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Pages: 1
could some please explain to me, how to start an HTTPS server under Linux. I didn't use try except blocks here, just to keep the pasted code smalI:
The connection to the database works. Switching to secNone, works perfectly. When I switch to secSSL, no errors will be shown, but the HTTPS connection isn't working. No data served and i get an time out. I just found some stuff for Windows.
And yes, I got a valid Let's encrypt it cert for the server. I'm using the latested mORMot and FPC compiler.
Thanks for help.
aModel := DataModel;
// create the main mORMot server
aRestServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(aModel,':memory:',false); // authentication=false
// optionally execute all SQL requests in a single thread
aRestServer.AcquireExecutionMode[execORMGet] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
aRestServer.AcquireExecutionMode[execORMWrite] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
// create tables or fields if missing
// serve aRestServer data over HTTPS
aHttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(SERVER_PORT,[aRestServer],'+',HTTP_DEFAULT_MODE,32,secSSL);
aHttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*'; // allow cross-site AJAX queries
Pages: 1