#1 Re: PDF Engine » Printing » 2014-09-18 11:45:11

The problem is i have to print formatted cards generated from HTML.
The HTML is only on the right side of the card so the best way for me was to use htmlt2pdf and place the converted html on the right side and print.
I formerly used debenu quickpdf but this library does not support font-face and things like that.
Is there no possibility to get the pdfcanvas printed directly in delphi?

#2 PDF Engine » Printing » 2014-09-18 09:31:51

Replies: 3


im not the delphi pro, so i used the sample html2pdf code to convert a html page into a pdf.
This works fine, now i like to directly print the pdf with a specific printer (or send it directly to a printer) from the application.
Can someone give me some hints?
Do i have to use SaveToStream und print the stream? If yes how?


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