................................................................ ** * zero or more pages numbers of leaves */ /* The following value is the maximum cell size assuming a maximum page ** size give above. */ #define MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) (pBt->pageSize-8) /* The maximum number of cells on a single page of the database. This ** assumes a minimum cell size of 6 bytes (4 bytes for the cell itself ** plus 2 bytes for the index to the cell in the page header). Such ** small cells will be rare, but they are possible. */ #define MX_CELL(pBt) ((pBt->pageSize-8)/6) ................................................................................ ** points to the same BtShared object. The database cache and the ** schema associated with the database file are all contained within ** the BtShared object. ** ** All fields in this structure are accessed under sqlite3.mutex. ** The pBt pointer itself may not be changed while there exists cursors ** in the referenced BtShared that point back to this Btree since those ** cursors have to do go through this Btree to find their BtShared and ** they often do so without holding sqlite3.mutex. */ struct Btree { sqlite3 *db; /* The database connection holding this btree */ BtShared *pBt; /* Sharable content of this btree */ u8 inTrans; /* TRANS_NONE, TRANS_READ or TRANS_WRITE */ u8 sharable; /* True if we can share pBt with another db */ ................................................................................ u16 minLeaf; /* Minimum local payload in a LEAFDATA table */ u32 pageSize; /* Total number of bytes on a page */ u32 usableSize; /* Number of usable bytes on each page */ int nTransaction; /* Number of open transactions (read + write) */ u32 nPage; /* Number of pages in the database */ void *pSchema; /* Pointer to space allocated by sqlite3BtreeSchema() */ void (*xFreeSchema)(void*); /* Destructor for BtShared.pSchema */ sqlite3_mutex *mutex; /* Non-recursive mutex required to access this struct */ Bitvec *pHasContent; /* Set of pages moved to free-list this transaction */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE int nRef; /* Number of references to this structure */ BtShared *pNext; /* Next on a list of sharable BtShared structs */ BtLock *pLock; /* List of locks held on this shared-btree struct */ Btree *pWriter; /* Btree with currently open write transaction */ u8 isExclusive; /* True if pWriter has an EXCLUSIVE lock on the db */ ................................................................................ } /* ** Release the BtShared mutex associated with B-Tree handle p and ** clear the p->locked boolean. */ static void unlockBtreeMutex(Btree *p){ assert( p->locked==1 ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pBt->mutex) ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) ); assert( p->db==p->pBt->db ); sqlite3_mutex_leave(p->pBt->mutex); p->locked = 0; } /* ** Enter a mutex on the given BTree object. ** ** If the object is not sharable, then no mutex is ever required ................................................................................ ** Enter the mutexes in accending order by BtShared pointer address ** to avoid the possibility of deadlock when two threads with ** two or more btrees in common both try to lock all their btrees ** at the same instant. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3 *db){ int i; Btree *p, *pLater; assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ p = db->aDb[i].pBt; assert( !p || (p->locked==0 && p->sharable) || p->pBt->db==p->db ); if( p && p->sharable ){ p->wantToLock++; if( !p->locked ){ assert( p->wantToLock==1 ); while( p->pPrev ) p = p->pPrev; /* Reason for ALWAYS: There must be at least on unlocked Btree in ** the chain. Otherwise the !p->locked test above would have failed */ while( p->locked && ALWAYS(p->pNext) ) p = p->pNext; for(pLater = p->pNext; pLater; pLater=pLater->pNext){ if( pLater->locked ){ unlockBtreeMutex(pLater); } } while( p ){ lockBtreeMutex(p); p = p->pNext; } } } } } SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(sqlite3 *db){ int i; Btree *p; assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ p = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( p && p->sharable ){ assert( p->wantToLock>0 ); p->wantToLock--; if( p->wantToLock==0 ){ unlockBtreeMutex(p); } } } } #ifndef NDEBUG /* ** Return true if the current thread holds the database connection ** mutex and all required BtShared mutexes. ** ** This routine is used inside assert() statements only. ................................................................................ return 0; } } return 1; } #endif /* NDEBUG */ /* ** Add a new Btree pointer to a BtreeMutexArray. ** if the pointer can possibly be shared with ** another database connection. ** ** The pointers are kept in sorted order by pBtree->pBt. That ** way when we go to enter all the mutexes, we can enter them ** in order without every having to backup and retry and without ** worrying about deadlock. ** ** The number of shared btrees will always be small (usually 0 or 1) ** so an insertion sort is an adequate algorithm here. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert(BtreeMutexArray *pArray, Btree *pBtree){ int i, j; BtShared *pBt; if( pBtree==0 || pBtree->sharable==0 ) return; #ifndef NDEBUG { for(i=0; i<pArray->nMutex; i++){ assert( pArray->aBtree[i]!=pBtree ); } } #endif assert( pArray->nMutex>=0 ); assert( pArray->nMutex<ArraySize(pArray->aBtree)-1 ); pBt = pBtree->pBt; for(i=0; i<pArray->nMutex; i++){ assert( pArray->aBtree[i]!=pBtree ); if( pArray->aBtree[i]->pBt>pBt ){ for(j=pArray->nMutex; j>i; j--){ pArray->aBtree[j] = pArray->aBtree[j-1]; } pArray->aBtree[i] = pBtree; pArray->nMutex++; return; } } pArray->aBtree[pArray->nMutex++] = pBtree; } /* ** Enter the mutex of every btree in the array. This routine is ** called at the beginning of sqlite3VdbeExec(). The mutexes are ** exited at the end of the same function. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayEnter(BtreeMutexArray *pArray){ int i; for(i=0; i<pArray->nMutex; i++){ Btree *p = pArray->aBtree[i]; /* Some basic sanity checking */ assert( i==0 || pArray->aBtree[i-1]->pBt<p->pBt ); assert( !p->locked || p->wantToLock>0 ); /* We should already hold a lock on the database connection */ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) ); /* The Btree is sharable because only sharable Btrees are entered ** into the array in the first place. */ assert( p->sharable ); p->wantToLock++; if( !p->locked ){ lockBtreeMutex(p); } } } /* ** Leave the mutex of every btree in the group. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(BtreeMutexArray *pArray){ int i; for(i=0; i<pArray->nMutex; i++){ Btree *p = pArray->aBtree[i]; /* Some basic sanity checking */ assert( i==0 || pArray->aBtree[i-1]->pBt<p->pBt ); assert( p->locked ); assert( p->wantToLock>0 ); /* We should already hold a lock on the database connection */ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) ); p->wantToLock--; if( p->wantToLock==0 ){ unlockBtreeMutex(p); } } } #else SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnter(Btree *p){ p->pBt->db = p->db; } SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3 *db){ int i; for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Btree *p = db->aDb[i].pBt; ................................................................................ ** and the cell content area. The btreeInitPage() call has already ** validated the freelist. Given that the freelist is valid, there ** is no way that the allocation can extend off the end of the page. ** The assert() below verifies the previous sentence. */ top -= nByte; put2byte(&data[hdr+5], top); assert( top+nByte <= pPage->pBt->usableSize ); *pIdx = top; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Return a section of the pPage->aData to the freelist. ** The first byte of the new free block is pPage->aDisk[start] ................................................................................ int addr, pbegin, hdr; int iLast; /* Largest possible freeblock offset */ unsigned char *data = pPage->aData; assert( pPage->pBt!=0 ); assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) ); assert( start>=pPage->hdrOffset+6+pPage->childPtrSize ); assert( (start + size)<=pPage->pBt->usableSize ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) ); assert( size>=0 ); /* Minimum cell size is 4 */ if( pPage->pBt->secureDelete ){ /* Overwrite deleted information with zeros when the secure_delete ** option is enabled */ memset(&data[start], 0, size); ................................................................................ pPage->nFree = pPage->nFree + (u16)size; /* Coalesce adjacent free blocks */ addr = hdr + 1; while( (pbegin = get2byte(&data[addr]))>0 ){ int pnext, psize, x; assert( pbegin>addr ); assert( pbegin<=pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 ); pnext = get2byte(&data[pbegin]); psize = get2byte(&data[pbegin+2]); if( pbegin + psize + 3 >= pnext && pnext>0 ){ int frag = pnext - (pbegin+psize); if( (frag<0) || (frag>(int)data[hdr+7]) ){ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; } ................................................................................ sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); assert( pBt && pBt->pPager ); rc = sqlite3PagerNosync(pBt->pPager); sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); return rc; } #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_PAGER_PRAGMAS) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM) /* ** Change the default pages size and the number of reserved bytes per page. ** Or, if the page size has already been fixed, return SQLITE_READONLY ** without changing anything. ** ** The page size must be a power of 2 between 512 and 65536. If the page ** size supplied does not meet this constraint then the page size is not ................................................................................ /* ** Return the currently defined page size */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree *p){ return p->pBt->pageSize; } /* ** Return the number of bytes of space at the end of every page that ** are intentually left unused. This is the "reserved" space that is ** sometimes used by extensions. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree *p){ int n; ................................................................................ pBt->usableSize = usableSize; pBt->pageSize = pageSize; freeTempSpace(pBt); rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pBt->pPager, &pBt->pageSize, pageSize-usableSize); return rc; } if( (pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_RecoveryMode)==0 && nPageHeader>nPageFile ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; goto page1_init_failed; } if( usableSize<480 ){ goto page1_init_failed; } pBt->pageSize = pageSize; ................................................................................ ** sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne() routine does the first phase and should ** be invoked prior to calling this routine. The sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne() ** routine did all the work of writing information out to disk and flushing the ** contents so that they are written onto the disk platter. All this ** routine has to do is delete or truncate or zero the header in the ** the rollback journal (which causes the transaction to commit) and ** drop locks. ** ** This will release the write lock on the database file. If there ** are no active cursors, it also releases the read lock. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(Btree *p){ if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ) return SQLITE_OK; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); btreeIntegrity(p); /* If the handle has a write-transaction open, commit the shared-btrees ** transaction and set the shared state to TRANS_READ. ................................................................................ */ if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){ int rc; BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE ); assert( pBt->nTransaction>0 ); rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(pBt->pPager); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); return rc; } pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ; } btreeEndTransaction(p); ................................................................................ ** Do both phases of a commit. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree *p){ int rc; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(p, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p); } sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); return rc; } #ifndef NDEBUG /* ................................................................................ rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0); } if( rc ){ pTrunk = 0; goto end_allocate_page; } k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]); if( k==0 && !searchList ){ /* The trunk has no leaves and the list is not being searched. ** So extract the trunk page itself and use it as the newly ** allocated page */ assert( pPrevTrunk==0 ); rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage); if( rc ){ ................................................................................ TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d trunk - %d free pages left\n", *pPgno, n-1)); #endif }else if( k>0 ){ /* Extract a leaf from the trunk */ u32 closest; Pgno iPage; unsigned char *aData = pTrunk->aData; rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage); if( rc ){ goto end_allocate_page; } if( nearby>0 ){ u32 i; int dist; closest = 0; dist = get4byte(&aData[8]) - nearby; if( dist<0 ) dist = -dist; for(i=1; i<k; i++){ int d2 = get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]) - nearby; if( d2<0 ) d2 = -d2; if( d2<dist ){ closest = i; dist = d2; } } }else{ closest = 0; ................................................................................ testcase( iPage==mxPage ); if( !searchList || iPage==nearby ){ int noContent; *pPgno = iPage; TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d was leaf %d of %d on trunk %d" ": %d more free pages\n", *pPgno, closest+1, k, pTrunk->pgno, n-1)); if( closest<k-1 ){ memcpy(&aData[8+closest*4], &aData[4+k*4], 4); } put4byte(&aData[4], k-1); assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pTrunk->pDbPage) ); noContent = !btreeGetHasContent(pBt, *pPgno); rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, noContent); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3PagerWrite((*ppPage)->pDbPage); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ releasePage(*ppPage); } ................................................................................ releasePage(*ppPage); return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; } (*ppPage)->isInit = 0; }else{ *ppPage = 0; } return rc; } /* ** This function is used to add page iPage to the database file free-list. ** It is assumed that the page is not already a part of the free-list. ** ................................................................................ end = cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell; ins = cellOffset + 2*i; rc = allocateSpace(pPage, sz, &idx); if( rc ){ *pRC = rc; return; } /* The allocateSpace() routine guarantees the following two properties ** if it returns success */ assert( idx >= end+2 ); assert( idx+sz <= pPage->pBt->usableSize ); pPage->nCell++; pPage->nFree -= (u16)(2 + sz); memcpy(&data[idx+nSkip], pCell+nSkip, sz-nSkip); if( iChild ){ put4byte(&data[idx], iChild); } for(j=end, ptr=&data[j]; j>ins; j-=2, ptr-=2){ ................................................................................ int cellbody; /* Address of next cell body */ u8 * const data = pPage->aData; /* Pointer to data for pPage */ const int hdr = pPage->hdrOffset; /* Offset of header on pPage */ const int nUsable = pPage->pBt->usableSize; /* Usable size of page */ assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) ); assert( nCell>=0 && nCell<=MX_CELL(pPage->pBt) && MX_CELL(pPage->pBt)<=10921); assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) ); /* Check that the page has just been zeroed by zeroPage() */ assert( pPage->nCell==0 ); assert( get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5])==nUsable ); pCellptr = &data[pPage->cellOffset + nCell*2]; ................................................................................ int const iToHdr = ((pTo->pgno==1) ? 100 : 0); int rc; int iData; assert( pFrom->isInit ); assert( pFrom->nFree>=iToHdr ); assert( get2byte(&aFrom[iFromHdr+5])<=pBt->usableSize ); /* Copy the b-tree node content from page pFrom to page pTo. */ iData = get2byte(&aFrom[iFromHdr+5]); memcpy(&aTo[iData], &aFrom[iData], pBt->usableSize-iData); memcpy(&aTo[iToHdr], &aFrom[iFromHdr], pFrom->cellOffset + 2*pFrom->nCell); /* Reinitialize page pTo so that the contents of the MemPage structure ................................................................................ u16 sz = (u16)szNew[i]; u8 *pTemp; assert( nCell<nMaxCells ); szCell[nCell] = sz; pTemp = &aSpace1[iSpace1]; iSpace1 += sz; assert( sz<=pBt->maxLocal+23 ); assert( iSpace1<=pBt->pageSize ); memcpy(pTemp, apDiv[i], sz); apCell[nCell] = pTemp+leafCorrection; assert( leafCorrection==0 || leafCorrection==4 ); szCell[nCell] = szCell[nCell] - leafCorrection; if( !pOld->leaf ){ assert( leafCorrection==0 ); assert( pOld->hdrOffset==0 ); ................................................................................ for(j=i+1; j<k; j++){ if( apNew[j]->pgno<(unsigned)minV ){ minI = j; minV = apNew[j]->pgno; } } if( minI>i ){ int t; MemPage *pT; t = apNew[i]->pgno; pT = apNew[i]; apNew[i] = apNew[minI]; apNew[minI] = pT; } } TRACE(("new: %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d)\n", apNew[0]->pgno, szNew[0], ................................................................................ if( szCell[j]==4 ){ assert(leafCorrection==4); sz = cellSizePtr(pParent, pCell); } } iOvflSpace += sz; assert( sz<=pBt->maxLocal+23 ); assert( iOvflSpace<=pBt->pageSize ); insertCell(pParent, nxDiv, pCell, sz, pTemp, pNew->pgno, &rc); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto balance_cleanup; assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) ); j++; nxDiv++; } ................................................................................ assert( pPage->isInit ); allocateTempSpace(pBt); newCell = pBt->pTmpSpace; if( newCell==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; rc = fillInCell(pPage, newCell, pKey, nKey, pData, nData, nZero, &szNew); if( rc ) goto end_insert; assert( szNew==cellSizePtr(pPage, newCell) ); assert( szNew<=MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) ); idx = pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage]; if( loc==0 ){ u16 szOld; assert( idx<pPage->nCell ); rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage); if( rc ){ goto end_insert; ................................................................................ MemPage *pLeaf = pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]; int nCell; Pgno n = pCur->apPage[iCellDepth+1]->pgno; unsigned char *pTmp; pCell = findCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1); nCell = cellSizePtr(pLeaf, pCell); assert( MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt)>=nCell ); allocateTempSpace(pBt); pTmp = pBt->pTmpSpace; rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pLeaf->pDbPage); insertCell(pPage, iCellIdx, pCell-4, nCell+4, pTmp, n, &rc); dropCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1, nCell, &rc); ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** Run a checkpoint on the Btree passed as the first argument. ** ** Return SQLITE_LOCKED if this or any other connection has an open ** transaction on the shared-cache the argument Btree is connected to. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree *p){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; if( p ){ BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); if( pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_NONE ){ rc = SQLITE_LOCKED; }else{ rc = sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(pBt->pPager); } sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); } return rc; } #endif ................................................................................ ** ** If the nBytes parameter is 0 and the blob of memory has not yet been ** allocated, a null pointer is returned. If the blob has already been ** allocated, it is returned as normal. ** ** Just before the shared-btree is closed, the function passed as the ** xFree argument when the memory allocation was made is invoked on the ** blob of allocated memory. This function should not call sqlite3_free() ** on the memory, the btree layer does that. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3BtreeSchema(Btree *p, int nBytes, void(*xFree)(void *)){ BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); if( !pBt->pSchema && nBytes ){ pBt->pSchema = sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, nBytes); ................................................................................ */ static int backupOnePage(sqlite3_backup *p, Pgno iSrcPg, const u8 *zSrcData){ Pager * const pDestPager = sqlite3BtreePager(p->pDest); const int nSrcPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pSrc); int nDestPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pDest); const int nCopy = MIN(nSrcPgsz, nDestPgsz); const i64 iEnd = (i64)iSrcPg*(i64)nSrcPgsz; int rc = SQLITE_OK; i64 iOff; assert( p->bDestLocked ); assert( !isFatalError(p->rc) ); assert( iSrcPg!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(p->pSrc->pBt) ); ................................................................................ */ if( nSrcPgsz!=nDestPgsz && sqlite3PagerIsMemdb(pDestPager) ){ rc = SQLITE_READONLY; } #ifdef SQLITE_HAS_CODEC /* Backup is not possible if the page size of the destination is changing ** a a codec is in use. */ if( nSrcPgsz!=nDestPgsz && sqlite3PagerGetCodec(pDestPager)!=0 ){ rc = SQLITE_READONLY; } #endif /* This loop runs once for each destination page spanned by the source ** page. For each iteration, variable iOff is set to the byte offset ** of the destination page. */ for(iOff=iEnd-(i64)nSrcPgsz; rc==SQLITE_OK && iOff<iEnd; iOff+=nDestPgsz){ ................................................................................ */ if( rc==SQLITE_DONE && (rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p->pDest,1,p->iDestSchema+1))==SQLITE_OK ){ int nDestTruncate; if( p->pDestDb ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(p->pDestDb, 0); } /* Set nDestTruncate to the final number of pages in the destination ** database. The complication here is that the destination page ** size may be different to the source page size. ** ** If the source page size is smaller than the destination page size, ................................................................................ } }else{ rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(pDestPager, 0, 0); } /* Finish committing the transaction to the destination database. */ if( SQLITE_OK==rc && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p->pDest)) ){ rc = SQLITE_DONE; } } /* If bCloseTrans is true, then this function opened a read transaction ** on the source database. Close the read transaction here. There is ** no need to check the return values of the btree methods here, as ** "committing" a read-only transaction cannot fail. */ if( bCloseTrans ){ TESTONLY( int rc2 ); TESTONLY( rc2 = ) sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(p->pSrc, 0); TESTONLY( rc2 |= ) sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p->pSrc); assert( rc2==SQLITE_OK ); } if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } p->rc = rc; ................................................................................ for(p=pBackup; p; p=p->pNext){ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pSrc->pBt->mutex) ); if( !isFatalError(p->rc) && iPage<p->iNext ){ /* The backup process p has already copied page iPage. But now it ** has been modified by a transaction on the source pager. Copy ** the new data into the backup. */ int rc = backupOnePage(p, iPage, aData); assert( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY && rc!=SQLITE_LOCKED ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ p->rc = rc; } } } } ................................................................................ assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(pMem) ); flags = pMem->flags; if( flags & MEM_Int ){ return pMem->u.i; }else if( flags & MEM_Real ){ return doubleToInt64(pMem->r); }else if( flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob) ){ i64 value; assert( pMem->z || pMem->n==0 ); testcase( pMem->z==0 ); sqlite3Atoi64(pMem->z, &value, pMem->n, pMem->enc); return value; }else{ return 0; } ................................................................................ if( enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pVal, enc); } }else if( op==TK_UMINUS ) { /* This branch happens for multiple negative signs. Ex: -(-5) */ if( SQLITE_OK==sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db,pExpr->pLeft,enc,affinity,&pVal) ){ sqlite3VdbeMemNumerify(pVal); pVal->u.i = -1 * pVal->u.i; /* (double)-1 In case of SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT... */ pVal->r = (double)-1 * pVal->r; sqlite3ValueApplyAffinity(pVal, affinity, enc); } } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_BLOB_LITERAL else if( op==TK_BLOB ){ int nVal; assert( pExpr->u.zToken[0]=='x' || pExpr->u.zToken[0]=='X' ); assert( pExpr->u.zToken[1]=='\'' ); pVal = sqlite3ValueNew(db); ................................................................................ pOp->p5 = 0; pOp->p1 = p1; pOp->p2 = p2; pOp->p3 = p3; pOp->p4.p = 0; pOp->p4type = P4_NOTUSED; p->expired = 0; #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG pOp->zComment = 0; if( sqlite3VdbeAddopTrace ) sqlite3VdbePrintOp(0, i, &p->aOp[i]); #endif #ifdef VDBE_PROFILE pOp->cycles = 0; pOp->cnt = 0; ................................................................................ ** returned program. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE VdbeOp *sqlite3VdbeTakeOpArray(Vdbe *p, int *pnOp, int *pnMaxArg){ VdbeOp *aOp = p->aOp; assert( aOp && !p->db->mallocFailed ); /* Check that sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree() was not called on this VM */ assert( p->aMutex.nMutex==0 ); resolveP2Values(p, pnMaxArg); *pnOp = p->nOp; p->aOp = 0; return aOp; } ................................................................................ } /* ** Change the P2 operand of instruction addr so that it points to ** the address of the next instruction to be coded. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(Vdbe *p, int addr){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(p, addr, p->nOp); } /* ** If the input FuncDef structure is ephemeral, then free it. If ** the FuncDef is not ephermal, then do nothing. ................................................................................ return zP4; } #endif /* ** Declare to the Vdbe that the BTree object at db->aDb[i] is used. ** ** The prepared statement has to know in advance which Btree objects ** will be used so that it can acquire mutexes on them all in sorted ** order (via sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(). Mutexes are acquired ** in order (and released in reverse order) to avoid deadlocks. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(Vdbe *p, int i){ int mask; assert( i>=0 && i<p->db->nDb && i<sizeof(u32)*8 ); assert( i<(int)sizeof(p->btreeMask)*8 ); mask = ((u32)1)<<i; if( (p->btreeMask & mask)==0 ){ p->btreeMask |= mask; sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert(&p->aMutex, p->db->aDb[i].pBt); } } #if defined(VDBE_PROFILE) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) /* ** Print a single opcode. This routine is used for debugging only. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbePrintOp(FILE *pOut, int pc, Op *pOp){ char *zP4; ................................................................................ ** Also release any dynamic memory held by the VM in the Vdbe.aMem memory ** cell array. This is necessary as the memory cell array may contain ** pointers to VdbeFrame objects, which may in turn contain pointers to ** open cursors. */ static void closeAllCursors(Vdbe *p){ if( p->pFrame ){ VdbeFrame *pFrame = p->pFrame; for(pFrame=p->pFrame; pFrame->pParent; pFrame=pFrame->pParent); sqlite3VdbeFrameRestore(pFrame); } p->pFrame = 0; p->nFrame = 0; if( p->apCsr ){ ................................................................................ ** If one of the BtreeCommitPhaseOne() calls fails, this indicates an ** IO error while deleting or truncating a journal file. It is unlikely, ** but could happen. In this case abandon processing and return the error. */ for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<db->nDb; i++){ Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( pBt ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(pBt); } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3VtabCommit(db); } } ................................................................................ ** may be lying around. Returning an error code won't help matters. */ disable_simulated_io_errors(); sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc(); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( pBt ){ sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(pBt); } } sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(); enable_simulated_io_errors(); sqlite3VtabCommit(db); } ................................................................................ if( eOp==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK ){ db->nDeferredCons = p->nStmtDefCons; } } return rc; } /* ** If SQLite is compiled to support shared-cache mode and to be threadsafe, ** this routine obtains the mutex associated with each BtShared structure ** that may be accessed by the VM passed as an argument. In doing so it ** sets the BtShared.db member of each of the BtShared structures, ensuring ** that the correct busy-handler callback is invoked if required. ** ** If SQLite is not threadsafe but does support shared-cache mode, then ** sqlite3BtreeEnterAll() is invoked to set the BtShared.db variables ** of all of BtShared structures accessible via the database handle ** associated with the VM. Of course only a subset of these structures ** will be accessed by the VM, and we could use Vdbe.btreeMask to figure ** that subset out, but there is no advantage to doing so. ** ** If SQLite is not threadsafe and does not support shared-cache mode, this ** function is a no-op. */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(Vdbe *p){ #if SQLITE_THREADSAFE sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayEnter(&p->aMutex); #else sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(p->db); #endif } #endif /* ** This function is called when a transaction opened by the database ** handle associated with the VM passed as an argument is about to be ** committed. If there are outstanding deferred foreign key constraint ** violations, return SQLITE_ERROR. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK. ** ** If there are outstanding FK violations and this function returns ................................................................................ /* No commit or rollback needed if the program never started */ if( p->pc>=0 ){ int mrc; /* Primary error code from p->rc */ int eStatementOp = 0; int isSpecialError; /* Set to true if a 'special' error */ /* Lock all btrees used by the statement */ sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(p); /* Check for one of the special errors */ mrc = p->rc & 0xff; assert( p->rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED ); /* This error no longer exists */ isSpecialError = mrc==SQLITE_NOMEM || mrc==SQLITE_IOERR || mrc==SQLITE_INTERRUPT || mrc==SQLITE_FULL; if( isSpecialError ){ ................................................................................ ** above has occurred. */ if( !sqlite3VtabInSync(db) && db->autoCommit && db->writeVdbeCnt==(p->readOnly==0) ){ if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->errorAction==OE_Fail && !isSpecialError) ){ if( sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p, 1) ){ sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(&p->aMutex); return SQLITE_ERROR; } /* The auto-commit flag is true, the vdbe program was successful ** or hit an 'OR FAIL' constraint and there are no deferred foreign ** key constraints to hold up the transaction. This means a commit ** is required. */ rc = vdbeCommit(db, p); if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(&p->aMutex); return SQLITE_BUSY; }else if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ p->rc = rc; sqlite3RollbackAll(db); }else{ db->nDeferredCons = 0; sqlite3CommitInternalChanges(db); ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeSetChanges(db, 0); } p->nChange = 0; } /* Rollback or commit any schema changes that occurred. */ if( p->rc!=SQLITE_OK && db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); db->flags = (db->flags | SQLITE_InternChanges); } /* Release the locks */ sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(&p->aMutex); } /* We have successfully halted and closed the VM. Record this fact. */ if( p->pc>=0 ){ db->activeVdbeCnt--; if( !p->readOnly ){ db->writeVdbeCnt--; ................................................................................ ** to invoke any required unlock-notify callbacks. */ if( db->autoCommit ){ sqlite3ConnectionUnlocked(db); } assert( db->activeVdbeCnt>0 || db->autoCommit==0 || db->nStatement==0 ); return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Each VDBE holds the result of the most recent sqlite3_step() call ** in p->rc. This routine sets that result back to SQLITE_OK. */ ................................................................................ /* Figure out whether to use 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 bytes. */ # define MAX_6BYTE ((((i64)0x00008000)<<32)-1) i64 i = pMem->u.i; u64 u; if( file_format>=4 && (i&1)==i ){ return 8+(u32)i; } u = i<0 ? -i : i; if( u<=127 ) return 1; if( u<=32767 ) return 2; if( u<=8388607 ) return 3; if( u<=2147483647 ) return 4; if( u<=MAX_6BYTE ) return 5; return 6; } ................................................................................ ** Check to see if column iCol of the given statement is valid. If ** it is, return a pointer to the Mem for the value of that column. ** If iCol is not valid, return a pointer to a Mem which has a value ** of NULL. */ static Mem *columnMem(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int i){ Vdbe *pVm; int vals; Mem *pOut; pVm = (Vdbe *)pStmt; if( pVm && pVm->pResultSet!=0 && i<pVm->nResColumn && i>=0 ){ sqlite3_mutex_enter(pVm->db->mutex); vals = sqlite3_data_count(pStmt); pOut = &pVm->pResultSet[i]; }else{ /* If the value passed as the second argument is out of range, return ** a pointer to the following static Mem object which contains the ** value SQL NULL. Even though the Mem structure contains an element ** of type i64, on certain architecture (x86) with certain compiler ** switches (-Os), gcc may align this Mem object on a 4-byte boundary ................................................................................ ** this assert() from failing, when building with SQLITE_DEBUG defined ** using gcc, force nullMem to be 8-byte aligned using the magical ** __attribute__((aligned(8))) macro. */ static const Mem nullMem #if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) && defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((aligned(8))) #endif = {0, "", (double)0, {0}, 0, MEM_Null, SQLITE_NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; if( pVm && ALWAYS(pVm->db) ){ sqlite3_mutex_enter(pVm->db->mutex); sqlite3Error(pVm->db, SQLITE_RANGE, 0); } pOut = (Mem*)&nullMem; } ................................................................................ db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]); out.db = db; if( db->vdbeExecCnt>1 ){ while( *zRawSql ){ const char *zStart = zRawSql; while( *(zRawSql++)!='\n' && *zRawSql ); sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, "-- ", 3); sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, zStart, zRawSql-zStart); } }else{ while( zRawSql[0] ){ n = findNextHostParameter(zRawSql, &nToken); assert( n>0 ); sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, zRawSql, n); zRawSql += n; ................................................................................ Vdbe *p /* The VDBE */ ){ int pc=0; /* The program counter */ Op *aOp = p->aOp; /* Copy of p->aOp */ Op *pOp; /* Current operation */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Value to return */ sqlite3 *db = p->db; /* The database */ u8 resetSchemaOnFault = 0; /* Reset schema after an error if true */ u8 encoding = ENC(db); /* The database encoding */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK int checkProgress; /* True if progress callbacks are enabled */ int nProgressOps = 0; /* Opcodes executed since progress callback. */ #endif Mem *aMem = p->aMem; /* Copy of p->aMem */ Mem *pIn1 = 0; /* 1st input operand */ ................................................................................ int i; Mem *pArg; sqlite3_context ctx; sqlite3_value **apVal; int n; } ag; struct OP_ShiftRight_stack_vars { i64 a; i64 b; } ah; struct OP_Ge_stack_vars { int res; /* Result of the comparison of pIn1 against pIn3 */ char affinity; /* Affinity to use for comparison */ u16 flags1; /* Copy of initial value of pIn1->flags */ u16 flags3; /* Copy of initial value of pIn3->flags */ } ai; ................................................................................ int iCookie; } at; struct OP_SetCookie_stack_vars { Db *pDb; } au; struct OP_VerifyCookie_stack_vars { int iMeta; Btree *pBt; } av; struct OP_OpenWrite_stack_vars { int nField; KeyInfo *pKeyInfo; int p2; int iDb; ................................................................................ Mem *pRec; sqlite3_context ctx; sqlite3_value **apVal; } cb; struct OP_AggFinal_stack_vars { Mem *pMem; } cc; struct OP_JournalMode_stack_vars { Btree *pBt; /* Btree to change journal mode of */ Pager *pPager; /* Pager associated with pBt */ int eNew; /* New journal mode */ int eOld; /* The old journal mode */ const char *zFilename; /* Name of database file for pPager */ } cd; struct OP_IncrVacuum_stack_vars { Btree *pBt; } ce; struct OP_VBegin_stack_vars { VTable *pVTab; } cf; struct OP_VOpen_stack_vars { VdbeCursor *pCur; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; } cg; struct OP_VFilter_stack_vars { int nArg; int iQuery; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pQuery; Mem *pArgc; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; VdbeCursor *pCur; int res; int i; Mem **apArg; } ch; struct OP_VColumn_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pDest; sqlite3_context sContext; } ci; struct OP_VNext_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; int res; VdbeCursor *pCur; } cj; struct OP_VRename_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; Mem *pName; } ck; struct OP_VUpdate_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; int nArg; int i; sqlite_int64 rowid; Mem **apArg; Mem *pX; } cl; struct OP_Trace_stack_vars { char *zTrace; } cm; } u; /* End automatically generated code ********************************************************************/ assert( p->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_RUN ); /* sqlite3_step() verifies this */ sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(p); if( p->rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){ /* This happens if a malloc() inside a call to sqlite3_column_text() or ** sqlite3_column_text16() failed. */ goto no_mem; } assert( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || p->rc==SQLITE_BUSY ); p->rc = SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3]; = pIn1->flags | pIn2->flags; if( ( & MEM_Null)!=0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null; if( (pIn1->flags & pIn2->flags & MEM_Int)==MEM_Int ){ = pIn1->u.i; = pIn2->u.i; switch( pOp->opcode ){ case OP_Add: +=; break; case OP_Subtract: -=; break; case OP_Multiply: *=; break; case OP_Divide: { if( ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null; /* Dividing the largest possible negative 64-bit integer (1<<63) by ** -1 returns an integer too large to store in a 64-bit data-type. On ** some architectures, the value overflows to (1<<63). On others, ** a SIGFPE is issued. The following statement normalizes this ** behavior so that all architectures behave as if integer ** overflow occurred. */ if( && ) = 1; /=; break; } default: { if( ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null; if( ) = 1; %=; break; } } pOut->u.i =; MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int); }else{ = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn1); = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn2); switch( pOp->opcode ){ case OP_Add: +=; break; case OP_Subtract: -=; break; case OP_Multiply: *=; break; case OP_Divide: { ................................................................................ /* Copy the result of the function into register P3 */ sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&, encoding); sqlite3VdbeMemMove(pOut, &; if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(pOut) ){ goto too_big; } REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, pOut); UPDATE_MAX_BLOBSIZE(pOut); break; } /* Opcode: BitAnd P1 P2 P3 * * ** ................................................................................ ** If either input is NULL, the result is NULL. */ case OP_BitAnd: /* same as TK_BITAND, in1, in2, out3 */ case OP_BitOr: /* same as TK_BITOR, in1, in2, out3 */ case OP_ShiftLeft: /* same as TK_LSHIFT, in1, in2, out3 */ case OP_ShiftRight: { /* same as TK_RSHIFT, in1, in2, out3 */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.ah */ i64 a; i64 b; #endif /* local variables moved into u.ah */ pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1]; pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2]; pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3]; if( (pIn1->flags | pIn2->flags) & MEM_Null ){ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(pOut); break; } u.ah.a = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2); u.ah.b = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1); switch( pOp->opcode ){ case OP_BitAnd: u.ah.a &= u.ah.b; break; case OP_BitOr: u.ah.a |= u.ah.b; break; case OP_ShiftLeft: u.ah.a <<= u.ah.b; break; default: assert( pOp->opcode==OP_ShiftRight ); u.ah.a >>= u.ah.b; break; } pOut->u.i = u.ah.a; MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int); break; } /* Opcode: AddImm P1 P2 * * * ** ** Add the constant P2 to the value in register P1. ................................................................................ ** Each type field is a varint representing the serial type of the ** corresponding data element (see sqlite3VdbeSerialType()). The ** hdr-size field is also a varint which is the offset from the beginning ** of the record to data0. */ = 0; /* Number of bytes of data space */ = 0; /* Number of bytes of header space */ = 0; /* Data space required for this record */ = 0; /* Number of zero bytes at the end of the record */ = pOp->p1; = pOp->p4.z; assert(>0 && pOp->p2>0 && pOp-><=p->nMem+1 ); = &aMem[]; = pOp->p2; = &[]; ................................................................................ rc = sqlite3BtreeSavepoint(db->aDb[].pBt,,; if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ goto abort_due_to_error; } } if( && (db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges)!=0 ){ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); db->flags = (db->flags | SQLITE_InternChanges); } } /* Regardless of whether this is a RELEASE or ROLLBACK, destroy all ** savepoints nested inside of the savepoint being operated on. */ while( db->pSavepoint! ){ ................................................................................ */ case OP_Transaction: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ Btree *pBt; #endif /* local variables moved into */ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; if( ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(, pOp->p2); if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ p->pc = pc; p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY; ................................................................................ #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p1; = pOp->p3; assert( pOp->p3<SQLITE_N_BTREE_META ); assert(>=0 &&<db->nDb ); assert( db->aDb[].pBt!=0 ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<!=0 ); sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(db->aDb[].pBt,, (u32 *)&; pOut->u.i =; break; } /* Opcode: SetCookie P1 P2 P3 * * ................................................................................ */ case OP_SetCookie: { /* in3 */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ Db *pDb; #endif /* local variables moved into */ assert( pOp->p2<SQLITE_N_BTREE_META ); assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = &db->aDb[pOp->p1]; assert(>pBt!=0 ); pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3]; sqlite3VdbeMemIntegerify(pIn3); /* See note about index shifting on OP_ReadCookie */ rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(>pBt, pOp->p2, (int)pIn3->u.i); if( pOp->p2==BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION ){ /* When the schema cookie changes, record the new cookie internally */>pSchema->schema_cookie = (int)pIn3->u.i; ................................................................................ ** schema is changed. Ticket #1644 */ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); p->expired = 0; } break; } /* Opcode: VerifyCookie P1 P2 * ** ** Check the value of global database parameter number 0 (the ** schema version) and make sure it is equal to P2. ** P1 is the database number which is 0 for the main database file ** and 1 for the file holding temporary tables and some higher number ** for auxiliary databases. ** ** The cookie changes its value whenever the database schema changes. ** This operation is used to detect when that the cookie has changed ** and that the current process needs to reread the schema. ................................................................................ ** Either a transaction needs to have been started or an OP_Open needs ** to be executed (to establish a read lock) before this opcode is ** invoked. */ case OP_VerifyCookie: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.av */ int iMeta; Btree *pBt; #endif /* local variables moved into u.av */ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); u.av.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; if( u.av.pBt ){ sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(u.av.pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&u.av.iMeta); }else{ u.av.iMeta = 0; } if( u.av.iMeta!=pOp->p2 ){ sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zErrMsg); p->zErrMsg = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, "database schema has changed"); /* If the schema-cookie from the database file matches the cookie ** stored with the in-memory representation of the schema, do ** not reload the schema from the database file. ** ** If virtual-tables are in use, this is not just an optimization. ................................................................................ ** to be invalidated whenever sqlite3_step() is called from within ** a v-table method. */ if( db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->schema_cookie!=u.av.iMeta ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, pOp->p1); } sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); rc = SQLITE_SCHEMA; } break; } /* Opcode: OpenRead P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ** ................................................................................ } = 0; = 0; = pOp->p2; = pOp->p3; assert(>=0 &&<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<!=0 ); = &db->aDb[]; =>pBt; assert(!=0 ); if( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite ){ = 1; if(>pSchema->file_format < p->minWriteFileFormat ){ p->minWriteFileFormat =>pSchema->file_format; } }else{ = 0; } if( pOp->p5 ){ ................................................................................ ** ** The second algorithm is to select a rowid at random and see if ** it already exists in the table. If it does not exist, we have ** succeeded. If the random rowid does exist, we select a new one ** and try again, up to 100 times. */ assert(>isTable ); = 0; #ifdef SQLITE_32BIT_ROWID # define MAX_ROWID 0x7fffffff #else /* Some compilers complain about constants of the form 0x7fffffffffffffff. ** Others complain about 0x7ffffffffffffffffLL. The following macro seems ** to provide the constant while making all compilers happy. ................................................................................ pOut->flags = MEM_Null; if(>1 ){ rc = SQLITE_LOCKED; p->errorAction = OE_Abort; }else{ = pOp->p3; assert( ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<!=0 ); rc = sqlite3BtreeDropTable(db->aDb[].pBt, pOp->p1, &; pOut->flags = MEM_Int; pOut->u.i =; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM if( rc==SQLITE_OK &&!=0 ){ sqlite3RootPageMoved(&db->aDb[],, pOp->p1); resetSchemaOnFault = 1; } #endif } break; } /* Opcode: Clear P1 P2 P3 ................................................................................ */ case OP_Clear: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ int nChange; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p2))!=0 ); rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable( db->aDb[pOp->p2].pBt, pOp->p1, (pOp->p3 ? & : 0) ); if( pOp->p3 ){ p->nChange +=; if( pOp->p3>0 ){ assert( memIsValid(&aMem[pOp->p3]) ); ................................................................................ int pgno; int flags; Db *pDb; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = &db->aDb[pOp->p1]; assert(>pBt!=0 ); if( pOp->opcode==OP_CreateTable ){ /* = BTREE_INTKEY; */ = BTREE_INTKEY; }else{ = BTREE_BLOBKEY; } rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(>pBt, &,; pOut->u.i =; break; } /* Opcode: ParseSchema P1 P2 * P4 * ** ** Read and parse all entries from the SQLITE_MASTER table of database P1 ** that match the WHERE clause P4. P2 is the "force" flag. Always do ** the parsing if P2 is true. If P2 is false, then this routine is a ** no-op if the schema is not currently loaded. In other words, if P2 ** is false, the SQLITE_MASTER table is only parsed if the rest of the ** schema is already loaded into the symbol table. ** ** This opcode invokes the parser to create a new virtual machine, ** then runs the new virtual machine. It is thus a re-entrant opcode. */ case OP_ParseSchema: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.bu */ int iDb; const char *zMaster; char *zSql; InitData initData; #endif /* local variables moved into u.bu */ u.bu.iDb = pOp->p1; assert( u.bu.iDb>=0 && u.bu.iDb<db->nDb ); /* If pOp->p2 is 0, then this opcode is being executed to read a ** single row, for example the row corresponding to a new index ** created by this VDBE, from the sqlite_master table. It only ** does this if the corresponding in-memory schema is currently ** loaded. Otherwise, the new index definition can be loaded along ** with the rest of the schema when it is required. ** ** Although the mutex on the BtShared object that corresponds to ** database u.bu.iDb (the database containing the sqlite_master table ** read by this instruction) is currently held, it is necessary to ** obtain the mutexes on all attached databases before checking if ** the schema of u.bu.iDb is loaded. This is because, at the start of ** the sqlite3_exec() call below, SQLite will invoke ** sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(). If all mutexes are not already held, the ** u.bu.iDb mutex may be temporarily released to avoid deadlock. If ** this happens, then some other thread may delete the in-memory ** schema of database u.bu.iDb before the SQL statement runs. The schema ** will not be reloaded becuase the db->init.busy flag is set. This ** can result in a "no such table: sqlite_master" or "malformed ** database schema" error being returned to the user. */ assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(db->aDb[u.bu.iDb].pBt) ); sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(db); if( pOp->p2 || DbHasProperty(db, u.bu.iDb, DB_SchemaLoaded) ){ u.bu.zMaster = SCHEMA_TABLE(u.bu.iDb); u.bu.initData.db = db; u.bu.initData.iDb = pOp->p1; u.bu.initData.pzErrMsg = &p->zErrMsg; u.bu.zSql = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "SELECT name, rootpage, sql FROM '%q'.%s WHERE %s ORDER BY rowid", db->aDb[u.bu.iDb].zName, u.bu.zMaster, pOp->p4.z); ................................................................................ assert( !db->mallocFailed ); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, u.bu.zSql, sqlite3InitCallback, &u.bu.initData, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = u.bu.initData.rc; sqlite3DbFree(db, u.bu.zSql); db->init.busy = 0; } } sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(db); if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){ goto no_mem; } break; } #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_ANALYZE) ................................................................................ assert( (>flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 ); pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1]; for(;<;{[] = (int)sqlite3VdbeIntValue(&pIn1[]); }[] = 0; assert( pOp->p5<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p5))!=0 ); = sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(db->aDb[pOp->p5].pBt,,, (int)>u.i, &; sqlite3DbFree(db,;>u.i -=; sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(pIn1); if( ){ assert( ); ................................................................................ u.cb.ctx.pColl = pOp[-1].p4.pColl; } (u.cb.ctx.pFunc->xStep)(&u.cb.ctx, u.cb.n, u.cb.apVal); /* IMP: R-24505-23230 */ if( u.cb.ctx.isError ){ sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(&u.cb.ctx.s)); rc = u.cb.ctx.isError; } sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.cb.ctx.s); break; } /* Opcode: AggFinal P1 P2 * P4 * ** ** Execute the finalizer function for an aggregate. P1 is ** the memory location that is the accumulator for the aggregate. ................................................................................ if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig( ){ goto too_big; } break; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* Opcode: Checkpoint P1 * * * * ** ** Checkpoint database P1. This is a no-op if P1 is not currently in ** WAL mode. */ case OP_Checkpoint: { rc = sqlite3Checkpoint(db, pOp->p1); break; }; #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PRAGMA /* Opcode: JournalMode P1 P2 P3 * P5 ** ................................................................................ ** operation. No IO is required. ** ** If changing into or out of WAL mode the procedure is more complicated. ** ** Write a string containing the final journal-mode to register P2. */ case OP_JournalMode: { /* out2-prerelease */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ Btree *pBt; /* Btree to change journal mode of */ Pager *pPager; /* Pager associated with pBt */ int eNew; /* New journal mode */ int eOld; /* The old journal mode */ const char *zFilename; /* Name of database file for pPager */ #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p3; assert( || || || || || || ); assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); /* This opcode is used in two places: PRAGMA journal_mode and ATTACH. ** In PRAGMA journal_mode, the sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree() routine is called ** when the statment is prepared and so p->aMutex.nMutex>0. All mutexes ** are already acquired. But when used in ATTACH, sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree() ** is not called when the statement is prepared because it requires the ** iDb index of the database as a parameter, and the database has not ** yet been attached so that index is unavailable. We have to wait ** until runtime (now) to get the mutex on the newly attached database. ** No other mutexes are required by the ATTACH command so this is safe ** to do. */ assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p1))!=0 || p->aMutex.nMutex==0 ); if( p->aMutex.nMutex==0 ){ /* This occurs right after ATTACH. Get a mutex on the newly ATTACHed ** database. */ sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(p, pOp->p1); sqlite3VdbeMutexArrayEnter(p); } = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; = sqlite3BtreePager(; = sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(; if( ) =; if( !sqlite3PagerOkToChangeJournalMode( ) =; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL = sqlite3PagerFilename(; /* Do not allow a transition to journal_mode=WAL for a database ** in temporary storage or if the VFS does not support shared memory */ if( && ([0]==0 /* Temp file */ || !sqlite3PagerWalSupported( /* No shared-memory support */ ){ =; } if( (! && ( || ){ if( !db->autoCommit || db->activeVdbeCnt>1 ){ rc = SQLITE_ERROR; sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "cannot change %s wal mode from within a transaction", ( ? "into" : "out of") ); break; }else{ if( ){ /* If leaving WAL mode, close the log file. If successful, the call ** to PagerCloseWal() checkpoints and deletes the write-ahead-log ** file. An EXCLUSIVE lock may still be held on the database file ** after a successful return. */ rc = sqlite3PagerCloseWal(; if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(,; } }else if( ){ /* Cannot transition directly from MEMORY to WAL. Use mode OFF ** as an intermediate */ sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(, PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF); } /* Open a transaction on the database file. Regardless of the journal ** mode, this transaction always uses a rollback journal. */ assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans( ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(, ( ? 2 : 1)); } } } #endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */ if( rc ){ =; } = sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(,; pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2]; pOut->flags = MEM_Str|MEM_Static|MEM_Term; pOut->z = (char *)sqlite3JournalModename(; pOut->n = sqlite3Strlen30(pOut->z); pOut->enc = SQLITE_UTF8; sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pOut, encoding); break; }; #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_PRAGMA */ ................................................................................ /* Opcode: IncrVacuum P1 P2 * * * ** ** Perform a single step of the incremental vacuum procedure on ** the P1 database. If the vacuum has finished, jump to instruction ** P2. Otherwise, fall through to the next instruction. */ case OP_IncrVacuum: { /* jump */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.ce */ Btree *pBt; #endif /* local variables moved into u.ce */ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); u.ce.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; rc = sqlite3BtreeIncrVacuum(u.ce.pBt); if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ pc = pOp->p2 - 1; rc = SQLITE_OK; } break; } #endif ................................................................................ ** used to generate an error message if the lock cannot be obtained. */ case OP_TableLock: { u8 isWriteLock = (u8)pOp->p3; if( isWriteLock || 0==(db->flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommitted) ){ int p1 = pOp->p1; assert( p1>=0 && p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (1<<p1))!=0 ); assert( isWriteLock==0 || isWriteLock==1 ); rc = sqlite3BtreeLockTable(db->aDb[p1].pBt, pOp->p2, isWriteLock); if( (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_LOCKED ){ const char *z = pOp->p4.z; sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "database table is locked: %s", z); } } ................................................................................ ** xBegin method for that table. ** ** Also, whether or not P4 is set, check that this is not being called from ** within a callback to a virtual table xSync() method. If it is, the error ** code will be set to SQLITE_LOCKED. */ case OP_VBegin: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ VTable *pVTab; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p4.pVtab; rc = sqlite3VtabBegin(db,; if( ) importVtabErrMsg(p,>pVtab); break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE /* Opcode: VCreate P1 * * P4 * ** ................................................................................ /* Opcode: VOpen P1 * * P4 * ** ** P4 is a pointer to a virtual table object, an sqlite3_vtab structure. ** P1 is a cursor number. This opcode opens a cursor to the virtual ** table and stores that cursor in P1. */ case OP_VOpen: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ VdbeCursor *pCur; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; = 0; = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab; = (sqlite3_module *)>pModule; assert( &&; rc =>xOpen(, &; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){ /* Initialize sqlite3_vtab_cursor base class */>pVtab =; /* Initialise vdbe cursor object */ = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, 0, -1, 0); if( ){>pVtabCursor =;>pModule =>pVtab->pModule; }else{ db->mallocFailed = 1;>xClose(; } } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE ................................................................................ ** xFilter method. Registers P3+2..P3+1+argc are the argc ** additional parameters which are passed to ** xFilter as argv. Register P3+2 becomes argv[0] when passed to xFilter. ** ** A jump is made to P2 if the result set after filtering would be empty. */ case OP_VFilter: { /* jump */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ int nArg; int iQuery; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pQuery; Mem *pArgc; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; VdbeCursor *pCur; int res; int i; Mem **apArg; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = &aMem[pOp->p3]; = &[1]; = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]; assert( memIsValid( ); REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3,; assert(>pVtabCursor ); =>pVtabCursor; =>pVtab; =>pModule; /* Grab the index number and argc parameters */ assert( (>flags&MEM_Int)!=0 &&>flags==MEM_Int ); = (int)>u.i; = (int)>u.i; /* Invoke the xFilter method */ { = 0; = p->apArg; for( = 0;<;{[] = &[]; sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType([]); } p->inVtabMethod = 1; rc =>xFilter(,, pOp->p4.z,,; p->inVtabMethod = 0; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ =>xEof(; } if( ){ pc = pOp->p2 - 1; } }>nullRow = 0; break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE /* Opcode: VColumn P1 P2 P3 * * ** ** Store the value of the P2-th column of ** the row of the virtual-table that the ** P1 cursor is pointing to into register P3. */ case OP_VColumn: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pDest; sqlite3_context sContext; #endif /* local variables moved into */ VdbeCursor *pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]; assert( pCur->pVtabCursor ); assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem ); = &aMem[pOp->p3]; memAboutToChange(p,; if( pCur->nullRow ){ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(; break; } = pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab; =>pModule; assert(>xColumn ); memset(&, 0, sizeof(; /* The output cell may already have a buffer allocated. Move ** the current contents to so in case the user-function ** can use the already allocated buffer instead of allocating a ** new one. */ sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&,; MemSetTypeFlag(&, MEM_Null); rc =>xColumn(pCur->pVtabCursor, &, pOp->p2); importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( ){ rc =; } /* Copy the result of the function to the P3 register. We ** do this regardless of whether or not an error occurred to ensure any ** dynamic allocation in (a Mem struct) is released. */ sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&, encoding); sqlite3VdbeMemMove(, &; REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3,; UPDATE_MAX_BLOBSIZE(; if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig( ){ goto too_big; } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE ................................................................................ /* Opcode: VNext P1 P2 * * * ** ** Advance virtual table P1 to the next row in its result set and ** jump to instruction P2. Or, if the virtual table has reached ** the end of its result set, then fall through to the next instruction. */ case OP_VNext: { /* jump */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.cj */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; int res; VdbeCursor *pCur; #endif /* local variables moved into u.cj */ u.cj.res = 0; u.cj.pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]; assert( u.cj.pCur->pVtabCursor ); if( u.cj.pCur->nullRow ){ break; } u.cj.pVtab = u.cj.pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab; u.cj.pModule = u.cj.pVtab->pModule; assert( u.cj.pModule->xNext ); /* Invoke the xNext() method of the module. There is no way for the ** underlying implementation to return an error if one occurs during ** xNext(). Instead, if an error occurs, true is returned (indicating that ** data is available) and the error code returned when xColumn or ** some other method is next invoked on the save virtual table cursor. */ p->inVtabMethod = 1; rc = u.cj.pModule->xNext(u.cj.pCur->pVtabCursor); p->inVtabMethod = 0; importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cj.pVtab); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ u.cj.res = u.cj.pModule->xEof(u.cj.pCur->pVtabCursor); } if( !u.cj.res ){ /* If there is data, jump to P2 */ pc = pOp->p2 - 1; } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ ................................................................................ /* Opcode: VRename P1 * * P4 * ** ** P4 is a pointer to a virtual table object, an sqlite3_vtab structure. ** This opcode invokes the corresponding xRename method. The value ** in register P1 is passed as the zName argument to the xRename method. */ case OP_VRename: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; Mem *pName; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab; = &aMem[pOp->p1]; assert(>pModule->xRename ); assert( memIsValid( ); REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1,; assert(>flags & MEM_Str ); rc =>pModule->xRename(,>z); importVtabErrMsg(p,; p->expired = 0; break; } #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE ................................................................................ ** a row to delete. ** ** P1 is a boolean flag. If it is set to true and the xUpdate call ** is successful, then the value returned by sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() ** is set to the value of the rowid for the row just inserted. */ case OP_VUpdate: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; int nArg; int i; sqlite_int64 rowid; Mem **apArg; Mem *pX; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab; = (sqlite3_module *)>pModule; = pOp->p2; assert( pOp->p4type==P4_VTAB ); if( ALWAYS(>xUpdate) ){ = p->apArg; = &aMem[pOp->p3]; for(;<;{ assert( memIsValid( ); memAboutToChange(p,; sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(;[] =;; } rc =>xUpdate(,,, &; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pOp->p1 ){ assert(>1 &&[0] && ([0]->flags&MEM_Null) ); db->lastRowid =; } p->nChange++; } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE /* Opcode: Trace * * * P4 * ** ** If tracing is enabled (by the sqlite3_trace()) interface, then ** the UTF-8 string contained in P4 is emitted on the trace callback. */ case OP_Trace: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ char *zTrace; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql); if( ){ if( db->xTrace ){ char *z = sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(p,; db->xTrace(db->pTraceArg, z); sqlite3DbFree(db, z); } #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( (db->flags & SQLITE_SqlTrace)!=0 ){ sqlite3DebugPrintf("SQL-trace: %s\n",; } #endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */ } break; } #endif ................................................................................ p->rc = rc; testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 ); sqlite3_log(rc, "statement aborts at %d: [%s] %s", pc, p->zSql, p->zErrMsg); sqlite3VdbeHalt(p); if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ) db->mallocFailed = 1; rc = SQLITE_ERROR; if( resetSchemaOnFault ) sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); /* This is the only way out of this procedure. We have to ** release the mutexes on btrees that were acquired at the ** top. */ vdbe_return: sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayLeave(&p->aMutex); return rc; /* Jump to here if a string or blob larger than SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH ** is encountered. */ too_big: sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "string or blob too big"); ................................................................................ /* Configure the OP_Transaction */ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, 0, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, 0, flags); /* Configure the OP_VerifyCookie */ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, 1, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, 1, pTab->pSchema->schema_cookie); /* Make sure a mutex is held on the table to be accessed */ sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(v, iDb); /* Configure the OP_TableLock instruction */ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(v, 2, 1); ................................................................................ /* ** Return the default collation sequence for the expression pExpr. If ** there is no default collation type, return 0. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){ CollSeq *pColl = 0; Expr *p = pExpr; while( ALWAYS(p) ){ int op; pColl = p->pColl; if( pColl ) break; op = p->op; if( p->pTab!=0 && ( op==TK_AGG_COLUMN || op==TK_COLUMN || op==TK_REGISTER || op==TK_TRIGGER )){ ................................................................................ int nExtra = 0; int iValue = 0; if( pToken ){ if( op!=TK_INTEGER || pToken->z==0 || sqlite3GetInt32(pToken->z, &iValue)==0 ){ nExtra = pToken->n+1; } } pNew = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, sizeof(Expr)+nExtra); if( pNew ){ pNew->op = (u8)op; pNew->iAgg = -1; if( pToken ){ ................................................................................ } /* ** Recursively delete an expression tree. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprDelete(sqlite3 *db, Expr *p){ if( p==0 ) return; if( !ExprHasAnyProperty(p, EP_TokenOnly) ){ sqlite3ExprDelete(db, p->pLeft); sqlite3ExprDelete(db, p->pRight); if( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_Reduced) && (p->flags2 & EP2_MallocedToken)!=0 ){ sqlite3DbFree(db, p->u.zToken); } if( ExprHasProperty(p, EP_xIsSelect) ){ ................................................................................ ** If the expression p codes a constant integer that is small enough ** to fit in a 32-bit integer, return 1 and put the value of the integer ** in *pValue. If the expression is not an integer or if it is too big ** to fit in a signed 32-bit integer, return 0 and leave *pValue unchanged. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsInteger(Expr *p, int *pValue){ int rc = 0; if( p->flags & EP_IntValue ){ *pValue = p->u.iValue; return 1; } switch( p->op ){ case TK_INTEGER: { rc = sqlite3GetInt32(p->u.zToken, pValue); assert( rc==0 ); break; } case TK_UPLUS: { rc = sqlite3ExprIsInteger(p->pLeft, pValue); break; } case TK_UMINUS: { int v; if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(p->pLeft, &v) ){ ................................................................................ *pValue = -v; rc = 1; } break; } default: break; } if( rc ){ assert( ExprHasAnyProperty(p, EP_Reduced|EP_TokenOnly) || (p->flags2 & EP2_MallocedToken)==0 ); p->op = TK_INTEGER; p->flags |= EP_IntValue; p->u.iValue = *pValue; } return rc; } /* ** Return FALSE if there is no chance that the expression can be NULL. ** ** If the expression might be NULL or if the expression is too complex ................................................................................ ** ** Expr.u.zToken is always UTF8 and zero-terminated. */ static void codeInteger(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int negFlag, int iMem){ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe; if( pExpr->flags & EP_IntValue ){ int i = pExpr->u.iValue; if( negFlag ) i = -i; sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, i, iMem); }else{ int c; i64 value; const char *z = pExpr->u.zToken; assert( z!=0 ); c = sqlite3Atoi64(z, &value, sqlite3Strlen30(z), SQLITE_UTF8); if( c==0 || (c==2 && negFlag) ){ char *zV; if( negFlag ){ value = -value; } zV = dup8bytes(v, (char*)&value); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Int64, 0, iMem, 0, zV, P4_INT64); }else{ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "oversized integer: %s%s", negFlag ? "-" : "", z); #else codeReal(v, z, negFlag, iMem); ................................................................................ #endif case TK_VARIABLE: { assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_IntValue) ); assert( pExpr->u.zToken!=0 ); assert( pExpr->u.zToken[0]!=0 ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Variable, pExpr->iColumn, target); if( pExpr->u.zToken[1]!=0 ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pExpr->u.zToken, 0); } break; } case TK_REGISTER: { inReg = pExpr->iTable; break; } ................................................................................ break; } case TK_BETWEEN: { testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); exprCodeBetween(pParse, pExpr, dest, 1, jumpIfNull); break; } case TK_IN: { int destIfFalse = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v); int destIfNull = jumpIfNull ? dest : destIfFalse; sqlite3ExprCodeIN(pParse, pExpr, destIfFalse, destIfNull); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, dest); sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, destIfFalse); break; } default: { r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr, ®Free1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_If, r1, dest, jumpIfNull!=0); testcase( regFree1==0 ); testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); break; } ................................................................................ break; } case TK_BETWEEN: { testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); exprCodeBetween(pParse, pExpr, dest, 0, jumpIfNull); break; } case TK_IN: { if( jumpIfNull ){ sqlite3ExprCodeIN(pParse, pExpr, dest, dest); }else{ int destIfNull = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v); sqlite3ExprCodeIN(pParse, pExpr, dest, destIfNull); sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, destIfNull); } break; } default: { r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr, ®Free1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfNot, r1, dest, jumpIfNull!=0); testcase( regFree1==0 ); testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); break; } ................................................................................ ** triggers. Don't use IN(...) in case SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY is defined. */ if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_ParseSchema, 1, 0, 0, zWhere, P4_DYNAMIC); } #endif } /* ** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy" ** command. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable( Parse *pParse, /* Parser context. */ ................................................................................ "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName); goto exit_rename_table; } /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name ** that the table is being renamed to. */ if( sqlite3Strlen30(pTab->zName)>6 && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7) ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be altered", pTab->zName); goto exit_rename_table; } if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){ goto exit_rename_table; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW if( pTab->pSelect ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "view %s may not be altered", pTab->zName); goto exit_rename_table; } ................................................................................ #endif /* Make sure this is not an attempt to ALTER a view. */ if( pTab->pSelect ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column to a view"); goto exit_begin_add_column; } assert( pTab->addColOffset>0 ); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); /* Put a copy of the Table struct in Parse.pNewTable for the ** sqlite3AddColumn() function and friends to modify. But modify ** the name by adding an "sqlite_altertab_" prefix. By adding this ................................................................................ ** with the named table are deleted. If zWhere==0, then code is generated ** to delete all stat table entries. */ static void openStatTable( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */ int iDb, /* The database we are looking in */ int iStatCur, /* Open the sqlite_stat1 table on this cursor */ const char *zWhere /* Delete entries associated with this table */ ){ static const struct { const char *zName; const char *zCols; } aTable[] = { { "sqlite_stat1", "tbl,idx,stat" }, #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 ................................................................................ /* The table already exists. If zWhere is not NULL, delete all entries ** associated with the table zWhere. If zWhere is NULL, delete the ** entire contents of the table. */ aRoot[i] = pStat->tnum; sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, aRoot[i], 1, zTab); if( zWhere ){ sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, "DELETE FROM %Q.%s WHERE tbl=%Q", pDb->zName, zTab, zWhere ); }else{ /* The sqlite_stat[12] table already exists. Delete all rows. */ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Clear, aRoot[i], iDb); } } } ................................................................................ /* ** Generate code to do an analysis of all indices associated with ** a single table. */ static void analyzeOneTable( Parse *pParse, /* Parser context */ Table *pTab, /* Table whose indices are to be analyzed */ int iStatCur, /* Index of VdbeCursor that writes the sqlite_stat1 table */ int iMem /* Available memory locations begin here */ ){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database handle */ Index *pIdx; /* An index to being analyzed */ int iIdxCur; /* Cursor open on index being analyzed */ Vdbe *v; /* The virtual machine being built up */ int i; /* Loop counter */ int topOfLoop; /* The top of the loop */ int endOfLoop; /* The end of the loop */ int addr = 0; /* The address of an instruction */ int jZeroRows = 0; /* Jump from here if number of rows is zero */ int iDb; /* Index of database containing pTab */ int regTabname = iMem++; /* Register containing table name */ int regIdxname = iMem++; /* Register containing index name */ int regSampleno = iMem++; /* Register containing next sample number */ int regCol = iMem++; /* Content of a column analyzed table */ int regRec = iMem++; /* Register holding completed record */ int regTemp = iMem++; /* Temporary use register */ int regRowid = iMem++; /* Rowid for the inserted record */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 int regTemp2 = iMem++; /* Temporary use register */ int regSamplerecno = iMem++; /* Index of next sample to record */ int regRecno = iMem++; /* Current sample index */ int regLast = iMem++; /* Index of last sample to record */ int regFirst = iMem++; /* Index of first sample to record */ #endif ................................................................................ if( memcmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){ /* Do not gather statistics on system tables */ return; } assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) ); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); assert( iDb>=0 ); #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ANALYZE, pTab->zName, 0, db->aDb[iDb].zName ) ){ return; } #endif /* Establish a read-lock on the table at the shared-cache level. */ sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pTab->tnum, 0, pTab->zName); iIdxCur = pParse->nTab++; sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regTabname, 0, pTab->zName, 0); for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){ int nCol = pIdx->nColumn; KeyInfo *pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIdx); if( iMem+1+(nCol*2)>pParse->nMem ){ pParse->nMem = iMem+1+(nCol*2); } /* Open a cursor to the index to be analyzed. */ assert( iDb==sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pIdx->pSchema) ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenRead, iIdxCur, pIdx->tnum, iDb, ................................................................................ ** I = (K+D-1)/D ** ** If K==0 then no entry is made into the sqlite_stat1 table. ** If K>0 then it is always the case the D>0 so division by zero ** is never possible. */ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, iMem, regSampleno); if( jZeroRows==0 ){ jZeroRows = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IfNot, iMem); } for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regTemp, 0, " ", 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Concat, regTemp, regSampleno, regSampleno); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Add, iMem, iMem+i+1, regTemp); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, regTemp, -1); ................................................................................ ** containing NULL as the index name and the row count as the content. */ if( pTab->pIndex==0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, iIdxCur, pTab->tnum, iDb); VdbeComment((v, "%s", pTab->zName)); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iIdxCur, regSampleno); sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Close, iIdxCur); }else{ assert( jZeroRows>0 ); addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jZeroRows); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regIdxname); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regTabname, 3, regRec, "aaa", 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, iStatCur, regRowid); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, iStatCur, regRec, regRowid); sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_APPEND); if( pParse->nMem<regRec ) pParse->nMem = regRec; if( jZeroRows ){ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr); } } /* ** Generate code that will cause the most recent index analysis to ** be loaded into internal hash tables where is can be used. */ static void loadAnalysis(Parse *pParse, int iDb){ ................................................................................ HashElem *k; int iStatCur; int iMem; sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); iStatCur = pParse->nTab; pParse->nTab += 2; openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, 0); iMem = pParse->nMem+1; for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){ Table *pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k); analyzeOneTable(pParse, pTab, iStatCur, iMem); } loadAnalysis(pParse, iDb); } /* ** Generate code that will do an analysis of a single table in ** a database. */ static void analyzeTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){ int iDb; int iStatCur; assert( pTab!=0 ); assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) ); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema); sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); iStatCur = pParse->nTab; pParse->nTab += 2; openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, pTab->zName); analyzeOneTable(pParse, pTab, iStatCur, pParse->nMem+1); loadAnalysis(pParse, iDb); } /* ** Generate code for the ANALYZE command. The parser calls this routine ** when it recognizes an ANALYZE command. ** ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Analyze(Parse *pParse, Token *pName1, Token *pName2){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; int iDb; int i; char *z, *zDb; Table *pTab; Token *pTableName; /* Read the database schema. If an error occurs, leave an error message ** and code in pParse and return NULL. */ assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) ); if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){ return; ................................................................................ /* Form 2: Analyze the database or table named */ iDb = sqlite3FindDb(db, pName1); if( iDb>=0 ){ analyzeDatabase(pParse, iDb); }else{ z = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pName1); if( z ){ pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, z, 0); sqlite3DbFree(db, z); if( pTab ){ analyzeTable(pParse, pTab); } } } }else{ /* Form 3: Analyze the fully qualified table name */ iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pTableName); if( iDb>=0 ){ zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName; z = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pTableName); if( z ){ pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, z, zDb); sqlite3DbFree(db, z); if( pTab ){ analyzeTable(pParse, pTab); } } } } } /* ** Used to pass information from the analyzer reader through to the ................................................................................ v = v*10 + c - '0'; z++; } if( i==0 ) pTable->nRowEst = v; if( pIndex==0 ) break; pIndex->aiRowEst[i] = v; if( *z==' ' ) z++; } return 0; } /* ** If the Index.aSample variable is not NULL, delete the aSample[] array ** and its contents. ................................................................................ analysisInfo sInfo; HashElem *i; char *zSql; int rc; assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); assert( db->aDb[iDb].pBt!=0 ); assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(db->aDb[iDb].pBt) ); /* Clear any prior statistics */ for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->idxHash);i;i=sqliteHashNext(i)){ Index *pIdx = sqliteHashData(i); sqlite3DefaultRowEst(pIdx); sqlite3DeleteIndexSamples(db, pIdx); pIdx->aSample = 0; } ................................................................................ zKey = (char *)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[2]); rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey); break; case SQLITE_NULL: /* No key specified. Use the key from the main database */ sqlite3CodecGetKey(db, 0, (void**)&zKey, &nKey); rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey); break; } } #endif /* If the file was opened successfully, read the schema for the new database. ** If this fails, or if opening the file failed, then close the file and ................................................................................ int iDb = db->nDb - 1; assert( iDb>=2 ); if( db->aDb[iDb].pBt ){ sqlite3BtreeClose(db->aDb[iDb].pBt); db->aDb[iDb].pBt = 0; db->aDb[iDb].pSchema = 0; } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); db->nDb = iDb; if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; sqlite3DbFree(db, zErrDyn); zErrDyn = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "out of memory"); }else if( zErrDyn==0 ){ zErrDyn = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "unable to open database: %s", zFile); ................................................................................ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "database %s is locked", zName); goto detach_error; } sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt); pDb->pBt = 0; pDb->pSchema = 0; sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); return; detach_error: sqlite3_result_error(context, zErr, -1); } /* ................................................................................ ){ pParse->nErr++; goto attach_end; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION if( pAuthArg ){ char *zAuthArg = pAuthArg->u.zToken; if( NEVER(zAuthArg==0) ){ goto attach_end; } rc = sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, type, zAuthArg, 0, 0); if(rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ goto attach_end; } } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION */ ................................................................................ /* The cookie mask contains one bit for each database file open. ** (Bit 0 is for main, bit 1 is for temp, and so forth.) Bits are ** set for each database that is used. Generate code to start a ** transaction on each used database and to verify the schema cookie ** on each used database. */ if( pParse->cookieGoto>0 ){ u32 mask; int iDb; sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, pParse->cookieGoto-1); for(iDb=0, mask=1; iDb<db->nDb; mask<<=1, iDb++){ if( (mask & pParse->cookieMask)==0 ) continue; sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(v, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v,OP_Transaction, iDb, (mask & pParse->writeMask)!=0); if( db->init.busy==0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v,OP_VerifyCookie, iDb, pParse->cookieValue[iDb]); } } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE { int i; for(i=0; i<pParse->nVtabLock; i++){ char *vtab = (char *)sqlite3GetVTable(db, pParse->apVtabLock[i]); ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3FindTable(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const char *zDatabase){ Table *p = 0; int i; int nName; assert( zName!=0 ); nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){ int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */ if( zDatabase!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zDatabase, db->aDb[j].zName) ) continue; p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[j].pSchema->tblHash, zName, nName); if( p ) break; } return p; } /* ................................................................................ ** TEMP first, then MAIN, then any auxiliary databases added ** using the ATTACH command. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Index *sqlite3FindIndex(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const char *zDb){ Index *p = 0; int i; int nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){ int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */ Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[j].pSchema; assert( pSchema ); if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(zDb, db->aDb[j].zName) ) continue; p = sqlite3HashFind(&pSchema->idxHash, zName, nName); if( p ) break; } return p; } /* ................................................................................ ** unlike that index from its Table then remove the index from ** the index hash table and free all memory structures associated ** with the index. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteIndex(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zIdxName){ Index *pIndex; int len; Hash *pHash = &db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->idxHash; len = sqlite3Strlen30(zIdxName); pIndex = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zIdxName, len, 0); if( pIndex ){ if( pIndex->pTable->pIndex==pIndex ){ pIndex->pTable->pIndex = pIndex->pNext; }else{ Index *p; /* Justification of ALWAYS(); The index must be on the list of ** indices. */ p = pIndex->pTable->pIndex; ................................................................................ /* ** Erase all schema information from the in-memory hash tables of ** a single database. This routine is called to reclaim memory ** before the database closes. It is also called during a rollback ** if there were schema changes during the transaction or if a ** schema-cookie mismatch occurs. ** ** If iDb==0 then reset the internal schema tables for all database ** files. If iDb>=1 then reset the internal schema for only the ** single file indicated. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){ int i, j; assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); if( iDb==0 ){ sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(db); } for(i=iDb; i<db->nDb; i++){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i]; if( pDb->pSchema ){ assert(i==1 || (pDb->pBt && sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(pDb->pBt))); sqlite3SchemaFree(pDb->pSchema); } if( iDb>0 ) return; } assert( iDb==0 ); db->flags &= ~SQLITE_InternChanges; sqlite3VtabUnlockList(db); sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(db); /* If one or more of the auxiliary database files has been closed, ** then remove them from the auxiliary database list. We take the ** opportunity to do this here since we have just deleted all of the ................................................................................ pNext = pIndex->pNext; assert( pIndex->pSchema==pTable->pSchema ); if( !db || db->pnBytesFreed==0 ){ char *zName = pIndex->zName; TESTONLY ( Index *pOld = ) sqlite3HashInsert( &pIndex->pSchema->idxHash, zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName), 0 ); assert( pOld==pIndex || pOld==0 ); } freeIndex(db, pIndex); } /* Delete any foreign keys attached to this table. */ sqlite3FkDelete(db, pTable); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTable(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zTabName){ Table *p; Db *pDb; assert( db!=0 ); assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); assert( zTabName ); testcase( zTabName[0]==0 ); /* Zero-length table names are allowed */ pDb = &db->aDb[iDb]; p = sqlite3HashInsert(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash, zTabName, sqlite3Strlen30(zTabName),0); sqlite3DeleteTable(db, p); db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges; } ................................................................................ if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){ goto begin_table_error; } pTable = sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb); if( pTable ){ if( !noErr ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %T already exists", pName); } goto begin_table_error; } if( sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb)!=0 ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "there is already an index named %s", zName); goto begin_table_error; } ................................................................................ /* If this is the magic sqlite_sequence table used by autoincrement, ** then record a pointer to this table in the main database structure ** so that INSERT can find the table easily. */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINCREMENT if( !pParse->nested && strcmp(zName, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){ pTable->pSchema->pSeqTab = pTable; } #endif /* Begin generating the code that will insert the table record into ** the SQLITE_MASTER table. Note in particular that we must go ahead ** and allocate the record number for the table entry now. Before any ................................................................................ ** and the probability of hitting the same cookie value is only ** 1 chance in 2^32. So we're safe enough. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ChangeCookie(Parse *pParse, int iDb){ int r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse); sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe; sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie+1, r1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, r1); sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1); } /* ** Measure the number of characters needed to output the given ................................................................................ const char *zType; sqlite3_snprintf(n-k, &zStmt[k], zSep); k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zStmt[k]); zSep = zSep2; identPut(zStmt, &k, pCol->zName); assert( pCol->affinity-SQLITE_AFF_TEXT >= 0 ); assert( pCol->affinity-SQLITE_AFF_TEXT < sizeof(azType)/sizeof(azType[0]) ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_TEXT ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_NONE ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ); zType = azType[pCol->affinity - SQLITE_AFF_TEXT]; ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINCREMENT /* Check to see if we need to create an sqlite_sequence table for ** keeping track of autoincrement keys. */ if( p->tabFlags & TF_Autoincrement ){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[iDb]; if( pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab==0 ){ sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, "CREATE TABLE %Q.sqlite_sequence(name,seq)", pDb->zName ); } } ................................................................................ /* Add the table to the in-memory representation of the database. */ if( db->init.busy ){ Table *pOld; Schema *pSchema = p->pSchema; pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&pSchema->tblHash, p->zName, sqlite3Strlen30(p->zName),p); if( pOld ){ assert( p==pOld ); /* Malloc must have failed inside HashInsert() */ db->mallocFailed = 1; return; } ................................................................................ if( pSelTab ){ assert( pTable->aCol==0 ); pTable->nCol = pSelTab->nCol; pTable->aCol = pSelTab->aCol; pSelTab->nCol = 0; pSelTab->aCol = 0; sqlite3DeleteTable(db, pSelTab); pTable->pSchema->flags |= DB_UnresetViews; }else{ pTable->nCol = 0; nErr++; } sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pSel); } else { ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW /* ** Clear the column names from every VIEW in database idx. */ static void sqliteViewResetAll(sqlite3 *db, int idx){ HashElem *i; if( !DbHasProperty(db, idx, DB_UnresetViews) ) return; for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[idx].pSchema->tblHash); i;i=sqliteHashNext(i)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(i); if( pTab->pSelect ){ sqliteDeleteColumnNames(db, pTab); pTab->aCol = 0; pTab->nCol = 0; ................................................................................ ** because the first match might be for one of the deleted indices ** or tables and not the table/index that is actually being moved. ** We must continue looping until all tables and indices with ** rootpage==iFrom have been converted to have a rootpage of iTo ** in order to be certain that we got the right one. */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RootPageMoved(Db *pDb, int iFrom, int iTo){ HashElem *pElem; Hash *pHash; pHash = &pDb->pSchema->tblHash; for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(pHash); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(pElem); if( pTab->tnum==iFrom ){ pTab->tnum = iTo; } } ................................................................................ assert( pName->nSrc==1 ); if( noErr ) db->suppressErr++; pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, isView, pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase); if( noErr ) db->suppressErr--; if( pTab==0 ){ goto exit_drop_table; } iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); /* If pTab is a virtual table, call ViewGetColumnNames() to ensure ** it is initialized. ................................................................................ z += n+1; } } pFKey->isDeferred = 0; pFKey->aAction[0] = (u8)(flags & 0xff); /* ON DELETE action */ pFKey->aAction[1] = (u8)((flags >> 8 ) & 0xff); /* ON UPDATE action */ pNextTo = (FKey *)sqlite3HashInsert(&p->pSchema->fkeyHash, pFKey->zTo, sqlite3Strlen30(pFKey->zTo), (void *)pFKey ); if( pNextTo==pFKey ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; goto fk_end; } ................................................................................ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "there is already a table named %s", zName); goto exit_create_index; } } if( sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, pDb->zName)!=0 ){ if( !ifNotExist ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "index %s already exists", zName); } goto exit_create_index; } }else{ int n; Index *pLoop; for(pLoop=pTab->pIndex, n=1; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pNext, n++){} ................................................................................ zExtra = (char *)(&pIndex->zName[nName+1]); memcpy(pIndex->zName, zName, nName+1); pIndex->pTable = pTab; pIndex->nColumn = pList->nExpr; pIndex->onError = (u8)onError; pIndex->autoIndex = (u8)(pName==0); pIndex->pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema; /* Check to see if we should honor DESC requests on index columns */ if( pDb->pSchema->file_format>=4 ){ sortOrderMask = -1; /* Honor DESC */ }else{ sortOrderMask = 0; /* Ignore DESC */ ................................................................................ } /* Link the new Index structure to its table and to the other ** in-memory database structures. */ if( db->init.busy ){ Index *p; p = sqlite3HashInsert(&pIndex->pSchema->idxHash, pIndex->zName, sqlite3Strlen30(pIndex->zName), pIndex); if( p ){ assert( p==pIndex ); /* Malloc must have failed */ db->mallocFailed = 1; goto exit_create_index; ................................................................................ if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){ goto exit_drop_index; } pIndex = sqlite3FindIndex(db, pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase); if( pIndex==0 ){ if( !ifExists ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such index: %S", pName, 0); } pParse->checkSchema = 1; goto exit_drop_index; } if( pIndex->autoIndex ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "index associated with UNIQUE " "or PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be dropped", 0); ................................................................................ if( pToplevel->cookieGoto==0 ){ Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pToplevel); if( v==0 ) return; /* This only happens if there was a prior error */ pToplevel->cookieGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0)+1; } if( iDb>=0 ){ sqlite3 *db = pToplevel->db; int mask; assert( iDb<db->nDb ); assert( db->aDb[iDb].pBt!=0 || iDb==1 ); assert( iDb<SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED+2 ); mask = 1<<iDb; if( (pToplevel->cookieMask & mask)==0 ){ pToplevel->cookieMask |= mask; pToplevel->cookieValue[iDb] = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie; if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb==1 ){ sqlite3OpenTempDatabase(pToplevel); } } } } /* ** Generate VDBE code that prepares for doing an operation that ** might change the database. ** ** This routine starts a new transaction if we are not already within ** a transaction. If we are already within a transaction, then a checkpoint ................................................................................ ** rollback the whole transaction. For operations where all constraints ** can be checked before any changes are made to the database, it is never ** necessary to undo a write and the checkpoint should not be set. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(Parse *pParse, int setStatement, int iDb){ Parse *pToplevel = sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse); sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb); pToplevel->writeMask |= 1<<iDb; pToplevel->isMultiWrite |= setStatement; } /* ** Indicate that the statement currently under construction might write ** more than one entry (example: deleting one row then inserting another, ** inserting multiple rows in a table, or inserting a row and index entries.) ................................................................................ static void reindexDatabases(Parse *pParse, char const *zColl){ Db *pDb; /* A single database */ int iDb; /* The database index number */ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* The database connection */ HashElem *k; /* For looping over tables in pDb */ Table *pTab; /* A table in the database */ for(iDb=0, pDb=db->aDb; iDb<db->nDb; iDb++, pDb++){ assert( pDb!=0 ); for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){ pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k); reindexTable(pParse, pTab, zColl); } } ................................................................................ } return 0; } /* ** Free all resources held by the schema structure. The void* argument points ** at a Schema struct. This function does not call sqlite3DbFree(db, ) on the ** pointer itself, it just cleans up subsiduary resources (i.e. the contents ** of the schema hash tables). ** ** The Schema.cache_size variable is not cleared. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SchemaFree(void *p){ Hash temp1; Hash temp2; HashElem *pElem; Schema *pSchema = (Schema *)p; temp1 = pSchema->tblHash; temp2 = pSchema->trigHash; ................................................................................ for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(&temp1); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(pElem); sqlite3DeleteTable(0, pTab); } sqlite3HashClear(&temp1); sqlite3HashClear(&pSchema->fkeyHash); pSchema->pSeqTab = 0; pSchema->flags &= ~DB_SchemaLoaded; } /* ** Find and return the schema associated with a BTree. Create ** a new one if necessary. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Schema *sqlite3SchemaGet(sqlite3 *db, Btree *pBt){ Schema * p; if( pBt ){ p = (Schema *)sqlite3BtreeSchema(pBt, sizeof(Schema), sqlite3SchemaFree); }else{ p = (Schema *)sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, sizeof(Schema)); } if( !p ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; }else if ( 0==p->file_format ){ sqlite3HashInit(&p->tblHash); ................................................................................ ** ************************************************************************* ** This file contains C code routines that are called by the parser ** in order to generate code for DELETE FROM statements. */ /* ** Look up every table that is named in pSrc. If any table is not found, ** add an error message to pParse->zErrMsg and return NULL. If all tables ** are found, return a pointer to the last table. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){ struct SrcList_item *pItem = pSrc->a; Table *pTab; assert( pItem && pSrc->nSrc==1 ); pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pItem->zName, pItem->zDatabase); sqlite3DeleteTable(pParse->db, pItem->pTab); ................................................................................ /* Delete the index and table entries. Skip this step if pTab is really ** a view (in which case the only effect of the DELETE statement is to ** fire the INSTEAD OF triggers). */ if( pTab->pSelect==0 ){ sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(pParse, pTab, iCur, 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Delete, iCur, (count?OPFLAG_NCHANGE:0)); if( count ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pTab->zName, P4_STATIC); } } /* Do any ON CASCADE, SET NULL or SET DEFAULT operations required to ** handle rows (possibly in other tables) that refer via a foreign key ** to the row just deleted. */ sqlite3FkActions(pParse, pTab, 0, iOld); ................................................................................ }else{ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iCur, idx, regBase+j); sqlite3ColumnDefault(v, pTab, idx, -1); } } if( doMakeRec ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regBase, nCol+1, regOut); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx), 0); } sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regBase, nCol+1); return regBase; } /************** End of delete.c **********************************************/ /************** Begin file func.c ********************************************/ ................................................................................ p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(*p)); type = sqlite3_value_numeric_type(argv[0]); if( p && type!=SQLITE_NULL ){ p->cnt++; if( type==SQLITE_INTEGER ){ i64 v = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); p->rSum += v; if( (p->approx|p->overflow)==0 ){ i64 iNewSum = p->iSum + v; int s1 = (int)(p->iSum >> (sizeof(i64)*8-1)); int s2 = (int)(v >> (sizeof(i64)*8-1)); int s3 = (int)(iNewSum >> (sizeof(i64)*8-1)); p->overflow = ((s1&s2&~s3) | (~s1&~s2&s3))?1:0; p->iSum = iNewSum; } }else{ p->rSum += sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); p->approx = 1; } } } ................................................................................ int iParent = pIdx->aiColumn[i]+1+regData; sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, iChild, iJump, iParent); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, iOk); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regTemp, nCol, regRec); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx), 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_Found, iCur, iOk, regRec, 0); sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regRec); sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regTemp, nCol); } } ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FkCheck( Parse *pParse, /* Parse context */ Table *pTab, /* Row is being deleted from this table */ int regOld, /* Previous row data is stored here */ int regNew /* New row data is stored here */ ){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database handle */ Vdbe *v; /* VM to write code to */ FKey *pFKey; /* Used to iterate through FKs */ int iDb; /* Index of database containing pTab */ const char *zDb; /* Name of database containing pTab */ int isIgnoreErrors = pParse->disableTriggers; /* Exactly one of regOld and regNew should be non-zero. */ assert( (regOld==0)!=(regNew==0) ); /* If foreign-keys are disabled, this function is a no-op. */ if( (db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys)==0 ) return; v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName; /* Loop through all the foreign key constraints for which pTab is the ** child table (the table that the foreign key definition is part of). */ for(pFKey=pTab->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pFKey->pNextFrom){ Table *pTo; /* Parent table of foreign key pFKey */ ................................................................................ ** table pTab. Remove the deleted foreign keys from the Schema.fkeyHash ** hash table. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FkDelete(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTab){ FKey *pFKey; /* Iterator variable */ FKey *pNext; /* Copy of pFKey->pNextFrom */ for(pFKey=pTab->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pNext){ /* Remove the FK from the fkeyHash hash table. */ if( !db || db->pnBytesFreed==0 ){ if( pFKey->pPrevTo ){ pFKey->pPrevTo->pNextTo = pFKey->pNextTo; }else{ ................................................................................ zColAff[i] = pTab->aCol[i].affinity; } zColAff[pTab->nCol] = '\0'; pTab->zColAff = zColAff; } sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pTab->zColAff, 0); } /* ** Return non-zero if the table pTab in database iDb or any of its indices ** have been opened at any point in the VDBE program beginning at location ** iStartAddr throught the end of the program. This is used to see if ** a statement of the form "INSERT INTO <iDb, pTab> SELECT ..." can ................................................................................ assert( pParse->pTriggerTab==0 ); assert( pParse==sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse) ); assert( v ); /* We failed long ago if this is not so */ for(p = pParse->pAinc; p; p = p->pNext){ pDb = &db->aDb[p->iDb]; memId = p->regCtr; sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, 0, p->iDb, pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab, OP_OpenRead); addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, memId-1, 0, p->pTab->zName, 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, 0, addr+9); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, 0, 0, memId); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, memId-1, addr+7, memId); sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL); ................................................................................ for(p = pParse->pAinc; p; p = p->pNext){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[p->iDb]; int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5; int iRec; int memId = p->regCtr; iRec = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse); sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, 0, p->iDb, pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab, OP_OpenWrite); j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_NotNull, memId+1); j2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Rewind); j3 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, 0, 0, iRec); j4 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Eq, memId-1, 0, iRec); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, 0, j3); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j2); ................................................................................ /* Register allocations */ int regFromSelect = 0;/* Base register for data coming from SELECT */ int regAutoinc = 0; /* Register holding the AUTOINCREMENT counter */ int regRowCount = 0; /* Memory cell used for the row counter */ int regIns; /* Block of regs holding rowid+data being inserted */ int regRowid; /* registers holding insert rowid */ int regData; /* register holding first column to insert */ int regRecord; /* Holds the assemblied row record */ int regEof = 0; /* Register recording end of SELECT data */ int *aRegIdx = 0; /* One register allocated to each index */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER int isView; /* True if attempting to insert into a view */ Trigger *pTrigger; /* List of triggers on pTab, if required */ int tmask; /* Mask of trigger times */ ................................................................................ addrCont = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iParm); addrInsTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_If, regEof); } /* Allocate registers for holding the rowid of the new row, ** the content of the new row, and the assemblied row record. */ regRecord = ++pParse->nMem; regRowid = regIns = pParse->nMem+1; pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol + 1; if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){ regRowid++; pParse->nMem++; } regData = regRowid+1; ................................................................................ || onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace ); switch( onError ){ case OE_Abort: sqlite3MayAbort(pParse); case OE_Rollback: case OE_Fail: { char *zMsg; j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_HaltIfNull, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError, regData+i); zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(pParse->db, "%s.%s may not be NULL", pTab->zName, pTab->aCol[i].zName); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC); break; } case OE_Ignore: { ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regRowid, regIdx+i); }else{ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regData+idx, regIdx+i); } } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regRowid, regIdx+i); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn+1, aRegIdx[iCur]); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx), 0); sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn+1); /* Find out what action to take in case there is an indexing conflict */ onError = pIdx->onError; if( onError==OE_None ){ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn+1); continue; /* pIdx is not a UNIQUE index */ ................................................................................ pik_flags |= OPFLAG_APPEND; } if( useSeekResult ){ pik_flags |= OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT; } sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, baseCur, regRec, regRowid); if( !pParse->nested ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pTab->zName, P4_STATIC); } sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, pik_flags); } /* ** Generate code that will open cursors for a table and for all ** indices of that table. The "baseCur" parameter is the cursor number used ................................................................................ # define sqlite3_column_origin_name16 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_COMPLETE # define sqlite3_complete 0 # define sqlite3_complete16 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK # define sqlite3_progress_handler 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE # define sqlite3_create_module 0 ................................................................................ if( !db->autoCommit || sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(db->aDb[1].pBt) ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "temporary storage cannot be changed " "from within a transaction"); return SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3BtreeClose(db->aDb[1].pBt); db->aDb[1].pBt = 0; sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); } return SQLITE_OK; } #endif /* SQLITE_PAGER_PRAGMAS */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PAGER_PRAGMAS /* ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "cache_size", SQLITE_STATIC); pParse->nMem += 2; addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(getCacheSize), getCacheSize); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+1, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+6, SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); }else{ int size = sqlite3Atoi(zRight); if( size<0 ) size = -size; sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, size, 1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, 1); pDb->pSchema->cache_size = size; sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pDb->pBt, pDb->pSchema->cache_size); } }else /* ** PRAGMA [database.]page_size ................................................................................ ** page cache size value. It does not change the persistent ** cache size stored on the disk so the cache size will revert ** to its default value when the database is closed and reopened. ** N should be a positive integer. */ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft,"cache_size")==0 ){ if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out; if( !zRight ){ returnSingleInt(pParse, "cache_size", pDb->pSchema->cache_size); }else{ int size = sqlite3Atoi(zRight); if( size<0 ) size = -size; pDb->pSchema->cache_size = size; sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pDb->pBt, pDb->pSchema->cache_size); } }else /* ** PRAGMA temp_store ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr); /* Do an integrity check of the B-Tree ** ** Begin by filling registers 2, 3, ... with the root pages numbers ** for all tables and indices in the database. */ pTbls = &db->aDb[i].pSchema->tblHash; for(x=sqliteHashFirst(pTbls); x; x=sqliteHashNext(x)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(x); Index *pIdx; sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pTab->tnum, 2+cnt); cnt++; for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){ ................................................................................ { OP_Halt, 0, 0, 0}, }; r1 = sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(pParse, pIdx, 1, 3, 0); jmp2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_Found, j+2, 0, r1, pIdx->nColumn+1); addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(idxErr), idxErr); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+1, "rowid ", P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+3, " missing from index ", P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+4, pIdx->zName, P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+9); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jmp2); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, 1, loopTop+1); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, loopTop); for(j=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, j++){ static const VdbeOpList cntIdx[] = { ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+1, j+2); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addr+1, addr+4); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+3, j+2); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addr+3, addr+2); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+4); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+6, "wrong # of entries in index ", P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+7, pIdx->zName, P4_STATIC); } } } addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(endCode), endCode); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addr, -mxErr); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+1); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+2, "ok", P4_STATIC); ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, 1, 1); } }else #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** PRAGMA [database.]wal_checkpoint ** ** Checkpoint the database. */ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "wal_checkpoint")==0 ){ if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out; sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Checkpoint, pId2->z?iDb:SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED, 0, 0); }else /* ** PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint ** PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = N ** ** Configure a database connection to automatically checkpoint a database ................................................................................ sqlite3SetString(pData->pzErrMsg, db, "malformed database schema (%s)", zObj); if( zExtra ){ *pData->pzErrMsg = sqlite3MAppendf(db, *pData->pzErrMsg, "%s - %s", *pData->pzErrMsg, zExtra); } } pData->rc = db->mallocFailed ? SQLITE_NOMEM : SQLITE_CORRUPT; } /* ** This is the callback routine for the code that initializes the ** database. See sqlite3Init() below for additional information. ** This routine is also called from the OP_ParseSchema opcode of the VDBE. ** ................................................................................ int size; Table *pTab; Db *pDb; char const *azArg[4]; int meta[5]; InitData initData; char const *zMasterSchema; char const *zMasterName = SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb); int openedTransaction = 0; /* ** The master database table has a structure like this */ static const char master_schema[] = "CREATE TABLE sqlite_master(\n" ................................................................................ } }else{ DbSetProperty(db, iDb, DB_Empty); } pDb->pSchema->enc = ENC(db); if( pDb->pSchema->cache_size==0 ){ size = meta[BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE-1]; if( size==0 ){ size = SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; } if( size<0 ) size = -size; pDb->pSchema->cache_size = size; sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pDb->pBt, pDb->pSchema->cache_size); } /* ** file_format==1 Version 3.0.0. ** file_format==2 Version 3.1.3. // ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN ................................................................................ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3AnalysisLoad(db, iDb); } #endif } if( db->mallocFailed ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK || (db->flags&SQLITE_RecoveryMode)){ /* Black magic: If the SQLITE_RecoveryMode flag is set, then consider ** the schema loaded, even if errors occurred. In this situation the ** current sqlite3_prepare() operation will fail, but the following one ** will attempt to compile the supplied statement against whatever subset ** of the schema was loaded before the error occurred. The primary ................................................................................ openedTransaction = 1; } /* Read the schema cookie from the database. If it does not match the ** value stored as part of the in-memory schema representation, ** set Parse.rc to SQLITE_SCHEMA. */ sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&cookie); if( cookie!=db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie ){ pParse->rc = SQLITE_SCHEMA; } /* Close the transaction, if one was opened. */ if( openedTransaction ){ sqlite3BtreeCommit(pBt); } ................................................................................ if( db->mallocFailed ){ pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_DONE ) pParse->rc = SQLITE_OK; if( pParse->checkSchema ){ schemaIsValid(pParse); } if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); } if( db->mallocFailed ){ pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( pzTail ){ *pzTail = pParse->zTail; } rc = pParse->rc; ................................................................................ if( pParse->explain==2 ){ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe; char *zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(pParse->db, "USE TEMP B-TREE FOR %s", zUsage); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Explain, pParse->iSelectId, 0, 0, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC); } } /* ** Unless an "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN" command is being processed, this function ** is a no-op. Otherwise, it adds a single row of output to the EQP result, ** where the caption is of one of the two forms: ** ** "COMPOSITE SUBQUERIES iSub1 and iSub2 (op)" ** "COMPOSITE SUBQUERIES iSub1 and iSub2 USING TEMP B-TREE (op)" ................................................................................ char *zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf( pParse->db, "COMPOUND SUBQUERIES %d AND %d %s(%s)", iSub1, iSub2, bUseTmp?"USING TEMP B-TREE ":"", selectOpName(op) ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Explain, pParse->iSelectId, 0, 0, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC); } } /* ** Assign expression b to lvalue a. A second, no-op, version of this macro ** is provided when SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN is defined. This allows the code ** in sqlite3Select() to assign values to structure member variables that ** only exist if SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN is not defined without polluting the ** code with #ifndef directives. */ # define explainSetInteger(a, b) a = b #else /* No-op versions of the explainXXX() functions and macros. */ # define explainTempTable(y,z) # define explainComposite(v,w,x,y,z) # define explainSetInteger(y,z) #endif /* ** If the inner loop was generated using a non-null pOrderBy argument, ** then the results were placed in a sorter. After the loop is terminated ** we need to run the sorter and output the results. The following ** routine generates the code needed to do that. ................................................................................ ** have a WHERE clause. ** ** (20) If the sub-query is a compound select, then it must not use ** an ORDER BY clause. Ticket #3773. We could relax this constraint ** somewhat by saying that the terms of the ORDER BY clause must ** appear as unmodified result columns in the outer query. But ** have other optimizations in mind to deal with that case. ** ** In this routine, the "p" parameter is a pointer to the outer query. ** The subquery is p->pSrc->a[iFrom]. isAgg is true if the outer query ** uses aggregates and subqueryIsAgg is true if the subquery uses aggregates. ** ** If flattening is not attempted, this routine is a no-op and returns 0. ** If flattening is attempted this routine returns 1. ................................................................................ return 0; /* Restriction (6) */ } if( p->pOrderBy && pSub->pOrderBy ){ return 0; /* Restriction (11) */ } if( isAgg && pSub->pOrderBy ) return 0; /* Restriction (16) */ if( pSub->pLimit && p->pWhere ) return 0; /* Restriction (19) */ /* OBSOLETE COMMENT 1: ** Restriction 3: If the subquery is a join, make sure the subquery is ** not used as the right operand of an outer join. Examples of why this ** is not allowed: ** ** t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (t2 JOIN t3) ................................................................................ for(i=0, pC=pAggInfo->aCol; i<pAggInfo->nAccumulator; i++, pC++){ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pC->pExpr, pC->iMem); } pAggInfo->directMode = 0; sqlite3ExprCacheClear(pParse); } /* ** Generate code for the SELECT statement given in the p argument. ** ** The results are distributed in various ways depending on the ** contents of the SelectDest structure pointed to by argument pDest ** as follows: ** ................................................................................ /* Open a read-only cursor, execute the OP_Count, close the cursor. */ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, iCsr, iRoot, iDb); if( pKeyInfo ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, (char *)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iCsr, sAggInfo.aFunc[0].iMem); sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Close, iCsr); }else #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_BTREECOUNT */ { /* Check if the query is of one of the following forms: ** ** SELECT min(x) FROM ... ** SELECT max(x) FROM ... ................................................................................ if( pParse->disableTriggers ){ return 0; } if( pTmpSchema!=pTab->pSchema ){ HashElem *p; for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&pTmpSchema->trigHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){ Trigger *pTrig = (Trigger *)sqliteHashData(p); if( pTrig->pTabSchema==pTab->pSchema && 0==sqlite3StrICmp(pTrig->table, pTab->zName) ){ pTrig->pNext = (pList ? pList : pTab->pTrigger); pList = pTrig; ................................................................................ /* Check that the trigger name is not reserved and that no trigger of the ** specified name exists */ zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pName); if( !zName || SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){ goto trigger_cleanup; } if( sqlite3HashFind(&(db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->trigHash), zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName)) ){ if( !noErr ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "trigger %T already exists", pName); } goto trigger_cleanup; } /* Do not create a trigger on a system table */ if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot create trigger on system table"); ................................................................................ Trigger *pTrig = pParse->pNewTrigger; /* Trigger being finished */ char *zName; /* Name of trigger */ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* The database */ DbFixer sFix; /* Fixer object */ int iDb; /* Database containing the trigger */ Token nameToken; /* Trigger name for error reporting */ pTrig = pParse->pNewTrigger; pParse->pNewTrigger = 0; if( NEVER(pParse->nErr) || !pTrig ) goto triggerfinish_cleanup; zName = pTrig->zName; iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTrig->pSchema); pTrig->step_list = pStepList; while( pStepList ){ pStepList->pTrig = pTrig; ................................................................................ db, "type='trigger' AND name='%q'", zName), P4_DYNAMIC ); } if( db->init.busy ){ Trigger *pLink = pTrig; Hash *pHash = &db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->trigHash; pTrig = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName), pTrig); if( pTrig ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; }else if( pLink->pSchema==pLink->pTabSchema ){ Table *pTab; int n = sqlite3Strlen30(pLink->table); pTab = sqlite3HashFind(&pLink->pTabSchema->tblHash, pLink->table, n); ................................................................................ goto drop_trigger_cleanup; } assert( pName->nSrc==1 ); zDb = pName->a[0].zDatabase; zName = pName->a[0].zName; nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){ int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */ if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[j].zName, zDb) ) continue; pTrigger = sqlite3HashFind(&(db->aDb[j].pSchema->trigHash), zName, nName); if( pTrigger ) break; } if( !pTrigger ){ if( !noErr ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such trigger: %S", pName, 0); } pParse->checkSchema = 1; goto drop_trigger_cleanup; } sqlite3DropTriggerPtr(pParse, pTrigger); drop_trigger_cleanup: ................................................................................ { OP_Delete, 0, 0, 0}, { OP_Next, 0, ADDR(1), 0}, /* 8 */ }; sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); sqlite3OpenMasterTable(pParse, iDb); base = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(dropTrigger), dropTrigger); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, base+1, pTrigger->zName, 0); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, base+4, "trigger", P4_STATIC); sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Close, 0, 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_DropTrigger, iDb, 0, 0, pTrigger->zName, 0); if( pParse->nMem<3 ){ pParse->nMem = 3; } ................................................................................ } } /* ** Remove a trigger from the hash tables of the sqlite* pointer. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTrigger(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zName){ Hash *pHash = &(db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->trigHash); Trigger *pTrigger; pTrigger = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName), 0); if( ALWAYS(pTrigger) ){ if( pTrigger->pSchema==pTrigger->pTabSchema ){ Table *pTab = tableOfTrigger(pTrigger); Trigger **pp; for(pp=&pTab->pTrigger; *pp!=pTrigger; pp=&((*pp)->pNext)); *pp = (*pp)->pNext; ................................................................................ Parse *pParse, /* Parse context */ Table *pTab, /* The table the contains the triggers */ int op, /* one of TK_DELETE, TK_INSERT, TK_UPDATE */ ExprList *pChanges, /* Columns that change in an UPDATE statement */ int *pMask /* OUT: Mask of TRIGGER_BEFORE|TRIGGER_AFTER */ ){ int mask = 0; Trigger *pList = sqlite3TriggerList(pParse, pTab); Trigger *p; assert( pList==0 || IsVirtual(pTab)==0 ); for(p=pList; p; p=p->pNext){ if( p->op==op && checkColumnOverlap(p->pColumns, pChanges) ){ mask |= p->tr_tm; } } if( pMask ){ ................................................................................ /* Register Allocations */ int regRowCount = 0; /* A count of rows changed */ int regOldRowid; /* The old rowid */ int regNewRowid; /* The new rowid */ int regNew; int regOld = 0; int regRowSet = 0; /* Rowset of rows to be updated */ int regRec; /* Register used for new table record to insert */ memset(&sContext, 0, sizeof(sContext)); db = pParse->db; if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ){ goto update_cleanup; } assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 ); ................................................................................ pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol; } if( chngRowid || pTrigger || hasFK ){ regNewRowid = ++pParse->nMem; } regNew = pParse->nMem + 1; pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol; regRec = ++pParse->nMem; /* Start the view context. */ if( isView ){ sqlite3AuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTab->zName); } /* If we are trying to update a view, realize that view into ................................................................................ ** with the required old.* column data. */ if( hasFK || pTrigger ){ u32 oldmask = (hasFK ? sqlite3FkOldmask(pParse, pTab) : 0); oldmask |= sqlite3TriggerColmask(pParse, pTrigger, pChanges, 0, TRIGGER_BEFORE|TRIGGER_AFTER, pTab, onError ); for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){ if( aXRef[i]<0 || oldmask==0xffffffff || (oldmask & (1<<i)) ){ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iCur, i, regOld+i); }else{ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regOld+i); } } if( chngRowid==0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regOldRowid, regNewRowid); ................................................................................ if( pDb ){ sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt); pDb->pBt = 0; pDb->pSchema = 0; } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); return rc; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM && SQLITE_OMIT_ATTACH */ /************** End of vacuum.c **********************************************/ /************** Begin file vtab.c ********************************************/ /* ** 2006 June 10 ** ................................................................................ if( pDel && pDel->xDestroy ){ pDel->xDestroy(pDel->pAux); } sqlite3DbFree(db, pDel); if( pDel==pMod ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); }else if( xDestroy ){ xDestroy(pAux); } rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, SQLITE_OK); sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex); return rc; } ................................................................................ VTable *pVTable = p->pVTable; p->pVTable = 0; /* Assert that the mutex (if any) associated with the BtShared database ** that contains table p is held by the caller. See header comments ** above function sqlite3VtabUnlockList() for an explanation of why ** this makes it safe to access the sqlite3.pDisconnect list of any ** database connection that may have an entry in the p->pVTable list. */ assert( db==0 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(db->aDb[sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, p->pSchema)].pBt) ); while( pVTable ){ sqlite3 *db2 = pVTable->db; VTable *pNext = pVTable->pNext; assert( db2 ); if( db2==db ){ pRet = pVTable; ................................................................................ ); sqlite3DbFree(db, zStmt); v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse); sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Expire, 0, 0); zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "name='%q' AND type='table'", pTab->zName); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_ParseSchema, iDb, 1, 0, zWhere, P4_DYNAMIC); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VCreate, iDb, 0, 0, pTab->zName, sqlite3Strlen30(pTab->zName) + 1); } /* If we are rereading the sqlite_master table create the in-memory ** record of the table. The xConnect() method is not called until ** the first time the virtual table is used in an SQL statement. This ................................................................................ ** allows a schema that contains virtual tables to be loaded before ** the required virtual table implementations are registered. */ else { Table *pOld; Schema *pSchema = pTab->pSchema; const char *zName = pTab->zName; int nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&pSchema->tblHash, zName, nName, pTab); if( pOld ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; assert( pTab==pOld ); /* Malloc must have failed inside HashInsert() */ return; } pParse->pNewTable = 0; ................................................................................ ** This module contains C code that generates VDBE code used to process ** the WHERE clause of SQL statements. This module is responsible for ** generating the code that loops through a table looking for applicable ** rows. Indices are selected and used to speed the search when doing ** so is applicable. Because this module is responsible for selecting ** indices, you might also think of this module as the "query optimizer". */ /* ** Trace output macros */ #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereTrace = 0; #endif ................................................................................ #define TERM_DYNAMIC 0x01 /* Need to call sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pExpr) */ #define TERM_VIRTUAL 0x02 /* Added by the optimizer. Do not code */ #define TERM_CODED 0x04 /* This term is already coded */ #define TERM_COPIED 0x08 /* Has a child */ #define TERM_ORINFO 0x10 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pOrInfo object */ #define TERM_ANDINFO 0x20 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pAndInfo obj */ #define TERM_OR_OK 0x40 /* Used during OR-clause processing */ /* ** An instance of the following structure holds all information about a ** WHERE clause. Mostly this is a container for one or more WhereTerms. */ struct WhereClause { Parse *pParse; /* The parser context */ ................................................................................ #define WO_LE (WO_EQ<<(TK_LE-TK_EQ)) #define WO_GT (WO_EQ<<(TK_GT-TK_EQ)) #define WO_GE (WO_EQ<<(TK_GE-TK_EQ)) #define WO_MATCH 0x040 #define WO_ISNULL 0x080 #define WO_OR 0x100 /* Two or more OR-connected terms */ #define WO_AND 0x200 /* Two or more AND-connected terms */ #define WO_ALL 0xfff /* Mask of all possible WO_* values */ #define WO_SINGLE 0x0ff /* Mask of all non-compound WO_* values */ /* ** Value for wsFlags returned by bestIndex() and stored in ** WhereLevel.wsFlags. These flags determine which search ................................................................................ /* ** Return the bitmask for the given cursor number. Return 0 if ** iCursor is not in the set. */ static Bitmask getMask(WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, int iCursor){ int i; assert( pMaskSet->n<=sizeof(Bitmask)*8 ); for(i=0; i<pMaskSet->n; i++){ if( pMaskSet->ix[i]==iCursor ){ return ((Bitmask)1)<<i; } } return 0; } ................................................................................ exprAnalyze(pSrc, pWC, idxNew); pTerm = &pWC->a[idxTerm]; pWC->a[idxNew].iParent = idxTerm; pTerm->nChild = 1; }else{ sqlite3ExprListDelete(db, pList); } pTerm->eOperator = 0; /* case 1 trumps case 2 */ } } } #endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_OR_OPTIMIZATION && !SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY */ /* ................................................................................ pTerm->nChild = 1; pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_COPIED; pNewTerm->prereqAll = pTerm->prereqAll; } } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ /* Prevent ON clause terms of a LEFT JOIN from being used to drive ** an index for tables to the left of the join. */ pTerm->prereqRight |= extraRight; } /* ................................................................................ static int isSortingIndex( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */ WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, /* Mapping from table cursor numbers to bitmaps */ Index *pIdx, /* The index we are testing */ int base, /* Cursor number for the table to be sorted */ ExprList *pOrderBy, /* The ORDER BY clause */ int nEqCol, /* Number of index columns with == constraints */ int *pbRev /* Set to 1 if ORDER BY is DESC */ ){ int i, j; /* Loop counters */ int sortOrder = 0; /* XOR of index and ORDER BY sort direction */ int nTerm; /* Number of ORDER BY terms */ struct ExprList_item *pTerm; /* A term of the ORDER BY clause */ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; ................................................................................ *pbRev = sortOrder!=0; if( j>=nTerm ){ /* All terms of the ORDER BY clause are covered by this index so ** this index can be used for sorting. */ return 1; } if( pIdx->onError!=OE_None && i==pIdx->nColumn && !referencesOtherTables(pOrderBy, pMaskSet, j, base) ){ /* All terms of this index match some prefix of the ORDER BY clause ** and the index is UNIQUE and no terms on the tail of the ORDER BY ** clause reference other tables in a join. If this is all true then ** the order by clause is superfluous. */ return 1; } return 0; } /* ** Prepare a crude estimate of the logarithm of the input value. ................................................................................ return; } /* Search for any equality comparison term */ pWCEnd = &pWC->a[pWC->nTerm]; for(pTerm=pWC->a; pTerm<pWCEnd; pTerm++){ if( termCanDriveIndex(pTerm, pSrc, notReady) ){ WHERETRACE(("auto-index reduces cost from %.2f to %.2f\n", pCost->rCost, costTempIdx)); pCost->rCost = costTempIdx; pCost->plan.nRow = logN + 1; pCost->plan.wsFlags = WHERE_TEMP_INDEX; pCost->used = pTerm->prereqRight; break; } ................................................................................ int iCol = pTerm->u.leftColumn; Bitmask cMask = iCol>=BMS ? ((Bitmask)1)<<(BMS-1) : ((Bitmask)1)<<iCol; if( (idxCols & cMask)==0 ){ Expr *pX = pTerm->pExpr; idxCols |= cMask; pIdx->aiColumn[n] = pTerm->u.leftColumn; pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pX->pLeft, pX->pRight); pIdx->azColl[n] = pColl->zName; n++; } } } assert( (u32)n==pLevel->plan.nEq ); /* Add additional columns needed to make the automatic index into ................................................................................ bestOrClauseIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, pOrderBy, pCost); } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ /* ** Argument pIdx is a pointer to an index structure that has an array of ** SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES evenly spaced samples of the first indexed column ** stored in Index.aSample. The domain of values stored in said column ** may be thought of as divided into (SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1) regions. ** Region 0 contains all values smaller than the first sample value. Region ** 1 contains values larger than or equal to the value of the first sample, ** but smaller than the value of the second. And so on. ** ** If successful, this function determines which of the regions value ** pVal lies in, sets *piRegion to the region index (a value between 0 ** and SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1, inclusive) and returns SQLITE_OK. ** Or, if an OOM occurs while converting text values between encodings, ** SQLITE_NOMEM is returned and *piRegion is undefined. */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 static int whereRangeRegion( Parse *pParse, /* Database connection */ Index *pIdx, /* Index to consider domain of */ sqlite3_value *pVal, /* Value to consider */ int *piRegion /* OUT: Region of domain in which value lies */ ){ if( ALWAYS(pVal) ){ IndexSample *aSample = pIdx->aSample; int i = 0; int eType = sqlite3_value_type(pVal); if( eType==SQLITE_INTEGER || eType==SQLITE_FLOAT ){ double r = sqlite3_value_double(pVal); for(i=0; i<SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; i++){ if( aSample[i].eType==SQLITE_NULL ) continue; if( aSample[i].eType>=SQLITE_TEXT || aSample[i].u.r>r ) break; } }else{ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; CollSeq *pColl; const u8 *z; int n; ................................................................................ return SQLITE_NOMEM; } assert( z && pColl && pColl->xCmp ); } n = sqlite3ValueBytes(pVal, pColl->enc); for(i=0; i<SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; i++){ int r; int eSampletype = aSample[i].eType; if( eSampletype==SQLITE_NULL || eSampletype<eType ) continue; if( (eSampletype!=eType) ) break; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 if( pColl->enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){ int nSample; char *zSample = sqlite3Utf8to16( db, pColl->enc, aSample[i].u.z, aSample[i].nByte, &nSample ); if( !zSample ){ assert( db->mallocFailed ); return SQLITE_NOMEM; } r = pColl->xCmp(pColl->pUser, nSample, zSample, n, z); sqlite3DbFree(db, zSample); }else #endif { r = pColl->xCmp(pColl->pUser, aSample[i].nByte, aSample[i].u.z, n, z); } if( r>0 ) break; } } assert( i>=0 && i<=SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); *piRegion = i; } return SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ ** value of 1 indicates that the proposed range scan is expected to visit ** approximately 1/100th (1%) of the rows selected by the nEq equality ** constraints (if any). A return value of 100 indicates that it is expected ** that the range scan will visit every row (100%) selected by the equality ** constraints. ** ** In the absence of sqlite_stat2 ANALYZE data, each range inequality ** reduces the search space by 2/3rds. Hence a single constraint (x>?) ** results in a return of 33 and a range constraint (x>? AND x<?) results ** in a return of 11. */ static int whereRangeScanEst( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing & code generating context */ Index *p, /* The index containing the range-compared column; "x" */ int nEq, /* index into p->aCol[] of the range-compared column */ WhereTerm *pLower, /* Lower bound on the range. ex: "x>123" Might be NULL */ WhereTerm *pUpper, /* Upper bound on the range. ex: "x<455" Might be NULL */ ................................................................................ if( nEq==0 && p->aSample ){ sqlite3_value *pLowerVal = 0; sqlite3_value *pUpperVal = 0; int iEst; int iLower = 0; int iUpper = SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; u8 aff = p->pTable->aCol[p->aiColumn[0]].affinity; if( pLower ){ Expr *pExpr = pLower->pExpr->pRight; rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pLowerVal); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pUpper ){ Expr *pExpr = pUpper->pExpr->pRight; rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pUpperVal); } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || (pLowerVal==0 && pUpperVal==0) ){ sqlite3ValueFree(pLowerVal); sqlite3ValueFree(pUpperVal); goto range_est_fallback; }else if( pLowerVal==0 ){ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pUpperVal, &iUpper); if( pLower ) iLower = iUpper/2; }else if( pUpperVal==0 ){ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pLowerVal, &iLower); if( pUpper ) iUpper = (iLower + SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES + 1)/2; }else{ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pUpperVal, &iUpper); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pLowerVal, &iLower); } } iEst = iUpper - iLower; testcase( iEst==SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); assert( iEst<=SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); if( iEst<1 ){ iEst = 1; } sqlite3ValueFree(pLowerVal); sqlite3ValueFree(pUpperVal); *piEst = (iEst * 100)/SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; return rc; } range_est_fallback: #else UNUSED_PARAMETER(pParse); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nEq); #endif assert( pLower || pUpper ); if( pLower && pUpper ){ *piEst = 11; }else{ *piEst = 33; } return rc; } /* ** Find the query plan for accessing a particular table. Write the ** best query plan and its cost into the WhereCost object supplied as the ** last parameter. ** ** The lowest cost plan wins. The cost is an estimate of the amount of ** CPU and disk I/O need to process the request using the selected plan. ** Factors that influence cost include: ** ** * The estimated number of rows that will be retrieved. (The ** fewer the better.) ** ** * Whether or not sorting must occur. ** ................................................................................ ** the SQL statement, then this function only considers plans using the ** named index. If no such plan is found, then the returned cost is ** SQLITE_BIG_DBL. If a plan is found that uses the named index, ** then the cost is calculated in the usual way. ** ** If a NOT INDEXED clause (pSrc->notIndexed!=0) was attached to the table ** in the SELECT statement, then no indexes are considered. However, the ** selected plan may still take advantage of the tables built-in rowid ** index. */ static void bestBtreeIndex( Parse *pParse, /* The parsing context */ WhereClause *pWC, /* The WHERE clause */ struct SrcList_item *pSrc, /* The FROM clause term to search */ Bitmask notReady, /* Mask of cursors not available for indexing */ ................................................................................ if( pSrc->pIndex ){ /* An INDEXED BY clause specifies a particular index to use */ pIdx = pProbe = pSrc->pIndex; wsFlagMask = ~(WHERE_ROWID_EQ|WHERE_ROWID_RANGE); eqTermMask = idxEqTermMask; }else{ /* There is no INDEXED BY clause. Create a fake Index object to ** represent the primary key */ Index *pFirst; /* Any other index on the table */ memset(&sPk, 0, sizeof(Index)); sPk.nColumn = 1; sPk.aiColumn = &aiColumnPk; sPk.aiRowEst = aiRowEstPk; sPk.onError = OE_Replace; sPk.pTable = pSrc->pTab; aiRowEstPk[0] = pSrc->pTab->nRowEst; aiRowEstPk[1] = 1; pFirst = pSrc->pTab->pIndex; if( pSrc->notIndexed==0 ){ sPk.pNext = pFirst; } pProbe = &sPk; wsFlagMask = ~( WHERE_COLUMN_IN|WHERE_COLUMN_EQ|WHERE_COLUMN_NULL|WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE ); eqTermMask = WO_EQ|WO_IN; ................................................................................ /* Loop over all indices looking for the best one to use */ for(; pProbe; pIdx=pProbe=pProbe->pNext){ const unsigned int * const aiRowEst = pProbe->aiRowEst; double cost; /* Cost of using pProbe */ double nRow; /* Estimated number of rows in result set */ int rev; /* True to scan in reverse order */ int wsFlags = 0; Bitmask used = 0; /* The following variables are populated based on the properties of ** scan being evaluated. They are then used to determine the expected ** cost and number of rows returned. ** ** nEq: ** Number of equality terms that can be implemented using the index. ** ** nInMul: ** The "in-multiplier". This is an estimate of how many seek operations ** SQLite must perform on the index in question. For example, if the ** WHERE clause is: ** ** WHERE a IN (1, 2, 3) AND b IN (4, 5, 6) ................................................................................ ** ** If there exists a WHERE term of the form "x IN (SELECT ...)", then ** the sub-select is assumed to return 25 rows for the purposes of ** determining nInMul. ** ** bInEst: ** Set to true if there was at least one "x IN (SELECT ...)" term used ** in determining the value of nInMul. ** ** estBound: ** An estimate on the amount of the table that must be searched. A ** value of 100 means the entire table is searched. Range constraints ** might reduce this to a value less than 100 to indicate that only ** a fraction of the table needs searching. In the absence of ** sqlite_stat2 ANALYZE data, a single inequality reduces the search ** space to 1/3rd its original size. So an x>? constraint reduces ** estBound to 33. Two constraints (x>? AND x<?) reduce estBound to 11. ** ** bSort: ** Boolean. True if there is an ORDER BY clause that will require an ** external sort (i.e. scanning the index being evaluated will not ** correctly order records). ** ** bLookup: ** Boolean. True if for each index entry visited a lookup on the ** corresponding table b-tree is required. This is always false ** for the rowid index. For other indexes, it is true unless all the ** columns of the table used by the SELECT statement are present in ** the index (such an index is sometimes described as a covering index). ** For example, given the index on (a, b), the second of the following ** two queries requires table b-tree lookups, but the first does not. ** ** SELECT a, b FROM tbl WHERE a = 1; ** SELECT a, b, c FROM tbl WHERE a = 1; */ int nEq; int bInEst = 0; int nInMul = 1; int estBound = 100; int nBound = 0; /* Number of range constraints seen */ int bSort = 0; int bLookup = 0; WhereTerm *pTerm; /* A single term of the WHERE clause */ /* Determine the values of nEq and nInMul */ for(nEq=0; nEq<pProbe->nColumn; nEq++){ int j = pProbe->aiColumn[nEq]; pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, eqTermMask, pIdx); if( pTerm==0 ) break; wsFlags |= (WHERE_COLUMN_EQ|WHERE_ROWID_EQ); if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN ){ Expr *pExpr = pTerm->pExpr; wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_IN; if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){ nInMul *= 25; bInEst = 1; }else if( ALWAYS(pExpr->x.pList) ){ nInMul *= pExpr->x.pList->nExpr + 1; } }else if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL ){ wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_NULL; } used |= pTerm->prereqRight; } /* Determine the value of estBound. */ if( nEq<pProbe->nColumn ){ int j = pProbe->aiColumn[nEq]; if( findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx) ){ WhereTerm *pTop = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE, pIdx); WhereTerm *pBtm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx); whereRangeScanEst(pParse, pProbe, nEq, pBtm, pTop, &estBound); if( pTop ){ nBound = 1; ................................................................................ } /* If there is an ORDER BY clause and the index being considered will ** naturally scan rows in the required order, set the appropriate flags ** in wsFlags. Otherwise, if there is an ORDER BY clause but the index ** will scan rows in a different order, set the bSort variable. */ if( pOrderBy ){ if( (wsFlags & (WHERE_COLUMN_IN|WHERE_COLUMN_NULL))==0 && isSortingIndex(pParse,pWC->pMaskSet,pProbe,iCur,pOrderBy,nEq,&rev) ){ wsFlags |= WHERE_ROWID_RANGE|WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE|WHERE_ORDERBY; wsFlags |= (rev ? WHERE_REVERSE : 0); }else{ bSort = 1; } } ................................................................................ wsFlags |= WHERE_IDX_ONLY; }else{ bLookup = 1; } } /* ** Estimate the number of rows of output. For an IN operator, ** do not let the estimate exceed half the rows in the table. */ nRow = (double)(aiRowEst[nEq] * nInMul); if( bInEst && nRow*2>aiRowEst[0] ){ nRow = aiRowEst[0]/2; nInMul = (int)(nRow / aiRowEst[nEq]); } /* Assume constant cost to access a row and logarithmic cost to ** do a binary search. Hence, the initial cost is the number of output ** rows plus log2(table-size) times the number of binary searches. */ cost = nRow + nInMul*estLog(aiRowEst[0]); /* Adjust the number of rows and the cost downward to reflect rows ** that are excluded by range constraints. */ nRow = (nRow * (double)estBound) / (double)100; cost = (cost * (double)estBound) / (double)100; /* Add in the estimated cost of sorting the result */ if( bSort ){ cost += cost*estLog(cost); } /* If all information can be taken directly from the index, we avoid ** doing table lookups. This reduces the cost by half. (Not really - ** this needs to be fixed.) */ if( pIdx && bLookup==0 ){ cost /= (double)2; } /**** Cost of using this index has now been computed ****/ /* If there are additional constraints on this table that cannot ** be used with the current index, but which might lower the number ** of output rows, adjust the nRow value accordingly. This only ** matters if the current index is the least costly, so do not bother ** with this step if we already know this index will not be chosen. ................................................................................ }else{ /* Assume each additional equality match reduces the result ** set size by a factor of 10 */ nRow /= 10; } }else if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE) ){ if( nSkipRange ){ /* Ignore the first nBound range constraints since the index ** has already accounted for these */ nSkipRange--; }else{ /* Assume each additional range constraint reduces the result ** set size by a factor of 3 */ nRow /= 3; } }else{ /* Any other expression lowers the output row count by half */ nRow /= 2; } } if( nRow<2 ) nRow = 2; } WHERETRACE(( "%s(%s): nEq=%d nInMul=%d estBound=%d bSort=%d bLookup=%d wsFlags=0x%x\n" " notReady=0x%llx nRow=%.2f cost=%.2f used=0x%llx\n", pSrc->pTab->zName, (pIdx ? pIdx->zName : "ipk"), nEq, nInMul, estBound, bSort, bLookup, wsFlags, notReady, nRow, cost, used )); /* If this index is the best we have seen so far, then record this ** index and its cost in the pCost structure. */ if( (!pIdx || wsFlags) && (cost<pCost->rCost || (cost<=pCost->rCost && nRow<pCost->plan.nRow)) ................................................................................ start_constraints = pRangeStart || nEq>0; /* Seek the index cursor to the start of the range. */ nConstraint = nEq; if( pRangeStart ){ Expr *pRight = pRangeStart->pExpr->pRight; sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight, regBase+nEq); sqlite3ExprCodeIsNullJump(v, pRight, regBase+nEq, addrNxt); if( zStartAff ){ if( sqlite3CompareAffinity(pRight, zStartAff[nEq])==SQLITE_AFF_NONE){ /* Since the comparison is to be performed with no conversions ** applied to the operands, set the affinity to apply to pRight to ** SQLITE_AFF_NONE. */ zStartAff[nEq] = SQLITE_AFF_NONE; } ................................................................................ ** range (if any). */ nConstraint = nEq; if( pRangeEnd ){ Expr *pRight = pRangeEnd->pExpr->pRight; sqlite3ExprCacheRemove(pParse, regBase+nEq, 1); sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight, regBase+nEq); sqlite3ExprCodeIsNullJump(v, pRight, regBase+nEq, addrNxt); if( zEndAff ){ if( sqlite3CompareAffinity(pRight, zEndAff[nEq])==SQLITE_AFF_NONE){ /* Since the comparison is to be performed with no conversions ** applied to the operands, set the affinity to apply to pRight to ** SQLITE_AFF_NONE. */ zEndAff[nEq] = SQLITE_AFF_NONE; } ................................................................................ sqlite3ExprCacheStore(pParse, iCur, -1, iRowidReg); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Seek, iCur, iRowidReg); /* Deferred seek */ } /* Record the instruction used to terminate the loop. Disable ** WHERE clause terms made redundant by the index range scan. */ pLevel->op = bRev ? OP_Prev : OP_Next; pLevel->p1 = iIdxCur; }else #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_OR_OPTIMIZATION if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_MULTI_OR ){ /* Case 4: Two or more separately indexed terms connected by OR ** ................................................................................ ** ** Return 2 # Jump back to the Gosub ** ** B: <after the loop> ** */ WhereClause *pOrWc; /* The OR-clause broken out into subterms */ WhereTerm *pFinal; /* Final subterm within the OR-clause. */ SrcList *pOrTab; /* Shortened table list or OR-clause generation */ int regReturn = ++pParse->nMem; /* Register used with OP_Gosub */ int regRowset = 0; /* Register for RowSet object */ int regRowid = 0; /* Register holding rowid */ int iLoopBody = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v); /* Start of loop body */ int iRetInit; /* Address of regReturn init */ ................................................................................ int ii; pTerm = pLevel->plan.u.pTerm; assert( pTerm!=0 ); assert( pTerm->eOperator==WO_OR ); assert( (pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_ORINFO)!=0 ); pOrWc = &pTerm->u.pOrInfo->wc; pFinal = &pOrWc->a[pOrWc->nTerm-1]; pLevel->op = OP_Return; pLevel->p1 = regReturn; /* Set up a new SrcList ni pOrTab containing the table being scanned ** by this loop in the a[0] slot and all notReady tables in a[1..] slots. ** This becomes the SrcList in the recursive call to sqlite3WhereBegin(). */ ................................................................................ /* Insert code to test every subexpression that can be completely ** computed using the current set of tables. ** ** IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-49525-50935 Terms that cannot be satisfied through ** the use of indices become tests that are evaluated against each row of ** the relevant input tables. */ k = 0; for(pTerm=pWC->a, j=pWC->nTerm; j>0; j--, pTerm++){ Expr *pE; testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ); /* IMP: R-30575-11662 */ testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED ); if( pTerm->wtFlags & (TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_CODED) ) continue; if( (pTerm->prereqAll & notReady)!=0 ){ testcase( pWInfo->untestedTerms==0 ................................................................................ } pE = pTerm->pExpr; assert( pE!=0 ); if( pLevel->iLeftJoin && !ExprHasProperty(pE, EP_FromJoin) ){ continue; } sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pE, addrCont, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL); k = 1; pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_CODED; } /* For a LEFT OUTER JOIN, generate code that will record the fact that ** at least one row of the right table has matched the left table. */ if( pLevel->iLeftJoin ){ ................................................................................ ** pWInfo->a[].iIdxCur The VDBE cursor for the index ** pWInfo->a[].pTerm When wsFlags==WO_OR, the OR-clause term ** ** This loop also figures out the nesting order of tables in the FROM ** clause. */ notReady = ~(Bitmask)0; pTabItem = pTabList->a; pLevel = pWInfo->a; andFlags = ~0; WHERETRACE(("*** Optimizer Start ***\n")); for(i=iFrom=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; i<nTabList; i++, pLevel++){ WhereCost bestPlan; /* Most efficient plan seen so far */ Index *pIdx; /* Index for FROM table at pTabItem */ int j; /* For looping over FROM tables */ int bestJ = -1; /* The value of j */ ................................................................................ } /* Conditions under which this table becomes the best so far: ** ** (1) The table must not depend on other tables that have not ** yet run. ** ** (2) A full-table-scan plan cannot supercede another plan unless ** it is an "optimal" plan as defined above. ** ** (3) All tables have an INDEXED BY clause or this table lacks an ** INDEXED BY clause or this table uses the specific ** index specified by its INDEXED BY clause. This rule ensures ** that a best-so-far is always selected even if an impossible ** combination of INDEXED BY clauses are given. The error ** will be detected and relayed back to the application later. ................................................................................ ** An indexable full-table-scan from reaching rule (3). ** ** (4) The plan cost must be lower than prior plans or else the ** cost must be the same and the number of rows must be lower. */ if( (sCost.used¬Ready)==0 /* (1) */ && (bestJ<0 || (notIndexed&m)!=0 /* (2) */ || (sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0) && (nUnconstrained==0 || pTabItem->pIndex==0 /* (3) */ || NEVER((sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0)) && (bestJ<0 || sCost.rCost<bestPlan.rCost /* (4) */ || (sCost.rCost<=bestPlan.rCost && sCost.plan.nRow<bestPlan.plan.nRow)) ){ ................................................................................ #if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5) case SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP: { /* Designate a buffer for heap memory space */ sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap = va_arg(ap, void*); sqlite3GlobalConfig.nHeap = va_arg(ap, int); sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq = va_arg(ap, int); if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap==0 ){ /* If the heap pointer is NULL, then restore the malloc implementation ** back to NULL pointers too. This will cause the malloc to go ** back to its default implementation when sqlite3_initialize() is ** run. */ ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3 *db, int op, ...){ va_list ap; int rc; va_start(ap, op); switch( op ){ case SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE: { void *pBuf = va_arg(ap, void*); /* IMP: R-21112-12275 */ int sz = va_arg(ap, int); /* IMP: R-47871-25994 */ int cnt = va_arg(ap, int); /* IMP: R-04460-53386 */ rc = setupLookaside(db, pBuf, sz, cnt); break; } default: { rc = SQLITE_ERROR; /* IMP: R-42790-23372 */ break; } } va_end(ap); return rc; } ................................................................................ return SQLITE_OK; } if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk(db) ){ return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT; } sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex); sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); /* If a transaction is open, the ResetInternalSchema() call above ** will not have called the xDisconnect() method on any virtual ** tables in the db->aVTrans[] array. The following sqlite3VtabRollback() ** call will do so. We need to do this before the check for active ** SQL statements below, as the v-table implementation may be storing ** some prepared statements internally. ................................................................................ sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt); pDb->pBt = 0; if( j!=1 ){ pDb->pSchema = 0; } } } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); /* Tell the code in notify.c that the connection no longer holds any ** locks and does not require any further unlock-notify callbacks. */ sqlite3ConnectionClosed(db); assert( db->nDb<=2 ); ................................................................................ } } sqlite3VtabRollback(db); sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(); if( db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0); } /* Any deferred constraint violations have now been resolved. */ db->nDeferredCons = 0; /* If one has been configured, invoke the rollback-hook callback */ if( db->xRollbackCallback && (inTrans || !db->autoCommit) ){ ................................................................................ int count /* Number of times table has been busy */ ){ #if SQLITE_OS_WIN || (defined(HAVE_USLEEP) && HAVE_USLEEP) static const u8 delays[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25, 25, 50, 50, 100 }; static const u8 totals[] = { 0, 1, 3, 8, 18, 33, 53, 78, 103, 128, 178, 228 }; # define NDELAY (sizeof(delays)/sizeof(delays[0])) sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *)ptr; int timeout = db->busyTimeout; int delay, prior; assert( count>=0 ); if( count < NDELAY ){ delay = delays[count]; ................................................................................ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex); return pRet; #else return 0; #endif } /* ** Checkpoint database zDb. If zDb is NULL, or if the buffer zDb points ** to contains a zero-length string, all attached databases are ** checkpointed. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb){ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL return SQLITE_OK; #else int rc; /* Return code */ int iDb = SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED; /* sqlite3.aDb[] index of db to checkpoint */ sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex); if( zDb && zDb[0] ){ iDb = sqlite3FindDbName(db, zDb); } if( iDb<0 ){ rc = SQLITE_ERROR; sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR, "unknown database: %s", zDb); }else{ rc = sqlite3Checkpoint(db, iDb); sqlite3Error(db, rc, 0); } rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc); sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex); return rc; #endif } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** Run a checkpoint on database iDb. This is a no-op if database iDb is ** not currently open in WAL mode. ** ** If a transaction is open on the database being checkpointed, this ** function returns SQLITE_LOCKED and a checkpoint is not attempted. If ................................................................................ ** The mutex on database handle db should be held by the caller. The mutex ** associated with the specific b-tree being checkpointed is taken by ** this function while the checkpoint is running. ** ** If iDb is passed SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED, then all attached databases are ** checkpointed. If an error is encountered it is returned immediately - ** no attempt is made to checkpoint any remaining databases. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */ int i; /* Used to iterate through attached dbs */ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ); for(i=0; i<db->nDb && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){ if( i==iDb || iDb==SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(db->aDb[i].pBt); } } return rc; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */ /* ** This function returns true if main-memory should be used instead of ** a temporary file for transient pager files and statement journals. ** The value returned depends on the value of db->temp_store (runtime ................................................................................ #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_VDBE_OP<40 # error SQLITE_MAX_VDBE_OP must be at least 40 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG<0 || SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG>1000 # error SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG must be between 0 and 1000 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED<0 || SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED>30 # error SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED must be between 0 and 30 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH<1 # error SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH must be at least 1 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN>32767 # error SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN must not exceed 32767 #endif ................................................................................ } /* Remove harmful bits from the flags parameter ** ** The SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX and SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX flags were ** dealt with in the previous code block. Besides these, the only ** valid input flags for sqlite3_open_v2() are SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, ** SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE. Silently mask ** off all other flags. */ flags &= ~( SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE | SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE | SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB | SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB | SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB | ................................................................................ db->aDb = db->aDbStatic; assert( sizeof(db->aLimit)==sizeof(aHardLimit) ); memcpy(db->aLimit, aHardLimit, sizeof(db->aLimit)); db->autoCommit = 1; db->nextAutovac = -1; db->nextPagesize = 0; db->flags |= SQLITE_ShortColNames | SQLITE_AutoIndex #if SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT<4 | SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt #endif #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION | SQLITE_LoadExtension #endif #if SQLITE_DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS ................................................................................ typedef struct Fts3Expr Fts3Expr; typedef struct Fts3Phrase Fts3Phrase; typedef struct Fts3PhraseToken Fts3PhraseToken; typedef struct Fts3SegFilter Fts3SegFilter; typedef struct Fts3DeferredToken Fts3DeferredToken; typedef struct Fts3SegReader Fts3SegReader; typedef struct Fts3SegReaderArray Fts3SegReaderArray; /* ** A connection to a fulltext index is an instance of the following ** structure. The xCreate and xConnect methods create an instance ** of this structure and xDestroy and xDisconnect free that instance. ** All other methods receive a pointer to the structure as one of their ** arguments. ................................................................................ sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer; /* tokenizer for inserts and queries */ /* Precompiled statements used by the implementation. Each of these ** statements is run and reset within a single virtual table API call. */ sqlite3_stmt *aStmt[24]; int nNodeSize; /* Soft limit for node size */ u8 bHasStat; /* True if %_stat table exists */ u8 bHasDocsize; /* True if %_docsize table exists */ int nPgsz; /* Page size for host database */ char *zSegmentsTbl; /* Name of %_segments table */ sqlite3_blob *pSegments; /* Blob handle open on %_segments table */ ................................................................................ ** on the assumption that the */ struct Fts3PhraseToken { char *z; /* Text of the token */ int n; /* Number of bytes in buffer z */ int isPrefix; /* True if token ends with a "*" character */ int bFulltext; /* True if full-text index was used */ Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray; /* Segment-reader for this token */ Fts3DeferredToken *pDeferred; /* Deferred token object for this token */ }; struct Fts3Phrase { /* Variables populated by fts3_expr.c when parsing a MATCH expression */ int nToken; /* Number of tokens in the phrase */ int iColumn; /* Index of column this phrase must match */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3Optimize(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(int, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64, const char *, int, Fts3SegReader**); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(Fts3Table*,const char*,int,int,Fts3SegReader**); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(Fts3SegReader *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate( Fts3Table *, Fts3SegReader **, int, Fts3SegFilter *, int (*)(Fts3Table *, void *, char *, int, char *, int), void * ); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3SegReader *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(Fts3Table*, sqlite3_stmt **); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ReadLock(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(Fts3Table*, sqlite3_int64, char **, int*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(Fts3Table *, sqlite3_stmt **); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SelectDocsize(Fts3Table *, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_stmt **); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredTokens(Fts3Cursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3DeferToken(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3PhraseToken *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Fts3DeferredDoclist(Fts3DeferredToken *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose(Fts3Table *); /* Flags allowed as part of the 4th argument to SegmentReaderIterate() */ #define FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS 0x00000001 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY 0x00000002 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER 0x00000004 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX 0x00000008 /* Type passed as 4th argument to SegmentReaderIterate() */ struct Fts3SegFilter { const char *zTerm; int nTerm; int iCol; int flags; }; /* fts3.c */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(char *, sqlite3_int64); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *, sqlite_int64 *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(const char *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(sqlite3_uint64); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3Dequote(char *); ................................................................................ char **, int, int, const char *, int, Fts3Expr ** ); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(Fts3Expr *); #ifdef SQLITE_TEST SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ExprInitTestInterface(sqlite3 *db); #endif #endif /* _FTSINT_H */ /************** End of fts3Int.h *********************************************/ /************** Continuing where we left off in fts3.c ***********************/ #ifndef SQLITE_CORE ................................................................................ assert( p->pSegments==0 ); /* Free any prepared statements held */ for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(p->aStmt); i++){ sqlite3_finalize(p->aStmt[i]); } sqlite3_free(p->zSegmentsTbl); /* Invoke the tokenizer destructor to free the tokenizer. */ p->pTokenizer->pModule->xDestroy(p->pTokenizer); sqlite3_free(p); return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ zValue = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", &zCsr[1]); if( zValue ){ sqlite3Fts3Dequote(zValue); } *pzValue = zValue; return 1; } /* ** This function is the implementation of both the xConnect and xCreate ** methods of the FTS3 virtual table. ** ** The argv[] array contains the following: ** ................................................................................ int nDb; /* Bytes required to hold database name */ int nName; /* Bytes required to hold table name */ int isFts4 = (argv[0][3]=='4'); /* True for FTS4, false for FTS3 */ int bNoDocsize = 0; /* True to omit %_docsize table */ const char **aCol; /* Array of column names */ sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer = 0; /* Tokenizer for this table */ assert( strlen(argv[0])==4 ); assert( (sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[0], "fts4", 4)==0 && isFts4) || (sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[0], "fts3", 4)==0 && !isFts4) ); nDb = (int)strlen(argv[1]) + 1; nName = (int)strlen(argv[2]) + 1; ................................................................................ if( nKey==9 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "matchinfo", 9) ){ if( strlen(zVal)==4 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "fts3", 4) ){ bNoDocsize = 1; }else{ *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized matchinfo: %s", zVal); rc = SQLITE_ERROR; } }else{ *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized parameter: %s", z); rc = SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3_free(zVal); } ................................................................................ memcpy(zCsr, z, n); zCsr[n] = '\0'; sqlite3Fts3Dequote(zCsr); p->azColumn[iCol] = zCsr; zCsr += n+1; assert( zCsr <= &((char *)p)[nByte] ); } /* If this is an xCreate call, create the underlying tables in the ** database. TODO: For xConnect(), it could verify that said tables exist. */ if( isCreate ){ rc = fts3CreateTables(p); } ................................................................................ */ fts3DatabasePageSize(&rc, p); /* Declare the table schema to SQLite. */ fts3DeclareVtab(&rc, p); fts3_init_out: sqlite3_free((void *)aCol); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( p ){ fts3DisconnectMethod((sqlite3_vtab *)p); }else if( pTokenizer ){ pTokenizer->pModule->xDestroy(pTokenizer); } ................................................................................ if( !*ppOut ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(*ppOut, docid); } return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** An Fts3SegReaderArray is used to store an array of Fts3SegReader objects. ** Elements are added to the array using fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(). */ struct Fts3SegReaderArray { int nSegment; /* Number of valid entries in apSegment[] */ int nAlloc; /* Allocated size of apSegment[] */ int nCost; /* The cost of executing SegReaderIterate() */ Fts3SegReader *apSegment[1]; /* Array of seg-reader objects */ }; /* ** Free an Fts3SegReaderArray object. Also free all seg-readers in the ** array (using sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree()). */ static void fts3SegReaderArrayFree(Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray){ if( pArray ){ int i; for(i=0; i<pArray->nSegment; i++){ sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(pArray->apSegment[i]); } sqlite3_free(pArray); } } static int fts3SegReaderArrayAdd( Fts3SegReaderArray **ppArray, Fts3SegReader *pNew ){ Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = *ppArray; if( !pArray || pArray->nAlloc==pArray->nSegment ){ int nNew = (pArray ? pArray->nAlloc+16 : 16); pArray = (Fts3SegReaderArray *)sqlite3_realloc(pArray, sizeof(Fts3SegReaderArray) + (nNew-1) * sizeof(Fts3SegReader*) ); if( !pArray ){ sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(pNew); return SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( nNew==16 ){ pArray->nSegment = 0; pArray->nCost = 0; } pArray->nAlloc = nNew; *ppArray = pArray; } pArray->apSegment[pArray->nSegment++] = pNew; return SQLITE_OK; } static int fts3TermSegReaderArray( Fts3Cursor *pCsr, /* Virtual table cursor handle */ const char *zTerm, /* Term to query for */ int nTerm, /* Size of zTerm in bytes */ int isPrefix, /* True for a prefix search */ Fts3SegReaderArray **ppArray /* OUT: Allocated seg-reader array */ ){ Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab; int rc; /* Return code */ Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = 0; /* Array object to build */ Fts3SegReader *pReader = 0; /* Seg-reader to add to pArray */ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0; /* SQL statement to scan %_segdir table */ int iAge = 0; /* Used to assign ages to segments */ /* Allocate a seg-reader to scan the pending terms, if any. */ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(p, zTerm, nTerm, isPrefix, &pReader); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pReader ) { rc = fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(&pArray, pReader); } /* Loop through the entire %_segdir table. For each segment, create a ** Fts3SegReader to iterate through the subset of the segment leaves ** that may contain a term that matches zTerm/nTerm. For non-prefix ** searches, this is always a single leaf. For prefix searches, this ** may be a contiguous block of leaves. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(p, &pStmt); } while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==(rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt)) ){ Fts3SegReader *pNew = 0; int nRoot = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 4); char const *zRoot = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 4); if( sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 1)==0 ){ /* The entire segment is stored on the root node (which must be a ** leaf). Do not bother inspecting any data in this case, just ** create a Fts3SegReader to scan the single leaf. */ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(iAge, 0, 0, 0, zRoot, nRoot, &pNew); }else{ sqlite3_int64 i1; /* First leaf that may contain zTerm */ sqlite3_int64 i2; /* Final leaf that may contain zTerm */ rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zRoot, nRoot, &i1, (isPrefix?&i2:0)); if( isPrefix==0 ) i2 = i1; if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(iAge, i1, i2, 0, 0, 0, &pNew); } } assert( (pNew==0)==(rc!=SQLITE_OK) ); /* If a new Fts3SegReader was allocated, add it to the array. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(&pArray, pNew); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost(pCsr, pNew, &pArray->nCost); } iAge++; } if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); }else{ sqlite3_reset(pStmt); } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ fts3SegReaderArrayFree(pArray); pArray = 0; } *ppArray = pArray; return rc; } /* ** This function retreives the doclist for the specified term (or term ** prefix) from the database. ** ** The returned doclist may be in one of two formats, depending on the ................................................................................ Fts3PhraseToken *pTok, /* Token to query for */ int iColumn, /* Column to query (or -ve for all columns) */ int isReqPos, /* True to include position lists in output */ int *pnOut, /* OUT: Size of buffer at *ppOut */ char **ppOut /* OUT: Malloced result buffer */ ){ int rc; /* Return code */ Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray; /* Seg-reader array for this term */ TermSelect tsc; /* Context object for fts3TermSelectCb() */ Fts3SegFilter filter; /* Segment term filter configuration */ pArray = pTok->pArray; memset(&tsc, 0, sizeof(TermSelect)); tsc.isReqPos = isReqPos; filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY | (pTok->isPrefix ? FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX : 0) | (isReqPos ? FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS : 0) | (iColumn<p->nColumn ? FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER : 0); filter.iCol = iColumn; filter.zTerm = pTok->z; filter.nTerm = pTok->n; rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate(p, pArray->apSegment, pArray->nSegment, &filter, fts3TermSelectCb, (void *)&tsc ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3TermSelectMerge(&tsc); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ *ppOut = tsc.aaOutput[0]; *pnOut = tsc.anOutput[0]; }else{ int i; for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(tsc.aaOutput); i++){ sqlite3_free(tsc.aaOutput[i]); } } fts3SegReaderArrayFree(pArray); pTok->pArray = 0; return rc; } /* ** This function counts the total number of docids in the doclist stored ** in buffer aList[], size nList bytes. ** ................................................................................ /* If this is an xFilter() evaluation, create a segment-reader for each ** phrase token. Or, if this is an xNext() or snippet/offsets/matchinfo ** evaluation, only create segment-readers if there are no Fts3DeferredToken ** objects attached to the phrase-tokens. */ for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ Fts3PhraseToken *pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[ii]; if( pTok->pArray==0 ){ if( (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER) || (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT && pCsr->pDeferred==0) || (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_MATCHINFO && pTok->bFulltext) ){ rc = fts3TermSegReaderArray( pCsr, pTok->z, pTok->n, pTok->isPrefix, &pTok->pArray ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } } } for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ ................................................................................ pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok]; }else{ int nMinCost = 0x7FFFFFFF; int jj; /* Find the remaining token with the lowest cost. */ for(jj=0; jj<pPhrase->nToken; jj++){ Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = pPhrase->aToken[jj].pArray; if( pArray && pArray->nCost<nMinCost ){ iTok = jj; nMinCost = pArray->nCost; } } pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok]; /* This branch is taken if it is determined that loading the doclist ** for the next token would require more IO than loading all documents ** currently identified by doclist pOut/nOut. No further doclists will ................................................................................ break; } } if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT && pTok->pDeferred ){ rc = fts3DeferredTermSelect(pTok->pDeferred, isTermPos, &nList, &pList); }else{ if( pTok->pArray ){ rc = fts3TermSelect(p, pTok, iCol, isTermPos, &nList, &pList); } pTok->bFulltext = 1; } assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pCsr->eEvalmode || pTok->pArray==0 ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break; if( isFirst ){ pOut = pList; nOut = nList; if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER && pPhrase->nToken>1 ){ nDoc = fts3DoclistCountDocids(1, pOut, nOut); ................................................................................ if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){ Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase; int ii; for(ii=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ Fts3PhraseToken *pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[ii]; if( pTok->pArray==0 ){ rc = fts3TermSegReaderArray( pCsr, pTok->z, pTok->n, pTok->isPrefix, &pTok->pArray ); } } }else{ rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(pCsr, pExpr->pLeft, pnExpr); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(pCsr, pExpr->pRight, pnExpr); ................................................................................ */ static void fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(Fts3Expr *pExpr){ if( pExpr ){ Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase; if( pPhrase ){ int kk; for(kk=0; kk<pPhrase->nToken; kk++){ fts3SegReaderArrayFree(pPhrase->aToken[kk].pArray); pPhrase->aToken[kk].pArray = 0; } } fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(pExpr->pLeft); fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(pExpr->pRight); } } ................................................................................ static int fts3ExprCost(Fts3Expr *pExpr){ int nCost; /* Return value */ if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){ Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase; int ii; nCost = 0; for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = pPhrase->aToken[ii].pArray; if( pArray ){ nCost += pPhrase->aToken[ii].pArray->nCost; } } }else{ nCost = fts3ExprCost(pExpr->pLeft) + fts3ExprCost(pExpr->pRight); } return nCost; } ................................................................................ sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, /* The cursor used for this query */ int idxNum, /* Strategy index */ const char *idxStr, /* Unused */ int nVal, /* Number of elements in apVal */ sqlite3_value **apVal /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */ ){ const char *azSql[] = { "SELECT * FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE docid = ?", /* non-full-table-scan */ "SELECT * FROM %Q.'%q_content'", /* full-table-scan */ }; int rc; /* Return code */ char *zSql; /* SQL statement used to access %_content */ Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCursor->pVtab; Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *)pCursor; UNUSED_PARAMETER(idxStr); ................................................................................ } /* Compile a SELECT statement for this cursor. For a full-table-scan, the ** statement loops through all rows of the %_content table. For a ** full-text query or docid lookup, the statement retrieves a single ** row by docid. */ zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[idxNum==FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH], p->zDb, p->zName); if( !zSql ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pCsr->pStmt, 0); sqlite3_free(zSql); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK && idxNum==FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH ){ ................................................................................ const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pPorter = 0; #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_ICU const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pIcu = 0; sqlite3Fts3IcuTokenizerModule(&pIcu); #endif sqlite3Fts3SimpleTokenizerModule(&pSimple); sqlite3Fts3PorterTokenizerModule(&pPorter); /* Allocate and initialise the hash-table used to store tokenizers. */ pHash = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3Hash)); if( !pHash ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; ................................................................................ return sqlite3Fts3Init(db); } #endif #endif /************** End of fts3.c ************************************************/ /************** Begin file fts3_expr.c ***************************************/ /* ** 2008 Nov 28 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ** a legal notice, here is a blessing: ** ................................................................................ /* 0 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid = ?", /* 1 */ "SELECT NOT EXISTS(SELECT docid FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid!=?)", /* 2 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_content'", /* 3 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segments'", /* 4 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segdir'", /* 5 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_docsize'", /* 6 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_stat'", /* 7 */ "SELECT * FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid=?", /* 8 */ "SELECT (SELECT max(idx) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?) + 1", /* 9 */ "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_segments'(blockid, block) VALUES(?, ?)", /* 10 */ "SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(blockid) FROM %Q.'%q_segments') + 1, 1)", /* 11 */ "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_segdir' VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)", /* Return segments in order from oldest to newest.*/ /* 12 */ "SELECT idx, start_block, leaves_end_block, end_block, root " ................................................................................ "FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' ORDER BY level DESC, idx ASC", /* 14 */ "SELECT count(*) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?", /* 15 */ "SELECT count(*), max(level) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir'", /* 16 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?", /* 17 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segments' WHERE blockid BETWEEN ? AND ?", /* 18 */ "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_content' VALUES(%z)", /* 19 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_docsize' WHERE docid = ?", /* 20 */ "REPLACE INTO %Q.'%q_docsize' VALUES(?,?)", /* 21 */ "SELECT size FROM %Q.'%q_docsize' WHERE docid=?", /* 22 */ "SELECT value FROM %Q.'%q_stat' WHERE id=0", /* 23 */ "REPLACE INTO %Q.'%q_stat' VALUES(0,?)", }; int rc = SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ assert( SizeofArray(azSql)==SizeofArray(p->aStmt) ); assert( eStmt<SizeofArray(azSql) && eStmt>=0 ); pStmt = p->aStmt[eStmt]; if( !pStmt ){ char *zSql; if( eStmt==SQL_CONTENT_INSERT ){ int i; /* Iterator variable */ char *zVarlist; /* The "?, ?, ..." string */ zVarlist = (char *)sqlite3_malloc(2*p->nColumn+2); if( !zVarlist ){ *pp = 0; return SQLITE_NOMEM; } zVarlist[0] = '?'; zVarlist[p->nColumn*2+1] = '\0'; for(i=1; i<=p->nColumn; i++){ zVarlist[i*2-1] = ','; zVarlist[i*2] = '?'; } zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zDb, p->zName, zVarlist); }else{ zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zDb, p->zName); } if( !zSql ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, NULL); ................................................................................ rc = fts3SqlStmt(pTab, eStmt, &pStmt, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ if( eStmt==SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE ){ sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 1, iDocid); } rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt); if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){ rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT; pStmt = 0; }else{ rc = SQLITE_OK; } } ................................................................................ ** ** 0: idx ** 1: start_block ** 2: leaves_end_block ** 3: end_block ** 4: root */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(Fts3Table *p, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt){ return fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_ALL_LEVEL, ppStmt, 0); } /* ** Append a single varint to a PendingList buffer. SQLITE_OK is returned ** if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise. ** ................................................................................ ** the table. The following nCol varints contain the total amount of ** data stored in all rows of each column of the table, from left ** to right. */ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; sqlite3_int64 nDoc = 0; sqlite3_int64 nByte = 0; const char *a; rc = sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(p, &pStmt); if( rc ) return rc; a = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0); if( a ){ const char *pEnd = &a[sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0)]; a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nDoc); while( a<pEnd ){ a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nByte); } } if( nDoc==0 || nByte==0 ){ sqlite3_reset(pStmt); return SQLITE_CORRUPT; } pCsr->nRowAvg = (int)(((nByte / nDoc) + pgsz) / pgsz); ................................................................................ if( isPrefix ){ sqlite3_free(aElem); } *ppReader = pReader; return rc; } /* ** The second argument to this function is expected to be a statement of ** the form: ** ** SELECT ** idx, -- col 0 ** start_block, -- col 1 ** leaves_end_block, -- col 2 ** end_block, -- col 3 ** root -- col 4 ** FROM %_segdir ... ** ** This function allocates and initializes a Fts3SegReader structure to ** iterate through the terms stored in the segment identified by the ** current row that pStmt is pointing to. ** ** If successful, the Fts3SegReader is left pointing to the first term ** in the segment and SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error ** code is returned. */ static int fts3SegReaderNew( sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, /* See above */ int iAge, /* Segment "age". */ Fts3SegReader **ppReader /* OUT: Allocated Fts3SegReader */ ){ return sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(iAge, sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 1), sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 2), sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 3), sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 4), sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 4), ppReader ); } /* ** Compare the entries pointed to by two Fts3SegReader structures. ** Comparison is as follows: ** ** 1) EOF is greater than not EOF. ** ** 2) The current terms (if any) are compared using memcmp(). If one ................................................................................ *pisEmpty = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0); } rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); } return rc; } /* ** Set *pnSegment to the number of segments of level iLevel in the database. ** ** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if not. */ static int fts3SegmentCount(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel, int *pnSegment){ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; int rc; assert( iLevel>=0 ); rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_LEVEL_COUNT, &pStmt, 0); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 1, iLevel); if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){ *pnSegment = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0); } return sqlite3_reset(pStmt); } /* ** Set *pnSegment to the total number of segments in the database. Set ** *pnMax to the largest segment level in the database (segment levels ** are stored in the 'level' column of the %_segdir table). ** ** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if not. */ ................................................................................ rc = sqlite3_reset(pDelete); } } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ return rc; } if( iLevel>=0 ){ rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_DELETE_SEGDIR_BY_LEVEL, &pDelete, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_bind_int(pDelete, 1, iLevel); sqlite3_step(pDelete); rc = sqlite3_reset(pDelete); } }else{ fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGDIR, 0); } return rc; } /* ** When this function is called, buffer *ppList (size *pnList bytes) contains ................................................................................ p += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p, &iCurrent); } *ppList = pList; *pnList = nList; } /* ** sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate() callback used when merging multiple ** segments to create a single, larger segment. */ static int fts3MergeCallback( Fts3Table *p, /* FTS3 Virtual table handle */ void *pContext, /* Pointer to SegmentWriter* to write with */ char *zTerm, /* Term to write to the db */ int nTerm, /* Number of bytes in zTerm */ char *aDoclist, /* Doclist associated with zTerm */ int nDoclist /* Number of bytes in doclist */ ){ SegmentWriter **ppW = (SegmentWriter **)pContext; return fts3SegWriterAdd(p, ppW, 1, zTerm, nTerm, aDoclist, nDoclist); } /* ** sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate() callback used when flushing the contents ** of the pending-terms hash table to the database. */ static int fts3FlushCallback( Fts3Table *p, /* FTS3 Virtual table handle */ void *pContext, /* Pointer to SegmentWriter* to write with */ char *zTerm, /* Term to write to the db */ int nTerm, /* Number of bytes in zTerm */ char *aDoclist, /* Doclist associated with zTerm */ int nDoclist /* Number of bytes in doclist */ ){ SegmentWriter **ppW = (SegmentWriter **)pContext; return fts3SegWriterAdd(p, ppW, 0, zTerm, nTerm, aDoclist, nDoclist); } /* ** This function is used to iterate through a contiguous set of terms ** stored in the full-text index. It merges data contained in one or ** more segments to support this. ** ** The second argument is passed an array of pointers to SegReader objects ** allocated with sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(). This function merges the range ** of terms selected by each SegReader. If a single term is present in ** more than one segment, the associated doclists are merged. For each ** term and (possibly merged) doclist in the merged range, the callback ** function xFunc is invoked with its arguments set as follows. ** ** arg 0: Copy of 'p' parameter passed to this function ** arg 1: Copy of 'pContext' parameter passed to this function ** arg 2: Pointer to buffer containing term ** arg 3: Size of arg 2 buffer in bytes ** arg 4: Pointer to buffer containing doclist ** arg 5: Size of arg 2 buffer in bytes ** ** The 4th argument to this function is a pointer to a structure of type ** Fts3SegFilter, defined in fts3Int.h. The contents of this structure ** further restrict the range of terms that callbacks are made for and ** modify the behaviour of this function. See comments above structure ** definition for details. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate( Fts3Table *p, /* Virtual table handle */ Fts3SegReader **apSegment, /* Array of Fts3SegReader objects */ int nSegment, /* Size of apSegment array */ Fts3SegFilter *pFilter, /* Restrictions on range of iteration */ int (*xFunc)(Fts3Table *, void *, char *, int, char *, int), /* Callback */ void *pContext /* Callback context (2nd argument) */ ){ int i; /* Iterator variable */ char *aBuffer = 0; /* Buffer to merge doclists in */ int nAlloc = 0; /* Allocated size of aBuffer buffer */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */ int isIgnoreEmpty = (pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY); int isRequirePos = (pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS); int isColFilter = (pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER); int isPrefix = (pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX); /* If there are zero segments, this function is a no-op. This scenario ** comes about only when reading from an empty database. */ if( nSegment==0 ) goto finished; /* If the Fts3SegFilter defines a specific term (or term prefix) to search ** for, then advance each segment iterator until it points to a term of ** equal or greater value than the specified term. This prevents many ** unnecessary merge/sort operations for the case where single segment ** b-tree leaf nodes contain more than one term. */ for(i=0; i<nSegment; i++){ int nTerm = pFilter->nTerm; const char *zTerm = pFilter->zTerm; Fts3SegReader *pSeg = apSegment[i]; do { rc = fts3SegReaderNext(p, pSeg); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; }while( zTerm && fts3SegReaderTermCmp(pSeg, zTerm, nTerm)<0 ); } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nSegment, nSegment, fts3SegReaderCmp); while( apSegment[0]->aNode ){ int nTerm = apSegment[0]->nTerm; char *zTerm = apSegment[0]->zTerm; int nMerge = 1; /* If this is a prefix-search, and if the term that apSegment[0] points ** to does not share a suffix with pFilter->zTerm/nTerm, then all ** required callbacks have been made. In this case exit early. ** ** Similarly, if this is a search for an exact match, and the first term ** of segment apSegment[0] is not a match, exit early. */ if( pFilter->zTerm ){ if( nTerm<pFilter->nTerm || (!isPrefix && nTerm>pFilter->nTerm) || memcmp(zTerm, pFilter->zTerm, pFilter->nTerm) ){ goto finished; } } while( nMerge<nSegment && apSegment[nMerge]->aNode && apSegment[nMerge]->nTerm==nTerm && 0==memcmp(zTerm, apSegment[nMerge]->zTerm, nTerm) ){ nMerge++; } assert( isIgnoreEmpty || (isRequirePos && !isColFilter) ); if( nMerge==1 && !isIgnoreEmpty ){ Fts3SegReader *p0 = apSegment[0]; rc = xFunc(p, pContext, zTerm, nTerm, p0->aDoclist, p0->nDoclist); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; }else{ int nDoclist = 0; /* Size of doclist */ sqlite3_int64 iPrev = 0; /* Previous docid stored in doclist */ /* The current term of the first nMerge entries in the array ** of Fts3SegReader objects is the same. The doclists must be merged ** and a single term added to the new segment. */ for(i=0; i<nMerge; i++){ fts3SegReaderFirstDocid(apSegment[i]); } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nMerge, nMerge, fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp); while( apSegment[0]->pOffsetList ){ int j; /* Number of segments that share a docid */ ................................................................................ if( isColFilter ){ fts3ColumnFilter(pFilter->iCol, &pList, &nList); } if( !isIgnoreEmpty || nList>0 ){ nByte = sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(iDocid-iPrev) + (isRequirePos?nList+1:0); if( nDoclist+nByte>nAlloc ){ char *aNew; nAlloc = (nDoclist+nByte)*2; aNew = sqlite3_realloc(aBuffer, nAlloc); if( !aNew ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto finished; } aBuffer = aNew; } nDoclist += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&aBuffer[nDoclist], iDocid-iPrev); iPrev = iDocid; if( isRequirePos ){ memcpy(&aBuffer[nDoclist], pList, nList); nDoclist += nList; aBuffer[nDoclist++] = '\0'; } } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nMerge, j, fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp); } if( nDoclist>0 ){ rc = xFunc(p, pContext, zTerm, nTerm, aBuffer, nDoclist); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; } } /* If there is a term specified to filter on, and this is not a prefix ** search, return now. The callback that corresponds to the required ** term (if such a term exists in the index) has already been made. */ if( pFilter->zTerm && !isPrefix ){ goto finished; } for(i=0; i<nMerge; i++){ rc = fts3SegReaderNext(p, apSegment[i]); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nSegment, nMerge, fts3SegReaderCmp); } finished: sqlite3_free(aBuffer); return rc; } /* ** Merge all level iLevel segments in the database into a single ** iLevel+1 segment. Or, if iLevel<0, merge all segments into a ** single segment with a level equal to the numerically largest level ** currently present in the database. ................................................................................ ** ** If this function is called with iLevel<0, but there is only one ** segment in the database, SQLITE_DONE is returned immediately. ** Otherwise, if successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. If an error occurs, ** an SQLite error code is returned. */ static int fts3SegmentMerge(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel){ int i; /* Iterator variable */ int rc; /* Return code */ int iIdx; /* Index of new segment */ int iNewLevel = 0; /* Level to create new segment at */ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0; SegmentWriter *pWriter = 0; int nSegment = 0; /* Number of segments being merged */ Fts3SegReader **apSegment = 0; /* Array of Segment iterators */ Fts3SegReader *pPending = 0; /* Iterator for pending-terms */ Fts3SegFilter filter; /* Segment term filter condition */ if( iLevel<0 ){ /* This call is to merge all segments in the database to a single ** segment. The level of the new segment is equal to the the numerically ** greatest segment level currently present in the database. The index ** of the new segment is always 0. */ iIdx = 0; rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(p, 0, 0, 1, &pPending); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; rc = fts3SegmentCountMax(p, &nSegment, &iNewLevel); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; nSegment += (pPending!=0); if( nSegment<=1 ){ return SQLITE_DONE; } }else{ /* This call is to merge all segments at level iLevel. Find the next ** available segment index at level iLevel+1. The call to ** fts3AllocateSegdirIdx() will merge the segments at level iLevel+1 to ** a single iLevel+2 segment if necessary. */ iNewLevel = iLevel+1; rc = fts3AllocateSegdirIdx(p, iNewLevel, &iIdx); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; rc = fts3SegmentCount(p, iLevel, &nSegment); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; } assert( nSegment>0 ); assert( iNewLevel>=0 ); /* Allocate space for an array of pointers to segment iterators. */ apSegment = (Fts3SegReader**)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3SegReader *)*nSegment); if( !apSegment ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto finished; } memset(apSegment, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegReader *)*nSegment); /* Allocate a Fts3SegReader structure for each segment being merged. A ** Fts3SegReader stores the state data required to iterate through all ** entries on all leaves of a single segment. */ assert( SQL_SELECT_LEVEL+1==SQL_SELECT_ALL_LEVEL); rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_LEVEL+(iLevel<0), &pStmt, 0); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 1, iLevel); for(i=0; SQLITE_ROW==(sqlite3_step(pStmt)); i++){ rc = fts3SegReaderNew(pStmt, i, &apSegment[i]); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ goto finished; } } rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); if( pPending ){ apSegment[i] = pPending; pPending = 0; } pStmt = 0; if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegFilter)); filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS; filter.flags |= (iLevel<0 ? FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY : 0); rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate(p, apSegment, nSegment, &filter, fts3MergeCallback, (void *)&pWriter ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; rc = fts3DeleteSegdir(p, iLevel, apSegment, nSegment); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3SegWriterFlush(p, pWriter, iNewLevel, iIdx); } finished: fts3SegWriterFree(pWriter); if( apSegment ){ for(i=0; i<nSegment; i++){ sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(apSegment[i]); } sqlite3_free(apSegment); } sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(pPending); sqlite3_reset(pStmt); return rc; } /* ** Flush the contents of pendingTerms to a level 0 segment. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(Fts3Table *p){ int rc; /* Return Code */ int idx; /* Index of new segment created */ SegmentWriter *pWriter = 0; /* Used to write the segment */ Fts3SegReader *pReader = 0; /* Used to iterate through the hash table */ /* Allocate a SegReader object to iterate through the contents of the ** pending-terms table. If an error occurs, or if there are no terms ** in the pending-terms table, return immediately. */ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(p, 0, 0, 1, &pReader); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pReader==0 ){ return rc; } /* Determine the next index at level 0. If level 0 is already full, this ** call may merge all existing level 0 segments into a single level 1 ** segment. */ rc = fts3AllocateSegdirIdx(p, 0, &idx); /* If no errors have occured, iterate through the contents of the ** pending-terms hash table using the Fts3SegReader iterator. The callback ** writes each term (along with its doclist) to the database via the ** SegmentWriter handle pWriter. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ void *c = (void *)&pWriter; /* SegReaderIterate() callback context */ Fts3SegFilter f; /* SegReaderIterate() parameters */ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegFilter)); f.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS; rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate(p, &pReader, 1, &f, fts3FlushCallback, c); } assert( pWriter || rc!=SQLITE_OK ); /* If no errors have occured, flush the SegmentWriter object to the ** database. Then delete the SegmentWriter and Fts3SegReader objects ** allocated by this function. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3SegWriterFlush(p, pWriter, 0, idx); } fts3SegWriterFree(pWriter); sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(pReader); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(p); } return rc; } /* ** Encode N integers as varints into a blob. */ static void fts3EncodeIntArray( int N, /* The number of integers to encode */ ................................................................................ int rc; /* Return Code */ const char *zVal = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(pVal); int nVal = sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal); if( !zVal ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; }else if( nVal==8 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "optimize", 8) ){ rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, -1); if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ rc = SQLITE_OK; }else{ sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(p); } #ifdef SQLITE_TEST }else if( nVal>9 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "nodesize=", 9) ){ ................................................................................ ** merge all segments in the database (including the new segment, if ** there was any data to flush) into a single segment. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3Optimize(Fts3Table *p){ int rc; rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SAVEPOINT fts3", 0, 0, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, -1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE fts3", 0, 0, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(p); } }else{ sqlite3_exec(p->db, "ROLLBACK TO fts3", 0, 0, 0); ................................................................................ */ static int fts3ExprLocalHitsCb( Fts3Expr *pExpr, /* Phrase expression node */ int iPhrase, /* Phrase number */ void *pCtx /* Pointer to MatchInfo structure */ ){ MatchInfo *p = (MatchInfo *)pCtx; if( pExpr->aDoclist ){ char *pCsr; int iStart = iPhrase * p->nCol * 3; int i; for(i=0; i<p->nCol; i++) p->aMatchinfo[iStart+i*3] = 0; pCsr = sqlite3Fts3FindPositions(pExpr, p->pCursor->iPrevId, -1); if( pCsr ){ fts3LoadColumnlistCounts(&pCsr, &p->aMatchinfo[iStart], 0); } } ................................................................................ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } pStmt = *ppStmt; assert( sqlite3_data_count(pStmt)==1 ); a = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0); a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nDoc); *pnDoc = (u32)nDoc; if( paLen ) *paLen = a; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ................................................................................ sqlite3_int64 nDoc; /* Number of rows in table */ const char *a; /* Aggregate column length array */ rc = fts3MatchinfoSelectDoctotal(pTab, &pSelect, &nDoc, &a); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ int iCol; for(iCol=0; iCol<pInfo->nCol; iCol++){ sqlite3_int64 nToken; a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nToken); pInfo->aMatchinfo[iCol] = (u32)(((u32)(nToken&0xffffffff)+nDoc/2)/nDoc); } } } break; case FTS3_MATCHINFO_LENGTH: { sqlite3_stmt *pSelectDocsize = 0; ................................................................................ if( argc>0 ){ pCsr->aConstraint = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(RtreeConstraint)*argc); pCsr->nConstraint = argc; if( !pCsr->aConstraint ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ memset(pCsr->aConstraint, 0, sizeof(RtreeConstraint)*argc); assert( (idxStr==0 && argc==0) || strlen(idxStr)==argc*2 ); for(ii=0; ii<argc; ii++){ RtreeConstraint *p = &pCsr->aConstraint[ii]; p->op = idxStr[ii*2]; p->iCoord = idxStr[ii*2+1]-'a'; if( p->op==RTREE_MATCH ){ /* A MATCH operator. The right-hand-side must be a blob that ** can be cast into an RtreeMatchArg object. One created using ................................................................................ ** ** The second of each pair of bytes identifies the coordinate column ** to which the constraint applies. The leftmost coordinate column ** is 'a', the second from the left 'b' etc. */ static int rtreeBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; int ii, cCol; int iIdx = 0; char zIdxStr[RTREE_MAX_DIMENSIONS*8+1]; memset(zIdxStr, 0, sizeof(zIdxStr)); UNUSED_PARAMETER(tab); assert( pIdxInfo->idxStr==0 ); for(ii=0; ii<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; ii++){ struct sqlite3_index_constraint *p = &pIdxInfo->aConstraint[ii]; if( p->usable && p->iColumn==0 && p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ){ /* We have an equality constraint on the rowid. Use strategy 1. */ int jj; for(jj=0; jj<ii; jj++){ pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[jj].argvIndex = 0; ................................................................................ ** sqlite uses an internal cost of 0.0). */ pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 10.0; return SQLITE_OK; } if( p->usable && (p->iColumn>0 || p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_MATCH) ){ int j, opmsk; static const unsigned char compatible[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 }; u8 op = 0; switch( p->op ){ case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ: op = RTREE_EQ; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GT: op = RTREE_GT; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LE: op = RTREE_LE; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LT: op = RTREE_LT; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GE: op = RTREE_GE; break; default: assert( p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_MATCH ); op = RTREE_MATCH; break; } assert( op!=0 ); /* Make sure this particular constraint has not been used before. ** If it has been used before, ignore it. ** ** A <= or < can be used if there is a prior >= or >. ** A >= or > can be used if there is a prior < or <=. ** A <= or < is disqualified if there is a prior <=, <, or ==. ** A >= or > is disqualified if there is a prior >=, >, or ==. ** A == is disqualifed if there is any prior constraint. */ assert( compatible[RTREE_EQ & 7]==0 ); assert( compatible[RTREE_LT & 7]==1 ); assert( compatible[RTREE_LE & 7]==1 ); assert( compatible[RTREE_GT & 7]==2 ); assert( compatible[RTREE_GE & 7]==2 ); cCol = p->iColumn - 1 + 'a'; opmsk = compatible[op & 7]; for(j=0; j<iIdx; j+=2){ if( zIdxStr[j+1]==cCol && (compatible[zIdxStr[j] & 7] & opmsk)!=0 ){ op = 0; break; } } if( op ){ assert( iIdx<sizeof(zIdxStr)-1 ); zIdxStr[iIdx++] = op; zIdxStr[iIdx++] = cCol; pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[ii].argvIndex = (iIdx/2); pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[ii].omit = 1; } } } pIdxInfo->idxNum = 2; pIdxInfo->needToFreeIdxStr = 1; if( iIdx>0 && 0==(pIdxInfo->idxStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zIdxStr)) ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; ................................................................................ for(ii=0; ii<NCELL(&node); ii++){ char zCell[512]; int nCell = 0; RtreeCell cell; int jj; nodeGetCell(&tree, &node, ii, &cell); sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell],"%d", cell.iRowid); nCell = strlen(zCell); for(jj=0; jj<tree.nDim*2; jj++){ sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell]," %f",(double)cell.aCoord[jj].f); nCell = strlen(zCell); } if( zText ){ ................................................................................ ** uregex_close() */ static void icuRegexpFunc(sqlite3_context *p, int nArg, sqlite3_value **apArg){ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; URegularExpression *pExpr; UBool res; const UChar *zString = sqlite3_value_text16(apArg[1]); /* If the left hand side of the regexp operator is NULL, ** then the result is also NULL. */ if( !zString ){ return; } ................................................................................ {"icu_load_collation", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, (void*)db, icuLoadCollation}, }; int rc = SQLITE_OK; int i; for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<(sizeof(scalars)/sizeof(struct IcuScalar)); i++){ struct IcuScalar *p = &scalars[i]; rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, p->zName, p->nArg, p->enc, p->pContext, p->xFunc, 0, 0 ); } return rc; |
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59135 ..... 59188 59189 59190 59191 59192 59193 59194 59195 59196 59197 59198 59199 59200 59201 59202 59203 59204 59205 59206 59207 ..... 59219 59220 59221 59222 59223 59224 59225 59226 59227 59228 59229 59230 59231 59232 59233 ..... 59495 59496 59497 59498 59499 59500 59501 59502 59503 59504 59505 59506 59507 59508 59509 59510 59511 59512 59513 59514 59515 ..... 60851 60852 60853 60854 60855 60856 60857 60858 60859 60860 60861 60862 60863 60864 60865 60866 60867 60868 60869 ..... 60873 60874 60875 60876 60877 60878 60879 60880 60881 60882 60883 60884 60885 60886 60887 60888 60889 60890 60891 ..... 61581 61582 61583 61584 61585 61586 61587 61588 61589 61590 61591 61592 61593 61594 61595 ..... 62291 62292 62293 62294 62295 62296 62297 62298 62299 62300 62301 62302 62303 62304 62305 ..... 62351 62352 62353 62354 62355 62356 62357 62358 62359 62360 62361 62362 62363 62364 62365 62366 62367 62368 ..... 62456 62457 62458 62459 62460 62461 62462 62463 62464 62465 62466 62467 62468 62469 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65132 65133 65134 65135 65136 65137 65138 ..... 65144 65145 65146 65147 65148 65149 65150 65151 65152 65153 65154 65155 65156 65157 65158 ..... 65222 65223 65224 65225 65226 65227 65228 65229 65230 65231 65232 65233 65234 65235 65236 65237 65238 65239 65240 65241 65242 ..... 65928 65929 65930 65931 65932 65933 65934 65935 65936 65937 65938 65939 65940 65941 ..... 66760 66761 66762 66763 66764 66765 66766 66767 66768 66769 66770 66771 66772 66773 66774 66775 66776 66777 66778 66779 66780 66781 66782 66783 ..... 66800 66801 66802 66803 66804 66805 66806 66807 66808 66809 66810 66811 66812 66813 66814 ..... 66847 66848 66849 66850 66851 66852 66853 66854 66855 66856 66857 66858 66859 66860 66861 66862 66863 66864 66865 66866 66867 66868 66869 66870 66871 66872 66873 66874 66875 66876 66877 66878 66879 66880 66881 66882 66883 66884 66885 66886 66887 66888 66889 66890 66891 66892 66893 66894 66895 66896 66897 66898 66899 66900 66901 66902 66903 66904 ..... 66911 66912 66913 66914 66915 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67866 67867 67868 67869 67870 67871 67872 67873 67874 67875 67876 67877 67878 67879 67880 67881 67882 67883 67884 67885 67886 67887 67888 67889 67890 67891 67892 67893 67894 67895 67896 67897 67898 67899 67900 67901 67902 67903 67904 67905 67906 67907 67908 67909 67910 67911 67912 67913 67914 67915 67916 67917 67918 67919 67920 67921 67922 67923 67924 67925 67926 67927 67928 67929 67930 67931 67932 67933 67934 67935 67936 67937 67938 67939 67940 67941 67942 67943 67944 67945 67946 67947 67948 ..... 67949 67950 67951 67952 67953 67954 67955 67956 67957 67958 67959 67960 67961 67962 67963 67964 67965 67966 67967 67968 67969 67970 67971 67972 67973 67974 67975 67976 67977 67978 67979 67980 67981 67982 67983 67984 67985 67986 67987 67988 67989 67990 67991 67992 67993 67994 ..... 67996 67997 67998 67999 68000 68001 68002 68003 68004 68005 68006 68007 68008 68009 68010 68011 68012 68013 68014 68015 68016 68017 68018 68019 68020 68021 68022 ..... 68040 68041 68042 68043 68044 68045 68046 68047 68048 68049 68050 68051 68052 68053 68054 68055 68056 68057 68058 68059 68060 68061 68062 68063 68064 68065 68066 68067 68068 68069 68070 68071 68072 68073 68074 68075 68076 68077 68078 68079 68080 68081 68082 ..... 68120 68121 68122 68123 68124 68125 68126 68127 68128 68129 68130 68131 68132 68133 68134 68135 68136 68137 68138 68139 68140 68141 68142 68143 68144 68145 68146 68147 ..... 68212 68213 68214 68215 68216 68217 68218 68219 68220 68221 68222 68223 68224 68225 68226 68227 68228 68229 68230 68231 68232 68233 68234 ..... 68529 68530 68531 68532 68533 68534 68535 68536 68537 68538 68539 68540 68541 68542 68543 ..... 70664 70665 70666 70667 70668 70669 70670 70671 70672 70673 70674 70675 70676 70677 70678 ..... 70961 70962 70963 70964 70965 70966 70967 70968 70969 70970 70971 70972 70973 70974 70975 ..... 71187 71188 71189 71190 71191 71192 71193 71194 71195 71196 71197 71198 71199 71200 71201 71202 ..... 71773 71774 71775 71776 71777 71778 71779 71780 71781 71782 71783 71784 71785 71786 71787 71788 71789 71790 71791 71792 71793 71794 71795 71796 71797 ..... 71798 71799 71800 71801 71802 71803 71804 71805 71806 71807 71808 71809 71810 71811 ..... 72522 72523 72524 72525 72526 72527 72528 72529 72530 72531 72532 72533 72534 72535 72536 72537 72538 72539 72540 72541 72542 72543 72544 72545 72546 72547 ..... 72917 72918 72919 72920 72921 72922 72923 72924 72925 72926 72927 72928 72929 72930 72931 ..... 73821 73822 73823 73824 73825 73826 73827 73828 73829 73830 73831 73832 73833 73834 73835 73836 73837 73838 73839 73840 73841 73842 73843 73844 ..... 73964 73965 73966 73967 73968 73969 73970 73971 73972 73973 73974 73975 73976 73977 73978 73979 73980 73981 73982 73983 73984 73985 73986 73987 73988 73989 ..... 74698 74699 74700 74701 74702 74703 74704 74705 74706 74707 74708 74709 74710 74711 74712 74713 74714 74715 74716 74717 74718 74719 74720 74721 74722 74723 74724 74725 74726 74727 ..... 74765 74766 74767 74768 74769 74770 74771 74772 74773 74774 74775 74776 74777 74778 74779 74780 74781 74782 74783 ..... 75101 75102 75103 75104 75105 75106 75107 75108 75109 75110 75111 75112 75113 75114 75115 75116 75117 ..... 75191 75192 75193 75194 75195 75196 75197 75198 75199 75200 75201 75202 75203 75204 75205 75206 ..... 75237 75238 75239 75240 75241 75242 75243 75244 75245 75246 75247 75248 75249 75250 75251 ..... 75261 75262 75263 75264 75265 75266 75267 75268 75269 75270 75271 75272 75273 75274 75275 75276 75277 75278 75279 75280 75281 75282 75283 75284 75285 75286 75287 75288 75289 75290 75291 75292 75293 75294 75295 75296 75297 ..... 75306 75307 75308 75309 75310 75311 75312 75313 75314 75315 75316 75317 75318 75319 75320 75321 75322 75323 75324 75325 75326 75327 75328 75329 75330 75331 75332 75333 75334 75335 75336 75337 75338 75339 ..... 75482 75483 75484 75485 75486 75487 75488 75489 75490 75491 75492 75493 75494 75495 75496 ..... 75508 75509 75510 75511 75512 75513 75514 75515 75516 75517 75518 75519 75520 75521 75522 75523 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77099 77100 77101 77102 77103 77104 77105 77106 77107 77108 77109 77110 77111 77112 77113 77114 77115 77116 77117 77118 77119 77120 77121 77122 77123 77124 77125 ..... 77197 77198 77199 77200 77201 77202 77203 77204 77205 77206 77207 77208 77209 77210 77211 ..... 77232 77233 77234 77235 77236 77237 77238 77239 77240 77241 77242 77243 77244 77245 77246 ..... 77487 77488 77489 77490 77491 77492 77493 77494 77495 77496 77497 77498 77499 77500 77501 77502 77503 ..... 77520 77521 77522 77523 77524 77525 77526 77527 77528 77529 77530 77531 77532 77533 77534 ..... 77981 77982 77983 77984 77985 77986 77987 77988 77989 77990 77991 77992 77993 77994 77995 ..... 78089 78090 78091 78092 78093 78094 78095 78096 78097 78098 78099 78100 78101 78102 78103 ..... 78284 78285 78286 78287 78288 78289 78290 78291 78292 78293 78294 78295 78296 78297 78298 ..... 78305 78306 78307 78308 78309 78310 78311 78312 78313 78314 78315 78316 78317 78318 78319 ..... 78490 78491 78492 78493 78494 78495 78496 78497 78498 78499 78500 78501 78502 78503 78504 ..... 78511 78512 78513 78514 78515 78516 78517 78518 78519 78520 78521 78522 78523 78524 78525 ..... 78545 78546 78547 78548 78549 78550 78551 78552 78553 78554 78555 78556 78557 78558 78559 78560 78561 78562 78563 78564 78565 ..... 78677 78678 78679 78680 78681 78682 78683 78684 78685 78686 78687 78688 78689 78690 78691 ..... 78926 78927 78928 78929 78930 78931 78932 78933 78934 78935 78936 78937 78938 78939 78940 ..... 79196 79197 79198 79199 79200 79201 79202 79203 79204 79205 79206 79207 79208 79209 79210 79211 79212 ..... 79285 79286 79287 79288 79289 79290 79291 79292 79293 79294 79295 79296 79297 79298 79299 ..... 79415 79416 79417 79418 79419 79420 79421 79422 79423 79424 79425 79426 79427 79428 79429 ..... 79592 79593 79594 79595 79596 79597 79598 79599 79600 79601 79602 79603 79604 79605 79606 79607 ..... 80166 80167 80168 80169 80170 80171 80172 80173 80174 80175 80176 80177 80178 80179 80180 80181 80182 80183 80184 80185 80186 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// we don't need Compilation Options Diagnostics in our embedded engine #define SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK 1 // we don't need sqlite3_progress_handler() API function #define SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE 1 // the RTREE extension is now (from v.1.8/3.7) compiled into the engine //#define SQLITE_OMIT_LOOKASIDE // since we use FastMM4, LookAside is not needed but seems mandatory in c source /****************************************************************************** ** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite ** version By combining all the individual C code files into this ** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a single translation ** unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be ** possible if the files were compiled separately. Performance improvements ** of 5% or more are commonly seen when SQLite is compiled as a single ** translation unit. ** ** This file is all you need to compile SQLite. To use SQLite in other ** programs, you need this file and the "sqlite3.h" header file that defines ................................................................................ */ #ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT # define SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT 1000 #endif /* ** The maximum number of attached databases. This must be between 0 ** and 62. The upper bound on 62 is because a 64-bit integer bitmap ** is used internally to track attached databases. */ #ifndef SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED # define SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED 10 #endif ................................................................................ ** string contains the date and time of the check-in (UTC) and an SHA1 ** hash of the entire source tree. ** ** See also: [sqlite3_libversion()], ** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()], ** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()]. */ #define SQLITE_VERSION "" #define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007006 #define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2011-04-13 14:40:25 a35e83eac7b185f4d363d7fa51677f2fdfa27695" /* ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_version, sqlite3_sourceid ** ** These interfaces provide the same information as the [SQLITE_VERSION], ** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER], and [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] C preprocessor macros ................................................................................ #define SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL 0x00004000 /* VFS only */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX 0x00008000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX 0x00010000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE 0x00020000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE 0x00040000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ #define SQLITE_OPEN_WAL 0x00080000 /* VFS only */ /* Reserved: 0x00F00000 */ /* ** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics ** ** The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the [sqlite3_io_methods] ** object returns an integer which is a vector of the these ** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage ** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods] ................................................................................ ** ^(The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED] opcode is generated internally by ** SQLite and sent to all VFSes in place of a call to the xSync method ** when the database connection has [PRAGMA synchronous] set to OFF.)^ ** Some specialized VFSes need this signal in order to operate correctly ** when [PRAGMA synchronous | PRAGMA synchronous=OFF] is set, but most ** VFSes do not need this signal and should silently ignore this opcode. ** Applications should not call [sqlite3_file_control()] with this ** opcode as doing so may disrupt the operation of the specialized VFSes ** that do require it. */ #define SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE 1 #define SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE 2 #define SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE 3 #define SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO 4 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT 5 ................................................................................ ** ^The xCurrentTimeInt64() method returns, as an integer, the Julian ** Day Number multipled by 86400000 (the number of milliseconds in ** a 24-hour day). ** ^SQLite will use the xCurrentTimeInt64() method to get the current ** date and time if that method is available (if iVersion is 2 or ** greater and the function pointer is not NULL) and will fall back ** to xCurrentTime() if xCurrentTimeInt64() is unavailable. ** ** ^The xSetSystemCall(), xGetSystemCall(), and xNestSystemCall() interfaces ** are not used by the SQLite core. These optional interfaces are provided ** by some VFSes to facilitate testing of the VFS code. By overriding ** system calls with functions under its control, a test program can ** simulate faults and error conditions that would otherwise be difficult ** or impossible to induce. The set of system calls that can be overridden ** varies from one VFS to another, and from one version of the same VFS to the ** next. Applications that use these interfaces must be prepared for any ** or all of these interfaces to be NULL or for their behavior to change ** from one release to the next. Applications must not attempt to access ** any of these methods if the iVersion of the VFS is less than 3. */ typedef struct sqlite3_vfs sqlite3_vfs; typedef void (*sqlite3_syscall_ptr)(void); struct sqlite3_vfs { int iVersion; /* Structure version number (currently 3) */ int szOsFile; /* Size of subclassed sqlite3_file */ int mxPathname; /* Maximum file pathname length */ sqlite3_vfs *pNext; /* Next registered VFS */ const char *zName; /* Name of this virtual file system */ void *pAppData; /* Pointer to application-specific data */ int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_file*, int flags, int *pOutFlags); ................................................................................ /* ** The methods above are in version 1 of the sqlite_vfs object ** definition. Those that follow are added in version 2 or later */ int (*xCurrentTimeInt64)(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*); /* ** The methods above are in versions 1 and 2 of the sqlite_vfs object. ** Those below are for version 3 and greater. */ int (*xSetSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_syscall_ptr); sqlite3_syscall_ptr (*xGetSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName); const char *(*xNextSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName); /* ** The methods above are in versions 1 through 3 of the sqlite_vfs object. ** New fields may be appended in figure versions. The iVersion ** value will increment whenever this happens. */ }; /* ** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xAccess VFS method ................................................................................ /* ** CAPI3REF: Configure database connections ** ** The sqlite3_db_config() interface is used to make configuration ** changes to a [database connection]. The interface is similar to ** [sqlite3_config()] except that the changes apply to a single ** [database connection] (specified in the first argument). ** ** The second argument to sqlite3_db_config(D,V,...) is the ** [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE | configuration verb] - an integer code ** that indicates what aspect of the [database connection] is being configured. ** Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration verb. ** ** ^Calls to sqlite3_db_config() return SQLITE_OK if and only if ** the call is considered successful. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...); /* ................................................................................ ** compiled with [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS]=0 in which case memory ** allocation statistics are disabled by default. ** </dd> ** ** <dt>SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH</dt> ** <dd> ^This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite can use for ** scratch memory. There are three arguments: A pointer an 8-byte ** aligned memory buffer from which the scratch allocations will be ** drawn, the size of each scratch allocation (sz), ** and the maximum number of scratch allocations (N). The sz ** argument must be a multiple of 16. ** The first argument must be a pointer to an 8-byte aligned buffer ** of at least sz*N bytes of memory. ** ^SQLite will use no more than two scratch buffers per thread. So ** N should be set to twice the expected maximum number of threads. ................................................................................ ** ^If the first pointer (the memory pointer) is NULL, then SQLite reverts ** to using its default memory allocator (the system malloc() implementation), ** undoing any prior invocation of [SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC]. ^If the ** memory pointer is not NULL and either [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3] or ** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5] are defined, then the alternative memory ** allocator is engaged to handle all of SQLites memory allocation needs. ** The first pointer (the memory pointer) must be aligned to an 8-byte ** boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite will be undefined. ** The minimum allocation size is capped at 2^12. Reasonable values ** for the minimum allocation size are 2^5 through 2^8.</dd> ** ** <dt>SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX</dt> ** <dd> ^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an ** instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure. The argument specifies ** alternative low-level mutex routines to be used in place ** the mutex routines built into SQLite.)^ ^SQLite makes a copy of the ** content of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure before the call to ................................................................................ ** is invoked. ** ** <dl> ** <dt>SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE</dt> ** <dd> ^This option takes three additional arguments that determine the ** [lookaside memory allocator] configuration for the [database connection]. ** ^The first argument (the third parameter to [sqlite3_db_config()] is a ** pointer to a memory buffer to use for lookaside memory. ** ^The first argument after the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE verb ** may be NULL in which case SQLite will allocate the ** lookaside buffer itself using [sqlite3_malloc()]. ^The second argument is the ** size of each lookaside buffer slot. ^The third argument is the number of ** slots. The size of the buffer in the first argument must be greater than ** or equal to the product of the second and third arguments. The buffer ** must be aligned to an 8-byte boundary. ^If the second argument to ................................................................................ ** connection is not currently using lookaside memory, or in other words ** when the "current value" returned by ** [sqlite3_db_status](D,[SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE],...) is zero. ** Any attempt to change the lookaside memory configuration when lookaside ** memory is in use leaves the configuration unchanged and returns ** [SQLITE_BUSY].)^</dd> ** ** <dt>SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY</dt> ** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable the enforcement of ** [foreign key constraints]. There should be two additional arguments. ** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable FK enforcement, ** positive to enable FK enforcement or negative to leave FK enforcement ** unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether FK enforcement is off or on ** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in ** which case the FK enforcement setting is not reported back. </dd> ** ** <dt>SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER</dt> ** <dd> ^This option is used to enable or disable [CREATE TRIGGER | triggers]. ** There should be two additional arguments. ** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable triggers, ** positive to enable triggers or negative to leave the setting unchanged. ** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which ** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether triggers are disabled or enabled ** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in ** which case the trigger setting is not reported back. </dd> ** ** </dl> */ #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE 1001 /* void* int int */ #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY 1002 /* int int* */ #define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER 1003 /* int int* */ /* ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes ** ** ^The sqlite3_extended_result_codes() routine enables or disables the ** [extended result codes] feature of SQLite. ^The extended result ................................................................................ ** method. */ SQLITE_API void sqlite3_randomness(int N, void *P); /* ** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Authorization Callbacks ** ** ^This routine registers an authorizer callback with a particular ** [database connection], supplied in the first argument. ** ^The authorizer callback is invoked as SQL statements are being compiled ** by [sqlite3_prepare()] or its variants [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], ** [sqlite3_prepare16()] and [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. ^At various ** points during the compilation process, as logic is being created ** to perform various actions, the authorizer callback is invoked to ** see if those actions are allowed. ^The authorizer callback should ................................................................................ ** compiled using either [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. */ SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); /* ** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Writes The Database ** ** ^The sqlite3_stmt_readonly(X) interface returns true (non-zero) if ** and only if the [prepared statement] X makes no direct changes to ** the content of the database file. ** ** Note that [application-defined SQL functions] or ** [virtual tables] might change the database indirectly as a side effect. ** ^(For example, if an application defines a function "eval()" that ** calls [sqlite3_exec()], then the following SQL statement would ................................................................................ ** An sqlite3_value object may be either "protected" or "unprotected". ** Some interfaces require a protected sqlite3_value. Other interfaces ** will accept either a protected or an unprotected sqlite3_value. ** Every interface that accepts sqlite3_value arguments specifies ** whether or not it requires a protected sqlite3_value. ** ** The terms "protected" and "unprotected" refer to whether or not ** a mutex is held. An internal mutex is held for a protected ** sqlite3_value object but no mutex is held for an unprotected ** sqlite3_value object. If SQLite is compiled to be single-threaded ** (with [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] and with [sqlite3_threadsafe()] returning 0) ** or if SQLite is run in one of reduced mutex modes ** [SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD] or [SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD] ** then there is no distinction between protected and unprotected ** sqlite3_value objects and they can be used interchangeably. However, ................................................................................ ** interface returns a pointer to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string ** and sqlite3_column_name16() returns a pointer to a zero-terminated ** UTF-16 string. ^The first parameter is the [prepared statement] ** that implements the [SELECT] statement. ^The second parameter is the ** column number. ^The leftmost column is number 0. ** ** ^The returned string pointer is valid until either the [prepared statement] ** is destroyed by [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the statement is automatically ** reprepared by the first call to [sqlite3_step()] for a particular run ** or until the next call to ** sqlite3_column_name() or sqlite3_column_name16() on the same column. ** ** ^If sqlite3_malloc() fails during the processing of either routine ** (for example during a conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16) then a ** NULL pointer is returned. ** ** ^The name of a result column is the value of the "AS" clause for ................................................................................ ** table column that is the origin of a particular result column in ** [SELECT] statement. ** ^The name of the database or table or column can be returned as ** either a UTF-8 or UTF-16 string. ^The _database_ routines return ** the database name, the _table_ routines return the table name, and ** the origin_ routines return the column name. ** ^The returned string is valid until the [prepared statement] is destroyed ** using [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the statement is automatically ** reprepared by the first call to [sqlite3_step()] for a particular run ** or until the same information is requested ** again in a different encoding. ** ** ^The names returned are the original un-aliased names of the ** database, table, and column. ** ** ^The first argument to these interfaces is a [prepared statement]. ** ^These functions return information about the Nth result column returned by ................................................................................ ** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL function} ** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL functions} ** ** ^These functions (collectively known as "function creation routines") ** are used to add SQL functions or aggregates or to redefine the behavior ** of existing SQL functions or aggregates. The only differences between ** these routines are the text encoding expected for ** the second parameter (the name of the function being created) ** and the presence or absence of a destructor callback for ** the application data pointer. ** ** ^The first parameter is the [database connection] to which the SQL ** function is to be added. ^If an application uses more than one database ** connection then application-defined SQL functions must be added ** to each database connection separately. ................................................................................ ** ** ^The sixth, seventh and eighth parameters, xFunc, xStep and xFinal, are ** pointers to C-language functions that implement the SQL function or ** aggregate. ^A scalar SQL function requires an implementation of the xFunc ** callback only; NULL pointers must be passed as the xStep and xFinal ** parameters. ^An aggregate SQL function requires an implementation of xStep ** and xFinal and NULL pointer must be passed for xFunc. ^To delete an existing ** SQL function or aggregate, pass NULL pointers for all three function ** callbacks. ** ** ^(If the ninth parameter to sqlite3_create_function_v2() is not NULL, ** then it is destructor for the application data pointer. ** The destructor is invoked when the function is deleted, either by being ** overloaded or when the database connection closes.)^ ** ^The destructor is also invoked if the call to ................................................................................ ** ^The eTextRep argument determines the encoding of strings passed ** to the collating function callback, xCallback. ** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16] and [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] values for eTextRep ** force strings to be UTF16 with native byte order. ** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] value for eTextRep forces strings to begin ** on an even byte address. ** ** ^The fourth argument, pArg, is an application data pointer that is passed ** through as the first argument to the collating function callback. ** ** ^The fifth argument, xCallback, is a pointer to the collating function. ** ^Multiple collating functions can be registered using the same name but ** with different eTextRep parameters and SQLite will use whichever ** function requires the least amount of data transformation. ** ^If the xCallback argument is NULL then the collating function is ................................................................................ ** that collation is no longer usable. ** ** ^The collating function callback is invoked with a copy of the pArg ** application data pointer and with two strings in the encoding specified ** by the eTextRep argument. The collating function must return an ** integer that is negative, zero, or positive ** if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second, ** respectively. A collating function must always return the same answer ** given the same inputs. If two or more collating functions are registered ** to the same collation name (using different eTextRep values) then all ** must give an equivalent answer when invoked with equivalent strings. ** The collating function must obey the following properties for all ** strings A, B, and C: ** ** <ol> ................................................................................ ** if one or more of following conditions are true: ** ** <ul> ** <li> The soft heap limit is set to zero. ** <li> Memory accounting is disabled using a combination of the ** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS],...) start-time option and ** the [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS] compile-time option. ** <li> An alternative page cache implementation is specified using ** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE],...). ** <li> The page cache allocates from its own memory pool supplied ** by [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE],...) rather than ** from the heap. ** </ul>)^ ** ** Beginning with SQLite version 3.7.3, the soft heap limit is enforced ................................................................................ typedef struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor sqlite3_vtab_cursor; typedef struct sqlite3_module sqlite3_module; /* ** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Object ** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_module {virtual table module} ** ** This structure, sometimes called a "virtual table module", ** defines the implementation of a [virtual tables]. ** This structure consists mostly of methods for the module. ** ** ^A virtual table module is created by filling in a persistent ** instance of this structure and passing a pointer to that instance ** to [sqlite3_create_module()] or [sqlite3_create_module_v2()]. ** ^The registration remains valid until it is replaced by a different ................................................................................ ** ** ^(If the row that a BLOB handle points to is modified by an ** [UPDATE], [DELETE], or by [ON CONFLICT] side-effects ** then the BLOB handle is marked as "expired". ** This is true if any column of the row is changed, even a column ** other than the one the BLOB handle is open on.)^ ** ^Calls to [sqlite3_blob_read()] and [sqlite3_blob_write()] for ** an expired BLOB handle fail with a return code of [SQLITE_ABORT]. ** ^(Changes written into a BLOB prior to the BLOB expiring are not ** rolled back by the expiration of the BLOB. Such changes will eventually ** commit if the transaction continues to completion.)^ ** ** ^Use the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface to determine the size of ** the opened blob. ^The size of a blob may not be changed by this ** interface. Use the [UPDATE] SQL command to change the size of a ................................................................................ ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number of lookaside memory slots currently ** checked out.</dd>)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that were ** satisfied using lookaside memory. Only the high-water value is meaningful; ** the current value is always zero.)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have ** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to the amount of ** memory requested being larger than the lookaside slot size. ** Only the high-water value is meaningful; ** the current value is always zero.)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have ** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to all lookaside ** memory already being in use. ** Only the high-water value is meaningful; ** the current value is always zero.)^ ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED</dt> ** <dd>This parameter returns the approximate number of of bytes of heap ** memory used by all pager caches associated with the database connection.)^ ** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED is always 0. ** ** ^(<dt>SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED</dt> ................................................................................ ** connection D. ^If the database connection D is not in ** [WAL | write-ahead log mode] then this interface is a harmless no-op. ** ** ^The [wal_checkpoint pragma] can be used to invoke this interface ** from SQL. ^The [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint()] interface and the ** [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] can be used to cause this interface to be ** run whenever the WAL reaches a certain size threshold. ** ** See also: [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()] */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb); /* ** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint a database ** ** Run a checkpoint operation on WAL database zDb attached to database ** handle db. The specific operation is determined by the value of the ** eMode parameter: ** ** <dl> ** <dt>SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE<dd> ** Checkpoint as many frames as possible without waiting for any database ** readers or writers to finish. Sync the db file if all frames in the log ** are checkpointed. This mode is the same as calling ** sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(). The busy-handler callback is never invoked. ** ** <dt>SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL<dd> ** This mode blocks (calls the busy-handler callback) until there is no ** database writer and all readers are reading from the most recent database ** snapshot. It then checkpoints all frames in the log file and syncs the ** database file. This call blocks database writers while it is running, ** but not database readers. ** ** <dt>SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART<dd> ** This mode works the same way as SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL, except after ** checkpointing the log file it blocks (calls the busy-handler callback) ** until all readers are reading from the database file only. This ensures ** that the next client to write to the database file restarts the log file ** from the beginning. This call blocks database writers while it is running, ** but not database readers. ** </dl> ** ** If pnLog is not NULL, then *pnLog is set to the total number of frames in ** the log file before returning. If pnCkpt is not NULL, then *pnCkpt is set to ** the total number of checkpointed frames (including any that were already ** checkpointed when this function is called). *pnLog and *pnCkpt may be ** populated even if sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2() returns other than SQLITE_OK. ** If no values are available because of an error, they are both set to -1 ** before returning to communicate this to the caller. ** ** All calls obtain an exclusive "checkpoint" lock on the database file. If ** any other process is running a checkpoint operation at the same time, the ** lock cannot be obtained and SQLITE_BUSY is returned. Even if there is a ** busy-handler configured, it will not be invoked in this case. ** ** The SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL and RESTART modes also obtain the exclusive ** "writer" lock on the database file. If the writer lock cannot be obtained ** immediately, and a busy-handler is configured, it is invoked and the writer ** lock retried until either the busy-handler returns 0 or the lock is ** successfully obtained. The busy-handler is also invoked while waiting for ** database readers as described above. If the busy-handler returns 0 before ** the writer lock is obtained or while waiting for database readers, the ** checkpoint operation proceeds from that point in the same way as ** SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE - checkpointing as many frames as possible ** without blocking any further. SQLITE_BUSY is returned in this case. ** ** If parameter zDb is NULL or points to a zero length string, then the ** specified operation is attempted on all WAL databases. In this case the ** values written to output parameters *pnLog and *pnCkpt are undefined. If ** an SQLITE_BUSY error is encountered when processing one or more of the ** attached WAL databases, the operation is still attempted on any remaining ** attached databases and SQLITE_BUSY is returned to the caller. If any other ** error occurs while processing an attached database, processing is abandoned ** and the error code returned to the caller immediately. If no error ** (SQLITE_BUSY or otherwise) is encountered while processing the attached ** databases, SQLITE_OK is returned. ** ** If database zDb is the name of an attached database that is not in WAL ** mode, SQLITE_OK is returned and both *pnLog and *pnCkpt set to -1. If ** zDb is not NULL (or a zero length string) and is not the name of any ** attached database, SQLITE_ERROR is returned to the caller. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2( sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ const char *zDb, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */ int eMode, /* SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_* value */ int *pnLog, /* OUT: Size of WAL log in frames */ int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Total number of frames checkpointed */ ); /* ** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint operation parameters ** ** These constants can be used as the 3rd parameter to ** [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()]. See the [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()] ** documentation for additional information about the meaning and use of ** each of these values. */ #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE 0 #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL 1 #define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART 2 /* ** Undo the hack that converts floating point types to integer for ** builds on processors without floating point support. */ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT # undef double ................................................................................ /* ** Forward declarations of structure */ typedef struct Btree Btree; typedef struct BtCursor BtCursor; typedef struct BtShared BtShared; SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeOpen( const char *zFilename, /* Name of database file to open */ sqlite3 *db, /* Associated database connection */ Btree **ppBtree, /* Return open Btree* here */ int flags, /* Flags */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSecureDelete(Btree*,int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree*,int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(Btree*, const char *zMaster); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(Btree*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeRollback(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(Btree*,int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(Btree*, int*, int flags); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInBackup(Btree*); ................................................................................ #ifdef SQLITE_TEST SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor*, int*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorList(Btree*); #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree*, int, int *, int *); #endif /* ** If we are not using shared cache, then there is no need to ** use mutexes to access the BtShared structures. So make the ** Enter and Leave procedures no-ops. */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3*); #else # define sqlite3BtreeEnter(X) # define sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(X) #endif #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSharable(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeave(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(BtCursor*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(BtCursor*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(sqlite3*); #ifndef NDEBUG /* These routines are used inside assert() statements only. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(Btree*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(sqlite3*,int,Schema*); #endif #else # define sqlite3BtreeSharable(X) 0 # define sqlite3BtreeLeave(X) # define sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(X) # define sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(X) # define sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(X) # define sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(X) 1 # define sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(X) 1 # define sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(X,Y,Z) 1 #endif #endif /* _BTREE_H_ */ /************** End of btree.h ***********************************************/ /************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ ................................................................................ #define P4_DYNAMIC (-1) /* Pointer to a string obtained from sqliteMalloc() */ #define P4_STATIC (-2) /* Pointer to a static string */ #define P4_COLLSEQ (-4) /* P4 is a pointer to a CollSeq structure */ #define P4_FUNCDEF (-5) /* P4 is a pointer to a FuncDef structure */ #define P4_KEYINFO (-6) /* P4 is a pointer to a KeyInfo structure */ #define P4_VDBEFUNC (-7) /* P4 is a pointer to a VdbeFunc structure */ #define P4_MEM (-8) /* P4 is a pointer to a Mem* structure */ #define P4_TRANSIENT 0 /* P4 is a pointer to a transient string */ #define P4_VTAB (-10) /* P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_vtab structure */ #define P4_MPRINTF (-11) /* P4 is a string obtained from sqlite3_mprintf() */ #define P4_REAL (-12) /* P4 is a 64-bit floating point value */ #define P4_INT64 (-13) /* P4 is a 64-bit signed integer */ #define P4_INT32 (-14) /* P4 is a 32-bit signed integer */ #define P4_INTARRAY (-15) /* P4 is a vector of 32-bit integers */ #define P4_SUBPROGRAM (-18) /* P4 is a pointer to a SubProgram structure */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSync(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(Pager*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerRollback(Pager*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int n); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int op, int iSavepoint); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager, int, int*, int*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalSupported(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenWal(Pager *pPager, int *pisOpen); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager); /* Functions used to query pager state and configuration. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager*); ................................................................................ u8 inTrans; /* 0: not writable. 1: Transaction. 2: Checkpoint */ u8 safety_level; /* How aggressive at syncing data to disk */ Schema *pSchema; /* Pointer to database schema (possibly shared) */ }; /* ** An instance of the following structure stores a database schema. ** ** Most Schema objects are associated with a Btree. The exception is ** the Schema for the TEMP databaes (sqlite3.aDb[1]) which is free-standing. ** In shared cache mode, a single Schema object can be shared by multiple ** Btrees that refer to the same underlying BtShared object. ** ** Schema objects are automatically deallocated when the last Btree that ** references them is destroyed. The TEMP Schema is manually freed by ** sqlite3_close(). * ** A thread must be holding a mutex on the corresponding Btree in order ** to access Schema content. This implies that the thread must also be ** holding a mutex on the sqlite3 connection pointer that owns the Btree. ** For a TEMP Schema, on the connection mutex is required. */ struct Schema { int schema_cookie; /* Database schema version number for this file */ int iGeneration; /* Generation counter. Incremented with each change */ Hash tblHash; /* All tables indexed by name */ Hash idxHash; /* All (named) indices indexed by name */ Hash trigHash; /* All triggers indexed by name */ Hash fkeyHash; /* All foreign keys by referenced table name */ Table *pSeqTab; /* The sqlite_sequence table used by AUTOINCREMENT */ u8 file_format; /* Schema format version for this file */ u8 enc; /* Text encoding used by this database */ ................................................................................ #define SQLITE_RecoveryMode 0x00800000 /* Ignore schema errors */ #define SQLITE_ReverseOrder 0x01000000 /* Reverse unordered SELECTs */ #define SQLITE_RecTriggers 0x02000000 /* Enable recursive triggers */ #define SQLITE_ForeignKeys 0x04000000 /* Enforce foreign key constraints */ #define SQLITE_AutoIndex 0x08000000 /* Enable automatic indexes */ #define SQLITE_PreferBuiltin 0x10000000 /* Preference to built-in funcs */ #define SQLITE_LoadExtension 0x20000000 /* Enable load_extension */ #define SQLITE_EnableTrigger 0x40000000 /* True to enable triggers */ /* ** Bits of the sqlite3.flags field that are used by the ** sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS,...) interface. ** These must be the low-order bits of the flags field. */ #define SQLITE_QueryFlattener 0x01 /* Disable query flattening */ ................................................................................ ** schema. This is because each database connection requires its own unique ** instance of the sqlite3_vtab* handle used to access the virtual table ** implementation. sqlite3_vtab* handles can not be shared between ** database connections, even when the rest of the in-memory database ** schema is shared, as the implementation often stores the database ** connection handle passed to it via the xConnect() or xCreate() method ** during initialization internally. This database connection handle may ** then be used by the virtual table implementation to access real tables ** within the database. So that they appear as part of the callers ** transaction, these accesses need to be made via the same database ** connection as that used to execute SQL operations on the virtual table. ** ** All VTable objects that correspond to a single table in a shared ** database schema are initially stored in a linked-list pointed to by ** the Table.pVTable member variable of the corresponding Table object. ................................................................................ int nColumn; /* Number of columns in the table used by this index */ int *aiColumn; /* Which columns are used by this index. 1st is 0 */ unsigned *aiRowEst; /* Result of ANALYZE: Est. rows selected by each column */ Table *pTable; /* The SQL table being indexed */ int tnum; /* Page containing root of this index in database file */ u8 onError; /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */ u8 autoIndex; /* True if is automatically created (ex: by UNIQUE) */ u8 bUnordered; /* Use this index for == or IN queries only */ char *zColAff; /* String defining the affinity of each column */ Index *pNext; /* The next index associated with the same table */ Schema *pSchema; /* Schema containing this index */ u8 *aSortOrder; /* Array of size Index.nColumn. True==DESC, False==ASC */ char **azColl; /* Array of collation sequence names for index */ IndexSample *aSample; /* Array of SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES samples */ }; ................................................................................ */ struct Expr { u8 op; /* Operation performed by this node */ char affinity; /* The affinity of the column or 0 if not a column */ u16 flags; /* Various flags. EP_* See below */ union { char *zToken; /* Token value. Zero terminated and dequoted */ int iValue; /* Non-negative integer value if EP_IntValue */ } u; /* If the EP_TokenOnly flag is set in the Expr.flags mask, then no ** space is allocated for the fields below this point. An attempt to ** access them will result in a segfault or malfunction. *********************************************************************/ ................................................................................ Trigger *pTrigger; /* Trigger this program was coded from */ int orconf; /* Default ON CONFLICT policy */ SubProgram *pProgram; /* Program implementing pTrigger/orconf */ u32 aColmask[2]; /* Masks of old.*, new.* columns accessed */ TriggerPrg *pNext; /* Next entry in Parse.pTriggerPrg list */ }; /* ** The yDbMask datatype for the bitmask of all attached databases. */ #if SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED>30 typedef sqlite3_uint64 yDbMask; #else typedef unsigned int yDbMask; #endif /* ** An SQL parser context. A copy of this structure is passed through ** the parser and down into all the parser action routine in order to ** carry around information that is global to the entire parse. ** ** The structure is divided into two parts. When the parser and code ** generate call themselves recursively, the first part of the structure ................................................................................ int iTable; /* Table cursor number */ int iColumn; /* Table column number */ u8 tempReg; /* iReg is a temp register that needs to be freed */ int iLevel; /* Nesting level */ int iReg; /* Reg with value of this column. 0 means none. */ int lru; /* Least recently used entry has the smallest value */ } aColCache[SQLITE_N_COLCACHE]; /* One for each column cache entry */ yDbMask writeMask; /* Start a write transaction on these databases */ yDbMask cookieMask; /* Bitmask of schema verified databases */ u8 isMultiWrite; /* True if statement may affect/insert multiple rows */ u8 mayAbort; /* True if statement may throw an ABORT exception */ int cookieGoto; /* Address of OP_Goto to cookie verifier subroutine */ int cookieValue[SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED+2]; /* Values of cookies to verify */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE int nTableLock; /* Number of locks in aTableLock */ TableLock *aTableLock; /* Required table locks for shared-cache mode */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggList(NameContext*,ExprList*); SQLITE_PRIVATE Vdbe *sqlite3GetVdbe(Parse*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngSaveState(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngRestoreState(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngResetState(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RollbackAll(sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(Parse*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeVerifyNamedSchema(Parse*, const char *zDb); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BeginTransaction(Parse*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CommitTransaction(Parse*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RollbackTransaction(Parse*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Savepoint(Parse*, int, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CloseSavepoints(sqlite3 *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstant(Expr*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(Expr*); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char*zName); SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr); SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetColl(Expr*, CollSeq*); SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(Parse *pParse, Expr*, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckCollSeq(Parse *, CollSeq *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckObjectName(Parse *, const char *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetChanges(sqlite3 *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AddInt64(i64*,i64); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SubInt64(i64*,i64); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MulInt64(i64*,i64); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AbsInt32(int); SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3ValueText(sqlite3_value*, u8); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value*, u8); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ValueSetStr(sqlite3_value*, int, const void *,u8, void(*)(void*)); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ValueFree(sqlite3_value*); SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_value *sqlite3ValueNew(sqlite3 *); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE const Token sqlite3IntTokens[]; SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_WSD struct Sqlite3Config sqlite3Config; SQLITE_PRIVATE SQLITE_WSD FuncDefHash sqlite3GlobalFunctions; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WSD SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PendingByte; #endif #endif SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RootPageMoved(sqlite3*, int, int, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Reindex(Parse*, Token*, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterFunctions(void); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(Parse*, SrcList*, Token*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3GetToken(const unsigned char *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3NestedParse(Parse*, const char*, ...); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeSubselect(Parse *, Expr *, int, int); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FindDbName(sqlite3 *, const char *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AnalysisLoad(sqlite3*,int iDB); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DeleteIndexSamples(sqlite3*,Index*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DefaultRowEst(Index*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RegisterLikeFunctions(sqlite3*, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsLikeFunction(sqlite3*,Expr*,int*,char*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3MinimumFileFormat(Parse*, int, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SchemaClear(void *); SQLITE_PRIVATE Schema *sqlite3SchemaGet(sqlite3 *, Btree *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SchemaToIndex(sqlite3 *db, Schema *); SQLITE_PRIVATE KeyInfo *sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(Parse *, Index *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CreateFunc(sqlite3 *, const char *, int, int, void *, void (*)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **), void (*)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **), void (*)(sqlite3_context*), FuncDestructor *pDestructor ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TransferBindings(sqlite3_stmt *, sqlite3_stmt *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Reprepare(Vdbe*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(Parse*, ExprList*, const char*); SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(Parse *, Expr *, Expr *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TempInMemory(const sqlite3*); SQLITE_PRIVATE VTable *sqlite3GetVTable(sqlite3*, Table*); SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3JournalModename(int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Checkpoint(sqlite3*, int, int, int*, int*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalDefaultHook(void*,sqlite3*,const char*,int); /* Declarations for functions in fkey.c. All of these are replaced by ** no-op macros if OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY is defined. In this case no foreign ** key functionality is available. If OMIT_TRIGGER is defined but ** OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY is not, only some of the functions are no-oped. In ** this case foreign keys are parsed, but no other functionality is ................................................................................ u8 runOnlyOnce; /* Automatically expire on reset */ u8 minWriteFileFormat; /* Minimum file format for writable database files */ u8 inVtabMethod; /* See comments above */ u8 usesStmtJournal; /* True if uses a statement journal */ u8 readOnly; /* True for read-only statements */ u8 isPrepareV2; /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */ int nChange; /* Number of db changes made since last reset */ yDbMask btreeMask; /* Bitmask of db->aDb[] entries referenced */ yDbMask lockMask; /* Subset of btreeMask that requires a lock */ int iStatement; /* Statement number (or 0 if has not opened stmt) */ int aCounter[3]; /* Counters used by sqlite3_stmt_status() */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE i64 startTime; /* Time when query started - used for profiling */ #endif i64 nFkConstraint; /* Number of imm. FK constraints this VM */ i64 nStmtDefCons; /* Number of def. constraints when stmt started */ char *zSql; /* Text of the SQL statement that generated this */ void *pFree; /* Free this when deleting the vdbe */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(Mem*, FuncDef*); SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3OpcodeName(int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(Mem *pMem, int n, int preserve); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCloseStatement(Vdbe *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeFrameDelete(VdbeFrame*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeFrameRestore(VdbeFrame *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(Mem *pMem); #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE>0 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeEnter(Vdbe*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeLeave(Vdbe*); #else # define sqlite3VdbeEnter(X) # define sqlite3VdbeLeave(X) #endif #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrepareToChange(Vdbe*,Mem*); #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(Vdbe *, int); #else # define sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p,i) 0 #endif SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem*, u8); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbePrintSql(Vdbe*); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemPrettyPrint(Mem *pMem, char *zBuf); #endif SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemHandleBom(Mem *pMem); ................................................................................ ** to store the schema for all databases (main, temp, and any ATTACHed ** databases. *pHighwater is set to zero. */ case SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED: { int i; /* Used to iterate through schemas */ int nByte = 0; /* Used to accumulate return value */ sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(db); db->pnBytesFreed = &nByte; for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[i].pSchema; if( ALWAYS(pSchema!=0) ){ HashElem *p; nByte += sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xRoundup(sizeof(HashElem)) * ( ................................................................................ } for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){ sqlite3DeleteTable(db, (Table *)sqliteHashData(p)); } } } db->pnBytesFreed = 0; sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(db); *pHighwater = 0; *pCurrent = nByte; break; } /* ................................................................................ /* ** Space for tracking which blocks are checked out and the size ** of each block. One byte per block. */ u8 *aCtrl; } mem5; /* ** Access the static variable through a macro for SQLITE_OMIT_WSD */ #define mem5 GLOBAL(struct Mem5Global, mem5) /* ................................................................................ ** memsys5Log(4) -> 2 ** memsys5Log(5) -> 3 ** memsys5Log(8) -> 3 ** memsys5Log(9) -> 4 */ static int memsys5Log(int iValue){ int iLog; for(iLog=0; (iLog<(int)((sizeof(int)*8)-1)) && (1<<iLog)<iValue; iLog++); return iLog; } /* ** Initialize the memory allocator. ** ** This routine is not threadsafe. The caller must be holding a mutex ................................................................................ */ assert( (sizeof(Mem5Link)&(sizeof(Mem5Link)-1))==0 ); nByte = sqlite3GlobalConfig.nHeap; zByte = (u8*)sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap; assert( zByte!=0 ); /* sqlite3_config() does not allow otherwise */ /* boundaries on sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq are enforced in sqlite3_config() */ nMinLog = memsys5Log(sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq); mem5.szAtom = (1<<nMinLog); while( (int)sizeof(Mem5Link)>mem5.szAtom ){ mem5.szAtom = mem5.szAtom << 1; } mem5.nBlock = (nByte / (mem5.szAtom+sizeof(u8))); ................................................................................ /* ** The mutex object ** Each recursive mutex is an instance of the following structure. */ struct sqlite3_mutex { HMTX mutex; /* Mutex controlling the lock */ int id; /* Mutex type */ #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG int trace; /* True to trace changes */ #endif }; #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG #define SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER { 0, 0, 0 } #else #define SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER { 0, 0 } #endif /* ** Initialize and deinitialize the mutex subsystem. */ static int os2MutexInit(void){ return SQLITE_OK; } static int os2MutexEnd(void){ return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ ** The sqlite3_mutex_alloc() routine allocates a new ** mutex and returns a pointer to it. If it returns NULL ** that means that a mutex could not be allocated. ** SQLite will unwind its stack and return an error. The argument ** to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() is one of these integer constants: ** ** <ul> ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM2 ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_PRNG ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_LRU ** <li> SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_LRU2 ** </ul> ** ** The first two constants cause sqlite3_mutex_alloc() to create ** a new mutex. The new mutex is recursive when SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ** is used but not necessarily so when SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST is used. ** The mutex implementation does not need to make a distinction ** between SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE and SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST if it does ** not want to. But SQLite will only request a recursive mutex in ** cases where it really needs one. If a faster non-recursive mutex ** implementation is available on the host platform, the mutex subsystem ** might return such a mutex in response to SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST. ** ** The other allowed parameters to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() each return ** a pointer to a static preexisting mutex. Six static mutexes are ** used by the current version of SQLite. Future versions of SQLite ** may add additional static mutexes. Static mutexes are for internal ** use by SQLite only. Applications that use SQLite mutexes should ** use only the dynamic mutexes returned by SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST or ** SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE. ** ** Note that if one of the dynamic mutex parameters (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST ................................................................................ p = NULL; } } break; } default: { static volatile int isInit = 0; static sqlite3_mutex staticMutexes[6] = { SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, }; if ( !isInit ){ APIRET rc; PTIB ptib; PPIB ppib; HMTX mutex; char name[32]; ................................................................................ /* ** This routine deallocates a previously allocated mutex. ** SQLite is careful to deallocate every mutex that it allocates. */ static void os2MutexFree(sqlite3_mutex *p){ #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG TID tid; PID pid; ULONG ulCount; DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount); assert( ulCount==0 ); assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST || p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ); #endif DosCloseMutexSem( p->mutex ); sqlite3_free( p ); } #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_held() and sqlite3_mutex_notheld() routine are ................................................................................ ** intended for use inside assert() statements. */ static int os2MutexHeld(sqlite3_mutex *p){ TID tid; PID pid; ULONG ulCount; PTIB ptib; DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount); if( ulCount==0 || ( ulCount>1 && p->id!=SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ) ) return 0; DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL); return tid==ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid; } static int os2MutexNotheld(sqlite3_mutex *p){ TID tid; PID pid; ULONG ulCount; PTIB ptib; DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount); if( ulCount==0 ) return 1; DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL); return tid!=ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid; } static void os2MutexTrace(sqlite3_mutex *p, char *pAction){ TID tid; PID pid; ULONG ulCount; DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount); printf("%s mutex %p (%d) with nRef=%ld\n", pAction, (void*)p, p->trace, ulCount); } #endif /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_enter() and sqlite3_mutex_try() routines attempt ** to enter a mutex. If another thread is already within the mutex, ** sqlite3_mutex_enter() will block and sqlite3_mutex_try() will return ................................................................................ ** upon successful entry. Mutexes created using SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE can ** be entered multiple times by the same thread. In such cases the, ** mutex must be exited an equal number of times before another thread ** can enter. If the same thread tries to enter any other kind of mutex ** more than once, the behavior is undefined. */ static void os2MutexEnter(sqlite3_mutex *p){ assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE || os2MutexNotheld(p) ); DosRequestMutexSem(p->mutex, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( p->trace ) os2MutexTrace(p, "enter"); #endif } static int os2MutexTry(sqlite3_mutex *p){ int rc = SQLITE_BUSY; assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE || os2MutexNotheld(p) ); if( DosRequestMutexSem(p->mutex, SEM_IMMEDIATE_RETURN) == NO_ERROR ) { rc = SQLITE_OK; #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( p->trace ) os2MutexTrace(p, "try"); #endif } return rc; } /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was ** previously entered by the same thread. The behavior ** is undefined if the mutex is not currently entered or ** is not currently allocated. SQLite will never do either. */ static void os2MutexLeave(sqlite3_mutex *p){ assert( os2MutexHeld(p) ); DosReleaseMutexSem(p->mutex); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( p->trace ) os2MutexTrace(p, "leave"); #endif } SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){ static const sqlite3_mutex_methods sMutex = { os2MutexInit, os2MutexEnd, os2MutexAlloc, ................................................................................ os2MutexFree, os2MutexEnter, os2MutexTry, os2MutexLeave, #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG os2MutexHeld, os2MutexNotheld #else 0, 0 #endif }; return &sMutex; } #endif /* SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2 */ ................................................................................ rc = SQLITE_OK; } #else UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); #endif #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( rc==SQLITE_OK && p->trace ){ printf("try mutex %p (%d) with nRef=%d\n", p, p->trace, p->nRef); } #endif return rc; } /* ** The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was ................................................................................ /* Release memory from the SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH allocation */ ScratchFreeslot *pSlot; pSlot = (ScratchFreeslot*)p; sqlite3_mutex_enter(mem0.mutex); pSlot->pNext = mem0.pScratchFree; mem0.pScratchFree = pSlot; mem0.nScratchFree++; assert( mem0.nScratchFree <= (u32)sqlite3GlobalConfig.nScratch ); sqlite3StatusAdd(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_USED, -1); sqlite3_mutex_leave(mem0.mutex); }else{ /* Release memory back to the heap */ assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_SCRATCH) ); assert( sqlite3MemdebugNoType(p, ~MEMTYPE_SCRATCH) ); sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP); ................................................................................ v = va_arg(ap,i64); }else if( flag_long ){ v = va_arg(ap,long int); }else{ v = va_arg(ap,int); } if( v<0 ){ if( v==SMALLEST_INT64 ){ longvalue = ((u64)1)<<63; }else{ longvalue = -v; } prefix = '-'; }else{ longvalue = v; if( flag_plussign ) prefix = '+'; else if( flag_blanksign ) prefix = ' '; else prefix = 0; } ................................................................................ || (c&0xFFFFF800)==0xD800 \ || (c&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ){ c = 0xFFFD; } \ } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf8Read( const unsigned char *zIn, /* First byte of UTF-8 character */ const unsigned char **pzNext /* Write first byte past UTF-8 char here */ ){ unsigned int c; /* Same as READ_UTF8() above but without the zTerm parameter. ** For this routine, we assume the UTF8 string is always zero-terminated. */ c = *(zIn++); if( c>=0xc0 ){ c = sqlite3Utf8Trans1[c-0xc0]; ................................................................................ #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) /* ** Translate UTF-8 to UTF-8. ** ** This has the effect of making sure that the string is well-formed ** UTF-8. Miscoded characters are removed. ** ** The translation is done in-place and aborted if the output ** overruns the input. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf8To8(unsigned char *zIn){ unsigned char *zOut = zIn; unsigned char *zStart = zIn; u32 c; while( zIn[0] && zOut<=zIn ){ c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, (const u8**)&zIn); if( c!=0xfffd ){ WRITE_UTF8(zOut, c); } } *zOut = 0; return (int)(zOut - zStart); ................................................................................ #endif /* ** Routine needed to support the testcase() macro. */ #ifdef SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Coverage(int x){ static unsigned dummy = 0; dummy += (unsigned)x; } #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT /* ** Return true if the floating point value is Not a Number (NaN). ** ................................................................................ testcase( c==(+1) ); } return c; } /* ** Convert zNum to a 64-bit signed integer. ** ** If the zNum value is representable as a 64-bit twos-complement ** integer, then write that value into *pNum and return 0. ** ** If zNum is exactly 9223372036854665808, return 2. This special ** case is broken out because while 9223372036854665808 cannot be a ** signed 64-bit integer, its negative -9223372036854665808 can be. ** ** If zNum is too big for a 64-bit integer and is not ** 9223372036854665808 then return 1. ** ** length is the number of bytes in the string (bytes, not characters). ** The string is not necessarily zero-terminated. The encoding is ** given by enc. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi64(const char *zNum, i64 *pNum, int length, u8 enc){ int incr = (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2); u64 u = 0; int neg = 0; /* assume positive */ int i; int c = 0; const char *zStart; const char *zEnd = zNum + length; if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE ) zNum++; while( zNum<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*zNum) ) zNum+=incr; if( zNum<zEnd ){ if( *zNum=='-' ){ neg = 1; zNum+=incr; }else if( *zNum=='+' ){ zNum+=incr; } } zStart = zNum; while( zNum<zEnd && zNum[0]=='0' ){ zNum+=incr; } /* Skip leading zeros. */ for(i=0; &zNum[i]<zEnd && (c=zNum[i])>='0' && c<='9'; i+=incr){ u = u*10 + c - '0'; } if( u>LARGEST_INT64 ){ *pNum = SMALLEST_INT64; }else if( neg ){ *pNum = -(i64)u; }else{ *pNum = (i64)u; } testcase( i==18 ); testcase( i==19 ); testcase( i==20 ); if( (c!=0 && &zNum[i]<zEnd) || (i==0 && zStart==zNum) || i>19*incr ){ /* zNum is empty or contains non-numeric text or is longer ** than 19 digits (thus guaranteeing that it is too large) */ return 1; }else if( i<19*incr ){ /* Less than 19 digits, so we know that it fits in 64 bits */ assert( u<=LARGEST_INT64 ); return 0; }else{ /* zNum is a 19-digit numbers. Compare it against 9223372036854775808. */ c = compare2pow63(zNum, incr); if( c<0 ){ /* zNum is less than 9223372036854775808 so it fits */ assert( u<=LARGEST_INT64 ); return 0; }else if( c>0 ){ /* zNum is greater than 9223372036854775808 so it overflows */ return 1; }else{ /* zNum is exactly 9223372036854775808. Fits if negative. The ** special case 2 overflow if positive */ assert( u-1==LARGEST_INT64 ); assert( (*pNum)==SMALLEST_INT64 ); return neg ? 0 : 2; } } } /* ** If zNum represents an integer that will fit in 32-bits, then set ** *pValue to that integer and return true. Otherwise return false. ** ................................................................................ testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 ); logBadConnection("invalid"); return 0; }else{ return 1; } } /* ** Attempt to add, substract, or multiply the 64-bit signed value iB against ** the other 64-bit signed integer at *pA and store the result in *pA. ** Return 0 on success. Or if the operation would have resulted in an ** overflow, leave *pA unchanged and return 1. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AddInt64(i64 *pA, i64 iB){ i64 iA = *pA; testcase( iA==0 ); testcase( iA==1 ); testcase( iB==-1 ); testcase( iB==0 ); if( iB>=0 ){ testcase( iA>0 && LARGEST_INT64 - iA == iB ); testcase( iA>0 && LARGEST_INT64 - iA == iB - 1 ); if( iA>0 && LARGEST_INT64 - iA < iB ) return 1; *pA += iB; }else{ testcase( iA<0 && -(iA + LARGEST_INT64) == iB + 1 ); testcase( iA<0 && -(iA + LARGEST_INT64) == iB + 2 ); if( iA<0 && -(iA + LARGEST_INT64) > iB + 1 ) return 1; *pA += iB; } return 0; } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SubInt64(i64 *pA, i64 iB){ testcase( iB==SMALLEST_INT64+1 ); if( iB==SMALLEST_INT64 ){ testcase( (*pA)==(-1) ); testcase( (*pA)==0 ); if( (*pA)>=0 ) return 1; *pA -= iB; return 0; }else{ return sqlite3AddInt64(pA, -iB); } } #define TWOPOWER32 (((i64)1)<<32) #define TWOPOWER31 (((i64)1)<<31) SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MulInt64(i64 *pA, i64 iB){ i64 iA = *pA; i64 iA1, iA0, iB1, iB0, r; iA1 = iA/TWOPOWER32; iA0 = iA % TWOPOWER32; iB1 = iB/TWOPOWER32; iB0 = iB % TWOPOWER32; if( iA1*iB1 != 0 ) return 1; assert( iA1*iB0==0 || iA0*iB1==0 ); r = iA1*iB0 + iA0*iB1; testcase( r==(-TWOPOWER31)-1 ); testcase( r==(-TWOPOWER31) ); testcase( r==TWOPOWER31 ); testcase( r==TWOPOWER31-1 ); if( r<(-TWOPOWER31) || r>=TWOPOWER31 ) return 1; r *= TWOPOWER32; if( sqlite3AddInt64(&r, iA0*iB0) ) return 1; *pA = r; return 0; } /* ** Compute the absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer, of possible. Or ** if the integer has a value of -2147483648, return +2147483647 */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AbsInt32(int x){ if( x>=0 ) return x; if( x==(int)0x80000000 ) return 0x7fffffff; return -x; } /************** End of util.c ************************************************/ /************** Begin file hash.c ********************************************/ /* ** 2001 September 22 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ................................................................................ #endif #endif /* !defined(_OS_COMMON_H_) */ /************** End of os_common.h *******************************************/ /************** Continuing where we left off in os_os2.c *********************/ /* Forward references */ typedef struct os2File os2File; /* The file structure */ typedef struct os2ShmNode os2ShmNode; /* A shared descritive memory node */ typedef struct os2ShmLink os2ShmLink; /* A connection to shared-memory */ /* ** The os2File structure is subclass of sqlite3_file specific for the OS/2 ** protability layer. */ struct os2File { const sqlite3_io_methods *pMethod; /* Always the first entry */ HFILE h; /* Handle for accessing the file */ int flags; /* Flags provided to os2Open() */ int locktype; /* Type of lock currently held on this file */ int szChunk; /* Chunk size configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */ char *zFullPathCp; /* Full path name of this file */ os2ShmLink *pShmLink; /* Instance of shared memory on this file */ }; #define LOCK_TIMEOUT 10L /* the default locking timeout */ /* ** Missing from some versions of the OS/2 toolkit - ** used to allocate from high memory if possible */ #ifndef OBJ_ANY # define OBJ_ANY 0x00000400 #endif /***************************************************************************** ** The next group of routines implement the I/O methods specified ** by the sqlite3_io_methods object. ******************************************************************************/ /* ** Close a file. */ static int os2Close( sqlite3_file *id ){ APIRET rc; os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; assert( id!=0 ); OSTRACE(( "CLOSE %d (%s)\n", pFile->h, pFile->zFullPathCp )); rc = DosClose( pFile->h ); if( pFile->flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE ) DosForceDelete( (PSZ)pFile->zFullPathCp ); free( pFile->zFullPathCp ); pFile->zFullPathCp = NULL; pFile->locktype = NO_LOCK; pFile->h = (HFILE)-1; pFile->flags = 0; OpenCounter( -1 ); return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR; } /* ** Read data from a file into a buffer. Return SQLITE_OK if all ** bytes were read successfully and SQLITE_IOERR if anything goes ** wrong. ................................................................................ return ( rc != NO_ERROR || amt > (int)wrote ) ? SQLITE_FULL : SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Truncate an open file to a specified size */ static int os2Truncate( sqlite3_file *id, i64 nByte ){ APIRET rc; os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; assert( id!=0 ); OSTRACE(( "TRUNCATE %d %lld\n", pFile->h, nByte )); SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE ); /* If the user has configured a chunk-size for this file, truncate the ** file so that it consists of an integer number of chunks (i.e. the ** actual file size after the operation may be larger than the requested ** size). */ if( pFile->szChunk ){ nByte = ((nByte + pFile->szChunk - 1)/pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk; } rc = DosSetFileSize( pFile->h, nByte ); return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE; } #ifdef SQLITE_TEST /* ** Count the number of fullsyncs and normal syncs. This is used to test ................................................................................ switch( op ){ case SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE: { *(int*)pArg = ((os2File*)id)->locktype; OSTRACE(( "FCNTL_LOCKSTATE %d lock=%d\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, ((os2File*)id)->locktype )); return SQLITE_OK; } case SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE: { ((os2File*)id)->szChunk = *(int*)pArg; return SQLITE_OK; } case SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT: { sqlite3_int64 sz = *(sqlite3_int64*)pArg; SimulateIOErrorBenign(1); os2Truncate(id, sz); SimulateIOErrorBenign(0); return SQLITE_OK; } case SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED: { return SQLITE_OK; } } return SQLITE_NOTFOUND; } /* ** Return the sector size in bytes of the underlying block device for ** the specified file. This is almost always 512 bytes, but may be ................................................................................ ** ** SQLite code assumes this function cannot fail. It also assumes that ** if two files are created in the same file-system directory (i.e. ** a database and its journal file) that the sector size will be the ** same for both. */ static int os2SectorSize(sqlite3_file *id){ UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); return SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; } /* ** Return a vector of device characteristics. */ static int os2DeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *id){ UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); return SQLITE_IOCAP_UNDELETABLE_WHEN_OPEN; } /* ** Character set conversion objects used by conversion routines. */ static UconvObject ucUtf8 = NULL; /* convert between UTF-8 and UCS-2 */ ................................................................................ return out; /* if conversion fails, return the empty string */ /* determine string for the conversion of UTF-8 which is CP1208 */ UniStrFromUcs( ucUtf8, out, tempPath, CCHMAXPATH ); return out; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** Use main database file for interprocess locking. If un-defined ** a separate file is created for this purpose. The file will be ** used only to set file locks. There will be no data written to it. */ #define SQLITE_OS2_NO_WAL_LOCK_FILE #if 0 static void _ERR_TRACE( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fflush(stderr); } #define ERR_TRACE(rc, msg) \ if( (rc) != SQLITE_OK ) _ERR_TRACE msg; #else #define ERR_TRACE(rc, msg) #endif /* ** Helper functions to obtain and relinquish the global mutex. The ** global mutex is used to protect os2ShmNodeList. ** ** Function os2ShmMutexHeld() is used to assert() that the global mutex ** is held when required. This function is only used as part of assert() ** statements. e.g. ** ** os2ShmEnterMutex() ** assert( os2ShmMutexHeld() ); ** os2ShmLeaveMutex() */ static void os2ShmEnterMutex(void){ sqlite3_mutex_enter(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER)); } static void os2ShmLeaveMutex(void){ sqlite3_mutex_leave(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER)); } #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG static int os2ShmMutexHeld(void) { return sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER)); } int GetCurrentProcessId(void) { PPIB pib; DosGetInfoBlocks(NULL, &pib); return (int)pib->pib_ulpid; } #endif /* ** Object used to represent a the shared memory area for a single log file. ** When multiple threads all reference the same log-summary, each thread has ** its own os2File object, but they all point to a single instance of this ** object. In other words, each log-summary is opened only once per process. ** ** os2ShmMutexHeld() must be true when creating or destroying ** this object or while reading or writing the following fields: ** ** nRef ** pNext ** ** The following fields are read-only after the object is created: ** ** szRegion ** hLockFile ** shmBaseName ** ** Either os2ShmNode.mutex must be held or os2ShmNode.nRef==0 and ** os2ShmMutexHeld() is true when reading or writing any other field ** in this structure. ** */ struct os2ShmNode { sqlite3_mutex *mutex; /* Mutex to access this object */ os2ShmNode *pNext; /* Next in list of all os2ShmNode objects */ int szRegion; /* Size of shared-memory regions */ int nRegion; /* Size of array apRegion */ void **apRegion; /* Array of pointers to shared-memory regions */ int nRef; /* Number of os2ShmLink objects pointing to this */ os2ShmLink *pFirst; /* First os2ShmLink object pointing to this */ HFILE hLockFile; /* File used for inter-process memory locking */ char shmBaseName[1]; /* Name of the memory object !!! must last !!! */ }; /* ** Structure used internally by this VFS to record the state of an ** open shared memory connection. ** ** The following fields are initialized when this object is created and ** are read-only thereafter: ** ** os2Shm.pShmNode ** ** ** All other fields are read/write. The os2Shm.pShmNode->mutex must be held ** while accessing any read/write fields. */ struct os2ShmLink { os2ShmNode *pShmNode; /* The underlying os2ShmNode object */ os2ShmLink *pNext; /* Next os2Shm with the same os2ShmNode */ u32 sharedMask; /* Mask of shared locks held */ u32 exclMask; /* Mask of exclusive locks held */ #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG u8 id; /* Id of this connection with its os2ShmNode */ #endif }; /* ** A global list of all os2ShmNode objects. ** ** The os2ShmMutexHeld() must be true while reading or writing this list. */ static os2ShmNode *os2ShmNodeList = NULL; /* ** Constants used for locking */ #ifdef SQLITE_OS2_NO_WAL_LOCK_FILE #define OS2_SHM_BASE (PENDING_BYTE + 0x10000) /* first lock byte */ #else #define OS2_SHM_BASE ((22+SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK)*4) /* first lock byte */ #endif #define OS2_SHM_DMS (OS2_SHM_BASE+SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK) /* deadman switch */ /* ** Apply advisory locks for all n bytes beginning at ofst. */ #define _SHM_UNLCK 1 /* no lock */ #define _SHM_RDLCK 2 /* shared lock, no wait */ #define _SHM_WRLCK 3 /* exlusive lock, no wait */ #define _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT 4 /* exclusive lock, wait */ static int os2ShmSystemLock( os2ShmNode *pNode, /* Apply locks to this open shared-memory segment */ int lockType, /* _SHM_UNLCK, _SHM_RDLCK, _SHM_WRLCK or _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT */ int ofst, /* Offset to first byte to be locked/unlocked */ int nByte /* Number of bytes to lock or unlock */ ){ APIRET rc; FILELOCK area; ULONG mode, timeout; /* Access to the os2ShmNode object is serialized by the caller */ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pNode->mutex) || pNode->nRef==0 ); mode = 1; /* shared lock */ timeout = 0; /* no wait */ area.lOffset = ofst; area.lRange = nByte; switch( lockType ) { case _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT: timeout = (ULONG)-1; /* wait forever */ case _SHM_WRLCK: mode = 0; /* exclusive lock */ case _SHM_RDLCK: rc = DosSetFileLocks(pNode->hLockFile, NULL, &area, timeout, mode); break; /* case _SHM_UNLCK: */ default: rc = DosSetFileLocks(pNode->hLockFile, &area, NULL, 0, 0); break; } OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK %d %s %s 0x%08lx\n", pNode->hLockFile, rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed", lockType==_SHM_UNLCK ? "Unlock" : "Lock", rc)); ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2ShmSystemLock: %d %s\n", rc, pNode->shmBaseName)) return ( rc == 0 ) ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_BUSY; } /* ** Find an os2ShmNode in global list or allocate a new one, if not found. ** ** This is not a VFS shared-memory method; it is a utility function called ** by VFS shared-memory methods. */ static int os2OpenSharedMemory( os2File *fd, int szRegion ) { os2ShmLink *pLink; os2ShmNode *pNode; int cbShmName, rc = SQLITE_OK; char shmName[CCHMAXPATH + 30]; #ifndef SQLITE_OS2_NO_WAL_LOCK_FILE ULONG action; #endif /* We need some additional space at the end to append the region number */ cbShmName = sprintf(shmName, "\\SHAREMEM\\%s", fd->zFullPathCp ); if( cbShmName >= CCHMAXPATH-8 ) return SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN; /* Replace colon in file name to form a valid shared memory name */ shmName[10+1] = '!'; /* Allocate link object (we free it later in case of failure) */ pLink = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pLink) ); if( !pLink ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; /* Access node list */ os2ShmEnterMutex(); /* Find node by it's shared memory base name */ for( pNode = os2ShmNodeList; pNode && stricmp(shmName, pNode->shmBaseName) != 0; pNode = pNode->pNext ) ; /* Not found: allocate a new node */ if( !pNode ) { pNode = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNode) + cbShmName ); if( pNode ) { memset(pNode, 0, sizeof(*pNode) ); pNode->szRegion = szRegion; pNode->hLockFile = (HFILE)-1; strcpy(pNode->shmBaseName, shmName); #ifdef SQLITE_OS2_NO_WAL_LOCK_FILE if( DosDupHandle(fd->h, &pNode->hLockFile) != 0 ) { #else sprintf(shmName, "%s-lck", fd->zFullPathCp); if( DosOpen((PSZ)shmName, &pNode->hLockFile, &action, 0, FILE_NORMAL, OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS | OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW, OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT | OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR, NULL) != 0 ) { #endif sqlite3_free(pNode); rc = SQLITE_IOERR; } else { pNode->mutex = sqlite3_mutex_alloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST); if( !pNode->mutex ) { sqlite3_free(pNode); rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } } } else { rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( rc == SQLITE_OK ) { pNode->pNext = os2ShmNodeList; os2ShmNodeList = pNode; } else { pNode = NULL; } } else if( pNode->szRegion != szRegion ) { rc = SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE; pNode = NULL; } if( pNode ) { sqlite3_mutex_enter(pNode->mutex); memset(pLink, 0, sizeof(*pLink)); pLink->pShmNode = pNode; pLink->pNext = pNode->pFirst; pNode->pFirst = pLink; pNode->nRef++; fd->pShmLink = pLink; sqlite3_mutex_leave(pNode->mutex); } else { /* Error occured. Free our link object. */ sqlite3_free(pLink); } os2ShmLeaveMutex(); ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2OpenSharedMemory: %d %s\n", rc, fd->zFullPathCp)) return rc; } /* ** Purge the os2ShmNodeList list of all entries with nRef==0. ** ** This is not a VFS shared-memory method; it is a utility function called ** by VFS shared-memory methods. */ static void os2PurgeShmNodes( int deleteFlag ) { os2ShmNode *pNode; os2ShmNode **ppNode; os2ShmEnterMutex(); ppNode = &os2ShmNodeList; while( *ppNode ) { pNode = *ppNode; if( pNode->nRef == 0 ) { *ppNode = pNode->pNext; if( pNode->apRegion ) { /* Prevent other processes from resizing the shared memory */ os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1); while( pNode->nRegion-- ) { #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG int rc = #endif DosFreeMem(pNode->apRegion[pNode->nRegion]); OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE pid-%d unmap region=%d %s\n", (int)GetCurrentProcessId(), pNode->nRegion, rc == 0 ? "ok" : "failed")); } /* Allow other processes to resize the shared memory */ os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_UNLCK, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1); sqlite3_free(pNode->apRegion); } DosClose(pNode->hLockFile); #ifndef SQLITE_OS2_NO_WAL_LOCK_FILE if( deleteFlag ) { char fileName[CCHMAXPATH]; /* Skip "\\SHAREMEM\\" */ sprintf(fileName, "%s-lck", pNode->shmBaseName + 10); /* restore colon */ fileName[1] = ':'; DosForceDelete(fileName); } #endif sqlite3_mutex_free(pNode->mutex); sqlite3_free(pNode); } else { ppNode = &pNode->pNext; } } os2ShmLeaveMutex(); } /* ** This function is called to obtain a pointer to region iRegion of the ** shared-memory associated with the database file id. Shared-memory regions ** are numbered starting from zero. Each shared-memory region is szRegion ** bytes in size. ** ** If an error occurs, an error code is returned and *pp is set to NULL. ** ** Otherwise, if the bExtend parameter is 0 and the requested shared-memory ** region has not been allocated (by any client, including one running in a ** separate process), then *pp is set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned. If ** bExtend is non-zero and the requested shared-memory region has not yet ** been allocated, it is allocated by this function. ** ** If the shared-memory region has already been allocated or is allocated by ** this call as described above, then it is mapped into this processes ** address space (if it is not already), *pp is set to point to the mapped ** memory and SQLITE_OK returned. */ static int os2ShmMap( sqlite3_file *id, /* Handle open on database file */ int iRegion, /* Region to retrieve */ int szRegion, /* Size of regions */ int bExtend, /* True to extend block if necessary */ void volatile **pp /* OUT: Mapped memory */ ){ PVOID pvTemp; void **apRegion; os2ShmNode *pNode; int n, rc = SQLITE_OK; char shmName[CCHMAXPATH]; os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; *pp = NULL; if( !pFile->pShmLink ) rc = os2OpenSharedMemory( pFile, szRegion ); if( rc == SQLITE_OK ) { pNode = pFile->pShmLink->pShmNode ; sqlite3_mutex_enter(pNode->mutex); assert( szRegion==pNode->szRegion ); /* Unmapped region ? */ if( iRegion >= pNode->nRegion ) { /* Prevent other processes from resizing the shared memory */ os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1); apRegion = sqlite3_realloc( pNode->apRegion, (iRegion + 1) * sizeof(apRegion[0])); if( apRegion ) { pNode->apRegion = apRegion; while( pNode->nRegion <= iRegion ) { sprintf(shmName, "%s-%u", pNode->shmBaseName, pNode->nRegion); if( DosGetNamedSharedMem(&pvTemp, (PSZ)shmName, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE) != NO_ERROR ) { if( !bExtend ) break; if( DosAllocSharedMem(&pvTemp, (PSZ)shmName, szRegion, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT | OBJ_ANY) != NO_ERROR && DosAllocSharedMem(&pvTemp, (PSZ)shmName, szRegion, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT) != NO_ERROR ) { rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; break; } } apRegion[pNode->nRegion++] = pvTemp; } /* zero out remaining entries */ for( n = pNode->nRegion; n <= iRegion; n++ ) pNode->apRegion[n] = NULL; /* Return this region (maybe zero) */ *pp = pNode->apRegion[iRegion]; } else { rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } /* Allow other processes to resize the shared memory */ os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_UNLCK, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1); } else { /* Region has been mapped previously */ *pp = pNode->apRegion[iRegion]; } sqlite3_mutex_leave(pNode->mutex); } ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2ShmMap: %s iRgn = %d, szRgn = %d, bExt = %d : %d\n", pFile->zFullPathCp, iRegion, szRegion, bExtend, rc)) return rc; } /* ** Close a connection to shared-memory. Delete the underlying ** storage if deleteFlag is true. ** ** If there is no shared memory associated with the connection then this ** routine is a harmless no-op. */ static int os2ShmUnmap( sqlite3_file *id, /* The underlying database file */ int deleteFlag /* Delete shared-memory if true */ ){ os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; os2ShmLink *pLink = pFile->pShmLink; if( pLink ) { int nRef = -1; os2ShmLink **ppLink; os2ShmNode *pNode = pLink->pShmNode; sqlite3_mutex_enter(pNode->mutex); for( ppLink = &pNode->pFirst; *ppLink && *ppLink != pLink; ppLink = &(*ppLink)->pNext ) ; assert(*ppLink); if( *ppLink ) { *ppLink = pLink->pNext; nRef = --pNode->nRef; } else { ERR_TRACE(1, ("os2ShmUnmap: link not found ! %s\n", pNode->shmBaseName)) } pFile->pShmLink = NULL; sqlite3_free(pLink); sqlite3_mutex_leave(pNode->mutex); if( nRef == 0 ) os2PurgeShmNodes( deleteFlag ); } return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Change the lock state for a shared-memory segment. ** ** Note that the relationship between SHAREd and EXCLUSIVE locks is a little ** different here than in posix. In xShmLock(), one can go from unlocked ** to shared and back or from unlocked to exclusive and back. But one may ** not go from shared to exclusive or from exclusive to shared. */ static int os2ShmLock( sqlite3_file *id, /* Database file holding the shared memory */ int ofst, /* First lock to acquire or release */ int n, /* Number of locks to acquire or release */ int flags /* What to do with the lock */ ){ u32 mask; /* Mask of locks to take or release */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Result code */ os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; os2ShmLink *p = pFile->pShmLink; /* The shared memory being locked */ os2ShmLink *pX; /* For looping over all siblings */ os2ShmNode *pShmNode = p->pShmNode; /* Our node */ assert( ofst>=0 && ofst+n<=SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK ); assert( n>=1 ); assert( flags==(SQLITE_SHM_LOCK | SQLITE_SHM_SHARED) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_LOCK | SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK | SQLITE_SHM_SHARED) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK | SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE) ); assert( n==1 || (flags & SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE)!=0 ); mask = (u32)((1U<<(ofst+n)) - (1U<<ofst)); assert( n>1 || mask==(1<<ofst) ); sqlite3_mutex_enter(pShmNode->mutex); if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK ){ u32 allMask = 0; /* Mask of locks held by siblings */ /* See if any siblings hold this same lock */ for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){ if( pX==p ) continue; assert( (pX->exclMask & (p->exclMask|p->sharedMask))==0 ); allMask |= pX->sharedMask; } /* Unlock the system-level locks */ if( (mask & allMask)==0 ){ rc = os2ShmSystemLock(pShmNode, _SHM_UNLCK, ofst+OS2_SHM_BASE, n); }else{ rc = SQLITE_OK; } /* Undo the local locks */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ p->exclMask &= ~mask; p->sharedMask &= ~mask; } }else if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_SHARED ){ u32 allShared = 0; /* Union of locks held by connections other than "p" */ /* Find out which shared locks are already held by sibling connections. ** If any sibling already holds an exclusive lock, go ahead and return ** SQLITE_BUSY. */ for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){ if( (pX->exclMask & mask)!=0 ){ rc = SQLITE_BUSY; break; } allShared |= pX->sharedMask; } /* Get shared locks at the system level, if necessary */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ if( (allShared & mask)==0 ){ rc = os2ShmSystemLock(pShmNode, _SHM_RDLCK, ofst+OS2_SHM_BASE, n); }else{ rc = SQLITE_OK; } } /* Get the local shared locks */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ p->sharedMask |= mask; } }else{ /* Make sure no sibling connections hold locks that will block this ** lock. If any do, return SQLITE_BUSY right away. */ for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){ if( (pX->exclMask & mask)!=0 || (pX->sharedMask & mask)!=0 ){ rc = SQLITE_BUSY; break; } } /* Get the exclusive locks at the system level. Then if successful ** also mark the local connection as being locked. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = os2ShmSystemLock(pShmNode, _SHM_WRLCK, ofst+OS2_SHM_BASE, n); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ assert( (p->sharedMask & mask)==0 ); p->exclMask |= mask; } } } sqlite3_mutex_leave(pShmNode->mutex); OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK shmid-%d, pid-%d got %03x,%03x %s\n", p->id, (int)GetCurrentProcessId(), p->sharedMask, p->exclMask, rc ? "failed" : "ok")); ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2ShmLock: ofst = %d, n = %d, flags = 0x%x -> %d \n", ofst, n, flags, rc)) return rc; } /* ** Implement a memory barrier or memory fence on shared memory. ** ** All loads and stores begun before the barrier must complete before ** any load or store begun after the barrier. */ static void os2ShmBarrier( sqlite3_file *id /* Database file holding the shared memory */ ){ UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); os2ShmEnterMutex(); os2ShmLeaveMutex(); } #else # define os2ShmMap 0 # define os2ShmLock 0 # define os2ShmBarrier 0 # define os2ShmUnmap 0 #endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */ /* ** This vector defines all the methods that can operate on an ** sqlite3_file for os2. */ static const sqlite3_io_methods os2IoMethod = { 2, /* iVersion */ os2Close, /* xClose */ os2Read, /* xRead */ os2Write, /* xWrite */ os2Truncate, /* xTruncate */ os2Sync, /* xSync */ os2FileSize, /* xFileSize */ os2Lock, /* xLock */ os2Unlock, /* xUnlock */ os2CheckReservedLock, /* xCheckReservedLock */ os2FileControl, /* xFileControl */ os2SectorSize, /* xSectorSize */ os2DeviceCharacteristics, /* xDeviceCharacteristics */ os2ShmMap, /* xShmMap */ os2ShmLock, /* xShmLock */ os2ShmBarrier, /* xShmBarrier */ os2ShmUnmap /* xShmUnmap */ }; /*************************************************************************** ** Here ends the I/O methods that form the sqlite3_io_methods object. ** ** The next block of code implements the VFS methods. ****************************************************************************/ /* ** Create a temporary file name in zBuf. zBuf must be big enough to ** hold at pVfs->mxPathname characters. */ static int getTempname(int nBuf, char *zBuf ){ static const char zChars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "0123456789"; int i, j; PSZ zTempPathCp; char zTempPath[CCHMAXPATH]; ULONG ulDriveNum, ulDriveMap; /* It's odd to simulate an io-error here, but really this is just ** using the io-error infrastructure to test that SQLite handles this ** function failing. */ SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR ); if( sqlite3_temp_directory ) { sqlite3_snprintf(CCHMAXPATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", sqlite3_temp_directory); } else if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TEMP", &zTempPathCp ) == NO_ERROR || DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMP", &zTempPathCp ) == NO_ERROR || DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMPDIR", &zTempPathCp ) == NO_ERROR ) { char *zTempPathUTF = convertCpPathToUtf8( (char *)zTempPathCp ); sqlite3_snprintf(CCHMAXPATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", zTempPathUTF); free( zTempPathUTF ); } else if( DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap ) == NO_ERROR ) { zTempPath[0] = (char)('A' + ulDriveNum - 1); zTempPath[1] = ':'; zTempPath[2] = '\0'; } else { zTempPath[0] = '\0'; } /* Strip off a trailing slashes or backslashes, otherwise we would get * * multiple (back)slashes which causes DosOpen() to fail. * * Trailing spaces are not allowed, either. */ j = sqlite3Strlen30(zTempPath); while( j > 0 && ( zTempPath[j-1] == '\\' || zTempPath[j-1] == '/' || zTempPath[j-1] == ' ' ) ){ j--; } zTempPath[j] = '\0'; /* We use 20 bytes to randomize the name */ sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-22, zBuf, "%s\\"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath); j = sqlite3Strlen30(zBuf); sqlite3_randomness( 20, &zBuf[j] ); for( i = 0; i < 20; i++, j++ ){ zBuf[j] = zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ]; } zBuf[j] = 0; OSTRACE(( "TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf )); return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname. Write the full ................................................................................ const char *zRelative, /* Possibly relative input path */ int nFull, /* Size of output buffer in bytes */ char *zFull /* Output buffer */ ){ char *zRelativeCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zRelative ); char zFullCp[CCHMAXPATH] = "\0"; char *zFullUTF; APIRET rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zRelativeCp, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, zFullCp, CCHMAXPATH ); free( zRelativeCp ); zFullUTF = convertCpPathToUtf8( zFullCp ); sqlite3_snprintf( nFull, zFull, zFullUTF ); free( zFullUTF ); return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR; } /* ** Open a file. */ static int os2Open( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Not used */ const char *zName, /* Name of the file (UTF-8) */ sqlite3_file *id, /* Write the SQLite file handle here */ int flags, /* Open mode flags */ int *pOutFlags /* Status return flags */ ){ HFILE h; ULONG ulOpenFlags = 0; ULONG ulOpenMode = 0; ULONG ulAction = 0; ULONG rc; os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id; const char *zUtf8Name = zName; char *zNameCp; char zTmpname[CCHMAXPATH]; int isExclusive = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE); int isCreate = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE); int isReadWrite = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE); #ifndef NDEBUG int isDelete = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE); int isReadonly = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY); int eType = (flags & 0xFFFFFF00); int isOpenJournal = (isCreate && ( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL )); #endif UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVfs); assert( id!=0 ); /* Check the following statements are true: ** ** (a) Exactly one of the READWRITE and READONLY flags must be set, and ** (b) if CREATE is set, then READWRITE must also be set, and ** (c) if EXCLUSIVE is set, then CREATE must also be set. ** (d) if DELETEONCLOSE is set, then CREATE must also be set. */ assert((isReadonly==0 || isReadWrite==0) && (isReadWrite || isReadonly)); assert(isCreate==0 || isReadWrite); assert(isExclusive==0 || isCreate); assert(isDelete==0 || isCreate); /* The main DB, main journal, WAL file and master journal are never ** automatically deleted. Nor are they ever temporary files. */ assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ); assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL ); assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL ); assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_WAL ); /* Assert that the upper layer has set one of the "file-type" flags. */ assert( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL ); memset( pFile, 0, sizeof(*pFile) ); pFile->h = (HFILE)-1; /* If the second argument to this function is NULL, generate a ** temporary file name to use */ if( !zUtf8Name ){ assert(isDelete && !isOpenJournal); rc = getTempname(CCHMAXPATH, zTmpname); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ return rc; } zUtf8Name = zTmpname; } if( isReadWrite ){ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE; }else{ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY; } /* Open in random access mode for possibly better speed. Allow full ** sharing because file locks will provide exclusive access when needed. ** The handle should not be inherited by child processes and we don't ** want popups from the critical error handler. */ ulOpenMode |= OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT | OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR; /* SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE is used to make sure that a new file is ** created. SQLite doesn't use it to indicate "exclusive access" ** as it is usually understood. */ if( isExclusive ){ /* Creates a new file, only if it does not already exist. */ /* If the file exists, it fails. */ ulOpenFlags |= OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW | OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_EXISTS; }else if( isCreate ){ /* Open existing file, or create if it doesn't exist */ ulOpenFlags |= OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW | OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS; }else{ /* Opens a file, only if it exists. */ ulOpenFlags |= OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_NEW | OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS; } zNameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zUtf8Name ); rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zNameCp, &h, &ulAction, 0L, FILE_NORMAL, ulOpenFlags, ulOpenMode, (PEAOP2)NULL ); free( zNameCp ); if( rc != NO_ERROR ){ OSTRACE(( "OPEN Invalid handle rc=%d: zName=%s, ulAction=%#lx, ulFlags=%#lx, ulMode=%#lx\n", rc, zUtf8Name, ulAction, ulOpenFlags, ulOpenMode )); if( isReadWrite ){ return os2Open( pVfs, zName, id, ((flags|SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY)&~(SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE|SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE)), pOutFlags ); }else{ return SQLITE_CANTOPEN; } } if( pOutFlags ){ *pOutFlags = isReadWrite ? SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE : SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY; } os2FullPathname( pVfs, zUtf8Name, sizeof( zTmpname ), zTmpname ); pFile->zFullPathCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zTmpname ); pFile->pMethod = &os2IoMethod; pFile->flags = flags; pFile->h = h; OpenCounter(+1); OSTRACE(( "OPEN %d pOutFlags=%d\n", pFile->h, pOutFlags )); return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Delete the named file. */ static int os2Delete( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Not used on os2 */ const char *zFilename, /* Name of file to delete */ int syncDir /* Not used on os2 */ ){ APIRET rc; char *zFilenameCp; SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE ); zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zFilename ); rc = DosDelete( (PSZ)zFilenameCp ); free( zFilenameCp ); OSTRACE(( "DELETE \"%s\"\n", zFilename )); return (rc == NO_ERROR || rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE; } /* ** Check the existance and status of a file. */ static int os2Access( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Not used on os2 */ const char *zFilename, /* Name of file to check */ int flags, /* Type of test to make on this file */ int *pOut /* Write results here */ ){ APIRET rc; FILESTATUS3 fsts3ConfigInfo; char *zFilenameCp; UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVfs); SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; ); zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zFilename ); rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zFilenameCp, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3ConfigInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) ); free( zFilenameCp ); OSTRACE(( "ACCESS fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile=%d flags=%d rc=%d\n", fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile, flags, rc )); switch( flags ){ case SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS: /* For an SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS query, treat a zero-length file ** as if it does not exist. */ if( fsts3ConfigInfo.cbFile == 0 ) rc = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; break; case SQLITE_ACCESS_READ: break; case SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE: if( fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile & FILE_READONLY ) rc = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; break; default: rc = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; assert( !"Invalid flags argument" ); } *pOut = (rc == NO_ERROR); OSTRACE(( "ACCESS %s flags %d: rc=%d\n", zFilename, flags, *pOut )); return SQLITE_OK; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION /* ** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points ................................................................................ ** within the shared library, and closing the shared library. */ /* ** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points ** within the shared library, and closing the shared library. */ static void *os2DlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zFilename){ HMODULE hmod; APIRET rc; char *zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp(zFilename); rc = DosLoadModule(NULL, 0, (PSZ)zFilenameCp, &hmod); free(zFilenameCp); return rc != NO_ERROR ? 0 : (void*)hmod; } /* ** A no-op since the error code is returned on the DosLoadModule call. ** os2Dlopen returns zero if DosLoadModule is not successful. */ static void os2DlError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBufOut){ /* no-op */ } static void (*os2DlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle, const char *zSymbol))(void){ PFN pfn; APIRET rc; rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, (PSZ)zSymbol, &pfn); if( rc != NO_ERROR ){ /* if the symbol itself was not found, search again for the same * symbol with an extra underscore, that might be needed depending * on the calling convention */ char _zSymbol[256] = "_"; strncat(_zSymbol, zSymbol, 254); rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, (PSZ)_zSymbol, &pfn); } return rc != NO_ERROR ? 0 : (void(*)(void))pfn; } static void os2DlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){ DosFreeModule((HMODULE)pHandle); } #else /* if SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION is defined: */ #define os2DlOpen 0 #define os2DlError 0 ................................................................................ */ static int os2Randomness(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf ){ int n = 0; #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) n = nBuf; memset(zBuf, 0, nBuf); #else int i; PPIB ppib; PTIB ptib; DATETIME dt; static unsigned c = 0; /* Ordered by variation probability */ static ULONG svIdx[6] = { QSV_MS_COUNT, QSV_TIME_LOW, QSV_MAXPRMEM, QSV_MAXSHMEM, QSV_TOTAVAILMEM, QSV_TOTRESMEM }; /* 8 bytes; timezone and weekday don't increase the randomness much */ if( (int)sizeof(dt)-3 <= nBuf - n ){ c += 0x0100; DosGetDateTime(&dt); dt.year = (USHORT)((dt.year - 1900) | c); memcpy(&zBuf[n], &dt, sizeof(dt)-3); n += sizeof(dt)-3; } /* 4 bytes; PIDs and TIDs are 16 bit internally, so combine them */ if( (int)sizeof(ULONG) <= nBuf - n ){ DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib); *(PULONG)&zBuf[n] = MAKELONG(ppib->pib_ulpid, ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid); n += sizeof(ULONG); } /* Up to 6 * 4 bytes; variables depend on the system state */ for( i = 0; i < 6 && (int)sizeof(ULONG) <= nBuf - n; i++ ){ DosQuerySysInfo(svIdx[i], svIdx[i], (PULONG)&zBuf[n], sizeof(ULONG)); n += sizeof(ULONG); } #endif return n; } /* ** Sleep for a little while. Return the amount of time slept. ................................................................................ ** returned from sqlite3OsCurrentTime(). This is used for testing. */ #ifdef SQLITE_TEST SQLITE_API int sqlite3_current_time = 0; #endif /* ** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time). Write into *piNow ** the current time and date as a Julian Day number times 86_400_000. In ** other words, write into *piNow the number of milliseconds since the Julian ** epoch of noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C according to the ** proleptic Gregorian calendar. ** ** On success, return 0. Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found. */ static int os2CurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, sqlite3_int64 *piNow){ #ifdef SQLITE_TEST static const sqlite3_int64 unixEpoch = 24405875*(sqlite3_int64)8640000; #endif int year, month, datepart, timepart; DATETIME dt; DosGetDateTime( &dt ); year = dt.year; month = dt.month; /* Calculations from ** ** Calculate the Julian days */ datepart = (int) - 32076 + 1461*(year + 4800 + (month - 14)/12)/4 + 367*(month - 2 - (month - 14)/12*12)/12 - 3*((year + 4900 + (month - 14)/12)/100)/4; /* Time in milliseconds, hours to noon added */ timepart = 12*3600*1000 + dt.hundredths*10 + dt.seconds*1000 + ((int)dt.minutes + dt.timezone)*60*1000 + dt.hours*3600*1000; *piNow = (sqlite3_int64)datepart*86400*1000 + timepart; #ifdef SQLITE_TEST if( sqlite3_current_time ){ *piNow = 1000*(sqlite3_int64)sqlite3_current_time + unixEpoch; } #endif UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVfs); return 0; } /* ** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time). Write the ** current time and date as a Julian Day number into *prNow and ** return 0. Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found. */ static int os2CurrentTime( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *prNow ){ int rc; sqlite3_int64 i; rc = os2CurrentTimeInt64(pVfs, &i); if( !rc ){ *prNow = i/86400000.0; } return rc; } /* ** The idea is that this function works like a combination of ** GetLastError() and FormatMessage() on windows (or errno and ** strerror_r() on unix). After an error is returned by an OS ** function, SQLite calls this function with zBuf pointing to ** a buffer of nBuf bytes. The OS layer should populate the ** buffer with a nul-terminated UTF-8 encoded error message ** describing the last IO error to have occurred within the calling ** thread. ** ** If the error message is too large for the supplied buffer, ** it should be truncated. The return value of xGetLastError ** is zero if the error message fits in the buffer, or non-zero ** otherwise (if the message was truncated). If non-zero is returned, ** then it is not necessary to include the nul-terminator character ** in the output buffer. ** ** Not supplying an error message will have no adverse effect ** on SQLite. It is fine to have an implementation that never ** returns an error message: ** ** int xGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf){ ** assert(zBuf[0]=='\0'); ** return 0; ** } ** ** However if an error message is supplied, it will be incorporated ** by sqlite into the error message available to the user using ** sqlite3_errmsg(), possibly making IO errors easier to debug. */ static int os2GetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf){ assert(zBuf[0]=='\0'); return 0; } /* ** Initialize and deinitialize the operating system interface. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void){ static sqlite3_vfs os2Vfs = { 3, /* iVersion */ sizeof(os2File), /* szOsFile */ CCHMAXPATH, /* mxPathname */ 0, /* pNext */ "os2", /* zName */ 0, /* pAppData */ os2Open, /* xOpen */ ................................................................................ os2DlError, /* xDlError */ os2DlSym, /* xDlSym */ os2DlClose, /* xDlClose */ os2Randomness, /* xRandomness */ os2Sleep, /* xSleep */ os2CurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */ os2GetLastError, /* xGetLastError */ os2CurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */ 0, /* xSetSystemCall */ 0, /* xGetSystemCall */ 0 /* xNextSystemCall */ }; sqlite3_vfs_register(&os2Vfs, 1); initUconvObjects(); /* sqlite3OSTrace = 1; */ return SQLITE_OK; } SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){ freeUconvObjects(); return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ typedef struct unixFile unixFile; struct unixFile { sqlite3_io_methods const *pMethod; /* Always the first entry */ unixInodeInfo *pInode; /* Info about locks on this inode */ int h; /* The file descriptor */ int dirfd; /* File descriptor for the directory */ unsigned char eFileLock; /* The type of lock held on this fd */ unsigned char ctrlFlags; /* Behavioral bits. UNIXFILE_* flags */ int lastErrno; /* The unix errno from last I/O error */ void *lockingContext; /* Locking style specific state */ UnixUnusedFd *pUnused; /* Pre-allocated UnixUnusedFd */ const char *zPath; /* Name of the file */ unixShm *pShm; /* Shared memory segment information */ int szChunk; /* Configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE int openFlags; /* The flags specified at open() */ #endif #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE || defined(__APPLE__) ................................................................................ ** it is larger than the struct CrashFile defined in test6.c. */ char aPadding[32]; #endif }; /* ** Allowed values for the unixFile.ctrlFlags bitmask: */ #define UNIXFILE_EXCL 0x01 /* Connections from one process only */ #define UNIXFILE_RDONLY 0x02 /* Connection is read only */ /* ** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files */ /************** Include os_common.h in the middle of os_unix.c ***************/ /************** Begin file os_common.h ***************************************/ /* ................................................................................ #ifndef O_NOFOLLOW # define O_NOFOLLOW 0 #endif #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif /* ** The threadid macro resolves to the thread-id or to 0. Used for ** testing and debugging only. */ #if SQLITE_THREADSAFE #define threadid pthread_self() #else #define threadid 0 #endif /* ** Many system calls are accessed through pointer-to-functions so that ** they may be overridden at runtime to facilitate fault injection during ** testing and sandboxing. The following array holds the names and pointers ** to all overrideable system calls. */ static struct unix_syscall { const char *zName; /* Name of the sytem call */ sqlite3_syscall_ptr pCurrent; /* Current value of the system call */ sqlite3_syscall_ptr pDefault; /* Default value */ } aSyscall[] = { { "open", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)open, 0 }, #define osOpen ((int(*)(const char*,int,int))aSyscall[0].pCurrent) { "close", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)close, 0 }, #define osClose ((int(*)(int))aSyscall[1].pCurrent) { "access", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)access, 0 }, #define osAccess ((int(*)(const char*,int))aSyscall[2].pCurrent) { "getcwd", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)getcwd, 0 }, #define osGetcwd ((char*(*)(char*,size_t))aSyscall[3].pCurrent) { "stat", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)stat, 0 }, #define osStat ((int(*)(const char*,struct stat*))aSyscall[4].pCurrent) /* ** The DJGPP compiler environment looks mostly like Unix, but it ** lacks the fcntl() system call. So redefine fcntl() to be something ** that always succeeds. This means that locking does not occur under ** DJGPP. But it is DOS - what did you expect? */ #ifdef __DJGPP__ { "fstat", 0, 0 }, #define osFstat(a,b,c) 0 #else { "fstat", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fstat, 0 }, #define osFstat ((int(*)(int,struct stat*))aSyscall[5].pCurrent) #endif { "ftruncate", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)ftruncate, 0 }, #define osFtruncate ((int(*)(int,off_t))aSyscall[6].pCurrent) { "fcntl", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fcntl, 0 }, #define osFcntl ((int(*)(int,int,...))aSyscall[7].pCurrent) { "read", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)read, 0 }, #define osRead ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t))aSyscall[8].pCurrent) #if defined(USE_PREAD) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE) { "pread", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread, 0 }, #else { "pread", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0, 0 }, #endif #define osPread ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[9].pCurrent) #if defined(USE_PREAD64) { "pread64", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread64, 0 }, #else { "pread64", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0, 0 }, #endif #define osPread64 ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[10].pCurrent) { "write", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)write, 0 }, #define osWrite ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t))aSyscall[11].pCurrent) #if defined(USE_PREAD) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE) { "pwrite", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite, 0 }, #else { "pwrite", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0, 0 }, #endif #define osPwrite ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\ aSyscall[12].pCurrent) #if defined(USE_PREAD64) { "pwrite64", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite64, 0 }, #else { "pwrite64", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0, 0 }, #endif #define osPwrite64 ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\ aSyscall[13].pCurrent) #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE { "fchmod", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fchmod, 0 }, #else { "fchmod", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0, 0 }, #endif #define osFchmod ((int(*)(int,mode_t))aSyscall[14].pCurrent) #if defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) && HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE { "fallocate", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posix_fallocate, 0 }, #else { "fallocate", (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0, 0 }, #endif #define osFallocate ((int(*)(int,off_t,off_t))aSyscall[15].pCurrent) }; /* End of the overrideable system calls */ /* ** This is the xSetSystemCall() method of sqlite3_vfs for all of the ** "unix" VFSes. Return SQLITE_OK opon successfully updating the ** system call pointer, or SQLITE_NOTFOUND if there is no configurable ** system call named zName. */ static int unixSetSystemCall( sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed, /* The VFS pointer. Not used */ const char *zName, /* Name of system call to override */ sqlite3_syscall_ptr pNewFunc /* Pointer to new system call value */ ){ unsigned int i; int rc = SQLITE_NOTFOUND; UNUSED_PARAMETER(pNotUsed); if( zName==0 ){ /* If no zName is given, restore all system calls to their default ** settings and return NULL */ rc = SQLITE_OK; for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){ if( aSyscall[i].pDefault ){ aSyscall[i].pCurrent = aSyscall[i].pDefault; } } }else{ /* If zName is specified, operate on only the one system call ** specified. */ for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){ if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ){ if( aSyscall[i].pDefault==0 ){ aSyscall[i].pDefault = aSyscall[i].pCurrent; } rc = SQLITE_OK; if( pNewFunc==0 ) pNewFunc = aSyscall[i].pDefault; aSyscall[i].pCurrent = pNewFunc; break; } } } return rc; } /* ** Return the value of a system call. Return NULL if zName is not a ** recognized system call name. NULL is also returned if the system call ** is currently undefined. */ static sqlite3_syscall_ptr unixGetSystemCall( sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed, const char *zName ){ unsigned int i; UNUSED_PARAMETER(pNotUsed); for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){ if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) return aSyscall[i].pCurrent; } return 0; } /* ** Return the name of the first system call after zName. If zName==NULL ** then return the name of the first system call. Return NULL if zName ** is the last system call or if zName is not the name of a valid ** system call. */ static const char *unixNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs *p, const char *zName){ int i = -1; UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); if( zName ){ for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aSyscall)-1; i++){ if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) break; } } for(i++; i<ArraySize(aSyscall); i++){ if( aSyscall[i].pCurrent!