#1 mORMot 1 » Are there any examples of the SQLite virtual table in Mormot ? » 2020-04-01 09:09:41

Replies: 0

I'm wanting to implement the virtual table to a few different datasources (not all are databases) and I'm hoping there's an example of how to build a simple one.

I Have looked through the source but haven't been able to see how to put one together.

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » mORmot scalability and redundency » 2018-10-28 01:25:27

Thanks for the reply.

Thats mostly what I thought would be the case and yes, the question was more about stability than scaling. I'd see scaling as more of having multiple DBs splitting the services across DBs to help spread the load.

#3 mORMot 1 » mORmot scalability and redundency » 2018-10-27 14:31:09

Replies: 2

I understand you can scale mORmot by having multiple services each on a different server.

Is it possible to have the same service on more than one server (with the database eg MS SQL on a single separate server) to help spread the load of the service ?

Also, if you can have the same service on more than one server is there any way to provide service resilience so that if a service was to stop functioning (eg server hardware failure) so the client could cleanly switch over to another functioning server providing the same service ? I suspect this one may not be easily possible and it may be better to let the client restart fresh.

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » How are SQL reserved words handled » 2018-07-24 11:01:09

I eventually got it to map using the following

  VirtualTableExternalMap(aModel, TSQLBBReact, aODBC, 'BBReact').MapFields(['id', '"key"']).SetOptions([rpmAutoMapKeywordFields]);

It didnt seem to matter how I tried to manually map it, it just kept failing claiming I had a duplicate order field. With the above mapping I renamed the property to order_ and it seems to work now.

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » How are SQL reserved words handled » 2018-07-24 10:28:58

Without the double quotes, mORMot raises an exception in SynDBODBC EODBCException with a message of '[2a504] [FairCom][ODBC FairCom Driver][ctreeSQL] -20003 Syntax error (-20003)'

with the following SQL

'select Code,Name,ShortName,Alias,Phone1,Phone2,Extension1,Extension2,Address,FloorNo,ContactPerson,ContactDetail,DateExpiry,HospitalKey,AlwaysPrint,AllowBill,LinkHostEpisode,BlockMedicalRecords,ForceReportAsFinalPermanent,UrgentPhoneReportNotification,SuppressRedirectReports,DischargeWard,Category,DefaultWardPatientType,TransitionCode,DefaultUnit,CostCentreKey,WhoCreated,WhoModified,DateCreated,DateModified,key from Ward'

Note at the end it has

key from Ward

Thats where the syntax error comes from. If I surround key with double quotes (ctree's escape character) then it executes correctly.

With the double quotes it generates this SQL

'select Code,Name,ShortName,Alias,Phone1,Phone2,Extension1,Extension2,Address,FloorNo,ContactPerson,ContactDetail,DateExpiry,HospitalKey,AlwaysPrint,AllowBill,LinkHostEpisode,BlockMedicalRecords,ForceReportAsFinalPermanent,UrgentPhoneReportNotification,SuppressRedirectReports,DischargeWard,Category,DefaultWardPatientType,TransitionCode,DefaultUnit,CostCentreKey,WhoCreated,WhoModified,DateCreated,DateModified,"key" from Ward'

and all works ok.

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » How are SQL reserved words handled » 2018-07-24 00:02:30

Good idea. I just tried that but I must be doing something wrong. I have the following declared

  VirtualTableExternalMap(aModel, TSQLBBRctCat, aODBC, 'BBRctCat').MapField('id', '"key"').

which correctly maps the table field named key which needed the double quotes as its a reserved word into the class property ID,
however, the 2nd MapField complains about the table field named order being a duplicate even though I renamed the class property to order1 and did the mapping. The TSQLRecord definition for this record is

  TSQLBBRctCat = Class(TSQLRecord)
    FDescription: String;
    FOrder1: BYTE;
    FIsAlive: Boolean;
    FWhoCreated: TSQLAuthUser;
    FWhoModified: TSQLAuthUser;
    FDateCreated: TDateTime;
    FDateModified: TDateTime;
    Property Description: String Read FDescription Write FDescription;
    Property Order1: BYTE Read FOrder1 Write FOrder1;
    Property IsAlive: Boolean Read FIsAlive Write FIsAlive;
    Property WhoCreated: TSQLAuthUser Read FWhoCreated Write FWhoCreated;
    Property WhoModified: TSQLAuthUser Read FWhoModified Write FWhoModified;
    Property DateCreated: TDateTime Read FDateCreated Write FDateCreated;
    Property DateModified: TDateTime Read FDateModified Write FDateModified;

Is this correct or have I made a mistake in my interpretation of VirtualTableExternalMap ?

