#1 mORMot 1 » TAESPRNG for MacOS » 2016-06-16 09:44:21

Replies: 3


and thank for your work,

after testing the recent TAESPRNG on Win32, I had the need to port it on MacOSX,
using Delphi cross-compilation.

It went pretty fast, using TPersistent instead of TSynPersistant for TAESPNG, for simplicity.

I made a pull request over github, so you can see easily my changes.

I already had a small set of patches for Mac, so I regrouped them in a file called SynCommonsMac.pas,
which is a simplified version of SynCommons.

If I can help on this subject, it would be, as well, easier for me to get future changes from mORMot for Mac.

Have a good day!

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