#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-06-02 09:16:17

Yes, it's the same (a little faster but that may be due to differences in hardware, os, .. I guess)
With the suggested way of working (above) it's also way faster.

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-06-01 16:55:12

Thnx again Arnoud
The suggested way of working is much fast, thnx.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-06-01 06:55:13

Thnx Arnoud!!
Will try your suggestions.

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-05-28 11:55:38

As you mentioned I did a test bypassing the Http.
The problem - speed issue - still remains.

It is the parsing of JSON that takes so long. Will try on an iOS device next

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-05-26 15:24:52

Did some remote logging

As I expected it is CallGetResult, called from within CallRemoteService (see higher) that's the bottleneck.
This call takes 1 minute 40 seconds on a S3 mini for the aforementioned 580KB (value proven in the remote log).
The actual download is a few seconds.

Did some further detailed testing and (as expected?) it is actually


within CallGetResult that is  the cause for the delay.

Any ideas?

#7 Re: mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-05-22 14:04:02

Hi Arnoud, been a while

I was under the impression that in

result := CallGetResult(Call,outID); 

you convert the content in the body of the http return from the server to a variant.
I stepped through it and it's the above call that lasts longest.
To me it looks like it that the actual download of the content form the server is rather fast.

Size is around 580KB.

#8 mORMot 1 » Speed issue on Android » 2015-05-22 08:31:47

Replies: 15


We've a mORMot service running that can return up-to 5.000 records, sometimes even more, in a variant (TDocVariantData).
At the client side we use the generated cross-platform code.

On a desktop, Win32, OSX or iOS Simulator, this client code performs very well. It can retrieve the items on the server almost instantaneous. However running the same client code on a mid-range Android device is slow, up to a minute to retrieve the same amount of data.

Bandwith is a little less on the mobile device (connected to the same Wifi though), but it is not the bottleneck.
The processing of the result on the client is the part that takes longer, 1.5 minutes compared to a few seconds:

In unit mORMotClient we use this to retrieve the data:

fClient.CallRemoteService(self,'GetPatients',1, // raise EServiceException on error

In unit SynCrossPlatformREST:
It is this call in aformentionend CallRemotService,

result := CallGetResult(Call,outID); 

that takes way longer.
Any ideas how to speed this up (apart from retrieving less data)?
Is there already something to retrieve a 'paged' result (so in chunks)?


#9 mORMot 1 » Result of TSQLHttpServer.RemoveServer is always False » 2015-01-27 15:27:44

Replies: 1

Could it be function TSQLHttpServer.RemoveServer never returns true, even when the server was successfully removed from the HTTP server?

#10 mORMot 1 » Problem adding in Batch to TSQLRestServerDB » 2014-12-23 10:44:35

Replies: 3


Am trying to load some legacy data in batch on server startup with CreateMissingTables().
With a previous version of mORMot this worked without hiccup, now we get a SQL syntax error, a ' , ' in excess.

Am using TSQLRestBatch with AutomaticTransactionPerRow set to a number lower then the number of records to import.

Batch := TSQLRestBatch.Create(self, TSQLContact, 30);

Found two ways to bypass this:
1. Set the AutomaticTransactionPerRow parameter in the TSQLRestBatch constructor to a number higher than the number of legacy records to import. (Not really a solution)
2. Or change in procedure TSQLRestServerDB.InternalBatchStop.

      // INSERT Values[] into the DB
      SQL := SQL+','+CSVOfValue('('+CSVOfValue('?',fieldCount)+')',rowCount-1);
      Statement := nil; // make compiler happy


      // INSERT Values[] into the DB
      if Pred(rowCount) >0 then
        SQL := SQL+','+CSVOfValue('('+CSVOfValue('?',fieldCount)+')',rowCount-1);
      Statement := nil; // make compiler happy

Or are we overlooking something?

#11 Re: mORMot 1 » Error compiling Mustache generated CrossPlatform Client-wrapper » 2014-12-11 10:02:19

Thnx, first test looks very promising.
We'll keep you posted.

#12 mORMot 1 » Error compiling Mustache generated CrossPlatform Client-wrapper » 2014-12-08 15:50:39

Replies: 3

We have a TSQLRestServerDB instance running, exposed via a TSQLHttpServer instance.

On the RESTServer instance there's an interface registered with some functions and procedures. These can be called without any problem from a VCL mORMot client.
Problem though, is the server generated (Mustache) CrossPlatform client wrapper. This code can't be compiled if it's not adapted.

Extract of the code on the server:

  TDTOActivePatient = packed record
    Id: Integer;
    FullName: String;
    Gender: TGender;

  TDTOActivePatientDynArray = array of TDTOActivePatient;

  IPatientAdministration = interface(IInvokable)
    function GetActivePatients: TDTOActivePatientDynArray;
    procedure CreatePatient(var thePatient: TSQLPatient);

Extract of the generated client code:

  TServicePatientAdministration = class(TServiceClientAbstract,IPatientAdministration)
    constructor Create(aClient: TSQLRestClientURI); override;
    function GetActivePatients(): TDTOActivePatientDynArray;
    procedure CreatePatient(var thePatient: TSQLPatient);

  /// map "Patient" table
  TSQLPatient = class(TSQLRecord)
    fFirstName: string;
    fFamilyName: string;
    fGender: TGender;
    fIsActive: boolean;
    property FirstName: string index 50 read fFirstName write fFirstName;
    property FamilyName: string index 50 read fFamilyName write fFamilyName;
    property Gender: TGender read fGender write fGender;
    property IsActive: boolean read fIsActive write fIsActive;

  function TServicePatientAdministration.GetActivePatients(): TDTOActivePatientDynArray;
  var res: TVariantDynArray;
    fClient.CallRemoteService(self,'GetActivePatients',1, // raise EServiceException on error
    Result := res[0];

  procedure TServicePatientAdministration.CreatePatient(var thePatient: TSQLPatient);
  var res: TVariantDynArray;
    fClient.CallRemoteService(self,'CreatePatient',1, // raise EServiceException on error
    thePatient := res[0];

To be able to compile the generated code we had to make some changes, f.i. define:

  TDTOActivePatientDynArray = Variant;
  TSQLPatient = class;

The first, TDTOActivePatientDynArray, a return parameter wasn't defined.
The second one, TSQLPatient was defined, but already used/called before it was declared in the unit. Could also have moved the TSQLPatient definition.

With these changes the 'GetActivePatients' function works. The 'CreatePatient' procedure still does not compile (generated code) as the types don't match.

Any ideas how to take it from here? Is there anyone that can point us to a sample in which SOA services are called from a FMX client (CrossPlatform) and that use f.i. a TSQLRecord instance as a parameter?


#13 Re: mORMot 1 » File not found:'Contnrs.dcu' while trying to run through iOS simulator » 2014-12-03 09:38:06

Had the same error.
Does it pass above part of the .inc? Isn't it catched by the NEXTGEN section for iOS...

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