#1 Re: PDF Engine » Clipping problem converting EMF to PDF » 2014-05-30 11:13:28

  do yo have the chance to check if the EMF at http://sharesend.com/deq2m8s3 is well converted to PDF?. I would like to discard that the problem is mine.

Thanks and regards,

#2 Re: PDF Engine » Clipping problem converting EMF to PDF » 2014-05-29 14:03:16

Unfortunately I'm getting exactly the same result.

I took the  nightly build  mORMotNightlyBuild.zip and I replaced the files mORMotReport.pas, SynCommons.pas, SynCrypto.pas, SynGdiPlus.pas, SynLZ.pas, SynPdf.pas of that build with the ones that I have in my project and I get the same PDF with the same problem.

What do you get I you try to convert the EMF that I attached to PDF?. Do you get the same result as me?

Thanks a lot for all your help.


#3 PDF Engine » Clipping problem converting EMF to PDF » 2014-05-29 13:23:23

Replies: 3

I'm using this great library but I'm having problems in the resulting PDF with the bottom margin. I'm creating EMF files and then converting them to PDF but the bottom margin is written with text.

I send the EMF file and the resulting PDF so you can realize what the problem is.

http://sharesend.com/deq2m8s3 - EMF file
http://sharesend.com/of8p6zix - Converted PDF

This is the delphi code that I'm using to convert the Metafile to PDF:

         vpdf := TPdfDocumentGDI.Create;
         vpdf.CompressionMethod := cmNone;
         vPdf.DefaultPaperSize := psA4; // setup for standard 8.5x11 Letter
         vPdf.DefaultPageWidth := MulDiv(a.Width, 72, vPdf.ScreenLogPixels);
         vPdf.DefaultPageHeight := MulDiv(a.Height, 72, vPdf.ScreenLogPixels);
         vPdf.Canvas.RenderMetaFile(a, 1, 0, 0, tpExactTextCharacterPositining);
         vpdf.SaveToFile('c:\' + IntToStr(LI) + '.pdf');

I really appreciate any help on this matter.

Thanks and regards,

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