#1 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 ORM Performance » 2022-02-23 18:42:35

I'll make some other test prior to ask about performance: I'm not very skilled in mORMot + Zeos + Firebird. smile

I must say that here you are doing a good job.
And I’m a beginner with these tools used together.
Thank you for your patience smile

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 ORM Performance » 2022-02-22 14:48:56

Hi, I've some good news

Reinstalled mORMot2 (pulled latest sources) in Lazarus 2.0.12 + Zeos and Ibx  packages

Using Zeos I still get same error...
Using IBX all test have success!

2.2. Sqlite remote: 
  - Remote sqlite socket: 160,030 assertions passed  1.41s
     10000 insert in 459.77ms i.e. 21.2K/s, aver. 45us
     10000 insert batch in 42.68ms i.e. 228.8K/s, aver. 4.26us
     10000 insert trans in 415.02ms i.e. 23.5K/s, aver. 41us
     10000 insert batch trans in 43.19ms i.e. 226K/s, aver. 4.31us
     10000 read one in 410.41ms i.e. 23.7K/s, aver. 41us
     10000 read virtual in 20.02ms i.e. 487.5K/s, aver. 2us
     10000 read direct in 10.23ms i.e. 0.9M/s, aver. 1.02us
  Total failed: 0 / 160,030  - Sqlite remote PASSED  1.42s

 2.3. Firebird: 
  - Ibx firebird: 160,031 assertions passed  11.97s
     10000 insert in 8.56s i.e. 1.1K/s, aver. 856us
     10000 insert batch in 335.61ms i.e. 29K/s, aver. 33us
     10000 insert trans in 792.20ms i.e. 12.3K/s, aver. 79us
     10000 insert batch trans in 346.01ms i.e. 28.2K/s, aver. 34us
     10000 read one in 1.52s i.e. 6.4K/s, aver. 152us
     10000 read virtual in 78.77ms i.e. 123.9K/s, aver. 7.87us
     10000 read direct in 61.43ms i.e. 158.9K/s, aver. 6.14us
  Total failed: 0 / 160,031  - Firebird PASSED  11.97s

Generated with: Free Pascal 3.2.2 64 bit Linux compiler

Time elapsed for all tests: 18s
Performed 2022-02-22 15:21:15 by userxyz on devoid

Total assertions failed for all test suits:  0 / 2,041,191
! All tests passed successfully.

Firebird benchmark vs SqLite are not so good.
I don't know if FB3 is slower than FB4, but I think this is due to network vs local.
However I'll try with Fb embedded in future.

Anyway I can't figure out why Zeos fails.
I'll try to understand.
If you have any ideas you're welcome smile

Thanks for your support.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 ORM Performance » 2022-02-22 08:06:15

Lazarus 2.2
FPC 3.2.3

As soon as possible I'll try same database using IBX.

do I need any compiler directive to compile Zeos?

did you try firebird embedded or via network (like my test)?

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 ORM Performance » 2022-02-21 23:59:15

Thank for your suggestions.

I went one step further, I didn’t know that the "drop table" could fail with an open connection.
I had flamerobin connected...
Running the test with flamerobin closed, that error does not occur.

But now I've another error:

0000000000000000  ! EXC   ERestStorage {Message:"TRestStorageExternal.JsonDecodedPrepareToSql(TOrmSample): No column for [ID] field in table SampleRecord"} [Main] at 598052 ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (2093) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (2032) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (1229) ../../src/rest/mormot.rest.server.pas  (6882) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.client.pas  (751) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runtests (477) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.runexternal (802) PerfTestCases.pas ttestfirebird.zeosfirebird (396) ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1198) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24) 
000000000000106F  ! ERROR mormot.rest.sqlite3.TRestClientDB(7ff309957400) POST root/Sample returned 500 (Internal Server Error) with message {  "errorCode":500,  "error":  {"ERestStorage":  {   "ClassName": "ERestStorage",   "Address": "598052 ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (2093)",   "Message": "TRestStorageExternal.JsonDecodedPrepareToSql(TOrmSample): No column for [ID] field in table SampleRecord"  }}  } ../../src/rest/mormot.rest.core.pas  (2075) ../../src/rest/mormot.rest.client.pas  (2477) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.client.pas  (751) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runtests (477) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.runexternal (802) PerfTestCases.pas ttestfirebird.zeosfirebird (396) ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1198) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24)
0000000000001078  ! fail  #3 Add ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (955) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runtests (477) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.runexternal (802) PerfTestCases.pas ttestfirebird.zeosfirebird (396) ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1198) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24)
0000000000002C11  ! fail  PerfTestCases.TTestFirebird(7ff30995f900) Firebird - Zeos firebird [Add] ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1469) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runtests (477) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.runexternal (802) PerfTestCases.pas ttestfirebird.zeosfirebird (396) ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1198) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24)

Seems that in json, field ID is not present.
In db table the column is present.
Any idea?


#5 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 ORM Performance » 2022-02-21 15:40:43

Hi again
I think there's something wrong in dropping/create table SAMPLERECORD.
I'll investigate more in deep, I need some time.

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 ORM Performance » 2022-02-21 15:23:27

Hi all
I read about this benchmark in lazarus forum and I'd like to try out using FirebirdsSql.
So I installed mORMot 2 (without NOSYNDBZEOS) and ZeosDbo (7.2.14) packages.