#7 mORMot 1 » How are SQL reserved words handled » 2018-07-23 15:00:46

Replies: 6

I'm now building a large (automated) schema for my ctree server with about 170 tables. I'm having some problems with field names that are reserved words in SQL. Eg "order"

I have editoed the enumerations that specify the server types and have added my ctree definition and filled in all the entries that had compiler errors. In SynDB.pas theres the class function TSQLDBConnectionProperties.IsSQLKeyword and I have added a few of the reserved words into it (including order) and have made sure they are listed in alphabetical order. Assuming it locates a reserved word in there, what should it do with the reserved word ?

In ctree, you use double quotes to escape reserved words but I'm not seeing them get escaped.

Also in SynDB is TSQLDBConnectionProperties.SQLTableName which has a BeginQuoteChar and EndQuoteChar which for me is using a back tick character (`) to eascape. This appears to work for ctree (possibly as I'm using the ODBC driver and perhaps it's doing a translate of the back tick).

Is there anywhere else I should look to see how it's handling reserved word escaping ?

#8 mORMot 1 » How to test a new dialect of SQL » 2018-07-22 05:32:05

Replies: 1

Are there existing unit tests that can be used to confirm functionality of a new dialect of SQL using the ODBC driver ?

I seem to be able to perform queries without any issues now and to perform joins and I'd like to be able to perform some tests to provide more confidence that its all behaving as expected.

#9 mORMot 1 » Havin some success with ctree odbc interfacing but... » 2018-07-10 11:32:02

Replies: 0

I'm having some success with getting the ctree odbc drivers to work with mormot. I'm sure I have a way to go yet, but I can declare TSQLRecord structures that seem to be working for creating, updating and retrieving records including joins.

For reference, faircom uses double quotes to escape reserved words and the field names/reserved words are not case sensitive.

My current problem is that in one of our tables we have a field named "desc" which is a reserved word in SQL and the name needs to be mapped (we also have a field named "key" that I map to "ID")

The code looks like this

  lOdbc := TODBCConnectionProperties.Create('ctree','MATER','ADMIN','ADMIN');
  lModel := TSqlModel.Create([TSQL_Bank]);
  VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(lModel, lOdbc);
  RegisterCtreeTables(lModel, lOdbc);
  VirtualTableExternalMap(aModel,TSQL_Bank ,aODBC,'_Bank' ).MapField('id','"key"');
  VirtualTableExternalMap(aModel, TSQL_Bank, aODBC, '_Bank').MapField('description','"desc"');
  lRest := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(lModel);

and the record looks like this

TSQL_Bank = Class(TSQLRecord)
    FCode: String;
    FWhoCreated: Integer;
    FDateCreated: TDateTime;
    FDescription: String;
    Property Code: String Read FCode Write FCode;
    Property Description: String Read FDescription Write FDescription;
    Property WhoCreated: Integer Read FWhoCreated Write FWhoCreated;
    Property DateCreated: TDateTime Read FDateCreated Write FDateCreated;

I seem to always get an ODBC exception saying "Column id not found" but only when Desc is mapped as well as Key.

The SQL prepared in the TODBCStatement.Prepare 1st call is

select col,coltype,width,width,1,0 from syscolumns where tbl = '_bank'

which returns the following in the ctree sql explorer

col          | coltype    | width| width|  1|  0| 

status       | integer    |     4|     4|  1|  0| 
key          | integer    |     4|     4|  1|  0| 
code         | character  |    10|    10|  1|  0| 
desc         | character  |    30|    30|  1|  0| 
whocreated   | integer    |     4|     4|  1|  0| 
datecreated  | timestamp  |     8|     8|  1|  0| 
description  | varchar    |    50|    50|  1|  0| 

8 record(s) selected

Key is there and gets mapped ok (I know this as if I remove the definition for desc it works correctly). desc is there too and as its mapped in the same way as key, I would have thought it would be ok.

The TSQLStatementPrepare gets called multiple times. The result above is for the 1st call. In the 2nd call it has SQL that is as follows

select top 1 ID from _Bank

If I remove the definition for Description, the 2nd call results in SQL that looks like this

select top 1 "key" as ID from _Bank

It looks as if without Description the field is correctly mapped, but somehow loses it's mapping when Description is added.

