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It's mostly a huge datamodule and all data aware controls. There's almost no classes and hard to ID seams.
So I was thinking of breaking the huge datamodule into smaller, then refactor what each micro datamodule touches into eventual SOA pieces?
I know the docs show some ways to use mORMot in legacy code, but I was wondering:
Has anyone used or have begun using mORMot to refactor a huge legacy code base with any tips / direction?
Anyone due consulting for pay on this sort of thing?
It's very hard to figure out where to stop.
99% of data access is via TTables (With nexusdb), all ui mixed with business logic. Every single issue you would expect from legacy Delphi done wrong
Looks like, from the code, mORMot only supports embedded Nexus and possibly only version 3.x of NexusDB?
If so - any strategies to use the framework with nexus + another supported db ?
Re Re Re downloading master fixed it. Thanks!
Line 1572 from master on
if opcode=focText then
//ERR Types of actual and formal var params must be identical
SetCodePage(Frame.payload,CP_UTF8,false); // identify text value as UTF-8 <-- Types of actual and formal var params must be identical
Delphi Seattle 10 / Win 10
Pages: 1