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By definition, a RawUTF8 published property is stored as a JSON string, with espace of all JSON quotes.
I don't understand when you write "But the select using CreateAndFillPrepare function, result is blank". What does it mean?
I don't understand what you expect.The best is to show some code to reproduce your problem, preferably not within the message post, but in or something similar.
I Think what he want to say ab, is , he has the FText as a Field, and inside has a JSON Array, and he wants to Use the CreateAndFillPrepare , to Select Inside this array, Like
-> This JSON as value in a Field = ["{\"Name\":\"DI_0065_0\",\"Description\":\"Something one\"}","{\"Name\":\"DI_0065_1\",\"Description\":\"Something two\"}"]
FSomeTable.CreateAndFillPrepare(FServer,'Description LIKE ? ', ['%'+aValue]);
but i don't know if it's possible, because " Description " It's not a Real Field. FText Is
Hi there, Probabily this is a Dumb question and it's not a huge problem but i don't like the way i implement, i found some solutions, but i didn't like it so much, so i'm gonna ask,
there is a Way i can parse property Variants without have to create Local Vars to them ?
procedure RecToORM(const rec: TSQLRecordSale;out ORM: TSale);
temp : Variant;
EmployeeRef : TEmployeeRef;
CompanyRef: TCompanyRef;
with ORM do
temp := rec.Company; <-- Have to Assign to a Local Variant
ObjectLoadVariant(CompanyRef, temp); <-- Then Load a the Variant to a local var object
Company.EIN := CompanyRef.EIN ; <-- Then i really assign to the Main object
temp:= rec.Employee;
ObjectLoadVariant(EmployeeRef, temp);
Employee.Name := EmployeeRef.Name;
// I was thinking if there is a way to do something like
// ObjectLoadVariant(Company,Rec.Company);
// in a Single Line, but the Method don't accept.
// I find out that have some ICQRS Methods that do this, but i don't really want to change the Architecture to use them, but if it's the way, so be it. Any Suggestion?
Another Update !
Already Solved all the Question's Above ! And just for curiosity because i think is awesome , Now Using Parallel Process and Threads, with Batch, We are Inserting 10.000.000 Millions Registers, in 6 SECONDS , with a 30.000 Kb/s Server in Memory, This Speed is just WOW and with this memory is Just WOWW , Thanks For the Help !
Another Quick Update, but the Question above still remains...
More changes, and now the server don't go more than 30.000 Kb/s , don't matter How many Registers i'm sending, last test we put 18.000.000, yes 18 Millions Registers simultaneously, This is REALLY good, BUT, for this, we are using SicClientDriven, and our Worries are about the CrossPlataform Issue, like , if using JavaScript to make a Request in our Server, The "Destruction" of this Service, have to be in the Client Side , Because of the SicClientDriven, but there is no way to do this there, So i'm wondering, The server verify this "Destruction" by Verifying the Bridge Between Client-Server, and when the request of the JavaScript Application "Ends" , it understand that have to destroy the instance?
Quick Update, make some adaptions in the perfomace project and now i'm using the Real server to make the tests and, i think i get rid of the leaks, Using ClearObject() in the SQLRecord, make a test with 12.000.000 of registers , Simultaneously, and All Okay!, and the Memory in the server don't go more than 100.000kb/s for me this is a big WIN, i think this memory is a Buffer, i don't know if there is a way to ger rid of this, Thanks for the help macfly!
but taking advantage of the conversation, With the suggestion you make, i Can't make Simultaneously insertions , because of the
if FServer.TransactionBegin(TSQLRecordSale) then
I search for some answers in the documentation, and is recommended to use BATCH, or use TransactionBegin on Client-side, but i don't really like to do this kind of Transaction Control in the Client, you got any suggestions how to do in the Server-Side?
