#1 PDF Engine » To extract text from .pdf file » 2017-06-22 22:15:25

Replies: 1

Hello everybody,

Is it possible to extract the text from a .pdf file? If so, there are any examples?

Many thanks
Pio Pio

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » SynCommons.pas - delphi package compilation error. Again :( » 2016-08-16 21:30:40

I just download again the version here http://synopse.info/fossil/wiki?name=PDF+Engine and here https://github.com/synopse/SynPDF. The sources are slightly different but they have the same issue on XE2.

I solved the issue by changing the following source

{$ifdef VER220} { circumvent Delphi XE compilation with packages }
function Count: integer;
property Count: integer read fNameValue.Count;


{$ifdef VER220} { circumvent Delphi XE compilation with packages }
function Count: integer;
property Count: integer read GetCount;

and by adding

function TSynCache.GetCount:Integer;
  Result := fNameValue.Count;

This way I can compile

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » SynCommons.pas - delphi package compilation error. Again :( » 2016-05-28 23:30:26


I downloaded SynPDF a few days ago and the same problem is still there.
I have followed the instructions, modified code and now it works perfectly.


#5 PDF Engine » PDF Engine and TRichView » 2016-04-03 18:09:39

Replies: 3


Is it possible to create PDF files from a TRichView component ? If so, is there an example ?

Many thanks


#6 PDF Engine » To create a .pdf file startring from a regular .rtf file » 2014-11-15 13:01:41

Replies: 1


If I have a file in Rich Text Format (say, "Myfile.rtf"), can I convert it into .pdf via PDFEngine ? I have looked into the forum but I haven't found any example for that.

Sorry for making a trivial question, maybe, but I am new with PDFEngine.

Many thanks
Pio Pio

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