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I've fixed the issue by updating the TMS package to include a sub-protocol, but I'll open a request for improvement to update the websocket implementation to allow to not use the optional sub-protocol parameter, along with an updated example since the current one isn't running for me (The second one that doesn't include a sub-protocol)
How do I set the protocol using the URI?
Looking at the example html, it shows two versions, the second including an empty protocol string, which results an error on connection.
socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888","");
SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The subprotocol '' is invalid.
If I remove the second parameter, the subprotocol, I get this error
socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888");
onerror - code:undefined, reason:undefined, wasClean:undefined, status:3
onclose - code:1006, reason:, wasClean:false, status:3
This is why I'm wondering if there's an easy way to ignore or not check for a protocol, as it's an optional parameter for websockets. I'm also talking to TMS, asking them why they haven't exposed that setting.
Hello, I'm new to mORMot and trying to create a websocket server using the simpleechoserver as an example, connection to it from a TMS Web Core websocket client. … Server.dpr
I'm running into an issue where I can't set a subprotocol in the TMS client, is there a simple way to ignore the subprotocol with mORMot websocket server?
protocol := TWebSocketProtocolEcho.Create('meow','');
I like the idea, but the file is not available.
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