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Pages: 1
> ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName) can be a good idea
All your code can be changed. ;-)
Do not invent sec - rely on cryptography.
GUID here is something. It may be changed for Major releases etc.
There is no reason to prevent user from renaming executable. I think that relying on executable name is bad practice.
The idea is that you supplied some needed information as aContent: TObject output, encrypted as JSON within the .unlock file.
If you let ECCAuthorize return 0, the system won't work. :)
Well, that changes everything: return 0 and {"godmode":"on"} in aContent =)
What is the difference with "strong" https request of the same content?
From cracker point of view, no matter how cryptic or heuristic protection algorithm is, the weakest thing here is ECCAuthorize function:
it may be simply* patched to return 0 (TECCAuthorize.eaSuccess)
* depends on other protection measures
If it is used as only protection it will fail the job on first cracker.
I share opinion that soft must be pleasant enought for user to pay for it
Of course if user have some spare money for this =)
From author point of view there must be harmony of protection level vs your soft "real" cost.
Pages: 1