#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Session not being registered after successful logon.. » 2017-04-14 16:43:14

Hi, I have same problem.  It works like a charm, login...

logondisplay: "Admin"
logongroup: 1
logonid: 1
logonname: "Admin"
result: "1613832716+1EE47FBE43C7A2A39221BAB184F9E43EDB4ACAE5BFAADFBEF6664A48DDD5722D"
server: "SESServidor"
version: ""

and several requests, but when I try logout...


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

@Mane, any solution?


#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Infra Sample » 2017-03-03 14:48:46


See TestSQL3.dpr as a DDDInfraApps Sample.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Start from scratch » 2017-01-20 14:24:22

Thanks ab and edwinsn. Your answer are very fast. (sorry my english)

ab: thank you.
edwinsn: Yeah! Is a Wow!  Read fast, memorize a lot.

With more than 30 years developing, some times I feel like a dinosaur.  Started with Delphi 2, then 3, 5, 7, XE, ... and now Berlin. 
There is a lot of software developed using Delphi... and database like dBase, Paradox, Firebird... and so on.

Now, it seems to me very easy to adopt a "new" way to develop.  The mORMot way.

I already check most Samples... very good!
In SynFile project, How can I let mORMot create the Edit by itself?
I mean, not using FileEdit.pas nor FileEdit.dfm.  I just want mORMot generates it.  I know it will be no picture capture.
I am a little lost here.  Please some advice is appreciated.


#4 mORMot 1 » Start from scratch » 2017-01-20 06:40:35

Replies: 3

Imagine, I did already read full 2000 pages document.

Now, I need to start.

Simple as start a full project from scratch.  Simple inventory with invoices.  Some items comes from suppliers and some goes to customers.

About 5 objects:

Inventory  Customers  Suppliers  Invoices Items(inside invoices)  [note: some invoices are from suppliers and some to customers].

You can imagine some fields/properties for these objects.

Nothing more.

Can you help me?

I want to use full mORMot (ORM) with all possible options.

Yeah!  I know, you are not going to do my job!

The full project is bigger than that.  But I want some help to start.

Please, some help.


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