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I've just added the line for debugging.
if you know more safe way, let me know please.
I don't know how to be created those kinds of files
I have a couple of quickreport files which horizental and vertical lines are missing .
when I viewed logs, all the lines which FNewPath is false were not missing
and all lines which FNewPath is true were missing.
as below .bgp file contents Lines are missing
R0001: [001] EMR_HEADER (s=108) {{ Bounds(36,38,757,260), Frame(0,0,19850,28075), ver(0x10000), size(1540), recs(53), handles(5), pals(0), dev_pix(1280,1024), dev_mil(320,256), pixf_size(0), pixf_ofs(0), openGL(0) }}
R0002: [027] EMR_MOVETOEX (s=16) { ptl(0,0)}
R0003: [039] EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT (s=24) {ihBrush(1), style(0=BS_SOLID, color:0x00FFFFFF)}
R0004: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 1=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_SOLID)}
R0005: [025] EMR_SETBKCOLOR (s=12) {0x00FFFFFF}
R0006: [018] EMR_SETBKMODE (s=12) {iMode(2=OPAQUE)}
R0007: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 1=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_SOLID)}
R0008: [076] EMR_BITBLT (s=100) {rclBounds(38,38,756,38), Dest[x:38, y:38, cx:719, cy:1)], dwRop(0x00F00021), Src[x:0, y:0, xform(eDx:0.000000, eDy:0.000000, eM11:1.000000, eM12:0.000000, eM21:0.000000, eM22:1.000000), BkColor:0x00000000, iUsage:0, offBmi:0, Bmi:0, offBits:0, Bits:0]}
R0009: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 1=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_SOLID)}
R0010: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 5=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_NULL)}
R0011: [027] EMR_MOVETOEX (s=16) { ptl(38,111)}
R0012: [038] EMR_CREATEPEN (s=28) {ihPen(2), style(0=PS_SOLID | COSMETIC), width(2), color(0x00000000)}
R0013: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 2=OBJ_PEN.(PS_SOLID | COSMETIC)}
R0014: [020] EMR_SETROP2 (s=12) {iMode(1=R2_BLACK)}
R0015: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 1=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_SOLID)}
R0016: [025] EMR_SETBKCOLOR (s=12) {0x00FFFFFF}
R0017: [018] EMR_SETBKMODE (s=12) {iMode(2=OPAQUE)}
R0018: [054] EMR_LINETO (s=16) { ptl(755,111)}
R0019: [027] EMR_MOVETOEX (s=16) { ptl(38,141)}
R0020: [054] EMR_LINETO (s=16) { ptl(755,141)}
R0021: [027] EMR_MOVETOEX (s=16) { ptl(38,218)}
R0022: [054] EMR_LINETO (s=16) { ptl(755,218)}
R0023: [027] EMR_MOVETOEX (s=16) { ptl(167,178)}
R0024: [054] EMR_LINETO (s=16) { ptl(753,178)}
R0025: [027] EMR_MOVETOEX (s=16) { ptl(167,258)}
R0026: [054] EMR_LINETO (s=16) { ptl(753,258)}
R0027: [082] EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW (s=368) {ihFont(3) ELF[name() style() vendor(0x00469603)] LOG[face(굴림체), style(), charset(129),family(0),precision(0), height(-13), width(0)]}
R0028: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 3=OBJ_FONT}
R0029: [024] EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR (s=12) {0x00000000}
R0030: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 7=OBJ_PEN.(PS_SOLID | COSMETIC)}
R0031: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 1=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_SOLID)}
R0032: [076] EMR_BITBLT (s=100) {rclBounds(220,230,331,243), Dest[x:220, y:230, cx:112, cy:14)], dwRop(0x00F00021), Src[x:0, y:0, xform(eDx:0.000000, eDy:0.000000, eM11:1.000000, eM12:0.000000, eM21:0.000000, eM22:1.000000), BkColor:0x00000000, iUsage:0, offBmi:0, Bmi:0, offBits:0, Bits:0]}
R0033: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 1=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_SOLID)}
R0034: [038] EMR_CREATEPEN (s=28) {ihPen(4), style(0=PS_SOLID | COSMETIC), width(0), color(0x00000000)}
R0035: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 4=OBJ_PEN.(PS_SOLID | COSMETIC)}
R0036: [020] EMR_SETROP2 (s=12) {iMode(1=R2_BLACK)}
R0037: [018] EMR_SETBKMODE (s=12) {iMode(1=TRANSPARENT)}
R0038: [022] EMR_SETTEXTALIGN (s=12) {iMode(0= TA_LEFT TA_TOP)}
R0039: [084] EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW (s=172) { TXT=[99999-99-9999999] [exScale(25.000000) eyScale(25.000000) iGraphicsMode(1), Bounds(220,230,331,242)] TxOPT[fOptions(0), nChars(16), offDx(108), ptlRef(220,230), rcl(0,0,-1,-1)] Spacing[7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 => Total(112) =>xPtRefRight(331)]}
R0040: [075] EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN (s=16) {iMode(5=RGN_COPY), RGNDATA[ptr:0x024a0550, size:0, box()]}
R0041: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 5=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_NULL)}
R0042: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 7=OBJ_PEN.(PS_SOLID | COSMETIC)}
R0043: [040] EMR_DELETEOBJECT (s=12) {ihObject(4)}
R0044: [038] EMR_CREATEPEN (s=28) {ihPen(4), style(0=PS_SOLID | COSMETIC), width(1), color(0x00000000)}
R0045: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Table object: 4=OBJ_PEN.(PS_SOLID | COSMETIC)}
R0046: [020] EMR_SETROP2 (s=12) {iMode(1=R2_BLACK)}
R0047: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 5=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_NULL)}
R0048: [025] EMR_SETBKCOLOR (s=12) {0xFF000000}
R0049: [018] EMR_SETBKMODE (s=12) {iMode(1=TRANSPARENT)}
R0050: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 7=OBJ_PEN.(PS_SOLID | COSMETIC)}
R0051: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 5=OBJ_BRUSH.(BS_NULL)}
R0052: [037] EMR_SELECTOBJECT (s=12) {Stock object: 13=OBJ_FONT}
R0053: [014] EMR_EOF (s=20) {nPalEntries:0, offPalEntries:16, nSizeLast:20}
draw line debugging E.Canvas.FNewPath = true X Y => 755.00 111.00 => line is missing in QrShape
draw line debugging E.Canvas.FNewPath = true X Y => 755.00 141.00 => line is missing in QrShape
draw line debugging E.Canvas.FNewPath = true X Y => 755.00 218.00 => line is missing in QrShape
draw line debugging E.Canvas.FNewPath = false not pen.null X Y => 755.00 64.00 => line is not missing
so, I've just added for debugging a line as below and then lines were not missing.
if (not E.Canvas.FNewPath) and not Moved then
Position := PEMRLineTo(R)^.ptl;
Moved := false;
E.fInLined := true;
if E.Canvas.FNewPath then E.Canvas.FNewPath := false; //<= I've just added this line for debugging.
if not E.Canvas.FNewPath then
if not pen.null then
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