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So, this week I'm finally get the time to try your suggestions..
I get the 04 - HTTP Client-Server sample and just add this code:
class procedure TSQLSampleRecord.InternalRegisterCustomProperties( Props : TSQLRecordProperties );
P : TSQLPropInfo;
P := TSQLPropInfo.Create( 'TestInteger', sftInteger, [ ], $80000000, Props.Fields.Count );
Props.Fields.Add( Self, P );
No error.. just fine, but when I click in Client/unit1.pas/AddButton1 I just get an "Abstract Error"
in the mORMot.pas at the "procedure TSQLRecord.GetJSONValues(W: TJSONSerializer)" in this line: Fields.List GetJSONValues(Self,W)
I think it calls the wrong TSQLPropInfo GetJSONValues.. but I don't know why.
What I miss?
Thanks for any hints..
Thanks Arnaud,
One of the best things about mORMot is this forum.. A strong community is very important for any open source project.
I believe that we can go with suggestion 3, but probably 4 is the best for our needs, just will give a lot more work.
And again, many thanks, I appreciate you give such a fast and great response.
First of all, sorry for my English. It's not my native language, since I'm from Brazil.
Now, my question..
We have a ERP software currently developed using Delphi XE + Datasnap.
The mORMot framework has become our first choice to rewrite this ERP, leaving the slow Datasnap in the past..
But some features are incredible difficult to re-think in this new world of ORM..
The hardest one is User Defined Fields. Each one of our customers could create new fields in any table, at any time.
I can't imagine how to implement this in the mORMot framework.. It's a really important feature in our software.
Any help will be welcome
Thanks, John
Pages: 1