=0 ) return aSyscall[i].zName; } return 0; } /* ** Retry open() calls that fail due to EINTR */ static int robust_open(const char *z, int f, int m){ int rc; do{ rc = osOpen(z,f,m); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR ); return rc; } /* ** Helper functions to obtain and relinquish the global mutex. The ** global mutex is used to protect the unixInodeInfo and ** vxworksFileId objects used by this file, all of which may be ** shared by multiple threads. ** ................................................................................ int s; int savedErrno; if( op==F_GETLK ){ zOpName = "GETLK"; }else if( op==F_SETLK ){ zOpName = "SETLK"; }else{ s = osFcntl(fd, op, p); sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl unknown %d %d %d\n", fd, op, s); return s; } if( p->l_type==F_RDLCK ){ zType = "RDLCK"; }else if( p->l_type==F_WRLCK ){ zType = "WRLCK"; }else if( p->l_type==F_UNLCK ){ zType = "UNLCK"; }else{ assert( 0 ); } assert( p->l_whence==SEEK_SET ); s = osFcntl(fd, op, p); savedErrno = errno; sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl %d %d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n", threadid, fd, zOpName, zType, (int)p->l_start, (int)p->l_len, (int)p->l_pid, s); if( s==(-1) && op==F_SETLK && (p->l_type==F_RDLCK || p->l_type==F_WRLCK) ){ struct flock l2; l2 = *p; osFcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &l2); if( l2.l_type==F_RDLCK ){ zType = "RDLCK"; }else if( l2.l_type==F_WRLCK ){ zType = "WRLCK"; }else if( l2.l_type==F_UNLCK ){ zType = "UNLCK"; }else{ ................................................................................ } sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl-failure-reason: %s %d %d %d\n", zType, (int)l2.l_start, (int)l2.l_len, (int)l2.l_pid); } errno = savedErrno; return s; } #undef osFcntl #define osFcntl lockTrace #endif /* SQLITE_LOCK_TRACE */ /* ** Retry ftruncate() calls that fail due to EINTR */ static int robust_ftruncate(int h, sqlite3_int64 sz){ int rc; do{ rc = osFtruncate(h,sz); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR ); return rc; } /* ** This routine translates a standard POSIX errno code into something ** useful to the clients of the sqlite3 functions. Specifically, it is ** intended to translate a variety of "try again" errors into SQLITE_BUSY ** and a variety of "please close the file descriptor NOW" errors into ** SQLITE_IOERR ** ** Errors during initialization of locks, or file system support for locks, ** should handle ENOLCK, ENOTSUP, EOPNOTSUPP separately. */ static int sqliteErrorFromPosixError(int posixError, int sqliteIOErr) { switch (posixError) { #if 0 /* At one point this code was not commented out. In theory, this branch ** should never be hit, as this function should only be called after ** a locking-related function (i.e. fcntl()) has returned non-zero with ** the value of errno as the first argument. Since a system call has failed, ** errno should be non-zero. ** ** Despite this, if errno really is zero, we still don't want to return ** SQLITE_OK. The system call failed, and *some* SQLite error should be ** propagated back to the caller. Commenting this branch out means errno==0 ** will be handled by the "default:" case below. */ case 0: return SQLITE_OK; #endif case EAGAIN: case ETIMEDOUT: case EBUSY: case EINTR: case ENOLCK: /* random NFS retry error, unless during file system support * introspection, in which it actually means what it says */ ................................................................................ (sqliteIOErr == SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK) ){ return SQLITE_BUSY; } /* else fall through */ case EPERM: return SQLITE_PERM; /* EDEADLK is only possible if a call to fcntl(F_SETLKW) is made. And ** this module never makes such a call. And the code in SQLite itself ** asserts that SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED is never returned. For these reasons ** this case is also commented out. If the system does set errno to EDEADLK, ** the default SQLITE_IOERR_XXX code will be returned. */ #if 0 case EDEADLK: return SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED; #endif #if EOPNOTSUPP!=ENOTSUP case EOPNOTSUPP: /* something went terribly awry, unless during file system support * introspection, in which it actually means what it says */ #endif #ifdef ENOTSUP ................................................................................ ** A single inode can have multiple file descriptors, so each unixFile ** structure contains a pointer to an instance of this object and this ** object keeps a count of the number of unixFile pointing to it. */ struct unixInodeInfo { struct unixFileId fileId; /* The lookup key */ int nShared; /* Number of SHARED locks held */ unsigned char eFileLock; /* One of SHARED_LOCK, RESERVED_LOCK etc. */ unsigned char bProcessLock; /* An exclusive process lock is held */ int nRef; /* Number of pointers to this structure */ unixShmNode *pShmNode; /* Shared memory associated with this inode */ int nLock; /* Number of outstanding file locks */ UnixUnusedFd *pUnused; /* Unused file descriptors to close */ unixInodeInfo *pNext; /* List of all unixInodeInfo objects */ unixInodeInfo *pPrev; /* .... doubly linked */ #if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE) ................................................................................ /* ** A lists of all unixInodeInfo objects. */ static unixInodeInfo *inodeList = 0; /* ** ** This function - unixLogError_x(), is only ever called via the macro ** unixLogError(). ** ** It is invoked after an error occurs in an OS function and errno has been ** set. It logs a message using sqlite3_log() containing the current value of ** errno and, if possible, the human-readable equivalent from strerror() or ** strerror_r(). ** ** The first argument passed to the macro should be the error code that ** will be returned to SQLite (e.g. SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, SQLITE_CANTOPEN). ** The two subsequent arguments should be the name of the OS function that ** failed (e.g. "unlink", "open") and the the associated file-system path, ** if any. */ #define unixLogError(a,b,c) unixLogErrorAtLine(a,b,c,__LINE__) static int unixLogErrorAtLine( int errcode, /* SQLite error code */ const char *zFunc, /* Name of OS function that failed */ const char *zPath, /* File path associated with error */ int iLine /* Source line number where error occurred */ ){ char *zErr; /* Message from strerror() or equivalent */ int iErrno = errno; /* Saved syscall error number */ /* If this is not a threadsafe build (SQLITE_THREADSAFE==0), then use ** the strerror() function to obtain the human-readable error message ** equivalent to errno. Otherwise, use strerror_r(). */ #if SQLITE_THREADSAFE && defined(HAVE_STRERROR_R) char aErr[80]; memset(aErr, 0, sizeof(aErr)); zErr = aErr; /* If STRERROR_R_CHAR_P (set by autoconf scripts) or __USE_GNU is defined, ** assume that the system provides the the GNU version of strerror_r() that ** returns a pointer to a buffer containing the error message. That pointer ** may point to aErr[], or it may point to some static storage somewhere. ** Otherwise, assume that the system provides the POSIX version of ** strerror_r(), which always writes an error message into aErr[]. ** ** If the code incorrectly assumes that it is the POSIX version that is ** available, the error message will often be an empty string. Not a ** huge problem. Incorrectly concluding that the GNU version is available ** could lead to a segfault though. */ #if defined(STRERROR_R_CHAR_P) || defined(__USE_GNU) zErr = # endif strerror_r(iErrno, aErr, sizeof(aErr)-1); #elif SQLITE_THREADSAFE /* This is a threadsafe build, but strerror_r() is not available. */ zErr = ""; #else /* Non-threadsafe build, use strerror(). */ zErr = strerror(iErrno); #endif assert( errcode!=SQLITE_OK ); if( zPath==0 ) zPath = ""; sqlite3_log(errcode, "os_unix.c:%d: (%d) %s(%s) - %s", iLine, iErrno, zFunc, zPath, zErr ); return errcode; } /* ** Close a file descriptor. ** ** We assume that close() almost always works, since it is only in a ** very sick application or on a very sick platform that it might fail. ** If it does fail, simply leak the file descriptor, but do log the ** error. ** ** Note that it is not safe to retry close() after EINTR since the ** file descriptor might have already been reused by another thread. ** So we don't even try to recover from an EINTR. Just log the error ** and move on. */ static void robust_close(unixFile *pFile, int h, int lineno){ if( osClose(h) ){ unixLogErrorAtLine(SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE, "close", pFile ? pFile->zPath : 0, lineno); } } /* ** Close all file descriptors accumuated in the unixInodeInfo->pUnused list. */ static void closePendingFds(unixFile *pFile){ unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; UnixUnusedFd *p; UnixUnusedFd *pNext; for(p=pInode->pUnused; p; p=pNext){ pNext = p->pNext; robust_close(pFile, p->fd, __LINE__); sqlite3_free(p); } pInode->pUnused = 0; } /* ** Release a unixInodeInfo structure previously allocated by findInodeInfo(). ** ** The mutex entered using the unixEnterMutex() function must be held ** when this function is called. */ static void releaseInodeInfo(unixFile *pFile){ unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; assert( unixMutexHeld() ); if( ALWAYS(pInode) ){ pInode->nRef--; if( pInode->nRef==0 ){ assert( pInode->pShmNode==0 ); closePendingFds(pFile); if( pInode->pPrev ){ assert( pInode->pPrev->pNext==pInode ); pInode->pPrev->pNext = pInode->pNext; ................................................................................ assert( unixMutexHeld() ); /* Get low-level information about the file that we can used to ** create a unique name for the file. */ fd = pFile->h; rc = osFstat(fd, &statbuf); if( rc!=0 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; #ifdef EOVERFLOW if( pFile->lastErrno==EOVERFLOW ) return SQLITE_NOLFS; #endif return SQLITE_IOERR; } ................................................................................ ** prior to accessing the inode number. The one byte written is ** an ASCII 'S' character which also happens to be the first byte ** in the header of every SQLite database. In this way, if there ** is a race condition such that another thread has already populated ** the first page of the database, no damage is done. */ if( statbuf.st_size==0 && (pFile->fsFlags & SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS)!=0 ){ do{ rc = osWrite(fd, "S", 1); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR ); if( rc!=1 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR; } rc = osFstat(fd, &statbuf); if( rc!=0 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR; } } #endif ................................................................................ if( pFile->pInode->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){ reserved = 1; } /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it. */ #ifndef __DJGPP__ if( !reserved && !pFile->pInode->bProcessLock ){ struct flock lock; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE; lock.l_len = 1; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; if( osFcntl(pFile->h, F_GETLK, &lock) ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK; pFile->lastErrno = errno; } else if( lock.l_type!=F_UNLCK ){ reserved = 1; } } #endif unixLeaveMutex(); OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (unix)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved)); *pResOut = reserved; return rc; } /* ** Attempt to set a system-lock on the file pFile. The lock is ** described by pLock. ** ** If the pFile was opened read/write from unix-excl, then the only lock ** ever obtained is an exclusive lock, and it is obtained exactly once ** the first time any lock is attempted. All subsequent system locking ** operations become no-ops. Locking operations still happen internally, ** in order to coordinate access between separate database connections ** within this process, but all of that is handled in memory and the ** operating system does not participate. ** ** This function is a pass-through to fcntl(F_SETLK) if pFile is using ** any VFS other than "unix-excl" or if pFile is opened on "unix-excl" ** and is read-only. ** ** Zero is returned if the call completes successfully, or -1 if a call ** to fcntl() fails. In this case, errno is set appropriately (by fcntl()). */ static int unixFileLock(unixFile *pFile, struct flock *pLock){ int rc; unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; assert( unixMutexHeld() ); assert( pInode!=0 ); if( ((pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_EXCL)!=0 || pInode->bProcessLock) && ((pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_RDONLY)==0) ){ if( pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){ struct flock lock; assert( pInode->nLock==0 ); lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; rc = osFcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock); if( rc<0 ) return rc; pInode->bProcessLock = 1; pInode->nLock++; }else{ rc = 0; } }else{ rc = osFcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, pLock); } return rc; } /* ** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter eFileLock - one ** of the following: ** ** (1) SHARED_LOCK ** (2) RESERVED_LOCK ................................................................................ ** locking a random byte from a range, concurrent SHARED locks may exist ** even if the locking primitive used is always a write-lock. */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id; unixInodeInfo *pInode = pFile->pInode; struct flock lock; int tErrno = 0; assert( pFile ); OSTRACE(("LOCK %d %s was %s(%s,%d) pid=%d (unix)\n", pFile->h, azFileLock(eFileLock), azFileLock(pFile->eFileLock), azFileLock(pInode->eFileLock), pInode->nShared , getpid())); ................................................................................ lock.l_len = 1L; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || (eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->eFileLock<PENDING_LOCK) ){ lock.l_type = (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK?F_RDLCK:F_WRLCK); lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_lock; } } /* If control gets to this point, then actually go ahead and make ** operating system calls for the specified lock. */ if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){ assert( pInode->nShared==0 ); assert( pInode->eFileLock==0 ); assert( rc==SQLITE_OK ); /* Now get the read-lock */ lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); } /* Drop the temporary PENDING lock */ lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE; lock.l_len = 1L; lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) && rc==SQLITE_OK ){ /* This could happen with a network mount */ tErrno = errno; rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; } if( rc ){ if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_lock; }else{ pFile->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK; pInode->nLock++; pInode->nShared = 1; } }else if( eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pInode->nShared>1 ){ /* We are trying for an exclusive lock but another thread in this ................................................................................ }else{ /* The request was for a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock. It is ** assumed that there is a SHARED or greater lock on the file ** already. */ assert( 0!=pFile->eFileLock ); lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; assert( eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK || eFileLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ); if( eFileLock==RESERVED_LOCK ){ lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE; lock.l_len = 1L; }else{ lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; } if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } } } #ifndef NDEBUG ................................................................................ ** ** If handleNFSUnlock is true, then on downgrading an EXCLUSIVE_LOCK to SHARED ** the byte range is divided into 2 parts and the first part is unlocked then ** set to a read lock, then the other part is simply unlocked. This works ** around a bug in BSD NFS lockd (also seen on MacOSX 10.3+) that fails to ** remove the write lock on a region when a read lock is set. */ static int posixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock, int handleNFSUnlock){ unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id; unixInodeInfo *pInode; struct flock lock; int rc = SQLITE_OK; int h; assert( pFile ); OSTRACE(("UNLOCK %d %d was %d(%d,%d) pid=%d (unix)\n", pFile->h, eFileLock, pFile->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->eFileLock, pFile->pInode->nShared, getpid())); assert( eFileLock<=SHARED_LOCK ); ................................................................................ ** write lock until the rest is covered by a read lock: ** 1: [WWWWW] ** 2: [....W] ** 3: [RRRRW] ** 4: [RRRR.] */ if( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK ){ #if !defined(__APPLE__) || !SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE (void)handleNFSUnlock; assert( handleNFSUnlock==0 ); #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE if( handleNFSUnlock ){ int tErrno; /* Error code from system call errors */ off_t divSize = SHARED_SIZE - 1; lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = divSize; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = divSize; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST+divSize; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE-divSize; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==(-1) ){ tErrno = errno; rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } goto end_unlock; } }else #endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */ { lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST; lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE; if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock) ){ /* In theory, the call to unixFileLock() cannot fail because another ** process is holding an incompatible lock. If it does, this ** indicates that the other process is not following the locking ** protocol. If this happens, return SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK. Returning ** SQLITE_BUSY would confuse the upper layer (in practice it causes ** an assert to fail). */ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK; pFile->lastErrno = errno; goto end_unlock; } } } lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE; lock.l_len = 2L; assert( PENDING_BYTE+1==RESERVED_BYTE ); if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==0 ){ pInode->eFileLock = SHARED_LOCK; }else{ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; pFile->lastErrno = errno; goto end_unlock; } } if( eFileLock==NO_LOCK ){ /* Decrement the shared lock counter. Release the lock using an ** OS call only when all threads in this same process have released ** the lock. ................................................................................ if( pInode->nShared==0 ){ lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0L; SimulateIOErrorBenign(1); SimulateIOError( h=(-1) ) SimulateIOErrorBenign(0); if( unixFileLock(pFile, &lock)==0 ){ pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; }else{ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; pFile->lastErrno = errno; pInode->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; } } /* Decrement the count of locks against this same file. When the ** count reaches zero, close any other file descriptors whose close ** was deferred because of outstanding locks. */ pInode->nLock--; assert( pInode->nLock>=0 ); if( pInode->nLock==0 ){ closePendingFds(pFile); } } end_unlock: unixLeaveMutex(); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return rc; ................................................................................ ** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock. eFileLock ** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK. ** ** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op. */ static int unixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){ return posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 0); } /* ** This function performs the parts of the "close file" operation ** common to all locking schemes. It closes the directory and file ** handles, if they are valid, and sets all fields of the unixFile ** structure to 0. ................................................................................ ** ** It is *not* necessary to hold the mutex when this routine is called, ** even on VxWorks. A mutex will be acquired on VxWorks by the ** vxworksReleaseFileId() routine. */ static int closeUnixFile(sqlite3_file *id){ unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id; if( pFile->dirfd>=0 ){ robust_close(pFile, pFile->dirfd, __LINE__); pFile->dirfd=-1; } if( pFile->h>=0 ){ robust_close(pFile, pFile->h, __LINE__); pFile->h = -1; } #if OS_VXWORKS if( pFile->pId ){ if( pFile->isDelete ){ unlink(pFile->pId->zCanonicalName); } vxworksReleaseFileId(pFile->pId); pFile->pId = 0; } #endif OSTRACE(("CLOSE %-3d\n", pFile->h)); OpenCounter(-1); sqlite3_free(pFile->pUnused); memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(unixFile)); return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Close a file. */ static int unixClose(sqlite3_file *id){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id; unixUnlock(id, NO_LOCK); unixEnterMutex(); /* unixFile.pInode is always valid here. Otherwise, a different close ** routine (e.g. nolockClose()) would be called instead. */ assert( pFile->pInode->nLock>0 || pFile->pInode->bProcessLock==0 ); if( ALWAYS(pFile->pInode) && pFile->pInode->nLock ){ /* If there are outstanding locks, do not actually close the file just ** yet because that would clear those locks. Instead, add the file ** descriptor to pInode->pUnused list. It will be automatically closed ** when the last lock is cleared. */ setPendingFd(pFile); } releaseInodeInfo(pFile); rc = closeUnixFile(id); unixLeaveMutex(); return rc; } /************** End of the posix advisory lock implementation ***************** ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ................................................................................ if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){ /* Either this connection or some other connection in the same process ** holds a lock on the file. No need to check further. */ reserved = 1; }else{ /* The lock is held if and only if the lockfile exists */ const char *zLockFile = (const char*)pFile->lockingContext; reserved = osAccess(zLockFile, 0)==0; } OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d %d (dotlock)\n", pFile->h, rc, reserved)); *pResOut = reserved; return rc; } /* ................................................................................ /* Always update the timestamp on the old file */ utimes(zLockFile, NULL); #endif return SQLITE_OK; } /* grab an exclusive lock */ fd = robust_open(zLockFile,O_RDONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,0600); if( fd<0 ){ /* failed to open/create the file, someone else may have stolen the lock */ int tErrno = errno; if( EEXIST == tErrno ){ rc = SQLITE_BUSY; } else { rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } } return rc; } robust_close(pFile, fd, __LINE__); /* got it, set the type and return ok */ pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return rc; } /* ................................................................................ /* To fully unlock the database, delete the lock file */ assert( eFileLock==NO_LOCK ); if( unlink(zLockFile) ){ int rc = 0; int tErrno = errno; if( ENOENT != tErrno ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; } if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } return rc; } pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; ................................................................................ ** only a single process can be reading the database at a time. ** ** Omit this section if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE is turned off or if ** compiling for VXWORKS. */ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && !OS_VXWORKS /* ** Retry flock() calls that fail with EINTR */ #ifdef EINTR static int robust_flock(int fd, int op){ int rc; do{ rc = flock(fd,op); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR ); return rc; } #else # define robust_flock(a,b) flock(a,b) #endif /* ** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified ** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut ** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero. The return value ** is set to SQLITE_OK unless an I/O error occurs during lock checking. */ static int flockCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut){ ................................................................................ if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){ reserved = 1; } /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it. */ if( !reserved ){ /* attempt to get the lock */ int lrc = robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); if( !lrc ){ /* got the lock, unlock it */ lrc = robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN); if ( lrc ) { int tErrno = errno; /* unlock failed with an error */ lrc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(lrc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; rc = lrc; } } } else { int tErrno = errno; ................................................................................ if (pFile->eFileLock > NO_LOCK) { pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return SQLITE_OK; } /* grab an exclusive lock */ if (robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { int tErrno = errno; /* didn't get, must be busy */ rc = sqliteErrorFromPosixError(tErrno, SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK); if( IS_LOCK_ERROR(rc) ){ pFile->lastErrno = tErrno; } } else { ................................................................................ /* shared can just be set because we always have an exclusive */ if (eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK) { pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return SQLITE_OK; } /* no, really, unlock. */ if( robust_flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN) ){ #ifdef SQLITE_IGNORE_FLOCK_LOCK_ERRORS return SQLITE_OK; #endif /* SQLITE_IGNORE_FLOCK_LOCK_ERRORS */ return SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; }else{ pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; return SQLITE_OK; } } /* ** Close a file. ................................................................................ pFile->eFileLock = NO_LOCK; } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInode->nLock--; assert( pInode->nLock>=0 ); if( pInode->nLock==0 ){ closePendingFds(pFile); } } } unixLeaveMutex(); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) pFile->eFileLock = eFileLock; return rc; ................................................................................ ** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to eFileLock. eFileLock ** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK. ** ** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op. */ static int nfsUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){ return posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 1); } #endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE */ /* ** The code above is the NFS lock implementation. The code is specific ** to MacOSX and does not work on other unix platforms. No alternative ** is available. ................................................................................ static int seekAndRead(unixFile *id, sqlite3_int64 offset, void *pBuf, int cnt){ int got; #if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64)) i64 newOffset; #endif TIMER_START; #if defined(USE_PREAD) do{ got = osPread(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR ); SimulateIOError( got = -1 ); #elif defined(USE_PREAD64) do{ got = osPread64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR); SimulateIOError( got = -1 ); #else newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET); SimulateIOError( newOffset-- ); if( newOffset!=offset ){ if( newOffset == -1 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; }else{ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0; } return -1; } do{ got = osRead(id->h, pBuf, cnt); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR ); #endif TIMER_END; if( got<0 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; } OSTRACE(("READ %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED)); return got; ................................................................................ static int seekAndWrite(unixFile *id, i64 offset, const void *pBuf, int cnt){ int got; #if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64)) i64 newOffset; #endif TIMER_START; #if defined(USE_PREAD) do{ got = osPwrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR ); #elif defined(USE_PREAD64) do{ got = osPwrite64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset);}while( got<0 && errno==EINTR); #else newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET); SimulateIOError( newOffset-- ); if( newOffset!=offset ){ if( newOffset == -1 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; }else{ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0; } return -1; } do{ got = osWrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR ); #endif TIMER_END; if( got<0 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; } OSTRACE(("WRITE %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED)); ................................................................................ /* If we compiled with the SQLITE_NO_SYNC flag, then syncing is a ** no-op */ #ifdef SQLITE_NO_SYNC rc = SQLITE_OK; #elif HAVE_FULLFSYNC if( fullSync ){ rc = osFcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC, 0); }else{ rc = 1; } /* If the FULLFSYNC failed, fall back to attempting an fsync(). ** It shouldn't be possible for fullfsync to fail on the local ** file system (on OSX), so failure indicates that FULLFSYNC ** isn't supported for this file system. So, attempt an fsync ................................................................................ assert( pFile ); OSTRACE(("SYNC %-3d\n", pFile->h)); rc = full_fsync(pFile->h, isFullsync, isDataOnly); SimulateIOError( rc=1 ); if( rc ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC, "full_fsync", pFile->zPath); } if( pFile->dirfd>=0 ){ OSTRACE(("DIRSYNC %-3d (have_fullfsync=%d fullsync=%d)\n", pFile->dirfd, HAVE_FULLFSYNC, isFullsync)); #ifndef SQLITE_DISABLE_DIRSYNC /* The directory sync is only attempted if full_fsync is ** turned off or unavailable. If a full_fsync occurred above, ** then the directory sync is superfluous. */ ................................................................................ ** A failed directory sync is not a big deal. So it seems ** better to ignore the error. Ticket #1657 */ /* pFile->lastErrno = errno; */ /* return SQLITE_IOERR; */ } #endif /* Only need to sync once, so close the directory when we are done */ robust_close(pFile, pFile->dirfd, __LINE__); pFile->dirfd = -1; } return rc; } /* ** Truncate an open file to a specified size */ ................................................................................ ** actual file size after the operation may be larger than the requested ** size). */ if( pFile->szChunk ){ nByte = ((nByte + pFile->szChunk - 1)/pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk; } rc = robust_ftruncate(pFile->h, (off_t)nByte); if( rc ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, "ftruncate", pFile->zPath); }else{ #ifndef NDEBUG /* If we are doing a normal write to a database file (as opposed to ** doing a hot-journal rollback or a write to some file other than a ** normal database file) and we truncate the file to zero length, ** that effectively updates the change counter. This might happen ** when restoring a database using the backup API from a zero-length ................................................................................ /* ** Determine the current size of a file in bytes */ static int unixFileSize(sqlite3_file *id, i64 *pSize){ int rc; struct stat buf; assert( id ); rc = osFstat(((unixFile*)id)->h, &buf); SimulateIOError( rc=1 ); if( rc!=0 ){ ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT; } *pSize = buf.st_size; ................................................................................ ** SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT operation is a no-op for Unix. */ static int fcntlSizeHint(unixFile *pFile, i64 nByte){ if( pFile->szChunk ){ i64 nSize; /* Required file size */ struct stat buf; /* Used to hold return values of fstat() */ if( osFstat(pFile->h, &buf) ) return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT; nSize = ((nByte+pFile->szChunk-1) / pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk; if( nSize>(i64)buf.st_size ){ #if defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) && HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE /* The code below is handling the return value of osFallocate() ** correctly. posix_fallocate() is defined to "returns zero on success, ** or an error number on failure". See the manpage for details. */ int err; do{ err = osFallocate(pFile->h, buf.st_size, nSize-buf.st_size); }while( err==EINTR ); if( err ) return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE; #else /* If the OS does not have posix_fallocate(), fake it. First use ** ftruncate() to set the file size, then write a single byte to ** the last byte in each block within the extended region. This ** is the same technique used by glibc to implement posix_fallocate() ** on systems that do not have a real fallocate() system call. */ int nBlk = buf.st_blksize; /* File-system block size */ i64 iWrite; /* Next offset to write to */ if( robust_ftruncate(pFile->h, nSize) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, "ftruncate", pFile->zPath); } iWrite = ((buf.st_size + 2*nBlk - 1)/nBlk)*nBlk-1; while( iWrite<nSize ){ int nWrite = seekAndWrite(pFile, iWrite, "", 1); if( nWrite!=1 ) return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE; iWrite += nBlk; } #endif } } return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ /* Shared locks never span more than one byte */ assert( n==1 || lockType!=F_RDLCK ); /* Locks are within range */ assert( n>=1 && n<SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK ); if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){ /* Initialize the locking parameters */ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); f.l_type = lockType; f.l_whence = SEEK_SET; f.l_start = ofst; f.l_len = n; rc = osFcntl(pShmNode->h, F_SETLK, &f); rc = (rc!=(-1)) ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_BUSY; } /* Update the global lock state and do debug tracing */ #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG { u16 mask; OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK ")); mask = (1<<(ofst+n)) - (1<<ofst); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ ................................................................................ unixShmNode *p = pFd->pInode->pShmNode; assert( unixMutexHeld() ); if( p && p->nRef==0 ){ int i; assert( p->pInode==pFd->pInode ); if( p->mutex ) sqlite3_mutex_free(p->mutex); for(i=0; i<p->nRegion; i++){ if( p->h>=0 ){ munmap(p->apRegion[i], p->szRegion); }else{ sqlite3_free(p->apRegion[i]); } } sqlite3_free(p->apRegion); if( p->h>=0 ){ robust_close(pFd, p->h, __LINE__); p->h = -1; } p->pInode->pShmNode = 0; sqlite3_free(p); } } /* ** Open a shared-memory area associated with open database file pDbFd. ................................................................................ ** same database file at the same time, database corruption will likely ** result. The SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY compile-time option is considered ** "unsupported" and may go away in a future SQLite release. ** ** When opening a new shared-memory file, if no other instances of that ** file are currently open, in this process or in other processes, then ** the file must be truncated to zero length or have its header cleared. ** ** If the original database file (pDbFd) is using the "unix-excl" VFS ** that means that an exclusive lock is held on the database file and ** that no other processes are able to read or write the database. In ** that case, we do not really need shared memory. No shared memory ** file is created. The shared memory will be simulated with heap memory. */ static int unixOpenSharedMemory(unixFile *pDbFd){ struct unixShm *p = 0; /* The connection to be opened */ struct unixShmNode *pShmNode; /* The underlying mmapped file */ int rc; /* Result code */ unixInodeInfo *pInode; /* The inode of fd */ char *zShmFilename; /* Name of the file used for SHM */ ................................................................................ struct stat sStat; /* fstat() info for database file */ /* Call fstat() to figure out the permissions on the database file. If ** a new *-shm file is created, an attempt will be made to create it ** with the same permissions. The actual permissions the file is created ** with are subject to the current umask setting. */ if( osFstat(pDbFd->h, &sStat) && pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT; goto shm_open_err; } #ifdef SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY nShmFilename = sizeof(SQLITE_SHM_DIRECTORY) + 30; #else ................................................................................ pShmNode->pInode = pDbFd->pInode; pShmNode->mutex = sqlite3_mutex_alloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST); if( pShmNode->mutex==0 ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto shm_open_err; } if( pInode->bProcessLock==0 ){ pShmNode->h = robust_open(zShmFilename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, (sStat.st_mode & 0777)); if( pShmNode->h<0 ){ rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zShmFilename); goto shm_open_err; } /* Check to see if another process is holding the dead-man switch. ** If not, truncate the file to zero length. */ rc = SQLITE_OK; if( unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_WRLCK, UNIX_SHM_DMS, 1)==SQLITE_OK ){ if( robust_ftruncate(pShmNode->h, 0) ){ rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN, "ftruncate", zShmFilename); } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = unixShmSystemLock(pShmNode, F_RDLCK, UNIX_SHM_DMS, 1); } if( rc ) goto shm_open_err; } } /* Make the new connection a child of the unixShmNode */ p->pShmNode = pShmNode; #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG p->id = pShmNode->nextShmId++; #endif ................................................................................ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } p = pDbFd->pShm; pShmNode = p->pShmNode; sqlite3_mutex_enter(pShmNode->mutex); assert( szRegion==pShmNode->szRegion || pShmNode->nRegion==0 ); assert( pShmNode->pInode==pDbFd->pInode ); assert( pShmNode->h>=0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==1 ); assert( pShmNode->h<0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==0 ); if( pShmNode->nRegion<=iRegion ){ char **apNew; /* New apRegion[] array */ int nByte = (iRegion+1)*szRegion; /* Minimum required file size */ struct stat sStat; /* Used by fstat() */ pShmNode->szRegion = szRegion; if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){ /* The requested region is not mapped into this processes address space. ** Check to see if it has been allocated (i.e. if the wal-index file is ** large enough to contain the requested region). */ if( osFstat(pShmNode->h, &sStat) ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE; goto shmpage_out; } if( sStat.st_size<nByte ){ /* The requested memory region does not exist. If bExtend is set to ** false, exit early. *pp will be set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned. ** ** Alternatively, if bExtend is true, use ftruncate() to allocate ** the requested memory region. */ if( !bExtend ) goto shmpage_out; if( robust_ftruncate(pShmNode->h, nByte) ){ rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE, "ftruncate", pShmNode->zFilename); goto shmpage_out; } } } /* Map the requested memory region into this processes address space. */ apNew = (char **)sqlite3_realloc( pShmNode->apRegion, (iRegion+1)*sizeof(char *) ); if( !apNew ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM; goto shmpage_out; } pShmNode->apRegion = apNew; while(pShmNode->nRegion<=iRegion){ void *pMem; if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){ pMem = mmap(0, szRegion, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, pShmNode->h, pShmNode->nRegion*szRegion ); if( pMem==MAP_FAILED ){ rc = SQLITE_IOERR; goto shmpage_out; } }else{ pMem = sqlite3_malloc(szRegion); if( pMem==0 ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto shmpage_out; } memset(pMem, 0, szRegion); } pShmNode->apRegion[pShmNode->nRegion] = pMem; pShmNode->nRegion++; } } shmpage_out: ................................................................................ assert( ofst>=0 && ofst+n<=SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK ); assert( n>=1 ); assert( flags==(SQLITE_SHM_LOCK | SQLITE_SHM_SHARED) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_LOCK | SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK | SQLITE_SHM_SHARED) || flags==(SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK | SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE) ); assert( n==1 || (flags & SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE)!=0 ); assert( pShmNode->h>=0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==1 ); assert( pShmNode->h<0 || pDbFd->pInode->bProcessLock==0 ); mask = (1<<(ofst+n)) - (1<<ofst); assert( n>1 || mask==(1<<ofst) ); sqlite3_mutex_enter(pShmNode->mutex); if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK ){ u16 allMask = 0; /* Mask of locks held by siblings */ ................................................................................ /* If pShmNode->nRef has reached 0, then close the underlying ** shared-memory file, too */ unixEnterMutex(); assert( pShmNode->nRef>0 ); pShmNode->nRef--; if( pShmNode->nRef==0 ){ if( deleteFlag && pShmNode->h>=0 ) unlink(pShmNode->zFilename); unixShmPurge(pDbFd); } unixLeaveMutex(); return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ ** Test byte-range lock using fcntl(). If the call succeeds, ** assume that the file-system supports POSIX style locks. */ lockInfo.l_len = 1; lockInfo.l_start = 0; lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK; if( osFcntl(pNew->h, F_GETLK, &lockInfo)!=-1 ) { if( strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "nfs")==0 ){ return &nfsIoMethods; } else { return &posixIoMethods; } }else{ return &dotlockIoMethods; ................................................................................ /* Test if fcntl() is supported and use POSIX style locks. ** Otherwise fall back to the named semaphore method. */ lockInfo.l_len = 1; lockInfo.l_start = 0; lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK; if( osFcntl(pNew->h, F_GETLK, &lockInfo)!=-1 ) { return &posixIoMethods; }else{ return &semIoMethods; } } static const sqlite3_io_methods *(*const autolockIoFinder)(const char*,unixFile*) = autolockIoFinderImpl; ................................................................................ static int fillInUnixFile( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* Pointer to vfs object */ int h, /* Open file descriptor of file being opened */ int dirfd, /* Directory file descriptor */ sqlite3_file *pId, /* Write to the unixFile structure here */ const char *zFilename, /* Name of the file being opened */ int noLock, /* Omit locking if true */ int isDelete, /* Delete on close if true */ int isReadOnly /* True if the file is opened read-only */ ){ const sqlite3_io_methods *pLockingStyle; unixFile *pNew = (unixFile *)pId; int rc = SQLITE_OK; assert( pNew->pInode==NULL ); ................................................................................ #else assert( zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]=='/' ); #endif OSTRACE(("OPEN %-3d %s\n", h, zFilename)); pNew->h = h; pNew->dirfd = dirfd; pNew->zPath = zFilename; if( memcmp(pVfs->zName,"unix-excl",10)==0 ){ pNew->ctrlFlags = UNIXFILE_EXCL; }else{ pNew->ctrlFlags = 0; } if( isReadOnly ){ pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_RDONLY; } #if OS_VXWORKS pNew->pId = vxworksFindFileId(zFilename); if( pNew->pId==0 ){ noLock = 1; rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } ................................................................................ ** handle h - as it is guaranteed that no posix locks will be released ** by doing so. ** ** If scenario (a) caused the error then things are not so safe. The ** implicit assumption here is that if fstat() fails, things are in ** such bad shape that dropping a lock or two doesn't matter much. */ robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__); h = -1; } unixLeaveMutex(); } #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) else if( pLockingStyle == &afpIoMethods ){ ................................................................................ pCtx->dbPath = zFilename; pCtx->reserved = 0; srandomdev(); unixEnterMutex(); rc = findInodeInfo(pNew, &pNew->pInode); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_free(pNew->lockingContext); robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__); h = -1; } unixLeaveMutex(); } } #endif ................................................................................ unixLeaveMutex(); } #endif pNew->lastErrno = 0; #if OS_VXWORKS if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( h>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__); h = -1; unlink(zFilename); isDelete = 0; } pNew->isDelete = isDelete; #endif if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( dirfd>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, dirfd, __LINE__); if( h>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__); }else{ pNew->pMethod = pLockingStyle; OpenCounter(+1); } return rc; } ................................................................................ int fd = -1; char zDirname[MAX_PATHNAME+1]; sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATHNAME, zDirname, "%s", zFilename); for(ii=(int)strlen(zDirname); ii>1 && zDirname[ii]!='/'; ii--); if( ii>0 ){ zDirname[ii] = '\0'; fd = robust_open(zDirname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0); if( fd>=0 ){ #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC osFcntl(fd, F_SETFD, osFcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC); #endif OSTRACE(("OPENDIR %-3d %s\n", fd, zDirname)); } } *pFd = fd; return (fd>=0?SQLITE_OK:unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zDirname)); } /* ** Return the name of a directory in which to put temporary files. ** If no suitable temporary file directory can be found, return NULL. */ static const char *unixTempFileDir(void){ ................................................................................ struct stat buf; const char *zDir = 0; azDirs[0] = sqlite3_temp_directory; if( !azDirs[1] ) azDirs[1] = getenv("TMPDIR"); for(i=0; i<sizeof(azDirs)/sizeof(azDirs[0]); zDir=azDirs[i++]){ if( zDir==0 ) continue; if( osStat(zDir, &buf) ) continue; if( !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) continue; if( osAccess(zDir, 07) ) continue; break; } return zDir; } /* ** Create a temporary file name in zBuf. zBuf must be allocated ................................................................................ sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-17, zBuf, "%s/"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zDir); j = (int)strlen(zBuf); sqlite3_randomness(15, &zBuf[j]); for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){ zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ]; } zBuf[j] = 0; }while( osAccess(zBuf,0)==0 ); return SQLITE_OK; } #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) /* ** Routine to transform a unixFile into a proxy-locking unixFile. ** Implementation in the proxy-lock division, but used by unixOpen() ................................................................................ mode_t openMode; /* Permissions to create file with */ rc = findCreateFileMode(zName, flags, &openMode); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ assert( !p->pUnused ); assert( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL ); return rc; } fd = robust_open(zName, openFlags, openMode); OSTRACE(("OPENX %-3d %s 0%o\n", fd, zName, openFlags)); if( fd<0 && errno!=EISDIR && isReadWrite && !isExclusive ){ /* Failed to open the file for read/write access. Try read-only. */ flags &= ~(SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE|SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE); openFlags &= ~(O_RDWR|O_CREAT); flags |= SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY; openFlags |= O_RDONLY; isReadonly = 1; fd = robust_open(zName, openFlags, openMode); } if( fd<0 ){ rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "open", zName); goto open_finished; } } assert( fd>=0 ); if( pOutFlags ){ *pOutFlags = flags; } ................................................................................ rc = openDirectory(zPath, &dirfd); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ /* It is safe to close fd at this point, because it is guaranteed not ** to be open on a database file. If it were open on a database file, ** it would not be safe to close as this would release any locks held ** on the file by this process. */ assert( eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ); robust_close(p, fd, __LINE__); goto open_finished; } } #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC osFcntl(fd, F_SETFD, osFcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC); #endif noLock = eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB; #if defined(__APPLE__) || SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE struct statfs fsInfo; if( fstatfs(fd, &fsInfo) == -1 ){ ((unixFile*)pFile)->lastErrno = errno; if( dirfd>=0 ) robust_close(p, dirfd, __LINE__); robust_close(p, fd, __LINE__); return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; } if (0 == strncmp("msdos", fsInfo.f_fstypename, 5)) { ((unixFile*)pFile)->fsFlags |= SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS; } #endif ................................................................................ ** on that file that are currently holding advisory locks on it, ** then the call to close() will cancel those locks. In practice, ** we're assuming that statfs() doesn't fail very often. At least ** not while other file descriptors opened by the same process on ** the same file are working. */ p->lastErrno = errno; if( dirfd>=0 ){ robust_close(p, dirfd, __LINE__); } robust_close(p, fd, __LINE__); rc = SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; goto open_finished; } useProxy = !(fsInfo.f_flags&MNT_LOCAL); } if( useProxy ){ rc = fillInUnixFile(pVfs, fd, dirfd, pFile, zPath, noLock, isDelete, isReadonly); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = proxyTransformUnixFile((unixFile*)pFile, ":auto:"); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ /* Use unixClose to clean up the resources added in fillInUnixFile ** and clear all the structure's references. Specifically, ** pFile->pMethods will be NULL so sqlite3OsClose will be a no-op */ ................................................................................ } } goto open_finished; } } #endif rc = fillInUnixFile(pVfs, fd, dirfd, pFile, zPath, noLock, isDelete, isReadonly); open_finished: if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_free(p->pUnused); } return rc; } ................................................................................ const char *zPath, /* Name of file to be deleted */ int dirSync /* If true, fsync() directory after deleting file */ ){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; UNUSED_PARAMETER(NotUsed); SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE); if( unlink(zPath)==(-1) && errno!=ENOENT ){ return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, "unlink", zPath); } #ifndef SQLITE_DISABLE_DIRSYNC if( dirSync ){ int fd; rc = openDirectory(zPath, &fd); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ #if OS_VXWORKS if( fsync(fd)==-1 ) #else if( fsync(fd) ) #endif { rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC, "fsync", zPath); } robust_close(0, fd, __LINE__); } } #endif return rc; } /* ................................................................................ case SQLITE_ACCESS_READ: amode = R_OK; break; default: assert(!"Invalid flags argument"); } *pResOut = (osAccess(zPath, amode)==0); if( flags==SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS && *pResOut ){ struct stat buf; if( 0==stat(zPath, &buf) && buf.st_size==0 ){ *pResOut = 0; } } return SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVfs); zOut[nOut-1] = '\0'; if( zPath[0]=='/' ){ sqlite3_snprintf(nOut, zOut, "%s", zPath); }else{ int nCwd; if( osGetcwd(zOut, nOut-1)==0 ){ return unixLogError(SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT, "getcwd", zPath); } nCwd = (int)strlen(zOut); sqlite3_snprintf(nOut-nCwd, &zOut[nCwd], "/%s", zPath); } return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ ** that we always use the same random number sequence. This makes the ** tests repeatable. */ memset(zBuf, 0, nBuf); #if !defined(SQLITE_TEST) { int pid, fd; fd = robust_open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY, 0); if( fd<0 ){ time_t t; time(&t); memcpy(zBuf, &t, sizeof(t)); pid = getpid(); memcpy(&zBuf[sizeof(t)], &pid, sizeof(pid)); assert( sizeof(t)+sizeof(pid)<=(size_t)nBuf ); nBuf = sizeof(t) + sizeof(pid); }else{ do{ nBuf = osRead(fd, zBuf, nBuf); }while( nBuf<0 && errno==EINTR ); robust_close(0, fd, __LINE__); } } #endif return nBuf; } ................................................................................ }else{ pUnused = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pUnused)); if( !pUnused ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; } } if( fd<0 ){ fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); terrno = errno; if( fd<0 && errno==ENOENT && islockfile ){ if( proxyCreateLockPath(path) == SQLITE_OK ){ fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } } } if( fd<0 ){ openFlags = O_RDONLY; fd = robust_open(path, openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); terrno = errno; } if( fd<0 ){ if( islockfile ){ return SQLITE_BUSY; } switch (terrno) { ................................................................................ pNew = (unixFile *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pNew)); if( pNew==NULL ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto end_create_proxy; } memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(unixFile)); pNew->openFlags = openFlags; memset(&dummyVfs, 0, sizeof(dummyVfs)); dummyVfs.pAppData = (void*)&autolockIoFinder; dummyVfs.zName = "dummy"; pUnused->fd = fd; pUnused->flags = openFlags; pNew->pUnused = pUnused; rc = fillInUnixFile(&dummyVfs, fd, dirfd, (sqlite3_file*)pNew, path, 0, 0, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ *ppFile = pNew; return SQLITE_OK; } end_create_proxy: robust_close(pNew, fd, __LINE__); sqlite3_free(pNew); sqlite3_free(pUnused); return rc; } #ifdef SQLITE_TEST /* simulate multiple hosts by creating unique hostid file paths */ ................................................................................ pathLen = strlcpy(tPath, cPath, MAXPATHLEN); if( pathLen>MAXPATHLEN || pathLen<6 || (strlcpy(&tPath[pathLen-5], "break", 6) != 5) ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg),errmsg,"path error (len %d)",(int)pathLen); goto end_breaklock; } /* read the conch content */ readLen = osPread(conchFile->h, buf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0); if( readLen<PROXY_PATHINDEX ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg),errmsg,"read error (len %d)",(int)readLen); goto end_breaklock; } /* write it out to the temporary break file */ fd = robust_open(tPath, (O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL), SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); if( fd<0 ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "create failed (%d)", errno); goto end_breaklock; } if( osPwrite(fd, buf, readLen, 0) != (ssize_t)readLen ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "write failed (%d)", errno); goto end_breaklock; } if( rename(tPath, cPath) ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(errmsg), errmsg, "rename failed (%d)", errno); goto end_breaklock; } rc = 0; fprintf(stderr, "broke stale lock on %s\n", cPath); robust_close(pFile, conchFile->h, __LINE__); conchFile->h = fd; conchFile->openFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; end_breaklock: if( rc ){ if( fd>=0 ){ unlink(tPath); robust_close(pFile, fd, __LINE__); } fprintf(stderr, "failed to break stale lock on %s, %s\n", cPath, errmsg); } return rc; } /* Take the requested lock on the conch file and break a stale lock if the ................................................................................ /* If the lock failed (busy): * 1st try: get the mod time of the conch, wait 0.5s and try again. * 2nd try: fail if the mod time changed or host id is different, wait * 10 sec and try again * 3rd try: break the lock unless the mod time has changed. */ struct stat buf; if( osFstat(conchFile->h, &buf) ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK; } if( nTries==1 ){ conchModTime = buf.st_mtimespec; usleep(500000); /* wait 0.5 sec and try the lock again*/ ................................................................................ if( conchModTime.tv_sec != buf.st_mtimespec.tv_sec || conchModTime.tv_nsec != buf.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec ){ return SQLITE_BUSY; } if( nTries==2 ){ char tBuf[PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN]; int len = osPread(conchFile->h, tBuf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0); if( len<0 ){ pFile->lastErrno = errno; return SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK; } if( len>PROXY_PATHINDEX && tBuf[0]==(char)PROXY_CONCHVERSION){ /* don't break the lock if the host id doesn't match */ if( 0!=memcmp(&tBuf[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN) ){ ................................................................................ memcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_HEADERLEN], myHostID, PROXY_HOSTIDLEN); if( pCtx->lockProxyPath!=NULL ){ strlcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX], pCtx->lockProxyPath, MAXPATHLEN); }else{ strlcpy(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX], tempLockPath, MAXPATHLEN); } writeSize = PROXY_PATHINDEX + strlen(&writeBuffer[PROXY_PATHINDEX]); robust_ftruncate(conchFile->h, writeSize); rc = unixWrite((sqlite3_file *)conchFile, writeBuffer, writeSize, 0); fsync(conchFile->h); /* If we created a new conch file (not just updated the contents of a ** valid conch file), try to match the permissions of the database */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && createConch ){ struct stat buf; int err = osFstat(pFile->h, &buf); if( err==0 ){ mode_t cmode = buf.st_mode&(S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP | S_IROTH|S_IWOTH); /* try to match the database file R/W permissions, ignore failure */ #ifndef SQLITE_PROXY_DEBUG osFchmod(conchFile->h, cmode); #else do{ rc = osFchmod(conchFile->h, cmode); }while( rc==(-1) && errno==EINTR ); if( rc!=0 ){ int code = errno; fprintf(stderr, "fchmod %o FAILED with %d %s\n", cmode, code, strerror(code)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fchmod %o SUCCEDED\n",cmode); } }else{ ................................................................................ } conchFile->pMethod->xUnlock((sqlite3_file*)conchFile, SHARED_LOCK); end_takeconch: OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY: CLOSE %d\n", pFile->h)); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pFile->openFlags ){ if( pFile->h>=0 ){ robust_close(pFile, pFile->h, __LINE__); } pFile->h = -1; int fd = robust_open(pCtx->dbPath, pFile->openFlags, SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); OSTRACE(("TRANSPROXY: OPEN %d\n", fd)); if( fd>=0 ){ pFile->h = fd; }else{ rc=SQLITE_CANTOPEN_BKPT; /* SQLITE_BUSY? proxyTakeConch called during locking */ ................................................................................ ** Ugh, since O_RDONLY==0x0000 we test for !O_RDWR since unixOpen asserts ** that openFlags will have only one of O_RDONLY or O_RDWR. */ struct statfs fsInfo; struct stat conchInfo; int goLockless = 0; if( osStat(pCtx->conchFilePath, &conchInfo) == -1 ) { int err = errno; if( (err==ENOENT) && (statfs(dbPath, &fsInfo) != -1) ){ goLockless = (fsInfo.f_flags&MNT_RDONLY) == MNT_RDONLY; } } if( goLockless ){ pCtx->conchHeld = -1; /* read only FS/ lockless */ ................................................................................ ** Most finders simply return a pointer to a fixed sqlite3_io_methods ** object. But the "autolockIoFinder" available on MacOSX does a little ** more than that; it looks at the filesystem type that hosts the ** database file and tries to choose an locking method appropriate for ** that filesystem time. */ #define UNIXVFS(VFSNAME, FINDER) { \ 3, /* iVersion */ \ sizeof(unixFile), /* szOsFile */ \ MAX_PATHNAME, /* mxPathname */ \ 0, /* pNext */ \ VFSNAME, /* zName */ \ (void*)&FINDER, /* pAppData */ \ unixOpen, /* xOpen */ \ unixDelete, /* xDelete */ \ ................................................................................ unixDlSym, /* xDlSym */ \ unixDlClose, /* xDlClose */ \ unixRandomness, /* xRandomness */ \ unixSleep, /* xSleep */ \ unixCurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */ \ unixGetLastError, /* xGetLastError */ \ unixCurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */ \ unixSetSystemCall, /* xSetSystemCall */ \ unixGetSystemCall, /* xGetSystemCall */ \ unixNextSystemCall, /* xNextSystemCall */ \ } /* ** All default VFSes for unix are contained in the following array. ** ** Note that the sqlite3_vfs.pNext field of the VFS object is modified ** by the SQLite core when the VFS is registered. So the following ................................................................................ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && (OS_VXWORKS || defined(__APPLE__)) UNIXVFS("unix", autolockIoFinder ), #else UNIXVFS("unix", posixIoFinder ), #endif UNIXVFS("unix-none", nolockIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-dotfile", dotlockIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-excl", posixIoFinder ), #if OS_VXWORKS UNIXVFS("unix-namedsem", semIoFinder ), #endif #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE UNIXVFS("unix-posix", posixIoFinder ), #if !OS_VXWORKS UNIXVFS("unix-flock", flockIoFinder ), ................................................................................ #if SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE && defined(__APPLE__) UNIXVFS("unix-afp", afpIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-nfs", nfsIoFinder ), UNIXVFS("unix-proxy", proxyIoFinder ), #endif }; unsigned int i; /* Loop counter */ /* Double-check that the aSyscall[] array has been constructed ** correctly. See ticket [bb3a86e890c8e96ab] */ assert( ArraySize(aSyscall)==16 ); /* Register all VFSes defined in the aVfs[] array */ for(i=0; i<(sizeof(aVfs)/sizeof(sqlite3_vfs)); i++){ sqlite3_vfs_register(&aVfs[i], i==0); } return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ /* ** Initialize and deinitialize the operating system interface. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void){ static sqlite3_vfs winVfs = { 3, /* iVersion */ sizeof(winFile), /* szOsFile */ MAX_PATH, /* mxPathname */ 0, /* pNext */ "win32", /* zName */ 0, /* pAppData */ winOpen, /* xOpen */ winDelete, /* xDelete */ ................................................................................ winDlSym, /* xDlSym */ winDlClose, /* xDlClose */ winRandomness, /* xRandomness */ winSleep, /* xSleep */ winCurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */ winGetLastError, /* xGetLastError */ winCurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */ 0, /* xSetSystemCall */ 0, /* xGetSystemCall */ 0, /* xNextSystemCall */ }; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* get memory map allocation granularity */ memset(&winSysInfo, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo(&winSysInfo); assert(winSysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity > 0); ................................................................................ */ #ifndef _WAL_H_ #define _WAL_H_ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL # define sqlite3WalOpen(x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalClose(w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(z) # define sqlite3WalRead(v,w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalDbsize(y) 0 # define sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(y) 0 # define sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(x) 0 # define sqlite3WalUndo(x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalSavepoint(y,z) # define sqlite3WalSavepointUndo(y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalFrames(u,v,w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalCheckpoint(r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalCallback(z) 0 # define sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(y,z) 0 # define sqlite3WalHeapMemory(z) 0 #else #define WAL_SAVEPOINT_NDATA 4 /* Connection to a write-ahead log (WAL) file. ** There is one object of this type for each pager. */ ................................................................................ /* Write a frame or frames to the log. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFrames(Wal *pWal, int, PgHdr *, Pgno, int, int); /* Copy pages from the log to the database file */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalCheckpoint( Wal *pWal, /* Write-ahead log connection */ int eMode, /* One of PASSIVE, FULL and RESTART */ int (*xBusy)(void*), /* Function to call when busy */ void *pBusyArg, /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */ int sync_flags, /* Flags to sync db file with (or 0) */ int nBuf, /* Size of buffer nBuf */ u8 *zBuf, /* Temporary buffer to use */ int *pnLog, /* OUT: Number of frames in WAL */ int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Number of backfilled frames in WAL */ ); /* Return the value to pass to a sqlite3_wal_hook callback, the ** number of frames in the WAL at the point of the last commit since ** sqlite3WalCallback() was called. If no commits have occurred since ** the last call, then return 0. */ ................................................................................ PAGER_INCR(pPager->nRead); IOTRACE(("PGIN %p %d\n", pPager, pgno)); PAGERTRACE(("FETCH %d page %d hash(%08x)\n", PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_pagehash(pPg))); return rc; } /* ** Update the value of the change-counter at offsets 24 and 92 in ** the header and the sqlite version number at offset 96. ** ** This is an unconditional update. See also the pager_incr_changecounter() ** routine which only updates the change-counter if the update is actually ** needed, as determined by the pPager->changeCountDone state variable. */ static void pager_write_changecounter(PgHdr *pPg){ u32 change_counter; /* Increment the value just read and write it back to byte 24. */ change_counter = sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)pPg->pPager->dbFileVers)+1; put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+24, change_counter); /* Also store the SQLite version number in bytes 96..99 and in ** bytes 92..95 store the change counter for which the version number ** is valid. */ put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+92, change_counter); put32bits(((char*)pPg->pData)+96, SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER); } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** This function is invoked once for each page that has already been ** written into the log file when a WAL transaction is rolled back. ** Parameter iPg is the page number of said page. The pCtx argument ** is actually a pointer to the Pager structure. ................................................................................ rc = pagerUndoCallback((void *)pPager, pList->pgno); pList = pNext; } return rc; } /* ** This function is a wrapper around sqlite3WalFrames(). As well as logging ** the contents of the list of pages headed by pList (connected by pDirty), ** this function notifies any active backup processes that the pages have ** changed. ** ** The list of pages passed into this routine is always sorted by page number. ** Hence, if page 1 appears anywhere on the list, it will be the first page. */ static int pagerWalFrames( Pager *pPager, /* Pager object */ PgHdr *pList, /* List of frames to log */ ................................................................................ assert( pPager->pWal ); #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG /* Verify that the page list is in accending order */ for(p=pList; p && p->pDirty; p=p->pDirty){ assert( p->pgno < p->pDirty->pgno ); } #endif if( isCommit ){ /* If a WAL transaction is being committed, there is no point in writing ** any pages with page numbers greater than nTruncate into the WAL file. ** They will never be read by any client. So remove them from the pDirty ** list here. */ PgHdr *p; PgHdr **ppNext = &pList; for(p=pList; (*ppNext = p); p=p->pDirty){ if( p->pgno<=nTruncate ) ppNext = &p->pDirty; } assert( pList ); } if( pList->pgno==1 ) pager_write_changecounter(pList); rc = sqlite3WalFrames(pPager->pWal, pPager->pageSize, pList, nTruncate, isCommit, syncFlags ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->pBackup ){ PgHdr *p; for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){ sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, p->pgno, (u8 *)p->pData); } } #ifdef SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES pList = sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(pPager->pPCache); for(p=pList; p; p=p->pDirty){ pager_set_pagehash(p); } #endif return rc; } ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_backup **sqlite3PagerBackupPtr(Pager *pPager){ return &pPager->pBackup; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** This function is called when the user invokes "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint", ** "PRAGMA wal_blocking_checkpoint" or calls the sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() ** or wal_blocking_checkpoint() API functions. ** ** Parameter eMode is one of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager, int eMode, int *pnLog, int *pnCkpt){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; if( pPager->pWal ){ rc = sqlite3WalCheckpoint(pPager->pWal, eMode, pPager->xBusyHandler, pPager->pBusyHandlerArg, pPager->ckptSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace, pnLog, pnCkpt ); } return rc; } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager){ return sqlite3WalCallback(pPager->pWal); } ................................................................................ */ static int pagerExclusiveLock(Pager *pPager){ int rc; /* Return code */ assert( pPager->eLock==SHARED_LOCK || pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ); rc = pagerLockDb(pPager, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ /* If the attempt to grab the exclusive lock failed, release the ** pending lock that may have been obtained instead. */ pagerUnlockDb(pPager, SHARED_LOCK); } return rc; } /* ................................................................................ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ walIteratorFree(p); } *pp = p; return rc; } /* ** Attempt to obtain the exclusive WAL lock defined by parameters lockIdx and ** n. If the attempt fails and parameter xBusy is not NULL, then it is a ** busy-handler function. Invoke it and retry the lock until either the ** lock is successfully obtained or the busy-handler returns 0. */ static int walBusyLock( Wal *pWal, /* WAL connection */ int (*xBusy)(void*), /* Function to call when busy */ void *pBusyArg, /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */ int lockIdx, /* Offset of first byte to lock */ int n /* Number of bytes to lock */ ){ int rc; do { rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, lockIdx, n); }while( xBusy && rc==SQLITE_BUSY && xBusy(pBusyArg) ); return rc; } /* ** The cache of the wal-index header must be valid to call this function. ** Return the page-size in bytes used by the database. */ static int walPagesize(Wal *pWal){ return (pWal->hdr.szPage&0xfe00) + ((pWal->hdr.szPage&0x0001)<<16); } /* ** Copy as much content as we can from the WAL back into the database file ** in response to an sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() request or the equivalent. ** ** The amount of information copies from WAL to database might be limited ** by active readers. This routine will never overwrite a database page ................................................................................ ** ** The caller must be holding sufficient locks to ensure that no other ** checkpoint is running (in any other thread or process) at the same ** time. */ static int walCheckpoint( Wal *pWal, /* Wal connection */ int eMode, /* One of PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART */ int (*xBusyCall)(void*), /* Function to call when busy */ void *pBusyArg, /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */ int sync_flags, /* Flags for OsSync() (or 0) */ u8 *zBuf /* Temporary buffer to use */ ){ int rc; /* Return code */ int szPage; /* Database page-size */ WalIterator *pIter = 0; /* Wal iterator context */ u32 iDbpage = 0; /* Next database page to write */ u32 iFrame = 0; /* Wal frame containing data for iDbpage */ u32 mxSafeFrame; /* Max frame that can be backfilled */ u32 mxPage; /* Max database page to write */ int i; /* Loop counter */ volatile WalCkptInfo *pInfo; /* The checkpoint status information */ int (*xBusy)(void*) = 0; /* Function to call when waiting for locks */ szPage = walPagesize(pWal); testcase( szPage<=32768 ); testcase( szPage>=65536 ); pInfo = walCkptInfo(pWal); if( pInfo->nBackfill>=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ) return SQLITE_OK; /* Allocate the iterator */ rc = walIteratorInit(pWal, &pIter); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ return rc; } assert( pIter ); if( eMode!=SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE ) xBusy = xBusyCall; /* Compute in mxSafeFrame the index of the last frame of the WAL that is ** safe to write into the database. Frames beyond mxSafeFrame might ** overwrite database pages that are in use by active readers and thus ** cannot be backfilled from the WAL. */ mxSafeFrame = pWal->hdr.mxFrame; mxPage = pWal->hdr.nPage; for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++){ u32 y = pInfo->aReadMark[i]; if( mxSafeFrame>y ){ assert( y<=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ); rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED; walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ mxSafeFrame = y; xBusy = 0; }else{ goto walcheckpoint_out; } } } if( pInfo->nBackfill<mxSafeFrame && (rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_READ_LOCK(0), 1))==SQLITE_OK ){ i64 nSize; /* Current size of database file */ u32 nBackfill = pInfo->nBackfill; /* Sync the WAL to disk */ if( sync_flags ){ rc = sqlite3OsSync(pWal->pWalFd, sync_flags); ................................................................................ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pInfo->nBackfill = mxSafeFrame; } } /* Release the reader lock held while backfilling */ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(0), 1); } if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ /* Reset the return code so as not to report a checkpoint failure ** just because there are active readers. */ rc = SQLITE_OK; } /* If this is an SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART operation, and the entire wal ** file has been copied into the database file, then block until all ** readers have finished using the wal file. This ensures that the next ** process to write to the database restarts the wal file. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK && eMode!=SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE ){ assert( pWal->writeLock ); if( pInfo->nBackfill<pWal->hdr.mxFrame ){ rc = SQLITE_BUSY; }else if( eMode==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART ){ assert( mxSafeFrame==pWal->hdr.mxFrame ); rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1); } } } walcheckpoint_out: walIteratorFree(pIter); return rc; } /* ................................................................................ ** The EXCLUSIVE lock is not released before returning. */ rc = sqlite3OsLock(pWal->pDbFd, SQLITE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ if( pWal->exclusiveMode==WAL_NORMAL_MODE ){ pWal->exclusiveMode = WAL_EXCLUSIVE_MODE; } rc = sqlite3WalCheckpoint( pWal, SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, 0, 0, sync_flags, nBuf, zBuf, 0, 0 ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ isDelete = 1; } } walIndexClose(pWal, isDelete); sqlite3OsClose(pWal->pWalFd); ................................................................................ u32 mxReadMark; /* Largest aReadMark[] value */ int mxI; /* Index of largest aReadMark[] value */ int i; /* Loop counter */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */ assert( pWal->readLock<0 ); /* Not currently locked */ /* Take steps to avoid spinning forever if there is a protocol error. ** ** Circumstances that cause a RETRY should only last for the briefest ** instances of time. No I/O or other system calls are done while the ** locks are held, so the locks should not be held for very long. But ** if we are unlucky, another process that is holding a lock might get ** paged out or take a page-fault that is time-consuming to resolve, ** during the few nanoseconds that it is holding the lock. In that case, ** it might take longer than normal for the lock to free. ** ** After 5 RETRYs, we begin calling sqlite3OsSleep(). The first few ** calls to sqlite3OsSleep() have a delay of 1 microsecond. Really this ** is more of a scheduler yield than an actual delay. But on the 10th ** an subsequent retries, the delays start becoming longer and longer, ** so that on the 100th (and last) RETRY we delay for 21 milliseconds. ** The total delay time before giving up is less than 1 second. */ if( cnt>5 ){ int nDelay = 1; /* Pause time in microseconds */ if( cnt>100 ){ VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = 1; ) return SQLITE_PROTOCOL; } if( cnt>=10 ) nDelay = (cnt-9)*238; /* Max delay 21ms. Total delay 996ms */ sqlite3OsSleep(pWal->pVfs, nDelay); } if( !useWal ){ rc = walIndexReadHdr(pWal, pChanged); if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ /* If there is not a recovery running in another thread or process ** then convert BUSY errors to WAL_RETRY. If recovery is known to ................................................................................ u32 thisMark = pInfo->aReadMark[i]; if( mxReadMark<=thisMark && thisMark<=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ){ assert( thisMark!=READMARK_NOT_USED ); mxReadMark = thisMark; mxI = i; } } /* There was once an "if" here. The extra "{" is to preserve indentation. */ { if( mxReadMark < pWal->hdr.mxFrame || mxI==0 ){ for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++){ rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ mxReadMark = pInfo->aReadMark[i] = pWal->hdr.mxFrame; mxI = i; walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1); break; }else if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ return rc; } } } if( mxI==0 ){ assert( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ); return WAL_RETRY; } rc = walLockShared(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(mxI)); if( rc ){ return rc==SQLITE_BUSY ? WAL_RETRY : rc; } /* Now that the read-lock has been obtained, check that neither the ** value in the aReadMark[] array or the contents of the wal-index ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(Wal *pWal, int *pChanged){ int rc; /* Return code */ int cnt = 0; /* Number of TryBeginRead attempts */ do{ rc = walTryBeginRead(pWal, pChanged, 0, ++cnt); }while( rc==WAL_RETRY ); testcase( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_BUSY ); testcase( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_IOERR ); testcase( rc==SQLITE_PROTOCOL ); testcase( rc==SQLITE_OK ); return rc; } /* ** Finish with a read transaction. All this does is release the ** read-lock. */ ................................................................................ int rc = SQLITE_OK; int cnt; if( pWal->readLock==0 ){ volatile WalCkptInfo *pInfo = walCkptInfo(pWal); assert( pInfo->nBackfill==pWal->hdr.mxFrame ); if( pInfo->nBackfill>0 ){ u32 salt1; sqlite3_randomness(4, &salt1); rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ /* If all readers are using WAL_READ_LOCK(0) (in other words if no ** readers are currently using the WAL), then the transactions ** frames will overwrite the start of the existing log. Update the ** wal-index header to reflect this. ** ................................................................................ ** to handle if this transaction is rolled back. */ int i; /* Loop counter */ u32 *aSalt = pWal->hdr.aSalt; /* Big-endian salt values */ pWal->nCkpt++; pWal->hdr.mxFrame = 0; sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0], 1 + sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0])); aSalt[1] = salt1; walIndexWriteHdr(pWal); pInfo->nBackfill = 0; for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++) pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED; assert( pInfo->aReadMark[0]==0 ); walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1); }else if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){ return rc; ................................................................................ walUnlockShared(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(0)); pWal->readLock = -1; cnt = 0; do{ int notUsed; rc = walTryBeginRead(pWal, ¬Used, 1, ++cnt); }while( rc==WAL_RETRY ); assert( (rc&0xff)!=SQLITE_BUSY ); /* BUSY not possible when useWal==1 */ testcase( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_IOERR ); testcase( rc==SQLITE_PROTOCOL ); testcase( rc==SQLITE_OK ); } return rc; } /* ** Write a set of frames to the log. The caller must hold the write-lock ** on the log file (obtained using sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction()). ................................................................................ /* ** This routine is called to implement sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() and ** related interfaces. ** ** Obtain a CHECKPOINT lock and then backfill as much information as ** we can from WAL into the database. ** ** If parameter xBusy is not NULL, it is a pointer to a busy-handler ** callback. In this case this function runs a blocking checkpoint. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalCheckpoint( Wal *pWal, /* Wal connection */ int eMode, /* PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART */ int (*xBusy)(void*), /* Function to call when busy */ void *pBusyArg, /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */ int sync_flags, /* Flags to sync db file with (or 0) */ int nBuf, /* Size of temporary buffer */ u8 *zBuf, /* Temporary buffer to use */ int *pnLog, /* OUT: Number of frames in WAL */ int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Number of backfilled frames in WAL */ ){ int rc; /* Return code */ int isChanged = 0; /* True if a new wal-index header is loaded */ int eMode2 = eMode; /* Mode to pass to walCheckpoint() */ assert( pWal->ckptLock==0 ); assert( pWal->writeLock==0 ); WALTRACE(("WAL%p: checkpoint begins\n", pWal)); rc = walLockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1); if( rc ){ /* Usually this is SQLITE_BUSY meaning that another thread or process ** is already running a checkpoint, or maybe a recovery. But it might ** also be SQLITE_IOERR. */ return rc; } pWal->ckptLock = 1; /* If this is a blocking-checkpoint, then obtain the write-lock as well ** to prevent any writers from running while the checkpoint is underway. ** This has to be done before the call to walIndexReadHdr() below. ** ** If the writer lock cannot be obtained, then a passive checkpoint is ** run instead. Since the checkpointer is not holding the writer lock, ** there is no point in blocking waiting for any readers. Assuming no ** other error occurs, this function will return SQLITE_BUSY to the caller. */ if( eMode!=SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE ){ rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_WRITE_LOCK, 1); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pWal->writeLock = 1; }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ eMode2 = SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE; rc = SQLITE_OK; } } /* Read the wal-index header. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = walIndexReadHdr(pWal, &isChanged); } /* Copy data from the log to the database file. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ if( pWal->hdr.mxFrame && walPagesize(pWal)!=nBuf ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; }else{ rc = walCheckpoint(pWal, eMode2, xBusy, pBusyArg, sync_flags, zBuf); } /* If no error occurred, set the output variables. */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ if( pnLog ) *pnLog = (int)pWal->hdr.mxFrame; if( pnCkpt ) *pnCkpt = (int)(walCkptInfo(pWal)->nBackfill); } } if( isChanged ){ /* If a new wal-index header was loaded before the checkpoint was ** performed, then the pager-cache associated with pWal is now ** out of date. So zero the cached wal-index header to ensure that ** next time the pager opens a snapshot on this database it knows that ** the cache needs to be reset. */ memset(&pWal->hdr, 0, sizeof(WalIndexHdr)); } /* Release the locks. */ sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(pWal); walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_CKPT_LOCK, 1); pWal->ckptLock = 0; WALTRACE(("WAL%p: checkpoint %s\n", pWal, rc ? "failed" : "ok")); return (rc==SQLITE_OK && eMode!=eMode2 ? SQLITE_BUSY : rc); } /* Return the value to pass to a sqlite3_wal_hook callback, the ** number of frames in the WAL at the point of the last commit since ** sqlite3WalCallback() was called. If no commits have occurred since ** the last call, then return 0. */ ................................................................................ ** * zero or more pages numbers of leaves */ /* The following value is the maximum cell size assuming a maximum page ** size give above. */ #define MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) ((int)(pBt->pageSize-8)) /* The maximum number of cells on a single page of the database. This ** assumes a minimum cell size of 6 bytes (4 bytes for the cell itself ** plus 2 bytes for the index to the cell in the page header). Such ** small cells will be rare, but they are possible. */ #define MX_CELL(pBt) ((pBt->pageSize-8)/6) ................................................................................ ** points to the same BtShared object. The database cache and the ** schema associated with the database file are all contained within ** the BtShared object. ** ** All fields in this structure are accessed under sqlite3.mutex. ** The pBt pointer itself may not be changed while there exists cursors ** in the referenced BtShared that point back to this Btree since those ** cursors have to go through this Btree to find their BtShared and ** they often do so without holding sqlite3.mutex. */ struct Btree { sqlite3 *db; /* The database connection holding this btree */ BtShared *pBt; /* Sharable content of this btree */ u8 inTrans; /* TRANS_NONE, TRANS_READ or TRANS_WRITE */ u8 sharable; /* True if we can share pBt with another db */ ................................................................................ u16 minLeaf; /* Minimum local payload in a LEAFDATA table */ u32 pageSize; /* Total number of bytes on a page */ u32 usableSize; /* Number of usable bytes on each page */ int nTransaction; /* Number of open transactions (read + write) */ u32 nPage; /* Number of pages in the database */ void *pSchema; /* Pointer to space allocated by sqlite3BtreeSchema() */ void (*xFreeSchema)(void*); /* Destructor for BtShared.pSchema */ sqlite3_mutex *mutex; /* Non-recursive mutex required to access this object */ Bitvec *pHasContent; /* Set of pages moved to free-list this transaction */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE int nRef; /* Number of references to this structure */ BtShared *pNext; /* Next on a list of sharable BtShared structs */ BtLock *pLock; /* List of locks held on this shared-btree struct */ Btree *pWriter; /* Btree with currently open write transaction */ u8 isExclusive; /* True if pWriter has an EXCLUSIVE lock on the db */ ................................................................................ } /* ** Release the BtShared mutex associated with B-Tree handle p and ** clear the p->locked boolean. */ static void unlockBtreeMutex(Btree *p){ BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; assert( p->locked==1 ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) ); assert( p->db==pBt->db ); sqlite3_mutex_leave(pBt->mutex); p->locked = 0; } /* ** Enter a mutex on the given BTree object. ** ** If the object is not sharable, then no mutex is ever required ................................................................................ ** Enter the mutexes in accending order by BtShared pointer address ** to avoid the possibility of deadlock when two threads with ** two or more btrees in common both try to lock all their btrees ** at the same instant. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3 *db){ int i; Btree *p; assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ p = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( p ) sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); } } SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(sqlite3 *db){ int i; Btree *p; assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ p = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( p ) sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); } } /* ** Return true if a particular Btree requires a lock. Return FALSE if ** no lock is ever required since it is not sharable. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSharable(Btree *p){ return p->sharable; } #ifndef NDEBUG /* ** Return true if the current thread holds the database connection ** mutex and all required BtShared mutexes. ** ** This routine is used inside assert() statements only. ................................................................................ return 0; } } return 1; } #endif /* NDEBUG */ #ifndef NDEBUG /* ** Return true if the correct mutexes are held for accessing the ** db->aDb[iDb].pSchema structure. The mutexes required for schema ** access are: ** ** (1) The mutex on db ** (2) if iDb!=1, then the mutex on db->aDb[iDb].pBt. ** ** If pSchema is not NULL, then iDb is computed from pSchema and ** db using sqlite3SchemaToIndex(). */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, Schema *pSchema){ Btree *p; assert( db!=0 ); if( pSchema ) iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pSchema); assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); if( !sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ) return 0; if( iDb==1 ) return 1; p = db->aDb[iDb].pBt; assert( p!=0 ); return p->sharable==0 || p->locked==1; } #endif /* NDEBUG */ #else /* SQLITE_THREADSAFE>0 above. SQLITE_THREADSAFE==0 below */ /* ** The following are special cases for mutex enter routines for use ** in single threaded applications that use shared cache. Except for ** these two routines, all mutex operations are no-ops in that case and ** are null #defines in btree.h. ** ** If shared cache is disabled, then all btree mutex routines, including ** the ones below, are no-ops and are null #defines in btree.h. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnter(Btree *p){ p->pBt->db = p->db; } SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3 *db){ int i; for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Btree *p = db->aDb[i].pBt; ................................................................................ ** and the cell content area. The btreeInitPage() call has already ** validated the freelist. Given that the freelist is valid, there ** is no way that the allocation can extend off the end of the page. ** The assert() below verifies the previous sentence. */ top -= nByte; put2byte(&data[hdr+5], top); assert( top+nByte <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize ); *pIdx = top; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Return a section of the pPage->aData to the freelist. ** The first byte of the new free block is pPage->aDisk[start] ................................................................................ int addr, pbegin, hdr; int iLast; /* Largest possible freeblock offset */ unsigned char *data = pPage->aData; assert( pPage->pBt!=0 ); assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) ); assert( start>=pPage->hdrOffset+6+pPage->childPtrSize ); assert( (start + size) <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) ); assert( size>=0 ); /* Minimum cell size is 4 */ if( pPage->pBt->secureDelete ){ /* Overwrite deleted information with zeros when the secure_delete ** option is enabled */ memset(&data[start], 0, size); ................................................................................ pPage->nFree = pPage->nFree + (u16)size; /* Coalesce adjacent free blocks */ addr = hdr + 1; while( (pbegin = get2byte(&data[addr]))>0 ){ int pnext, psize, x; assert( pbegin>addr ); assert( pbegin <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 ); pnext = get2byte(&data[pbegin]); psize = get2byte(&data[pbegin+2]); if( pbegin + psize + 3 >= pnext && pnext>0 ){ int frag = pnext - (pbegin+psize); if( (frag<0) || (frag>(int)data[hdr+7]) ){ return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; } ................................................................................ sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); assert( pBt && pBt->pPager ); rc = sqlite3PagerNosync(pBt->pPager); sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); return rc; } /* ** Change the default pages size and the number of reserved bytes per page. ** Or, if the page size has already been fixed, return SQLITE_READONLY ** without changing anything. ** ** The page size must be a power of 2 between 512 and 65536. If the page ** size supplied does not meet this constraint then the page size is not ................................................................................ /* ** Return the currently defined page size */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree *p){ return p->pBt->pageSize; } #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_PAGER_PRAGMAS) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM) /* ** Return the number of bytes of space at the end of every page that ** are intentually left unused. This is the "reserved" space that is ** sometimes used by extensions. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree *p){ int n; ................................................................................ pBt->usableSize = usableSize; pBt->pageSize = pageSize; freeTempSpace(pBt); rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pBt->pPager, &pBt->pageSize, pageSize-usableSize); return rc; } if( (pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_RecoveryMode)==0 && nPage>nPageFile ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; goto page1_init_failed; } if( usableSize<480 ){ goto page1_init_failed; } pBt->pageSize = pageSize; ................................................................................ ** sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne() routine does the first phase and should ** be invoked prior to calling this routine. The sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne() ** routine did all the work of writing information out to disk and flushing the ** contents so that they are written onto the disk platter. All this ** routine has to do is delete or truncate or zero the header in the ** the rollback journal (which causes the transaction to commit) and ** drop locks. ** ** Normally, if an error occurs while the pager layer is attempting to ** finalize the underlying journal file, this function returns an error and ** the upper layer will attempt a rollback. However, if the second argument ** is non-zero then this b-tree transaction is part of a multi-file ** transaction. In this case, the transaction has already been committed ** (by deleting a master journal file) and the caller will ignore this ** functions return code. So, even if an error occurs in the pager layer, ** reset the b-tree objects internal state to indicate that the write ** transaction has been closed. This is quite safe, as the pager will have ** transitioned to the error state. ** ** This will release the write lock on the database file. If there ** are no active cursors, it also releases the read lock. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(Btree *p, int bCleanup){ if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ) return SQLITE_OK; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); btreeIntegrity(p); /* If the handle has a write-transaction open, commit the shared-btrees ** transaction and set the shared state to TRANS_READ. ................................................................................ */ if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){ int rc; BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE ); assert( pBt->nTransaction>0 ); rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(pBt->pPager); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && bCleanup==0 ){ sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); return rc; } pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ; } btreeEndTransaction(p); ................................................................................ ** Do both phases of a commit. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree *p){ int rc; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(p, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p, 0); } sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); return rc; } #ifndef NDEBUG /* ................................................................................ rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0); } if( rc ){ pTrunk = 0; goto end_allocate_page; } k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]); /* # of leaves on this trunk page */ if( k==0 && !searchList ){ /* The trunk has no leaves and the list is not being searched. ** So extract the trunk page itself and use it as the newly ** allocated page */ assert( pPrevTrunk==0 ); rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage); if( rc ){ ................................................................................ TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d trunk - %d free pages left\n", *pPgno, n-1)); #endif }else if( k>0 ){ /* Extract a leaf from the trunk */ u32 closest; Pgno iPage; unsigned char *aData = pTrunk->aData; if( nearby>0 ){ u32 i; int dist; closest = 0; dist = sqlite3AbsInt32(get4byte(&aData[8]) - nearby); for(i=1; i<k; i++){ int d2 = sqlite3AbsInt32(get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]) - nearby); if( d2<dist ){ closest = i; dist = d2; } } }else{ closest = 0; ................................................................................ testcase( iPage==mxPage ); if( !searchList || iPage==nearby ){ int noContent; *pPgno = iPage; TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d was leaf %d of %d on trunk %d" ": %d more free pages\n", *pPgno, closest+1, k, pTrunk->pgno, n-1)); rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage); if( rc ) goto end_allocate_page; if( closest<k-1 ){ memcpy(&aData[8+closest*4], &aData[4+k*4], 4); } put4byte(&aData[4], k-1); noContent = !btreeGetHasContent(pBt, *pPgno); rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, noContent); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3PagerWrite((*ppPage)->pDbPage); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ releasePage(*ppPage); } ................................................................................ releasePage(*ppPage); return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; } (*ppPage)->isInit = 0; }else{ *ppPage = 0; } assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || sqlite3PagerIswriteable((*ppPage)->pDbPage) ); return rc; } /* ** This function is used to add page iPage to the database file free-list. ** It is assumed that the page is not already a part of the free-list. ** ................................................................................ end = cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell; ins = cellOffset + 2*i; rc = allocateSpace(pPage, sz, &idx); if( rc ){ *pRC = rc; return; } /* The allocateSpace() routine guarantees the following two properties ** if it returns success */ assert( idx >= end+2 ); assert( idx+sz <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize ); pPage->nCell++; pPage->nFree -= (u16)(2 + sz); memcpy(&data[idx+nSkip], pCell+nSkip, sz-nSkip); if( iChild ){ put4byte(&data[idx], iChild); } for(j=end, ptr=&data[j]; j>ins; j-=2, ptr-=2){ ................................................................................ int cellbody; /* Address of next cell body */ u8 * const data = pPage->aData; /* Pointer to data for pPage */ const int hdr = pPage->hdrOffset; /* Offset of header on pPage */ const int nUsable = pPage->pBt->usableSize; /* Usable size of page */ assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 ); assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) ); assert( nCell>=0 && nCell<=(int)MX_CELL(pPage->pBt) && (int)MX_CELL(pPage->pBt)<=10921); assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) ); /* Check that the page has just been zeroed by zeroPage() */ assert( pPage->nCell==0 ); assert( get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5])==nUsable ); pCellptr = &data[pPage->cellOffset + nCell*2]; ................................................................................ int const iToHdr = ((pTo->pgno==1) ? 100 : 0); int rc; int iData; assert( pFrom->isInit ); assert( pFrom->nFree>=iToHdr ); assert( get2byte(&aFrom[iFromHdr+5]) <= (int)pBt->usableSize ); /* Copy the b-tree node content from page pFrom to page pTo. */ iData = get2byte(&aFrom[iFromHdr+5]); memcpy(&aTo[iData], &aFrom[iData], pBt->usableSize-iData); memcpy(&aTo[iToHdr], &aFrom[iFromHdr], pFrom->cellOffset + 2*pFrom->nCell); /* Reinitialize page pTo so that the contents of the MemPage structure ................................................................................ u16 sz = (u16)szNew[i]; u8 *pTemp; assert( nCell<nMaxCells ); szCell[nCell] = sz; pTemp = &aSpace1[iSpace1]; iSpace1 += sz; assert( sz<=pBt->maxLocal+23 ); assert( iSpace1 <= (int)pBt->pageSize ); memcpy(pTemp, apDiv[i], sz); apCell[nCell] = pTemp+leafCorrection; assert( leafCorrection==0 || leafCorrection==4 ); szCell[nCell] = szCell[nCell] - leafCorrection; if( !pOld->leaf ){ assert( leafCorrection==0 ); assert( pOld->hdrOffset==0 ); ................................................................................ for(j=i+1; j<k; j++){ if( apNew[j]->pgno<(unsigned)minV ){ minI = j; minV = apNew[j]->pgno; } } if( minI>i ){ MemPage *pT; pT = apNew[i]; apNew[i] = apNew[minI]; apNew[minI] = pT; } } TRACE(("new: %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d)\n", apNew[0]->pgno, szNew[0], ................................................................................ if( szCell[j]==4 ){ assert(leafCorrection==4); sz = cellSizePtr(pParent, pCell); } } iOvflSpace += sz; assert( sz<=pBt->maxLocal+23 ); assert( iOvflSpace <= (int)pBt->pageSize ); insertCell(pParent, nxDiv, pCell, sz, pTemp, pNew->pgno, &rc); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto balance_cleanup; assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) ); j++; nxDiv++; } ................................................................................ assert( pPage->isInit ); allocateTempSpace(pBt); newCell = pBt->pTmpSpace; if( newCell==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; rc = fillInCell(pPage, newCell, pKey, nKey, pData, nData, nZero, &szNew); if( rc ) goto end_insert; assert( szNew==cellSizePtr(pPage, newCell) ); assert( szNew <= MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) ); idx = pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage]; if( loc==0 ){ u16 szOld; assert( idx<pPage->nCell ); rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage); if( rc ){ goto end_insert; ................................................................................ MemPage *pLeaf = pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]; int nCell; Pgno n = pCur->apPage[iCellDepth+1]->pgno; unsigned char *pTmp; pCell = findCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1); nCell = cellSizePtr(pLeaf, pCell); assert( MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) >= nCell ); allocateTempSpace(pBt); pTmp = pBt->pTmpSpace; rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pLeaf->pDbPage); insertCell(pPage, iCellIdx, pCell-4, nCell+4, pTmp, n, &rc); dropCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1, nCell, &rc); ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** Run a checkpoint on the Btree passed as the first argument. ** ** Return SQLITE_LOCKED if this or any other connection has an open ** transaction on the shared-cache the argument Btree is connected to. ** ** Parameter eMode is one of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree *p, int eMode, int *pnLog, int *pnCkpt){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; if( p ){ BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); if( pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_NONE ){ rc = SQLITE_LOCKED; }else{ rc = sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(pBt->pPager, eMode, pnLog, pnCkpt); } sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); } return rc; } #endif ................................................................................ ** ** If the nBytes parameter is 0 and the blob of memory has not yet been ** allocated, a null pointer is returned. If the blob has already been ** allocated, it is returned as normal. ** ** Just before the shared-btree is closed, the function passed as the ** xFree argument when the memory allocation was made is invoked on the ** blob of allocated memory. The xFree function should not call sqlite3_free() ** on the memory, the btree layer does that. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3BtreeSchema(Btree *p, int nBytes, void(*xFree)(void *)){ BtShared *pBt = p->pBt; sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); if( !pBt->pSchema && nBytes ){ pBt->pSchema = sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, nBytes); ................................................................................ */ static int backupOnePage(sqlite3_backup *p, Pgno iSrcPg, const u8 *zSrcData){ Pager * const pDestPager = sqlite3BtreePager(p->pDest); const int nSrcPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pSrc); int nDestPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pDest); const int nCopy = MIN(nSrcPgsz, nDestPgsz); const i64 iEnd = (i64)iSrcPg*(i64)nSrcPgsz; #ifdef SQLITE_HAS_CODEC int nSrcReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(p->pSrc); int nDestReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(p->pDest); #endif int rc = SQLITE_OK; i64 iOff; assert( p->bDestLocked ); assert( !isFatalError(p->rc) ); assert( iSrcPg!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(p->pSrc->pBt) ); ................................................................................ */ if( nSrcPgsz!=nDestPgsz && sqlite3PagerIsMemdb(pDestPager) ){ rc = SQLITE_READONLY; } #ifdef SQLITE_HAS_CODEC /* Backup is not possible if the page size of the destination is changing ** and a codec is in use. */ if( nSrcPgsz!=nDestPgsz && sqlite3PagerGetCodec(pDestPager)!=0 ){ rc = SQLITE_READONLY; } /* Backup is not possible if the number of bytes of reserve space differ ** between source and destination. If there is a difference, try to ** fix the destination to agree with the source. If that is not possible, ** then the backup cannot proceed. */ if( nSrcReserve!=nDestReserve ){ u32 newPgsz = nSrcPgsz; rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pDestPager, &newPgsz, nSrcReserve); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && newPgsz!=nSrcPgsz ) rc = SQLITE_READONLY; } #endif /* This loop runs once for each destination page spanned by the source ** page. For each iteration, variable iOff is set to the byte offset ** of the destination page. */ for(iOff=iEnd-(i64)nSrcPgsz; rc==SQLITE_OK && iOff<iEnd; iOff+=nDestPgsz){ ................................................................................ */ if( rc==SQLITE_DONE && (rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p->pDest,1,p->iDestSchema+1))==SQLITE_OK ){ int nDestTruncate; if( p->pDestDb ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(p->pDestDb, -1); } /* Set nDestTruncate to the final number of pages in the destination ** database. The complication here is that the destination page ** size may be different to the source page size. ** ** If the source page size is smaller than the destination page size, ................................................................................ } }else{ rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(pDestPager, 0, 0); } /* Finish committing the transaction to the destination database. */ if( SQLITE_OK==rc && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p->pDest, 0)) ){ rc = SQLITE_DONE; } } /* If bCloseTrans is true, then this function opened a read transaction ** on the source database. Close the read transaction here. There is ** no need to check the return values of the btree methods here, as ** "committing" a read-only transaction cannot fail. */ if( bCloseTrans ){ TESTONLY( int rc2 ); TESTONLY( rc2 = ) sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(p->pSrc, 0); TESTONLY( rc2 |= ) sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p->pSrc, 0); assert( rc2==SQLITE_OK ); } if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } p->rc = rc; ................................................................................ for(p=pBackup; p; p=p->pNext){ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pSrc->pBt->mutex) ); if( !isFatalError(p->rc) && iPage<p->iNext ){ /* The backup process p has already copied page iPage. But now it ** has been modified by a transaction on the source pager. Copy ** the new data into the backup. */ int rc; assert( p->pDestDb ); sqlite3_mutex_enter(p->pDestDb->mutex); rc = backupOnePage(p, iPage, aData); sqlite3_mutex_leave(p->pDestDb->mutex); assert( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY && rc!=SQLITE_LOCKED ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ p->rc = rc; } } } } ................................................................................ assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(pMem) ); flags = pMem->flags; if( flags & MEM_Int ){ return pMem->u.i; }else if( flags & MEM_Real ){ return doubleToInt64(pMem->r); }else if( flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob) ){ i64 value = 0; assert( pMem->z || pMem->n==0 ); testcase( pMem->z==0 ); sqlite3Atoi64(pMem->z, &value, pMem->n, pMem->enc); return value; }else{ return 0; } ................................................................................ if( enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pVal, enc); } }else if( op==TK_UMINUS ) { /* This branch happens for multiple negative signs. Ex: -(-5) */ if( SQLITE_OK==sqlite3ValueFromExpr(db,pExpr->pLeft,enc,affinity,&pVal) ){ sqlite3VdbeMemNumerify(pVal); if( pVal->u.i==SMALLEST_INT64 ){ pVal->flags &= MEM_Int; pVal->flags |= MEM_Real; pVal->r = (double)LARGEST_INT64; }else{ pVal->u.i = -pVal->u.i; } pVal->r = -pVal->r; sqlite3ValueApplyAffinity(pVal, affinity, enc); } }else if( op==TK_NULL ){ pVal = sqlite3ValueNew(db); if( pVal==0 ) goto no_mem; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_BLOB_LITERAL else if( op==TK_BLOB ){ int nVal; assert( pExpr->u.zToken[0]=='x' || pExpr->u.zToken[0]=='X' ); assert( pExpr->u.zToken[1]=='\'' ); pVal = sqlite3ValueNew(db); ................................................................................ pOp->p5 = 0; pOp->p1 = p1; pOp->p2 = p2; pOp->p3 = p3; pOp->p4.p = 0; pOp->p4type = P4_NOTUSED; p->expired = 0; if( op==OP_ParseSchema ){ /* Any program that uses the OP_ParseSchema opcode needs to lock ** all btrees. */ int j; for(j=0; j<p->db->nDb; j++) sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(p, j); } #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG pOp->zComment = 0; if( sqlite3VdbeAddopTrace ) sqlite3VdbePrintOp(0, i, &p->aOp[i]); #endif #ifdef VDBE_PROFILE pOp->cycles = 0; pOp->cnt = 0; ................................................................................ ** returned program. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE VdbeOp *sqlite3VdbeTakeOpArray(Vdbe *p, int *pnOp, int *pnMaxArg){ VdbeOp *aOp = p->aOp; assert( aOp && !p->db->mallocFailed ); /* Check that sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree() was not called on this VM */ assert( p->btreeMask==0 ); resolveP2Values(p, pnMaxArg); *pnOp = p->nOp; p->aOp = 0; return aOp; } ................................................................................ } /* ** Change the P2 operand of instruction addr so that it points to ** the address of the next instruction to be coded. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(Vdbe *p, int addr){ assert( addr>=0 ); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(p, addr, p->nOp); } /* ** If the input FuncDef structure is ephemeral, then free it. If ** the FuncDef is not ephermal, then do nothing. ................................................................................ return zP4; } #endif /* ** Declare to the Vdbe that the BTree object at db->aDb[i] is used. ** ** The prepared statements need to know in advance the complete set of ** attached databases that they will be using. A mask of these databases ** is maintained in p->btreeMask and is used for locking and other purposes. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(Vdbe *p, int i){ assert( i>=0 && i<p->db->nDb && i<(int)sizeof(yDbMask)*8 ); assert( i<(int)sizeof(p->btreeMask)*8 ); p->btreeMask |= ((yDbMask)1)<<i; if( i!=1 && sqlite3BtreeSharable(p->db->aDb[i].pBt) ){ p->lockMask |= ((yDbMask)1)<<i; } } #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE>0 /* ** If SQLite is compiled to support shared-cache mode and to be threadsafe, ** this routine obtains the mutex associated with each BtShared structure ** that may be accessed by the VM passed as an argument. In doing so it also ** sets the BtShared.db member of each of the BtShared structures, ensuring ** that the correct busy-handler callback is invoked if required. ** ** If SQLite is not threadsafe but does support shared-cache mode, then ** sqlite3BtreeEnter() is invoked to set the BtShared.db variables ** of all of BtShared structures accessible via the database handle ** associated with the VM. ** ** If SQLite is not threadsafe and does not support shared-cache mode, this ** function is a no-op. ** ** The p->btreeMask field is a bitmask of all btrees that the prepared ** statement p will ever use. Let N be the number of bits in p->btreeMask ** corresponding to btrees that use shared cache. Then the runtime of ** this routine is N*N. But as N is rarely more than 1, this should not ** be a problem. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeEnter(Vdbe *p){ int i; yDbMask mask; sqlite3 *db; Db *aDb; int nDb; if( p->lockMask==0 ) return; /* The common case */ db = p->db; aDb = db->aDb; nDb = db->nDb; for(i=0, mask=1; i<nDb; i++, mask += mask){ if( i!=1 && (mask & p->lockMask)!=0 && ALWAYS(aDb[i].pBt!=0) ){ sqlite3BtreeEnter(aDb[i].pBt); } } } #endif #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE>0 /* ** Unlock all of the btrees previously locked by a call to sqlite3VdbeEnter(). */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeLeave(Vdbe *p){ int i; yDbMask mask; sqlite3 *db; Db *aDb; int nDb; if( p->lockMask==0 ) return; /* The common case */ db = p->db; aDb = db->aDb; nDb = db->nDb; for(i=0, mask=1; i<nDb; i++, mask += mask){ if( i!=1 && (mask & p->lockMask)!=0 && ALWAYS(aDb[i].pBt!=0) ){ sqlite3BtreeLeave(aDb[i].pBt); } } } #endif #if defined(VDBE_PROFILE) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) /* ** Print a single opcode. This routine is used for debugging only. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbePrintOp(FILE *pOut, int pc, Op *pOp){ char *zP4; ................................................................................ ** Also release any dynamic memory held by the VM in the Vdbe.aMem memory ** cell array. This is necessary as the memory cell array may contain ** pointers to VdbeFrame objects, which may in turn contain pointers to ** open cursors. */ static void closeAllCursors(Vdbe *p){ if( p->pFrame ){ VdbeFrame *pFrame; for(pFrame=p->pFrame; pFrame->pParent; pFrame=pFrame->pParent); sqlite3VdbeFrameRestore(pFrame); } p->pFrame = 0; p->nFrame = 0; if( p->apCsr ){ ................................................................................ ** If one of the BtreeCommitPhaseOne() calls fails, this indicates an ** IO error while deleting or truncating a journal file. It is unlikely, ** but could happen. In this case abandon processing and return the error. */ for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<db->nDb; i++){ Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( pBt ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(pBt, 0); } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3VtabCommit(db); } } ................................................................................ ** may be lying around. Returning an error code won't help matters. */ disable_simulated_io_errors(); sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc(); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Btree *pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt; if( pBt ){ sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(pBt, 1); } } sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(); enable_simulated_io_errors(); sqlite3VtabCommit(db); } ................................................................................ if( eOp==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK ){ db->nDeferredCons = p->nStmtDefCons; } } return rc; } /* ** This function is called when a transaction opened by the database ** handle associated with the VM passed as an argument is about to be ** committed. If there are outstanding deferred foreign key constraint ** violations, return SQLITE_ERROR. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK. ** ** If there are outstanding FK violations and this function returns ................................................................................ /* No commit or rollback needed if the program never started */ if( p->pc>=0 ){ int mrc; /* Primary error code from p->rc */ int eStatementOp = 0; int isSpecialError; /* Set to true if a 'special' error */ /* Lock all btrees used by the statement */ sqlite3VdbeEnter(p); /* Check for one of the special errors */ mrc = p->rc & 0xff; assert( p->rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED ); /* This error no longer exists */ isSpecialError = mrc==SQLITE_NOMEM || mrc==SQLITE_IOERR || mrc==SQLITE_INTERRUPT || mrc==SQLITE_FULL; if( isSpecialError ){ ................................................................................ ** above has occurred. */ if( !sqlite3VtabInSync(db) && db->autoCommit && db->writeVdbeCnt==(p->readOnly==0) ){ if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->errorAction==OE_Fail && !isSpecialError) ){ rc = sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p, 1); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( NEVER(p->readOnly) ){ sqlite3VdbeLeave(p); return SQLITE_ERROR; } rc = SQLITE_CONSTRAINT; }else{ /* The auto-commit flag is true, the vdbe program was successful ** or hit an 'OR FAIL' constraint and there are no deferred foreign ** key constraints to hold up the transaction. This means a commit ** is required. */ rc = vdbeCommit(db, p); } if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY && p->readOnly ){ sqlite3VdbeLeave(p); return SQLITE_BUSY; }else if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ p->rc = rc; sqlite3RollbackAll(db); }else{ db->nDeferredCons = 0; sqlite3CommitInternalChanges(db); ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeSetChanges(db, 0); } p->nChange = 0; } /* Rollback or commit any schema changes that occurred. */ if( p->rc!=SQLITE_OK && db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); db->flags = (db->flags | SQLITE_InternChanges); } /* Release the locks */ sqlite3VdbeLeave(p); } /* We have successfully halted and closed the VM. Record this fact. */ if( p->pc>=0 ){ db->activeVdbeCnt--; if( !p->readOnly ){ db->writeVdbeCnt--; ................................................................................ ** to invoke any required unlock-notify callbacks. */ if( db->autoCommit ){ sqlite3ConnectionUnlocked(db); } assert( db->activeVdbeCnt>0 || db->autoCommit==0 || db->nStatement==0 ); return (p->rc==SQLITE_BUSY ? SQLITE_BUSY : SQLITE_OK); } /* ** Each VDBE holds the result of the most recent sqlite3_step() call ** in p->rc. This routine sets that result back to SQLITE_OK. */ ................................................................................ /* Figure out whether to use 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 bytes. */ # define MAX_6BYTE ((((i64)0x00008000)<<32)-1) i64 i = pMem->u.i; u64 u; if( file_format>=4 && (i&1)==i ){ return 8+(u32)i; } if( i<0 ){ if( i<(-MAX_6BYTE) ) return 6; /* Previous test prevents: u = -(-9223372036854775808) */ u = -i; }else{ u = i; } if( u<=127 ) return 1; if( u<=32767 ) return 2; if( u<=8388607 ) return 3; if( u<=2147483647 ) return 4; if( u<=MAX_6BYTE ) return 5; return 6; } ................................................................................ ** Check to see if column iCol of the given statement is valid. If ** it is, return a pointer to the Mem for the value of that column. ** If iCol is not valid, return a pointer to a Mem which has a value ** of NULL. */ static Mem *columnMem(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int i){ Vdbe *pVm; Mem *pOut; pVm = (Vdbe *)pStmt; if( pVm && pVm->pResultSet!=0 && i<pVm->nResColumn && i>=0 ){ sqlite3_mutex_enter(pVm->db->mutex); pOut = &pVm->pResultSet[i]; }else{ /* If the value passed as the second argument is out of range, return ** a pointer to the following static Mem object which contains the ** value SQL NULL. Even though the Mem structure contains an element ** of type i64, on certain architecture (x86) with certain compiler ** switches (-Os), gcc may align this Mem object on a 4-byte boundary ................................................................................ ** this assert() from failing, when building with SQLITE_DEBUG defined ** using gcc, force nullMem to be 8-byte aligned using the magical ** __attribute__((aligned(8))) macro. */ static const Mem nullMem #if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) && defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((aligned(8))) #endif = {0, "", (double)0, {0}, 0, MEM_Null, SQLITE_NULL, 0, #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG 0, 0, /* pScopyFrom, pFiller */ #endif 0, 0 }; if( pVm && ALWAYS(pVm->db) ){ sqlite3_mutex_enter(pVm->db->mutex); sqlite3Error(pVm->db, SQLITE_RANGE, 0); } pOut = (Mem*)&nullMem; } ................................................................................ db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]); out.db = db; if( db->vdbeExecCnt>1 ){ while( *zRawSql ){ const char *zStart = zRawSql; while( *(zRawSql++)!='\n' && *zRawSql ); sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, "-- ", 3); sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, zStart, (int)(zRawSql-zStart)); } }else{ while( zRawSql[0] ){ n = findNextHostParameter(zRawSql, &nToken); assert( n>0 ); sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, zRawSql, n); zRawSql += n; ................................................................................ Vdbe *p /* The VDBE */ ){ int pc=0; /* The program counter */ Op *aOp = p->aOp; /* Copy of p->aOp */ Op *pOp; /* Current operation */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Value to return */ sqlite3 *db = p->db; /* The database */ u8 resetSchemaOnFault = 0; /* Reset schema after an error if positive */ u8 encoding = ENC(db); /* The database encoding */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK int checkProgress; /* True if progress callbacks are enabled */ int nProgressOps = 0; /* Opcodes executed since progress callback. */ #endif Mem *aMem = p->aMem; /* Copy of p->aMem */ Mem *pIn1 = 0; /* 1st input operand */ ................................................................................ int i; Mem *pArg; sqlite3_context ctx; sqlite3_value **apVal; int n; } ag; struct OP_ShiftRight_stack_vars { i64 iA; u64 uA; i64 iB; u8 op; } ah; struct OP_Ge_stack_vars { int res; /* Result of the comparison of pIn1 against pIn3 */ char affinity; /* Affinity to use for comparison */ u16 flags1; /* Copy of initial value of pIn1->flags */ u16 flags3; /* Copy of initial value of pIn3->flags */ } ai; ................................................................................ int iCookie; } at; struct OP_SetCookie_stack_vars { Db *pDb; } au; struct OP_VerifyCookie_stack_vars { int iMeta; int iGen; Btree *pBt; } av; struct OP_OpenWrite_stack_vars { int nField; KeyInfo *pKeyInfo; int p2; int iDb; ................................................................................ Mem *pRec; sqlite3_context ctx; sqlite3_value **apVal; } cb; struct OP_AggFinal_stack_vars { Mem *pMem; } cc; struct OP_Checkpoint_stack_vars { int i; /* Loop counter */ int aRes[3]; /* Results */ Mem *pMem; /* Write results here */ } cd; struct OP_JournalMode_stack_vars { Btree *pBt; /* Btree to change journal mode of */ Pager *pPager; /* Pager associated with pBt */ int eNew; /* New journal mode */ int eOld; /* The old journal mode */ const char *zFilename; /* Name of database file for pPager */ } ce; struct OP_IncrVacuum_stack_vars { Btree *pBt; } cf; struct OP_VBegin_stack_vars { VTable *pVTab; } cg; struct OP_VOpen_stack_vars { VdbeCursor *pCur; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; } ch; struct OP_VFilter_stack_vars { int nArg; int iQuery; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pQuery; Mem *pArgc; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; VdbeCursor *pCur; int res; int i; Mem **apArg; } ci; struct OP_VColumn_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pDest; sqlite3_context sContext; } cj; struct OP_VNext_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; int res; VdbeCursor *pCur; } ck; struct OP_VRename_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; Mem *pName; } cl; struct OP_VUpdate_stack_vars { sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; int nArg; int i; sqlite_int64 rowid; Mem **apArg; Mem *pX; } cm; struct OP_Trace_stack_vars { char *zTrace; } cn; } u; /* End automatically generated code ********************************************************************/ assert( p->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_RUN ); /* sqlite3_step() verifies this */ sqlite3VdbeEnter(p); if( p->rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){ /* This happens if a malloc() inside a call to sqlite3_column_text() or ** sqlite3_column_text16() failed. */ goto no_mem; } assert( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || p->rc==SQLITE_BUSY ); p->rc = SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3]; = pIn1->flags | pIn2->flags; if( ( & MEM_Null)!=0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null; if( (pIn1->flags & pIn2->flags & MEM_Int)==MEM_Int ){ = pIn1->u.i; = pIn2->u.i; switch( pOp->opcode ){ case OP_Add: if( sqlite3AddInt64(&, ) goto fp_math; break; case OP_Subtract: if( sqlite3SubInt64(&, ) goto fp_math; break; case OP_Multiply: if( sqlite3MulInt64(&, ) goto fp_math; break; case OP_Divide: { if( ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null; if( && ) goto fp_math; /=; break; } default: { if( ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null; if( ) = 1; %=; break; } } pOut->u.i =; MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int); }else{ fp_math: = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn1); = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn2); switch( pOp->opcode ){ case OP_Add: +=; break; case OP_Subtract: -=; break; case OP_Multiply: *=; break; case OP_Divide: { ................................................................................ /* Copy the result of the function into register P3 */ sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&, encoding); sqlite3VdbeMemMove(pOut, &; if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(pOut) ){ goto too_big; } #if 0 /* The app-defined function has done something that as caused this ** statement to expire. (Perhaps the function called sqlite3_exec() ** with a CREATE TABLE statement.) */ if( p->expired ) rc = SQLITE_ABORT; #endif REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, pOut); UPDATE_MAX_BLOBSIZE(pOut); break; } /* Opcode: BitAnd P1 P2 P3 * * ** ................................................................................ ** If either input is NULL, the result is NULL. */ case OP_BitAnd: /* same as TK_BITAND, in1, in2, out3 */ case OP_BitOr: /* same as TK_BITOR, in1, in2, out3 */ case OP_ShiftLeft: /* same as TK_LSHIFT, in1, in2, out3 */ case OP_ShiftRight: { /* same as TK_RSHIFT, in1, in2, out3 */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.ah */ i64 iA; u64 uA; i64 iB; u8 op; #endif /* local variables moved into u.ah */ pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1]; pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2]; pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3]; if( (pIn1->flags | pIn2->flags) & MEM_Null ){ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(pOut); break; } u.ah.iA = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2); u.ah.iB = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1); u.ah.op = pOp->opcode; if( u.ah.op==OP_BitAnd ){ u.ah.iA &= u.ah.iB; }else if( u.ah.op==OP_BitOr ){ u.ah.iA |= u.ah.iB; }else if( u.ah.iB!=0 ){ assert( u.ah.op==OP_ShiftRight || u.ah.op==OP_ShiftLeft ); /* If shifting by a negative amount, shift in the other direction */ if( u.ah.iB<0 ){ assert( OP_ShiftRight==OP_ShiftLeft+1 ); u.ah.op = 2*OP_ShiftLeft + 1 - u.ah.op; u.ah.iB = u.ah.iB>(-64) ? -u.ah.iB : 64; } if( u.ah.iB>=64 ){ u.ah.iA = (u.ah.iA>=0 || u.ah.op==OP_ShiftLeft) ? 0 : -1; }else{ memcpy(&u.ah.uA, &u.ah.iA, sizeof(u.ah.uA)); if( u.ah.op==OP_ShiftLeft ){ u.ah.uA <<= u.ah.iB; }else{ u.ah.uA >>= u.ah.iB; /* Sign-extend on a right shift of a negative number */ if( u.ah.iA<0 ) u.ah.uA |= ((((u64)0xffffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff) << (64-u.ah.iB); } memcpy(&u.ah.iA, &u.ah.uA, sizeof(u.ah.iA)); } } pOut->u.i = u.ah.iA; MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int); break; } /* Opcode: AddImm P1 P2 * * * ** ** Add the constant P2 to the value in register P1. ................................................................................ ** Each type field is a varint representing the serial type of the ** corresponding data element (see sqlite3VdbeSerialType()). The ** hdr-size field is also a varint which is the offset from the beginning ** of the record to data0. */ = 0; /* Number of bytes of data space */ = 0; /* Number of bytes of header space */ = 0; /* Number of zero bytes at the end of the record */ = pOp->p1; = pOp->p4.z; assert(>0 && pOp->p2>0 && pOp-><=p->nMem+1 ); = &aMem[]; = pOp->p2; = &[]; ................................................................................ rc = sqlite3BtreeSavepoint(db->aDb[].pBt,,; if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ goto abort_due_to_error; } } if( && (db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges)!=0 ){ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); db->flags = (db->flags | SQLITE_InternChanges); } } /* Regardless of whether this is a RELEASE or ROLLBACK, destroy all ** savepoints nested inside of the savepoint being operated on. */ while( db->pSavepoint! ){ ................................................................................ */ case OP_Transaction: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ Btree *pBt; #endif /* local variables moved into */ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; if( ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(, pOp->p2); if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ p->pc = pc; p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY; ................................................................................ #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p1; = pOp->p3; assert( pOp->p3<SQLITE_N_BTREE_META ); assert(>=0 &&<db->nDb ); assert( db->aDb[].pBt!=0 ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<!=0 ); sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(db->aDb[].pBt,, (u32 *)&; pOut->u.i =; break; } /* Opcode: SetCookie P1 P2 P3 * * ................................................................................ */ case OP_SetCookie: { /* in3 */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ Db *pDb; #endif /* local variables moved into */ assert( pOp->p2<SQLITE_N_BTREE_META ); assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = &db->aDb[pOp->p1]; assert(>pBt!=0 ); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, pOp->p1, 0) ); pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3]; sqlite3VdbeMemIntegerify(pIn3); /* See note about index shifting on OP_ReadCookie */ rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(>pBt, pOp->p2, (int)pIn3->u.i); if( pOp->p2==BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION ){ /* When the schema cookie changes, record the new cookie internally */>pSchema->schema_cookie = (int)pIn3->u.i; ................................................................................ ** schema is changed. Ticket #1644 */ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); p->expired = 0; } break; } /* Opcode: VerifyCookie P1 P2 P3 * * ** ** Check the value of global database parameter number 0 (the ** schema version) and make sure it is equal to P2 and that the ** generation counter on the local schema parse equals P3. ** ** P1 is the database number which is 0 for the main database file ** and 1 for the file holding temporary tables and some higher number ** for auxiliary databases. ** ** The cookie changes its value whenever the database schema changes. ** This operation is used to detect when that the cookie has changed ** and that the current process needs to reread the schema. ................................................................................ ** Either a transaction needs to have been started or an OP_Open needs ** to be executed (to establish a read lock) before this opcode is ** invoked. */ case OP_VerifyCookie: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.av */ int iMeta; int iGen; Btree *pBt; #endif /* local variables moved into u.av */ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, pOp->p1, 0) ); u.av.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; if( u.av.pBt ){ sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(u.av.pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&u.av.iMeta); u.av.iGen = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->iGeneration; }else{ u.av.iGen = u.av.iMeta = 0; } if( u.av.iMeta!=pOp->p2 || u.av.iGen!=pOp->p3 ){ sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zErrMsg); p->zErrMsg = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, "database schema has changed"); /* If the schema-cookie from the database file matches the cookie ** stored with the in-memory representation of the schema, do ** not reload the schema from the database file. ** ** If virtual-tables are in use, this is not just an optimization. ................................................................................ ** to be invalidated whenever sqlite3_step() is called from within ** a v-table method. */ if( db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->schema_cookie!=u.av.iMeta ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, pOp->p1); } p->expired = 1; rc = SQLITE_SCHEMA; } break; } /* Opcode: OpenRead P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ** ................................................................................ } = 0; = 0; = pOp->p2; = pOp->p3; assert(>=0 &&<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<!=0 ); = &db->aDb[]; =>pBt; assert(!=0 ); if( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite ){ = 1; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db,, 0) ); if(>pSchema->file_format < p->minWriteFileFormat ){ p->minWriteFileFormat =>pSchema->file_format; } }else{ = 0; } if( pOp->p5 ){ ................................................................................ ** ** The second algorithm is to select a rowid at random and see if ** it already exists in the table. If it does not exist, we have ** succeeded. If the random rowid does exist, we select a new one ** and try again, up to 100 times. */ assert(>isTable ); #ifdef SQLITE_32BIT_ROWID # define MAX_ROWID 0x7fffffff #else /* Some compilers complain about constants of the form 0x7fffffffffffffff. ** Others complain about 0x7ffffffffffffffffLL. The following macro seems ** to provide the constant while making all compilers happy. ................................................................................ pOut->flags = MEM_Null; if(>1 ){ rc = SQLITE_LOCKED; p->errorAction = OE_Abort; }else{ = pOp->p3; assert( ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<!=0 ); rc = sqlite3BtreeDropTable(db->aDb[].pBt, pOp->p1, &; pOut->flags = MEM_Int; pOut->u.i =; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM if( rc==SQLITE_OK &&!=0 ){ sqlite3RootPageMoved(db,,, pOp->p1); /* All OP_Destroy operations occur on the same btree */ assert( resetSchemaOnFault==0 || ); resetSchemaOnFault =; } #endif } break; } /* Opcode: Clear P1 P2 P3 ................................................................................ */ case OP_Clear: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ int nChange; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p2))!=0 ); rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable( db->aDb[pOp->p2].pBt, pOp->p1, (pOp->p3 ? & : 0) ); if( pOp->p3 ){ p->nChange +=; if( pOp->p3>0 ){ assert( memIsValid(&aMem[pOp->p3]) ); ................................................................................ int pgno; int flags; Db *pDb; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = &db->aDb[pOp->p1]; assert(>pBt!=0 ); if( pOp->opcode==OP_CreateTable ){ /* = BTREE_INTKEY; */ = BTREE_INTKEY; }else{ = BTREE_BLOBKEY; } rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(>pBt, &,; pOut->u.i =; break; } /* Opcode: ParseSchema P1 * * P4 * ** ** Read and parse all entries from the SQLITE_MASTER table of database P1 ** that match the WHERE clause P4. ** ** This opcode invokes the parser to create a new virtual machine, ** then runs the new virtual machine. It is thus a re-entrant opcode. */ case OP_ParseSchema: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.bu */ int iDb; const char *zMaster; char *zSql; InitData initData; #endif /* local variables moved into u.bu */ /* Any prepared statement that invokes this opcode will hold mutexes ** on every btree. This is a prerequisite for invoking ** sqlite3InitCallback(). */ #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG for(u.bu.iDb=0; u.bu.iDb<db->nDb; u.bu.iDb++){ assert( u.bu.iDb==1 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(db->aDb[u.bu.iDb].pBt) ); } #endif u.bu.iDb = pOp->p1; assert( u.bu.iDb>=0 && u.bu.iDb<db->nDb ); assert( DbHasProperty(db, u.bu.iDb, DB_SchemaLoaded) ); /* Used to be a conditional */ { u.bu.zMaster = SCHEMA_TABLE(u.bu.iDb); u.bu.initData.db = db; u.bu.initData.iDb = pOp->p1; u.bu.initData.pzErrMsg = &p->zErrMsg; u.bu.zSql = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "SELECT name, rootpage, sql FROM '%q'.%s WHERE %s ORDER BY rowid", db->aDb[u.bu.iDb].zName, u.bu.zMaster, pOp->p4.z); ................................................................................ assert( !db->mallocFailed ); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, u.bu.zSql, sqlite3InitCallback, &u.bu.initData, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = u.bu.initData.rc; sqlite3DbFree(db, u.bu.zSql); db->init.busy = 0; } } if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){ goto no_mem; } break; } #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_ANALYZE) ................................................................................ assert( (>flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 ); pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1]; for(;<;{[] = (int)sqlite3VdbeIntValue(&pIn1[]); }[] = 0; assert( pOp->p5<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p5))!=0 ); = sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(db->aDb[pOp->p5].pBt,,, (int)>u.i, &; sqlite3DbFree(db,;>u.i -=; sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(pIn1); if( ){ assert( ); ................................................................................ u.cb.ctx.pColl = pOp[-1].p4.pColl; } (u.cb.ctx.pFunc->xStep)(&u.cb.ctx, u.cb.n, u.cb.apVal); /* IMP: R-24505-23230 */ if( u.cb.ctx.isError ){ sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(&u.cb.ctx.s)); rc = u.cb.ctx.isError; } sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.cb.ctx.s); break; } /* Opcode: AggFinal P1 P2 * P4 * ** ** Execute the finalizer function for an aggregate. P1 is ** the memory location that is the accumulator for the aggregate. ................................................................................ if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig( ){ goto too_big; } break; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* Opcode: Checkpoint P1 P2 P3 * * ** ** Checkpoint database P1. This is a no-op if P1 is not currently in ** WAL mode. Parameter P2 is one of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, FULL ** or RESTART. Write 1 or 0 into mem[P3] if the checkpoint returns ** SQLITE_BUSY or not, respectively. Write the number of pages in the ** WAL after the checkpoint into mem[P3+1] and the number of pages ** in the WAL that have been checkpointed after the checkpoint ** completes into mem[P3+2]. However on an error, mem[P3+1] and ** mem[P3+2] are initialized to -1. */ case OP_Checkpoint: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ int i; /* Loop counter */ int aRes[3]; /* Results */ Mem *pMem; /* Write results here */ #endif /* local variables moved into */[0] = 0;[1] =[2] = -1; assert( pOp->p2==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE || pOp->p2==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL || pOp->p2==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART ); rc = sqlite3Checkpoint(db, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, &[1], &[2]); if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ rc = SQLITE_OK;[0] = 1; } for(, = &aMem[pOp->p3];<3;,{ sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(, (i64)[]); } break; }; #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PRAGMA /* Opcode: JournalMode P1 P2 P3 * P5 ** ................................................................................ ** operation. No IO is required. ** ** If changing into or out of WAL mode the procedure is more complicated. ** ** Write a string containing the final journal-mode to register P2. */ case OP_JournalMode: { /* out2-prerelease */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.ce */ Btree *pBt; /* Btree to change journal mode of */ Pager *pPager; /* Pager associated with pBt */ int eNew; /* New journal mode */ int eOld; /* The old journal mode */ const char *zFilename; /* Name of database file for pPager */ #endif /* local variables moved into u.ce */ u.ce.eNew = pOp->p3; assert( u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY ); assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); u.ce.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; u.ce.pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(u.ce.pBt); u.ce.eOld = sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(u.ce.pPager); if( u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY ) u.ce.eNew = u.ce.eOld; if( !sqlite3PagerOkToChangeJournalMode(u.ce.pPager) ) u.ce.eNew = u.ce.eOld; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL u.ce.zFilename = sqlite3PagerFilename(u.ce.pPager); /* Do not allow a transition to journal_mode=WAL for a database ** in temporary storage or if the VFS does not support shared memory */ if( u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL && (u.ce.zFilename[0]==0 /* Temp file */ || !sqlite3PagerWalSupported(u.ce.pPager)) /* No shared-memory support */ ){ u.ce.eNew = u.ce.eOld; } if( (u.ce.eNew!=u.ce.eOld) && (u.ce.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL || u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL) ){ if( !db->autoCommit || db->activeVdbeCnt>1 ){ rc = SQLITE_ERROR; sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "cannot change %s wal mode from within a transaction", (u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ? "into" : "out of") ); break; }else{ if( u.ce.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){ /* If leaving WAL mode, close the log file. If successful, the call ** to PagerCloseWal() checkpoints and deletes the write-ahead-log ** file. An EXCLUSIVE lock may still be held on the database file ** after a successful return. */ rc = sqlite3PagerCloseWal(u.ce.pPager); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.ce.pPager, u.ce.eNew); } }else if( u.ce.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY ){ /* Cannot transition directly from MEMORY to WAL. Use mode OFF ** as an intermediate */ sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.ce.pPager, PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF); } /* Open a transaction on the database file. Regardless of the journal ** mode, this transaction always uses a rollback journal. */ assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(u.ce.pBt)==0 ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(u.ce.pBt, (u.ce.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ? 2 : 1)); } } } #endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */ if( rc ){ u.ce.eNew = u.ce.eOld; } u.ce.eNew = sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.ce.pPager, u.ce.eNew); pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2]; pOut->flags = MEM_Str|MEM_Static|MEM_Term; pOut->z = (char *)sqlite3JournalModename(u.ce.eNew); pOut->n = sqlite3Strlen30(pOut->z); pOut->enc = SQLITE_UTF8; sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pOut, encoding); break; }; #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_PRAGMA */ ................................................................................ /* Opcode: IncrVacuum P1 P2 * * * ** ** Perform a single step of the incremental vacuum procedure on ** the P1 database. If the vacuum has finished, jump to instruction ** P2. Otherwise, fall through to the next instruction. */ case OP_IncrVacuum: { /* jump */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ Btree *pBt; #endif /* local variables moved into */ assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 ); = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt; rc = sqlite3BtreeIncrVacuum(; if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ pc = pOp->p2 - 1; rc = SQLITE_OK; } break; } #endif ................................................................................ ** used to generate an error message if the lock cannot be obtained. */ case OP_TableLock: { u8 isWriteLock = (u8)pOp->p3; if( isWriteLock || 0==(db->flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommitted) ){ int p1 = pOp->p1; assert( p1>=0 && p1<db->nDb ); assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<p1))!=0 ); assert( isWriteLock==0 || isWriteLock==1 ); rc = sqlite3BtreeLockTable(db->aDb[p1].pBt, pOp->p2, isWriteLock); if( (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_LOCKED ){ const char *z = pOp->p4.z; sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "database table is locked: %s", z); } } ................................................................................ ** xBegin method for that table. ** ** Also, whether or not P4 is set, check that this is not being called from ** within a callback to a virtual table xSync() method. If it is, the error ** code will be set to SQLITE_LOCKED. */ case OP_VBegin: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ VTable *pVTab; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p4.pVtab; rc = sqlite3VtabBegin(db,; if( ) importVtabErrMsg(p,>pVtab); break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE /* Opcode: VCreate P1 * * P4 * ** ................................................................................ /* Opcode: VOpen P1 * * P4 * ** ** P4 is a pointer to a virtual table object, an sqlite3_vtab structure. ** P1 is a cursor number. This opcode opens a cursor to the virtual ** table and stores that cursor in P1. */ case OP_VOpen: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ VdbeCursor *pCur; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; = 0; = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab; = (sqlite3_module *)>pModule; assert( &&; rc =>xOpen(, &; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){ /* Initialize sqlite3_vtab_cursor base class */>pVtab =; /* Initialise vdbe cursor object */ = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, 0, -1, 0); if( ){>pVtabCursor =;>pModule =>pVtab->pModule; }else{ db->mallocFailed = 1;>xClose(; } } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE ................................................................................ ** xFilter method. Registers P3+2..P3+1+argc are the argc ** additional parameters which are passed to ** xFilter as argv. Register P3+2 becomes argv[0] when passed to xFilter. ** ** A jump is made to P2 if the result set after filtering would be empty. */ case OP_VFilter: { /* jump */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ int nArg; int iQuery; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pQuery; Mem *pArgc; sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor; sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; VdbeCursor *pCur; int res; int i; Mem **apArg; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = &aMem[pOp->p3]; = &[1]; = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]; assert( memIsValid( ); REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3,; assert(>pVtabCursor ); =>pVtabCursor; =>pVtab; =>pModule; /* Grab the index number and argc parameters */ assert( (>flags&MEM_Int)!=0 &&>flags==MEM_Int ); = (int)>u.i; = (int)>u.i; /* Invoke the xFilter method */ { = 0; = p->apArg; for( = 0;<;{[] = &[]; sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType([]); } p->inVtabMethod = 1; rc =>xFilter(,, pOp->p4.z,,; p->inVtabMethod = 0; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ =>xEof(; } if( ){ pc = pOp->p2 - 1; } }>nullRow = 0; break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE /* Opcode: VColumn P1 P2 P3 * * ** ** Store the value of the P2-th column of ** the row of the virtual-table that the ** P1 cursor is pointing to into register P3. */ case OP_VColumn: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into u.cj */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; Mem *pDest; sqlite3_context sContext; #endif /* local variables moved into u.cj */ VdbeCursor *pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]; assert( pCur->pVtabCursor ); assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem ); u.cj.pDest = &aMem[pOp->p3]; memAboutToChange(p, u.cj.pDest); if( pCur->nullRow ){ sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(u.cj.pDest); break; } u.cj.pVtab = pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab; u.cj.pModule = u.cj.pVtab->pModule; assert( u.cj.pModule->xColumn ); memset(&u.cj.sContext, 0, sizeof(u.cj.sContext)); /* The output cell may already have a buffer allocated. Move ** the current contents to u.cj.sContext.s so in case the user-function ** can use the already allocated buffer instead of allocating a ** new one. */ sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.cj.sContext.s, u.cj.pDest); MemSetTypeFlag(&u.cj.sContext.s, MEM_Null); rc = u.cj.pModule->xColumn(pCur->pVtabCursor, &u.cj.sContext, pOp->p2); importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cj.pVtab); if( u.cj.sContext.isError ){ rc = u.cj.sContext.isError; } /* Copy the result of the function to the P3 register. We ** do this regardless of whether or not an error occurred to ensure any ** dynamic allocation in u.cj.sContext.s (a Mem struct) is released. */ sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&u.cj.sContext.s, encoding); sqlite3VdbeMemMove(u.cj.pDest, &u.cj.sContext.s); REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.cj.pDest); UPDATE_MAX_BLOBSIZE(u.cj.pDest); if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(u.cj.pDest) ){ goto too_big; } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE ................................................................................ /* Opcode: VNext P1 P2 * * * ** ** Advance virtual table P1 to the next row in its result set and ** jump to instruction P2. Or, if the virtual table has reached ** the end of its result set, then fall through to the next instruction. */ case OP_VNext: { /* jump */ #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; const sqlite3_module *pModule; int res; VdbeCursor *pCur; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = 0; = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]; assert(>pVtabCursor ); if(>nullRow ){ break; } =>pVtabCursor->pVtab; =>pModule; assert(>xNext ); /* Invoke the xNext() method of the module. There is no way for the ** underlying implementation to return an error if one occurs during ** xNext(). Instead, if an error occurs, true is returned (indicating that ** data is available) and the error code returned when xColumn or ** some other method is next invoked on the save virtual table cursor. */ p->inVtabMethod = 1; rc =>xNext(>pVtabCursor); p->inVtabMethod = 0; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ =>xEof(>pVtabCursor); } if( ! ){ /* If there is data, jump to P2 */ pc = pOp->p2 - 1; } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ ................................................................................ /* Opcode: VRename P1 * * P4 * ** ** P4 is a pointer to a virtual table object, an sqlite3_vtab structure. ** This opcode invokes the corresponding xRename method. The value ** in register P1 is passed as the zName argument to the xRename method. */ case OP_VRename: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; Mem *pName; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab; = &aMem[pOp->p1]; assert(>pModule->xRename ); assert( memIsValid( ); REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1,; assert(>flags & MEM_Str ); rc =>pModule->xRename(,>z); importVtabErrMsg(p,; p->expired = 0; break; } #endif #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE ................................................................................ ** a row to delete. ** ** P1 is a boolean flag. If it is set to true and the xUpdate call ** is successful, then the value returned by sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() ** is set to the value of the rowid for the row just inserted. */ case OP_VUpdate: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; sqlite3_module *pModule; int nArg; int i; sqlite_int64 rowid; Mem **apArg; Mem *pX; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab; = (sqlite3_module *)>pModule; = pOp->p2; assert( pOp->p4type==P4_VTAB ); if( ALWAYS(>xUpdate) ){ = p->apArg; = &aMem[pOp->p3]; for(;<;{ assert( memIsValid( ); memAboutToChange(p,; sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(;[] =;; } rc =>xUpdate(,,, &; importVtabErrMsg(p,; if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pOp->p1 ){ assert(>1 &&[0] && ([0]->flags&MEM_Null) ); db->lastRowid =; } p->nChange++; } break; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE /* Opcode: Trace * * * P4 * ** ** If tracing is enabled (by the sqlite3_trace()) interface, then ** the UTF-8 string contained in P4 is emitted on the trace callback. */ case OP_Trace: { #if 0 /* local variables moved into */ char *zTrace; #endif /* local variables moved into */ = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql); if( ){ if( db->xTrace ){ char *z = sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(p,; db->xTrace(db->pTraceArg, z); sqlite3DbFree(db, z); } #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG if( (db->flags & SQLITE_SqlTrace)!=0 ){ sqlite3DebugPrintf("SQL-trace: %s\n",; } #endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */ } break; } #endif ................................................................................ p->rc = rc; testcase( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xLog!=0 ); sqlite3_log(rc, "statement aborts at %d: [%s] %s", pc, p->zSql, p->zErrMsg); sqlite3VdbeHalt(p); if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ) db->mallocFailed = 1; rc = SQLITE_ERROR; if( resetSchemaOnFault>0 ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, resetSchemaOnFault-1); } /* This is the only way out of this procedure. We have to ** release the mutexes on btrees that were acquired at the ** top. */ vdbe_return: sqlite3VdbeLeave(p); return rc; /* Jump to here if a string or blob larger than SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH ** is encountered. */ too_big: sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "string or blob too big"); ................................................................................ /* Configure the OP_Transaction */ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, 0, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, 0, flags); /* Configure the OP_VerifyCookie */ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, 1, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, 1, pTab->pSchema->schema_cookie); sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, 1, pTab->pSchema->iGeneration); /* Make sure a mutex is held on the table to be accessed */ sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(v, iDb); /* Configure the OP_TableLock instruction */ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(v, 2, 1); ................................................................................ /* ** Return the default collation sequence for the expression pExpr. If ** there is no default collation type, return 0. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){ CollSeq *pColl = 0; Expr *p = pExpr; while( p ){ int op; pColl = p->pColl; if( pColl ) break; op = p->op; if( p->pTab!=0 && ( op==TK_AGG_COLUMN || op==TK_COLUMN || op==TK_REGISTER || op==TK_TRIGGER )){ ................................................................................ int nExtra = 0; int iValue = 0; if( pToken ){ if( op!=TK_INTEGER || pToken->z==0 || sqlite3GetInt32(pToken->z, &iValue)==0 ){ nExtra = pToken->n+1; assert( iValue>=0 ); } } pNew = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, sizeof(Expr)+nExtra); if( pNew ){ pNew->op = (u8)op; pNew->iAgg = -1; if( pToken ){ ................................................................................ } /* ** Recursively delete an expression tree. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprDelete(sqlite3 *db, Expr *p){ if( p==0 ) return; /* Sanity check: Assert that the IntValue is non-negative if it exists */ assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_IntValue) || p->u.iValue>=0 ); if( !ExprHasAnyProperty(p, EP_TokenOnly) ){ sqlite3ExprDelete(db, p->pLeft); sqlite3ExprDelete(db, p->pRight); if( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_Reduced) && (p->flags2 & EP2_MallocedToken)!=0 ){ sqlite3DbFree(db, p->u.zToken); } if( ExprHasProperty(p, EP_xIsSelect) ){ ................................................................................ ** If the expression p codes a constant integer that is small enough ** to fit in a 32-bit integer, return 1 and put the value of the integer ** in *pValue. If the expression is not an integer or if it is too big ** to fit in a signed 32-bit integer, return 0 and leave *pValue unchanged. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsInteger(Expr *p, int *pValue){ int rc = 0; /* If an expression is an integer literal that fits in a signed 32-bit ** integer, then the EP_IntValue flag will have already been set */ assert( p->op!=TK_INTEGER || (p->flags & EP_IntValue)!=0 || sqlite3GetInt32(p->u.zToken, &rc)==0 ); if( p->flags & EP_IntValue ){ *pValue = p->u.iValue; return 1; } switch( p->op ){ case TK_UPLUS: { rc = sqlite3ExprIsInteger(p->pLeft, pValue); break; } case TK_UMINUS: { int v; if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(p->pLeft, &v) ){ ................................................................................ *pValue = -v; rc = 1; } break; } default: break; } return rc; } /* ** Return FALSE if there is no chance that the expression can be NULL. ** ** If the expression might be NULL or if the expression is too complex ................................................................................ ** ** Expr.u.zToken is always UTF8 and zero-terminated. */ static void codeInteger(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int negFlag, int iMem){ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe; if( pExpr->flags & EP_IntValue ){ int i = pExpr->u.iValue; assert( i>=0 ); if( negFlag ) i = -i; sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, i, iMem); }else{ int c; i64 value; const char *z = pExpr->u.zToken; assert( z!=0 ); c = sqlite3Atoi64(z, &value, sqlite3Strlen30(z), SQLITE_UTF8); if( c==0 || (c==2 && negFlag) ){ char *zV; if( negFlag ){ value = c==2 ? SMALLEST_INT64 : -value; } zV = dup8bytes(v, (char*)&value); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Int64, 0, iMem, 0, zV, P4_INT64); }else{ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "oversized integer: %s%s", negFlag ? "-" : "", z); #else codeReal(v, z, negFlag, iMem); ................................................................................ #endif case TK_VARIABLE: { assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_IntValue) ); assert( pExpr->u.zToken!=0 ); assert( pExpr->u.zToken[0]!=0 ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Variable, pExpr->iColumn, target); if( pExpr->u.zToken[1]!=0 ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pExpr->u.zToken, P4_TRANSIENT); } break; } case TK_REGISTER: { inReg = pExpr->iTable; break; } ................................................................................ break; } case TK_BETWEEN: { testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); exprCodeBetween(pParse, pExpr, dest, 1, jumpIfNull); break; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY case TK_IN: { int destIfFalse = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v); int destIfNull = jumpIfNull ? dest : destIfFalse; sqlite3ExprCodeIN(pParse, pExpr, destIfFalse, destIfNull); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, dest); sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, destIfFalse); break; } #endif default: { r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr, ®Free1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_If, r1, dest, jumpIfNull!=0); testcase( regFree1==0 ); testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); break; } ................................................................................ break; } case TK_BETWEEN: { testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); exprCodeBetween(pParse, pExpr, dest, 0, jumpIfNull); break; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY case TK_IN: { if( jumpIfNull ){ sqlite3ExprCodeIN(pParse, pExpr, dest, dest); }else{ int destIfNull = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v); sqlite3ExprCodeIN(pParse, pExpr, dest, destIfNull); sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, destIfNull); } break; } #endif default: { r1 = sqlite3ExprCodeTemp(pParse, pExpr, ®Free1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IfNot, r1, dest, jumpIfNull!=0); testcase( regFree1==0 ); testcase( jumpIfNull==0 ); break; } ................................................................................ ** triggers. Don't use IN(...) in case SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY is defined. */ if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_ParseSchema, 1, 0, 0, zWhere, P4_DYNAMIC); } #endif } /* ** Parameter zName is the name of a table that is about to be altered ** (either with ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO or ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN). ** If the table is a system table, this function leaves an error message ** in pParse->zErr (system tables may not be altered) and returns non-zero. ** ** Or, if zName is not a system table, zero is returned. */ static int isSystemTable(Parse *pParse, const char *zName){ if( sqlite3Strlen30(zName)>6 && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(zName, "sqlite_", 7) ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be altered", zName); return 1; } return 0; } /* ** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy" ** command. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterRenameTable( Parse *pParse, /* Parser context. */ ................................................................................ "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName); goto exit_rename_table; } /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name ** that the table is being renamed to. */ if( SQLITE_OK!=isSystemTable(pParse, pTab->zName) ){ goto exit_rename_table; } if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){ goto exit_rename_table; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW if( pTab->pSelect ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "view %s may not be altered", pTab->zName); goto exit_rename_table; } ................................................................................ #endif /* Make sure this is not an attempt to ALTER a view. */ if( pTab->pSelect ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column to a view"); goto exit_begin_add_column; } if( SQLITE_OK!=isSystemTable(pParse, pTab->zName) ){ goto exit_begin_add_column; } assert( pTab->addColOffset>0 ); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); /* Put a copy of the Table struct in Parse.pNewTable for the ** sqlite3AddColumn() function and friends to modify. But modify ** the name by adding an "sqlite_altertab_" prefix. By adding this ................................................................................ ** with the named table are deleted. If zWhere==0, then code is generated ** to delete all stat table entries. */ static void openStatTable( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */ int iDb, /* The database we are looking in */ int iStatCur, /* Open the sqlite_stat1 table on this cursor */ const char *zWhere, /* Delete entries for this table or index */ const char *zWhereType /* Either "tbl" or "idx" */ ){ static const struct { const char *zName; const char *zCols; } aTable[] = { { "sqlite_stat1", "tbl,idx,stat" }, #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 ................................................................................ /* The table already exists. If zWhere is not NULL, delete all entries ** associated with the table zWhere. If zWhere is NULL, delete the ** entire contents of the table. */ aRoot[i] = pStat->tnum; sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, aRoot[i], 1, zTab); if( zWhere ){ sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, "DELETE FROM %Q.%s WHERE %s=%Q", pDb->zName, zTab, zWhereType, zWhere ); }else{ /* The sqlite_stat[12] table already exists. Delete all rows. */ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Clear, aRoot[i], iDb); } } } ................................................................................ /* ** Generate code to do an analysis of all indices associated with ** a single table. */ static void analyzeOneTable( Parse *pParse, /* Parser context */ Table *pTab, /* Table whose indices are to be analyzed */ Index *pOnlyIdx, /* If not NULL, only analyze this one index */ int iStatCur, /* Index of VdbeCursor that writes the sqlite_stat1 table */ int iMem /* Available memory locations begin here */ ){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database handle */ Index *pIdx; /* An index to being analyzed */ int iIdxCur; /* Cursor open on index being analyzed */ Vdbe *v; /* The virtual machine being built up */ int i; /* Loop counter */ int topOfLoop; /* The top of the loop */ int endOfLoop; /* The end of the loop */ int jZeroRows = -1; /* Jump from here if number of rows is zero */ int iDb; /* Index of database containing pTab */ int regTabname = iMem++; /* Register containing table name */ int regIdxname = iMem++; /* Register containing index name */ int regSampleno = iMem++; /* Register containing next sample number */ int regCol = iMem++; /* Content of a column analyzed table */ int regRec = iMem++; /* Register holding completed record */ int regTemp = iMem++; /* Temporary use register */ int regRowid = iMem++; /* Rowid for the inserted record */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 int addr = 0; /* Instruction address */ int regTemp2 = iMem++; /* Temporary use register */ int regSamplerecno = iMem++; /* Index of next sample to record */ int regRecno = iMem++; /* Current sample index */ int regLast = iMem++; /* Index of last sample to record */ int regFirst = iMem++; /* Index of first sample to record */ #endif ................................................................................ if( memcmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){ /* Do not gather statistics on system tables */ return; } assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) ); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); assert( iDb>=0 ); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ANALYZE, pTab->zName, 0, db->aDb[iDb].zName ) ){ return; } #endif /* Establish a read-lock on the table at the shared-cache level. */ sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pTab->tnum, 0, pTab->zName); iIdxCur = pParse->nTab++; sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regTabname, 0, pTab->zName, 0); for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){ int nCol; KeyInfo *pKey; if( pOnlyIdx && pOnlyIdx!=pIdx ) continue; nCol = pIdx->nColumn; pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIdx); if( iMem+1+(nCol*2)>pParse->nMem ){ pParse->nMem = iMem+1+(nCol*2); } /* Open a cursor to the index to be analyzed. */ assert( iDb==sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pIdx->pSchema) ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenRead, iIdxCur, pIdx->tnum, iDb, ................................................................................ ** I = (K+D-1)/D ** ** If K==0 then no entry is made into the sqlite_stat1 table. ** If K>0 then it is always the case the D>0 so division by zero ** is never possible. */ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, iMem, regSampleno); if( jZeroRows<0 ){ jZeroRows = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IfNot, iMem); } for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regTemp, 0, " ", 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Concat, regTemp, regSampleno, regSampleno); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Add, iMem, iMem+i+1, regTemp); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_AddImm, regTemp, -1); ................................................................................ ** containing NULL as the index name and the row count as the content. */ if( pTab->pIndex==0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, iIdxCur, pTab->tnum, iDb); VdbeComment((v, "%s", pTab->zName)); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iIdxCur, regSampleno); sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Close, iIdxCur); jZeroRows = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IfNot, regSampleno); }else{ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jZeroRows); jZeroRows = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regIdxname); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regTabname, 3, regRec, "aaa", 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, iStatCur, regRowid); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, iStatCur, regRec, regRowid); sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_APPEND); if( pParse->nMem<regRec ) pParse->nMem = regRec; sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jZeroRows); } /* ** Generate code that will cause the most recent index analysis to ** be loaded into internal hash tables where is can be used. */ static void loadAnalysis(Parse *pParse, int iDb){ ................................................................................ HashElem *k; int iStatCur; int iMem; sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); iStatCur = pParse->nTab; pParse->nTab += 2; openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, 0, 0); iMem = pParse->nMem+1; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){ Table *pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k); analyzeOneTable(pParse, pTab, 0, iStatCur, iMem); } loadAnalysis(pParse, iDb); } /* ** Generate code that will do an analysis of a single table in ** a database. If pOnlyIdx is not NULL then it is a single index ** in pTab that should be analyzed. */ static void analyzeTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab, Index *pOnlyIdx){ int iDb; int iStatCur; assert( pTab!=0 ); assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) ); iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema); sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); iStatCur = pParse->nTab; pParse->nTab += 2; if( pOnlyIdx ){ openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, pOnlyIdx->zName, "idx"); }else{ openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, pTab->zName, "tbl"); } analyzeOneTable(pParse, pTab, pOnlyIdx, iStatCur, pParse->nMem+1); loadAnalysis(pParse, iDb); } /* ** Generate code for the ANALYZE command. The parser calls this routine ** when it recognizes an ANALYZE command. ** ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Analyze(Parse *pParse, Token *pName1, Token *pName2){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; int iDb; int i; char *z, *zDb; Table *pTab; Index *pIdx; Token *pTableName; /* Read the database schema. If an error occurs, leave an error message ** and code in pParse and return NULL. */ assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) ); if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){ return; ................................................................................ /* Form 2: Analyze the database or table named */ iDb = sqlite3FindDb(db, pName1); if( iDb>=0 ){ analyzeDatabase(pParse, iDb); }else{ z = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pName1); if( z ){ if( (pIdx = sqlite3FindIndex(db, z, 0))!=0 ){ analyzeTable(pParse, pIdx->pTable, pIdx); }else if( (pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, z, 0))!