And just to clarefy, All those others leaks, are because i'm not Destroying the Rest server, Because in a real scenario i will not destroy the Server after using a Service, only when i close the server by myself, and if i make this in the service Side
result := false;
if fServer.TransactionBegin(TSQLRecordSale, CONST_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_USED) then
And in the Client Side i Destroy the server like you suggest
FVendaService := nil;
I will Not have a Leak , But, if i Comment the RestServer.Free, i will have this.
And like i said, In a real scenario, i Can't have this Those leaks in Red after using the service..
You do not need this in Teste method:
fServer.Commit(CONST_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_USED, false);I not see in your code where the transaction was started.
A commit must be used in conjunction with TransactionBegin.
It would make sense to use this in your TesteInsercao method.
RestServer.TransactionBegin(...); for I := 0 to 4 do begin .... FSaleService.Teste(ObjectToJSON(sale),test); .... end; RestServer.Commit(...); // Or a RestServer.Rollback in case of errors // See TransactionBegin documentation
Thanks for the Help!
Already make these Changes!, And the Leaks Decreased significantly, but the main Leak still here , this test was made with 10 Sales with 10 itens each and The type was Variant.
It's really my bad, when i share the code, i change the Language for better Understandiment, and i erase the fServer.Add() by mistaken,Sorry, but i like more the way you implemented, thanks for the Tips again!
fServer.Add(aSale, true);
result:= true;
I know the Danger with Model, in the main server all the preparations are like you suggest.
And fServer.Commit... Should be in this method?
And again i forgot to answer one , haha,
Why Shouldn't be ?
it's inside a TInjectableObjectRest Class Object, and have access to the info i need, or i mistaken ?
What's inside the TesteInsercao method?
And (not related to leak), You are retrieving an object that probably does not exist, and then overriding the data. This is one more step that has no effect.
aSale := TSQLRecordSale.Create(fServer, 0); <-- this issues a Retrieve from DB aSale.FillFrom(SaleInfo);
Would be better:
aSale := TSQLRecordSale.Create; aSale.FillFrom(SaleInfo);
or simply:
aSale := TSQLRecordSale.CreateFrom(SaleInfo);
And fServer.Commit... Should be in this method?
Thanks for the Tip!, already make the changes you suggest, with CreateFrom()!
and about the Teste Insercao Method , it has basicaly a Loop that Create a TSale Object, populate Him, and the Nested Objects Inside, and Call The insertion Service
procedure TTestPerformanceVenda.TesteInsercao;
sale: TVenda;
RestServer: TSQLRestServerFullMemory;
i: integer;
RestClient: TSQLRestClientURI;
cmd: IDomVendaCommand;
test : Boolean;
RestServer := TSQLRestServerFullMemory.CreateWithOwnModel([TSQLRecordSale]);
RestServer.ServiceDefine(TSaleService, [ISaleService], SicClientDriven);
RestClient := TSQLRestClientURIDll.Create(TSQLModel.Create(RestServer.Model), @URIRequest);
RestClient.Model.Owner := RestClient;
RestClient.ServiceDefineClientDriven(ISaleService, FSaleService);
for i := 0 to 4 do
sale := TSale.Create;
populateSale(i, sale); // a var Parameter
Check(test = true);
FVendaService:= nil;
RestClient := nil;
It must be something that has been created but not destroyed, and it occurs as a consequence.
There are several objects that appear in the report.
Sorry , i forgot to Answer that.
The others Objects appears because i'm testing the perfomace in a Local TSQLRestServerFullMemory Server, so i'm not destroying the Connection as should be, because, i Can't destroy a server Connection after using only one service, so FastMM4 understand as Leak
This leak should not be related to the variants.
It must be something that has been created but not destroyed, and it occurs as a consequence.
There are several objects that appear in the report.What is this TJSON type?
And FreeMemAndNill is your own method? JCL maybe? What he does?
Thanks for the Answer!
