#1 Re: mORMot 1 » new book about mORMot » 2017-01-21 14:07:01

Hello Erick,
Thank you for creating this book. It is great news for us mORMot lovers.
Honestly, what is your advice: buy it now or wait for the updated version?
Thanks. Albert

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Small change proposal for CrossPlatform » 2015-01-29 15:46:44

I'm happy to hear, thank you Arnaud.

Is this the correct way to propose this kind of minor changes?

I am sure there will be more to come ...

#3 mORMot 1 » Small change proposal for CrossPlatform » 2015-01-29 13:15:24

Replies: 9


I am not aware of another way of proposing changes, so please don't flame me. This is a minor thing anyway, so I'll put it here because it's easy to explain.

Reason: allow passing an extra parameter to the mORMotClient.GetClient function - the root of the server. This would allow the client exe to connect to any server

// Modified file: CrossPlatform\templates\CrossPlatform.pas.mustache


function GetModel(aServerRoot: String): TSQLModel;

function GetClient(const aServerAddress{{#authClass}}, aUserName,aPassword{{/authClass}}: string;
  aServerPort: integer=SERVER_PORT; aServerRoot: String = '{{root}}'): TSQLRestClientHTTP;


function GetModel(aServerRoot: String): TSQLModel;
  result := TSQLModel.Create([{{#orm}}{{className}}{{comma}}{{/orm}}],aServerRoot);

function GetClient(const aServerAddress{{#authClass}}, aUserName,aPassword{{/authClass}}: string;
  aServerPort: integer; aServerRoot: String): TSQLRestClientHTTP;
  result := TSQLRestClientHTTP.Create(aServerAddress,aServerPort,GetModel(aServerRoot),true); // aOwnModel=true
    if (not result.Connect) or (result.ServerTimeStamp=0) then
      raise ERestException.CreateFmt('Impossible to connect to %s:%d/%s server',
    if not result.SetUser({{.}},aUserName,aPassword) then 
      raise ERestException.CreateFmt('%s:%d/%s server rejected "%s" credentials',


#4 Re: mORMot 1 » secSSL how to connect ? » 2015-01-29 12:53:06

Sorry, just a quick answer because I was puzzled by a similar problem right now. Did you run the server exe in adminstrator mode (Windows)?

If this does not apply, please forgive me.


#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Using CrossPlatform generated code, trying to use TSQLRecord as param » 2015-01-27 12:38:33

Thank you AB!

It's nice and clean now, and everything is getting more and more clear.

mORMot rules!

#6 mORMot 1 » Using CrossPlatform generated code, trying to use TSQLRecord as param » 2015-01-26 19:42:36

Replies: 2

Hello fellow mORMot lovers,

I'm still learning (a lot) and I'm stuck with a simple question.
Here is the situation, I was trying to avoid having a dedicated DTO for some SOA calls and use TSQLRecord descendants instead. I like to retrieve a TSQLContact from the server by the ID, and return a boolean to indicate success. This is the generated code, CrossPlatform, client side:

// this code is generated (mORMotClient.pas)

function TServiceContactAdministration.GetContact(const contactID: Integer; var theContact: TSQLContact): Boolean;
var res: TVariantDynArray;
  fClient.CallRemoteService(self,'GetContact',2, // raise EServiceException on error
  theContact := TSQLContact.CreateFromVariant(res[0]);
  Result := res[1];

My problem is: how to call this code? If I instantiate theContact before calling, there will be a memory leak. If I don't instantiate theContact, I will have a problem on the server. This is what I'm talking about:

// this is on the server side.
// two options:

// option 1 - create theContact inside the function. This works, but will generate a memory leak

function TContactAdministration.GetContact(const contactID: Integer; var theContact: TSQLContact): Boolean;
  theContact :=  TSQLContact.Create(ServiceContext.Request.Server, contactID); // or CreateJoined
  Result := (theContact.ID > 0) and (theContact.ID = contactID)

// option 2 - retrieve theContact (no create) inside the function. This does not work if theContact is not instantiated on the client side

function TContactAdministration.GetContact(const contactID: Integer; var theContact: TSQLContact): Boolean;
//  theContact :=  TSQLContact.Create(ServiceContext.Request.Server, contactID); // or CreateJoined
  ServiceContext.Request.Server.Retrieve(ContactID, theContact);
  Result := (theContact.ID > 0) and (theContact.ID = contactID)

So, what to do? Do I have to give up using TSQLRecord as parameter?

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