#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Could you help to comment on the Brook framework ? » 2014-06-01 09:24:41

I would appreciate if you could share the code from both projects. I'm trying to do something similar than your request but with Firebird. Thanks

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » MongoDB : picture gallery » 2014-05-24 16:41:11

This means that it is possible to use SQLLite document management system?. I am not sure about  the database to use, and I prefer to use one with a minimal installation.

#3 mORMot 1 » Is possible to do this? » 2014-04-18 18:35:46

Replies: 1

Hello everybody, just registered now. I know about synopse pdf generation from some years, but never pay attention to mORMot project, and really is surprisingly work and documentation it contains. Good job Arnaud¡. I have a web project with MVC 4 C # (IIS7) that query a Firebird database. Are dynamic websites that allow fill and retrieve surveys. I would like don't depend of IIS server. My questions is: Is it possible to make a web server like this using mORMot?. If so, where can I show some examples to start?.

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