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Thank you for quick reply.
I use Delphi 10 Seatle (Win32).
Here is example based on sample 11 - Exception logging
example program code (LibraryTest - procedure Test dynamically linked) -
example library code (MyLibrary - procedure Test only raise exception) -
You can see what is happening watching address RtlUnwindProc.
After TSynLog.Family.Level := LOG_VERBOSE; there is a change -> RtlUnwindProc is set (RTLUnwindProc := @SynRtlUnwind;)
After SafeLoadLibrary RtlUnWindProc is restored to orginal address
(SaveLoadLibrary System.pas -> _StartLib ->
version CPUX86
MOV EAX, offset RaiseException
MOV RaiseExceptionProc, EAX
MOV EAX, offset RTLUnwind
MOV RTLUnwindProc, EAX
version CPUX64 -> not assembler so more readable (for me)
// Setup exception handler
RaiseExceptionProc := @RaiseException;
RTLUnwindProc := @RTLUnwind;
Procedure statically linked (procedure Test; external 'MyLibrary.dll';) is working because
library is loaded first and then after TSynLog.Family.Level := LOG_VERBOSE; address is already setup correctly.
Another issue is how to use TSynLog, what is the best practise.
I'dont want add duplicatiing code (SynCommons, SynLog) to program and every dll so I built package mormot.bpl with SynCommons, SynLog and used it like runtime package in my program and dll.
It works ok. But in such case there is problem with locating map files. TSynMapFile uses fMapFile := GetModuleName(hInstance); and finding mormot.bpl instead exe or dll name.
I have application build with many dynamic loaded modules (dll). (loaded on need)
I tested TSynLog and discovered that after using SafeLoadLibrary automatic handling of exceptions doesn't work.
It happens because of overwriting RtlUnwindProc by SafeLoadLibrary -> _StartLib (System.pas).
So using TSynLog.Family.Level:= LOG_VERBOSE in begining of program setup RtlUnwindProc and SafeLoadLibrary restore orginal RtlUnwind.
Is it possible to use TSynLog with automatic handling of exception in application which is using dynamic loading libraries ?
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