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Thank you so much!
Good day!
I am trying to create unique index on two fields Name and SubSystem for TFolder class:
TSubSystem = class(TOrm)
FName: RawUtf8;
property Name: RawUtf8 read FName write FName stored AS_UNIQUE;
TFolder = class(TOrm)
FName: RawUtf8;
FSubsystem: TSubSystem;
property Name: RawUtf8 read FName write FName;
property Subsystem: TSubSystem read FSubsystem write FSubsystem;
// NEED TO Define unique constraint on Name and Subsystem together
TRoleBaseModel = class(TOrmModel)
constructor Create; reintroduce;
TRoleBaseServer = class(TRestServerDB)
constructor Create(const aModel : TRoleBaseModel; aDBFileName: TFileName); reintroduce;
I am trying to do it recommended way:
procedure TAppMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
AppModel := CreateRoleBaseModel;
AppServer := TRoleBaseServer.Create(AppModel, '');
// Create the unique index
if AppServer.CreateSqlMultiIndex(TFolder, ['Name', 'Subsystem'], true, 'UniqueFolderIndex') then
ShowMessage('Unique index created successfully.')
ShowMessage('Failed to create unique index.');
on E: Exception do
Writeln('Error creating unique index: ' + E.Message);
AppClient := TRoleBaseClient.Create(AppServer);
On the first pass, when there is no database file and tables it reports 'Failed to create unique index' with no exception error. The rest is created as it should.
On the second try, when there is db and tables, it says 'Unique index created successfully', but index is not created.
At the same time,
AppServer.Execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX AppMemberIndex_uq ON Folder (Name, Subsystem);');
works fine.
What is wrong with me??
D12.2 MORMOT2.2 stable
Will check! Thank you very much!
The point for my interest is that I am planning to use a User field in other objects, say to have multiple recipients for a document object, for document flow process, for example, say one user assigns document to several other users of the system for review. In order to link users from TSQLAuthUser to my TMyDocument I will need their Id's, but since common User does not have rights for view of TSQLAuthUser I do not understand at all how to implement that link. In this case the point of using TSQLAuthUser as ancestor for other objects is not achievable. Then I will need to create separate table for my application purposes, to which all users will have read access, and link it somehow to TSQLAuthUsers, since I want to authenticate users using standard authentication scheme.
For Supervisor group members all TSQLAuthUser details are returned Ok. But they still cannot change passwords.
How exactly and when UserAccessRights should be updated?
I mean when should I use this statement:
Include(fRights.AllowRemoteExecute, reUserCanChangeOwnPassword);
Best regards,
Yes, I understand that.
Login procedure is Ok (SetUser()), for any user fClient.SessionUser has LogonName, but ID is 0, except for Admins.
And fClient.Update(fClient.SessionUser) does not work (returns false) except for Admins.
Well, its embarassing, but I cannot go any further.
1. function
Retrieve(aID: TID; Value: TSQLRecord; ForUpdate: boolean=false): boolean; override;
as stated in the Docs requires ID which I do not have.
2. the example of filling parameters of the SessionUser from the manual (which exploit some undocumented capabilities of retrieve)
fClient.Retrieve('LogonName=?',[TSQLAuthUser],[aUser.LogonName], aUser);
is also working for Admin only, i.e. it does not fill all the properties of aUser object and returns false for any other user.
3. Update like
is working for Admin only again.
Since there were such problems everything was tested with standard TSQLAuthUser object.
Maybe someone could devise working example on how to properly use basic per-user authentication? Including password changing mechanism for non-admin users and user manipulation?
Best regards,
Working with the help and source. Will revert later.
Thanks for prompt reply!
Meantime, if I try to get ID by whatever means (while logged in as User, like TSQLAuthUser.GetID, or .ID) the ID is always 0. For Admin it is 0 as well (edited on 19:42).
And this
assert(appClient.UpdateField(TgbSysUser, 'ID', aUser.ID, 'PasswordHASHHexa', aUser.PasswordHashHexa), 'Пароль не изменен!');
is not working, even for Admin.
So I tried update by Logon name because of that. For Admin it is working perfectly.
Once again thank you for reply.
Sorry for raising this subject again, but it seems that nobody was interested (or everyone understood at once) how to use this option - to allow normal user to change their password when using per-user authentication scheme with HPPP Client-Server version of framework.
My code looks like:
function CreateModel : TSQLModel;
var aRights : TSQLAccessRights;
Include(aRights.AllowRemoteExecute, reUserCanChangeOwnPassword);
Result := TSQLModel.Create([TgbTree, TgbSysUser, TSQLAuthGroup]); // TgbSysUser = class(TSQLAuthUser) //
//To create client and connect
appModel := CreateGipsModel;
appClient := TSQLHttpClient.Create('localhost','8082',appModel);
//To change password
aUser := appClient.SessionUser;
aUser.PasswordPlain := 'NewPasswordPlain' ;
appClient.UpdateField(TgbSysUser, 'LogonName', aUser.LogonName, 'PasswordHASHHexa', aUser.PasswordHashHexa);
And it works with Admin and never works with User. I understand that I do not understand how to properly use TSQLAccessRights object. I looked and searched and read but still nothing.
Please help.
Best regards,
In case there is still interest in subject.
I implement this
Materialized Path + parentID pattern
approach since 1997 and it never failed me :-)
Well, ID is usually INT or BIGINT, so maximum length of ID key in plain VARCHAR terms will be 20 symbols (for BIGINT ID).
When making treePath I make it with fixed length blocks instead of separating by anything padding zeroes in front of each ID block, so to guess list of 'all parents' chain is quite simple as well as level calculation.
ID(INT) parentID(INT) treePath(varchar(500)) isLeaf name
1 NULL 0000000001 0 the root (1)
2 3 000000000100000000030000000002 0 child (1.3.2)
3 1 00000000010000000003 1 child (1.3)
isLeaf is usually autocalculated, but can be reset along with treePath calculation procedure.
And to find all children of a certain element I use collation instead of LIKE operator, say to select all children of node ID=1 in above table I would use:
select * from tree where treePath > '0000000001' AND treePath < '0000000001'||'Z'
Never came across tree structure deeper than 25 levels, so treePath = VARCHAR(500) in all my cases (to be on the safe side twice), besides 255 varchars are easily indexed, so VARCHAR(4000) should accomodate 400 levels with INT ID, please correct me if I am wrong.
And nice idea about 62-encoded integer keys, it will still work with all above but with something else but 'Z' for collation.
p.s. I LovE mORMot!
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