#1 Re: PDF Engine » Problem validating PDF/A format » 2014-10-10 09:35:49


I already created a ticket, but I couldn't logged in with my account so I used the anonymous user to create it.
If it helps:
- Ticket UUID: 388d4c61816e3be3754ed5d956700ed6be97a1aa
- Title: Problem validating PDF/A format


#2 Re: PDF Engine » Problem validating PDF/A format » 2014-10-08 07:55:50

I received the below validation report from the validator that my client uses.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Compliance Log Template -->
<compliance name="log" operation="validation" target="PDF/A-1a">
  <tool name="Solid Framework" build="9.0.4823.1" />
  <copyright>Copyright 2009-2012 Solid Documents LLC. All rights reserved.</copyright>
  <results file="QuickPDFA.pdf">
    <catalog version="1.4" pages="1" />
    <info creationDate="D:20141006145114" modDate="D:20141006145115" producer="Synopse PDF engine 1.18" />
        <problem severity="warning" objectID="5" clause="p32" standard="xmp">Recommended padding is not found in the XMP packet trailer</problem>
        <problem severity="warning" objectID="5" clause=" TN0003" standard="pdfa">Recommended property 'format' for schema 'dc' missing</problem>
        <problem severity="error" objectID="5" clause="6.7.3" standard="pdfa">Document information entry 'CreationDate' not synchronized with metadata property 'xmp:CreateDate'</problem>
        <problem severity="error" objectID="5" clause="6.7.3" standard="pdfa">Document information entry 'ModDate' not synchronized with metadata property 'xmp:ModifyDate'</problem>
        <problem severity="error" objectID="1" clause="" standard="pdfa">The key 'StructTreeRoot' is required for PDF object 'Catalog'</problem>
        <problem severity="warning" clause="" standard="pdfa">PDFA_LOG_MSG_TaggedStructureNotComplete</problem>

#3 PDF Engine » Problem validating PDF/A format » 2014-10-07 12:29:24

Replies: 14


I have downloaded the SynPDF to test it for creating PDF/A files. I am already able to create the files but when I go to validate it always fail. Although Adobe Reader shows the blue panel informing that the file is a valid PDF/A. It's a little weird.
I tried to validate in:
- preFlight (Adobe Reader): Not valid
- The one that my client uses and needs to be valid: Not valid
- pdftools: Valid

These are the errors that I get:

Document information entry 'CreationDate' not synchronized with metadata property 'xmp:CreateDate'
Document information entry 'ModDate' not synchronized with metadata property 'xmp:ModifyDate'
The key 'StructTreeRoot' is required for PDF object 'Catalog'

I already made the changes posted in this ticket.

How can I fix this to get a valid PDF/A in the validator used by my client?

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