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Can anyone please tell me which class I need to use?
I have used this TObjectListLocked class (syncommons) and i am trying to move to Mormot2.
Thank You
Expected Result from FileFromString('','d:\1.pdf') is False
but the function Result is True and created a file with Zero Length.
Is this Expected Behaviour?
Thank You.
Thank You @Ab.
Thank You @dcoun for confirming.
Thank You @esmondb. Will definitely go through the book
I further investigated and think the error is at this point '' at line 1934.
constructor TRest.RegisteredClassCreateFrom(aModel: TOrmModel;
aDefinition: TSynConnectionDefinition; aServerHandleAuthentication: boolean);
// ADefinition should be used / assigned at this point.
Edit : I am wrong.
@dcoun you are spot on. I checked and if I make the change in line 2368 of from
if fProxyName = '' then
if (fProxyName = '') or (fProxyName = '=''''') then
It works as expected.
Thank You
Thank You @Ab for the reply.
I tried hard for hours to find out the exact reason for this issue, but my knowledge is limited, and could not find the actual reason for this issue.
But I assume it is something that is related to the initialization of the Object from JSON.
It can be easily reproduced on a mormot server using this code. (I am trying the Example of ex\ThirdPartyDemos\martin-doyle\04-InterfacedBasedServices\src)
FYI : using Delphi 10.3 community Edition
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
sTemp : RawUtf8;
Model := TOrmModel.Create([],'root');
HttpClient := TRestHttpClient.Create('localhost', '11111',Model,false);
sTemp:= HttpClient.DefinitionToJson;
if Assigned(Model) then FreeAndNil(Model);
if Assigned(HttpClient) then FreeAndNil(HttpClient);
Model := TOrmModel.Create([],'root');
httpClient:= TRestHttpClient.CreateFromJson(Model,sTemp,false) as TRestHttpClient ;
HttpClient.ServerTimestampSynchronize; // ERROR at this point
if Assigned(Model) then FreeAndNil(Model);
if Assigned(HttpClient) then FreeAndNil(HttpClient);
Thank You for pointing out and surely will follow good programming practice. Any good link\articles\Books that you can suggest for good Delphi Programming practices that you follow.
Thank You for your time and effort.
I am trying to create a TRestHttpClient from a Json File.
However, when I run the system raises an error "Winhttp.dll Error 57". Is there something I need to initiate after loading from a file?
File test.json created using the following code
Model := CreateSampleModel;
HttpClient := TRestHttpClient.Create('localhost', HttpPort, Model);
Later load this using
Model := CreateSampleModel;
HttpClient := TRestHttpClient(TRestHttpClient.CreateFromFile(Model,'c:\test.json',true));
HttpClient.ServerTimestampSynchronize; // Error at this point.
I am using the latest version of Mormot2.
Thank You
Perfect !!!! It is working as expected.
Thanks, @ab for your support
Does it make sense in having a read-only property for the RestHttpServer that exposes the current state (ExecuteState (THttpServerExecuteState)) of the HTTP Server?
Also, in general, Is it better that I start a new thread when I have a specific issue?
Thank You for looking into it @ab
I updated the new changes you made. However, the problem still exists.
In the debug mode, the exception is raised and handled by the Debugger exception. However, when I try running in Administrator mode (http.sys) or the normal mode, the exception is not being raised still.
In Mormot 1 this is working as expected and is raising the exception when the port is consumed by any other service.
HTTPServer := TSQLHttpServer.create(777),[RestSrvr]);
on e:ECrtSocket do
ShowMessage('Port is already in use. Please check if any other program is using this port and restart this Service.');
In Mormot 2 this is not working as expected and is not raising the exception when the port is consumed by any other service.
HTTPServer :=TRestHttpServer.create(777,[FRestSrvr]);
on e: ECrtSocket do
Can you please guide me if I am doing it wrong? Is there some way to see if the RestHttpserver has started?
Thank You
Thank You @ab.
I tried, but I got the error ERttiException "Text definition covers 17 bytes but RTTI defined 25.
I see that if I don't define TRttiJson.RegisterFromText( ) then it is working as expected without any problem. So the problem is resolved.
I am having custom Record
__TRECApplicationSetting= 'Port:integer;RootURI:RawUTF8;AutoStart:Boolean;AllowedFileExtension:RawUTF8;Token:Rawutf8';
In Mormot 1 , this is working.
TTextWriter.RegisterCustomJSONSerializerFromText(typeinfo(TRECApplicationSetting),__TRECApplicationSetting).Options:= [soReadIgnoreUnknownFields, soWriteHumanReadable];
Please tell me how to convert the following in Mormot2 ?
Thank you
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