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Pages: 1
I use TfrxRichEdit component to support RTF file in our Reports. We have a client who uses very small font to create the RTF. When he exports the Report to PDF, some of the worlds overwritten on another world.
The 1st part of the image is PREVIEW screen of FastReport and the 2nd part of it is exported by Adobe Distiller, which is correct, but the last part of the image is exported by SynPDF which is overwritten as it is shown in the image.
If there is any solution, please inform me
Sample RTF File (Sorry, I couldn't find a way to upload the RTF file, please create it with following information as an example for me)
Font: Times New Roman
Size: 5
Text: 12.1 The Customer shall at its own cost and expense, during the Term and any period of overholding pursuant to paragraph 1.2:
(a) Insure and keep insured the Leased Property for the full replacement cost thereof, against loss or damage by fire, theft, weart, collision, transportation, act of God, and such other perils and risks as would ...
frxSynPDFExport: TfrxSynPDFExport;
frxSynPDFExport := TfrxSynPDFExport.Create(Self);
frxSynPDFExport.Compressed := True;
frxSynPDFExport.Background := True;
frxSynPDFExport.EmbeddedFonts := False;
frxSynPDFExport.Title := Self.Caption;
frxSynPDFExport.Subject := Self.Caption;
frxSynPDFExport.DefaultPath := GAppPath;
frxSynPDFExport.Filename := FileName+'.pdf';
frxSynPDFExport.ShowDialog := False;
frxSynPDFExport.OpenAFterExport := True;
It works fine.
Thank you so much
I have problem with frxMemoView.Frame.Typ property to print vertical & horizontal line when using following code
//Print Rect around MemoView which exists in MasterData band
if ShowRect then
MemoView.Frame.Typ := [ftLeft, ftRight, ftTop, ftBottom];
//shade every other row
if ShadeEveryOtherRow then begin
MemoView.Highlight.Condition := '(<Line#> mod 2) = 0';
MemoView.Highlight.Color := clGray;
It works when using PDF Printer but SynPDF remove some lines
Do you have any idea?
Pages: 1