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Ah, good point ...
I have Delphinus installed and it's not showing any update .. version is 1.18.2975. Maybe I need to do a little manual upgrading?
I've been working on another "educational" bit of code to try out SQL and TSQLHttpServer. The sample is below and it works perfectly in 32 bit mode, but I get an access violation in line 1982 of SynOLEDB.pas (First chance exception at $000000000090A716. Exception class $C0000005 with message 'c0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION') when I recompile and run in 64 bit. I'm guessing this might be the SQL Client Driver is selecting the 32 bit one, so is there a property needed to flip it to 64 bit?
Props := TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties.Create('SQLExpress', 'AdventureWorks', '', '');
Conn := Props.NewConnection;
Query := Conn.NewStatement;
Query.Execute('select * from Sales.Customer where AccountNumber like ?', true, ['AW000001%']);
Result := Query.FetchAllAsJSON(true, nil, false);
Hi again,
That's handy to know ... and I'll go check out the links.
I'm thinking of eventually having several interfaces for different areas of an application ... PurchaseInterface, ClientInterface, ProductInterface and so on. I'm not 100% sure how these get "published" to the REST Server so a client could invoke the relevant functions and how these scale up to handle several hundred users.
The last couple of hours looking at examples have been fairly educational - it just takes a little time getting up to speed on where the magic happens and how best to structure everything.
Thanks for the tips though.
Hello all,
So .. I'm currently at "Install +25 minutes" and, so far, liking what I'm seeing. This looks to be a really good framework.
I found the Third Party folder with George's Rest-tester and am wondering how to go about adding more interfaces to this. I follow what's happening in the RestMethodsInterfaceUnit and RestServerMethodsUnit, so I'm assuming I'd add 2 more units, say TestInterfaceUnit and TestUnit.
The TRestServer.Initialize call in RestServerUnit is where things start getting difficult. Do I need to create a second TSQLModel and TSQLRestServerFullMemory, or just repeat these calls with new constants ROOT_NAME2 and SERVICE_INSTANCE_IMPLEMENTATION" ?? Is this the best way to tackle this if eventually I'd have loads of Interfaces for different areas of an application? Is there an Interface "collection" that could be used?
I don't mind doing all the reading if someone can point me to the right area, or some pseudo code I can play about with.
Cheers and thanks in advance.
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