#1 Re: mORMot 1 » ODBC / OLE to connect to SQLServer » 2013-11-01 01:33:36

Hello Arnaud,

Are you back from holiday? smile


#2 Re: mORMot 1 » ODBC / OLE to connect to SQLServer » 2013-10-20 04:30:43

Hello Arnaud,

I have downloaded the last version and I don't have any more problems with the CreateMissingTables function. Unfortunately, I'm still having the issue with the exception "Connection is busy with result for another command". On Seven the error occurs on SELECT top(1) ID FROM Sample and not on the INSERT as on XP. It seems that previous Statement has not been destroyed. I put a breakpoint on the TODBCStatement.Destroy destructor and it is never called.
Trying to understand why, I found that the Stmt is never destroyed. I found in function TSQLDBConnection.NewStatementPrepared a command Stmt._AddRef that seems to be the root cause of the issue. I removed it and in step by step mode I have been able to go up to the insert without exception. The record is in the database. However application crashes just after trying to release a statement that has been already destroyed (make sense since fCache.AddObject is keeping a pointer to an interface without increasing reference).

That confirms my previous tests. In debug mode, code is running fine but when executed normally, it fails. I suspect threads to be responsible of the issue. Any idea of what is going wrong?


#3 Re: mORMot 1 » ODBC / OLE to connect to SQLServer » 2013-10-16 03:47:59

Hello Arnaud,

I have tried to add dbo.Sample to the command VirtualTableExternalRegister as you suggest but when trying to create the index on the Sample table mormot is generating the next sql syntax that fails:
'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Indexdbo.SampleID ON dbo.Sample(ID)'
With an empty parameter sql sequence is
'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IndexSampleID ON dbo.Sample(ID)'
and Works.

In my original post the error message I'm getting with ODBC driver was missing smile I just updated the ODBC driver (sqlncli from 2008R2SP2 feature pack) and I'm getting the same error message: 
[HY000][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Connection is busy with result for another command.

I tried to debug the original error. It is on command
select max(ID) from Sample
Once statement has been prepared mormot try to bind the columns and the code line
(from BindColumns) generate an exception Connection is busy with result for another command.

Last command executed by mormot before is 'SELECT top(1) ID FROM Sample'. I've been playing with breakpoint and before I remove some of them mormot has been able to register my record. Unfortunately I didn't understood what was the root cause of the issue. Some timing issue?


#4 Re: mORMot 1 » ODBC / OLE to connect to SQLServer » 2013-10-14 23:11:37


This code works:

	Query := Conn.NewStatement;
		Query.Execute('select * from dbo.Sample', True, []);
		F := TFileStream.Create(ChangeFileExt(paramstr(0), '.json'), fmCreate);
			Query.FetchAllToJSON(F, False);
	Query := Conn.NewStatement;
		Query.Execute('insert into dbo.Sample (Id, firstname, lastname) values (3, ''A'', ''B'')', False, []);

#5 mORMot 1 » ODBC / OLE to connect to SQLServer » 2013-10-14 21:12:34

Replies: 11


I'm trying to connect to SQL Server (I tried SQLServer 2000 running on XP / 2008R2SP2 running on 7) with this code:

	Props : TODBCConnectionProperties;
	Database: TSQLRestServerDB;
	Model : TSQLModel;
	Sample : TSQLRecordSample;
	Props := TODBCConnectionProperties.Create('Test', 'TestDB', 'sa', 'sa11');
	Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordSample]);
	VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLRecordSample, Props,'');
	Database := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,':memory:');
	Database.CreateMissingTables(); -> Here I got the error [42S11][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'IndexSampleID' already exists on table sample.

	Sample := TSQLRecordSample.Create;
	Sample.FirstName := 'Alex';
	Sample.LastName := 'Mex';
	Database.Add(Sample, True);  -> Here I got the error [HYC0][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Optional feature not implemented (0)

That's on Windows XP.

I have tried to test from Windows 7 and here I have to ODBC drivers for SQL Server:
6.01.7601.17514 that give same error as on Windows XP
10.0 (on another 7 I have the 11.0) that gives the error The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application (0)

I have tried to connect with OLEDB

	Props := TOleDBMSSQLConnectionProperties.Create('WIN-F740ADVHGQA\SQLExpress','ALEXERP','sa','sa11..SA');
	Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordSample]);
	VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLRecordSample, Props,'');
	Database := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,':memory:');

but I get EOleSysError with message 'Class not registered'

So I don't know I doing wrong.

I forgot to mention I am using mormot 1.18 (that I download Friday night)

Any help is welcome.


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