#1 Re: PDF Engine » TGDIPages.AppendRichEdit() doesn't import some PNG images » 2024-02-29 04:00:26

I understand it's been a while since your post about TGDIPages.AppendRichEdit() and PNG image import issues. If you're still encountering this problem, have you considered revisiting the implementation? Sometimes, after a couple of years, new updates or solutions become available. Additionally, exploring alternative methods like converting PNGs to JPEG format before adding them to the RTF might provide a workaround.
Tools like jpg compress can assist in optimizing image compatibility. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or if there have been any developments since your original post!

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » AES Crypto AV » 2023-04-14 00:38:02

Sorry, for replying so late. Based on the code snippet you've provided, it looks like you're using the mORMot framework to perform AES encryption on some input data. One thing you might want to double-check is the size of the input data that you're trying to encrypt. AES has a block size of 128 bits, so if your input data isn't a multiple of 128 bits in length, you may need to pad it to the correct length before encrypting it. Additionally, you might also be interested in checking https://fbs.com/trading/mobile-personal-area, a smart app that provides essential trading information on the go. And it's always helpful to have access to up-to-date market data and analysis when you're making investment decisions.

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