#1 mORMot 1 » TSQLRecord.TObjectList<T>: is it possible? » 2018-01-13 11:59:07

Replies: 3


I am beginning to look at it now and I really liked this very good framework, so I am considering to use it in my project.

But I have some objects that I want to persist in a database whose classes have generic TObjectList<T> properties set in then.

So, would it be possible to use these generic properties with mormot or am I forced to use a simple TObjectList?

Just to show what I mean, look at this little example:


TExampleClass = class(TSQLRecord);

TMySQLRecordClass = class(TSQLRecord)
    FMYObjList: TObjectList<TExampleClass>;
    procedure SetMYObjList(const Value: TObjectList<TExampleClass>);

    property MYObjList : TObjectList<TExampleClass> read FMYObjList write SetMYObjList;   

I know mormot have compability with many prior delphi versions, But I think it would be great if we could use a generic like this, it would make it easier to implement on my project;

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » ORM - Collections / List property » 2018-01-08 01:40:24

Thank you, for the reply. I just started to read and test this framework;

After reading the section you suggested, I am trying to use the TSQLRecordMany to get the relationship between the two tables; If I am understanding correctly, it uses a pivot table to do it.

I will use here a simple example, what I want is to understand the correct way to get this relationship working;

So I created three classes, to make the tests.

TPhone(TSQLRecord) and

Then I created a published property in TPerson like this:

property Phones: TPhones read FPhones write FPhones; //TPhones is descending from TSQLRecordMany

But when I use this procedure of TPerson:

procedure TPerson.InsertPhone(IDDI,IDDD,INumber : Integer) ;
var phone : TPhone;

   Phone:= TPhone.Create;
   Phone.ddi := Iddi;
   Phone.ddd := Iddd;
   Phone.numero := INumber ;
  if Telefones.ManyAdd(Database.client,self.ID,phone.ID,true,nil) then ////This Method ManyAdd is failing, (returning false)

showMessage('Method returned true') else
showMessage('Method returned false');


So, what is the correct way to use it?


If I use a TObjectList as a property in a TSQLRecord class, I get a blob JSON in the database table, but what I want is each of these objects may be stored inside its own table, and not as a blob field.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » ORM - Collections / List property » 2018-01-04 19:29:15

I am looking for a good ORM solution to adopt in a new project, and i think mORMot would be a good candidate, but I am looking for some new basic information about it;

This post (https://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1073)
almost answered my question. That post is about ONE to ONE relation.

but how do mORMot deal with a "one to Many" relation? How does it work in the database?

Does it just create a blob with JSON objects, or create real relations in the database?

Thank you

#4 mORMot 1 » ORM - Collections / List property » 2018-01-04 13:10:31

Replies: 3

I have two classes, which need to be persisted in a database;

say, TFolha and TFolhaEntradas.


TFolhaEntradas = class (TSQLRecord)


property example: String;

TFolha = class (TSQLRecord)


property FolhaEntradas: TObjectList <TFolhaEntradas>;

I read in the documentation, that mORMmot keeps the OBJECTList as Json, is that correct?

I need that each objects of the TObjectList <TFolhaEntradas> may be stored in the table of the class TFolhaEntradas!

How could it be done?

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