1. Access to this forum is free and open to everyone.
2. Its main purpose is to provide support and allow sharing between all users of the Open Source components supplied by Synopse.
3. Please post in English only in this forum. But you can also post some Object Pascal code here if you need to (but check point 7).
4. Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
5. No trolling, advertising, spamming, fundraising, illegal activity, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor.
6. Before creating any new topic, please search for any previous post on the same subject. If you have to create a new topic, please select carefully the right forum to post in.
7. Please do not post any huge code or log content in the forum: this would load our (small) server DB for nothing. Rather post your data in a remote storage location, like
DropBox or
Google Drive.
8. You will have much more chances to get a prompt solution by providing a link (see previous point) to
a ready-to-compile sample project showing your issue - but don't expect this forum to do your (home)work. :)
9. Synopse is not responsible for the content of any of the messages posted on this forum. We are just hoping they will be useful for you.