If I reverse the order of the VirtualTableExternalMap then the 3 calls to Prepare produce the following 2 lines of SQL

select col,coltype,width,width,1,0 from syscolumns where tbl = ''_bank''
select top 1 "key" as ID from _Bank

if I then execute

  lBank := TSQL_Bank.Create(lRest, 10);

I get the following line of SQL in the prepare function

select "key" as ID,Code,Description,WhoCreated,DateCreated from _Bank where "key"=?

It's correctly mapped key, but has not mapped desc properly which should have been "desc as Description"

Are you able to offer suggestions on where I should look to resolve this.

#10 Re: mORMot 1 » ToClientDataSet "Out of Memory" with 32 fields and 29000 records » 2018-07-08 10:45:16

I think by "missing index" ab means something like the following.
You have a table with 3 fields. Lets call them ID, F1 and F2
You have indexes on only ID and F1
If you execute
then theres is no suitable index available and the "server" will need to order all the records itself to get them in the correct order. This will take a long time and likely a lot of memory if done on a large table.
By adding an extra index on F2, this problem is solved.

#11 mORMot 1 » Can callback be done over https ? » 2018-07-07 00:29:31

Replies: 1

I now have an https connection and I'd like to be able to do callbacks on it. From the documentation, the callbacks need websockets, but websockets are not available on http.sys which is how I'm doing https.

Is there a way to do callbacks over an https connection or is this not possible at this time ?

#12 Re: mORMot 1 » [Solved] https. Cant seem to get it to work » 2018-07-06 11:59:49

After much googling and trail and error, I resolved the issue. Heres what I found in case anyone else has this issue.

It was all the URI registration that was not working (as I wasn't aware of this. You learn something every day smile)

To list the URI registrations

netsh http show urlacl

look for any entries with your desired interface/port on it. Any found, delete them like this

netsh http delete urlacl url=https://+:888/rpc/

replacing appropriate parts with the ones you want deleted.

Now add the correct one like this

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:888/rpc/ user=\Everyone

again, replace the appropriate parts with your URI

This was done on a windows 10 pro OS and I have confirmed with both chrome and wireshark that the https is working correctly.

#13 mORMot 1 » [Solved] https. Cant seem to get it to work » 2018-07-06 09:09:48

Replies: 3

This is all except the uses of a test file I'm trying to make work with https

  ICalculator = Interface(IInvokable) ['{EE3E7EDE-3FFA-4E63-B9DC-CE157074FCD4}']
    Function Add(n1,n2: Integer): Integer;

  TServiceCalculator = Class(TInterfacedObject, ICalculator)
    Function Add(n1,n2: Integer): Integer;

  aDatabaseFile: TFileName;
  aModel: TSQLModel;
  aServer: TSQLRestServerFullMemory;
  aHTTPServer: TSQLHttpServer;
{ TServiceCalculator }

function TServiceCalculator.Add(n1, n2: Integer): Integer;
  Result := n1 + n2;


  aModel := TSQLModel.Create([], 'rpc');
  aServer := TSQLRestServerFullMemory.Create(aModel);
  aServer.ServiceDefine(TServiceCalculator, [ICalculator], sicShared);
  aHTTPServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('888',[aServer]);

  writeln(#13#10'Background server is running at http://localhost:888'#13#10+
          #13#10'Press [Enter] to close the server.');

I tried using makecert as per the documentation and I tried creating the certificates with openssl, and finally I tried using powershell with the following line

New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "localhost" -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"

Each time, the certificates looked good and registered ok as per this

>netsh http show sslcert

SSL Certificate bindings:

    IP:port                      :
    Certificate Hash             : 51f0382a9ad387dc686ea41533434bedd72729dc
    Application ID               : {b9865d74-2679-4b58-96dd-8837e6021d54}
    Certificate Store Name       : (null)
    Verify Client Certificate Revocation : Enabled
    Verify Revocation Using Cached Client Certificate Only : Disabled
    Usage Check                  : Enabled
    Revocation Freshness Time    : 0
    URL Retrieval Timeout        : 0
    Ctl Identifier               : (null)
    Ctl Store Name               : (null)
    DS Mapper Usage              : Disabled
    Negotiate Client Certificate : Disabled
    Reject Connections           : Disabled
    Disable HTTP2                : Not Set
    Disable QUIC                 : Not Set
    Disable TLS1.3               : Not Set
    Disable OCSP Stapling        : Not Set

The documentation doesnt really say what's meant to be done with the appid (under windows 10 this seems to be a mandatory parameter). So what I did was this

I started up regedit and created and entry of "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\HttpsTest.exe" where HttpsTest.exe is the name of the executable from above. I created a string key for it named "AppID" and gave it a GUID of {B9865D74-2679-4B58-96DD-8837E6021D54} which I generated from delphi (just to create a clean guid).