=0 ){ analyzeTable(pParse, pTab, 0); } sqlite3DbFree(db, z); } } }else{ /* Form 3: Analyze the fully qualified table name */ iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pTableName); if( iDb>=0 ){ zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName; z = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pTableName); if( z ){ if( (pIdx = sqlite3FindIndex(db, z, zDb))!=0 ){ analyzeTable(pParse, pIdx->pTable, pIdx); }else if( (pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, z, zDb))!=0 ){ analyzeTable(pParse, pTab, 0); } sqlite3DbFree(db, z); } } } } /* ** Used to pass information from the analyzer reader through to the ................................................................................ v = v*10 + c - '0'; z++; } if( i==0 ) pTable->nRowEst = v; if( pIndex==0 ) break; pIndex->aiRowEst[i] = v; if( *z==' ' ) z++; if( memcmp(z, "unordered", 10)==0 ){ pIndex->bUnordered = 1; break; } } return 0; } /* ** If the Index.aSample variable is not NULL, delete the aSample[] array ** and its contents. ................................................................................ analysisInfo sInfo; HashElem *i; char *zSql; int rc; assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); assert( db->aDb[iDb].pBt!=0 ); /* Clear any prior statistics */ assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->idxHash);i;i=sqliteHashNext(i)){ Index *pIdx = sqliteHashData(i); sqlite3DefaultRowEst(pIdx); sqlite3DeleteIndexSamples(db, pIdx); pIdx->aSample = 0; } ................................................................................ zKey = (char *)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[2]); rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey); break; case SQLITE_NULL: /* No key specified. Use the key from the main database */ sqlite3CodecGetKey(db, 0, (void**)&zKey, &nKey); if( nKey>0 || sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(db->aDb[0].pBt)>0 ){ rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey); } break; } } #endif /* If the file was opened successfully, read the schema for the new database. ** If this fails, or if opening the file failed, then close the file and ................................................................................ int iDb = db->nDb - 1; assert( iDb>=2 ); if( db->aDb[iDb].pBt ){ sqlite3BtreeClose(db->aDb[iDb].pBt); db->aDb[iDb].pBt = 0; db->aDb[iDb].pSchema = 0; } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); db->nDb = iDb; if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; sqlite3DbFree(db, zErrDyn); zErrDyn = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "out of memory"); }else if( zErrDyn==0 ){ zErrDyn = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "unable to open database: %s", zFile); ................................................................................ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "database %s is locked", zName); goto detach_error; } sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt); pDb->pBt = 0; pDb->pSchema = 0; sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); return; detach_error: sqlite3_result_error(context, zErr, -1); } /* ................................................................................ ){ pParse->nErr++; goto attach_end; } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION if( pAuthArg ){ char *zAuthArg; if( pAuthArg->op==TK_STRING ){ zAuthArg = pAuthArg->u.zToken; }else{ zAuthArg = 0; } rc = sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, type, zAuthArg, 0, 0); if(rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ goto attach_end; } } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION */ ................................................................................ /* The cookie mask contains one bit for each database file open. ** (Bit 0 is for main, bit 1 is for temp, and so forth.) Bits are ** set for each database that is used. Generate code to start a ** transaction on each used database and to verify the schema cookie ** on each used database. */ if( pParse->cookieGoto>0 ){ yDbMask mask; int iDb; sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, pParse->cookieGoto-1); for(iDb=0, mask=1; iDb<db->nDb; mask<<=1, iDb++){ if( (mask & pParse->cookieMask)==0 ) continue; sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(v, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v,OP_Transaction, iDb, (mask & pParse->writeMask)!=0); if( db->init.busy==0 ){ assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_VerifyCookie, iDb, pParse->cookieValue[iDb], db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->iGeneration); } } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE { int i; for(i=0; i<pParse->nVtabLock; i++){ char *vtab = (char *)sqlite3GetVTable(db, pParse->apVtabLock[i]); ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3FindTable(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const char *zDatabase){ Table *p = 0; int i; int nName; assert( zName!=0 ); nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); /* All mutexes are required for schema access. Make sure we hold them. */ assert( zDatabase!=0 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) ); for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){ int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */ if( zDatabase!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zDatabase, db->aDb[j].zName) ) continue; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, j, 0) ); p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[j].pSchema->tblHash, zName, nName); if( p ) break; } return p; } /* ................................................................................ ** TEMP first, then MAIN, then any auxiliary databases added ** using the ATTACH command. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Index *sqlite3FindIndex(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const char *zDb){ Index *p = 0; int i; int nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); /* All mutexes are required for schema access. Make sure we hold them. */ assert( zDb!=0 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) ); for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){ int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */ Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[j].pSchema; assert( pSchema ); if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(zDb, db->aDb[j].zName) ) continue; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, j, 0) ); p = sqlite3HashFind(&pSchema->idxHash, zName, nName); if( p ) break; } return p; } /* ................................................................................ ** unlike that index from its Table then remove the index from ** the index hash table and free all memory structures associated ** with the index. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteIndex(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zIdxName){ Index *pIndex; int len; Hash *pHash; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pHash = &db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->idxHash; len = sqlite3Strlen30(zIdxName); pIndex = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zIdxName, len, 0); if( ALWAYS(pIndex) ){ if( pIndex->pTable->pIndex==pIndex ){ pIndex->pTable->pIndex = pIndex->pNext; }else{ Index *p; /* Justification of ALWAYS(); The index must be on the list of ** indices. */ p = pIndex->pTable->pIndex; ................................................................................ /* ** Erase all schema information from the in-memory hash tables of ** a single database. This routine is called to reclaim memory ** before the database closes. It is also called during a rollback ** if there were schema changes during the transaction or if a ** schema-cookie mismatch occurs. ** ** If iDb<0 then reset the internal schema tables for all database ** files. If iDb>=0 then reset the internal schema for only the ** single file indicated. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){ int i, j; assert( iDb<db->nDb ); if( iDb>=0 ){ /* Case 1: Reset the single schema identified by iDb */ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[iDb]; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); assert( pDb->pSchema!=0 ); sqlite3SchemaClear(pDb->pSchema); /* If any database other than TEMP is reset, then also reset TEMP ** since TEMP might be holding triggers that reference tables in the ** other database. */ if( iDb!=1 ){ pDb = &db->aDb[1]; assert( pDb->pSchema!=0 ); sqlite3SchemaClear(pDb->pSchema); } return; } /* Case 2 (from here to the end): Reset all schemas for all attached ** databases. */ assert( iDb<0 ); sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(db); for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i]; if( pDb->pSchema ){ sqlite3SchemaClear(pDb->pSchema); } } db->flags &= ~SQLITE_InternChanges; sqlite3VtabUnlockList(db); sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(db); /* If one or more of the auxiliary database files has been closed, ** then remove them from the auxiliary database list. We take the ** opportunity to do this here since we have just deleted all of the ................................................................................ pNext = pIndex->pNext; assert( pIndex->pSchema==pTable->pSchema ); if( !db || db->pnBytesFreed==0 ){ char *zName = pIndex->zName; TESTONLY ( Index *pOld = ) sqlite3HashInsert( &pIndex->pSchema->idxHash, zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName), 0 ); assert( db==0 || sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pIndex->pSchema) ); assert( pOld==pIndex || pOld==0 ); } freeIndex(db, pIndex); } /* Delete any foreign keys attached to this table. */ sqlite3FkDelete(db, pTable); ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTable(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zTabName){ Table *p; Db *pDb; assert( db!=0 ); assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); assert( zTabName ); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); testcase( zTabName[0]==0 ); /* Zero-length table names are allowed */ pDb = &db->aDb[iDb]; p = sqlite3HashInsert(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash, zTabName, sqlite3Strlen30(zTabName),0); sqlite3DeleteTable(db, p); db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges; } ................................................................................ if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){ goto begin_table_error; } pTable = sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb); if( pTable ){ if( !noErr ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %T already exists", pName); }else{ assert( !db->init.busy ); sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb); } goto begin_table_error; } if( sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb)!=0 ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "there is already an index named %s", zName); goto begin_table_error; } ................................................................................ /* If this is the magic sqlite_sequence table used by autoincrement, ** then record a pointer to this table in the main database structure ** so that INSERT can find the table easily. */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINCREMENT if( !pParse->nested && strcmp(zName, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){ assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pTable->pSchema->pSeqTab = pTable; } #endif /* Begin generating the code that will insert the table record into ** the SQLITE_MASTER table. Note in particular that we must go ahead ** and allocate the record number for the table entry now. Before any ................................................................................ ** and the probability of hitting the same cookie value is only ** 1 chance in 2^32. So we're safe enough. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ChangeCookie(Parse *pParse, int iDb){ int r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse); sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie+1, r1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, r1); sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1); } /* ** Measure the number of characters needed to output the given ................................................................................ const char *zType; sqlite3_snprintf(n-k, &zStmt[k], zSep); k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zStmt[k]); zSep = zSep2; identPut(zStmt, &k, pCol->zName); assert( pCol->affinity-SQLITE_AFF_TEXT >= 0 ); assert( pCol->affinity-SQLITE_AFF_TEXT < ArraySize(azType) ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_TEXT ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_NONE ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER ); testcase( pCol->affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ); zType = azType[pCol->affinity - SQLITE_AFF_TEXT]; ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINCREMENT /* Check to see if we need to create an sqlite_sequence table for ** keeping track of autoincrement keys. */ if( p->tabFlags & TF_Autoincrement ){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[iDb]; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); if( pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab==0 ){ sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, "CREATE TABLE %Q.sqlite_sequence(name,seq)", pDb->zName ); } } ................................................................................ /* Add the table to the in-memory representation of the database. */ if( db->init.busy ){ Table *pOld; Schema *pSchema = p->pSchema; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&pSchema->tblHash, p->zName, sqlite3Strlen30(p->zName),p); if( pOld ){ assert( p==pOld ); /* Malloc must have failed inside HashInsert() */ db->mallocFailed = 1; return; } ................................................................................ if( pSelTab ){ assert( pTable->aCol==0 ); pTable->nCol = pSelTab->nCol; pTable->aCol = pSelTab->aCol; pSelTab->nCol = 0; pSelTab->aCol = 0; sqlite3DeleteTable(db, pSelTab); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pTable->pSchema) ); pTable->pSchema->flags |= DB_UnresetViews; }else{ pTable->nCol = 0; nErr++; } sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pSel); } else { ................................................................................ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW /* ** Clear the column names from every VIEW in database idx. */ static void sqliteViewResetAll(sqlite3 *db, int idx){ HashElem *i; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, idx, 0) ); if( !DbHasProperty(db, idx, DB_UnresetViews) ) return; for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[idx].pSchema->tblHash); i;i=sqliteHashNext(i)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(i); if( pTab->pSelect ){ sqliteDeleteColumnNames(db, pTab); pTab->aCol = 0; pTab->nCol = 0; ................................................................................ ** because the first match might be for one of the deleted indices ** or tables and not the table/index that is actually being moved. ** We must continue looping until all tables and indices with ** rootpage==iFrom have been converted to have a rootpage of iTo ** in order to be certain that we got the right one. */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RootPageMoved(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, int iFrom, int iTo){ HashElem *pElem; Hash *pHash; Db *pDb; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pDb = &db->aDb[iDb]; pHash = &pDb->pSchema->tblHash; for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(pHash); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(pElem); if( pTab->tnum==iFrom ){ pTab->tnum = iTo; } } ................................................................................ assert( pName->nSrc==1 ); if( noErr ) db->suppressErr++; pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, isView, pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase); if( noErr ) db->suppressErr--; if( pTab==0 ){ if( noErr ) sqlite3CodeVerifyNamedSchema(pParse, pName->a[0].zDatabase); goto exit_drop_table; } iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb ); /* If pTab is a virtual table, call ViewGetColumnNames() to ensure ** it is initialized. ................................................................................ z += n+1; } } pFKey->isDeferred = 0; pFKey->aAction[0] = (u8)(flags & 0xff); /* ON DELETE action */ pFKey->aAction[1] = (u8)((flags >> 8 ) & 0xff); /* ON UPDATE action */ assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, p->pSchema) ); pNextTo = (FKey *)sqlite3HashInsert(&p->pSchema->fkeyHash, pFKey->zTo, sqlite3Strlen30(pFKey->zTo), (void *)pFKey ); if( pNextTo==pFKey ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; goto fk_end; } ................................................................................ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "there is already a table named %s", zName); goto exit_create_index; } } if( sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, pDb->zName)!=0 ){ if( !ifNotExist ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "index %s already exists", zName); }else{ assert( !db->init.busy ); sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb); } goto exit_create_index; } }else{ int n; Index *pLoop; for(pLoop=pTab->pIndex, n=1; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pNext, n++){} ................................................................................ zExtra = (char *)(&pIndex->zName[nName+1]); memcpy(pIndex->zName, zName, nName+1); pIndex->pTable = pTab; pIndex->nColumn = pList->nExpr; pIndex->onError = (u8)onError; pIndex->autoIndex = (u8)(pName==0); pIndex->pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); /* Check to see if we should honor DESC requests on index columns */ if( pDb->pSchema->file_format>=4 ){ sortOrderMask = -1; /* Honor DESC */ }else{ sortOrderMask = 0; /* Ignore DESC */ ................................................................................ } /* Link the new Index structure to its table and to the other ** in-memory database structures. */ if( db->init.busy ){ Index *p; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pIndex->pSchema) ); p = sqlite3HashInsert(&pIndex->pSchema->idxHash, pIndex->zName, sqlite3Strlen30(pIndex->zName), pIndex); if( p ){ assert( p==pIndex ); /* Malloc must have failed */ db->mallocFailed = 1; goto exit_create_index; ................................................................................ if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){ goto exit_drop_index; } pIndex = sqlite3FindIndex(db, pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase); if( pIndex==0 ){ if( !ifExists ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such index: %S", pName, 0); }else{ sqlite3CodeVerifyNamedSchema(pParse, pName->a[0].zDatabase); } pParse->checkSchema = 1; goto exit_drop_index; } if( pIndex->autoIndex ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "index associated with UNIQUE " "or PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be dropped", 0); ................................................................................ if( pToplevel->cookieGoto==0 ){ Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pToplevel); if( v==0 ) return; /* This only happens if there was a prior error */ pToplevel->cookieGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0)+1; } if( iDb>=0 ){ sqlite3 *db = pToplevel->db; yDbMask mask; assert( iDb<db->nDb ); assert( db->aDb[iDb].pBt!=0 || iDb==1 ); assert( iDb<SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED+2 ); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); mask = ((yDbMask)1)<<iDb; if( (pToplevel->cookieMask & mask)==0 ){ pToplevel->cookieMask |= mask; pToplevel->cookieValue[iDb] = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie; if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb==1 ){ sqlite3OpenTempDatabase(pToplevel); } } } } /* ** If argument zDb is NULL, then call sqlite3CodeVerifySchema() for each ** attached database. Otherwise, invoke it for the database named zDb only. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeVerifyNamedSchema(Parse *pParse, const char *zDb){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; int i; for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i]; if( pDb->pBt && (!zDb || 0==sqlite3StrICmp(zDb, pDb->zName)) ){ sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, i); } } } /* ** Generate VDBE code that prepares for doing an operation that ** might change the database. ** ** This routine starts a new transaction if we are not already within ** a transaction. If we are already within a transaction, then a checkpoint ................................................................................ ** rollback the whole transaction. For operations where all constraints ** can be checked before any changes are made to the database, it is never ** necessary to undo a write and the checkpoint should not be set. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(Parse *pParse, int setStatement, int iDb){ Parse *pToplevel = sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse); sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb); pToplevel->writeMask |= ((yDbMask)1)<<iDb; pToplevel->isMultiWrite |= setStatement; } /* ** Indicate that the statement currently under construction might write ** more than one entry (example: deleting one row then inserting another, ** inserting multiple rows in a table, or inserting a row and index entries.) ................................................................................ static void reindexDatabases(Parse *pParse, char const *zColl){ Db *pDb; /* A single database */ int iDb; /* The database index number */ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* The database connection */ HashElem *k; /* For looping over tables in pDb */ Table *pTab; /* A table in the database */ assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) ); /* Needed for schema access */ for(iDb=0, pDb=db->aDb; iDb<db->nDb; iDb++, pDb++){ assert( pDb!=0 ); for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){ pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k); reindexTable(pParse, pTab, zColl); } } ................................................................................ } return 0; } /* ** Free all resources held by the schema structure. The void* argument points ** at a Schema struct. This function does not call sqlite3DbFree(db, ) on the ** pointer itself, it just cleans up subsidiary resources (i.e. the contents ** of the schema hash tables). ** ** The Schema.cache_size variable is not cleared. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SchemaClear(void *p){ Hash temp1; Hash temp2; HashElem *pElem; Schema *pSchema = (Schema *)p; temp1 = pSchema->tblHash; temp2 = pSchema->trigHash; ................................................................................ for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(&temp1); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(pElem); sqlite3DeleteTable(0, pTab); } sqlite3HashClear(&temp1); sqlite3HashClear(&pSchema->fkeyHash); pSchema->pSeqTab = 0; if( pSchema->flags & DB_SchemaLoaded ){ pSchema->iGeneration++; pSchema->flags &= ~DB_SchemaLoaded; } } /* ** Find and return the schema associated with a BTree. Create ** a new one if necessary. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Schema *sqlite3SchemaGet(sqlite3 *db, Btree *pBt){ Schema * p; if( pBt ){ p = (Schema *)sqlite3BtreeSchema(pBt, sizeof(Schema), sqlite3SchemaClear); }else{ p = (Schema *)sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, sizeof(Schema)); } if( !p ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; }else if ( 0==p->file_format ){ sqlite3HashInit(&p->tblHash); ................................................................................ ** ************************************************************************* ** This file contains C code routines that are called by the parser ** in order to generate code for DELETE FROM statements. */ /* ** While a SrcList can in general represent multiple tables and subqueries ** (as in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement) in this case it contains ** the name of a single table, as one might find in an INSERT, DELETE, ** or UPDATE statement. Look up that table in the symbol table and ** return a pointer. Set an error message and return NULL if the table ** name is not found or if any other error occurs. ** ** The following fields are initialized appropriate in pSrc: ** ** pSrc->a[0].pTab Pointer to the Table object ** pSrc->a[0].pIndex Pointer to the INDEXED BY index, if there is one ** */ SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){ struct SrcList_item *pItem = pSrc->a; Table *pTab; assert( pItem && pSrc->nSrc==1 ); pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pItem->zName, pItem->zDatabase); sqlite3DeleteTable(pParse->db, pItem->pTab); ................................................................................ /* Delete the index and table entries. Skip this step if pTab is really ** a view (in which case the only effect of the DELETE statement is to ** fire the INSTEAD OF triggers). */ if( pTab->pSelect==0 ){ sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(pParse, pTab, iCur, 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Delete, iCur, (count?OPFLAG_NCHANGE:0)); if( count ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pTab->zName, P4_TRANSIENT); } } /* Do any ON CASCADE, SET NULL or SET DEFAULT operations required to ** handle rows (possibly in other tables) that refer via a foreign key ** to the row just deleted. */ sqlite3FkActions(pParse, pTab, 0, iOld); ................................................................................ }else{ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iCur, idx, regBase+j); sqlite3ColumnDefault(v, pTab, idx, -1); } } if( doMakeRec ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regBase, nCol+1, regOut); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx), P4_TRANSIENT); } sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regBase, nCol+1); return regBase; } /************** End of delete.c **********************************************/ /************** Begin file func.c ********************************************/ ................................................................................ p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(*p)); type = sqlite3_value_numeric_type(argv[0]); if( p && type!=SQLITE_NULL ){ p->cnt++; if( type==SQLITE_INTEGER ){ i64 v = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); p->rSum += v; if( (p->approx|p->overflow)==0 && sqlite3AddInt64(&p->iSum, v) ){ p->overflow = 1; } }else{ p->rSum += sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); p->approx = 1; } } } ................................................................................ int iParent = pIdx->aiColumn[i]+1+regData; sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, iChild, iJump, iParent); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, iOk); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regTemp, nCol, regRec); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v,pIdx), P4_TRANSIENT); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_Found, iCur, iOk, regRec, 0); sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regRec); sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regTemp, nCol); } } ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FkCheck( Parse *pParse, /* Parse context */ Table *pTab, /* Row is being deleted from this table */ int regOld, /* Previous row data is stored here */ int regNew /* New row data is stored here */ ){ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database handle */ FKey *pFKey; /* Used to iterate through FKs */ int iDb; /* Index of database containing pTab */ const char *zDb; /* Name of database containing pTab */ int isIgnoreErrors = pParse->disableTriggers; /* Exactly one of regOld and regNew should be non-zero. */ assert( (regOld==0)!=(regNew==0) ); /* If foreign-keys are disabled, this function is a no-op. */ if( (db->flags&SQLITE_ForeignKeys)==0 ) return; iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema); zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName; /* Loop through all the foreign key constraints for which pTab is the ** child table (the table that the foreign key definition is part of). */ for(pFKey=pTab->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pFKey->pNextFrom){ Table *pTo; /* Parent table of foreign key pFKey */ ................................................................................ ** table pTab. Remove the deleted foreign keys from the Schema.fkeyHash ** hash table. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3FkDelete(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTab){ FKey *pFKey; /* Iterator variable */ FKey *pNext; /* Copy of pFKey->pNextFrom */ assert( db==0 || sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pTab->pSchema) ); for(pFKey=pTab->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pNext){ /* Remove the FK from the fkeyHash hash table. */ if( !db || db->pnBytesFreed==0 ){ if( pFKey->pPrevTo ){ pFKey->pPrevTo->pNextTo = pFKey->pNextTo; }else{ ................................................................................ zColAff[i] = pTab->aCol[i].affinity; } zColAff[pTab->nCol] = '\0'; pTab->zColAff = zColAff; } sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pTab->zColAff, P4_TRANSIENT); } /* ** Return non-zero if the table pTab in database iDb or any of its indices ** have been opened at any point in the VDBE program beginning at location ** iStartAddr throught the end of the program. This is used to see if ** a statement of the form "INSERT INTO <iDb, pTab> SELECT ..." can ................................................................................ assert( pParse->pTriggerTab==0 ); assert( pParse==sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse) ); assert( v ); /* We failed long ago if this is not so */ for(p = pParse->pAinc; p; p = p->pNext){ pDb = &db->aDb[p->iDb]; memId = p->regCtr; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pDb->pSchema) ); sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, 0, p->iDb, pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab, OP_OpenRead); addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, memId-1, 0, p->pTab->zName, 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, 0, addr+9); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, 0, 0, memId); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, memId-1, addr+7, memId); sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL); ................................................................................ for(p = pParse->pAinc; p; p = p->pNext){ Db *pDb = &db->aDb[p->iDb]; int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5; int iRec; int memId = p->regCtr; iRec = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pDb->pSchema) ); sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, 0, p->iDb, pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab, OP_OpenWrite); j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_NotNull, memId+1); j2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Rewind); j3 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, 0, 0, iRec); j4 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Eq, memId-1, 0, iRec); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, 0, j3); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j2); ................................................................................ /* Register allocations */ int regFromSelect = 0;/* Base register for data coming from SELECT */ int regAutoinc = 0; /* Register holding the AUTOINCREMENT counter */ int regRowCount = 0; /* Memory cell used for the row counter */ int regIns; /* Block of regs holding rowid+data being inserted */ int regRowid; /* registers holding insert rowid */ int regData; /* register holding first column to insert */ int regEof = 0; /* Register recording end of SELECT data */ int *aRegIdx = 0; /* One register allocated to each index */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER int isView; /* True if attempting to insert into a view */ Trigger *pTrigger; /* List of triggers on pTab, if required */ int tmask; /* Mask of trigger times */ ................................................................................ addrCont = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iParm); addrInsTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_If, regEof); } /* Allocate registers for holding the rowid of the new row, ** the content of the new row, and the assemblied row record. */ regRowid = regIns = pParse->nMem+1; pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol + 1; if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){ regRowid++; pParse->nMem++; } regData = regRowid+1; ................................................................................ || onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace ); switch( onError ){ case OE_Abort: sqlite3MayAbort(pParse); case OE_Rollback: case OE_Fail: { char *zMsg; sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_HaltIfNull, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError, regData+i); zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(pParse->db, "%s.%s may not be NULL", pTab->zName, pTab->aCol[i].zName); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC); break; } case OE_Ignore: { ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regRowid, regIdx+i); }else{ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regData+idx, regIdx+i); } } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SCopy, regRowid, regIdx+i); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn+1, aRegIdx[iCur]); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx), P4_TRANSIENT); sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn+1); /* Find out what action to take in case there is an indexing conflict */ onError = pIdx->onError; if( onError==OE_None ){ sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regIdx, pIdx->nColumn+1); continue; /* pIdx is not a UNIQUE index */ ................................................................................ pik_flags |= OPFLAG_APPEND; } if( useSeekResult ){ pik_flags |= OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT; } sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, baseCur, regRec, regRowid); if( !pParse->nested ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, pTab->zName, P4_TRANSIENT); } sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, pik_flags); } /* ** Generate code that will open cursors for a table and for all ** indices of that table. The "baseCur" parameter is the cursor number used ................................................................................ # define sqlite3_column_origin_name16 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_COMPLETE # define sqlite3_complete 0 # define sqlite3_complete16 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_DECLTYPE # define sqlite3_column_decltype16 0 # define sqlite3_column_decltype 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK # define sqlite3_progress_handler 0 #endif #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE # define sqlite3_create_module 0 ................................................................................ if( !db->autoCommit || sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(db->aDb[1].pBt) ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "temporary storage cannot be changed " "from within a transaction"); return SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3BtreeClose(db->aDb[1].pBt); db->aDb[1].pBt = 0; sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); } return SQLITE_OK; } #endif /* SQLITE_PAGER_PRAGMAS */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PAGER_PRAGMAS /* ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "cache_size", SQLITE_STATIC); pParse->nMem += 2; addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(getCacheSize), getCacheSize); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+1, iDb); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+6, SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); }else{ int size = sqlite3AbsInt32(sqlite3Atoi(zRight)); sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, size, 1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, 1); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pDb->pSchema->cache_size = size; sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pDb->pBt, pDb->pSchema->cache_size); } }else /* ** PRAGMA [database.]page_size ................................................................................ ** page cache size value. It does not change the persistent ** cache size stored on the disk so the cache size will revert ** to its default value when the database is closed and reopened. ** N should be a positive integer. */ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft,"cache_size")==0 ){ if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); if( !zRight ){ returnSingleInt(pParse, "cache_size", pDb->pSchema->cache_size); }else{ int size = sqlite3AbsInt32(sqlite3Atoi(zRight)); pDb->pSchema->cache_size = size; sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pDb->pBt, pDb->pSchema->cache_size); } }else /* ** PRAGMA temp_store ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr); /* Do an integrity check of the B-Tree ** ** Begin by filling registers 2, 3, ... with the root pages numbers ** for all tables and indices in the database. */ assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pTbls = &db->aDb[i].pSchema->tblHash; for(x=sqliteHashFirst(pTbls); x; x=sqliteHashNext(x)){ Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(x); Index *pIdx; sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pTab->tnum, 2+cnt); cnt++; for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){ ................................................................................ { OP_Halt, 0, 0, 0}, }; r1 = sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(pParse, pIdx, 1, 3, 0); jmp2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_Found, j+2, 0, r1, pIdx->nColumn+1); addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(idxErr), idxErr); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+1, "rowid ", P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+3, " missing from index ", P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+4, pIdx->zName, P4_TRANSIENT); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+9); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jmp2); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, 1, loopTop+1); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, loopTop); for(j=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, j++){ static const VdbeOpList cntIdx[] = { ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+1, j+2); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addr+1, addr+4); sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(v, addr+3, j+2); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addr+3, addr+2); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+4); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+6, "wrong # of entries in index ", P4_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+7, pIdx->zName, P4_TRANSIENT); } } } addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(endCode), endCode); sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addr, -mxErr); sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr+1); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, addr+2, "ok", P4_STATIC); ................................................................................ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, 1, 1); } }else #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** PRAGMA [database.]wal_checkpoint = passive|full|restart ** ** Checkpoint the database. */ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "wal_checkpoint")==0 ){ int iBt = (pId2->z?iDb:SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED); int eMode = SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE; if( zRight ){ if( sqlite3StrICmp(zRight, "full")==0 ){ eMode = SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL; }else if( sqlite3StrICmp(zRight, "restart")==0 ){ eMode = SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART; } } if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out; sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 3); pParse->nMem = 3; sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "busy", SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "log", SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 2, COLNAME_NAME, "checkpointed", SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Checkpoint, iBt, eMode, 1); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, 1, 3); }else /* ** PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint ** PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = N ** ** Configure a database connection to automatically checkpoint a database ................................................................................ sqlite3SetString(pData->pzErrMsg, db, "malformed database schema (%s)", zObj); if( zExtra ){ *pData->pzErrMsg = sqlite3MAppendf(db, *pData->pzErrMsg, "%s - %s", *pData->pzErrMsg, zExtra); } } pData->rc = db->mallocFailed ? SQLITE_NOMEM : SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; } /* ** This is the callback routine for the code that initializes the ** database. See sqlite3Init() below for additional information. ** This routine is also called from the OP_ParseSchema opcode of the VDBE. ** ................................................................................ int size; Table *pTab; Db *pDb; char const *azArg[4]; int meta[5]; InitData initData; char const *zMasterSchema; char const *zMasterName; int openedTransaction = 0; /* ** The master database table has a structure like this */ static const char master_schema[] = "CREATE TABLE sqlite_master(\n" ................................................................................ } }else{ DbSetProperty(db, iDb, DB_Empty); } pDb->pSchema->enc = ENC(db); if( pDb->pSchema->cache_size==0 ){ size = sqlite3AbsInt32(meta[BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE-1]); if( size==0 ){ size = SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; } pDb->pSchema->cache_size = size; sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pDb->pBt, pDb->pSchema->cache_size); } /* ** file_format==1 Version 3.0.0. ** file_format==2 Version 3.1.3. // ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN ................................................................................ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3AnalysisLoad(db, iDb); } #endif } if( db->mallocFailed ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK || (db->flags&SQLITE_RecoveryMode)){ /* Black magic: If the SQLITE_RecoveryMode flag is set, then consider ** the schema loaded, even if errors occurred. In this situation the ** current sqlite3_prepare() operation will fail, but the following one ** will attempt to compile the supplied statement against whatever subset ** of the schema was loaded before the error occurred. The primary ................................................................................ openedTransaction = 1; } /* Read the schema cookie from the database. If it does not match the ** value stored as part of the in-memory schema representation, ** set Parse.rc to SQLITE_SCHEMA. */ sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&cookie); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); if( cookie!=db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie ){ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, iDb); pParse->rc = SQLITE_SCHEMA; } /* Close the transaction, if one was opened. */ if( openedTransaction ){ sqlite3BtreeCommit(pBt); } ................................................................................ if( db->mallocFailed ){ pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_DONE ) pParse->rc = SQLITE_OK; if( pParse->checkSchema ){ schemaIsValid(pParse); } if( db->mallocFailed ){ pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( pzTail ){ *pzTail = pParse->zTail; } rc = pParse->rc; ................................................................................ if( pParse->explain==2 ){ Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe; char *zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(pParse->db, "USE TEMP B-TREE FOR %s", zUsage); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Explain, pParse->iSelectId, 0, 0, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC); } } /* ** Assign expression b to lvalue a. A second, no-op, version of this macro ** is provided when SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN is defined. This allows the code ** in sqlite3Select() to assign values to structure member variables that ** only exist if SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN is not defined without polluting the ** code with #ifndef directives. */ # define explainSetInteger(a, b) a = b #else /* No-op versions of the explainXXX() functions and macros. */ # define explainTempTable(y,z) # define explainSetInteger(y,z) #endif #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT) /* ** Unless an "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN" command is being processed, this function ** is a no-op. Otherwise, it adds a single row of output to the EQP result, ** where the caption is of one of the two forms: ** ** "COMPOSITE SUBQUERIES iSub1 and iSub2 (op)" ** "COMPOSITE SUBQUERIES iSub1 and iSub2 USING TEMP B-TREE (op)" ................................................................................ char *zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf( pParse->db, "COMPOUND SUBQUERIES %d AND %d %s(%s)", iSub1, iSub2, bUseTmp?"USING TEMP B-TREE ":"", selectOpName(op) ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Explain, pParse->iSelectId, 0, 0, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC); } } #else /* No-op versions of the explainXXX() functions and macros. */ # define explainComposite(v,w,x,y,z) #endif /* ** If the inner loop was generated using a non-null pOrderBy argument, ** then the results were placed in a sorter. After the loop is terminated ** we need to run the sorter and output the results. The following ** routine generates the code needed to do that. ................................................................................ ** have a WHERE clause. ** ** (20) If the sub-query is a compound select, then it must not use ** an ORDER BY clause. Ticket #3773. We could relax this constraint ** somewhat by saying that the terms of the ORDER BY clause must ** appear as unmodified result columns in the outer query. But ** have other optimizations in mind to deal with that case. ** ** (21) The subquery does not use LIMIT or the outer query is not ** DISTINCT. (See ticket [752e1646fc]). ** ** In this routine, the "p" parameter is a pointer to the outer query. ** The subquery is p->pSrc->a[iFrom]. isAgg is true if the outer query ** uses aggregates and subqueryIsAgg is true if the subquery uses aggregates. ** ** If flattening is not attempted, this routine is a no-op and returns 0. ** If flattening is attempted this routine returns 1. ................................................................................ return 0; /* Restriction (6) */ } if( p->pOrderBy && pSub->pOrderBy ){ return 0; /* Restriction (11) */ } if( isAgg && pSub->pOrderBy ) return 0; /* Restriction (16) */ if( pSub->pLimit && p->pWhere ) return 0; /* Restriction (19) */ if( pSub->pLimit && (p->selFlags & SF_Distinct)!=0 ){ return 0; /* Restriction (21) */ } /* OBSOLETE COMMENT 1: ** Restriction 3: If the subquery is a join, make sure the subquery is ** not used as the right operand of an outer join. Examples of why this ** is not allowed: ** ** t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (t2 JOIN t3) ................................................................................ for(i=0, pC=pAggInfo->aCol; i<pAggInfo->nAccumulator; i++, pC++){ sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pC->pExpr, pC->iMem); } pAggInfo->directMode = 0; sqlite3ExprCacheClear(pParse); } /* ** Add a single OP_Explain instruction to the VDBE to explain a simple ** count(*) query ("SELECT count(*) FROM pTab"). */ #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN static void explainSimpleCount( Parse *pParse, /* Parse context */ Table *pTab, /* Table being queried */ Index *pIdx /* Index used to optimize scan, or NULL */ ){ if( pParse->explain==2 ){ char *zEqp = sqlite3MPrintf(pParse->db, "SCAN TABLE %s %s%s(~%d rows)", pTab->zName, pIdx ? "USING COVERING INDEX " : "", pIdx ? pIdx->zName : "", pTab->nRowEst ); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4( pParse->pVdbe, OP_Explain, pParse->iSelectId, 0, 0, zEqp, P4_DYNAMIC ); } } #else # define explainSimpleCount(a,b,c) #endif /* ** Generate code for the SELECT statement given in the p argument. ** ** The results are distributed in various ways depending on the ** contents of the SelectDest structure pointed to by argument pDest ** as follows: ** ................................................................................ /* Open a read-only cursor, execute the OP_Count, close the cursor. */ sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, iCsr, iRoot, iDb); if( pKeyInfo ){ sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, (char *)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF); } sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Count, iCsr, sAggInfo.aFunc[0].iMem); sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Close, iCsr); explainSimpleCount(pParse, pTab, pBest); }else #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_BTREECOUNT */ { /* Check if the query is of one of the following forms: ** ** SELECT min(x) FROM ... ** SELECT max(x) FROM ... ................................................................................ if( pParse->disableTriggers ){ return 0; } if( pTmpSchema!=pTab->pSchema ){ HashElem *p; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(pParse->db, 0, pTmpSchema) ); for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&pTmpSchema->trigHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){ Trigger *pTrig = (Trigger *)sqliteHashData(p); if( pTrig->pTabSchema==pTab->pSchema && 0==sqlite3StrICmp(pTrig->table, pTab->zName) ){ pTrig->pNext = (pList ? pList : pTab->pTrigger); pList = pTrig; ................................................................................ /* Check that the trigger name is not reserved and that no trigger of the ** specified name exists */ zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pName); if( !zName || SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){ goto trigger_cleanup; } assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); if( sqlite3HashFind(&(db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->trigHash), zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName)) ){ if( !noErr ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "trigger %T already exists", pName); }else{ assert( !db->init.busy ); sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb); } goto trigger_cleanup; } /* Do not create a trigger on a system table */ if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "cannot create trigger on system table"); ................................................................................ Trigger *pTrig = pParse->pNewTrigger; /* Trigger being finished */ char *zName; /* Name of trigger */ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* The database */ DbFixer sFix; /* Fixer object */ int iDb; /* Database containing the trigger */ Token nameToken; /* Trigger name for error reporting */ pParse->pNewTrigger = 0; if( NEVER(pParse->nErr) || !pTrig ) goto triggerfinish_cleanup; zName = pTrig->zName; iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTrig->pSchema); pTrig->step_list = pStepList; while( pStepList ){ pStepList->pTrig = pTrig; ................................................................................ db, "type='trigger' AND name='%q'", zName), P4_DYNAMIC ); } if( db->init.busy ){ Trigger *pLink = pTrig; Hash *pHash = &db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->trigHash; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pTrig = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName), pTrig); if( pTrig ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; }else if( pLink->pSchema==pLink->pTabSchema ){ Table *pTab; int n = sqlite3Strlen30(pLink->table); pTab = sqlite3HashFind(&pLink->pTabSchema->tblHash, pLink->table, n); ................................................................................ goto drop_trigger_cleanup; } assert( pName->nSrc==1 ); zDb = pName->a[0].zDatabase; zName = pName->a[0].zName; nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); assert( zDb!=0 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) ); for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){ int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i; /* Search TEMP before MAIN */ if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[j].zName, zDb) ) continue; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, j, 0) ); pTrigger = sqlite3HashFind(&(db->aDb[j].pSchema->trigHash), zName, nName); if( pTrigger ) break; } if( !pTrigger ){ if( !noErr ){ sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such trigger: %S", pName, 0); }else{ sqlite3CodeVerifyNamedSchema(pParse, zDb); } pParse->checkSchema = 1; goto drop_trigger_cleanup; } sqlite3DropTriggerPtr(pParse, pTrigger); drop_trigger_cleanup: ................................................................................ { OP_Delete, 0, 0, 0}, { OP_Next, 0, ADDR(1), 0}, /* 8 */ }; sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb); sqlite3OpenMasterTable(pParse, iDb); base = sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(v, ArraySize(dropTrigger), dropTrigger); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, base+1, pTrigger->zName, P4_TRANSIENT); sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, base+4, "trigger", P4_STATIC); sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Close, 0, 0); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_DropTrigger, iDb, 0, 0, pTrigger->zName, 0); if( pParse->nMem<3 ){ pParse->nMem = 3; } ................................................................................ } } /* ** Remove a trigger from the hash tables of the sqlite* pointer. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTrigger(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zName){ Trigger *pTrigger; Hash *pHash; assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) ); pHash = &(db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->trigHash); pTrigger = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zName, sqlite3Strlen30(zName), 0); if( ALWAYS(pTrigger) ){ if( pTrigger->pSchema==pTrigger->pTabSchema ){ Table *pTab = tableOfTrigger(pTrigger); Trigger **pp; for(pp=&pTab->pTrigger; *pp!=pTrigger; pp=&((*pp)->pNext)); *pp = (*pp)->pNext; ................................................................................ Parse *pParse, /* Parse context */ Table *pTab, /* The table the contains the triggers */ int op, /* one of TK_DELETE, TK_INSERT, TK_UPDATE */ ExprList *pChanges, /* Columns that change in an UPDATE statement */ int *pMask /* OUT: Mask of TRIGGER_BEFORE|TRIGGER_AFTER */ ){ int mask = 0; Trigger *pList = 0; Trigger *p; if( (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_EnableTrigger)!=0 ){ pList = sqlite3TriggerList(pParse, pTab); } assert( pList==0 || IsVirtual(pTab)==0 ); for(p=pList; p; p=p->pNext){ if( p->op==op && checkColumnOverlap(p->pColumns, pChanges) ){ mask |= p->tr_tm; } } if( pMask ){ ................................................................................ /* Register Allocations */ int regRowCount = 0; /* A count of rows changed */ int regOldRowid; /* The old rowid */ int regNewRowid; /* The new rowid */ int regNew; int regOld = 0; int regRowSet = 0; /* Rowset of rows to be updated */ memset(&sContext, 0, sizeof(sContext)); db = pParse->db; if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ){ goto update_cleanup; } assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 ); ................................................................................ pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol; } if( chngRowid || pTrigger || hasFK ){ regNewRowid = ++pParse->nMem; } regNew = pParse->nMem + 1; pParse->nMem += pTab->nCol; /* Start the view context. */ if( isView ){ sqlite3AuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTab->zName); } /* If we are trying to update a view, realize that view into ................................................................................ ** with the required old.* column data. */ if( hasFK || pTrigger ){ u32 oldmask = (hasFK ? sqlite3FkOldmask(pParse, pTab) : 0); oldmask |= sqlite3TriggerColmask(pParse, pTrigger, pChanges, 0, TRIGGER_BEFORE|TRIGGER_AFTER, pTab, onError ); for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){ if( aXRef[i]<0 || oldmask==0xffffffff || (i<32 && (oldmask & (1<<i))) ){ sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, iCur, i, regOld+i); }else{ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, regOld+i); } } if( chngRowid==0 ){ sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Copy, regOldRowid, regNewRowid); ................................................................................ if( pDb ){ sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt); pDb->pBt = 0; pDb->pSchema = 0; } /* This both clears the schemas and reduces the size of the db->aDb[] ** array. */ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); return rc; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM && SQLITE_OMIT_ATTACH */ /************** End of vacuum.c **********************************************/ /************** Begin file vtab.c ********************************************/ /* ** 2006 June 10 ** ................................................................................ if( pDel && pDel->xDestroy ){ pDel->xDestroy(pDel->pAux); } sqlite3DbFree(db, pDel); if( pDel==pMod ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); }else if( xDestroy ){ xDestroy(pAux); } rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, SQLITE_OK); sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex); return rc; } ................................................................................ VTable *pVTable = p->pVTable; p->pVTable = 0; /* Assert that the mutex (if any) associated with the BtShared database ** that contains table p is held by the caller. See header comments ** above function sqlite3VtabUnlockList() for an explanation of why ** this makes it safe to access the sqlite3.pDisconnect list of any ** database connection that may have an entry in the p->pVTable list. */ assert( db==0 || sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, p->pSchema) ); while( pVTable ){ sqlite3 *db2 = pVTable->db; VTable *pNext = pVTable->pNext; assert( db2 ); if( db2==db ){ pRet = pVTable; ................................................................................ ); sqlite3DbFree(db, zStmt); v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse); sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse, iDb); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Expire, 0, 0); zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "name='%q' AND type='table'", pTab->zName); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_ParseSchema, iDb, 0, 0, zWhere, P4_DYNAMIC); sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VCreate, iDb, 0, 0, pTab->zName, sqlite3Strlen30(pTab->zName) + 1); } /* If we are rereading the sqlite_master table create the in-memory ** record of the table. The xConnect() method is not called until ** the first time the virtual table is used in an SQL statement. This ................................................................................ ** allows a schema that contains virtual tables to be loaded before ** the required virtual table implementations are registered. */ else { Table *pOld; Schema *pSchema = pTab->pSchema; const char *zName = pTab->zName; int nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName); assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, 0, pSchema) ); pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&pSchema->tblHash, zName, nName, pTab); if( pOld ){ db->mallocFailed = 1; assert( pTab==pOld ); /* Malloc must have failed inside HashInsert() */ return; } pParse->pNewTable = 0; ................................................................................ ** This module contains C code that generates VDBE code used to process ** the WHERE clause of SQL statements. This module is responsible for ** generating the code that loops through a table looking for applicable ** rows. Indices are selected and used to speed the search when doing ** so is applicable. Because this module is responsible for selecting ** indices, you might also think of this module as the "query optimizer". */ /* ** Trace output macros */ #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereTrace = 0; #endif ................................................................................ #define TERM_DYNAMIC 0x01 /* Need to call sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pExpr) */ #define TERM_VIRTUAL 0x02 /* Added by the optimizer. Do not code */ #define TERM_CODED 0x04 /* This term is already coded */ #define TERM_COPIED 0x08 /* Has a child */ #define TERM_ORINFO 0x10 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pOrInfo object */ #define TERM_ANDINFO 0x20 /* Need to free the WhereTerm.u.pAndInfo obj */ #define TERM_OR_OK 0x40 /* Used during OR-clause processing */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 # define TERM_VNULL 0x80 /* Manufactured x>NULL or x<=NULL term */ #else # define TERM_VNULL 0x00 /* Disabled if not using stat2 */ #endif /* ** An instance of the following structure holds all information about a ** WHERE clause. Mostly this is a container for one or more WhereTerms. */ struct WhereClause { Parse *pParse; /* The parser context */ ................................................................................ #define WO_LE (WO_EQ<<(TK_LE-TK_EQ)) #define WO_GT (WO_EQ<<(TK_GT-TK_EQ)) #define WO_GE (WO_EQ<<(TK_GE-TK_EQ)) #define WO_MATCH 0x040 #define WO_ISNULL 0x080 #define WO_OR 0x100 /* Two or more OR-connected terms */ #define WO_AND 0x200 /* Two or more AND-connected terms */ #define WO_NOOP 0x800 /* This term does not restrict search space */ #define WO_ALL 0xfff /* Mask of all possible WO_* values */ #define WO_SINGLE 0x0ff /* Mask of all non-compound WO_* values */ /* ** Value for wsFlags returned by bestIndex() and stored in ** WhereLevel.wsFlags. These flags determine which search ................................................................................ /* ** Return the bitmask for the given cursor number. Return 0 if ** iCursor is not in the set. */ static Bitmask getMask(WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, int iCursor){ int i; assert( pMaskSet->n<=(int)sizeof(Bitmask)*8 ); for(i=0; i<pMaskSet->n; i++){ if( pMaskSet->ix[i]==iCursor ){ return ((Bitmask)1)<<i; } } return 0; } ................................................................................ exprAnalyze(pSrc, pWC, idxNew); pTerm = &pWC->a[idxTerm]; pWC->a[idxNew].iParent = idxTerm; pTerm->nChild = 1; }else{ sqlite3ExprListDelete(db, pList); } pTerm->eOperator = WO_NOOP; /* case 1 trumps case 2 */ } } } #endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_OR_OPTIMIZATION && !SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY */ /* ................................................................................ pTerm->nChild = 1; pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_COPIED; pNewTerm->prereqAll = pTerm->prereqAll; } } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 /* When sqlite_stat2 histogram data is available an operator of the ** form "x IS NOT NULL" can sometimes be evaluated more efficiently ** as "x>NULL" if x is not an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. So construct a ** virtual term of that form. ** ** Note that the virtual term must be tagged with TERM_VNULL. This ** TERM_VNULL tag will suppress the not-null check at the beginning ** of the loop. Without the TERM_VNULL flag, the not-null check at ** the start of the loop will prevent any results from being returned. */ if( pExpr->op==TK_NOTNULL && pExpr->pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN && pExpr->pLeft->iColumn>=0 ){ Expr *pNewExpr; Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft; int idxNew; WhereTerm *pNewTerm; pNewExpr = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_GT, sqlite3ExprDup(db, pLeft, 0), sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_NULL, 0, 0, 0), 0); idxNew = whereClauseInsert(pWC, pNewExpr, TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_DYNAMIC|TERM_VNULL); if( idxNew ){ pNewTerm = &pWC->a[idxNew]; pNewTerm->prereqRight = 0; pNewTerm->leftCursor = pLeft->iTable; pNewTerm->u.leftColumn = pLeft->iColumn; pNewTerm->eOperator = WO_GT; pNewTerm->iParent = idxTerm; pTerm = &pWC->a[idxTerm]; pTerm->nChild = 1; pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_COPIED; pNewTerm->prereqAll = pTerm->prereqAll; } } #endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 */ /* Prevent ON clause terms of a LEFT JOIN from being used to drive ** an index for tables to the left of the join. */ pTerm->prereqRight |= extraRight; } /* ................................................................................ static int isSortingIndex( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing context */ WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, /* Mapping from table cursor numbers to bitmaps */ Index *pIdx, /* The index we are testing */ int base, /* Cursor number for the table to be sorted */ ExprList *pOrderBy, /* The ORDER BY clause */ int nEqCol, /* Number of index columns with == constraints */ int wsFlags, /* Index usages flags */ int *pbRev /* Set to 1 if ORDER BY is DESC */ ){ int i, j; /* Loop counters */ int sortOrder = 0; /* XOR of index and ORDER BY sort direction */ int nTerm; /* Number of ORDER BY terms */ struct ExprList_item *pTerm; /* A term of the ORDER BY clause */ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; ................................................................................ *pbRev = sortOrder!=0; if( j>=nTerm ){ /* All terms of the ORDER BY clause are covered by this index so ** this index can be used for sorting. */ return 1; } if( pIdx->onError!=OE_None && i==pIdx->nColumn && (wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_NULL)==0 && !referencesOtherTables(pOrderBy, pMaskSet, j, base) ){ /* All terms of this index match some prefix of the ORDER BY clause ** and the index is UNIQUE and no terms on the tail of the ORDER BY ** clause reference other tables in a join. If this is all true then ** the order by clause is superfluous. Not that if the matching ** condition is IS NULL then the result is not necessarily unique ** even on a UNIQUE index, so disallow those cases. */ return 1; } return 0; } /* ** Prepare a crude estimate of the logarithm of the input value. ................................................................................ return; } /* Search for any equality comparison term */ pWCEnd = &pWC->a[pWC->nTerm]; for(pTerm=pWC->a; pTerm<pWCEnd; pTerm++){ if( termCanDriveIndex(pTerm, pSrc, notReady) ){ WHERETRACE(("auto-index reduces cost from %.1f to %.1f\n", pCost->rCost, costTempIdx)); pCost->rCost = costTempIdx; pCost->plan.nRow = logN + 1; pCost->plan.wsFlags = WHERE_TEMP_INDEX; pCost->used = pTerm->prereqRight; break; } ................................................................................ int iCol = pTerm->u.leftColumn; Bitmask cMask = iCol>=BMS ? ((Bitmask)1)<<(BMS-1) : ((Bitmask)1)<<iCol; if( (idxCols & cMask)==0 ){ Expr *pX = pTerm->pExpr; idxCols |= cMask; pIdx->aiColumn[n] = pTerm->u.leftColumn; pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pX->pLeft, pX->pRight); pIdx->azColl[n] = ALWAYS(pColl) ? pColl->zName : "BINARY"; n++; } } } assert( (u32)n==pLevel->plan.nEq ); /* Add additional columns needed to make the automatic index into ................................................................................ bestOrClauseIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, pOrderBy, pCost); } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */ /* ** Argument pIdx is a pointer to an index structure that has an array of ** SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES evenly spaced samples of the first indexed column ** stored in Index.aSample. These samples divide the domain of values stored ** the index into (SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1) regions. ** Region 0 contains all values less than the first sample value. Region ** 1 contains values between the first and second samples. Region 2 contains ** values between samples 2 and 3. And so on. Region SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ** contains values larger than the last sample. ** ** If the index contains many duplicates of a single value, then it is ** possible that two or more adjacent samples can hold the same value. ** When that is the case, the smallest possible region code is returned ** when roundUp is false and the largest possible region code is returned ** when roundUp is true. ** ** If successful, this function determines which of the regions value ** pVal lies in, sets *piRegion to the region index (a value between 0 ** and SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1, inclusive) and returns SQLITE_OK. ** Or, if an OOM occurs while converting text values between encodings, ** SQLITE_NOMEM is returned and *piRegion is undefined. */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 static int whereRangeRegion( Parse *pParse, /* Database connection */ Index *pIdx, /* Index to consider domain of */ sqlite3_value *pVal, /* Value to consider */ int roundUp, /* Return largest valid region if true */ int *piRegion /* OUT: Region of domain in which value lies */ ){ assert( roundUp==0 || roundUp==1 ); if( ALWAYS(pVal) ){ IndexSample *aSample = pIdx->aSample; int i = 0; int eType = sqlite3_value_type(pVal); if( eType==SQLITE_INTEGER || eType==SQLITE_FLOAT ){ double r = sqlite3_value_double(pVal); for(i=0; i<SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; i++){ if( aSample[i].eType==SQLITE_NULL ) continue; if( aSample[i].eType>=SQLITE_TEXT ) break; if( roundUp ){ if( aSample[i].u.r>r ) break; }else{ if( aSample[i].u.r>=r ) break; } } }else if( eType==SQLITE_NULL ){ i = 0; if( roundUp ){ while( i<SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES && aSample[i].eType==SQLITE_NULL ) i++; } }else{ sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; CollSeq *pColl; const u8 *z; int n; ................................................................................ return SQLITE_NOMEM; } assert( z && pColl && pColl->xCmp ); } n = sqlite3ValueBytes(pVal, pColl->enc); for(i=0; i<SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; i++){ int c; int eSampletype = aSample[i].eType; if( eSampletype==SQLITE_NULL || eSampletype<eType ) continue; if( (eSampletype!=eType) ) break; #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 if( pColl->enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){ int nSample; char *zSample = sqlite3Utf8to16( db, pColl->enc, aSample[i].u.z, aSample[i].nByte, &nSample ); if( !zSample ){ assert( db->mallocFailed ); return SQLITE_NOMEM; } c = pColl->xCmp(pColl->pUser, nSample, zSample, n, z); sqlite3DbFree(db, zSample); }else #endif { c = pColl->xCmp(pColl->pUser, aSample[i].nByte, aSample[i].u.z, n, z); } if( c-roundUp>=0 ) break; } } assert( i>=0 && i<=SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); *piRegion = i; } return SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ ** value of 1 indicates that the proposed range scan is expected to visit ** approximately 1/100th (1%) of the rows selected by the nEq equality ** constraints (if any). A return value of 100 indicates that it is expected ** that the range scan will visit every row (100%) selected by the equality ** constraints. ** ** In the absence of sqlite_stat2 ANALYZE data, each range inequality ** reduces the search space by 3/4ths. Hence a single constraint (x>?) ** results in a return of 25 and a range constraint (x>? AND x<?) results ** in a return of 6. */ static int whereRangeScanEst( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing & code generating context */ Index *p, /* The index containing the range-compared column; "x" */ int nEq, /* index into p->aCol[] of the range-compared column */ WhereTerm *pLower, /* Lower bound on the range. ex: "x>123" Might be NULL */ WhereTerm *pUpper, /* Upper bound on the range. ex: "x<455" Might be NULL */ ................................................................................ if( nEq==0 && p->aSample ){ sqlite3_value *pLowerVal = 0; sqlite3_value *pUpperVal = 0; int iEst; int iLower = 0; int iUpper = SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; int roundUpUpper = 0; int roundUpLower = 0; u8 aff = p->pTable->aCol[p->aiColumn[0]].affinity; if( pLower ){ Expr *pExpr = pLower->pExpr->pRight; rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pLowerVal); assert( pLower->eOperator==WO_GT || pLower->eOperator==WO_GE ); roundUpLower = (pLower->eOperator==WO_GT) ?1:0; } if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pUpper ){ Expr *pExpr = pUpper->pExpr->pRight; rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pUpperVal); assert( pUpper->eOperator==WO_LT || pUpper->eOperator==WO_LE ); roundUpUpper = (pUpper->eOperator==WO_LE) ?1:0; } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || (pLowerVal==0 && pUpperVal==0) ){ sqlite3ValueFree(pLowerVal); sqlite3ValueFree(pUpperVal); goto range_est_fallback; }else if( pLowerVal==0 ){ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pUpperVal, roundUpUpper, &iUpper); if( pLower ) iLower = iUpper/2; }else if( pUpperVal==0 ){ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pLowerVal, roundUpLower, &iLower); if( pUpper ) iUpper = (iLower + SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES + 1)/2; }else{ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pUpperVal, roundUpUpper, &iUpper); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pLowerVal, roundUpLower, &iLower); } } WHERETRACE(("range scan regions: %d..%d\n", iLower, iUpper)); iEst = iUpper - iLower; testcase( iEst==SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); assert( iEst<=SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); if( iEst<1 ){ *piEst = 50/SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; }else{ *piEst = (iEst*100)/SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; } sqlite3ValueFree(pLowerVal); sqlite3ValueFree(pUpperVal); return rc; } range_est_fallback: #else UNUSED_PARAMETER(pParse); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nEq); #endif assert( pLower || pUpper ); *piEst = 100; if( pLower && (pLower->wtFlags & TERM_VNULL)==0 ) *piEst /= 4; if( pUpper ) *piEst /= 4; return rc; } #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 /* ** Estimate the number of rows that will be returned based on ** an equality constraint x=VALUE and where that VALUE occurs in ** the histogram data. This only works when x is the left-most ** column of an index and sqlite_stat2 histogram data is available ** for that index. When pExpr==NULL that means the constraint is ** "x IS NULL" instead of "x=VALUE". ** ** Write the estimated row count into *pnRow and return SQLITE_OK. ** If unable to make an estimate, leave *pnRow unchanged and return ** non-zero. ** ** This routine can fail if it is unable to load a collating sequence ** required for string comparison, or if unable to allocate memory ** for a UTF conversion required for comparison. The error is stored ** in the pParse structure. */ static int whereEqualScanEst( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing & code generating context */ Index *p, /* The index whose left-most column is pTerm */ Expr *pExpr, /* Expression for VALUE in the x=VALUE constraint */ double *pnRow /* Write the revised row estimate here */ ){ sqlite3_value *pRhs = 0; /* VALUE on right-hand side of pTerm */ int iLower, iUpper; /* Range of histogram regions containing pRhs */ u8 aff; /* Column affinity */ int rc; /* Subfunction return code */ double nRowEst; /* New estimate of the number of rows */ assert( p->aSample!=0 ); aff = p->pTable->aCol[p->aiColumn[0]].affinity; if( pExpr ){ rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pRhs); if( rc ) goto whereEqualScanEst_cancel; }else{ pRhs = sqlite3ValueNew(pParse->db); } if( pRhs==0 ) return SQLITE_NOTFOUND; rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pRhs, 0, &iLower); if( rc ) goto whereEqualScanEst_cancel; rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pRhs, 1, &iUpper); if( rc ) goto whereEqualScanEst_cancel; WHERETRACE(("equality scan regions: %d..%d\n", iLower, iUpper)); if( iLower>=iUpper ){ nRowEst = p->aiRowEst[0]/(SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES*2); if( nRowEst<*pnRow ) *pnRow = nRowEst; }else{ nRowEst = (iUpper-iLower)*p->aiRowEst[0]/SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; *pnRow = nRowEst; } whereEqualScanEst_cancel: sqlite3ValueFree(pRhs); return rc; } #endif /* defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2) */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 /* ** Estimate the number of rows that will be returned based on ** an IN constraint where the right-hand side of the IN operator ** is a list of values. Example: ** ** WHERE x IN (1,2,3,4) ** ** Write the estimated row count into *pnRow and return SQLITE_OK. ** If unable to make an estimate, leave *pnRow unchanged and return ** non-zero. ** ** This routine can fail if it is unable to load a collating sequence ** required for string comparison, or if unable to allocate memory ** for a UTF conversion required for comparison. The error is stored ** in the pParse structure. */ static int whereInScanEst( Parse *pParse, /* Parsing & code generating context */ Index *p, /* The index whose left-most column is pTerm */ ExprList *pList, /* The value list on the RHS of "x IN (v1,v2,v3,...)" */ double *pnRow /* Write the revised row estimate here */ ){ sqlite3_value *pVal = 0; /* One value from list */ int iLower, iUpper; /* Range of histogram regions containing pRhs */ u8 aff; /* Column affinity */ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Subfunction return code */ double nRowEst; /* New estimate of the number of rows */ int nSpan = 0; /* Number of histogram regions spanned */ int nSingle = 0; /* Histogram regions hit by a single value */ int nNotFound = 0; /* Count of values that are not constants */ int i; /* Loop counter */ u8 aSpan[SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1]; /* Histogram regions that are spanned */ u8 aSingle[SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1]; /* Histogram regions hit once */ assert( p->aSample!=0 ); aff = p->pTable->aCol[p->aiColumn[0]].affinity; memset(aSpan, 0, sizeof(aSpan)); memset(aSingle, 0, sizeof(aSingle)); for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){ sqlite3ValueFree(pVal); rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pList->a[i].pExpr, aff, &pVal); if( rc ) break; if( pVal==0 || sqlite3_value_type(pVal)==SQLITE_NULL ){ nNotFound++; continue; } rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pVal, 0, &iLower); if( rc ) break; rc = whereRangeRegion(pParse, p, pVal, 1, &iUpper); if( rc ) break; if( iLower>=iUpper ){ aSingle[iLower] = 1; }else{ assert( iLower>=0 && iUpper<=SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES ); while( iLower<iUpper ) aSpan[iLower++] = 1; } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ for(i=nSpan=0; i<=SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES; i++){ if( aSpan[i] ){ nSpan++; }else if( aSingle[i] ){ nSingle++; } } nRowEst = (nSpan*2+nSingle)*p->aiRowEst[0]/(2*SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES) + nNotFound*p->aiRowEst[1]; if( nRowEst > p->aiRowEst[0] ) nRowEst = p->aiRowEst[0]; *pnRow = nRowEst; WHERETRACE(("IN row estimate: nSpan=%d, nSingle=%d, nNotFound=%d, est=%g\n", nSpan, nSingle, nNotFound, nRowEst)); } sqlite3ValueFree(pVal); return rc; } #endif /* defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2) */ /* ** Find the best query plan for accessing a particular table. Write the ** best query plan and its cost into the WhereCost object supplied as the ** last parameter. ** ** The lowest cost plan wins. The cost is an estimate of the amount of ** CPU and disk I/O needed to process the requested result. ** Factors that influence cost include: ** ** * The estimated number of rows that will be retrieved. (The ** fewer the better.) ** ** * Whether or not sorting must occur. ** ................................................................................ ** the SQL statement, then this function only considers plans using the ** named index. If no such plan is found, then the returned cost is ** SQLITE_BIG_DBL. If a plan is found that uses the named index, ** then the cost is calculated in the usual way. ** ** If a NOT INDEXED clause (pSrc->notIndexed!=0) was attached to the table ** in the SELECT statement, then no indexes are considered. However, the ** selected plan may still take advantage of the built-in rowid primary key ** index. */ static void bestBtreeIndex( Parse *pParse, /* The parsing context */ WhereClause *pWC, /* The WHERE clause */ struct SrcList_item *pSrc, /* The FROM clause term to search */ Bitmask notReady, /* Mask of cursors not available for indexing */ ................................................................................ if( pSrc->pIndex ){ /* An INDEXED BY clause specifies a particular index to use */ pIdx = pProbe = pSrc->pIndex; wsFlagMask = ~(WHERE_ROWID_EQ|WHERE_ROWID_RANGE); eqTermMask = idxEqTermMask; }else{ /* There is no INDEXED BY clause. Create a fake Index object in local ** variable sPk to represent the rowid primary key index. Make this ** fake index the first in a chain of Index objects with all of the real ** indices to follow */ Index *pFirst; /* First of real indices on the table */ memset(&sPk, 0, sizeof(Index)); sPk.nColumn = 1; sPk.aiColumn = &aiColumnPk; sPk.aiRowEst = aiRowEstPk; sPk.onError = OE_Replace; sPk.pTable = pSrc->pTab; aiRowEstPk[0] = pSrc->pTab->nRowEst; aiRowEstPk[1] = 1; pFirst = pSrc->pTab->pIndex; if( pSrc->notIndexed==0 ){ /* The real indices of the table are only considered if the ** NOT INDEXED qualifier is omitted from the FROM clause */ sPk.pNext = pFirst; } pProbe = &sPk; wsFlagMask = ~( WHERE_COLUMN_IN|WHERE_COLUMN_EQ|WHERE_COLUMN_NULL|WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE ); eqTermMask = WO_EQ|WO_IN; ................................................................................ /* Loop over all indices looking for the best one to use */ for(; pProbe; pIdx=pProbe=pProbe->pNext){ const unsigned int * const aiRowEst = pProbe->aiRowEst; double cost; /* Cost of using pProbe */ double nRow; /* Estimated number of rows in result set */ double log10N; /* base-10 logarithm of nRow (inexact) */ int rev; /* True to scan in reverse order */ int wsFlags = 0; Bitmask used = 0; /* The following variables are populated based on the properties of ** index being evaluated. They are then used to determine the expected ** cost and number of rows returned. ** ** nEq: ** Number of equality terms that can be implemented using the index. ** In other words, the number of initial fields in the index that ** are used in == or IN or NOT NULL constraints of the WHERE clause. ** ** nInMul: ** The "in-multiplier". This is an estimate of how many seek operations ** SQLite must perform on the index in question. For example, if the ** WHERE clause is: ** ** WHERE a IN (1, 2, 3) AND b IN (4, 5, 6) ................................................................................ ** ** If there exists a WHERE term of the form "x IN (SELECT ...)", then ** the sub-select is assumed to return 25 rows for the purposes of ** determining nInMul. ** ** bInEst: ** Set to true if there was at least one "x IN (SELECT ...)" term used ** in determining the value of nInMul. Note that the RHS of the ** IN operator must be a SELECT, not a value list, for this variable ** to be true. ** ** estBound: ** An estimate on the amount of the table that must be searched. A ** value of 100 means the entire table is searched. Range constraints ** might reduce this to a value less than 100 to indicate that only ** a fraction of the table needs searching. In the absence of ** sqlite_stat2 ANALYZE data, a single inequality reduces the search ** space to 1/4rd its original size. So an x>? constraint reduces ** estBound to 25. Two constraints (x>? AND x<?) reduce estBound to 6. ** ** bSort: ** Boolean. True if there is an ORDER BY clause that will require an ** external sort (i.e. scanning the index being evaluated will not ** correctly order records). ** ** bLookup: ** Boolean. True if a table lookup is required for each index entry ** visited. In other words, true if this is not a covering index. ** This is always false for the rowid primary key index of a table. ** For other indexes, it is true unless all the columns of the table ** used by the SELECT statement are present in the index (such an ** index is sometimes described as a covering index). ** For example, given the index on (a, b), the second of the following ** two queries requires table b-tree lookups in order to find the value ** of column c, but the first does not because columns a and b are ** both available in the index. ** ** SELECT a, b FROM tbl WHERE a = 1; ** SELECT a, b, c FROM tbl WHERE a = 1; */ int nEq; /* Number of == or IN terms matching index */ int bInEst = 0; /* True if "x IN (SELECT...)" seen */ int nInMul = 1; /* Number of distinct equalities to lookup */ int estBound = 100; /* Estimated reduction in search space */ int nBound = 0; /* Number of range constraints seen */ int bSort = 0; /* True if external sort required */ int bLookup = 0; /* True if not a covering index */ WhereTerm *pTerm; /* A single term of the WHERE clause */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 WhereTerm *pFirstTerm = 0; /* First term matching the index */ #endif /* Determine the values of nEq and nInMul */ for(nEq=0; nEq<pProbe->nColumn; nEq++){ int j = pProbe->aiColumn[nEq]; pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, eqTermMask, pIdx); if( pTerm==0 ) break; wsFlags |= (WHERE_COLUMN_EQ|WHERE_ROWID_EQ); if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN ){ Expr *pExpr = pTerm->pExpr; wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_IN; if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){ /* "x IN (SELECT ...)": Assume the SELECT returns 25 rows */ nInMul *= 25; bInEst = 1; }else if( ALWAYS(pExpr->x.pList && pExpr->x.pList->nExpr) ){ /* "x IN (value, value, ...)" */ nInMul *= pExpr->x.pList->nExpr; } }else if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL ){ wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_NULL; } #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 if( nEq==0 && pProbe->aSample ) pFirstTerm = pTerm; #endif used |= pTerm->prereqRight; } /* Determine the value of estBound. */ if( nEq<pProbe->nColumn && pProbe->bUnordered==0 ){ int j = pProbe->aiColumn[nEq]; if( findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx) ){ WhereTerm *pTop = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE, pIdx); WhereTerm *pBtm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx); whereRangeScanEst(pParse, pProbe, nEq, pBtm, pTop, &estBound); if( pTop ){ nBound = 1; ................................................................................ } /* If there is an ORDER BY clause and the index being considered will ** naturally scan rows in the required order, set the appropriate flags ** in wsFlags. Otherwise, if there is an ORDER BY clause but the index ** will scan rows in a different order, set the bSort variable. */ if( pOrderBy ){ if( (wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_IN)==0 && pProbe->bUnordered==0 && isSortingIndex(pParse, pWC->pMaskSet, pProbe, iCur, pOrderBy, nEq, wsFlags, &rev) ){ wsFlags |= WHERE_ROWID_RANGE|WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE|WHERE_ORDERBY; wsFlags |= (rev ? WHERE_REVERSE : 0); }else{ bSort = 1; } } ................................................................................ wsFlags |= WHERE_IDX_ONLY; }else{ bLookup = 1; } } /* ** Estimate the number of rows of output. For an "x IN (SELECT...)" ** constraint, do not let the estimate exceed half the rows in the table. */ nRow = (double)(aiRowEst[nEq] * nInMul); if( bInEst && nRow*2>aiRowEst[0] ){ nRow = aiRowEst[0]/2; nInMul = (int)(nRow / aiRowEst[nEq]); } #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 /* If the constraint is of the form x=VALUE and histogram ** data is available for column x, then it might be possible ** to get a better estimate on the number of rows based on ** VALUE and how common that value is according to the histogram. */ if( nRow>(double)1 && nEq==1 && pFirstTerm!=0 ){ if( pFirstTerm->eOperator & (WO_EQ|WO_ISNULL) ){ testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator==WO_EQ ); testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator==WO_ISNULL ); whereEqualScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pFirstTerm->pExpr->pRight, &nRow); }else if( pFirstTerm->eOperator==WO_IN && bInEst==0 ){ whereInScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pFirstTerm->pExpr->x.pList, &nRow); } } #endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 */ /* Adjust the number of output rows and downward to reflect rows ** that are excluded by range constraints. */ nRow = (nRow * (double)estBound) / (double)100; if( nRow<1 ) nRow = 1; /* Experiments run on real SQLite databases show that the time needed ** to do a binary search to locate a row in a table or index is roughly ** log10(N) times the time to move from one row to the next row within ** a table or index. The actual times can vary, with the size of ** records being an important factor. Both moves and searches are ** slower with larger records, presumably because fewer records fit ** on one page and hence more pages have to be fetched. ** ** The ANALYZE command and the sqlite_stat1 and sqlite_stat2 tables do ** not give us data on the relative sizes of table and index records. ** So this computation assumes table records are about twice as big ** as index records */ if( (wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 ){ /* The cost of a full table scan is a number of move operations equal ** to the number of rows in the table. ** ** We add an additional 4x penalty to full table scans. This causes ** the cost function to err on the side of choosing an index over ** choosing a full scan. This 4x full-scan penalty is an arguable ** decision and one which we expect to revisit in the future. But ** it seems to be working well enough at the moment. */ cost = aiRowEst[0]*4; }else{ log10N = estLog(aiRowEst[0]); cost = nRow; if( pIdx ){ if( bLookup ){ /* For an index lookup followed by a table lookup: ** nInMul index searches to find the start of each index range ** + nRow steps through the index ** + nRow table searches to lookup the table entry using the rowid */ cost += (nInMul + nRow)*log10N; }else{ /* For a covering index: ** nInMul index searches to find the initial entry ** + nRow steps through the index */ cost += nInMul*log10N; } }else{ /* For a rowid primary key lookup: ** nInMult table searches to find the initial entry for each range ** + nRow steps through the table */ cost += nInMul*log10N; } } /* Add in the estimated cost of sorting the result. Actual experimental ** measurements of sorting performance in SQLite show that sorting time ** adds C*N*log10(N) to the cost, where N is the number of rows to be ** sorted and C is a factor between 1.95 and 4.3. We will split the ** difference and select C of 3.0. */ if( bSort ){ cost += nRow*estLog(nRow)*3; } /**** Cost of using this index has now been computed ****/ /* If there are additional constraints on this table that cannot ** be used with the current index, but which might lower the number ** of output rows, adjust the nRow value accordingly. This only ** matters if the current index is the least costly, so do not bother ** with this step if we already know this index will not be chosen. ................................................................................ }else{ /* Assume each additional equality match reduces the result ** set size by a factor of 10 */ nRow /= 10; } }else if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE) ){ if( nSkipRange ){ /* Ignore the first nSkipRange range constraints since the index ** has already accounted for these */ nSkipRange--; }else{ /* Assume each additional range constraint reduces the result ** set size by a factor of 3. Indexed range constraints reduce ** the search space by a larger factor: 4. We make indexed range ** more selective intentionally because of the subjective ** observation that indexed range constraints really are more ** selective in practice, on average. */ nRow /= 3; } }else if( pTerm->eOperator!=WO_NOOP ){ /* Any other expression lowers the output row count by half */ nRow /= 2; } } if( nRow<2 ) nRow = 2; } WHERETRACE(( "%s(%s): nEq=%d nInMul=%d estBound=%d bSort=%d bLookup=%d wsFlags=0x%x\n" " notReady=0x%llx log10N=%.1f nRow=%.1f cost=%.1f used=0x%llx\n", pSrc->pTab->zName, (pIdx ? pIdx->zName : "ipk"), nEq, nInMul, estBound, bSort, bLookup, wsFlags, notReady, log10N, nRow, cost, used )); /* If this index is the best we have seen so far, then record this ** index and its cost in the pCost structure. */ if( (!pIdx || wsFlags) && (cost<pCost->rCost || (cost<=pCost->rCost && nRow<pCost->plan.nRow)) ................................................................................ start_constraints = pRangeStart || nEq>0; /* Seek the index cursor to the start of the range. */ nConstraint = nEq; if( pRangeStart ){ Expr *pRight = pRangeStart->pExpr->pRight; sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight, regBase+nEq); if( (pRangeStart->wtFlags & TERM_VNULL)==0 ){ sqlite3ExprCodeIsNullJump(v, pRight, regBase+nEq, addrNxt); } if( zStartAff ){ if( sqlite3CompareAffinity(pRight, zStartAff[nEq])==SQLITE_AFF_NONE){ /* Since the comparison is to be performed with no conversions ** applied to the operands, set the affinity to apply to pRight to ** SQLITE_AFF_NONE. */ zStartAff[nEq] = SQLITE_AFF_NONE; } ................................................................................ ** range (if any). */ nConstraint = nEq; if( pRangeEnd ){ Expr *pRight = pRangeEnd->pExpr->pRight; sqlite3ExprCacheRemove(pParse, regBase+nEq, 1); sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight, regBase+nEq); if( (pRangeEnd->wtFlags & TERM_VNULL)==0 ){ sqlite3ExprCodeIsNullJump(v, pRight, regBase+nEq, addrNxt); } if( zEndAff ){ if( sqlite3CompareAffinity(pRight, zEndAff[nEq])==SQLITE_AFF_NONE){ /* Since the comparison is to be performed with no conversions ** applied to the operands, set the affinity to apply to pRight to ** SQLITE_AFF_NONE. */ zEndAff[nEq] = SQLITE_AFF_NONE; } ................................................................................ sqlite3ExprCacheStore(pParse, iCur, -1, iRowidReg); sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Seek, iCur, iRowidReg); /* Deferred seek */ } /* Record the instruction used to terminate the loop. Disable ** WHERE clause terms made redundant by the index range scan. */ if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_UNIQUE ){ pLevel->op = OP_Noop; }else if( bRev ){ pLevel->op = OP_Prev; }else{ pLevel->op = OP_Next; } pLevel->p1 = iIdxCur; }else #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_OR_OPTIMIZATION if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_MULTI_OR ){ /* Case 4: Two or more separately indexed terms connected by OR ** ................................................................................ ** ** Return 2 # Jump back to the Gosub ** ** B: <after the loop> ** */ WhereClause *pOrWc; /* The OR-clause broken out into subterms */ SrcList *pOrTab; /* Shortened table list or OR-clause generation */ int regReturn = ++pParse->nMem; /* Register used with OP_Gosub */ int regRowset = 0; /* Register for RowSet object */ int regRowid = 0; /* Register holding rowid */ int iLoopBody = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v); /* Start of loop body */ int iRetInit; /* Address of regReturn init */ ................................................................................ int ii; pTerm = pLevel->plan.u.pTerm; assert( pTerm!=0 ); assert( pTerm->eOperator==WO_OR ); assert( (pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_ORINFO)!=0 ); pOrWc = &pTerm->u.pOrInfo->wc; pLevel->op = OP_Return; pLevel->p1 = regReturn; /* Set up a new SrcList ni pOrTab containing the table being scanned ** by this loop in the a[0] slot and all notReady tables in a[1..] slots. ** This becomes the SrcList in the recursive call to sqlite3WhereBegin(). */ ................................................................................ /* Insert code to test every subexpression that can be completely ** computed using the current set of tables. ** ** IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-49525-50935 Terms that cannot be satisfied through ** the use of indices become tests that are evaluated against each row of ** the relevant input tables. */ for(pTerm=pWC->a, j=pWC->nTerm; j>0; j--, pTerm++){ Expr *pE; testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ); /* IMP: R-30575-11662 */ testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED ); if( pTerm->wtFlags & (TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_CODED) ) continue; if( (pTerm->prereqAll & notReady)!=0 ){ testcase( pWInfo->untestedTerms==0 ................................................................................ } pE = pTerm->pExpr; assert( pE!=0 ); if( pLevel->iLeftJoin && !ExprHasProperty(pE, EP_FromJoin) ){ continue; } sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pE, addrCont, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL); pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_CODED; } /* For a LEFT OUTER JOIN, generate code that will record the fact that ** at least one row of the right table has matched the left table. */ if( pLevel->iLeftJoin ){ ................................................................................ ** pWInfo->a[].iIdxCur The VDBE cursor for the index ** pWInfo->a[].pTerm When wsFlags==WO_OR, the OR-clause term ** ** This loop also figures out the nesting order of tables in the FROM ** clause. */ notReady = ~(Bitmask)0; andFlags = ~0; WHERETRACE(("*** Optimizer Start ***\n")); for(i=iFrom=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; i<nTabList; i++, pLevel++){ WhereCost bestPlan; /* Most efficient plan seen so far */ Index *pIdx; /* Index for FROM table at pTabItem */ int j; /* For looping over FROM tables */ int bestJ = -1; /* The value of j */ ................................................................................ } /* Conditions under which this table becomes the best so far: ** ** (1) The table must not depend on other tables that have not ** yet run. ** ** (2) A full-table-scan plan cannot supercede indexed plan unless ** the full-table-scan is an "optimal" plan as defined above. ** ** (3) All tables have an INDEXED BY clause or this table lacks an ** INDEXED BY clause or this table uses the specific ** index specified by its INDEXED BY clause. This rule ensures ** that a best-so-far is always selected even if an impossible ** combination of INDEXED BY clauses are given. The error ** will be detected and relayed back to the application later. ................................................................................ ** An indexable full-table-scan from reaching rule (3). ** ** (4) The plan cost must be lower than prior plans or else the ** cost must be the same and the number of rows must be lower. */ if( (sCost.used¬Ready)==0 /* (1) */ && (bestJ<0 || (notIndexed&m)!=0 /* (2) */ || (bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 || (sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0) && (nUnconstrained==0 || pTabItem->pIndex==0 /* (3) */ || NEVER((sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0)) && (bestJ<0 || sCost.rCost<bestPlan.rCost /* (4) */ || (sCost.rCost<=bestPlan.rCost && sCost.plan.nRow<bestPlan.plan.nRow)) ){ ................................................................................ #if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5) case SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP: { /* Designate a buffer for heap memory space */ sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap = va_arg(ap, void*); sqlite3GlobalConfig.nHeap = va_arg(ap, int); sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq = va_arg(ap, int); if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq<1 ){ sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq = 1; }else if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq>(1<<12) ){ /* cap min request size at 2^12 */ sqlite3GlobalConfig.mnReq = (1<<12); } if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap==0 ){ /* If the heap pointer is NULL, then restore the malloc implementation ** back to NULL pointers too. This will cause the malloc to go ** back to its default implementation when sqlite3_initialize() is ** run. */ ................................................................................ */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3 *db, int op, ...){ va_list ap; int rc; va_start(ap, op); switch( op ){ case SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE: { void *pBuf = va_arg(ap, void*); /* IMP: R-26835-10964 */ int sz = va_arg(ap, int); /* IMP: R-47871-25994 */ int cnt = va_arg(ap, int); /* IMP: R-04460-53386 */ rc = setupLookaside(db, pBuf, sz, cnt); break; } default: { static const struct { int op; /* The opcode */ u32 mask; /* Mask of the bit in sqlite3.flags to set/clear */ } aFlagOp[] = { { SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY, SQLITE_ForeignKeys }, { SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER, SQLITE_EnableTrigger }, }; unsigned int i; rc = SQLITE_ERROR; /* IMP: R-42790-23372 */ for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aFlagOp); i++){ if( aFlagOp[i].op==op ){ int onoff = va_arg(ap, int); int *pRes = va_arg(ap, int*); int oldFlags = db->flags; if( onoff>0 ){ db->flags |= aFlagOp[i].mask; }else if( onoff==0 ){ db->flags &= ~aFlagOp[i].mask; } if( oldFlags!=db->flags ){ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); } if( pRes ){ *pRes = (db->flags & aFlagOp[i].mask)!=0; } rc = SQLITE_OK; break; } } break; } } va_end(ap); return rc; } ................................................................................ return SQLITE_OK; } if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk(db) ){ return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT; } sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex); /* Force xDestroy calls on all virtual tables */ sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); /* If a transaction is open, the ResetInternalSchema() call above ** will not have called the xDisconnect() method on any virtual ** tables in the db->aVTrans[] array. The following sqlite3VtabRollback() ** call will do so. We need to do this before the check for active ** SQL statements below, as the v-table implementation may be storing ** some prepared statements internally. ................................................................................ sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt); pDb->pBt = 0; if( j!=1 ){ pDb->pSchema = 0; } } } sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); /* Tell the code in notify.c that the connection no longer holds any ** locks and does not require any further unlock-notify callbacks. */ sqlite3ConnectionClosed(db); assert( db->nDb<=2 ); ................................................................................ } } sqlite3VtabRollback(db); sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(); if( db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){ sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db); sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1); } /* Any deferred constraint violations have now been resolved. */ db->nDeferredCons = 0; /* If one has been configured, invoke the rollback-hook callback */ if( db->xRollbackCallback && (inTrans || !db->autoCommit) ){ ................................................................................ int count /* Number of times table has been busy */ ){ #if SQLITE_OS_WIN || (defined(HAVE_USLEEP) && HAVE_USLEEP) static const u8 delays[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25, 25, 50, 50, 100 }; static const u8 totals[] = { 0, 1, 3, 8, 18, 33, 53, 78, 103, 128, 178, 228 }; # define NDELAY ArraySize(delays) sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *)ptr; int timeout = db->busyTimeout; int delay, prior; assert( count>=0 ); if( count < NDELAY ){ delay = delays[count]; ................................................................................ sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex); return pRet; #else return 0; #endif } /* ** Checkpoint database zDb. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2( sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ const char *zDb, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */ int eMode, /* SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_* value */ int *pnLog, /* OUT: Size of WAL log in frames */ int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Total number of frames checkpointed */ ){ #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL return SQLITE_OK; #else int rc; /* Return code */ int iDb = SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED; /* sqlite3.aDb[] index of db to checkpoint */ /* Initialize the output variables to -1 in case an error occurs. */ if( pnLog ) *pnLog = -1; if( pnCkpt ) *pnCkpt = -1; assert( SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL>SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE ); assert( SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL<SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART ); assert( SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE+2==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART ); if( eMode<SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE || eMode>SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART ){ return SQLITE_MISUSE; } sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex); if( zDb && zDb[0] ){ iDb = sqlite3FindDbName(db, zDb); } if( iDb<0 ){ rc = SQLITE_ERROR; sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR, "unknown database: %s", zDb); }else{ rc = sqlite3Checkpoint(db, iDb, eMode, pnLog, pnCkpt); sqlite3Error(db, rc, 0); } rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc); sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex); return rc; #endif } /* ** Checkpoint database zDb. If zDb is NULL, or if the buffer zDb points ** to contains a zero-length string, all attached databases are ** checkpointed. */ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb){ return sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(db, zDb, SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, 0, 0); } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL /* ** Run a checkpoint on database iDb. This is a no-op if database iDb is ** not currently open in WAL mode. ** ** If a transaction is open on the database being checkpointed, this ** function returns SQLITE_LOCKED and a checkpoint is not attempted. If ................................................................................ ** The mutex on database handle db should be held by the caller. The mutex ** associated with the specific b-tree being checkpointed is taken by ** this function while the checkpoint is running. ** ** If iDb is passed SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED, then all attached databases are ** checkpointed. If an error is encountered it is returned immediately - ** no attempt is made to checkpoint any remaining databases. ** ** Parameter eMode is one of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, int eMode, int *pnLog, int *pnCkpt){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return code */ int i; /* Used to iterate through attached dbs */ int bBusy = 0; /* True if SQLITE_BUSY has been encountered */ assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) ); assert( !pnLog || *pnLog==-1 ); assert( !pnCkpt || *pnCkpt==-1 ); for(i=0; i<db->nDb && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){ if( i==iDb || iDb==SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED ){ rc = sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(db->aDb[i].pBt, eMode, pnLog, pnCkpt); pnLog = 0; pnCkpt = 0; if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ bBusy = 1; rc = SQLITE_OK; } } } return (rc==SQLITE_OK && bBusy) ? SQLITE_BUSY : rc; } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */ /* ** This function returns true if main-memory should be used instead of ** a temporary file for transient pager files and statement journals. ** The value returned depends on the value of db->temp_store (runtime ................................................................................ #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_VDBE_OP<40 # error SQLITE_MAX_VDBE_OP must be at least 40 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG<0 || SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG>1000 # error SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG must be between 0 and 1000 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED<0 || SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED>62 # error SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED must be between 0 and 62 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH<1 # error SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH must be at least 1 #endif #if SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN>32767 # error SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN must not exceed 32767 #endif ................................................................................ } /* Remove harmful bits from the flags parameter ** ** The SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX and SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX flags were ** dealt with in the previous code block. Besides these, the only ** valid input flags for sqlite3_open_v2() are SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, ** SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE, ** SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE, and some reserved bits. Silently mask ** off all other flags. */ flags &= ~( SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE | SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE | SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB | SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB | SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB | ................................................................................ db->aDb = db->aDbStatic; assert( sizeof(db->aLimit)==sizeof(aHardLimit) ); memcpy(db->aLimit, aHardLimit, sizeof(db->aLimit)); db->autoCommit = 1; db->nextAutovac = -1; db->nextPagesize = 0; db->flags |= SQLITE_ShortColNames | SQLITE_AutoIndex | SQLITE_EnableTrigger #if SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT<4 | SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt #endif #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION | SQLITE_LoadExtension #endif #if SQLITE_DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS ................................................................................ typedef struct Fts3Expr Fts3Expr; typedef struct Fts3Phrase Fts3Phrase; typedef struct Fts3PhraseToken Fts3PhraseToken; typedef struct Fts3SegFilter Fts3SegFilter; typedef struct Fts3DeferredToken Fts3DeferredToken; typedef struct Fts3SegReader Fts3SegReader; typedef struct Fts3SegReaderCursor Fts3SegReaderCursor; /* ** A connection to a fulltext index is an instance of the following ** structure. The xCreate and xConnect methods create an instance ** of this structure and xDestroy and xDisconnect free that instance. ** All other methods receive a pointer to the structure as one of their ** arguments. ................................................................................ sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer; /* tokenizer for inserts and queries */ /* Precompiled statements used by the implementation. Each of these ** statements is run and reset within a single virtual table API call. */ sqlite3_stmt *aStmt[24]; char *zReadExprlist; char *zWriteExprlist; int nNodeSize; /* Soft limit for node size */ u8 bHasStat; /* True if %_stat table exists */ u8 bHasDocsize; /* True if %_docsize table exists */ int nPgsz; /* Page size for host database */ char *zSegmentsTbl; /* Name of %_segments table */ sqlite3_blob *pSegments; /* Blob handle open on %_segments table */ ................................................................................ ** on the assumption that the */ struct Fts3PhraseToken { char *z; /* Text of the token */ int n; /* Number of bytes in buffer z */ int isPrefix; /* True if token ends with a "*" character */ int bFulltext; /* True if full-text index was used */ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pSegcsr; /* Segment-reader for this token */ Fts3DeferredToken *pDeferred; /* Deferred token object for this token */ }; struct Fts3Phrase { /* Variables populated by fts3_expr.c when parsing a MATCH expression */ int nToken; /* Number of tokens in the phrase */ int iColumn; /* Index of column this phrase must match */ ................................................................................ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3Optimize(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(int, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64, const char *, int, Fts3SegReader**); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(Fts3Table*,const char*,int,int,Fts3SegReader**); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(Fts3SegReader *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3SegReader *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(Fts3Table*, int, sqlite3_stmt **); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ReadLock(Fts3Table *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(Fts3Table*, sqlite3_int64, char **, int*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(Fts3Table *, sqlite3_stmt **); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SelectDocsize(Fts3Table *, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_stmt **); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredTokens(Fts3Cursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3DeferToken(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3PhraseToken *, int); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Fts3DeferredDoclist(Fts3DeferredToken *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose(Fts3Table *); #define FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING -1 #define FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL -2 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(Fts3Table*, Fts3SegReaderCursor*, Fts3SegFilter*); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep(Fts3Table *, Fts3SegReaderCursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(Fts3SegReaderCursor *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor( Fts3Table *, int, const char *, int, int, int, Fts3SegReaderCursor *); /* Flags allowed as part of the 4th argument to SegmentReaderIterate() */ #define FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS 0x00000001 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY 0x00000002 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER 0x00000004 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX 0x00000008 #define FTS3_SEGMENT_SCAN 0x00000010 /* Type passed as 4th argument to SegmentReaderIterate() */ struct Fts3SegFilter { const char *zTerm; int nTerm; int iCol; int flags; }; struct Fts3SegReaderCursor { /* Used internally by sqlite3Fts3SegReaderXXX() calls */ Fts3SegReader **apSegment; /* Array of Fts3SegReader objects */ int nSegment; /* Size of apSegment array */ int nAdvance; /* How many seg-readers to advance */ Fts3SegFilter *pFilter; /* Pointer to filter object */ char *aBuffer; /* Buffer to merge doclists in */ int nBuffer; /* Allocated size of aBuffer[] in bytes */ /* Cost of running this iterator. Used by fts3.c only. */ int nCost; /* Output values. Valid only after Fts3SegReaderStep() returns SQLITE_ROW. */ char *zTerm; /* Pointer to term buffer */ int nTerm; /* Size of zTerm in bytes */ char *aDoclist; /* Pointer to doclist buffer */ int nDoclist; /* Size of aDoclist[] in bytes */ }; /* fts3.c */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(char *, sqlite3_int64); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *, sqlite_int64 *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(const char *, int *); SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(sqlite3_uint64); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3Dequote(char *); ................................................................................ char **, int, int, const char *, int, Fts3Expr ** ); SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(Fts3Expr *); #ifdef SQLITE_TEST SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ExprInitTestInterface(sqlite3 *db); #endif /* fts3_aux.c */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3InitAux(sqlite3 *db); #endif /* _FTSINT_H */ /************** End of fts3Int.h *********************************************/ /************** Continuing where we left off in fts3.c ***********************/ #ifndef SQLITE_CORE ................................................................................ assert( p->pSegments==0 ); /* Free any prepared statements held */ for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(p->aStmt); i++){ sqlite3_finalize(p->aStmt[i]); } sqlite3_free(p->zSegmentsTbl); sqlite3_free(p->zReadExprlist); sqlite3_free(p->zWriteExprlist); /* Invoke the tokenizer destructor to free the tokenizer. */ p->pTokenizer->pModule->xDestroy(p->pTokenizer); sqlite3_free(p); return SQLITE_OK; } ................................................................................ zValue = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", &zCsr[1]); if( zValue ){ sqlite3Fts3Dequote(zValue); } *pzValue = zValue; return 1; } /* ** Append the output of a printf() style formatting to an existing string. */ static void fts3Appendf( int *pRc, /* IN/OUT: Error code */ char **pz, /* IN/OUT: Pointer to string buffer */ const char *zFormat, /* Printf format string to append */ ... /* Arguments for printf format string */ ){ if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){ va_list ap; char *z; va_start(ap, zFormat); z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap); if( z && *pz ){ char *z2 = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%s", *pz, z); sqlite3_free(z); z = z2; } if( z==0 ) *pRc = SQLITE_NOMEM; sqlite3_free(*pz); *pz = z; } } /* ** Return a copy of input string zInput enclosed in double-quotes (") and ** with all double quote characters escaped. For example: ** ** fts3QuoteId("un \"zip\"") -> "un \"\"zip\"\"" ** ** The pointer returned points to memory obtained from sqlite3_malloc(). It ** is the callers responsibility to call sqlite3_free() to release this ** memory. */ static char *fts3QuoteId(char const *zInput){ int nRet; char *zRet; nRet = 2 + strlen(zInput)*2 + 1; zRet = sqlite3_malloc(nRet); if( zRet ){ int i; char *z = zRet; *(z++) = '"'; for(i=0; zInput[i]; i++){ if( zInput[i]=='"' ) *(z++) = '"'; *(z++) = zInput[i]; } *(z++) = '"'; *(z++) = '\0'; } return zRet; } /* ** Return a list of comma separated SQL expressions that could be used ** in a SELECT statement such as the following: ** ** SELECT <list of expressions> FROM %_content AS x ... ** ** to return the docid, followed by each column of text data in order ** from left to write. If parameter zFunc is not NULL, then instead of ** being returned directly each column of text data is passed to an SQL ** function named zFunc first. For example, if zFunc is "unzip" and the ** table has the three user-defined columns "a", "b", and "c", the following ** string is returned: ** ** "docid, unzip(x.'a'), unzip(x.'b'), unzip(x.'c')" ** ** The pointer returned points to a buffer allocated by sqlite3_malloc(). It ** is the responsibility of the caller to eventually free it. ** ** If *pRc is not SQLITE_OK when this function is called, it is a no-op (and ** a NULL pointer is returned). Otherwise, if an OOM error is encountered ** by this function, NULL is returned and *pRc is set to SQLITE_NOMEM. If ** no error occurs, *pRc is left unmodified. */ static char *fts3ReadExprList(Fts3Table *p, const char *zFunc, int *pRc){ char *zRet = 0; char *zFree = 0; char *zFunction; int i; if( !zFunc ){ zFunction = ""; }else{ zFree = zFunction = fts3QuoteId(zFunc); } fts3Appendf(pRc, &zRet, "docid"); for(i=0; i<p->nColumn; i++){ fts3Appendf(pRc, &zRet, ",%s(x.'c%d%q')", zFunction, i, p->azColumn[i]); } sqlite3_free(zFree); return zRet; } /* ** Return a list of N comma separated question marks, where N is the number ** of columns in the %_content table (one for the docid plus one for each ** user-defined text column). ** ** If argument zFunc is not NULL, then all but the first question mark ** is preceded by zFunc and an open bracket, and followed by a closed ** bracket. For example, if zFunc is "zip" and the FTS3 table has three ** user-defined text columns, the following string is returned: ** ** "?, zip(?), zip(?), zip(?)" ** ** The pointer returned points to a buffer allocated by sqlite3_malloc(). It ** is the responsibility of the caller to eventually free it. ** ** If *pRc is not SQLITE_OK when this function is called, it is a no-op (and ** a NULL pointer is returned). Otherwise, if an OOM error is encountered ** by this function, NULL is returned and *pRc is set to SQLITE_NOMEM. If ** no error occurs, *pRc is left unmodified. */ static char *fts3WriteExprList(Fts3Table *p, const char *zFunc, int *pRc){ char *zRet = 0; char *zFree = 0; char *zFunction; int i; if( !zFunc ){ zFunction = ""; }else{ zFree = zFunction = fts3QuoteId(zFunc); } fts3Appendf(pRc, &zRet, "?"); for(i=0; i<p->nColumn; i++){ fts3Appendf(pRc, &zRet, ",%s(?)", zFunction); } sqlite3_free(zFree); return zRet; } /* ** This function is the implementation of both the xConnect and xCreate ** methods of the FTS3 virtual table. ** ** The argv[] array contains the following: ** ................................................................................ int nDb; /* Bytes required to hold database name */ int nName; /* Bytes required to hold table name */ int isFts4 = (argv[0][3]=='4'); /* True for FTS4, false for FTS3 */ int bNoDocsize = 0; /* True to omit %_docsize table */ const char **aCol; /* Array of column names */ sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer = 0; /* Tokenizer for this table */ char *zCompress = 0; char *zUncompress = 0; assert( strlen(argv[0])==4 ); assert( (sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[0], "fts4", 4)==0 && isFts4) || (sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[0], "fts3", 4)==0 && !isFts4) ); nDb = (int)strlen(argv[1]) + 1; nName = (int)strlen(argv[2]) + 1; ................................................................................ if( nKey==9 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "matchinfo", 9) ){ if( strlen(zVal)==4 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "fts3", 4) ){ bNoDocsize = 1; }else{ *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized matchinfo: %s", zVal); rc = SQLITE_ERROR; } }else if( nKey==8 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "compress", 8) ){ zCompress = zVal; zVal = 0; }else if( nKey==10 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "uncompress", 10) ){ zUncompress = zVal; zVal = 0; }else{ *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized parameter: %s", z); rc = SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3_free(zVal); } ................................................................................ memcpy(zCsr, z, n); zCsr[n] = '\0'; sqlite3Fts3Dequote(zCsr); p->azColumn[iCol] = zCsr; zCsr += n+1; assert( zCsr <= &((char *)p)[nByte] ); } if( (zCompress==0)!=(zUncompress==0) ){ char const *zMiss = (zCompress==0 ? "compress" : "uncompress"); rc = SQLITE_ERROR; *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("missing %s parameter in fts4 constructor", zMiss); } p->zReadExprlist = fts3ReadExprList(p, zUncompress, &rc); p->zWriteExprlist = fts3WriteExprList(p, zCompress, &rc); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto fts3_init_out; /* If this is an xCreate call, create the underlying tables in the ** database. TODO: For xConnect(), it could verify that said tables exist. */ if( isCreate ){ rc = fts3CreateTables(p); } ................................................................................ */ fts3DatabasePageSize(&rc, p); /* Declare the table schema to SQLite. */ fts3DeclareVtab(&rc, p); fts3_init_out: sqlite3_free(zCompress); sqlite3_free(zUncompress); sqlite3_free((void *)aCol); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ if( p ){ fts3DisconnectMethod((sqlite3_vtab *)p); }else if( pTokenizer ){ pTokenizer->pModule->xDestroy(pTokenizer); } ................................................................................ if( !*ppOut ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(*ppOut, docid); } return SQLITE_OK; } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor( Fts3Table *p, /* FTS3 table handle */ int iLevel, /* Level of segments to scan */ const char *zTerm, /* Term to query for */ int nTerm, /* Size of zTerm in bytes */ int isPrefix, /* True for a prefix search */ int isScan, /* True to scan from zTerm to EOF */ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr /* Cursor object to populate */ ){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; int rc2; int iAge = 0; sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0; Fts3SegReader *pPending = 0; assert( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL || iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING || iLevel>=0 ); assert( FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING<0 ); assert( FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL<0 ); assert( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL || (zTerm==0 && isPrefix==1) ); assert( isPrefix==0 || isScan==0 ); memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegReaderCursor)); /* If iLevel is less than 0, include a seg-reader for the pending-terms. */ assert( isScan==0 || fts3HashCount(&p->pendingTerms)==0 ); if( iLevel<0 && isScan==0 ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(p, zTerm, nTerm, isPrefix, &pPending); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPending ){ int nByte = (sizeof(Fts3SegReader *) * 16); pCsr->apSegment = (Fts3SegReader **)sqlite3_malloc(nByte); if( pCsr->apSegment==0 ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ pCsr->apSegment[0] = pPending; pCsr->nSegment = 1; pPending = 0; } } } if( iLevel!=FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING ){ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(p, iLevel, &pStmt); } while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==(rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt)) ){ /* Read the values returned by the SELECT into local variables. */ sqlite3_int64 iStartBlock = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 1); sqlite3_int64 iLeavesEndBlock = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 2); sqlite3_int64 iEndBlock = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 3); int nRoot = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 4); char const *zRoot = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 4); /* If nSegment is a multiple of 16 the array needs to be extended. */ if( (pCsr->nSegment%16)==0 ){ Fts3SegReader **apNew; int nByte = (pCsr->nSegment + 16)*sizeof(Fts3SegReader*); apNew = (Fts3SegReader **)sqlite3_realloc(pCsr->apSegment, nByte); if( !apNew ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; goto finished; } pCsr->apSegment = apNew; } /* If zTerm is not NULL, and this segment is not stored entirely on its ** root node, the range of leaves scanned can be reduced. Do this. */ if( iStartBlock && zTerm ){ sqlite3_int64 *pi = (isPrefix ? &iLeavesEndBlock : 0); rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zRoot, nRoot, &iStartBlock, pi); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; if( isPrefix==0 && isScan==0 ) iLeavesEndBlock = iStartBlock; } rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(iAge, iStartBlock, iLeavesEndBlock, iEndBlock, zRoot, nRoot, &pCsr->apSegment[pCsr->nSegment] ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; pCsr->nSegment++; iAge++; } } finished: rc2 = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) rc = rc2; sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(pPending); return rc; } static int fts3TermSegReaderCursor( Fts3Cursor *pCsr, /* Virtual table cursor handle */ const char *zTerm, /* Term to query for */ int nTerm, /* Size of zTerm in bytes */ int isPrefix, /* True for a prefix search */ Fts3SegReaderCursor **ppSegcsr /* OUT: Allocated seg-reader cursor */ ){ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pSegcsr; /* Object to allocate and return */ int rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; /* Return code */ pSegcsr = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3SegReaderCursor)); if( pSegcsr ){ Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab; int i; int nCost = 0; rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor( p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL, zTerm, nTerm, isPrefix, 0, pSegcsr); for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<pSegcsr->nSegment; i++){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost(pCsr, pSegcsr->apSegment[i], &nCost); } pSegcsr->nCost = nCost; } *ppSegcsr = pSegcsr; return rc; } static void fts3SegReaderCursorFree(Fts3SegReaderCursor *pSegcsr){ sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(pSegcsr); sqlite3_free(pSegcsr); } /* ** This function retreives the doclist for the specified term (or term ** prefix) from the database. ** ** The returned doclist may be in one of two formats, depending on the ................................................................................ Fts3PhraseToken *pTok, /* Token to query for */ int iColumn, /* Column to query (or -ve for all columns) */ int isReqPos, /* True to include position lists in output */ int *pnOut, /* OUT: Size of buffer at *ppOut */ char **ppOut /* OUT: Malloced result buffer */ ){ int rc; /* Return code */ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pSegcsr; /* Seg-reader cursor for this term */ TermSelect tsc; /* Context object for fts3TermSelectCb() */ Fts3SegFilter filter; /* Segment term filter configuration */ pSegcsr = pTok->pSegcsr; memset(&tsc, 0, sizeof(TermSelect)); tsc.isReqPos = isReqPos; filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY | (pTok->isPrefix ? FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX : 0) | (isReqPos ? FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS : 0) | (iColumn<p->nColumn ? FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER : 0); filter.iCol = iColumn; filter.zTerm = pTok->z; filter.nTerm = pTok->n; rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(p, pSegcsr, &filter); while( SQLITE_OK==rc && SQLITE_ROW==(rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep(p, pSegcsr)) ){ rc = fts3TermSelectCb(p, (void *)&tsc, pSegcsr->zTerm, pSegcsr->nTerm, pSegcsr->aDoclist, pSegcsr->nDoclist ); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3TermSelectMerge(&tsc); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ *ppOut = tsc.aaOutput[0]; *pnOut = tsc.anOutput[0]; }else{ int i; for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(tsc.aaOutput); i++){ sqlite3_free(tsc.aaOutput[i]); } } fts3SegReaderCursorFree(pSegcsr); pTok->pSegcsr = 0; return rc; } /* ** This function counts the total number of docids in the doclist stored ** in buffer aList[], size nList bytes. ** ................................................................................ /* If this is an xFilter() evaluation, create a segment-reader for each ** phrase token. Or, if this is an xNext() or snippet/offsets/matchinfo ** evaluation, only create segment-readers if there are no Fts3DeferredToken ** objects attached to the phrase-tokens. */ for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ Fts3PhraseToken *pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[ii]; if( pTok->pSegcsr==0 ){ if( (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER) || (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT && pCsr->pDeferred==0) || (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_MATCHINFO && pTok->bFulltext) ){ rc = fts3TermSegReaderCursor( pCsr, pTok->z, pTok->n, pTok->isPrefix, &pTok->pSegcsr ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } } } for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ ................................................................................ pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok]; }else{ int nMinCost = 0x7FFFFFFF; int jj; /* Find the remaining token with the lowest cost. */ for(jj=0; jj<pPhrase->nToken; jj++){ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pSegcsr = pPhrase->aToken[jj].pSegcsr; if( pSegcsr && pSegcsr->nCost<nMinCost ){ iTok = jj; nMinCost = pSegcsr->nCost; } } pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok]; /* This branch is taken if it is determined that loading the doclist ** for the next token would require more IO than loading all documents ** currently identified by doclist pOut/nOut. No further doclists will ................................................................................ break; } } if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT && pTok->pDeferred ){ rc = fts3DeferredTermSelect(pTok->pDeferred, isTermPos, &nList, &pList); }else{ if( pTok->pSegcsr ){ rc = fts3TermSelect(p, pTok, iCol, isTermPos, &nList, &pList); } pTok->bFulltext = 1; } assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pCsr->eEvalmode || pTok->pSegcsr==0 ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break; if( isFirst ){ pOut = pList; nOut = nList; if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER && pPhrase->nToken>1 ){ nDoc = fts3DoclistCountDocids(1, pOut, nOut); ................................................................................ if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){ Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase; int ii; for(ii=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ Fts3PhraseToken *pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[ii]; if( pTok->pSegcsr==0 ){ rc = fts3TermSegReaderCursor( pCsr, pTok->z, pTok->n, pTok->isPrefix, &pTok->pSegcsr ); } } }else{ rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(pCsr, pExpr->pLeft, pnExpr); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(pCsr, pExpr->pRight, pnExpr); ................................................................................ */ static void fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(Fts3Expr *pExpr){ if( pExpr ){ Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase; if( pPhrase ){ int kk; for(kk=0; kk<pPhrase->nToken; kk++){ fts3SegReaderCursorFree(pPhrase->aToken[kk].pSegcsr); pPhrase->aToken[kk].pSegcsr = 0; } } fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(pExpr->pLeft); fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(pExpr->pRight); } } ................................................................................ static int fts3ExprCost(Fts3Expr *pExpr){ int nCost; /* Return value */ if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){ Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase; int ii; nCost = 0; for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pSegcsr = pPhrase->aToken[ii].pSegcsr; if( pSegcsr ) nCost += pSegcsr->nCost; } }else{ nCost = fts3ExprCost(pExpr->pLeft) + fts3ExprCost(pExpr->pRight); } return nCost; } ................................................................................ sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, /* The cursor used for this query */ int idxNum, /* Strategy index */ const char *idxStr, /* Unused */ int nVal, /* Number of elements in apVal */ sqlite3_value **apVal /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */ ){ const char *azSql[] = { "SELECT %s FROM %Q.'%q_content' AS x WHERE docid = ?", /* non-full-scan */ "SELECT %s FROM %Q.'%q_content' AS x ", /* full-scan */ }; int rc; /* Return code */ char *zSql; /* SQL statement used to access %_content */ Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCursor->pVtab; Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *)pCursor; UNUSED_PARAMETER(idxStr); ................................................................................ } /* Compile a SELECT statement for this cursor. For a full-table-scan, the ** statement loops through all rows of the %_content table. For a ** full-text query or docid lookup, the statement retrieves a single ** row by docid. */ zSql = (char *)azSql[idxNum==FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH]; zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(zSql, p->zReadExprlist, p->zDb, p->zName); if( !zSql ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pCsr->pStmt, 0); sqlite3_free(zSql); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK && idxNum==FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH ){ ................................................................................ const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pPorter = 0; #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_ICU const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pIcu = 0; sqlite3Fts3IcuTokenizerModule(&pIcu); #endif rc = sqlite3Fts3InitAux(db); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; sqlite3Fts3SimpleTokenizerModule(&pSimple); sqlite3Fts3PorterTokenizerModule(&pPorter); /* Allocate and initialise the hash-table used to store tokenizers. */ pHash = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3Hash)); if( !pHash ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; ................................................................................ return sqlite3Fts3Init(db); } #endif #endif /************** End of fts3.c ************************************************/ /************** Begin file fts3_aux.c ****************************************/ /* ** 2011 Jan 27 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ** a legal notice, here is a blessing: ** ** May you do good and not evil. ** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. ** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. ** ****************************************************************************** ** */ #if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) typedef struct Fts3auxTable Fts3auxTable; typedef struct Fts3auxCursor Fts3auxCursor; struct Fts3auxTable { sqlite3_vtab base; /* Base class used by SQLite core */ Fts3Table *pFts3Tab; }; struct Fts3auxCursor { sqlite3_vtab_cursor base; /* Base class used by SQLite core */ Fts3SegReaderCursor csr; /* Must be right after "base" */ Fts3SegFilter filter; char *zStop; int nStop; /* Byte-length of string zStop */ int isEof; /* True if cursor is at EOF */ sqlite3_int64 iRowid; /* Current rowid */ int iCol; /* Current value of 'col' column */ int nStat; /* Size of aStat[] array */ struct Fts3auxColstats { sqlite3_int64 nDoc; /* 'documents' values for current csr row */ sqlite3_int64 nOcc; /* 'occurrences' values for current csr row */ } *aStat; }; /* ** Schema of the terms table. */ #define FTS3_TERMS_SCHEMA "CREATE TABLE x(term, col, documents, occurrences)" /* ** This function does all the work for both the xConnect and xCreate methods. ** These tables have no persistent representation of their own, so xConnect ** and xCreate are identical operations. */ static int fts3auxConnectMethod( sqlite3 *db, /* Database connection */ void *pUnused, /* Unused */ int argc, /* Number of elements in argv array */ const char * const *argv, /* xCreate/xConnect argument array */ sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab, /* OUT: New sqlite3_vtab object */ char **pzErr /* OUT: sqlite3_malloc'd error message */ ){ char const *zDb; /* Name of database (e.g. "main") */ char const *zFts3; /* Name of fts3 table */ int nDb; /* Result of strlen(zDb) */ int nFts3; /* Result of strlen(zFts3) */ int nByte; /* Bytes of space to allocate here */ int rc; /* value returned by declare_vtab() */ Fts3auxTable *p; /* Virtual table object to return */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(pUnused); /* The user should specify a single argument - the name of an fts3 table. */ if( argc!=4 ){ *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf( "wrong number of arguments to fts4aux constructor" ); return SQLITE_ERROR; } zDb = argv[1]; nDb = strlen(zDb); zFts3 = argv[3]; nFts3 = strlen(zFts3); rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, FTS3_TERMS_SCHEMA); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; nByte = sizeof(Fts3auxTable) + sizeof(Fts3Table) + nDb + nFts3 + 2; p = (Fts3auxTable *)sqlite3_malloc(nByte); if( !p ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; memset(p, 0, nByte); p->pFts3Tab = (Fts3Table *)&p[1]; p->pFts3Tab->zDb = (char *)&p->pFts3Tab[1]; p->pFts3Tab->zName = &p->pFts3Tab->zDb[nDb+1]; p->pFts3Tab->db = db; memcpy((char *)p->pFts3Tab->zDb, zDb, nDb); memcpy((char *)p->pFts3Tab->zName, zFts3, nFts3); sqlite3Fts3Dequote((char *)p->pFts3Tab->zName); *ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab *)p; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** This function does the work for both the xDisconnect and xDestroy methods. ** These tables have no persistent representation of their own, so xDisconnect ** and xDestroy are identical operations. */ static int fts3auxDisconnectMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){ Fts3auxTable *p = (Fts3auxTable *)pVtab; Fts3Table *pFts3 = p->pFts3Tab; int i; /* Free any prepared statements held */ for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(pFts3->aStmt); i++){ sqlite3_finalize(pFts3->aStmt[i]); } sqlite3_free(pFts3->zSegmentsTbl); sqlite3_free(p); return SQLITE_OK; } #define FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT 1 #define FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT 2 #define FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT 4 /* ** xBestIndex - Analyze a WHERE and ORDER BY clause. */ static int fts3auxBestIndexMethod( sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info *pInfo ){ int i; int iEq = -1; int iGe = -1; int iLe = -1; UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVTab); /* This vtab delivers always results in "ORDER BY term ASC" order. */ if( pInfo->nOrderBy==1 && pInfo->aOrderBy[0].iColumn==0 && pInfo->aOrderBy[0].desc==0 ){ pInfo->orderByConsumed = 1; } /* Search for equality and range constraints on the "term" column. */ for(i=0; i<pInfo->nConstraint; i++){ if( pInfo->aConstraint[i].usable && pInfo->aConstraint[i].iColumn==0 ){ int op = pInfo->aConstraint[i].op; if( op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ) iEq = i; if( op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LT ) iLe = i; if( op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LE ) iLe = i; if( op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GT ) iGe = i; if( op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GE ) iGe = i; } } if( iEq>=0 ){ pInfo->idxNum = FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT; pInfo->aConstraintUsage[iEq].argvIndex = 1; pInfo->estimatedCost = 5; }else{ pInfo->idxNum = 0; pInfo->estimatedCost = 20000; if( iGe>=0 ){ pInfo->idxNum += FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT; pInfo->aConstraintUsage[iGe].argvIndex = 1; pInfo->estimatedCost /= 2; } if( iLe>=0 ){ pInfo->idxNum += FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT; pInfo->aConstraintUsage[iLe].argvIndex = 1 + (iGe>=0); pInfo->estimatedCost /= 2; } } return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** xOpen - Open a cursor. */ static int fts3auxOpenMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCsr){ Fts3auxCursor *pCsr; /* Pointer to cursor object to return */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(pVTab); pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3auxCursor)); if( !pCsr ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(Fts3auxCursor)); *ppCsr = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *)pCsr; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** xClose - Close a cursor. */ static int fts3auxCloseMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){ Fts3Table *pFts3 = ((Fts3auxTable *)pCursor->pVtab)->pFts3Tab; Fts3auxCursor *pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose(pFts3); sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(&pCsr->csr); sqlite3_free((void *)pCsr->filter.zTerm); sqlite3_free(pCsr->zStop); sqlite3_free(pCsr->aStat); sqlite3_free(pCsr); return SQLITE_OK; } static int fts3auxGrowStatArray(Fts3auxCursor *pCsr, int nSize){ if( nSize>pCsr->nStat ){ struct Fts3auxColstats *aNew; aNew = (struct Fts3auxColstats *)sqlite3_realloc(pCsr->aStat, sizeof(struct Fts3auxColstats) * nSize ); if( aNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; memset(&aNew[pCsr->nStat], 0, sizeof(struct Fts3auxColstats) * (nSize - pCsr->nStat) ); pCsr->aStat = aNew; pCsr->nStat = nSize; } return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** xNext - Advance the cursor to the next row, if any. */ static int fts3auxNextMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){ Fts3auxCursor *pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; Fts3Table *pFts3 = ((Fts3auxTable *)pCursor->pVtab)->pFts3Tab; int rc; /* Increment our pretend rowid value. */ pCsr->iRowid++; for(pCsr->iCol++; pCsr->iCol<pCsr->nStat; pCsr->iCol++){ if( pCsr->aStat[pCsr->iCol].nDoc>0 ) return SQLITE_OK; } rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep(pFts3, &pCsr->csr); if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){ int i = 0; int nDoclist = pCsr->csr.nDoclist; char *aDoclist = pCsr->csr.aDoclist; int iCol; int eState = 0; if( pCsr->zStop ){ int n = (pCsr->nStop<pCsr->csr.nTerm) ? pCsr->nStop : pCsr->csr.nTerm; int mc = memcmp(pCsr->zStop, pCsr->csr.zTerm, n); if( mc<0 || (mc==0 && pCsr->csr.nTerm>pCsr->nStop) ){ pCsr->isEof = 1; return SQLITE_OK; } } if( fts3auxGrowStatArray(pCsr, 2) ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; memset(pCsr->aStat, 0, sizeof(struct Fts3auxColstats) * pCsr->nStat); iCol = 0; while( i<nDoclist ){ sqlite3_int64 v = 0; i += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(&aDoclist[i], &v); switch( eState ){ /* State 0. In this state the integer just read was a docid. */ case 0: pCsr->aStat[0].nDoc++; eState = 1; iCol = 0; break; /* State 1. In this state we are expecting either a 1, indicating ** that the following integer will be a column number, or the ** start of a position list for column 0. ** ** The only difference between state 1 and state 2 is that if the ** integer encountered in state 1 is not 0 or 1, then we need to ** increment the column 0 "nDoc" count for this term. */ case 1: assert( iCol==0 ); if( v>1 ){ pCsr->aStat[1].nDoc++; } eState = 2; /* fall through */ case 2: if( v==0 ){ /* 0x00. Next integer will be a docid. */ eState = 0; }else if( v==1 ){ /* 0x01. Next integer will be a column number. */ eState = 3; }else{ /* 2 or greater. A position. */ pCsr->aStat[iCol+1].nOcc++; pCsr->aStat[0].nOcc++; } break; /* State 3. The integer just read is a column number. */ default: assert( eState==3 ); iCol = (int)v; if( fts3auxGrowStatArray(pCsr, iCol+2) ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; pCsr->aStat[iCol+1].nDoc++; eState = 2; break; } } pCsr->iCol = 0; rc = SQLITE_OK; }else{ pCsr->isEof = 1; } return rc; } /* ** xFilter - Initialize a cursor to point at the start of its data. */ static int fts3auxFilterMethod( sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, /* The cursor used for this query */ int idxNum, /* Strategy index */ const char *idxStr, /* Unused */ int nVal, /* Number of elements in apVal */ sqlite3_value **apVal /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */ ){ Fts3auxCursor *pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; Fts3Table *pFts3 = ((Fts3auxTable *)pCursor->pVtab)->pFts3Tab; int rc; int isScan; UNUSED_PARAMETER(nVal); assert( idxStr==0 ); assert( idxNum==FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT || idxNum==0 || idxNum==FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT || idxNum==FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT || idxNum==(FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT|FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT) ); isScan = (idxNum!=FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT); /* In case this cursor is being reused, close and zero it. */ testcase(pCsr->filter.zTerm); sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(&pCsr->csr); sqlite3_free((void *)pCsr->filter.zTerm); sqlite3_free(pCsr->aStat); memset(&pCsr->csr, 0, ((u8*)&pCsr[1]) - (u8*)&pCsr->csr); pCsr->filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS|FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY; if( isScan ) pCsr->filter.flags |= FTS3_SEGMENT_SCAN; if( idxNum&(FTS4AUX_EQ_CONSTRAINT|FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT) ){ const unsigned char *zStr = sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]); if( zStr ){ pCsr->filter.zTerm = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zStr); pCsr->filter.nTerm = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[0]); if( pCsr->filter.zTerm==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; } } if( idxNum&FTS4AUX_LE_CONSTRAINT ){ int iIdx = (idxNum&FTS4AUX_GE_CONSTRAINT) ? 1 : 0; pCsr->zStop = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_value_text(apVal[iIdx])); pCsr->nStop = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[iIdx]); if( pCsr->zStop==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM; } rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor(pFts3, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL, pCsr->filter.zTerm, pCsr->filter.nTerm, 0, isScan, &pCsr->csr ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(pFts3, &pCsr->csr, &pCsr->filter); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = fts3auxNextMethod(pCursor); return rc; } /* ** xEof - Return true if the cursor is at EOF, or false otherwise. */ static int fts3auxEofMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){ Fts3auxCursor *pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; return pCsr->isEof; } /* ** xColumn - Return a column value. */ static int fts3auxColumnMethod( sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, /* Cursor to retrieve value from */ sqlite3_context *pContext, /* Context for sqlite3_result_xxx() calls */ int iCol /* Index of column to read value from */ ){ Fts3auxCursor *p = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; assert( p->isEof==0 ); if( iCol==0 ){ /* Column "term" */ sqlite3_result_text(pContext, p->csr.zTerm, p->csr.nTerm, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); }else if( iCol==1 ){ /* Column "col" */ if( p->iCol ){ sqlite3_result_int(pContext, p->iCol-1); }else{ sqlite3_result_text(pContext, "*", -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } }else if( iCol==2 ){ /* Column "documents" */ sqlite3_result_int64(pContext, p->aStat[p->iCol].nDoc); }else{ /* Column "occurrences" */ sqlite3_result_int64(pContext, p->aStat[p->iCol].nOcc); } return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** xRowid - Return the current rowid for the cursor. */ static int fts3auxRowidMethod( sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, /* Cursor to retrieve value from */ sqlite_int64 *pRowid /* OUT: Rowid value */ ){ Fts3auxCursor *pCsr = (Fts3auxCursor *)pCursor; *pRowid = pCsr->iRowid; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ** Register the fts3aux module with database connection db. Return SQLITE_OK ** if successful or an error code if sqlite3_create_module() fails. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3InitAux(sqlite3 *db){ static const sqlite3_module fts3aux_module = { 0, /* iVersion */ fts3auxConnectMethod, /* xCreate */ fts3auxConnectMethod, /* xConnect */ fts3auxBestIndexMethod, /* xBestIndex */ fts3auxDisconnectMethod, /* xDisconnect */ fts3auxDisconnectMethod, /* xDestroy */ fts3auxOpenMethod, /* xOpen */ fts3auxCloseMethod, /* xClose */ fts3auxFilterMethod, /* xFilter */ fts3auxNextMethod, /* xNext */ fts3auxEofMethod, /* xEof */ fts3auxColumnMethod, /* xColumn */ fts3auxRowidMethod, /* xRowid */ 0, /* xUpdate */ 0, /* xBegin */ 0, /* xSync */ 0, /* xCommit */ 0, /* xRollback */ 0, /* xFindFunction */ 0 /* xRename */ }; int rc; /* Return code */ rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "fts4aux", &fts3aux_module, 0); return rc; } #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) */ /************** End of fts3_aux.c ********************************************/ /************** Begin file fts3_expr.c ***************************************/ /* ** 2008 Nov 28 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ** a legal notice, here is a blessing: ** ................................................................................ /* 0 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid = ?", /* 1 */ "SELECT NOT EXISTS(SELECT docid FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE rowid!=?)", /* 2 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_content'", /* 3 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segments'", /* 4 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segdir'", /* 5 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_docsize'", /* 6 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_stat'", /* 7 */ "SELECT %s FROM %Q.'%q_content' AS x WHERE rowid=?", /* 8 */ "SELECT (SELECT max(idx) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?) + 1", /* 9 */ "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_segments'(blockid, block) VALUES(?, ?)", /* 10 */ "SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(blockid) FROM %Q.'%q_segments') + 1, 1)", /* 11 */ "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_segdir' VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)", /* Return segments in order from oldest to newest.*/ /* 12 */ "SELECT idx, start_block, leaves_end_block, end_block, root " ................................................................................ "FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' ORDER BY level DESC, idx ASC", /* 14 */ "SELECT count(*) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?", /* 15 */ "SELECT count(*), max(level) FROM %Q.'%q_segdir'", /* 16 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segdir' WHERE level = ?", /* 17 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_segments' WHERE blockid BETWEEN ? AND ?", /* 18 */ "INSERT INTO %Q.'%q_content' VALUES(%s)", /* 19 */ "DELETE FROM %Q.'%q_docsize' WHERE docid = ?", /* 20 */ "REPLACE INTO %Q.'%q_docsize' VALUES(?,?)", /* 21 */ "SELECT size FROM %Q.'%q_docsize' WHERE docid=?", /* 22 */ "SELECT value FROM %Q.'%q_stat' WHERE id=0", /* 23 */ "REPLACE INTO %Q.'%q_stat' VALUES(0,?)", }; int rc = SQLITE_OK; ................................................................................ assert( SizeofArray(azSql)==SizeofArray(p->aStmt) ); assert( eStmt<SizeofArray(azSql) && eStmt>=0 ); pStmt = p->aStmt[eStmt]; if( !pStmt ){ char *zSql; if( eStmt==SQL_CONTENT_INSERT ){ zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zDb, p->zName, p->zWriteExprlist); }else if( eStmt==SQL_SELECT_CONTENT_BY_ROWID ){ zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zReadExprlist, p->zDb, p->zName); }else{ zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[eStmt], p->zDb, p->zName); } if( !zSql ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, NULL); ................................................................................ rc = fts3SqlStmt(pTab, eStmt, &pStmt, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ if( eStmt==SQL_SELECT_DOCSIZE ){ sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 1, iDocid); } rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt); if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW || sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, 0)!=SQLITE_BLOB ){ rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT; pStmt = 0; }else{ rc = SQLITE_OK; } } ................................................................................ ** ** 0: idx ** 1: start_block ** 2: leaves_end_block ** 3: end_block ** 4: root */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt){ int rc; sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0; if( iLevel<0 ){ rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_ALL_LEVEL, &pStmt, 0); }else{ rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_LEVEL, &pStmt, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 1, iLevel); } *ppStmt = pStmt; return rc; } /* ** Append a single varint to a PendingList buffer. SQLITE_OK is returned ** if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise. ** ................................................................................ ** the table. The following nCol varints contain the total amount of ** data stored in all rows of each column of the table, from left ** to right. */ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; sqlite3_int64 nDoc = 0; sqlite3_int64 nByte = 0; const char *pEnd; const char *a; rc = sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(p, &pStmt); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; a = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0); assert( a ); pEnd = &a[sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0)]; a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nDoc); while( a<pEnd ){ a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nByte); } if( nDoc==0 || nByte==0 ){ sqlite3_reset(pStmt); return SQLITE_CORRUPT; } pCsr->nRowAvg = (int)(((nByte / nDoc) + pgsz) / pgsz); ................................................................................ if( isPrefix ){ sqlite3_free(aElem); } *ppReader = pReader; return rc; } /* ** Compare the entries pointed to by two Fts3SegReader structures. ** Comparison is as follows: ** ** 1) EOF is greater than not EOF. ** ** 2) The current terms (if any) are compared using memcmp(). If one ................................................................................ *pisEmpty = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0); } rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); } return rc; } /* ** Set *pnSegment to the total number of segments in the database. Set ** *pnMax to the largest segment level in the database (segment levels ** are stored in the 'level' column of the %_segdir table). ** ** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if not. */ ................................................................................ rc = sqlite3_reset(pDelete); } } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ return rc; } if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ){ fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_ALL_SEGDIR, 0); }else if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING ){ sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(p); }else{ assert( iLevel>=0 ); rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_DELETE_SEGDIR_BY_LEVEL, &pDelete, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_bind_int(pDelete, 1, iLevel); sqlite3_step(pDelete); rc = sqlite3_reset(pDelete); } } return rc; } /* ** When this function is called, buffer *ppList (size *pnList bytes) contains ................................................................................ p += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p, &iCurrent); } *ppList = pList; *pnList = nList; } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart( Fts3Table *p, /* Virtual table handle */ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr, /* Cursor object */ Fts3SegFilter *pFilter /* Restrictions on range of iteration */ ){ int i; /* Initialize the cursor object */ pCsr->pFilter = pFilter; /* If the Fts3SegFilter defines a specific term (or term prefix) to search ** for, then advance each segment iterator until it points to a term of ** equal or greater value than the specified term. This prevents many ** unnecessary merge/sort operations for the case where single segment ** b-tree leaf nodes contain more than one term. */ for(i=0; i<pCsr->nSegment; i++){ int nTerm = pFilter->nTerm; const char *zTerm = pFilter->zTerm; Fts3SegReader *pSeg = pCsr->apSegment[i]; do { int rc = fts3SegReaderNext(p, pSeg); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; }while( zTerm && fts3SegReaderTermCmp(pSeg, zTerm, nTerm)<0 ); } fts3SegReaderSort( pCsr->apSegment, pCsr->nSegment, pCsr->nSegment, fts3SegReaderCmp); return SQLITE_OK; } SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep( Fts3Table *p, /* Virtual table handle */ Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr /* Cursor object */ ){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; int isIgnoreEmpty = (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY); int isRequirePos = (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS); int isColFilter = (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER); int isPrefix = (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX); int isScan = (pCsr->pFilter->flags & FTS3_SEGMENT_SCAN); Fts3SegReader **apSegment = pCsr->apSegment; int nSegment = pCsr->nSegment; Fts3SegFilter *pFilter = pCsr->pFilter; if( pCsr->nSegment==0 ) return SQLITE_OK; do { int nMerge; int i; /* Advance the first pCsr->nAdvance entries in the apSegment[] array ** forward. Then sort the list in order of current term again. */ for(i=0; i<pCsr->nAdvance; i++){ rc = fts3SegReaderNext(p, apSegment[i]); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nSegment, pCsr->nAdvance, fts3SegReaderCmp); pCsr->nAdvance = 0; /* If all the seg-readers are at EOF, we're finished. return SQLITE_OK. */ assert( rc==SQLITE_OK ); if( apSegment[0]->aNode==0 ) break; pCsr->nTerm = apSegment[0]->nTerm; pCsr->zTerm = apSegment[0]->zTerm; /* If this is a prefix-search, and if the term that apSegment[0] points ** to does not share a suffix with pFilter->zTerm/nTerm, then all ** required callbacks have been made. In this case exit early. ** ** Similarly, if this is a search for an exact match, and the first term ** of segment apSegment[0] is not a match, exit early. */ if( pFilter->zTerm && !isScan ){ if( pCsr->nTerm<pFilter->nTerm || (!isPrefix && pCsr->nTerm>pFilter->nTerm) || memcmp(pCsr->zTerm, pFilter->zTerm, pFilter->nTerm) ){ break; } } nMerge = 1; while( nMerge<nSegment && apSegment[nMerge]->aNode && apSegment[nMerge]->nTerm==pCsr->nTerm && 0==memcmp(pCsr->zTerm, apSegment[nMerge]->zTerm, pCsr->nTerm) ){ nMerge++; } assert( isIgnoreEmpty || (isRequirePos && !isColFilter) ); if( nMerge==1 && !isIgnoreEmpty ){ pCsr->aDoclist = apSegment[0]->aDoclist; pCsr->nDoclist = apSegment[0]->nDoclist; rc = SQLITE_ROW; }else{ int nDoclist = 0; /* Size of doclist */ sqlite3_int64 iPrev = 0; /* Previous docid stored in doclist */ /* The current term of the first nMerge entries in the array ** of Fts3SegReader objects is the same. The doclists must be merged ** and a single term returned with the merged doclist. */ for(i=0; i<nMerge; i++){ fts3SegReaderFirstDocid(apSegment[i]); } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nMerge, nMerge, fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp); while( apSegment[0]->pOffsetList ){ int j; /* Number of segments that share a docid */ ................................................................................ if( isColFilter ){ fts3ColumnFilter(pFilter->iCol, &pList, &nList); } if( !isIgnoreEmpty || nList>0 ){ nByte = sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(iDocid-iPrev) + (isRequirePos?nList+1:0); if( nDoclist+nByte>pCsr->nBuffer ){ char *aNew; pCsr->nBuffer = (nDoclist+nByte)*2; aNew = sqlite3_realloc(pCsr->aBuffer, pCsr->nBuffer); if( !aNew ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; } pCsr->aBuffer = aNew; } nDoclist += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint( &pCsr->aBuffer[nDoclist], iDocid-iPrev ); iPrev = iDocid; if( isRequirePos ){ memcpy(&pCsr->aBuffer[nDoclist], pList, nList); nDoclist += nList; pCsr->aBuffer[nDoclist++] = '\0'; } } fts3SegReaderSort(apSegment, nMerge, j, fts3SegReaderDoclistCmp); } if( nDoclist>0 ){ pCsr->aDoclist = pCsr->aBuffer; pCsr->nDoclist = nDoclist; rc = SQLITE_ROW; } } pCsr->nAdvance = nMerge; }while( rc==SQLITE_OK ); return rc; } SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish( Fts3SegReaderCursor *pCsr /* Cursor object */ ){ if( pCsr ){ int i; for(i=0; i<pCsr->nSegment; i++){ sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree(pCsr->apSegment[i]); } sqlite3_free(pCsr->apSegment); sqlite3_free(pCsr->aBuffer); pCsr->nSegment = 0; pCsr->apSegment = 0; pCsr->aBuffer = 0; } } /* ** Merge all level iLevel segments in the database into a single ** iLevel+1 segment. Or, if iLevel<0, merge all segments into a ** single segment with a level equal to the numerically largest level ** currently present in the database. ................................................................................ ** ** If this function is called with iLevel<0, but there is only one ** segment in the database, SQLITE_DONE is returned immediately. ** Otherwise, if successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. If an error occurs, ** an SQLite error code is returned. */ static int fts3SegmentMerge(Fts3Table *p, int iLevel){ int rc; /* Return code */ int iIdx = 0; /* Index of new segment */ int iNewLevel = 0; /* Level to create new segment at */ SegmentWriter *pWriter = 0; /* Used to write the new, merged, segment */ Fts3SegFilter filter; /* Segment term filter condition */ Fts3SegReaderCursor csr; /* Cursor to iterate through level(s) */ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCursor(p, iLevel, 0, 0, 1, 0, &csr); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || csr.nSegment==0 ) goto finished; if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ){ /* This call is to merge all segments in the database to a single ** segment. The level of the new segment is equal to the the numerically ** greatest segment level currently present in the database. The index ** of the new segment is always 0. */ int nDummy; /* TODO: Remove this */ if( csr.nSegment==1 ){ rc = SQLITE_DONE; goto finished; } rc = fts3SegmentCountMax(p, &nDummy, &iNewLevel); }else{ /* This call is to merge all segments at level iLevel. Find the next ** available segment index at level iLevel+1. The call to ** fts3AllocateSegdirIdx() will merge the segments at level iLevel+1 to ** a single iLevel+2 segment if necessary. */ iNewLevel = iLevel+1; rc = fts3AllocateSegdirIdx(p, iNewLevel, &iIdx); } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; assert( csr.nSegment>0 ); assert( iNewLevel>=0 ); memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegFilter)); filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS; filter.flags |= (iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ? FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY : 0); rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStart(p, &csr, &filter); while( SQLITE_OK==rc ){ rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderStep(p, &csr); if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) break; rc = fts3SegWriterAdd(p, &pWriter, 1, csr.zTerm, csr.nTerm, csr.aDoclist, csr.nDoclist); } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; assert( pWriter ); rc = fts3DeleteSegdir(p, iLevel, csr.apSegment, csr.nSegment); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto finished; rc = fts3SegWriterFlush(p, pWriter, iNewLevel, iIdx); finished: fts3SegWriterFree(pWriter); sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFinish(&csr); return rc; } /* ** Flush the contents of pendingTerms to a level 0 segment. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(Fts3Table *p){ return fts3SegmentMerge(p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_PENDING); } /* ** Encode N integers as varints into a blob. */ static void fts3EncodeIntArray( int N, /* The number of integers to encode */ ................................................................................ int rc; /* Return Code */ const char *zVal = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(pVal); int nVal = sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal); if( !zVal ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; }else if( nVal==8 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "optimize", 8) ){ rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL); if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ rc = SQLITE_OK; }else{ sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(p); } #ifdef SQLITE_TEST }else if( nVal>9 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "nodesize=", 9) ){ ................................................................................ ** merge all segments in the database (including the new segment, if ** there was any data to flush) into a single segment. */ SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3Optimize(Fts3Table *p){ int rc; rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SAVEPOINT fts3", 0, 0, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = fts3SegmentMerge(p, FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE fts3", 0, 0, 0); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear(p); } }else{ sqlite3_exec(p->db, "ROLLBACK TO fts3", 0, 0, 0); ................................................................................ */ static int fts3ExprLocalHitsCb( Fts3Expr *pExpr, /* Phrase expression node */ int iPhrase, /* Phrase number */ void *pCtx /* Pointer to MatchInfo structure */ ){ MatchInfo *p = (MatchInfo *)pCtx; int iStart = iPhrase * p->nCol * 3; int i; for(i=0; i<p->nCol; i++) p->aMatchinfo[iStart+i*3] = 0; if( pExpr->aDoclist ){ char *pCsr; pCsr = sqlite3Fts3FindPositions(pExpr, p->pCursor->iPrevId, -1); if( pCsr ){ fts3LoadColumnlistCounts(&pCsr, &p->aMatchinfo[iStart], 0); } } ................................................................................ if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc; } pStmt = *ppStmt; assert( sqlite3_data_count(pStmt)==1 ); a = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0); a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nDoc); if( nDoc==0 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT; *pnDoc = (u32)nDoc; if( paLen ) *paLen = a; return SQLITE_OK; } /* ................................................................................ sqlite3_int64 nDoc; /* Number of rows in table */ const char *a; /* Aggregate column length array */ rc = fts3MatchinfoSelectDoctotal(pTab, &pSelect, &nDoc, &a); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ int iCol; for(iCol=0; iCol<pInfo->nCol; iCol++){ u32 iVal; sqlite3_int64 nToken; a += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(a, &nToken); iVal = (u32)(((u32)(nToken&0xffffffff)+nDoc/2)/nDoc); pInfo->aMatchinfo[iCol] = iVal; } } } break; case FTS3_MATCHINFO_LENGTH: { sqlite3_stmt *pSelectDocsize = 0; ................................................................................ if( argc>0 ){ pCsr->aConstraint = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(RtreeConstraint)*argc); pCsr->nConstraint = argc; if( !pCsr->aConstraint ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ memset(pCsr->aConstraint, 0, sizeof(RtreeConstraint)*argc); assert( (idxStr==0 && argc==0) || (int)strlen(idxStr)==argc*2 ); for(ii=0; ii<argc; ii++){ RtreeConstraint *p = &pCsr->aConstraint[ii]; p->op = idxStr[ii*2]; p->iCoord = idxStr[ii*2+1]-'a'; if( p->op==RTREE_MATCH ){ /* A MATCH operator. The right-hand-side must be a blob that ** can be cast into an RtreeMatchArg object. One created using ................................................................................ ** ** The second of each pair of bytes identifies the coordinate column ** to which the constraint applies. The leftmost coordinate column ** is 'a', the second from the left 'b' etc. */ static int rtreeBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; int ii; int iIdx = 0; char zIdxStr[RTREE_MAX_DIMENSIONS*8+1]; memset(zIdxStr, 0, sizeof(zIdxStr)); UNUSED_PARAMETER(tab); assert( pIdxInfo->idxStr==0 ); for(ii=0; ii<pIdxInfo->nConstraint && iIdx<(int)(sizeof(zIdxStr)-1); ii++){ struct sqlite3_index_constraint *p = &pIdxInfo->aConstraint[ii]; if( p->usable && p->iColumn==0 && p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ){ /* We have an equality constraint on the rowid. Use strategy 1. */ int jj; for(jj=0; jj<ii; jj++){ pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[jj].argvIndex = 0; ................................................................................ ** sqlite uses an internal cost of 0.0). */ pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 10.0; return SQLITE_OK; } if( p->usable && (p->iColumn>0 || p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_MATCH) ){ u8 op; switch( p->op ){ case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ: op = RTREE_EQ; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GT: op = RTREE_GT; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LE: op = RTREE_LE; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LT: op = RTREE_LT; break; case SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GE: op = RTREE_GE; break; default: assert( p->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_MATCH ); op = RTREE_MATCH; break; } zIdxStr[iIdx++] = op; zIdxStr[iIdx++] = p->iColumn - 1 + 'a'; pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[ii].argvIndex = (iIdx/2); pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[ii].omit = 1; } } pIdxInfo->idxNum = 2; pIdxInfo->needToFreeIdxStr = 1; if( iIdx>0 && 0==(pIdxInfo->idxStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zIdxStr)) ){ return SQLITE_NOMEM; ................................................................................ for(ii=0; ii<NCELL(&node); ii++){ char zCell[512]; int nCell = 0; RtreeCell cell; int jj; nodeGetCell(&tree, &node, ii, &cell); sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell],"%lld", cell.iRowid); nCell = strlen(zCell); for(jj=0; jj<tree.nDim*2; jj++){ sqlite3_snprintf(512-nCell,&zCell[nCell]," %f",(double)cell.aCoord[jj].f); nCell = strlen(zCell); } if( zText ){ ................................................................................ ** uregex_close() */ static void icuRegexpFunc(sqlite3_context *p, int nArg, sqlite3_value **apArg){ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; URegularExpression *pExpr; UBool res; const UChar *zString = sqlite3_value_text16(apArg[1]); (void)nArg; /* Unused parameter */ /* If the left hand side of the regexp operator is NULL, ** then the result is also NULL. */ if( !zString ){ return; } ................................................................................ {"icu_load_collation", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, (void*)db, icuLoadCollation}, }; int rc = SQLITE_OK; int i; for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<(int)(sizeof(scalars)/sizeof(scalars[0])); i++){ struct IcuScalar *p = &scalars[i]; rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, p->zName, p->nArg, p->enc, p->pContext, p->xFunc, 0, 0 ); } return rc; |