Firebird connection is configured as follow (I just want avoid embedded, so I used to force firebird via network):

{ TTestFirebird }

  /// Please configure parameters for firebird connection
  {$ifdef CPU64}
  cFIREBIRDEMBEDDEDDLL = '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfbclient.so';
  cFIREBIRDEMBEDDEDDLL = '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfbclient.so';
  {$endif CPU64}

  {$ifdef USEZEOS}
  cFirebirdServerZeos = '';  // 'localhost:3033'
  cFirebirdDBFileZeos = '/datifb/maiz.fdb';
  {$endif USEZEOS}
  {$ifdef USEIBX}
  {$endif USEIBX}
  cUserName = 'SYSDBA';
  cPassword = 'masterkey';

Running performance test I get this error:

2.3. Firebird: 
! Firebird - Zeos firebird
! Exception ESqlite3Exception raised with messsage:
!  Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [Step] using 3.37.2 - TRestStorageExternal.Create: TOrmSample: unable to create external missing field SampleRecord.FirstName - SQL=[ALTER TABLE SampleRecord ADD FirstName VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET UTF8], extended_errcode=1
  Total failed: 0 / 2  - Firebird PASSED  92.27ms

while in log file

/home/marcello/dev/llibs_external/mORMot2/ex/extdb-bench/exe/PerfTestConsole (2022-02-20 11:45:25)
Host=devoid User=marcello CPU=1xIntel(R)Core(TM)i7-10510UCPU@1.80GHz8MBcache(x64):FFFB8B170B22FADE212484000000000000040030 OS=Linux=Linux-5.10.0-9-amd64#1-SMP-Debian-5.10.70-1-(2021-09-30) Wow64=0 Freq=1000000
TSynLog 2.0.1 2022-02-21T14:25:48

0000000000000001  ! EXC   EZSQLException {Message:"SQL Error: lock conflict on no wait transactionunsuccessful metadata updateobject TABLE \"SAMPLERECORD\" is in use. Error Code: -901. Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude successful execution of subsequent statements The SQL: drop table SAMPLERECORD; "} [Main] at 8b8a0d ../../src/dbc/ZDbcInterbase6Utils.pas checkinterbase6error (907) ../../src/dbc/ZDbcInterbase6Statement.pas tzinterbase6preparedstatement.executeinternal (206) ../../src/dbc/ZDbcInterbase6Statement.pas tzinterbase6preparedstatement.executeupdateprepared (485) ../../src/db/mormot.db.sql.zeos.pas  (1169) ../../src/db/mormot.db.sql.pas  (3376) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.clientcreate (780) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runwrites (612) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runtests (477) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.runexternal (802) PerfTestCases.pas ttestfirebird.zeosfirebird (396) ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1198) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24) 
000000000000623F  ! EXC   EZSQLException {Message:"SQL Error: unsuccessful metadata updateALTER TABLE SAMPLERECORD failedviolation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint \"RDB$INDEX_15\" on table \"RDB$RELATION_FIELDS\"Problematic key value is (\"RDB$FIELD_NAME\" = 'FIRSTNAME', \"RDB$RELATION_NAME\" = 'SAMPLERECORD'). Error Code: -607. This operation is not defined for system tables. The SQL: ALTER TABLE SampleRecord ADD FirstName VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET UTF8; "} [Main] at 8b8a0d ../../src/dbc/ZDbcInterbase6Utils.pas checkinterbase6error (907) ../../src/dbc/ZDbcInterbase6Statement.pas tzinterbase6preparedstatement.executeinternal (206) ../../src/dbc/ZDbcInterbase6Statement.pas tzinterbase6preparedstatement.executeupdateprepared (485) ../../src/db/mormot.db.sql.zeos.pas  (1169) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (1748) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (705) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (746) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.storage.pas  (1480) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sqlite3.pas  (512) 
000000000000628C  ! EXC   ERestStorage {Message:"TRestStorageExternal.Create: TOrmSample: unable to create external missing field SampleRecord.FirstName - SQL=[ALTER TABLE SampleRecord ADD FirstName VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET UTF8]"} [Main] at 591777 ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (710) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sql.pas  (746) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.storage.pas  (1480) ../../src/orm/mormot.orm.sqlite3.pas  (512) 
00000000000062C8  ! EXC   ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [Step] using 3.37.2 - TRestStorageExternal.Create: TOrmSample: unable to create external missing field SampleRecord.FirstName - SQL=[ALTER TABLE SampleRecord ADD FirstName VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET UTF8], extended_errcode=1",ErrorCode:1,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [Main] at 5f0729 ../../src/db/mormot.db.raw.sqlite3.pas  (8507) ../../src/db/mormot.db.raw.sqlite3.pas  (7884) ../../src/db/mormot.db.raw.sqlite3.pas  (7904) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runwrites (615) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseabstract.runtests (477) PerfTestCases.pas ttestdatabaseexternalabstract.runexternal (802) PerfTestCases.pas ttestfirebird.zeosfirebird (396) ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1198) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24) 
00000000000072D7  ! fail  PerfTestCases.TTestFirebird(7f5bb6739900) Firebird - Zeos firebird [ESqlite3Exception: Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [Step] using 3.37.2 - TRestStorageExternal.Create: TOrmSample: unable to create external missing field SampleRecord.FirstName - SQL=[ALTER TABLE SampleRecord ADD FirstName VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET UTF8], extended_errcode=1] ../../src/core/mormot.core.test.pas  (1469) PerfTestConsole.dpr main (24)

Do is correct an exception called "ESqlite3Exception"?

Anyway, what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

#7 Re: mORMot 1 » Wow! Full FPC support now??!! » 2014-10-13 17:50:29

hi all
I recently discovered mORMot, an impressive tool, first of all, great compliments for the work.
I use fpc on linux and I'd like try to experiment this framework. I read the porting will be completed only when troubles with fpc's RTTI will be solved (however ORM and SOA should be testable).

I know works are in progress... it is planned the publication of the script to compile on linux with fpc?

Thanks in advantage

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