#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie. How/can generate then call php/cfm pages? » 2019-07-12 04:24:54

Ok, perhaps I have misconceived the need for php.

So, my understanding now is that I can create a server with mormot and delphi/FPC that has already compiled into it, in (pascal), all the API functionality that I need?

And lots of users can access that code (eg a cpu-intensive calculator that in a desktop application I know can take up to 20 seconds to execute in a worst case) concurrently, without clashing or worrying too much about how large in Mb all that functionality compiles to? I don't need to put that code in a separate program/extension/php source etc?

I've been looking at node.js/express but am starting to doubt the advantages of that.


#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie. How/can generate then call php/cfm pages? » 2019-07-04 00:51:07

I'm wanting to generate websites that use core functionality provided by the api.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie. How/can generate then call php/cfm pages? » 2019-07-02 07:17:41

Thank you, I am trying to absorb that information. I think I will have to budget quite a lot of testing time for the various options.

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie. How/can generate then call php/cfm pages? » 2019-07-01 09:33:14

Hello, looking at this again now. Ready to proceed with projects and still not sure about this technology. Refining the question above:

By using the mormot code I will be able to create REST API's that handle various components of my program - calculators, database actions - and then install the exe on the private hosted php server. Web pages (mainly via php/jquery) can then call the api?

I am getting a little confused with how this fits in with having to publish compiled php extensions which I think I can do with Delphi and would also want to do. Thus, can the mormot application be able to communicate with such extensions, or do they need to just be compiled in to the exe. My concern then is what happens when multiple users are accessing at the same time.

I have also been looking at Phalcon but I have a lot of Delphi back end code I'd like to get access to online.

Thank you. Sorry, I am just getting back into programming after a long break and having trouble wrapping my head around this. Mormot is such a big project that it would be disastrous to find out after several months of learning it that it was the wrong platform.

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Newbie. How/can generate then call php/cfm pages? » 2017-08-28 16:32:54

I have been reading the documentation for many hours. It looks like an awesome piece of software.


#6 mORMot 1 » Newbie. How/can generate then call php/cfm pages? » 2017-08-28 15:07:21

Replies: 9

Hello, I am new to web application servers, and mORMot.

Perhaps I am on the wrong track but via the Controller (i.e. in MVC) mechanism can I intercept url's to then generate php and cfm (coldfusion) files on the fly, then call them instead?

This is for working with existing code bases as needed in several forseeable scenarios.

Thank you.

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