This amount of leaks only occurs when i change the fields RawUTF8 to Variant or Variant to RawUTF8,
The TJSON Type is a RawUTF8
TJSON = type RawUTF8;
and Yes FreeMemAndNill is a Own Method,but already tested with Free and FreeAndNil, Same results.
procedure FreeMemAndNil(var ptr; size: Integer = -1);
p: Pointer;
p := Pointer(ptr);
if p <> nil then
if size > -1 then
FreeMem(p, size)
Pointer(ptr) := nil;
Best Regards,
Hi There,
We are running some perfomace tests in the ours servers, With mongoDB and SQLITE, and we find out that , if we use a type Variant,in the SQLRecord for a Published Field, there is a Gigantic Memory Leak, that we can't get rid of, it's not the Object , and i don't know where it can be
procedure TSaleService.Test(SaleInfo: TJSON; out result: Boolean);
aSale: TSQLRecordSale;
result := false;
aSale := TSQLRecordSale.Create(fServer, 0);
result := true;
with this Implemantation that Works, but have a Memory Leak, not in the Object, but in a Unknow Object (it's what FastMM4 tell us), but like i said, running some tests with Variants and RawUTF8 , When we use a Variant Field, and run the perfomace test, that is like 1000+ registers , the Memory of the Server go to 1.700.000+ and don't go away
in those tests, we make 10.000 "sales", with 100 "Itens" each sale in the aggregate, is sorta 1.000.000 Registers.
So, we try to use RawUTF8 to "Avoid" this Memory Leak, but even so, with RawUTF8 stills a little Leak that don't go away.
As you can se with the image Above, With Variants or RawUTF8 Still have a Leak, but the difference between the Leak is Gigantic, but, working with Variant is a good thing, because in Mongo (In Other types of Database(SQLITE,Postgres,etc) is all the same), i can work with the data in a better way than String(RawUTF8) but if i need to escape this Leak... i prefer to work with Strings, BUT, I Can't have this Leak in the Server, RawUTF8 Leak Less, but in a long time Online, will Give me Out Of Memory and this can't happen.... and i'm really curious, Why there is this Memory Leak, and why i can't get rid of , even if i Clear the field with Unassigned, or Cleaning the Object with ClearObject() or Freeing him, i make a Small Project to work only with Variant's, and Creating nested Objects, and i don't have a Leak, but when come's to SQLRecord, this happen, anyone could help me ?
Sorry about the Bad English
Best Regards
Thank you all for tips and possible solutions.
The problem is, that server is made for third party client, and client side developers are quite reluctant to interpreting custom answers with http 200.Regards, Tomek
If i understood it right, you want to do something like this ?
if FConnection.SetUser(AAuthSettings.GetUSerName, AAuthSettings.GetPassWord) then
aStatus := FConnection.CallBackGet(
'Autentication', [
'Id', AAuthSettings.GetId.ToString
], aOut
Result := (aStatus = 200);
case aStatus of
Result := True;
AMessage := 'OK';
Result := False;
AMessage := 'Conection limit!';
Result := False;
AMessage := 'Route Blocked';
Check your http client constructor, there are some timeout parameters there you might find useful.
As for understanding what ab said, the service method that executes on the server side should not take long, in fact, it should exit as soon as possible. If you know that it will take a long time then move (or rather schedule) the work to a worker thread instead, this avoids blocking the connection thread that received your client request and as a result, solves the timeout issue.
This introduces a different problem, how will the client know when the work has finished processing? Pooling, which is basically about asking the server for the current work status, at some interval. For example, in your service definition "TVendaService" you would define a function like "function IsWorkFinished(WorkID : Integer) : Boolean", and on the client side, call this function every X ms/sec in a timer. This is just basic example,
typically you would include status codes instead "procedure IsWorkFinished(WorkID : Integer; out Status: Integer)", like "WORK_IS_QUEUED","WORK_IS_PROCESSING","WORK_FINISHED" etc..., you get the gist.
