#1 2010-06-22 08:26:19

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,928

About the Synopse Informatique company and our Open Source approach

mORMot Landscape in Cauterets
Synopse Office View from Cauterets, in the French Hautes Pyrénées... the mORMot home !

Synopse Informatique

Le Clot de la Hount - Le Cerbillona
Avenue du Docteur Domer
65110 Cauterets - France

About Synopse

"Synopse Informatique" (aka Synopse) provides custom database and search engines, written in the object pascal language.
"Synopse Informatique" in french translates more or less in "Synopsis Software"... here "Synopsis" doesn't mean a brief summary, but comes from late latin, itself from Ancient Greek σύνοψις (sunopsis), i.e. σύν (sun, "with") + ὄψις (opsis, "view"). It's commonly used to describe a book displaying some similar documents in parallel, e.g. the three synoptic gospels. Using such a concept for a software company indicates a global approach, a know-how and proven experience used to create innovative solutions. By having a global vision, using agile methods and mastering software advanced technologies, Synopse is able to create the software you need, not what computer or marketing specialists think of, and, sometimes, more than you ever expected.

Synopse projects

Synopse is proud to release some Delphi/Object pascal projects and tools as Open Source:
- The mORMot framework (full client/server ORM SOA MVC);
- The Synopse PDF Engine;
- The SynProject automated documentation and code versioning tool;
- Enhanced Delphi Run Time library;
- Some other components.

See our Public Repositories at Github, which provide additional information about our projects.

Open Source

Synopse does believe in the Open Source approach:

Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.
source: http://www.opensource.org/

Therefore, the company provides some useful components they use, from User Interface to communication layers, under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license to the pascal community.


#2 2012-12-30 07:59:58

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,928

Re: About the Synopse Informatique company and our Open Source approach

About mORMot future and sponsored work,
see https://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=5996#p5996

What Synopse can do is to audit existing applications, and offer support.

For training sessions, either on-site or even finding some place here in French Pyrénées to meet:
- Modern coding techniques, i.e. ORM, SOA, REST, JSON, MVC, MVVM, SOLID, Mocks/Stubs, Domain-Driven Design concepts with any version of Delphi, including the latest revisions;
- Showing some sample code using our Open Source mORMot framework;
- Integrating those new concepts and design patterns to your existing code base, for your new SOA/Mobile/FMX/VCL/Web/Ajax projects;
- Optionally starting to code all together, letting your new project be grounded on strong foundation;
- We are registered as a French "organisme de formation" to DIRECCTE PACA, for such training.

We have a nice B&B place with two rooms, and an apartment in the close town center:
Astuce: Pour les entreprises françaises, venir sur place avec votre "core dev team" est peut être la meilleure solution, pour profiter de nos montagnes et vous concentrer sur vos besoins techniques.

For auditing, i.e. in case of an integration into an existing project, it may be:
- Receive a presentation of the current state of your project, coding style, components used;
- Let you provide your own feedback about the PROs and CONs of the current architecture/implementation;
- Taking in account your customers expectations and your own technical requirements;
- See how mORMot may help you, providing some paths to explore.

For support, we may:
- Use the forum for free support, mainly for bug fixes, or new features requests (added to the roadmap) - in this case, there is no warranty, but most of the time, feedback is fast and efficient, unless questions are too localized to your own development (see the forum threads to have an idea about its quality);
- Private, expert email advice from the developers of mORMot, via annual subscription fee;
- Fix blocking issues in priority, after an estimation of time/cost (like all following items);
- Implement new features for mORMot, either by re-prioritizing the roadmap, either by adding some dedicated features which will be included in the framework trunk;
- Create some dedicated part of your own project (for an existing one, or for a new designed from scratch), using mORMot framework as toolkit - in this case, your company will own this code, and we will ensure that it meets mORMot best practices patterns - if some part of the development should be made at mORMot level (fixes or news features), this part of the code would be published with the framework trunk (unless otherwise specified);
- Review some part of your own project related to mORMot, checking the code and architecture - we could give you some hints, or even fix/debug it if possible.

About licensing, we may:
- Let you use one of the three Open Source licenses available for free;
- Offer you a commercial / paid user license, for our libraries, as a whole, or for part of it (mORMot, SynPDF, SynMustache...) - which may include email support subscription;
- Consider any other legal terms you expect.

All this may be made indoors (adding travel fee), or remotely.
At some stage, direct work (either face to face, either via remote access) may be needed.
But most of the time, remote work, including a mailing/wiki process is to be considered. We may publish a private dedicated source code repository to share code with you, and provide Wiki.

So, it will depend on your needs, your expectations.
Cost will depend on the time estimation of each task. If it involves directly mORMot and is intended to be later published in the main framework trunk, cost will be less than for localized/private coding.
As a French company, we can provide official Invoices and Sales quotes.

Feel free to ask us, via webcontact01 at synopse dot info email address.


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