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Pages: 1
Thanks a lot to industrious AB and MPV!
I found some rare usages of the keyword "object",
TDiffCalc = object
linesAdd, linesMod, linesDel: integer;
procedure Execute(Text1, Text2: string; Memo1, Memo2: TMemoEx;
ShowDiffsOnly: boolean);
from line 32 of ProjectFormViewTwo.pas,and also
TSQLStatementCached = object
Cache: TSQLStatementCacheDynArray;
Count: integer;
Caches: TDynArrayHashed;
procedure Init(aDB: TSQLite3DB);
function Prepare(const GenericSQL: RaWUTF8): PSQLRequest;
procedure ReleaseAllDBStatements;
from page 109 of Synopse mORMot Framework SAD 1.18.pdf, I just wonder that why "object" is necessary here and if I could use "class" or "record" instead.
Those three published fields would be able to store a Int64 foreign key, and will botall have one index created on the database.
The sentence came from here:
Project Name: Synopse mORMot Framework
Document Name: Software Architecture Design
Document Revision: 1.18
Date: February 16, 2016
Project Manager: Arnaud Bouchez
5.1.7. TID fields
I just don't know what's the exact meaning of the word "botall". I try to look it up by Google but failed. I'm a Chinese, I'm not sure about my poor English. So...
Pages: 1