Thanks For the Answer pvn0!
if i understand it right, it will work Like a CallBack ? that i have to a code like
Procedure IsWorking(const WorkID: Integer; Out Status :integer);
that implements something like this
procedure IsWorking(WorkID : Integer; out Status: integer)
if WorkId = 0 then
Status := Service.Work(workId); // Example
We are using ID to exemplify this , but How i get that ID or Name,and how i know is still Working? This part is a bit confusing for me, i understand i will have to create A Thread Pool, but how Find the Same Work instance is what i don't know how
Sorry about fo the newbie questions and the Bad English
Best Regards
Just use a queue and a background thread, then two methods, like MyProcessStart and IsMyProcessFinished to pool the service.
Thanks for The Answer Ab!
I'm sorry to ask this, but you have a Sample? because i can't visualize this suggestion and for me study this better ?
Correct the order of these lines:
finally; //first ffactory := nil; //second end;
Thank you For the Answer!
But ths not solve the problem , we are Studying the RegressionTests in dddInfraRepoUser, and thinking how manage the Memory... What happen is ,
We have a ClientDriven Service that >
Connect To the Server >
And Inside this Service, we Start Another Connection With the Own Server that Define and Call's Other Service .
function TVendaService.Include(const DadosVenda: TVenda): boolean; // This is the ClientDriven Service
cmd: IDomSaleCommand;
ffactory: TRepoSaleFactory;
ffactory := TDDDRepositoryRestFactory.Create(FServer);
FServer.Services.Resolve(IDomSaleQuery, cmd); // This is the Inside Service that is a ICQRSService
When we Free the ClientDriven Service, Clean the Client > Server Memory and it's OK, But, The Inside Service that is a ICQRSService ,Remains in the Memory, and Only gone if we Free the RestServer like is done in the RegressionTests in dddInfraRepoUser.pas, But in a real Scenario we can't Free the RestServer Connection after using one service .
Hello Again, (Time for Multiple Posts )
So, We are consuming a Interface-Service, as Client-to-Server and Server-To-Self,In the Client-To-Server we don't have a memory Leak, and in the server-to-Self side It Works Perfectly!, BUT, i'm having some trouble with Memory Leak in the Server side with this TDDDRepositoryRestFactory, Sorry if the Code is big , if so i will put in a pastebin!
ffactory := TDDDRepositoryRestFactory.Create(FServer);
FServer.Services.Resolve(IDomSaleQuery, cmd);
Result := False;
if cmd.SelectAll = CqrsSuccess then
Result := True;
ffactory := nil;;
and we think it might be the Repo Fault, but we didn't find the reason, any suggestion for what could be??
function TRepoVenda.GetAll(out aAllAggregate: TVendas): TCQRSResult;
Result:= ORMGetAllAggregates(aAllAggregate);
function TRepoVenda.SelectAll: TCQRSResult;
Result := ORMSelectAll('',[]);
Hello Again
So, i'm having a little problem when I try to use a service and it takes longer than usual, I get an Exception from Time out, I know that with WebSocket i can do this, but I was wondering if there is a way to do this with httpSQLClient and httpSQLServer because I know it is not perfomatic or ideal that a query takes so long, but there will be cases that the internet may be slow in some report or something of the genre, it would not stop the Service, even if it takes a while, and i do not found anything that helps to do this in the forum and documentation ( i know Callbacks can work, but i'm trying to do without then). already try to use setTimeout with the Service but not work
FactoryService := FRest.ServiceDefine(TVendaService, [IVendaService], sicClientDriven);
Sorry about the Bad English
Best Regards,
But why on earth are you expecting to have a collection appear when it is void?
As I wrote, there is no "CREATE TABLE" statement in MongoDB.
Isn't it enough to have the collection appear when there is some data within?
Yep, You are right, i make a more deep research yesterday , and find out that i was really wrong with Mongo concept... i have this solid concept with databases that must have tables, but with Mongo it's not in that way, Sorry about that Ab everything is working as expected now
A Update
Making some Tests, i find out that if i make a InitializeTable in the SQLRecord the Mongo Create the Table
class procedure TSQLTestTable.InitializeTable(Server: TSQLRestServer;
const FieldName: RawUTF8; Options: TSQLInitializeTableOptions);
Test : TSQLTESTtable;
inherited InitializeTable(Server, FieldName, Options);
if FieldName='' then begin // new table -> create default
Test := TSQLTestTable.Create;
But i wonder if there is a way to do that without having to Create a Empty Document.
