#1 Re: mORMot 1 » in SOA,how to submit all records in batch at one time from the client? » 2021-12-21 08:11:33

Thank you AB.

I am a novice of mormot. I have a reply from the master, Let me know that my idea is basically feasible. In addition, the callback or polling method also extends my thinking.

thank again!

#2 mORMot 1 » in SOA,how to submit all records in batch at one time from the client? » 2021-12-21 02:03:35

Replies: 3

I use Lazarus / FPC development tool, and the client uses TBufdataset to cache data. I mainly have two problems:

1. How to define the parameters passed in by the interface? Is it defined as array of TSQLRecord?

2. How is the execution result of each record fed back to the client?

There may already be an answer (because it is a common demand), but I haven't found the right resources yet.

Thank you for your help!

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