#1 Re: Delphi » Connecting to MySQL through Mormot » 2014-12-30 14:55:56

Ave Maria!

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly...

Still with the connection of the ZEOS - the error - File not found: 'Zeos.inc' ...

Does this inc file come with the mORMot library / framework files?

I hope you enjoyed Christmas...

God Bless


Windows 7
Delphi XE7 Trial

#2 Delphi » Connecting to MySQL through Mormot » 2014-12-26 12:29:20

Replies: 3

Ave Maria!

New to mORMot and would like to get involved...

I have looked at:


and this thread, but am struggling to get MySQL connected through FireDAC using the code above or ZEOS...

The error I get for FireDac is:

TSQLDBFireDACConnectionProperties.Create: unknown provider - available: OraMSSQLMSAccMySQLSQLiteIBPGDB2

Props := TSQLDBFireDACConnectionProperties.Create('','dbdoor','world','open');

and for the ZEOS method I can't even compile due to missing inc file:

File not found: 'Zeos.inc'

//  {$ifdef USEZEOS}
//  {$endif}
Props := TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties.Create('zdbc:mysql://;password=dev', 'world', '', '');

Ideally I want to avoid ODBC...  but probably will try this as a stop gap...

Any quick points would be greatly appreciated...  Also what if my tables PkID are all GUIDs?

Windows 7
Delphi XE7 Trial

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