#1 SyNode » Missing DebuggerInit.js from Spidermonkey45Binding » 2018-06-12 15:53:13

Replies: 1

I am trying to run the Spidermonkey45Binding example.

I downloaded the latest version of mORMot today.

Compiles fine with XE 10.2.3 - There are some errorrs with the ufrmSM45Demo.dfm
Property LCLVersion does not exists and there is a problem woth the format of mSource.Lines.Text.

I fixed this by editing the .dfm directly.

So far when running it I get an error:
File not found: DebuggerInit.js

It is looking for it a few directories up... (definitely the wrong path)

But the biggest problem is that the DebuggerInit.js is not in the distribution/mORMot-master.zip.
Googling it... I can't find it anywhere.

procedure TfrmSM45Demo.DoOnJSDebuggerInit(const aEngine: TSMEngine);

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