#1 synopse.info » F1026 File not Found:'synopse.inc' and 'SynCrtSock.dcu' » 2014-02-12 09:44:20

Replies: 1

I am discovered mORTNot Framework and I would like to start developing with it instead of Intraweb or Delphi WebServices however my challenge is where do I start from?
I have run the tests as indicated in Delphi XE2 but TestSQL3.dpr and TestSQL3Register.dpr both generate the fatal errors indicated above
What did I do wrong?
Also can someone explain to me where do I start from once I am in Delphi? Which project do I choose to develop mORTMOt clent server?
I know delphi WebService SOAP and datasnap; from these two can someone help me based on these two?



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