#1 Re: mORMot 1 » TQuery emulation on iOS » 2015-09-24 14:27:30

Is there a sample or is it possible to explain me some steps:

I want to use the IRemoteSQL from sample project 16 in a mobile client (iOS).

I created a TSQLModel and a TSQLRestClientHTTP (from SynCrossPlatformREST) to the server from project 16 - this is ok an runs.

But how can i use the IRemoteSQL interface from project16interface.pas to run IRemoteSQL.Connect and IRemoteSQL.GetTables in my mobile application (on iOS).
I don't get a start to implement it?



#2 Re: mORMot 1 » TQuery emulation on iOS » 2015-09-23 16:59:49


thank you for the quick answer. Yes i'm using Delphi.

I looked at the sample project 16 (execute SQL via services).

Is something like the Sample Project16Client (only the Query execution) in iOS possible?
is TSQLTableJSON available in iOS?

Because it's a large legacy project it's not possible to do the client totally without SQL (we're trying to put most SQL on the server but all seems not to be possible)

Sorry for asking again but the documentation is so huge.



#3 mORMot 1 » TQuery emulation on iOS » 2015-09-23 15:04:05

Replies: 5


I am new to the mormot framework. I came from Datasnap with mobile and i am not satisfied with the performance and stability of Datasnap.

I found the mormot framework and was happy with the TSQLDBServerHttpApi and TSQLDBWinHTTPConnection with TQuery emulation.
Unfortunately i cannot compile the client with iOS. Is it possible in general? (I don't need the TDataset only TQuery-Emulation)

Thank you for advice



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