Isn't "mORMot" the database name?
No, it's a Collection ( Ignore the others Databases with Similar names, i was just trying others things )
What do you mean that the "table is not created"?
There is no CREATE TABLE -like statement in MongoDB.
To create a collection, you need to add items to it.
thanks for the answer ab,
Sorry about that, i know there is not a Create Table, but even if Empty Mongo Should Create the Collection right ? since AuthGroup and AuthUser don't have any item, only the indexes like , in AuthUser is created with _LogonName and _GroupRights and _id, and if i put some "Primary keys"
in the SQLRecord,As I showed ealier, The collection is created, but in the exemple you asked me to run, it's created a Collection called mORMot, only with the _id Index, there is a way to accomplish that without add any item ? just creating a Collection with the default _id without any Primary key from the table, or i really misunderstood ?
Sorry about the English
Best regards,
Just to Update
we Change the Compiler, now we are Using FPC with Lazarus, with the Trunk Version of fpcupdeluxe, but with same results. Mongo still Only creating Auth Tables
Are you using the latest version of the framework? Currently it is 1.18.5233.
What is your compiler?
What is your MongoDB revision?
My guess is that some access right problem to your MongoDB instance.CreateMissingTables should be called AFTER registering the external SQL connections, or MongoDB.
Modify your code to do such.
I Tried now, to do what you suggest to Call CreateMissingTables After Register The Mongo, but same results
constructor TDBInstance.Create(Root: string; MongoDB: TMongoDatabase);
aModel := DataModel(Root);
inherited Create(aModel, SQLITE_MEMORY_DATABASE_NAME);
StaticMongoDBRegisterAll(Self, MongoDB);
Self.AcquireExecutionMode[execORMGet] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
Self.AcquireExecutionMode[execORMWrite] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
Self.DB.Synchronous := smOff;
Self.DB.LockingMode := lmExclusive;
Are you using the latest version of the framework? Currently it is 1.18.5233.
What is your compiler?
What is your MongoDB revision?
My guess is that some access right problem to your MongoDB instance.CreateMissingTables should be called AFTER registering the external SQL connections, or MongoDB.
Modify your code to do such.
i'm in version 1.18.5232
I'm using Delphi Berlin 10.1
my mongoDB is 4.0.9 Community, and i'm using mongodb Compass to access the data
You say that i need to Call CreateMissingTables after the registering, but the Server Instance do not have a access to the Mongo Instance , it's not like Other databases like Postgres , Firebird where i inform my Props and start the server with those infos , i start the server, and then i link the Mongo Instance with the Server, or i misunderstood?, but i was debugging inside the StaticMongoDBRegisterAll() , and i notice that the Table is Found out , and he tries to Register all the fields , but for some reason it's not created
He Finds the Collection
When tries to find the fields in the first BSONProjectionSet he founds
but in the Second one, only _id is found out and setted as 0, don't know why.
About the errors in sample 24, I can't see the image.png (not public access).
You call CreateMissingTables before StaticMongoDBRegisterAll() which is wrong.
The tables are therefore created before MongoDB is registered.
Oh, i'm sorry about that, but the errors are
! ORM with acknowledge - Retrieve from SQL
! Exception EVariantInvalidOpError raised with Message :
! Invalid variant operation
Total Failed : 1 / 11.597 - ORM with acknowledge FAILED 6.87s
2.2. ORM without acknowledge
! ORM with acknowledge - Retrieve from SQL
! Exception EVariantInvalidOpError raised with Message :
! Invalid variant operation
Total Failed : 1 / 11.597 - ORM Without acknowledge FAILED 6.87s
About the Call CreateMissingTables is because the method is for a Generic Creation of a Rest Server DB, so i use for SQLite Native, SQLite Firedac, Firebird, Postgres, MYSQL and some of they use this call, and i know that has no impact on MongoDB, what you suggest ab ?
