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I restart the service ,It can link again.
I get error 403 like
08:27:39:324[message]:TServiceFactoryClient.Create(): IORP_TypeModel interface or TSQLRestRoutingREST routing not supported by server [{
"errorText":"Authentication Failed: Invalid signature (0)"
when a client link to server fine, Time lapse(Time goes),the Authentication and the signature will be fail?IF, how long?
Thanks AB.
It give me a way to check the server is running!
And I found the error.
I published a mORMot service program to a windows server(2008r2).
I run a Client program on other computer link to the Server . there comes the error , 501 - Server not reachable or broken connection.
On the windows server (2008r2), the client program is OK.
There no firewall on the server.
Shall I do somethings on the server ?
Thank's AB!
Should I add a remote server to a TSQLHttpServer in runtime? Is it easy to add a TSQLRestServer to TSQLHttpServer or add new service to TSQLRestServer by ServiceDefine? If I define a TSQLRestServer on BPL or DLL, It can Add to TSQLHttpServer( in exe) in runtime?
In my old project, I got tableName and delta (in TFDMemTable & TClientDataset, What Log changs), It can easy save to Datasnap's Server.
If I serializate tableName and delta to Json,
How I save the Json to mORMot's server?
Thinks , ab!
It's that I want to Know.
Are there have an easy way to update one record ?
select * from tablename where keyfield=?keyValue
if found
insert JSON
8.1.9. TDataset and SynDB
Since our SynDB.pas unit does not rely on the Delphi's DB.pas unit, its result sets do not inherit from the TDataset.
As a benefit, those result sets will be much faster, when accessed from your object code. But as a drawback, you won't be able to use them in your regular VCL applications.
In order to easily use the SynDB.pas unit with VCL components, you can create TDataSet results sets from any SynDB query. You have access to two kind of optimized TDataSet result sets:
TDataSet class
read write
Slow due to memory copy
read only
Fast due to direct mapping
You can therefore assign the result of a SynDB request to any TDataSource, as such for our fast TSynSQLStatementDataSet read/only storage: ds1.DataSet.Free; // release previous TDataSet ds1.DataSet := ToDataSet(ds1,aProps.Execute('select * from people',[]));
or for a TClientDataSet kind of in-memory storage: ds1.DataSet.Free; // release previous TDataSet ds1.DataSet := ToClientDataSet(ds1,aProps.Execute('select * from people',[]));
See sample
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