#1 Re: PDF Engine » SynPDF lib on wine » 2014-10-01 16:38:31


When calling RenderMetaFile directly, parameter DisableTextClipping is overriding DisableMetaFileTextClipping property:

procedure RenderMetaFile(MF: TMetaFile; Scale: Single=1.0;
      XOff: single=0.0; YOff: single=0.0;
      TextPositioning: TPdfCanvasRenderMetaFileTextPositioning=tpSetTextJustification;
      KerningHScaleBottom: single=99.0; KerningHScaleTop: single=101.0;
      DisableTextClipping: boolean=false);

So you can use:

Pdf.Canvas.RenderMetaFile(aMeta, 1, 0, 0, Pdf.UseMetaFileTextPositioning, Pdf.KerningHScaleBottom, Pdf.KerningHScaleBottom,

#2 Re: PDF Engine » Vertical lines are missing randomaly in QReport + QRShape » 2014-09-30 11:39:00



Seems that missing lines are hidden under filled rectangles.

We tried play with EMR_BITBLT and PATCOPY handling inside EnumEMFFunc, but no success yet:

with PEMRBitBlt(R)^ do begin
  if(cyDest<0) then //seems that negative cyDest needs different handling
    E.FillRectangle(Rect(xDest,yDest+cyDest,xDest+cxDest,yDest)) //sometimes better, sometimes worse (hidden "bottom" lines)
    //E.FillRectangle(Rect(xDest,yDest+cyDest-1,xDest+cxDest,yDest-1)) //another variant
    E.FillRectangle(Rect(xDest,yDest,xDest+cxDest,yDest+cyDest)); //original
  //TODO: lines (horizontal and vertical) are sometimes missing in PDF. 
  //Create simplest EMF test case for reproducing, compare EMF and PDF
  // check negative cyDest
  // check coordinates transforming and rounding
  // maybe should handle PEMRBitBlt(R)^.rclBounds as cliprect there?
  // are pen color and / or mode properly handled there?

Had no time to investigate, used quick workaround (with side effects, but acceptable for us):

TPdfCanvas = class(TObject)
    FillRectIgnoreColor: TColor; //default: clNone, QuickReport: clWhite 
procedure TPdfEnum.FillRectangle(const Rect: TRect);
  if DC[nDC].brush.color = Canvas.FillRectIgnoreColor then exit; //do not draw rectangles filled with specified (white) color
  //if (Canvas.FillRectIgnoreColor<>clNone) and (DC[nDC].brush.color = Canvas.FillRectIgnoreColor) then exit; //maybe this variant is more correct...

#3 Re: PDF Engine » SynPDF lib on wine » 2014-09-29 10:50:22



We had same problem with SynPDF metafile rendering under Wine (OS X): no text visible, only lines.
Looks like there is something wrong with text clipping handling. Quick workaround was switching it off:

procedure TPdfEnum.TextOut(var R: TEMRExtTextOut);
    // detect clipping
    //with R.emrtext.rcl do // original code
      //WithClip := (Right>Left) and (Bottom>Top); // original code
    WithClip := false; // workaround for Wine

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