Could you try to run and execute sample 24 - aka MongoDBTests.dpr ?
On my place, no problem persisting the TSQLORM class:Using MongoDB 2.6.1 V8 Generated with: Delphi 7 32 bit compiler Time elapsed for all tests: 691.07ms Performed 2019-05-29 17:38:56 by User on ACER Total assertions failed for all test suits: 0 / 25,998 ! All tests passed successfully.
Then put some code to reproduce your problem in a gist - not directly in the forum message.
I got Two errors, on this Sample … /image.png
and part of the code is this
FServer := TDBInstance.Create(FServerInfos.Config.GetRoot);
StaticMongoDBRegisterAll(FServer, FFactory.ConnectionNativeDBFactory.GetMongoDB.GetMongoDB.Open(FServerInfos.Config.GetDatabasepath));
FServices := TService.Create(FServer);
FHTTPServer := THTTPInstance.Create(FServerInfos.Config.GetPortmORMot, [FServer], '+', useHttpApiRegisteringURI);
There is were i create all. FFactory.ConnectionNativeDBFactory.GetMongoDB.GetMongoDB is a Factory that returns for me a TMongoClient, and i think the rest is self-explain
and this is the Create of the FServer
the SQLModel is this
function DataModel(Root: string): TSQLModel;
Result := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLAuthGroup, TSQLAuthUser, TSQLTestTable], Root);
Hi There, I'm developing a Multi Database Server, and MongoDB is one of the last guys i need to implement, but i'm having some trouble to Define the SQLRecords Tables in the database,
i already Read the Documentation and search around here and nothing have helped, so i'm making this topic
i have this SQLRecord
TSQLTestTable = class(TSQLRecord)
FAge: Integer;
FName: RawUTF8;
FAdress: RawUTF8;
property Name: RawUTF8 read FName write FName;
property Age: Integer index 4 read FAge write FAge stored AS_UNIQUE;
property Adress: RawUTF8 index 100 read FAdress write FAdress;
I'm using StaticMongoDBRegisterAll() to Register all the tables im SQLModel, but the fields are not
persist in the database, Only Age because is Stored AS_UNIQUE, but i need to know if there is a way i can have all the fields in the Collection, i'm missing something? MongoDB it's not suppose to have all the fields?
I can't follow exactly what you expect.
Class parsing stop at failure, by definition - but it depends on what you call "failure", and there are options to tune the behavior.Please don't put extensive code in the forum - see
One could be more easy to understand.
Thanks for the answer !
Sorry about that Ab, for me it was not a extensive code, i will try to minimize next time. About The Parsing, doing with Datasnap and using TJSON.JsonToObject() for Unserialize, this problem don't occours , but it's much more Slower than the ObjectLoadVariant(), this is why i don't know if was a bug or just the way it has to be.
Sorry about the Bad English.
I don't know if it's a Bug or if have to be in that way, but making some test Cases, trying to Unserialize a JSON , i found out that if i have some Sample Objects like those underneath
TSampleObject1 = Class(TPersistentWithCustomCreate)
FField1 : Integer;
FField2 : Extended;
FField3 : TSampleObject2 ;
FField4 : String ;
procedure SetField4(Value : TSampleObject2);
Constructor Create;override;
property Field1 : Integer read FField1 write FField1;
property Field2 : Extended read FField3 write FField3;
property Field3 : TSampleObject2 read Field4 write SetField4;
property Field4 : String read FField2 write FField2 ;
TSampleObject2 = class
FField5 : Integer;
FField6 : String;
FField7 : Extended;
property Field5 : Integer read FField5 write FField5;
property Field6 : String read FField6 write FField6;
property Field7 : Extended read FField7 write FField7;
If in the Unserialization For some reason the Field3 failed to Parse, (In some Cases this type of Field Sometimes Parse, Sometimes don't) Field3 and Field4 Don't even try to parse, same goes to if The Field3 is not Created, he fail to Parse and Field4 don't even try to parse, i don't know if it's have to be in this way, But if it's really supposed to be , I'll remove the post
ab wrote:The contract hash differs only if the interface is changed.