Then from a command prompt, I ran

netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=51F0382A9AD387DC686EA41533434BEDD72729DC appid={B9865D74-2679-4B58-96DD-8837E6021D54}

which completed ok.

The thumbprint was obtained using mmc and double clicking on the certificate as per the mormot documentation.

I then ran up the server and pointer my browser to it at "https://localhost:888/rpc/calculator/add?n1=1&n2=2" to which chrome said "This site can’t provide a secure connection" however under the developer tools security option, it says "Certificate - valid and trusted" and "Resources - all served securely"

Using "telnet 888" and just pressing "/" I see the returned content in plain text, not encypted. Pointing telnet at "google.com 443" it returns encrypted data and not plain text.

Pointing a browser at "http://localhost:888/rpc/calculator/add?n1=1&n2=2" (ie not https) provides the correct result of


I'm suspecting my setting up of the appid may be in error or perhaps my setting up of the server in the source above.

Does anyone have any suggestions ?

#14 Re: mORMot 1 » Looking for guidance on implementing a new TSQLVirtualTable » 2018-07-03 06:04:18

Hi ab, thanks for the info. I'm having trouble getting the virtual table to get prepared using the mORMot code.

Initialising the system I have used code like the following

  GModel := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLBaby], ROOT_NAME);
  GModel.VirtualTableRegister(TSQLBaby, TSQLVirtualTableCtree);

  GServer := TSQLRestServerDb.Create(GModel);
  GServer.ServiceDefine(TServiceCalculator, [ICalculator], sicShared);
  GServer.ServiceDefine(TServiceSuburb, [ISuburb], sicShared);
  GHTTPServer := TMyServer.Create(PORT_NAME, [GServer], '+', useHttpApiRegisteringURI);

  GHTTPServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';

  lBaby := TSQLBaby.Create(GServer,1);

I have stepped through the VirtualTableRegister and a number of the routines in the source that I suspected was on the leadup to the registration, but I cant seem to get the virtual table to get registered. With the example above, it raises an exception saying the table Baby doesnt exist, but as its not in a table (other than the virtual table) its not found.

Do you have a code fragment that could get me started please.

#15 mORMot 1 » Is this really the correct way to add a record with a foreign key » 2018-07-02 11:21:47

Replies: 1

I'm trying to get some simple ORM to work. My TSQLRecord structures look like this

 TWorkstation = Class(TSQLRecord)
    FName: String;
    Property Name: String Read FName Write FName;

  TService = Class(TSQLRecord)
    FName: String;
    FWorkstation: TWorkstation;
    Property Name: String Read FName Write FName;
    Property Workstation: TWorkstation Read FWorkstation Write FWorkstation;

Where TService has a pointer to a TWorkstation.

With the following code

  x: TWorkstation;
  y: TService;
  x := TWorkstation.Create;
  x.Name := 'WS1';

  y := TService.Create;
  y.Name := 'Svc-1';

  y.Workstation := x;
  FServer.Add(y, True);

Ignoring the leaks, the end result is 2 sqlite tables with the correct fields defined, but the Workstation table has a huge number for the service entry. If instead, before the 2nd add I perform

  y.Workstation := Pointer(x.ID);

It gets the correct value of 1 in it. Is this the wrong way to go about adds like this or do I need to perform this odd operation before any writes of tables with pointers to other tables ?

#16 mORMot 1 » Looking for guidance on implementing a new TSQLVirtualTable » 2018-07-02 05:01:46

Replies: 3


I've been spending the last few days looging over the documentation for mORMot and the source files. I have widened my reading to include the sqlite virtual table too.

Theres a lot of reading to start to get a minimal idea on how the inner workings of mORMot relates to virtual tables, but from what I have been able to determine so far is the following (please comment on whether or not I have understood correctly)

TSQLVirtualTable is an abstract class that performs some of the interface into the sqlite engine. You need to create a class that inherits off it and fill in a few methods (sounds simple but in reality I expect this to be the hardest part).