But i not change anything in the Service Interface, Not even a Single Line.... What happens is when Release a new Version, both are in the Same "Build", it Works, but when i Maintain the Mega Server version and change Others Units not Correlated with the Service in the Client Server Version, This error Appears...
There is a Way that i can "Ignore" This Contracts?
The contract hash differs only if the interface is changed.
But i not change anything in the Service Interface, Not even a Single Line.... What happens is when Release a new Version, both are in the Same "Build", it Works, but when i Maintain the Mega Server version and change Others Units not Correlated with the Service in the Client Server Version, This error Appears...
Hello there, I'm having some trouble with the Services methods and i don't know why, let me explain. I have a Service that do a constantly validation in a Mega Server, and it works when i Release, but when i have some update in the Client Server, the Contracts Differs, even if i don't change nothing in the specific Service, but i Have other Service that works Fine and is Almost the Exact same code... I need some help because i cannot find where i have to make changes, and i already read the documentation and not find anything useful.
unit InterfaceAmbiente;
mORMot, SynCommons;
IRestAmbiente = interface(IInvokable)
function CaptureAll: RawUTF8;
function Verify (CNPJCLIENT: RawUtF8): RawUtF8;
procedure SendingDatabase(ID,IDPessoa: Integer; DataBase: string;
DatabaseLog: string; Port: string; PortHTTP: string; PortmORMot: string;
UserName: string; Password: string; Host: string);
SERVICE_INSTANCE_IMPLEMENTATION = TServiceInstanceImplementation.sicSingle;
////// This is the Interface Service that is in Mega and Client Servers and have Contract Differs
procedure TRESTServerSIGEPS.ConfigServices;
ServiceFactoryServer: TServiceFactoryServer;
ServiceFactoryServer := Self.ServiceDefine(TRestLicenca, [IRestLicenca],
ServiceFactoryServer := Self.ServiceDefine(TRestAmbiente, [IRestAmbiente],
ServiceFactoryServer.SetOptions([], [optErrorOnMissingParam]);
///// This is the Service Settings on the Servers
unit InterfaceRestLicenca;
mORMot, SynCommons;
IRestLicenca = interface(IInvokable)
function GetEncrypted(ACNPJ: RawUTF8): RawUTF8;
SERVICE_INSTANCE_IMPLEMENTATION = TServiceInstanceImplementation.sicSingle;
// And this is the Other Service that Validate Login but that not have Contract Issues.
Exception Error
It is not supported in nested fields IIRC.
You have to update the field itself.
We already try this, but in the end, When he updates, in the database he comes empty. We Try every single Command in the Documentation about Update, but don't work.
we already found one solution but, it's change the TSQLRecord field to a Integer and Relate the tables in the in the Create, but i don't think this is the best solution.
Hello there, i am having a problem in performing the Update command to update the ID of a TSQLRecord field in specific,
this is part of the code
Ambiente := TSQLAmbiente.CreateJoined(FmORMot, ID);
Ambiente.Database := DataBase;
Ambiente.DatabaseLOG := DatabaseLog;
Ambiente.User := UserName;
Ambiente.Password := Password;
Ambiente.ServerCharSet := ''
Ambiente.Sldialect := 3;
Ambiente.HostName := Host;
Ambiente.TipoBancoDados := '';
Ambiente.WaitOnLocks := False;
Ambiente.Port := Port;
Ambiente.PortHttp := PortHTTP;
Ambiente.PortmORMot := PortmORMot;
Ambiente.Version.IDValue := IDVersion;
raise Exception.Create('Não foi possivel Editar!');
The Update command changes the other fields, but this Version field is a TSQLRECORD, it receives the correct value of the ID, but in Update and Commit, the value saved in the database is a gigantic that does not match the value received.
i Already read all the documentation about Update command and can't found the answer. How i change the TSQLRecord field?
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