To use ORM, register your tables with Model.VirtualTableRegister(TSQLRecordYourRecord,TSQLVirtualTableYourTable);

All the work that mORMot requires to execute SQL will go to the virtual table implementation which will need to process the sqlite details and return an appropriate reposnse. This will be done from the looks of the sqlite documentation, on a table by table basis. ie the implementation of the TSQLVirtualTable does not need to be concerned with joins and even the SQL being used, it just needs to process the details on the table being processed at that instant. That table may or may not be part of a join.

If the above is "mostly" correct, then I think I have finally started to understand some of the internals of mORMot.

I now want to start looking at trying to implement a virtual table to work with Faircom's CTree server (From what I have understood, I won't even need the SQL version as sqlite will do that part).

If anyone has suggestions on order to tackle this or any other pointers I'd appreciate hearing them.

Hopefully someone will be able to conform that I have either understood this part or not.

TIA Andrew

#17 Re: mORMot 1 » Having problems connecting to an external database » 2018-06-30 04:26:30

I name have a modified SynDbOdbc.pas that at least works with the explorer example now. What I'm now having problems with is creating a rest server that uses a TODBCConnection. Can anyone offer advice on how to get a rest server (presumably a TSQLRestServerDB) to work with a TODBCConnection instead of the sqlite ?

#18 Re: mORMot 1 » Query on connection timeouts and debugging » 2018-06-30 02:22:36

Ok, version in SynopseCommit.inc is 1.18.4643

#19 mORMot 1 » Having problems connecting to an external database » 2018-06-29 07:55:24

Replies: 1

I'm tyring to connect to a Faircom CTree SQL Server using ODBC.

Using the sample SynDBExplorer to test it out, I keep getting the following exception

Debugger Exception Notification
Project SynDBExplorer.exe raised exception class EODBCException with message 'TODBCConnection.Connect: unrecognized provider DBMSName=ctreeSQL DriverName=CTODBC9.DLL DBMSVersion='.
Break   Continue   Help   

Is this a message from mormot to say there is no support for this driver or should any/most ODBC drivers work and I'm providing incorrect information for the "New Connection" dialog ?

#20 Re: mORMot 1 » Query on connection timeouts and debugging » 2018-06-29 00:29:13

How do I determine the version ? The files mention 1.18 but no release number. It was downloaded yesterday from the github mirror.

#21 mORMot 1 » Query on connection timeouts and debugging » 2018-06-28 14:27:10

Replies: 5

Ive just started with mormot and after a lot of reading, it feels like a great piece of software.

What I'm trying is a variation of some of the samples in the documentation. If I let the program run without delay (ie no breakpoints) it works as expected, but if I go to the debugger on code like the following on the client

procedure TForm12.Test;
  ans: Integer;
  ans := 0;
  GModel := TSqlModel.Create([], ROOT_NAME);
//  GClient := TSQLHttpClientWinSock.Create('','888',GModel);
  GClient := TSQLHttpClientWebSockets.Create('','888',GModel,100000,100000,100000);
  GClient.WebSocketsUpgrade('super secret');
  GClient.ServiceDefine([ICalculator], sicShared);
  if GClient.Services['Calculator'].Get(I) then
    ans := I.Add(3,4);

  I := Nil;

if I step up to the line that reads "ans := I.Add(3,4);" if theres more than about a 5 seconds delay I get an exception "ECrtSocket with message 'SndLow 10053 WSAECONNABORTED [An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine]"

As you can see from the example above I have a large value in the timeouts, but I suspect its the server side dropping the connection based on the exception. I can put the line in a loop of 10000 and it runs fine outside of the debugger.

Is there some type of lifetime for the connection on the server that I havent found yet ?

The relevent part of the server code is

  SqLite3 := TSQLite3LibraryDynamic.Create;
  GModel := TSQLModel.Create([], ROOT_NAME);
  GServer := TSQLRestServerDb.Create(GModel);
  GServer.ServiceDefine(TServiceCalculator, [ICalculator], sicShared);
  GHTTPServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(PORT_NAME, [GServer], '+', useHttpApiRegisteringURI);

  GHTTPServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';

but I couldnt find anything obvious where a connection or idle timeout could be set.

Is there a limit and is it possible to set this limit ?

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